HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-13, Page 8t. THVR8MY,- NOV* Wh 1M1 W s Beauty Shoppe For Permanents of Lasting Beauty spiral,. Croqninoir, Combination MachinelesfS VERA C. DECHER, Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment The new residence of Mr. E. M. Quanee on William Street, is now nearjug completion. It is expected that it will be ready far occupancy the latter part of next month. LOST—-In Exeter on evening, $14.00 in bills. Apply at Times-Advocate. —y----v--------- WANTED — Girl for housework. 596 Dufferin Ave., Met. 5516. Monday Reward? THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE general Apply to Mrs. Weir, London, Tel. ltp. I Cap*; Apply ltp -----—v-------- WANTED — Young married couple modern farm, hydro, able of taking full charge, at Times-Advocate office. ---------y------ WANTED—Married man fox* farm work. Separate house. Jas. Mc­ Alister, Zurich, Phone 388rl3. ltc ---------V-------- - MALE HELP WANTED—Exper­ ienced garage mechanic. Ideal liv­ ing and working conditions, steady employment and good wages. Phone W. J. Johnston, Elmira. ---------V--------- The Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for Western feed grain. We have binder twine fox' sale at this year’s price. P. Passmore, Sec. --------v-------- FOR SALE—Comfortable cottage with town, water, garage, garden, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ---------V--------- FOR SALE—100 laying pullets. E. Lindenfield, Exeter, ltc ---------V--------- PIGS FOR SALE—14 chunks about 70 lbs. Apply to Reg. Hodg­ son, phone 18r3, Crediton. ---------V--------- FOR SALE—Cotton print broadcloth patches, variety of Apply ltp Rock I Main St.Phone 38 Large, 46c Medium, 44c SSc Hogs, $14.25. Quality LOCALS fixeter Markets Old or ew Wheat, 95c •Creamery Butter, 37c Eggs, A Eggs, A Eggs, B, Dressed Choice Meats IDEAL MEAT MARKET 0. Tanton VISUAL, VITALITY * #■ * ’ We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re­ placement of Broken Lenses w * * C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open evei'y week day except Wednesday Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Phone 245 I ltc and : col- ors, 4-lb. bundle, $1.00. Box 28'0B, Times-Advocate. ---------A---------FOR SALE—One house and one cottage, at a very low price. Will make cheap homes or good invest­ ments. C. V. 'Pickard, -phone 165. ‘FOR SALE—30’ little pigs, 7 weeks old. Hubert -Heywood, R.R. 3, Exeter. ll:13:2tc ----------V—------- FOR SALE — Well-bred Jersey heifer, 2 years old. F. Gollings ltp“----------y--------- FOR SALE—-Electric . rangette, used six months. -Priced Murray .Neil, Crediton. ---------V--------- FOR SALE—A cream baby carriage, child’s playpen, four- burner coal oil stove. Wanted—a second-hax^d baby’s go-cart. Apply Mrs. D. C. Hill. ltp ---------y--------- FOR SALE—1,000 Bronze Tur­ keys for breeders, hatched April, May. Un-related hens and toms. Government blood tested and band­ ed. Order now. Harmon Morton, Ailsa Craig. ltp ----------y---------- FOR SALE—A quantity of dry mixed hardwood, 12 in., also 20 little pigs. Apply to Wm. Sweitzer, phone 23r3, Crediton. ----------y----------- RENT—Brick house, Al- Hensall. Apply to Joseph Box 201, Strathroy. ltp. ---------V--------- Mr. Frank Taylor has secured a license to carry -on a collection agency. Any person desiring his service call or phone 138, Exeter. ----------y---------- - FOR SALE—200 acres level land No. 23 Highway, Bornholm, large barn, good stabling, silo, electricity, automatic water pressure, house ;and barn. School, churches, towns handy. Extra fine 109 acres, 2 imiles Mitchell, new house, large barn. I* FOR bert St., Garside, to sell, ltp. wicker W. C, Pearce, Exeter. ---------jy---------- FOR SALE OR RENT—Lot A, { Con. 5, Usborne, 15-0 acres, more or I less, 10 acres of bush.- Farm much-1 inery of all kinds. Brick house and j large barn. Daniel E. Hicks, R.RJ 1, Centralia. 23-4tp)---------y------— j FOR SALE—>50 acres, frame’) house, bank barn, close to town and) school. 5 acres of wheat. Immed­ iate possession. Other farms. C. V. Pickard, phone 165. —---______ _ FOR SALE—Brick ' residence, Well located in Exeter. Bathroom, built in cupboards, new heating sys­ tem, Whole building in best of re­ pair. Will Sell at fraction of build­ ing cost. d. V. Pickard, phone 165. - - —V-----— FOR FOX HORSES, Dead removed.Two-hour set­ phone Credb Jack William: CASH animals vice, day or night ton, 47*15, collect ——V- WILL PAY CASH for horses ami cattle over 30o pounds, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease. Phone Kirkton 84r3, collect, Francis Mink Stanches. See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping, Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R. R. g Dashwood. t Hoss * * Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a oazaar of hand­ made articles and home baking for sale in the Parish Htyll, on Satur­ day, December 6. —-----V--------- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Strobbie are visiting friends in Guelph, Miss Doris Cutting, of London, spent the week-end at her home, Mrs. Harold McDonald and baby are visiting her parents at Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham. Misses Isabelle and Helen An^ thony visited