HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-13, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 A’
Sixty-Ninth Year
Fleece Coats
* •
Tweeds •*■- Meltons
... made in ...
>ons and Raglans
Genuine English Barrymore Coats at $25.00
About 20 good Melton Overcoats up to size 38 at $15.00 each.
Also full range of boys* and small boys’ coats at low prices.
Christmas Merchandise
Our stock for the coming Christmas Season is now nearly complete. We have a large
stock of merchandise suitable for Christmas gifts. Owing to the difficulty of replace
ments this year we would strongly suggest early buying as many lines will /be impossible
to replace later
Monarch Dove Knitting Yarn
TofthqSe who use this popular line'of knitting yarn, we would suggest buying from
our present large stock as there has - been an advance in price from the mill.. Our
price is still 20c skein, but will soon have to advance when we procure more.
Ladies’ Misses’ & Girls’ Winter Coats
Good cloths are becoming scarce. We advise early buying) from our present large
• stock. Prices are very reasonable.
New styles in ladies’ and misses’ dresses now ready for fall and winter dresses.
Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Arctic Pastry Flour
7-lb. bag, 23c ....................
Superior Baking Powder
Contains no alum, 16-oz. tins ....'
Crown Brand Corn Syrup E IL
2-lb. tin,, 23c -4.................................«*
Nabob Coffee (Coupon Deal) 1 lk
With Coupon in London Free Press*
24 lb. 6§c
i 19c
Hillcrest Shortening
Try this popular braaid
Grape Nut Flakes Large 15c. pkg i ,i < p
And 1 pl<g. Post Toasties for .Olc uOliS IOC
Gloria Bread Flour QQ IL (£9
Same maker as Arctic -Pastry AO
Good Cooking Apples,hand picked 1
Kings or Wagners, limited^ ^ujjply •
1 lb. 8c
JU# 4
Phone 32
. Reduced 1Prices in 1 Feed
■. i ■■■ ■
40% HEN 40% HOG 33% HEN
$3.75 cwt.$3.00 cwt.$3.45 cwt*
Buy now while prices are down.
Fatina Checkers for Turkeys arid Chickens, $3.20 cwt.
Fed dry, no milk required, no fuss or bother.
Buy Nik-Tonic for a rundown flock and get your hens into
production when eggs are high.
Giant Bingo Game
Exeter-Hensall Branch of the
McKnight’s Hall, Exeter
at 8.30 sharp
15 Rounds
Several Special Rounds — 10 Extra
Rounds for Turkeys
General Admission 25c
Door prize, Turkey
If you require an electric washer, buy now at the old price
and save y ourself some money. See the new -Easy at our store.
We have a few good second-hand stoves on hand, with new
firepots and linings. Priced right.
SPECIAL — LUNCH KITS ..................................................‘69c
Get your fall requirements of glass, putty and cow ties
and chains
Traquair’s Hardware
tinsmithing plumbing sign work
Clinic at Public School
One hundred and eighty-seven
pupils of the Exeter public school
were immunized for scarlet fever
and diphtheria at a clinic at the
school on Friday morning of last
week by Dr. (Fletcher, .medical of
ficer of health. Since that time
the number has been increased to
215. Another clinic will be held
next Friday morning and only those
the scarlet fever cure need
Quilt Seven Quilts
Cavan Presbyterian Church was
a busy spot Monday when the ladies
of ilia congregation met and quilt
ed seven quilts for the Red dross.
They .met in the morning, taking
their lunch with them and it was
around ten o’clock in the evening
when the Work was finished.
87th Birthday
Congratulations to Mrs, John W.
Taylor who to-day (Thursday) Is
observing her S7tli birthday. Mrs.
Taylor enjoys remarkable health
for one of her years.
Poppy Day was observed in Exe
ter on Saturday,
Property Changes
W. Herman Hodgson,
2nd concession of Stephen
ship, has purchased the dwelling
of the Misses Huston on Andrew
Street. Possession JJecomber 1st.
The Misses Huston have rented one
of the new apartments of Mr. Sandy
(Elliott. Exeter will welcome Mr.
