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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-06, Page 5
THE EXETER T1MES.ADV0CATE ■n«w.ir. xovejsbkk au>, mi HENSALL Pfaff singing hymn 143, Miss Mary Good win re$d the Scripture, prayers were offered by Annie Fwk, Gladys Passmore, Mary Buchanan, Mary Coleman, Edna Jones and Evelyn Corbett. After singing a hymn Edna Walsh favored with a read ing. The .minutes and roll call fol lowed and the offering was taken, after which Miss Irene Douglas gave the topic on Missionary work, The business was discussed and the meeting closed with the National Anthem and the benediction. Re freshments were served. A report of the council minutes and the Red Cross Society is being held over until next week. ........,y.... „ ,, .... Mrs. Robert son Freddie Weir's par- MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs» James Dalton and family spent Sunday in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs, W. Dietrich, of Goderich, spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. Regan. Little M’iss Ann Dietrich had her tonsils removed in Dr. Taylor’s hospital on Friday last, She is do ing nicely,* Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Ryan, of London, spent the week end at their home here, Mrs, Mulligan spent Monday in London, Miss Hilda Dietrich, of London, is spending a. few days with, her brother, Mr. Jos. Dietrich. Mr, James Dalton spent Monday in London. Miss Evelyn McCann, of Rodney, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Joe Coughlin spent Saturday in London. -V- DASHWOOD Mr. Harry Hoffman, who on an- and Misses Beryl and Alice spent Saturday ’ in London... Mrs. W. R. Davidson visited last I week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Shaddick spent a few •days this week visiting at Londes- borough, Mrs. Alice Joynt is visiting in Toronto at the home of her son, Mr, Laird Jpynt. /rhe many friends, of Mrs. N* E. Cook will regret to hear that she is ill in the hospital, Rev, Wm. Weir, B.A., conducted services in Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, on Sunday, Mr, Harvey Hudson, of London, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Colin Hudson. Miss Edith Parkins, of St, Cath arines spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mr. Wm. MacLean, of St. Cath arines, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and MacLean, Mrs, Wm. Weir and are visiting with Mrs, ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey, at Huntsville. Miss Enid Parkins and Mr. and Mrs, Cline Flynn, of London, visit ed on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. jas. Parkins. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hayter and son, Donnie, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Hayter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell. The Ladies’ Association of Car mel Presbyterian Church are hold ing a tea and sale of home cooking in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday, November 8th, at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore, of Delhi, visited ovei* the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- more and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pass- more. The W.M.S. of the United Church will entertain members of the Baby Band and their mothers on Thurs day at 3 p.m. in the schoolroom of the church. The annual Remembrance Day service will be held in St. Paul’s Anglican church at 3 p.m. on Sunday, -Nov. 9th, conducted by°the rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the services in the United Church Sunday and the choir sang two thems, “Beneath the Cross”, “The Morning Light is Breaking”. The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion are holding , a bingo and dance in the town hall, Hensall, on Friday night, prizes, lunch, music for the by Murdoch’s orchestra. The many friends of Mrs. Bonthron, who has been ill in Han over General Hospital will be pleas ed to hear that she is much improv ed and was able to be removed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mac Greer, in London, on Sunday. Rev. Wardlaw Taylpr, of Blyth, conducted the services in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Miss Irene Hoggarth was soloist in the morning anthem and a quar tette comprised of Misses Irene Hoggarth, .Mabel Workman,' Bob Cameron and W. A. MacLaren sang at the evening service. The Senior Women’s Institute will hold , their November meeting at the home of Miss Florence Welsh on Wednesday, • November 12th. at 8 p.m. Miss Greta Lammie will be co-hostess and Mrs. