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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-13, Page 5
THE EXETER TJMES-AJ9VQCATE ■I-1.,!'.,.T,!?!■».■>''UJ'Pi?!''■ 'lll’h,u. Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson/R.O. Ophthalmic Optician ' Wingham will be at W, O» GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the; month, for the. purpose qf testing eyes end fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not beep properly fitted, specially recommended to con sult me, Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.n>. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment IHlKcOAJ, NOV, latji, 1U«1 HENSALL Mrs. Catharine Devlin spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Corbett. Mrs. Lee Wilson, pf Exeter, vis ited this week with Mrs, H, Q. Day man. Miss Watkins, of Exeter, was the guest of Misses Alice and Beryl Pfaff this week. Reeve Shaddick and Mr. Orville Twitchell left on Tuesday for a hunting trip up north. •* Mrs, Levi Rands and son, Don- last Ortwein-—Billings A quiet wedding was solemnized in First-St. Andrew’s United Church in London on Wednesday, of Mar^ garet Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billings, to Edgar Lloyd Ortwein, R.C,'N.v.R., son of Mr, and Mrs. M, W. Ortwein, all of London, Rev, J, Y. MacKinnon officiated, The bride was becom ingly gowned in a street-length dress of light blue angorine wool, with black accessories and corsage of pink roses, Miss Emma Ferris as bridesmaid, wore a gold wool frock with navy accessories and cor-' sage of Talisman roses. Mr, Don ald McKenzie was best man, Fol lowing the ceremony a buffet lunch eon was served at the home of the bride's parents. Later Mr. and Mrs. Ortwein left on a short motor trip. The groom is a grandson of Mrs. Peter Munn and Mr. and J. W. Ortwein, of Hensall. Institute Meets Mrs,. EUCHRE AND DANCE TOWN HALL, HENSALL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Under auspices of the Orange Order Good Music « General Adm, 25c Ladles please provide lunch, Lucky lunch ticket and door priste, o Ib-oceeds for BRITISH WAR VICTIMS’ FUND .Come pnd give a little help to those who are giving all. aid, of Palmerston, visited week with friends in town. Mr. Lee Swaim, of Hamilton, sipent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swaim.' The members of the Library Board were in London on Monday selecting new books for the library.- Adam Brock and his Columbians will furnish music for the new-time dance in the town hall on Friday night. Week-end guests at the home sf Mr, T, C, Joynt and family were Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Joynt and family of Toronto. Miss Mary MeKaig, of Exeter, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mary MeKaig, and aunt, Miss- Eliza Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of Jjondon, were week-end visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. Miss Margaret Grieve, who is on the teaching staff in Blyth public school, spent the. week-end with Miss Mattie Ellis. The ladies association of Carmel Presbyterian church held a very successful tea and sale of home cooking on Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Jones and ■family, of St. Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jones’ mother, Mrs. Robert Traquair. Messrs. H. O. Dayman, Glenn MacLean, Bill Bell and Henry Har- burn are' enjoying a hunting trip in the Bruce Peninsula. Mrs. N. E. Cook, who is ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, under went an operation for the removal ■of her tonsils on Thursday. Mrs. W. B. Cross visited- last week with her daughter, Goldie, who is a nurse-in-training in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. W. Luker was visited on Sun day by Mrs. Fairburn, of Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arnold and son of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker and daughter, of Zurich. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser vices in the United church on Sun day and the choir sang two thems, “The Knowledge of Lord,” and “Peace, Be Still.” The Bingo and dance held in town hall Friday night under auspices of the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion was largely attended. The Orange Order are sponsor ing a euchre and dance in the town hall, Hensall, on Wednesday, No vember 19th, at which they expect to have an outstanding speaker. Dr. D. G. Steer and Mr. Stan Tudor are enjoying a hunting trip at Manitoulin Island and will be accompanied there by Mr. Duff Brown, formerly of the staff of the Bank of Montreal here. Miss Violet Hyde, who received foot injuries in a motor accident recently, had her foot put in a cast in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea forth, last week and is able to be up and around with the aid of crutches. A meeting was held in the town hall on