HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-06, Page 8THDIWAY, NOVEMBER XW V’s Beauty Shoppe Sldral, IWnWuttor Marhiwlm 'VEIM C* IPhone 112 Evenings by Appointment Saturday, Nov, 8th will be Poppy .Day* Buy a poppy a»d help the ■crippled veterans of the lust GmU War- A Coleman Service Md’n will bes at LindenCeld’H Hardware, Friday. I 'November 14th. See advt, on. anoth­ er page, LQST««4U‘d Steer with white face | and notch out of right ear. Weight 70b lbs. Luther RmUellfte, R.R. 3f Exeter, Itp WANTED—10 i!ead of cattle to' take in for rough feeding. For Salewa choice litter of young pigs fit to wean, abo a Quantity of elm furnace wood. Apply at Times-Ad- voeate. its WANTED—Second-hand gas en­ gine, from two to six horsepower. Apply at Times-ARvocate office, lip WANTED - School teacher for O, No. 3, Usborne, Applications to be In by Nov, 7th, duties to com­ mence Nov, 10th, if possible. Ad-' •dress Leonard Harris, R.R. 1, Kirk­ ton, phono 33rl8. WANTED—Several tons of dry. cut straw. Wein Bros., phone 57r71 Dashwood, lt,p fl - Main St Exeter Market Old or Nw Wheat Cixaww Better* SW Eggs, A. Uurge. 44c K,?. Mp-Lam, Egg®. B, IRE- Dressed Hogs, $14.25. Choice Quality Meats C. Tanton Phone 38 £5. ...Mi.wnm.-n-r rm.-------W i 1 1 LOWiLS 1 i 1 -------------M——•JB THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'FOR Apply 41r26, VISUAL VITALITY We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re­ placement of Broken Lenses » • * C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Phone 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j-. Mrs. J, G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School Services at 11a.m. and 7 p.m. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH Rev. NorvMl J. Woods, M.A, Minister J. Dore Choir Leader worship In the The Minister. Mrs, A’. Organist and 11 a.m.--Public church school, 7 p.m.—-The Minister Wednesday, November 5, 8 p.m. Evening Auxiliary at the home of Mrs, Lam pm an, Thursday, Nov. 6, 3 p.m.—W.A, at the home of Mrs. M. Quance. Thursday, Nov. 6, 7.30 p.m.—Mid­ week meeting of prayer and Bible study. Anniversary and Re-opening, Nov. 16th. Dr, Mutchmor, A Clayt. Steeper and his Radio Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday Night good nights fun for young and old. Dancing till 11.45 i t/our Wardrobe You; will be surprised at the values that we are offering, Many of these styles were bought last season when clothes were better and prices lower. Misses’ and Ladies Coats Our racks are full of smart styles in Misses’ and Lalies’ Coats in fur-collared and tweeds. To replace any of these coats we would have to pay considerably more. New Dinnerware and Crockery We offer four new patterns in 97-piece Dinner Sets. These are very neat patterns. We also have a large assortment of new odd pieces that have arrived early for the Xmas trade. Come in and see them on display. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister AV. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 10,55 a.m.—Remembrance Day Memorial Service by the First Hussars, the Middlesex-Hurons, Canadian Legion, Boy Scouts and Cubs, - Speaker, Rev. Arthur Page. 3 p.m.—jChurch School and Bible Class. Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get your winter coat ’cleaned now. announcement Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, 272 Salem Avenue, Toronto, t will be at, home to their friends, November Sth, from 7 to evening, the occasion of ver wedding anniversary, ■ Main Street Women's Association are holding ta bazaar on Saturday, November 8th in the building oc­ cupied by the Boy Scouts, first 1 i store south of the bowling green, at 3 o'clock. There will be the 5 following booths: Homemade Cook- | Ing, Gifts, Aprons, 'Candy, Even- Saturday, 10 in the their sil- BILTMORE FELT HATS They*. are considered one of the finest, lines that can be procured. We feature the newest shapes and shades. Let us show you our new numbers. I ----v_----- I SALE—4 pigs 5 weeks old. { to Albert Morenz. Phone Dashwood, lte| SALE-^Comfortable cottage j garage, garden,’ ^' AixHiary7anT’White Elephant Afternoon tea will be served from 3.30. 7 p.m.—The Minister p.m.