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker. The roll call is to be answered with cities from A to Z, and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin will give a demonstration on the preparation and serving of vegetables as given at the conven tion held in Exeter. Miss Greta Lammie will give a report of the convention she attended in London last week. Beginning Sunday* Nov. 22nd, the evening service in Carmel Presby terian church will be held at 7 o’clock. The Young People’s So ciety will observe their anniversary Sunday, Nov. 16th. For this oc casion they have secured a special speaker, Rev. Austin L. Budge, of Hamilton. The morning service will be of particular interest in that it will follow the lines of the Coven- ■anterS’ services as held in 1560 A.D. Dr. Budge is an authority oh church history and will lead, the congregation in the form of -(vorship observed by John Knox. No musi cal instrument will be" used and no hymns will be sung. Observe 55th Wedding Anniversary A family dinner marked the oc casion of the 55th wedding anni versary of Mr*. and Mrs. George Fefguson at their home sail on Monday, Novem’ber and Mrs. Ferguson moved sail from their farm in Township several years ago. are enjoying .their usual health M»rs. Thos. Ferguson and one soil, Mr. Ferguson, London; children, Mr. Harvey Hyde, borne, Miss Violet Hyde, Hensall, and Mrs. Elgin Nott, Seaforth and one great-grandchild, Norman. Hyde; Usborne. ■/’Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. frergiison. Senior Mission Circle Meets The November meeting of Senior Mission Circle was held Monday evening at the home Miss Edna Saundercock, with very good attendance. Good dance Janies George 111 Hen- 3rd. Mr. to Hen- usborne Both enjoying their 'usual good They have one daughter, Thos. Ferguson* Seaforth, George Robert three grand- Us- the on if a Mibb Mar garet Shepherd presided and after Unit will IQth Un win non •stepiwn townsihi* Federation of Agriculture meet in Crcditon Town Hall Monday Evening, November at 845 ihm, E. R. Bond, executive member, tario Federation of Agriculture be guest speaker. Members all interested are urged to ^attend. An interesting meeting is assured. is building a new and up-to-date fun eral home and dwelling at the* east end of the village, is making very rapid progress these fine' days. Mrs. Harold Kellerman attend ed the funeral of a relative in West Lome last Thursday. Misses Dorothy Dougall, Phyl lis Dunlop and Eunice Oestreicher, of London.. Normal School, and Campbell McLagan and Donald Oestreicher, of London Medical School, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. „ Mr. and Mrs. E. Bartliff, of Clin ton, were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs.*8 Merner. Mr. A. Phillips, of Detroit, spent the week-endj with friends 'here. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer, of London, were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. Mr. Glen ' Whip er has taken position with Harry Hoffman the undertaking and telephone. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Heywood and family, of Exeter; Mi’S. Stadelbauer and family, of London;, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft, of Dashwood; L.A.C. Bill Mathers o£ No. 1 Wire less School, Montreal; Mj;. and Mrs. Hostetler and family,/New Hamburg and Mrs. W. MacKinnon* of London all were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kraft and Clara. Word was received here on Sun day of the death of Mr. Fred Burk, of Detroit. The funeral on Wednesday morneng ingsworth funeral parlor Mr. Burk was raised in ity and' will be remembered :by many •friends around here. Mr. Kenneth McCrea, of Wind sor, spent a few days with his sis ter, Mrs. Currie. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, loo, called on friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert London, spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz, ---------V------— a at took place from Kill in London. this vicin- of Water- here on Goetz, of ELIMVILLE Mrs. Q. Bridewell, Mr. Evan Mc Naughton, of Detroit, Mrs. Wm Spry ’and son Ronnie, of London, were visitors at the Williams'home last Thursday. Next Sunday evening Rev. Mair will take for his subject “What* is Sin?” A dissertation on this theme should be very interesting. The- freewill offering on Anni versary Sunday amounted to nearly $260 and more promised, which is a very gratifying amount, proof enough that there is no need to re sort to suppers to get money for the needs of the church. Miss Bessie Johns was a visitor in Toronto the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell have moved into their new home, which was recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Murch. Miss Verda Kqllet spent a week with her aunt in Stratford