Wednesday evening for the purpose of organizing a Brownie pack for young girls. Mis$, Annie Consitt was appointed as a leader for the organization with Mrs. Ken nedy,; Mrs. Mary Buchanan Mrs. Mickle as helpers and Edna Walsh and Mrs. Walker lisle as social .committee. The will meet every Friday evening. Hensall Man Learns of Death of Nephew John Henderson, of Hensall, ceived word of the death of little nephew* Joe Henderson, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Minatonas, Man. and his little sister, Mary, two years, wore sitting with t father on tho tractor, which going through a shallow fiver on their farm, when in some manner .the tractor struck soft ground, pinning the Roy The Senior Women’s Institute met at the home of Miss Florence Welsh on Wednesday evening when Miss Greta Lammie was co-hostess. Fol lowing the opening exercises Miss Mattie Ellis favoured with a read ing, “The Song My Paddle Sings”, by Pauline Johnston, accompanied by Miss Greta Lammie at the piano, Mrs, W. O. Goodwin and Mrs. Wm. Sangster gave an outline on the meeting they attended in Exeter .on the' Preservation and Preparation of Vegetables. .Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren and Mary Good win favoured with two vocal trios, “Into the Dawn with’ You” and “Eleanor”, accompanied by Miss Lammie at the piano, Mrs. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter, was the guest speaker, delivering a very inspiring address. Miss Greta Lammie gave an interesting report on the conven tion which she attended in London in October, Q Anniversary Next Sunday The Y.P.S. of Carmel Presby terian Church are holding their an niversary services on Sunday, Nov. 1'6 th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p-m„ when Rev. Austin L. Budge, D.D., of Hamilton, will be the gueSt speaker. The morning service will take the form of a in <1560. boxes will Clerk, Mr. Covenanters’ Service, as Long-handled collection ■be used. The Session W. R. Davidson, will read the Ten Commandments. The Precentor, Mr. W. A. MacLaren, will lift the hymn tunes, getting the note from the tuning fork. The Scripture readings will be taken by Gordon Campbell and Robert Cam eron. The. Beadle, Mr. 'Fred Daters, will enter the pulpit'with the books and wait at the steps until the min ister ascends. The 'Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated when four or five babies will be baptized. The evening service will be the or der of the regular service when the subject tues.” will be “Old-Fashioned Awiold Circle Meets Vir- theNovember meeting of Circle was held at the home an- the the the and Miss Car club , re- I his flve- Roy Roy aged their Was turning over and children underneath, unconscious when picked up and rushed to the Swan River Hospital Whore he later passed away, little sister was not injured. father was thrown clear of the tractor. was Uis The The Arnold of Miss Beryl Pfaff on Monday evening with a good attendance. Miss Sally Manson presided over the ing ter in 36, Miss Irene meeting which opened by sing- “Unto the ’Hills Around”, af- which Mrs. Roy MacLaren led prayer. The Scripture, Psalm was read by Mrs. Harvey Hyde, after which “Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love” was sung. Mrs. Melvin Moir read the minutes of the last meeting in the absence of the secretary, Miss Violet Hyde. Following the roll call the offering was received and the business dis cussed. The annual meeting in December will be held at the home of Miss Sally Manson. Hoggarth very ably took the topic on “The Judgment of God,”. The meeting concluded by singing “O God of Bethel” and the Lord’s pray er was repeated in unison. Refresh ments'were served by the hostess. Died in Winnipeg Hospital A former resident of this district in the person of Mr. John Newell, passed away in Winnipeg Hospital on Friday in his 79 th year, follow ing a lengthy illness. Before mov ing to Foam Lake, twenty-five years ago, the deceased resided in Goderich, merly Miss Kate Rdbertson, vives; also three sisters, Miss Eliza Newell Mrs, and Cal. vin, and The Before mov- Sask., about His Wife, for sur Mrs. Mary MtoKaig and Emalie Horton, of Hensall, five brothers, James, Whittier, Robert, Denholm, Sask.; Cal- Vancouver, B.C.; William, Thomas of • Stewart, B.C. remains were brought to the home of Miss Eliza the funeral Tuesday at Rev. R. A. in Hensall pallbearers Robertson, Roland Ville; Morley Cooper, Kippen; Cal vin, Clayton and Lloyd Horton. Re latives attended from Monkton, Stratford and St. Thomas. service -2 p.m., Brook. "Union were ' , Newell, where : was - held on , conducted by Interment was Cemetery. Tile Messrs. Angus Williams, Elim- Reinembrance Day Service The Remembrance Day service was held in St. Raul’s Anglican Church on Sunday at 3 p.m. by the First Hussars, the Middlesex*Hur- ons fiand Canadian Legion, led by the Exeter