with ovex* the week-end. Mr. Orville Snell, visited at his home week-end. their parents of Strathroy, here over the Blyth, visited Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, Get your winter coat 'cleaned now.4 T Follow the Gay Crowds to the Mr. H. Young, of with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman on Thursday of last week. Mr. Eldrid Simmons, of Strat­ ford, visited wit’h his parents over the week-end, Mr, O. Davis, of Ft. Erie, is vis­ iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Sidney Davis- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks on Sunday. Mr. C. H. McAvoy and Mrs. E. Dawson, of Wingham, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders. Mrs. Rachael Sims has returned home .from -Crediton where she spent the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. M. Neil. Mr. and Mrs., E. Sims and Billy, of Crediton, spent the week-end as, the guests of Mrs. Hunter and Mr., Everett Sims. Mrs. L. Wells was in London on Ftiday to visit hei* husband, who is a patient at the Westminster Hospital. iProfessor and Mrs. Wm, Green­ wood, of Mitchell, were calle'rs at the home of Rev. Jas. and Mrs, Ap- thony on Thursday. Guests with Mrs. Robert Wenger on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Larkworthy, Mrs. M. Keane and Mrs. A. Sorensen, all of Mitchell. Masters Billie and Robert Lux­ ton spent JJemembrance Day with Mr. and Mrs. Oren Winer in Ham­ ilton. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Christie and daughter, Jean, of Toronto, visit­ ed ovei’ the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. The condition of Miss Grace Snell, who has been confined to hex' home for a week through illness, is Im­ proving. Mr, W. W. Taman, who recently underwent pn operation in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, is now able to be out and around again. Mrs. Harold Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peters and son Clay­ ton, of Atwood, visited with rela­ tives and friends on Sunday. Miss Lois Hunter has left fox’ St. Catharines, where she has accepted a position. She was accoxxfpanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter. Mts. C. J. Patterson spent week with relatives in town district. She returned home Mf. Patterson and Marion on day. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Archer, of Wanstead and Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Winer, ot Hamilton, and son Don- aid, of the R.O.A.F., Toronto, were ] week-ehd visitors at the home ofj Mr. and Mrs, John Luxton, ! Miss Lillian Clemens, of the j nursing staff of the Toronto Gen-| eral Hospital, visited over the week-j end with her iter parents, Rev. and) Mrs, E< Clemens, of the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle. BIG DANCE.. OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th Clayt. Steeper and his Radio Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday Night A good nights fun foi* young and old. Dancing till 11.45 Admission, Ladies 30c, Gents 30c IT WON’T SPOIL Order D. & JBL Anthracite NOW Buy your winter's supply of D. & H. Anthacite to-day. It will give you full heating value, whether you use it now or late next winter. Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 Exeter FOR A REAL SMOKE Try EXETER Tobacco A special No. 1 Quality Mixture to give a mild, enjoyable smoke Specialy Priced at found tin 59c Pipe and Cigarette be misled by the special low It’s the finest quality tobacco you can buy. big selection of fine pipesA I Your Drags at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. 4 Phone 135 last and with. Suh- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 13, 14, 15 Special Feature “IN THE NAVY” with the popular radio and screen comedians ABBOTT and COSTELLO .......... . ty..;..... MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY November 17, 18, 19 Special Feature “Dive Bomber” A. naval gun a month is Exe­ ter’s objective In War Savings Certificates, $2,500. We need to pledge $650 more to reach that amount Make arrange­ ments with your Banker to-day, See our Red Sole Rubber Boots at per pair $2.25 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. j. G. coem-axie. organist Id a.m>—-Sunday School Morning services withdrawn in fa­ vour of Main St. Anniversary. 7,09 p.m.-—Rev. Ernest Grigg conduct the services. The November Thankoffering of the W.M.S, will he held at the church on Thursday evening, Nov, 20, at 8 a’clock. Mrs. R. Wenger will be the guest speaker. White Gift Sunday, Nov.1 23 rd. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Nprval J, Woods, M.A. Muxistcr Mrs, N. J. Doye Organist and Choir Leader ANNIVERSARY AND RE-OPENING Preacher—Rev, J. ‘R. Mutchmor, D.D., of Toronto. IQ a.m.—Church School 11 a.m.-—Public Worship Dr. Mutchmor, Anthems—“O Come Let Us Sing “Brightly Gleams our Banner” p.-m,—Dr. Mutchmor Anthem—’“Soldiers of Christ Arise” Mr, Wm. Hackett, of London, -color­ ed tenor soloist, will sing at both services. Thursday, meeting. Midweek JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and. Choir* Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m. Sunday - School and Bible Class The evening service will be with­ drawn in favor of Main St. an­ niversary. •Monday, -8 p.m.