•and, Mrs. Hodgson, Mr. Hodgson
has disposed of his farm in ste
phen to Mr. fteg, Hodgson,
.. . -■-
The doctor who said kissing shor
tens life no doubt meant single life.
Mr.of the
. Nov. 10, 1941
The Municipal Council met In
the Town Hall with all members of
the Council present but the Reeve
absent. On the motion of Coun
cillors Hern and Diguan, Councillor
Southcott took the chair, The min
utes of the meeting held October
27th were read and adopted on the
mqtion of Councillors
Communications were
dealt with as follows:
From the County of
hospitalization -fef indigent patient.,
Matter to be given; further consid
From Unemployment Insurance
Commission re icertified copy of-
resolution regarding list of perman
ent employees'. Moved and second
ed by Councillors Taylor and Dig-
nan, that this list be
From Department
Affairs re issuing of
From ortice of Assessment Com-
ipissioner, Toronto, in regard to or
ganization meeting of Assessors to
be held in Toronto Nov, 24, 1941,
. From Mr. Les. Rpbertson, asking
permission to erect ‘a sign in front
of his place of business. Permis
sion granted at the discretion of-
the Streets Committee and Com
By-law No.’7, of 1941, providing
for the licensing of taxis and other
passenger motor vehicles for hire
in the Willage of Exeter was read
and considered, The same was -read
a second and third time and passed
on motion of Councillors Dignan
and Hern.
The following accounts were
read and ordered paid on the mo
tion of Councillors Taylor and Hern:
County of Huron, hospitalization,
$-213.75; Exeter Public Utilities—
street lighting, $237.46; town clock,
$3.79; merchandise, .20c; total,
$241.45; Bell Telephone, J. Norry,
3 months, -$6.15; Harvey & Harvey,
relief, $8.00; N. Stanlake, relief,
$-1.8'5; H. Rivers, relief, $1.6'0; Wm.
Andrews, labbr, $29.40; John Stire,
labor and -constable/ $10'.22; Rich
ard Davis, constable, $2.00,;
Waghorn, labor, $l.'5O; Louis
labor, $6.0.0. 1
All motions were carried.
Adjournment by Councillor
Hern and
read and
Huron re
prepared and
o£ Municipal
taxi licenses.
C. V. Pickard, Clerk
Following the Remembrance Day
service at James .St. United church
on Sunday morning, the members
of the Canadian Legion together
with the Boy Scouts and Cubs, the
First Hussars, the Mid dies ex-Hur-
ons, headed by the Exeter Band,
paraded to the Soldiers’ Memorial
for a short service. On behalf of
the Province of Ontario, Mrs. West
placed a wreath at the foot of th^
monument; Reeve Tuckey placed
a wreath for the town; Major Daly
for the First Hussars; Lieut. Geo.
Wright for the Middlesex-Hurons;
J. R. C. Moffatt for the Legion.
Bugler Beer sounded the Last Post
and the Band played the National
Anthem. Rev. Mr. Grigg pronounc
ed the benediction.
District Governor George R.
velle, of Palmerston, paid his
ficial visit to the Exeter Lions club
at their supper meeting at the Cen
tral Hotel Friday evening of last
week. Lion president C. Rivers
was in the chair. A sing-song was
enjoyed, led by Lion Tamer E. R.
Hopper. Guests for the evening
were Mr. Yuill, resident engineer ’-t
the Centralia Airport; Mr,' Attfield,
assistant engineer and Major Boles.
Mr, C. Tanton,
presented with
by the. District
trict Governor
the club by Lion Lloyd9 Stephens,
in a short, interesting address Mr.
Lavelle spoke on why he Should
have an International association.