Boys’ . Band, and con ducted by the rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt, During the service the hymns ‘’Onward Christian Soldiers”, “O God Our Help in Ages Past”, “Stand Up,* Stand Up foi’ Jesus” and “0 God of Love”, were sung. The scripture lesson, Isaiah 40 : 25-31 was read by Rev, Wm. Weir. Re sponsive readings were read and prayers offered, Mr. T- J- Sheryit favored with a vocal solo and Rev, Wm. Weir gave the address on the subject “Selling His Birthright for a Mess of Pottage”. The service was ^concluded at the monument where the town wreath was placed by Mrs, Wm. Sangster, the provin cial wreath by Reeve R. E. Shad dick and the Legion wreath by Pet er McNaughton. The Last Post was sounded by Bugler Fred Beer, W.M.S. ^Entertains Baby Band The W.M.S. of the United Church entertained 'the members of the Baby Band and their mothers on Thursday in the schoolroom of the church, which was beautifully de corated for the occasion, with 'gay ly-colored balloons adding to the decorations. Mrs. 'Carrie Ballantyne presided in the absence of the pre sident, Mrs. Cross,' After singing “The Wise May Bring Their Learn ing,” Mrs.' Chas. M'cDonell led in prayer. Mrs. Ballantyne gave a short address of welcome to the guests and Mrs. Ken Hicks took charge of the collection of the mite boxes. Interesting readings were given by Jeanette and Billy Hicks and Marline Richardson. “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam”, was then sung and Mrs. Albert Shirray gave the address, which was most interesting. Joyce Broderick sang a solo entitled “Royal Telephone”, accompanied by Mrs. Broderick at the piano. The graduatioin exer cises followed with Miss Florence Welsh at the piano, singing “See the Little Children”, while Jean and Jeanetteand Ruth Soldan Hicks received their diplomas from Mrs. Hicks, leader of the 'Baby Band and were received into the Mission Band 'by Joyce Broderick in the absence of the leader, Miss Kay Drysdale. The program con cluded by singing “I Need The'e Every Hour”, and the Lord’s Pray er in unison. Refreshments were served. . ..Annual Meeting.. of WOODHAM RED CROSS will be held in WOODHAM ORANGE HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st * There will be a short program followed by MAJOR WATSON, TORONTO Field Secretary as guest speaker ted Cross work will be on display. Silver Collection CREDITON EAST Mrs. Eldon Merner, who was tak en to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don, two weeks ambulance, still same condition. Stephen A baby •Pte. smiles, day. ■Pte. CREDITON Mr, -and •Mrs. Fred Kerr are spending two weeks at Boat Lake. Miss Shirley Fahner, of Detroit, spent the week-end with her ‘par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner. Mr and Mrs. Clinton Sweet and Miss Irene Sweet* of Usborne spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Hendrick, Mr. Arthur Haist and Mr. Clar ence Fahner, of Windsor, spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Woodall and daughter Marie, of Royal Oak, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. A union service will he held in the United church next Sunday ev ening in the interests of the Bible Society, Rev. Denny Bright, dis trict secretary, of London, will be present and also Mr, Armour, who will deliver an illustrated address on the work of the Society. Every body welcome, Services conducted Lawrepce 10,30 a.m, next Sabbath ‘will be by the minister, Rev, H. Turner, at Shipka, and Brinsley, v 2.30 p.m. The evening 'service at will be conducted by the mour, general secretary of Society, assisted by the Bright, of London.. Lantern slides, as well as an address by Rev, Ar mour, will be shown, portraying the activities of the Bible Society at home and abroad. The Evangeli cal congregation will join with the United people, service being in the church of the latter. The t hour of service is 7.0'0 p.m. Rev. Armour is a forceful speaker and an inspir ing service is assured. 25th Wedding Anniversary The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Crediton, was gay and beautiful, with floral decorations in tall standards and silver baskets of yellow, bronze and white mums, it being the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. The bride was charmingly- gowned in white satin, trimmed with lace and pearls, her wedding gown of 25 years ago. She wore a corsage of roses and lily of the valley. The groom also was attired in his suit of 25 years ago. The dining-room was 'beautifully decorated with white mums, The scheme of the table was carried out in white -and silver and a wedding cake decorated in silver, centred it. During the dinner hour with only immediate relatives present, Mr. Irvine Coote, of Elkton, Mich,, proposed the toast to the happy . couple, to which Mr. Smith re sponded with well-chosen words. A very unusual feature of the happy event