—Y.P. Union Wednesday, 8 p.m.-—Prayer Service Thursday, 2.30 p.m.—-W.M.S. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 23rd Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—-Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon, “Liberty”. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. Evening Service withdrawn in favor of Main St. Anniversary. The Board of Management will meet in the , Parish Hall on Friday at 8 p.m. ■l Young Men s & Men's ... Winter Coats e> e You will be surprised at the values that we are offering. Many pf these styles were bought last season when clothes were better and prices lower Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats Our racks are full of smart styles in Misses’ and Lalies’ Coats in fur-collared and tweeds. To replace any of these coats we would have to pay considerably more. New Dinnerware and Crockery , We offer four new patterns in 97-piece Dinner Sets. These are very neat patterns. We also have a large assortment of new odd pieces that have arrived early for the Xmas trade. Come in and see them on display BILTMORE FELT HATS They are considered one of the finest lines that can be procured. We feature the newest shapes and shades.• Let us show you our pew numbers. '4 Wool Felts at $2.00 Fur Felts at $3.00 to $3.95 Dominion Rubbers and Rubber Boots It pays to keep your feet dry. If you wear Dominion Rubbers you wear the best. Every pair is guaranteed^ Let us supply you with your needs. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday MARMALADE ' Orange and Lemon Five Point 1 large jar . . 33c. TEA Crown Bulk or Mixed 1 lb.. ..... 69c SOAP FLAKES Maple Leaf ■ 1 box ...... 19c PEANUT BUTTER 1 large jar . . 25c TOMATO JUICE Van Camp’s 3 large tins . . 25c Pure LARD 2-1 lb. pkgs. . 30c BREAD FLOUR Robin Hood 98 lb. bag . $2.85 DATES 3 ll)So KELLOGG’S 2 boxes pep .. 25c 1 Fruit Juice Glass free ' Caven Congregational Circle SPECIAL MUSIC by the CHOIR r.'Rev. J. It. Mutchmor, D. O. Sick and and Mrs.Mr. Wm. Hackett, colored Tenor Soloist of London will sing at both services. 7 p.m.—Dr„ Mutchmor Anthem-- “Soldiers of Christ Arise” 11 a.m.—Public Worship Dr. Mutchmor PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev, D. N. Buntain, General Su­ perintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, will preach in the Pentecostal Tabernacle, Exe­ ter, on Friday, November 14, at 8 o’clock and Sunday, November 1'5 at 11 o’clock. Ev’ehing service at Leavitt’s Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Rev. j Buntain is an outstanding minister of the gospel. j All are welcome. « Pastor—-E. Clemens . j I I iJames Street W.A. Women’s Association, of Street United Church met church parlors on Thursday, The pre- The James in the November 6 th, at 3 p.m. sident, Mrs. F. May, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. F. Sharp took the devotional period. The report of the secretary was read and busi­ ness transacted. The visiting com­ mittee reported 21 caHs'made. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher sang a lovely solo and Miss Florence Down gave a reading. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Maitland Henderson Hammond, of Kirkton, enlisted recently with the R.C.A.F. at No. 9 Recruiting Centre, London.—:—v------ Reeve 'B. W. Tuckey, Mrs. Tuck- ey and Ross spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin at Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Pollen spent the week-end there. The men joined a party at Belmore on a deer-hunting trip. The reeve is in a -rather awkward position for should he bring home a deer he Would be at a Joss to know how to distribute it among his many sup­ porters. However, there is to be no election next year. Main Street United Church Sunday, November 16th Preacher—REV. J. R. MUTCHMOR, D.D., of Toronto Anthems-* “O Come Let" Us Sing” ‘Brightly Gleams Our Barmer’ in techni-color with an all start cast including ERROL FtYKH and FRED MACMURRAY .................. -u.. COMING—November 21 and 22 “THE GREAT DICTATOR0 starring Charlie Chaplin, Jack Oakie z and Paulette Goddard -< The regular meeting of Caven 'CongrOgatiohal Circle was held at the home of Miss Jeckell with a good attendance. Mrs. A. Moir •presided and opened the meeting with hymn 109. The devotional was taken by Mrs. Hill, followed by hymn 595. The roll call was ans­ wered. Holl call for next month will be "Something Vam Going to Make for Xmas”. The committees were then appointed f shut-in, Miss Hatter Flynn; envelopes, Mrs. Hasten and Miss Hatter; flowers, Miss Jeckell; lunch, Mrs; A, Mitchell and Mrs, Polich; program, Miss -Coward and Mrs. Cochrane; hostess, Mrs. Jack . Pryde. miss Jeckell then gave a talk on vegetables their value, which was Very interesting. Miss Blanche Senior gave a lovely piano instrumental and the meeting clos­ ed with the National Anthem,- af­ ter which a good cup of tea Was ■served by the hostess. —- “ WOMEN WANTED Sell Ramilex Products in your home territory and be independent! Constant year round repeat busi­ ness assures you of steady profits. No better work anywhere. Need p.<t> experience to start. No limit to earning possibilities. Catalogue and (Plan to tell all—no obligation. Pamilex, 570 St Clement, Mont­ real. ...,J..