—Young People’s Wool Felts at $2.00 Fur Felts at $3.00 to $3.95 FOR with town water, W. C. I’earce, Exeter. SALE—A quantity of Chas, Godbolt, phone 0 FOR turnips. Exeter. feed202,' FOR pullets, to lay, wood. SAHE—-200 Barred 100 Leghorn pullets, Wein Bros., 57r7, Rock ready Dash- Itp FOR pullets, Rock (FOR J, to I SALE—-100 laying E. Lindenfield, Exeter. Itc SALE—>A number of young pigs seven weeks old, Apply to B, Kirkland, R.R. 1, Hensall. FOR SALE-DTwo York sows let on shares. Apply to Nelson Kes- seil, Exeter, t Up • FOR SALE—Jersey cow freshen­ ing January. Second calf. Helfer 10 months old. Mr, Watson, Hay P.O., Box 187. 2tc. —That fine red brick property of Mr. A. O. home Is well located, steam heating, hard- through out and all Owner is leaving ar I I f the his Mpnday, 8 Union. Wednesday, Thursday, 3 iation, Friday,- 8 p.m.—Board of Stewards 8 p.m.—Prayer Service p.m,—Women’s Assoc- in the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th at 8.30 sharp Drawing for door prizes every hour our time All Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps ^Recent visitors in the home of Mr. W. A, Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston and son Morley of West Wawanosh and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell, Lawrence and Mary, of East Wawanosh, all of whom visited Mrs, Johnston’s sis­ ter, Mrs. Thomas Harvey, and other friends, other Visitors were Mrs. D. Alkenhead, of Stanley and Mrs. I. Jarrott, of Kippen. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “Remembrance” PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School Sunday Services' at 11 a.m. and = 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m'.—Young People’s Everyone Welcome Pastor—E. Clemens / It pays to keep your feet dry. If you wear Dominion Rubbers you wear the best. Every pair is guaranteed. Let us supply you with your needs. See our Red Sole Rubber Boots at per pair $2*25 FOR SALE- resldence, the Martin, This complete with wood floors conveniences. town* so this property must be sold. C. V. Pickard, FOR SALE—3-piece winter out­ fit, fur-trimmed, for 3-year-old girl. .. Cheap. As good as new. Apply at Times-Advocate. a few -days Mi's, Harold Hopper, of Remembrance Day Services. Mr, Frank Thylor has secured a license to carry on a collection agency. Any person desiring hi§ service call or phone 138, Exeter. FOR SALE—200 acres level land No, 23 Highway, Bornholm, large barn, good stablim automatic water and barn, handy, } miles Mitchell, barn, I ' TRANSPORTATION SERVICE— From Exeter to the Airport, Rea­ sonable rates. Persons wishing transportation please empxire at Traquulr's Hardware, D, Thomson. FOR SALE OR RENT—Lot A. Con, 5, Usborne, 15'0 acres, more or less, 10 acres of bush. IFnrm mach­ inery of all kinds, Brick house and large barn, Daniel E, Hicks, R.R. 1, Centralia. 23-4tp FOR SALE-"50 acres, frame house, bank barn, close to town and school, 5 acres of wheat. Immed­ iate possession, Other farms.'■0, V, Pickard, phone 105. E. R. R.C.E., Harold g, silo, electricity, pressure, house School, churches, towns Extra Cine 100 acres, 2 new house, large W. C. Pearce, Exeter. Sunday in son-in-law Mrs, Jack M>ft SA'LE—Ikdek rosidmmo, wall located in Exeter. Bathroom, built in cupboards, new heating sys­ tem. Whole building in best of re­ pair, Will sell at fraction of build­ ing cost.0. V. Pickard, phone 165. FOR FOX removed. CASH animals vice, day or night, ton, 47rl5, collect. tfc HORSES. Dead Two-hour set- J Phone Credhl Jack William? , WILL PAT CASH for hors^ and, tattle over 300 pounds, dead or j alive, free of medicine or disease. ’ Phono Kirk ton 'collect. Rosa Ffunois Mink Ranches. See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of windmua, pump jacks, pumps and ptpirg, Repairing windmills and pnmpA Phono Creditor 23-6. ft. ft. A DOfoWOOd. - ---------V—------- Mr. Jas, Swept, of London, visit­ ed in town on Tuesday, Gib and Fred Statton, of London, spent the week-end at their home here, Mrs. Blanch Boyle is visiting with her son, Clarence, and Mrs. Boyle, !n London. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Cook visited with relatives in St Thomas the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Lindenfield, if London, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, E. Lindenfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cutting receiv­ ed word that their son, Robert, rived in England safely. Corp. Ted Wilson, with R.C.A.S.C., Montreal, visited at home here over the week-end. Mr, and .Mrs, Emery Fahher and family, of Crediton, visited on Sun­ day with Mt and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth.^ Misses Edith Hunter ana Norma Wilson, of St. Catharines, were week-end visitors at their homes here/i Mrs. Ina McNichol and son Wal­ ter, of Toronto visited last week with Mr, and Whyte, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wingham, spent the forepart -of the week with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, Mr. E. S, Cadger of the visited with Mr, and Mrs. Whyte last Sunday. Mr. Cadger is a brother of Mrs. Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Cudmore, Bruce and Nancy, of Toronto, via? ited' over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, E, Lindenfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walton, of Palmerston, spent a few days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hembly, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey, Harold and Wayne spent Clinton visiting their and daughter, Mr. and Waldron. y Mr, and Mrs, Carl Mater and Mr. W. • Cutting motored to Ahna on Sunday and visited with Mrs. Maier's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Wil­ liam Blackwell, A.C.2 Glen McTavisit, who is with the R.C.A.F. at Calgary, has been confided to hospital with an in­ fection in his hand. He expects to be off duty for about two weeks. Mrs. L. Battersby visited part of lust week iu Toronto with L. Bat- tersby, L.A.C., and attended the an­ nual Hallowe’en party sponsored by the R.C.A.F. Week-end visitors at W. 0. Pearce’s home wore Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pearce, Fingal; Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Walden, London and Mr, Clark Priest, Detroit, • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and son Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Vaio of Exeter, north, spent Sunday with Mrs. VMe’s daughter, Mrs. Wm. MeDowell, Benfield. Mr, and Mrs. Clare Cook and Mr. David Hall, of. Detroit, Mich., also the Misses Vera and Kathleen Kestle, spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs, Henry J, Kestle. Mr, Stanley Frayno left Sunday for Idstowel whore he has secured n position, as assistant manager of the Chalnway store. ’ Mr. Lesley Coates, formerly -of Exeter, is man­ ager- of the store. will be held in ST* UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 9th at, 10.55 a.m. JAMES Local unit# of the First Hussars, Middlesex-Huron Regiment, together with the .members of the Legion and eX-Servico men, JBoy Scouts and Cabs will attend this service. Short service will be held at the monument following this service. The Legion will also conduct Remembrance Day services as fol­ lows sail, : Hurondalc, Q.30 a.tn.; Hen-| 2 pan.; Church service at! ,;tn «n< 2.30 pan. ! public are cordially invited to Anyone wish- The all of these services, lug 1O deposit a ioken of remem­ brance at any of these monuments will have the opi>ortunlty to do so. Dress for Legion. members and Veterans—-Revets and Medals GOD SA VE THE KING *S. Dougan, pres. K, G. Clarke, See, Giant Bingo Game Exetor-Ilcmsall Branch of the CANADIAN LEGION McKnight’s Hall, Exeter THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th at B.30 sharp 15 Rounds Several Special Romuds —■ :1G Extra Hounds for Turkeys General Admission ■25c> Door Prize, Turkey1 i Bingo at Hensail FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th 8,30 shhfp . .15 Rounds 1(> Hxtra .Rounds for Turkeys General Adiubifion, 35c Mrs. Sim Pollen, of Flint, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dayis. Mr. Polleri was here ovex’ the week-end. Sgmn. Wm. Higgins, of the 5th Armoured Division Signals, Camp Borden, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Robert Higgins; I Mr. Samuel Sweet visited with his sisters, Mrs. S. J. McCallum, of I London, and with Mrs. G. G. Fer­ guson, who is ill at St. Joseph’s Hospital, also with his brother, Jim, over the week-end. Mr. Stanley Mosier, of Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Miss ■Wealthy Schroeder