was - the presence of both.; the bridesmaid and grooms man, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were married in Pigeon, Mich., at t'he home of the bride, nee Ida Voelker, Rev. Chas. Rodesiler being the officiating min ister. . Mr. and Mrs. Smith received many beautiful gifts. Relatives were pre sent from Pigeon and Elkton, Mich., and Walkerton, Ontario.. Many friends called during the afternoon and evening to offer' congratula tions. Crediton Rev. Ar-- the Bible Rev, D. DASHWOOD -H # Dashwood Red Cross Unit will hold a euchre and dance in Tiernan’s Hotel on Friday evening, November .21st, Keep this date open. Fur ther particulars later. Mr. Leonard Birk and Carl Oes- treicher, of Guelph, ©pent the week end here. Mrs. Gordon * McPherson and daughter, Ruth, of Bryanston, •spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, A» E. 0 estreicher while Mr, McPherson is with a hunting party on Manitoulin Island,Mrs. W. Matthews, of Dorchester' and Mrs, F» Watson, of Detroit, were called here last week owing to the serious illness of their moth- ,er, Mrs. Snell. We are pleased to say that Mrs. Snell is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman motored to Hanover on Sunday. Mrs, Kellerman is visiting there for a week, Miss ZetajNjykgim', R.N., of How ell, Mich., apdnt a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Na- diger. Mr. R, Armstrong and daughter Lottie, and son, Herson, and Miss Ruth Hatten, of London, were Sun-, day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. -V- GRAND BEND Mrs. Harmon Gill returned home Saturday after a week’s visit in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wilson, of 'Arkona, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker. Mr. John Mousso had the mis fortune to smash up his car on Friday night last. • No hurt.- Mr. Mervin Johnston, ford, visited his father, Johnston, on . Sunday. Mr. Russell Gill, of visited his parents, Mr. John Gill, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gill returned home with him ‘to spend a holiday. Miss Maud Bolton, . of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull. Mr. Max Turnbull is in the North on a deer-hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dodds, of Buffalo, were visiting Mrs. Frank Geromette on Sunday. Owing to the wet weather work at the airport has been layecL one was of Strat- Mr. Dave Brampton, and Mrs. ** TIEMAN’S HALL Dashwood New and Old Time FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14th Murdock Orchestra ADMISSION — 35c KHIVA large crowd attended the Diet reception held in Mt. Carmel last Thursday evening. A rich hall Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisenbach and Mr. Elmore Willert, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert Mr' and Mrs. Ed. Lippert, of Cre diton, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave pert, of Melbourne, weeks’ hunting Island. Mr. and Mrs. ed on Sunday Arthur Hutchinson, at Corbett. Miss Marjorie Minielly spent the week-end with Miss Jean Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, the Lake Road, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. and Lip- two trip Hy. with -V- ago, in Hoffman’s continues in the Glanville- is all arrived last Tues- Stephen Glanville, of Camp •Borden, spent a few days at his home here during the past Week. Miss Helen Bullock, of Exeter, spent the week-end at her home here.. -V- MOUNT CARMEL Don’t forget the Thursday night. Adam his Columbians, Miss Jean McCann week-end with friends in London. Mrs. F. Radcliffe, of Detroit, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs, E. Hall. Messrs, Hubert McKeever and Jack Madden spent Wednesday in London. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Barry and fam ily, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Kate Madden and Miss Ber nice Madden spent last Wednesday in London. x Mr, Alex Dietrich has purchased' Mrs\ Con. O’Brien’s farm, Rte, Dennis Collins, of Windsor, spent the week-end With relatives here. Master Michael Ryan has return ed home after spending a few months with relatives in Chicago, dance on Brock and spent the left on a to Manitoulin of with ELIMVILLE Mr. Delmer Skinnei* gave a good report of the Sunday School con vention held at Grand Bend last week, in Sunday School on Sun day morning, Mrs. Sam Brock is at the home of her son, John H. Brock sent. She is quite poorly, not confined to her bed. Mrs. Wes. Horne has the sick list for several days. Colds are quite prevalent lately. A large number from this com munity were in Exeter on Sunday last. AC2 Clarence Ford, R.C.A.F., has been transferred to No. 5 I.T.S. at Belleville. at pre- although been on -V- ZION The Red & White Store wm R n B salt or plain, t lb. phg, Z for 85cCPFP Al w Evaporated »lew tin --2 for 19q y 1 LylfiL Bed & White Orange Pekoe Tea.....VHL 43c Red White Mixed