Lionism has now 41,000 clubs with
a membership of over 140,000. He
congratulated the Exeter club on
the splendid success of their recent
frolic.' The mote we put into Lloti-
iSm, the more we' get ■out of It. Lion
R. N. Creech expressed the apprec
iation of the club ter the splendid
address and presented Mr. Lavelle
with a large ham, J. W. Hern was
the winner of a fine chicken in a
draw and was also winner of the
second prize. He a^ted that the
second prise, a smoker’s stand, be
drawn for again, and it was won by
L. J. Penh ale. Mr. Attfield ex
pressed the appreciation, of the visi
tors at bein^ present.
a new member, was
his membership pin
governor. The Dis-
was introduced to
A truck was overturned and
London cai’ damaged in a collision
on the highway a mile and a quar
ter south of town about 5/30 p.m.
on Monday, The truck belonged to
the Armstrong
contractors at
port and was
Kilpatrick, of
Mr, Kilpatrick
to the highway when a car from
the north belonging to London Mo
tor (Products and driven by J, E.
Campbell, of London, struck the
right side of the truck just behind
the cab. The cab was turned over
on its side facing crosswise of the
■road and in the opposite direction
to which it was
was thrown out
broken ribs and
He was brought
Fletcher. The
London car, radiator,
and fender were badly damaged to
an estimated amount of $-200.00.
Damage to the truck is estimated
at $100, Passengers with Mr. Camp
bell were Wm. Holstock, of Chesley
and Ralph Parkinson, of 772 Hill
mouth Ave., London. None of them
were hurt. Dusk and sleet made
visibility poor. The accident was
investigated by Traffic Officer Tay
lor. A charge is being laid against
Construction Co,,
the Centralia Air
being driven by S.
R.R. 1, Lambeth,
was driving east on-
going. The driver
and suffered three
injury to his chest,
to tne office of Dr,
front end of the
head light
, ---------V---------
An apto accident took place on
No. 4 Highway about half mile
north of Kippen about 8 o’clock
■Friday evening of last week,
belonging to B. A. Rivers, of 789
Queen’s Ave., London, and driven
by Benton Hellyar, of Clinton, went
out of control during the snow
storm and took the ditch. After
making a complete somersault it
landed on its-side, resting on a wire
fence. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers were
passengers in the car and Mrs. Riv
ers suffered six fractured ribs and
a fracture of the collar-bone. She
was removed to the Clinton Hospi
tal. Damage to the car amounted
to about $75.00. Traffic Officer
Taylor investigated. ,
A charming autumn wedding >
took place in Trivitt Memorial)
Church on Saturday, November -Sth ■
at 12,30, when Nona daughter;
of Mr. and Airs. John Chambers, of !
Exeter, was united In marriage to!
Mr. Anton Anderson, of Detroit and)
Algonac, Mich. Bev, M. A. Hunt!
performed the ceremony. The
brldd, who was given in marriage
by her father, was lovely in a floor
length gown pf teal blue crepe
with fuschia velvet halo hat with
streamers from the back to theI
floor and blue satin slippers. She
wore a shoulder corsage of Johanna
Hill roses and fern. She was at
tended by Miss 'Gladys Stone as
bridesmaid, who wore a dress of
blue sequin trimmed bodice, black
skirt and rose sash with black tur
ban hat and black accessories,
also wore a shoulder
Johanna Hill roses and fern.
groom was
was at the
During the
Miss Helen
dion solo,
the bridal
home of the bride’s parents, where
a wedding dinner was served by
Mrs. ,S. Pollen, Flint; Miss Mar-
| garet Carr, Algonac, Mrs. G. Koch
and Miss Helen Snell, of town. Mr,
and Mrs. Anderson left by motor,
the bride wearing a wine dress, blue
coat, hat and accessories. The
groom’s gift to the bride wag a gold
locket, to the bridesmaid, a com
pact, and to the groomsman a cigar
ette case.
St. to the
seats re
unit car-
were de
A car
Warren May was the guest at, a
send-off party held in the gymnas
ium last Friday evening by the Bad
minton club. Warren, who has been
■teller at the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, left Monday for Man
ning Pool,- Toronto, having joined
the Air 'Force. For several years he
has been a prominent member of the
club and will be greatly missed.
After a few sets of Badminton, the
members gathered in' a group and
a tasty lunch was -served by the
ladies in which all participated
heartily. Lloyd Stephens, the pre
sident, made an appropriate ad
dress and presented Warren With a
(fine pipp. A fitting reply was made
fey the departing member. Grafton
Cochrane extended a vote of thanks
to the ladies for preparing a- de
lightful lunch.