returned to De­ troit on Sunday, having spent the past two weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pickett, of Clinton, have moved to Exeter into the residence on Huron street re­ cently vacated by Mr. Mervin . Mr. Pickett is employed with Canada Packers, We welcome them to our midst. Mr. Ed. Treble, Miss Effie Treble Mrs. Lesley Richards and daughter Maida, motored to Meaforfh on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner. Mrs. Mary Parsons, who has been visiting in Meatord returned home with them. Mrs. G. G. Ferguson, who has been residing with her brother, Mr. Samuel Sweet, has been in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, for the past two weeks receiving treat­ ment for a weakened condition. Her many friends will hope for her speedy recovery. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Henry Glanville, of British Columbia. Mrs. Glanville’s maiden name was Emily Sweet, formerly of Exeter, daughter ot the late Mr sisters, Sweet, , and Mrs. John Sweet, Two Misses Charlotte and Ethel reside In Tillsonburg. men wanted H you want to build an indepen­ dent repeat business selling guar­ anteed household products, here’s your chance! sary, Steady •Start now to day ’Trude is plete particulars immediately. No obllgatien, Familex, 57F St, Cle­ ment, Montreal. No experience necos- blg pay opportunity, foe ready when Holt­ on. Write for com- Look at Your Label Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday Choice Dairy BUTTER 1 lb.................; 35c SOAP 4 bars Pearl with Large Glass Bowl 25c RINSO 1 large pkg... 24c SOAP 1 Lifebuoy 1 Lux 1 Sunlight 3 for 18c AYLMER JAM Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry 4 lb. ljn .... 69c • Choice Pastry FLOUR 24 lb. bag . . . 67c HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE Clover Leaf 2 tins ...... 25c COFFEE Gold Medal 1 lb. tin ... . 47c PURE CHICKEN SOUP Aylmer 2 tins................25c Follow the Gay Crowds to the ..BIG DANCE.. OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th Admission: Ladies, 25c, Gents, 25c Canada Miiist Still Further Conserve her Finances Now is the time for Action! - Buy Alberta Coal and Keep Your Money in Canada have just received anothei’ of-the best DRUMHELLER COAL Try a Ton Wo car Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 Exeter ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Further Reduction on Larger Quantities Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock 4 * i|i Robertson*® Drug Store Cann’s Grist Mill Roy Francis, Kirkton E. Allen, Cromarty For the man who plans his wardrobe with a great deal of care and deliberate ion we recommend Taman’s Clothes. Our custom-tailored clothes give him only the best in men’s apparel, ’and as he wears them he will want more of ^Taman’s clothes because he has discov­ ered that no others give him so much pleasure and satisfaction. W. W. TAMAN PHONE 8| EXETER, ONT. Hill I IF W.M.S. Thankofferbig The James St. Women’s Mission­ ary Society held their annual thank- offering services -on Sunday last, Rev, A* E. Mendes, B.A., of Lon- desboro, was the special speaker for the day and his discourses were ill keeping with the occasion and much appreciated. A special offer­ ing was received and amounted to almost $100.00, Rev, Mr, * Page conducted anniversary services at LondeSboro, ■V- Two sons of Mr, Fred Sweet, of Sault Ste. Marie, a former resident of Exeter, have joined the R.C.A.F, Julian is stationed at St, Cathar­ ines and Ronald at St, Thomas, Mrs, .Sweet whs formerly Miss Dorothy Chisholm, of Cfoderich, James Street Evening Auxiliary The November meeting of the Willing Workers Evening Auxiliary • of James Street Church was held at the home of Mrs. S. B> Monday evening. The Miss Helen Penhale, was of the buiness period, this, Mrs. C. Tanton presided over the devotional period, followed by the scripture lesson by Mrs. Page. Mrs, Goulding and Miss Jean Sheere sang a duet. The study book was given by Mrs. C. Tanton, Miss Greta Harness, Miss Gladys Stone, Miss Meta Salter and Miss Xsobel Turn- bulk The meeting dosed with the National Anthem, followed by the Mizpah benediction, Lunch Was served by the committee In charge of the meeting, Taylor on president,» in charge Following