Tee.........................Jb, 38c Red & White Soup, tomato, yqg,.. ....3 for Apple, Strawberry ■ ' jam : 4-lb. tin 50c Flpffp vegetable shortening lbs. 35c Choc, Marshmallow Cookiee ..lb. 19c Quaker Corn Flakes......... ,2 for 15 c Aylmer Pork & Beans,.........4 tins 25c Navy Toilet Tissue, large roll, 3 for 21c Javex Concentrated Bleach, bottle 15c Smoked Fillets of Haddie .......lb., 19c Fresh Fillets of Haddie ...........lb., 17c Lady Godiva Cold Cream Soap .......:5c Tinned Butter,.......l/2-lb. and 1 lb. tins Clubhouse Coffee Vacuum Packed Per lb., 49c VanCamps Tomatoes Choice Quality 2 tins for 25c Apricots, 32c per lb. . Prunes, 2 lbs. 25c f Harvey & Harvey Prompt Delivery Phone 102 KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Ver na, of Denfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and daughters, of Clan- deboye, and Mr. ana Mrs, Thomas Coward and son, Rannoch, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. John Cochrane returned on Saturday night from a very enjoy able shooting trip near Huntsville. Quite a number from here attend ed the OKNX Barn Dance in Card- no’s Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday .night. Mi’« and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and daughters visited recently at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques, of near Elimvilte4 Quite a number from here at tended the funeral of the late Vera Smith, of near Varna, on Sunday. W.M.S. Guests of Varna Auxiliary The W.M.S. of the United Church here were guests of the Varna Auxiliary on Thursday afternoon last. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. S. Keyes, of Varna, and, opened with a * hymn, after which Rev. Reba Hern led in pray er. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. G. Johnson, of Varna, after which the Kippen ladies took charge of the program, which consisted of a very pleasing "Solo, by Mrs. N. Long, followed by a short play en titled with ma Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. very pleasing duet was then sung by Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. J. B. McLean. The meeting closed with a hymn and a closing prayer by Rev. Hern. A dainty lunch was served by the Varna ladies. Mrs. W. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson visited one day last week with the latter’s cousin, Mrs. How ard' Kerslake, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Buchanan, of Wheatley, Essex County, spent a few days recently renewing' ol'd ac quaintances in this community. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Thomas Workman underwent an dperation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, one day last week. Her many f/iends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney Miss Irma Ferguson visited on day at the home of Mfr. and Joe Ferguson, of Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long visited on Saturday with their daughter, Miss Jean, nurse-in-training in Owen Sound General Hospital. ' Mrs. Alvin Ulch, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. ---------V——.— mu- the Fri- “Adventures in Friendship”, Mrs. Grant as Mrs. Aiken; Ir- Ferguson as Mrs. Campbell; A. McMurtrie as Mrs. Ferry; A. Johnson as Mrs. Douglas; W. Mills as Mrs. Bruce and N. Long as Mrs. Green. A the de- -V- SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs re ceived word that their son, Lloyd, of the R.C.A.F., has been stationed in Manitoba. This is0 the third son in this family to join the Air Force. Harry has been with the R.C.A.F. in Calgary since August and Har vey is attending- an R.C.A.F. mech anic’s school in Calgary. A large number attended the sup per held in the parish hall on Tues day evening. The W.A. and Girls* Guild met at the home of Mrs. Fred Bobbs on Friday of last week. The after noon was spent in quilting and packing the bate. Fourteen mem bers answered the roll call and one visitor was present. The next meeting will be held on the first Wednesday In December. The’meet ing closed w,ith prayer and the benediction, after Which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart and Mr. George Stewart visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock. , Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques, of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mrs. ' H. Kyle, of Exeter, visit ed on Friday with Mi*? and Mrs. E. Hern. ' Misses Irene and Anna Brock spent the week-end with then’ cous in, Miss June Hodgins, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Har ry and Bobbie spent Sunday even ing with Mrs. H. Kyle, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgins, of London. Miss Laurene Hern spent Sunday afternoon at the home of her par ents. The November meeting of the Zion W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Angus Earl on Thursday, November 6. There will be a masquerade