recently. Mr, a'nd Mi’s. Gordon Dykeman, of Galt, visited at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dykeman and family on Sunday. About 300 .children of this town ship gather at the township hall here on Wednesday forenoons, where they: are'receiving scarlet fever tox in. Dr. Dunlop, M.O.H., is in change assisted by Miss Jean Sheer©. Mr. and Mrs. Will Routly and daughters were visitors at the home of Mr. Alex Crago, Kirkton, last Sunday. . Pte. Gordon Hall, or London, formerly of British Columbia, vis ited over the week-end at the home of his aunt, Mrs, W. Elford, CREDITON Mrs. Mary Silber has returned to -her home in Ubly, Mich,, after spending- a f$w weeks at the home of Mr, Henry Eilber. The County grader is doing ex tensive work on the roads pear the Centralia Airport in preparation for an asphalt top being placed thereon next spring. Mrs. Herbert Eilber received word on Tuesday of the death aunt, Mrs. Annie Girvin, of ich, in her 91st year, Joseph Lawson recently the house and lot of Miss Mary Young and intends repairing the same in the near future. Miss Alfreda Berry has return ed aftei' visiting relatives in the state of Washington during the past summer. The teachers and pupils of our school had a Hallowe’en party last Friday and a very enjoyable time was spent by all, ' IH. K. Eilber and H. C. Beavers at tended the directors’ meeting of the Hay Township Insurance Co, in Zurich last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Culbert, Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert, Freddie ,and Margaret, of Lucan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred | Kerr. i Mr. Harold Fahner rented the farm of Mr, Nelson wt. Clair, south of Crediton. moved into week. Treated Mr. Fred ----- -------- - ------ of his friends to a pheasant din ner recently. Mr. Kerr and Mr. George Hicks returned home Fri- i day evening after a two-day phea-l sant shoot at Pelee Island. They I found the birds plentiful. They had no trouble in getting their le gal quota of ten birds. Hunters were there from all parts ofi Ontario and the United States, coming from Cleveland, Milwaukee, and others from the Southern States to at tend this “two-day pheasant shoot. The boat and their land with of her Goder- bought . CENTRALIA Mr* and. Mrs. T. Boyle, of rente, visited with relatives in village on Monday. 1 Mr. John Essery was in London one day last week attending an in- * surance meeting and banquet at i. the Hotel London. * Mr. and Mrs. F. Bevan and fam- ' Uy, of Delhi, have moved into Hugo Theander’s residence. We welcome them here, Ronald Swartz,, son of Mr* and Mrs. Harry .Swartz, underwent an operation for apendicitis in St. Jo seph’s Hospital, London, on Mom day of this week. His many friends 1 wish him a speedy recovery* Mr, T. Pollock, of Ripley, and ; Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of Kitch- ' ener, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs, Lome Hicks. ■Sunday visitors with Mrs, B. Hicks were Mr* and Mrs, W. Essery ; and family, Miss Dorothy Hicks, of Londbn, and Miss Mildred Hicks, of Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. Tomondy and fam ily moved to Mooresville last week, The couple who went around with a box on Hallowe’en for a collection to buy blankets for the refugees wish to thank the people for their generous contributions. The amount will be published later. Rev. E. Grigg, of Exeter, will be guest speaker at the evening ser vice on Sunday, Nov. 9, at 7.3 0 * p.m. The subject will be “The Church’s*' Wholehearted Response ’I to the World’s Appalling Need.”* , Special music will be provided for ' the service. Everyone is urged to attend. The regular monthly meeting of the Alert Mission Band will be held in the schoolroom of the church on 10.30 Mr. and Mrs, Fahner their new home last to Pheasant Dinner Kerr treated a number that carried the hunters game back from to the mainland was 8* tons of birds. --------------V—----------- the is- loaded To th© I’Sunday, November 9th, at ! a.m’. A splendid \coneert of readings and a dialogue by from Exeter and Centralia will be held at Fairfield school on Friday, November 7th. This will be follow ed by a sale of home-made- cooking and candy. Proceeds to be used for Fairfield war work. i* -V- music, talent WOODHAM A splendid crowd attended tb-e Mission Band Hallowe’en enter- tainmept on Friday evening of last week, and all report a good time. Great credit Is due the leader® of , the Band for the splendid program put on by the children, which con sisted of dialogues, readings, piano duets, piaho wlos, etc. several j were dressed in Hallowe’en attire, and prizes were awarded for best fancy dress, 1st, Donna Mills, 2nd Ombre Copeland; Popeye, Helen Webber; comic dress, clowns, 1st, Miss Trewartha and Viola Jacques;. 