Underwent Operation
Mrs. W. C._ Allison underwent
an operation in Victoria Hospital,
London, -on Tuesday morning. The
operation was successful and she is
doing as well as can be expected.
many friends will hope for
speedy recovery.
Miscellaneous Shower
-On Friday evening about twenty-
five friends of Miss Nona Chambers
met at the home of Mrs. Milo Snell
to surprise her with a miscellan
eous shower. The gifts were drawn
into the room,in a wagon decorated
in pink and white by Miss Evelyn
Thompson. The evening was spent
in contests, after which lunch was
served. Miss Chambers, in approp
riate words, thanked her friends
for the many lovely gifts.
In Line for Wardenship
Huron County -Council will elect
warden at the coming session,
which convenes Tuesday of next
week. *This is made necessary by
the death of the late James Leiper.
Reeve 'Percy Passmore, of Usborne,
was the runner-up for the warden
ship at the beginning of the year.
The warden was selected by the
Liberal group. If the same policy
is (Carried out next week Reeve
Passmore will no doubt be in line
for the honour.
Nothing but an all-out policy
will win the war. If you cannot
fight, buy War Savings Certifi
cates. You get 3 per cent on
your money.
corsage of
supported by Mr. Wm.
Miss K. M, MacFaul
console of the organ,
signing of the register
Snell played an accor-
Following the ceremony
party returned to the
Armistice Snnday was observed
in Exeter when the members of the
Exeter-Hensall Branch pf the
adian Legion, the Boy Scouts
<Cubs, the First Hussars and
Middlesex-Hurons paraded to
James St. United Church fpr
ine worship at the morning service,
Headed by the Exeter band, the
processipn formed at the mill yard
and marched down Main
church, occupying the
served £er them. Each
ried its colors, which
posited at the front of the church.
The large auditorium and the gal
leries were comfortably filled. An,
anthem was sung by the choir en
titled “The , Lord Shall
Strength Unto His People”.
.Sturgis sang very ‘ effectively,
Flanders Fields”,
’ D. Thompson was marshall for
the Canadian Legion; Scoutmaster
A. Andrus, the Boy Scouts; Cub
leaders H. Sturgis and B, Wenger.,
Officers for the Hussars were Col.
Sanderson, Major Daly, Captain.
Granger, Lieut. S. Rennie, Lieut. K-
Bodkin and Lieut. Fuller. Thp
Middlesex-Hurons were in charge
of Lieut. George Wright. Rev. Mr.
Page was in charge of the service.
The speaker took’ his text from.
Matt, 12:24, “Except a corn o£
wheat fall into the ground and die,
it abideth alone; but if it -die, it
bringet-h forth much fruit.” That
is to say that there is an obvious,
waste that is no waste, a grievous
loss that is no loss but a glorious
gain. Watch that sower going up
and down the field. In his basket
there is seed. The fool is throwing
it away. But let the weeks and
the months pass ana nis seeming
foolishness will have proven to bo
wisdom. The land is flowing with
a golden harvest. Barns are filled,
to overflowing. The increase has
been sixty and a hundredfold. As
we sow, so shall we reap. It is the
law of life. There are no excep
tions. Use what you have for your
own pleasure and selfish interests
and it will rot. Use it for God and
your fellowmen and it will come
rhome to you many fold. ■
Another great thought is that
the cruel, senseless, blind ordering
of God in this world, as it would
seem to us, is wiser than our short
sighted eyes can see.
Another sower goes forth to sow.
Some seed falls on stony ground,
some on the hard beaten path where
the birds devour it or the weeds
crowd it out. Worries and care
trample life underfoot. God gave to
man a wonderful brain. Man picks
out a creature for his love and af
fection. Their children are joyous
and happy. Then comes- an ac
cident or sickness or a war and
they leave nothing but an aching
heart. We ask why? Nothing is
to be gained by refusing to look at
the dark and ugls things of life.
An artist’s picture without shad
ows is dishonest. The new testa
ment pictures man with his frail
ties. It also paints for us God’s love.
There is happiness and joy in the
way of life pointed out for us.
There is a story of a man, Who
resented the death of his son, go
ing to his minister -and asking
“Where was God when my son was
killed?” The minister was equal
to the occasion and replied, “God
was where he was when his own Son
died.” The life of Jesus Christ wad
! d life on fire to save the world. It
i was invested with power and dig
nity. His early life was spent in
a carpenter’s shop. At a compara
tively young age he suffered an
ignominious death. It was no loss.
! To-day is Remembrance Day. | Back into the minds of people
, comes the great question, “Why this
Friday, November 14, is packing
Please bring your blankets or
donations for the purchase of blan
kets to the library, Friday after
noon, November 14. This is the
last appeal in the present cam
paign for blankets for Britain and
we are sure the Exeter Branch will
do its share to help provide warmth
and comfort for the people in cold
! air raid shelters, emergency hos
pitals and ambulances in Britain.
New blankets, or blankets “good
as new” are needed by the/thou
sands and this call cannot go un
answered. These blankets may be
purchased locally or $2.00 donated
to the Branch will buy a new one.
FRIDAY is the day. Make your
donations early.
Mr. Moffatt, treasurer, acknow
ledges receipt of the following
Sale Flowers ........................$
Happy Quilting Gang ........
The ladies of the Enlisted
Subcommittee of . the War
Board last Friday packed and mail
ed forty-two parcels to the men and
nurses o,verseas. All the men from
Exeter and district wer4- included
in the list. The parcels contained
canned sausage, cheese, toothpaste,
shaving cream and ten blades,
Christmas cake, chocolates, coffee,
tea, sugar, mints, etc. On Monday
the Board directed a tobacco firm
.to send tobacco and cigarettes to
all the boys. The value of the par
cels and tobaccos, including post
age, was s$220. '.Several people
have expressed a desire to help in
this work. It is difficult to in
clude articles that you might send
in aas parcels must be uniform. Do-
natiphs of money will be gladly re
ceived* by the treasurer, J. R. C.
Moffatt. In fact, the Board con
siders that the people have not as
yet taken full advantage of tlie.vumw ---
privilege they have of helping the; insane, stupendous, senseless waste
Board in this
lot of money
these Overseas
Or five times
not for the efforts of a few groups
of friends the Board would be un-
.able to do it.
The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt, ac
knowledges receipt -of the following
monies over the past few weeks;
Exeter 'Lions Club re
ftFrolic ........... $972.00
/Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, for
Queen’s Hund ...... ..........
. Sale Salvage ............................
Salon Community Club for
Toronto Telegram Fund
British War Victims ........
Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Geddes
for same Eund .............
Mr. and Mrs. A..L. Geddes,
'Comforts for lonal soldiers
Mr. Leslie Thompson, of UsborneA
who recently had his leg fractured
when struck by a stoneboat, Was
in London Tuesday fw an X-rayV
The-fracture is edming along fine
and Mr. Thompson was able to re
turn to the farm. He
staying with his mother,
Thompson. His father
looking after the farm,
work, as it takes a
to send parcels to
fighters of ours four
a year. If it were
of life and materials?”. As the
speaker had stood, and walked for
two weeks in the battlefields and
cemeteries of Europe, he had ask
ed himself the same question, why
this insane waste? It was Judas,
not the wisest of the twelve dis
ciples, but the traitor, who said,
“Why this tremendous waste?”
What Were the dreams and ambi
tions of these young people? Was
it to settle down in business, Ou
the farms or in the mines, exper
ience the usual joys and pleasures
and then grow -old and go to the
grave? What did Hod actually give
to these young men? They have
become the great constellatiohs o£
their day and as long as time shall
last their glories shall be told.
“Wastedl” people say, -Could God
have done anything nobler for
those boys, A father had come to
the speaker after the last war and
had said that he had great ambi
tions for his boy but he had never
dreamed or hoped 'God would have
given him anything so great as
this. When Jesus Christ died it
was not in vain. The same is true
of the brave lads who died* rnx
Elanders no ms. What are we go-
(Contin-ued on ’Page Four) j