held in Zion school on Come in costume fun. A number from attended the supper* at Woodham on Wednesday evening. The quilting was held at the school on Saturday afternoon. Two quilts were quilted. \ Miss Alma Ratz spent the week end at ■her home. and Sun- Mrs. WHALEN and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Friday evening, and have some the community New Minister: “What did you think of the sermon on Sunday, Miss Jones?” JMIss oJnes: “Very good, sir. We didn’t really know what sin was till you came here,” Mr. Donald motored to. Woodstock on Friday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pullen. Mr. Grafton Squire, of Water loo, spent the week-end at his home here. The W.M.S. and W.A. met on Thursday afternoon at Mrs. (Rev,) Merriam’s home in* Centralia. Mr. t Rupert Merriam and Mr, Davies, students, of the Western University, London, occupied the pulpit in this church on Sunday af ternoon in the absence of the for mer’s father, Rev, Merriam. Mrs., Milne Pullen favored with * a solo. Audrey Arksey is confined to the house with chicken pox. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson, of London, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and family visited recently with Mr« and Mrs. Passmore, Thames Road. Master Billie Brock, of Kirkton, holidayed during the last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Morley, Messrs. Clare Hazelwood, Nor- ■‘man Brooks and their friend, Ray Marr, of Fort Erie, spent the week end at their homes, CENTRALIA Don’t forget the bazaar and sicale and afternoon tea in schoolroom of the church on day afternoon of this week undei’ the auspices of the W.M.S. Musicale to commence at 2 p.m, Dr. and. Mrs. Heighway, of Lon don, and Mr. and Mrs. John Essery were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Will Essery. Mrs. N. ’Baker 'visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bowden on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Hicks, of' London, and Miss Mildred Hicks, of Shipka, spent the week-end with their moth er, Mrs. B. Hicks. The family of Mr. and Mrs. John Essery were entertained to lunch under the parental roof on Sunday after church. Miss Norma Durham is visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and, Mrs. Bruce Field. The service in the church on Sun day evening last was under the , auspices of the W.M.S. with Rev. Grigg, of Exeter, as guest speaker, who delivered a very inspiring ad dress. The music was provided by ■ a’ ladies’ choir assisted by Mrs. H. Heywood, who favoured with a solo. Rev. Merriam, Mr. George Hicks and Frank are deer hunting this wefek. Mr. Fred Werner, Mr. Hugo Theander and Mr. Alf Hamilton, . R.C.A.F., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, Shipka. , W.M.S. Meeting The November meeting of the was held in the schoolroom church on Tuesday after noon, November 4th. Mrs. N. Mit chell presided over the devotional part of the meeting which opened by singing hymn .72. Mrs. Mitch ell then led in a “Litany of Praise for Jesus Christ. This was followed by responsive reading from No. 748 in the Hymnary. Mrs. N. Mitchell, Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. R. Smith led in a period of meditation and prayer. Hymn 400 was sung. The chapter in the study book was taken by Mrs. Hepburn. Bible study by Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Smith. Hymn 263 was sung and Mrs. Penwarden, 1st vice-pre sident, presided over the business period. Mrs. Merriam gave a splen did report of the convention. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. W.M.S. of the V- WOODHAM The W.M.S. met Wednesday ih the basement of the Church with Mrs. E. Rodd, convener of group No. 3 in charge of the program. The Regional School met here Tuesday evening of this week in the Sunday School rooms, Lunch was served. The Mission Circle girls will meet Thursday evening of this week at the home of Miss Audrey Fletch er. Mrs, John Routtey and Mrs. A. Pollock, returned home, the other day, having spent two weeks With friends at Seaforth, Bayfield and W’ingham. Miss Evelyn Camm, of Stratford Hospital, spent a short time at her home here on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire Sunday visitors with Mr. and Percy Harris and Mr. and Thos, Harris, of Chiselhurst on day last. Miss Hannah Rinn, R.N.,. left on Sunday evening for Victoria Hos pital to take a course. Many from this district ars laid up with heavy colds.'1 Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Rodd and family spent Saturday last in Lon. don. A ange last were Mrs, Mrs. Stm- large crowd attended the Or- supper and entertainment held Wednesday evening, Nov, 5, in the Orange Hall, An excellent supper was provided and the play, “The Rpse-Oovered Cottage”, put on by the Thedford Young ReopU^ was splendid. ’Rhe play was hum orous and was enjoyed by everyone present.