HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-30, Page 8THURSDAY, mwu iiothr MHl THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE s Beauty Shoppe We have installed the very latest in hah* dryers fw our jpaUws* a DECKEB, Prop. Rhone 112: Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat, $1,QO Creamery Butter, 87e Eggs, A Large, 43c E®gs Medium, 41e Eggs, B, 3fle Dressed Hogs, SI 4.25. A Coleman Service Man will be at Traquair’s Hardware, November 14th. See advt. i er page. , Friday, on anoth- secured a collection Any person desiring his Mi’. Frank Taylor lias license to carry on a agency, service call or phone 138', Exeter. —~............. ..... STRAYED—From grass Hay Township a black heifer with hole in left ear. Willard, Exeter. .......—W—— FOR SALK—Jersey cow ing January, 10 months old, P.O., Box 187. --------V———— FOR SALE—Masterpiece and wood range, -with warming et, in sell for quair’s farm in yearling Ernest 3te freshen- Second calf, Heifer Mr, Watson, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN I CHURCH | I I I Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday Choice Quality Meats CONSERVE VISUAL VITALITY * * * We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well‘ as Prompt Repairing and Re­ placement of Broken Lenses W- # # C. E. ZURBRIGG Mrs. J, G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. Wm. Weir, of Hen­ sail 7 p.m.—Rev. Weir. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Noryal J. Woods, M.A, Minister Mrs. N, J, Dore Organist and Choir Leader a.m. -— Public Worship, and Church School, The Minister. 7 p.m.—Th© Minister. Thursday, 7,'3O' p.m.-—Midweek meet-* ing of prayer and Bible study. Sunday, Nov, 16 th—Anniversary and Re-opening. 11 HMMUM ggjj T Hay1 clos- Will Tra- first-class condition. $45. Can be seen at Hardware, ———V-------- OR STRAYED—Medium tg; with white ring around Front feet mottled and white on tail. Part Pomeranian. Re­ Anyone knowing his where- ltp LOST black do. neck, tip on tail. Part Answers to name of Chubby, ward, abouts phone Crediton 19r24------,-y--------- FOR SALE—A set of four iron* wagon wheels. Hern. Phone 4rl4, Kirkton. Gran-! ton R.R. 1, | C. Tanton Misses’ and Ladies’ Winter Coats It is a good time to buy that new coat. We have all the coats in stock that we will have this season. Many styles cannot be duplicated. The new tweeds are very smart and serviceable. ■*. NEW RAYON AND LISLE HOSE That are taking the place of silk — in the * new fall shades 79c * ~ NEW GLOVES For fall in the new shades' and diesigns. Some good numbers 79c and $1.00 Phone 38 Main St I i LOCALS I 1o-<»-1 Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Phone 245 Apply to Harold I mer’ ! Mr. spent here. Mr. Allan Penhale, of Forest, visited at his home on Sunday. Miss Jean Wrighton, of London, is visiting with Miss Marjorie May. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Evans spent the week-end with friends at Ayl- Harold Skinner, of London, the week-end at bis home FOR SALE—A. young calf, suit-{ able for veal. Apply Oliver Row-, cliffe. Phone 85r4'3, Hensall, Ont.--------.V------_ I .... COOKING SALE—-The ladies of; Stanley, of Seaforth, were in town Caven W.M.S. will hold a cooking: sale on Saturday afternoon, Novem­ ber 1st, at Griggs Stationery store. -----------y----------- FOR SALE-—That fine red brick' residence, the property of Mr. A. O., home is well located, steam heating, liard- throughout and all Owner is leaving Jack Matthews, of London, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dorrance and Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get your winter coat cleaned now. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.G.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Service of the Women’s Missionary Society. Rev. A- E. Menzies, B.A. i3 p.m.—Church School, Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Rev. A. B. Menzies. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer service. Sunday, Nov, 9tli, 11 a. membrance Day Service, -Re- l YAMA CLOTHS For children’s wear, warn and cozy in a wide range of patterns. Per yard 35c COTTON PLAIDS In the real tartans. Suitable for dresses and odd ekirts. Per yard 45c c> *• Beautiful All Wool Kenwood Blankets The finest that money can buy. In a wide range of lovely plain shades or reversible. Join our Xmas Club and pay 50c a week and we will lay one away for you. -....... --... .......■ ■ ' ■ , , ................. BOY’S AND GIRL’S BRUSHED COMBS. A warm and popular fabric for children’s combinations. Per . garment $1.00 MEN’S FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR You will be needing them soon. Shirts and drawers each 90c — Men’s comb. $1.75 Martin. This complete with wood floors conveniences, town so this property must be sold. C. V. Pickard. ---------V--------- FOR SALE—Young pigs. Also quantity of corn stalks. George Link, Dashwood, phone 34r21. tfc ---------V--------- FOR SALE—3~piece winter out­ fit, fur-trimmed, for 3-year-old girl. Cheap. As good as new. Apply at Times-Advocate. . -----------y----------- WANTED—A place to feed about 40 head of cattle for the winter. Also stockers for sale. Apply to Jack Caldwell, Exeter, phone 13rll. ---------V--------- ' HOUSE FOR RENT—Brick re­ sidence in central location, mod­ ern conveniences. Hunter, Kirkton CREW NECK SWEATERS In shades of blue, grey, green and black. The popular sweater for youg men in two qualities. $2.50 and $2.75 NEW STYLES IN PIGTEX COATS They are smart and are what “the young men like in blue and green. Each $8.95TRIVITT MEMORIAL^ CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Real Savings in Men’s Overcoats ' f We are going to be able to give you real savings in overcoats as many of our coats were bought last year. The cloths are better and the styles are right up to date. Take a few minutes some day and drop in and look them over. J J 0 2-lst Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Sunday School. The Rev. E. Grigg will address the Sun­ day School. The congregation { is invited, 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon: “The Christian Armor’’. on Thursday. Mrs. S. M. Reid has been confin­ ed to her bed for the past week but - is improving. j Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Howes, of< Moosejaw, spent Tuesday with Mr. J and Mrs. A. Ryckman. Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis of Tavistock. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ‘Crawford, of ■ Belmont, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Penhale on Thursday. Mr. James Green picked some! ripe raspberries from liis garden I Friday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Tupper, of Tillsonburg, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers and Gerry, of Sarnia, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Fred and Gilbert Statton, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Statton. I Rev. E. Grigg addressed the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Goderich on Tuesday afternoon. Captain W. E. and Mrs. Weekes and Billy spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress, in Wing­ ham. Stanley Smith, who recently en­ listed as a bandsman in -th^e R.C.A.F. left on Monday for Rockcliffe, Ot­ tawa. Captain Weekes, who has been on leave of absence, has been recalled to duty at 'the military hospital at Chatham. Rev. Andrew and Mrs. McLach- lin, of Toronto, spent the week-, end with Rev. J., W. and Miss 'Flor­ ence Down. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morlock left for Chicago, Ill., arter spending several days at the home of Mrs. L. Sweitzer. Misses Ferrol Fisher and Anne Napper, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Rev. E. Grigg delivered inspiring messages at both the merning and evening services at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sturgis and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques, vis­ ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tape at Highgate. We are pleased to learn the Rev. J. W. Down, who has been shut in for several days with a bad cold is now able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman and daughter, Mary, of Ailsa Craig, ited on Sunday with their uncle aunt, Mr, and Mrs. M. Amy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyle Nancy Jean, of London, spent latter part of the week with former’s mother, Mrs. B. Boyle. Mr. George Hunter has received word of the death of his uncle, Mr. Robert driffin, of Darlingford, Man. 15th. Mr. and Mrs,’ E. J. Green and Dorethy and ■ Bill Kestle motored to St. Catharines and Niagara Falls Friday of last week. They were accompanied home by Stan­ ley Green, who has been working in St. Catharines, Mrs. Frank Denomme is in Clin­ ton Hospital with a compound fracture of the right leg below the knee, sustained when she fell down the cellar steps while attending a wedding at the home of a friend at Blyth. l Apply to R. D. R.R. 3, Exeter. Phene 39r7. tfn ---------y--------- SALE—.Good used hand machine. Apply to Wm. ' -FOR washing Thomson, phone 48r4, Kirkton. ---------V--------- TRANSPORTATION SERVICE— From Exeter to the Airport'. Rea­ sonable rates. Persons . wishing transportation please enquire at Traquair’s Hardware, D. Thomson. ----------V---------- SPECIAL Will sacrifice nearly new wash­ ing machine for balance of pay­ ments. Apply Box 280 B, Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tp -----------y----------- FOR SALE OR RENT—Lot A, Con. 5, Usborne, 150 acres, more or less, 10 acres of bush. IF'arm mach­ inery of all kinds. Brick house and large barn. Daniel E. Hicks, R.R. 1, Centralia. 23-4tp I- —V^-— FOR SALE—50 acres, frame "house, hank barn, close to town and ■school. 5 acres of wheat. Immed­ iate possession. Other farms. C. V. Rickard,, phone 165. ---------v--------- . : EOR SALE—Brick residence, i well located in Exeter. Bathroom, j built in cupboards, new heating sys­ tem, pair, ing cost. Whole building in best of re­Will sell at fraction of build^ C. V. Pickard, phone 165. —------V—-----. HOUSE FOR RENT—Fully mod­ ern, heated, partly furnished, pos­ session anytime, on West Victoria Street Apply W. F. Abbott, BOX 13, Exeter. Phone 30, after 7 p.m. . tfc HORSES. Dead Two-hour set- Phone CredL Jack Williams -----------—TV­ CASH FOR FOX animals removed,. Vice, day or rftight. ton, 47rl5, collect, ------—V- FOR SALE—Highway farm, good buildings, water an electricity. Oth­ er farms, Houses, Exeter and Lu­ can. Old Metropolitan and build* ihg lets. W, 0. Pearce, Exeter, ................. . WILL PAY CASH for horses and cattie over 300' pounds, dead nr alive, free of medicine or disease, Phone Kirkton 3 4r3, collect. Francis Mink Ranches. . -.........-v— Seo Geo. F1, Clark fot all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping, Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R, R. 3 DashWoOd. Ross tfe 1 vis- and and’ the the | in the Canadian Legion Rooms 'SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st at 8.30 sharp Drawing for dooi* prizes every hour our time All Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Five New Dinner Sets priced at $22.50 to $27.50 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday I BE BRITISH .... BUY CANADIAN COAL Frosty weather is on the way. Be ready for it by having us deliver you a ton of ALBERTA COAL. We will have another car in next week. Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 Exeter Foot Sufferers! Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at Tuesday, Nov. 4th A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” - Exeter, on ' 1 to 7 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation ! who passed away on October | 10 a.m.—Sunday Schobl Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. » Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Everyone Welcome Pastor—E. Clemens T nt GREY BEAUTY SCHOOL 2211/g Dundas St., LONDON Under Government Super­ vision. Tuition fees and information sent on request. Clothespins 6 doz.. . 15c Choice Dairy BUTTER 1 lb... . 35c Choice Bread FLOUR CORN SYRUP 98 lb. bag .. $2.90 5 lb. pail . o . 55c each BROOMS 4-string ...... .Q29c Prepared MUSTARD 4 1 glass tumbler 15c Lifebuoy SOAP 2 cakes .. . . 12c NUT CRL&H 1 ice box jar 25c SHORTENING 2 lbs....... 32c I I I I I i DISTRICT S.S. CONVENTION] Tbe district Sunday School con-j veiition meets in Grand Bend United j Church on Friday, October 31, after­ noon and evening sessions. Rev. Dr. Kellerman, of Waterloo, is the special speaker. Everyone ^is wel­ come. ---------V---------- RED CROSS NEWS ms ess SPECIAL - Xmas Cards Your favourite negative „ made into Attractive Xmas Cards Black and white or coloured See our samples your Wardrobe For the man who plans his wardrobe with a great deal of care and deliberat­ ion we recommend Taman’s Clothes. Our custom-tailored clothes give him only the best in men’s apparel, and as he wears them he will want more of Taman’s clothes because he has discov- ered that no others give him so much pleasure and satisfaction. Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S $ 21.25 |phoiie 50 ‘ The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt, ac­ knowledges receipt of the following monies: Trivitt Unit ...... Crediton Unit Church Bazaar Sale smocks ... * The appeal for blankets, new or “good as new” for the people of Britain, liaSs again gone ’out from Red Cross headquarters. Thous­ ands of these blankets are needed and needed at once. At the last appeal Exeter Branch responded with the grand total of 20 0 blan­ kets, most of them new ones. Wliat can we do this time? If you can give a blanket, please Send it to the library oil packing day, Friday af­ ternoon, November 14, or for $2.00 your Branch can purchase a blan­ ket and Will be glad to receive your gift for this purpose. The membership cards for the coming year are in tne hands of the different Units. The fee is $1.00 and your renewal Will be appreciat­ ed. Exeter “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many satisfied customers in this district. Evangelical and Supper 32.56 5.40 Heintzman & Co. P I AN O with bench, medium size, plain case, beautiful tone, A Smart Bargain $79.00 .Terms if Desired W. MARTIN Exeter South L^F. Howey, Sec, ---------y.------ -- MEN WANTED if you are looking for a real mon­ ey-maker—for high daily income, investigate our Plan. Everyone a prospect for our 200 guaranteed products. Repeat business assur­ ed. »Good commission. Steady work for right man. Write today. Familex, 570 St, Clement, Montreal Howard Elliot, who is in training RETURNED HOME Mr. A. R. Tomlinson, who for the past four months has been first lit Winnipeg, taking an advanced course in hair styling, permanent waving and beauty culture, then in, Fort William, working as man­ ager of the Nu-Fashion Beauty Salon, one of Fort William’s larg­ est and leading hairdressing parlors, has returned home with new ideas i . and now styles and is featuring the ] at Kitchener, was home for a couple new feather curl razor hair cut. ' of days the forepart of the week. W. I. HOLDS ANNUAL GRANDMOTHERS’ MEETING The Exeter Women’s Institute held their annual grandmothers’ meeting at the home Of the presi­ dent, Mrs. H. Kyle, on Monday af­ ternoon. There were seventeen grandmothers present. The presi­ dent opened the meeting by singing the Institute Ode and repeating the Lord’s . prayer in unison. The roll call was answered by each lady naming her fjrst School teacher. After a short business session Mrs. Cochrane took charge and conduct­ ed a sing-song. Mrs. M. Fletcher favored with two soles, which Were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Mawhinney, dressed in ancient costume, gave a reading, “Things I Have Lived to See”, The guest speaker for the Occasion was Mr. J. M. Southcott, who gave the history of our local newspaper from 'the early days to the present time. Miss Jecltell‘ con­ ducted a quiz program and the meeting Was closed by singing the National Anthem. Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Middleton assisted the hostess in serving a .dainty lunch Spent W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Sucessful Crokinole Party wasahd a social half-hoiir over the tea cups. v— D« A. and Mrs. Anderson re- turned last week with their daugh­ ter, Mrs. McAlister, of Ht. Wayne, Hid., oh a short visit. A good turnout' attended the crokinole party held in the base­ ment of Jamps St. Church Friday evening. The party Was sponsor­ ed by the Young Ladies’ and'Young Men’s Bible Classes to raise nion- ey^for missions. A very enjoyable time was had' by the eighty-odd play­ ers ahd first prize was won by Wes Henderson* a worker at' the air­ port. .After the crokinole a lunch was served and the National An­ them closed the evening’s enter­ tainment. , / Dr. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock; Mrs. Herd Eacrett, of Brantford, and Mrs. Arthur Wal­ lace, of London, spent Eriday last With Mr; and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Caven W.M.B. Caven W.M.S.1 held their October meeting at the home of Mrs, Wes. Simmons. Mrs. E. Pollen presided. Mrs. A. Easton led in the opening prayer, while Mrs. W. Sillery took the devotional period, Mrs. D. 0. Hill soke on the topic “To-day’^ Summons to the Christian”. Miss Jecltell gave current events. A cooking sale was planned? in the interest of the finances of the soci­ ety to be held on November 1st. Tea was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Miss Belta Wallace, of Kings­ bridge, returned home on Saturday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. E; J. FltspatHok, Who recent* ly moved to Exeter, into the apart­ ment over the telephone office.