2nd, Loreen Jacques and .Jean. Ste-. phens; and prizes were given to many more who were comically dressed. Proceeds were gratifying, amounting to $26.0'0. Mr, Russel Laing, of Guelph, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Rev, and Mrs. Laing, Mrs, * Harold Thompson and Bar- , bara, off Parkhill, have been holi daying at th© home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mills. Mr. Wendell Qamm, of London University, was a week-end, guest at the home of his father, Mr. John Camm. Mr, and Mrs, Howard Anderson and daughter Shirley, of Washing ton and Mr. and Mrs, James Squire visited last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Stone, of Kirkton, and also attended the Kirkton an- | niversary. ( Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dykeman ■ and children' were recent visitors at the home of Mr. "'and Mrs. Frank McNaughton! ‘ / A goodly number from here at- • tended Kirkton United Church an niversary last Sunday and many spent the rest of the day friends there.---:----V--------- "’HU ffl' with KIRKTON The Red & White Store SPECIAL ......................................................................i.ri'i!. Fresh Soda Biscuits, plain or salted...2 far • Club House (Vacuum Packed) Coffee lb. 49c w Red & White Tea, mixed,.......i/2 lb. pkg., 38c * Aylmer Pork & Beans Medium Tin...4 far 25c Dried Fruit now in stock — Dates, Figs, Apricots, Prunes, Bleached Raisins, Currants, Cut Mixed Peels, etc. „ BtuaxFs PEACH JAM 32-qz* jar, 29c ■ Empire ? MACARONI 2 lbs. for 9e ■ Red • PLUM JAM 32-oz, jar for 29c VanCamp TOMATOES 2 large tins for 25c Hand-Picked White Beans ......5 lbs. 19c Brunswick Sardines...............per tin 6c Herrings in Tomato Sauce ....per tin 15c Smoked Fillets of Haddie.....per ib. 19c Pure Dutch COCQA Per Jh., 20c For Overseas Boxes;—Butter in tins, fruit cakes, meat and sandwich spreads in tins, Oxo cubes, chocolate bars, individual coffee aces, soup in small tins, etc. Come in and look around — You are welcome. -z* Harvey & Harvey Prompt Delivery 9 Phone 102 when Rev. Merriam, of Centralia, was the guest speaker. He deliv ered two very fine sermons an<3, the choir of the church, assisted by Mr. Ray Mills, of Woodham, And the Paul brothers rendered- very fine music. The church was beau tifully decorated with potted mums and cut flowers. ..■* Hallowe’en Social Over 100 people attended the Hallowe’en social held in the base ment of St. Paul’s church. on Fri day evening. After a very fine' pro gram composed of local talent', a dress parade was staged. Prize winners were: Misses Morley; Smith; Switzer be‘st comic gent, Jack Urquhart; best comic girl under 8 years, Alice Black girl over 8, best boy over 8, Reg Morrison; best dressed girl, Mrs. Roy McNaughton and Mr. T. Creery. ed. A dainty lunch was serv- —-------- ; ZION and Mrs. J. Dickenson and visited on Friday with 'Mr, Mr, Ruth and Mrs. Warren Bruck. We are sorry to report that Mr, Norman Jacques broke his wrist, while cranking his tractor. We hope he is soon better. Mr. ajLd Mrs. William Tookey and family visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. The Women’s Missionary Society will hold their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Angus Earl. Mrs. *H. Kyle, of Exeter, visited in the community on Thursday. There will be a quilting held in Zion School on Saturday after noon, November -8. ---------v---------- Christmas Cards are now being sent overseas. Secure them now at the Times-Advocate. Owing to the recent moisture and warm weather the early fall wheat has “grown such a top that some far mers are cutting and raking it up for fall feed, Thus they are pre venting a heavy fall of snow from smothering the wheat out. Some; of the old timers say it is 'many years since this was done to save I the wheat. • | Mrs. Sid White and little. daugh ter, Joyce, of Collingwood, are lioli- . daying with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fiet-. •cher.# • i Entertains Class j A pleasant /evening was spent j Best ‘dressed couple, Wilma McCurdy and Jean best dressed^lady, *Mrs:--C. best comic lady, Mrs, R, best gent, Mr. R. Switzer; gent, Jack Urquhart. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville and son spent Sunday in Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swartzen- truber. Mr. Stuart Kuhn and children, o*f Baden, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryck- man, of Flint, Mich., spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn.., Pte. Steve Glanville, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home here. • •*•■. Mr. T. Yuli* add^Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scheidingr of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney and Miss Irma .Ferguson, of .Kippen, and Mr. A. ' Gackstetter, of Guelph, visited oft Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. best boy, Lon Brock; best Donna,, McNaughton; KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins Thomas spent a few days last wpek with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Miss Evelyn McCann, of Rodney, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann.Misses Jean and Reta Willert j Frank Scheiding have returned to visited on Sunday with relatives in. their homes in London aftei* being Dashwood. j here owing to the illness and death Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and; of their mother, the late Mrs. Gerald spent Sunday with Mr. < and | Motz. Mrs. M. Mason at Grand’Bend. . of St. 1 I I .... .I Motz. | Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and Mrs. •V- t HAM SUPPER to be held in HARPLEY C. ST. PATRICK’S HALL, . SAINTSBURY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th at 6 p.m. also Bazaar Lucky Ticket will be drawn Red Cross Quilt for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Car lyle Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Newton and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton, at Grand Bend. Miss Christina Stone is attending public school in Parkhill. Mrs. John Patterson, of Ilderton, and Mrs. E. Hodgson, of Clande; boye, visited on Tuesday with Mr. Mansel .Hodgins. Grace Collier.' The at the home of Mrs. Wesley Batted i luJ£es were Miss ,*Agnes .Greasop, when she entertained some 25*. young married ladies, members ofj her Sunday School class on Tues-| day last. Contests and various games provided entertainment for the’ladies' The' hostess, assisted by .Mrs. N. Watson served a .very dainty lunch. Mrs. Chester Hazelwood, of De troit, spent the we&K-dnd with Mr. Walter Hazelwood. ’Mr. Sam Shier,* of St. Marys, spent the. past .week with his son, Mr,. Stuart Shier, on the old farm. Many Sunday, visitors attended the anniversary services held at the -Unjted Church and also visit ed witlf friends during the day. Mr. and Mrs. F. .C. Marshall, of Hamilton: and Mrs. H. C. White, of St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall on Saturday. Sportsmen Leave for the North The local hunters of this dis trict left this week for their annual holiday in the North, again going to their old huntin’g ground at Rye, near South River. The party in cluded H. Berry, Wm. Arthur and I. N. Marshall. Special .Services Large congregations attended the anniversary services at the Unit- . ,ed Church, Kirkton, on Sunday ~ EXETER FEED MILL •* Unfinished poultry, is being sold locally, and consequently is bringing low-price^- Good authority from local dealers claim thac had the birds been finished with the proper feeds they would have graded select birds. It will pay good results to use. our fattening* mash . . • Shur-Gain 13%. Fattening , Mash ............. $2.65 Our Canadian Government 4s urging farmers to increase their egg and hog production higher than ever before for vital supplies to Britain. We can help you do this and make you a .saving. Use our Laying Mash or mix Shur-Gain Concen trates with your,grains. 18% Laying Mash...$2.80 Big 50% Concentrate .....$4.75 35% Eggmaker ... $3.70 41% Hog Concentrate...$3.30 17% Pig Starter... $2.65 We are receiving several cars of feed grain from the West. The government is paying the freight from Fort William. Take advantage of this low-priced grain. Inquire for prices. We offer 25c in exchange for No. 1 Ontario wheat for good ' No. 3 Western wheat. We have feeding molasse.^, and cod liver oil, either by the barrel or gallon. * I 5 )l 4 A NAVAL GUN EACH MONTH FOR THE THE JOB IS HOT HOLE ROHE! MAKE OUR OBJECTIVE A REALITY WITH YOUR DOLLARS! I DURATION ;i' ■ .. :■ S’.IXv.t Y >*>,vv,%Y.vA,Avv«rnMMM4wMfV^>>A<6Y\<A*.'lXV Look at this graph. Time is slipping. We must get busy this coming week to assure success. EXETER MUST NOT FAIL ore WAR WMPOMS i Q We still have a big job ahead of us. Our objective is coming to life. But, we must speed it up. We must get whole-heartedly behind this National War Weapons Drive. We must increase our regular individual purchases of War Savings Certificates, to the limit* Remember, our soldiers* our AIL-OUT PERSONAL SACRIFICE sailors, our airmen aee counting on .us. They’ve offered their lives. We must give them the weapons. Our community has pledged us all to take a vital part in Canada’s War effort. Can any oi us turn a deaf ear to the call?* WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE