HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-30, Page 4* TOVRSMY,. OCTOBER 30111, 1041 THE EXETER tlMES-ADVOCATE -r 25c SNOWFLAKE 5 bars for 21c 25c2 f 20c a lb. 25c Schneider’s English BREAKFAST BACON.......40c lb. HEAD CHEESE wr COWAN’S COCOA 1 pound can ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES COOK’S COOK’S BIRTHS WURM-’-’In the St. Catharines Gen­ eral Hospital on Thursday, Octa-: her 23rd, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wurm, a daughter, ATKINSON—On Thursday, October 23rd, 1941,, at Clinton General Hospital to% Aircraftsman and Mrs, Percy Atkinson (nee Ellen Charlesworth) the gift of q son (Richard 'Carlyle). ANDERSON—nln Clinton Hospital on Sunday, October 19th, to Mr., and Mrs. John Anderson, of Kip­ pen, (nee Helen Rumball) a daughter, (Katharine Elizabeth), ALLEN—In Exeter, on Tuesday, October 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Allen, a daughter (Ruth Isabelle), DEATHS LOCAL NEWS K VERY FINE BLEND Clark’s MINCEMEAT 2 pound can................. 25c FANCY RED SALMON y2 pound can 1 pound can 5 p°unds 55c KEEN’S MUSTARD pound can ............................. 25c y^, pound can ............................. 45c Ammonia 5c per pkg JIF RINSO Large package SOAP FLAKES Large package ......... P & G SOAP FINE WHITE TOILET TISSUE 4 large rolls 200 sheets Pure Pork COUNTRY SAUSAGE 20c per pound Libby’s or Clark’s PORK & BEANS 3 large cans ......................... 2 Household White BLEACH Per bottle EXETER Phone. 58 SERVA SANITARY NAPKINS 10c a box McLaren’s Peanut Butter COOK ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES The Store That Gives You Value Special Tea Black, Green or Mixed Large Meaty PRUNES pounds .................25c FINEST WHEATLET 6 pounds ... 25c Dr. Jackson’s ROMAN MEAL Per package Electric Bulbs Calumet BAKING POWDER 16 oz. can CRISCO can HENSALL Phone 46 EI'L’BER—-At Crediton on Sunday, October 26,.’ 1941, Elizabeth Krat- tiger, beloved wife of Henry Eil- ber, ex-M.L‘A„ in her 84th year. KUNTZ—At the family residence, Exeter, on Thursday, Oct, 23, 1941, Ellen Jane Eilber, beloved wife of William Kuntz, aged 73 years, 1 month and 6 days. BUTT—-In Seaforth, on Sunday, Oc­ tober 26th, 1941, William Day­ man Butt, in his 9‘0th year. BROOK—In Stephen Township on Sunday, Oct. 26tli, 1941, Emma Delbridge, beloved wife Brook, aged 59 years, and 15 days. MOTZ-J-In Crediton, October Messner, late Henry Motz, in her 73rd year. .y---------- of James 1 month on 28th, 1941, beloved wife of Tuesday, Catherine the ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. G. R. Martin, Sim- have announced the engage­ ment of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. William Grafton Cochrane, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Exeter, the marriage to take Saturday, November 15. ----------V---------- IN MEMORIAM McCiULLAGH-—In memory of •loved husband and father, James M'cCullhgh, place be-a John who passed away one year ago, November 1, 1'9'40. No one knows of the silent heart­ aches, Only those who have loved can tell Of the grief that we bear in silence, For the one that we loved so well. his PP Lovingly remembered by wife and family. ---------v--------- CARD OF THANKS and- ■ Mrs?< ,-Rollie Motz wish to express their sincere to the.neighbors and friends and family thanks who remembered Bobbie while he was 'dll and for the kindness and sympathy extended during 'their be­ reavement. Mrs. J. p. Bowey is confined to her home through illness. Miss Mabel Workman* of Kippen, is ear­ ing for her. Mr. John Smith, Huron St., re­ ceived word Wednesday morning of the death of his brother, Mr. Harry Smith, in Windsor, Mrs. Mary Hannigan returned home Saturday after attending the .funeral of' her brother-in-law, Mr. E. Swayze, at Welland last week. Snell Bros. & Co. have rented the Sales Barn at the rear of Jones & May’s .store which -they will use for the winter location of their used cars. Mrs. McNeil, of Clinton, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hun­ ter. Mr, Hunter, 'who has been confined to his bed for several weeks, continues about the same. Miss Beatrice Turner, of Bur- gessville, lias returned to her home after spending two weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. K, J, Lampman. The recent rains have slowed down the work at the Centralia Airport owing to the mud, The mud has been very heavy. A shortage of, lumber has also retarded the work. Mr. Harry Horton, Sr., Mr. Har­ ry Horton, Jr., and Mrs. Grace Har­ pole, Hensail, also Miss Rosemary, Gordon and don, visited Horney and Mr, Clias. Chevrolet gs from the ring finger of his left hand while working at a brake machine on Tuesday afternoon. The finger also was lacerated,' requiring three stitches to close. Dr. Fletcher at­ tended him, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd were in Toronto for a few days last week attending the International Dairy Industry convention. It was one of the largest conventions ever held in Toronto, over two thousand delegates being present.’ All parts of the U.S. were represented and the Toronto hotels were taxed provide accommodation. ---------V--------- Grace Harpole, of Lon- on Sunday with Mrs. Miss M. Horton. Snell, mechanic at the ;arage, had the nail torn CENTRALIA t to Phone 146 Phone 146 V V V ...Short Haircut and a Tomlinson ' • ® • Permanent Wave If you’re tired of your hair the way it is, try fashion’s newest favorite —« the short coiffure with an “up” look. Come to Tomlinson’s, have your hair cut and styled, then a permanent wave to give you soft little curls that look as if they grew that way. The .effect is refreshingly new—and vast­ ly becoming. Special prices for two weeks only; Regular $5.00’ Oil Permanent for $3.75 TOMLINSON’S MODERN -HAIR STYLING «IOT- —t H HALLOWE’EN MASQUERADE a fine entertainment at S. S, Nc>. 'S Usborne /School FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st at 8 pan. War Savings Stainps as Prizes for Costumes Lunch Cards Admission 25c and PROCEEDS FOR S.S. Dancing 15c NO. RED CROSS UNIT 5 AUCTION SALE FARM, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS I he undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at * LOT 6, CON, 11, MCGILLIVRAY on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1941 at 1.00 o'clock the following; H.ORSES—2 percheron mares, * years pxu, supposed to be in foal. CATTLE—Cow 3 years oid,1 due in Apru; Durham cow, 7 years old, due in April; Durham cow 6 years 2 farrow years, 11 4 spring old, due m February; cows, 4 heifers rising 2 steers rising 2 years, calves, Sow due in December, year-old hens, about chickens, 3 geese, IMPLEMENTS—-Clover good condition, 10$ in, grinder with jack and endless belt, new; 100 feet 6 in. drive belt, end­ less; rubber-tired wagon, 16-ft. flat rack,’ 7 feet wide, new; M.H. team cultivator, corn scuffler, log roller, good frame apd bearings; cutter, (Fleury plow, root pulper, DeLaval cream separator, fanning mill, seed treater, bag truck, set Renfrew scales, set single harness, sei double harness, several good collars, 1,250 watt Delco motor, 6 new 6-voit batteries, .Gilson wash­ ing machine, with engine, new; 5- tube .Sparton radio with new bat­ teries, ized ft., bob disc, lift; house, James way oil GRAIN—6 hay, 18 ft. about 50 75 'Rock huller in Vessot M.H. quantity 8x12 45-gallon oil drum, galvan- 6-barrel water tank, 2x3x1,0 grindstone, wheelbarrow, set sleighs, Bissel tractor, tandem 1'0-ft. cultivator, power of good wood, colony ft.; incubator and brooder. loads of good mixed of ensilage in 12-ft. silo,-a quantity of cut straw and alSike chaff, about 225 bus. .wheat, about 800 bus. mixed grain. At the same time and place there Will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid, Lot 6, Gon. 11, Mc­ Gillivray, consisting of 99 acres of good tillable land with 20 acres of fall wheat and 35 acres of fall plowing done. The farm has good buildings, wired for Delco; L-shap- ed bank barns 86x60 ft; good drive shed 22x50 ft.; garage 16x18 ft; good brick house with bathroom; large cistern; septic tank; farm is in good state of cultivation. TERMS—Chattels, cash. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. KENNETH & Keep Friday, November 7th open for program and sale of home-cook­ ing at Fairfield school. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Clara Abbott left on Sunday for Pasadena, Cal., to spend the winter with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fairball. A number of the Home and School Club members attended .the rally at Grand Bend on Monday evening. Mrs. G. F'. Penwarden, president of the Home and School Club Coun­ cil .for South Huron, presided over the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowden moved to the village last week. We wel­ come them here.. The. many' friends of Mr. N. H. Pollard will be sorry to learn that he is sunder the doctor’s, care. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. II. Carter, of Clinton, is as­ sisting Mr. Bruce Field at the sta­ tion. Mrs. Carter is here too, and they are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Field. Mr. Harold' Murray and Mr. J. Cook were in St. Marys on Tuesday evening attending a Creame^ymen’s banquet. ■Choir practice Friday evening at 8 o’clock, sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred PehwardOn visited, with Mr. and Mrs.. T. Ste­ phen at Anderson on Sunday. The Centralia Home and School Club held their October meeting :.n the school on Thursday evening of last week. The president, Mrs. H. ^Murray, presided over the meeting Which opened by singing “The Maple Leaf Forever”, followed by1 the Lord’s prayer in unison. A. solo by Marjory Flynn was greatly ap­ preciated. The following readings: “Make Love to Work”, “A Tree”, “What Do We Plant When we Plant a Tree” werh1 given by Isabelle Blair, Winnifred Field and Donna Bowden. The minutes of the last meeting, were read and adopted. Several ■ cussed, reading tertains sideht then introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Jas. Morley, of Exe­ ter, who gave an interesting talk oa the, “Ontario Laws Relating to Wo­ men”, a'close them. The sented Christ”, day Evening, hi the pageant, were Mrs. O. ^Brown, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. R. Smith, M’r-S. W. Baker, Miss Chambers, Mrs. H. Mur­ ray; ner, ’ and was dies’ Mtrs. r Hodgson, ^favored with a number. Duets were .sung by Mrs. H.‘Light­ foot and Marjorie Essery; and Ross McFalie ahd Rex Skihner. Tlie services ih the church on Nwember 2nd will be at 16.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Beacom, of Grand Behd, will be guest speaker at the morning service and Rev. Rapson, of Kirktoh, at the evening service. Ik. by Rev. Wm. of Varna, was a on Sunday. FRANK FRANK WILBERT SHOLDICE Proprietors COATES, -Clerk TAYLOR, Auctioneer THAMES ROAD and ROYS Garbutt-Dow—At the . Thames Road manse, on Saturday, October 25th, Watson Garbutt,. of St. Paul’s R.R. 2, Fullarton Township, to Margaret Melies Dow, of Roy’s, Ful- larton Township, Mair. Rev. Reba Hern, guest at t'he manse Mrs. John James, of Lanark, is a visitor in thfe Roy’s district. Mr. Cecil Moffatt, of Kenmore, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan on Saturday. Mr. Cecil Skinner, of Centralia, gave a temperance talk at Roy’s Church on Sunday. The Thames Road Church choir held a social last Friday everfing. The church services will be held at the usual hours at Thames Road and Roy’s next Sunday. The Y.P.U. of ^Thames Road are holding a Hallowe’en social on Fri­ day., Mrs. Isabella Wright is visiting relatives at Chesley.S Mr. and Mrs. Passmore week-end with friends' at ville. Mr. Jas, Walker, who visiting for some time at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. * Parker, returned by plane to his .home in Calgary recently. Mr. John McCurdy, of Forest, was a. visitor, at the home of Mrs, A. McCurdy. Mrs. McCurdy suffered a stroke a few weeks ago. Ernest Dow, step-son of the . late Mrs. Jas. Dow, died suddenly Tues­ day ev.ening at Roy’s. Mrs. Dow passed away' two "weeks ago. ‘ The funeral will be held ‘at Roy’s church Thursday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Milton McCurdy underwent an • operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday. ---------V--------- AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS LOT 13, CON. 11, STEPHEN TWP. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 th s at 1 o’clock sharp HORSES—'Matched team of geld­ ings, 6 and 7 years, 17 001 lbs., a real good team; aged mare.„ CATTLE—Cow due in March, farrow cow, 2 two-year-old steers, 2 two-year-old heifers; 4 yearling steers, 2 spring calves. Brood sow due Oct. 20, 6 chunks, 50 hens, 30 pullets. IMPLEMENTS — McCormick binder, nearly new; - Cockshutt man­ ure spreader, International hay load­ er, ne,w; Deering mower, cultivator, disc harrow, hay rake, seed drill, nearly new; land roller, riding plough, walking plough, 2 sets har­ rows, set scales, heavy wagon, set sleighs, buggy, cutter, hay rack, set sling ' ropes, cream separator, set double harness, half set double har­ ness, '2'-furrow plough, wheelbar­ row, scuffler, iron kettle, ladder, some plank, forks, shovels, neck- yokes, whiffletrees, chains, boxes, barrels, pails and'other articles. Quantity of mangels, 20 tons of timothy and clover hay, 400 bushels oats. * HOUSEHOLD -FURNISHINGS — Heater, small stove, bureau, pan­ dora cook stove, Stand, drop-leaf -table, extension table, 3 small tables, 2 cupboards, flour bin, wash stand, 2 rockers, couch, parlor suite, 6 chairs, arm, chair, carpets, linoleum, 2 bedroom suites, quan­ tity of dishes and sealers, parlor stove. TERMS—CASH ‘ WILLIAM MAWHINNEY, Proprietor Geo. Lawson, 'F. Coates, Clerks FRANK TAYLOR,. Auctioneer -- ---__v------— ----------v---------- CARD OF THANKS Mr. Wm. Kuntz and family wish to thank their friends, neighbors and relatives for the sympathy shown (them during t.heir recent be­ reavement; also for the many acts of kindness received during the long illness of the late Mrs. Kuntz. .Spec­ ial thanks to- the. pallbearers, Rev. Arthur Page, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney and Miss May Jones. ---------V--------- 9 Ellimville Couple Honoured Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods, of Elimville, were the recipients of a beautiful china cabinet, table and hassock on Wednesday evening of last week .when over two hundred, friends and neighbors gathered .in the opera house, Exeter, to do them honor. The evening was spent in dancing, etc. After lunch was serv­ ed, Mr. and Mrs. Woods were call­ ed to the platform and Mr. Sam Dougall, president of the Exeter- Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion, read an address. Mr. Woods made a very fitting reply, voicing their appreciation. -Following is the address: Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods: We ate gathered here tonight, your neighbors,, friends and mem­ bers of the Legion, to wish you both our best wishes for your future happiness, as you start on your mat­ rimonial voyage. We wish, first of all, to congratu­ late you, Jackson, bn the splendid choice you have made in picking for your partner such -a splendid lady and to you, Mrs. Woods, for your good judgment in ’selecting a man such as you have. We felt that we cpuld not let this auspicious occasion pass without notice, because we know* that you both Would have done likewise if you had this opportunity of wish­ ing some other one good luck, in their new venture. We are therefore gathered not merely for the pleasure of meet­ ing you, and for the social time en­ joyed, but to express to you in some tangible way our thoughts of our good wishes for yoh. We therefore ask you to accept these gifts, not for their value, but aS a the and ried that Signed oil behalf of these present; E. POOley, S. W. Dougall, C. Stone, Wm. Moir. New Dodge and DeSoto now on display the Blue" Sunoco Garage and Fred Dobbs Phone 200 CARD OF THANKS Brook and familyMr. • James wish to .thank their many friends and neighbors who so kindly re­ membered. Mrs. Brook while she was ill and for expressions of sym­ pathy during their recent sad ''be­ reavement, for floral tributes, to those who so kindly loaned cars, to Rev. Wm. Mair arid to Mr. Chas. ■GodboTt. - .----------V---------- CARD OF THANKS The officers of the South. Huron Plowmen’s Association wish fo ex­ press . their gratitude to all , who helped to; make the local match a success by donation and otherwise and to specially mention G. A. Cann and W. Cook, whose names were in­ advertently. -omitted from the blit «—__y, ' . . - • MRS* CATHERINE MOTZ DIED AT CREDITON Mrs. Catherine Motz, widow <<i business matters wer dis- Mrs. W. Skinner gave ‘ a entitled “Mrs. Candid En- the Ladies’ Aid. The pre- spent the Bowman- has been AUCTION SALE Follow the Gay Crowds to the ..BIG DANCE.. OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Clayt. Steeper and his Radio Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday Night A good f< nights fun for young and old. Dancing till 11.45 Admission: Ladies, 25c, Gents, '525c Death of william butt The death, occurred in Seafotttt on Sunday of William Butt, a for­ mer resident -of the Kippen com­ munity, in hie 90th year, after gey- eral months’ illness. The deceased farmed for 45 years on the 2nd con­ cession of Tuckersmith and was a member of the Methodist Church, Nippon., In politics he was a staunch Conservative, in 1917 Mr, and Mrs. B'litt moved to Seaforth where they have since resided. The late Mri Butt leaves to mourn their loss his sorrowing widow, whose maiden name was Catherine Work­ man; four sons, Edgar and Thom­ as, of Kippen, John of Flint, Mi-ch; and Roy, of Seaforth; also three sis­ ters, Mte. Hannah Taylor, of FiL more, Sask,; Mrs. Murdock andi Mrs. Dinsdale, both of Honsail, and one brother, Joseph Butt, of Saska­ toon, Sask. A private funeral ser­ vice was held from his* late resi­ dence , on Tuesday afternoon, con­ ducted by Rev. H> Workman. In­ terment took place in the Exeter Cemetery. mark of our esteem and with it hope that health, happiness all the ups and downs of mar- life may be yours in’the years are to come. R.Wv AUCTION SALE Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, November 1st. 200 head of mixed stock cattie, Including a nice Sales pine, run of fleshy stuck heiferg. every Saturday. A. G. McAl- Auctioneer. Ol the late Henry Motz, died Tuesday evening at her home in Crediton. after an illness of six months. ■She was in her 73rd year and had 'been a, life-long resident of the munity. Her maiden name Catherine Messner. She had ill for the past three months, viving are two daughters, Mrs. 11am Heatherley and -Mrs. : Scheidl'ng, both of London; sons, Sgt. Roland Motzi, Exeter, and William* Motz, -of Crediton; also three grandchildren. The funeral service ‘will be held on Thursday at 2.'30 p.m. With Rev. A. E. Pletoh, of the Evangelical Church -officiat­ ing. Interment will be in Crediton Cemetery. The pallbearers will be Harry Lewis, Charles. Anderson, Samuel Baynham, Samuel Sims, Aaron Wein and Earl Haiijt. . * KIppen and Khiva news has been crowded out this week, com- was' been Sur-: Wil- Frank ; two The meeting was brought to by singing the National An- Lunch was served. Women’s Association pre- their pageant “Living for in the church oil Sun- Those taking part Miss F. Davey, Mrs. C. Skin- Mrs. Hepburp. Mrs. Merriam, MrSi Andrew,5' •' Special H music provided by’the choir. 'A la- quartette, Mrs, '/ Peiiwarden, Brown, Mrs. Essety and Mrs. IMPLEMENTS AND GRAIN The undersigned auctioneer has received instnwctlons to sell by pub­ lic auction on LOT 12, CONCESSION 5, U^BORNE dnr WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th at 1 o’clock, the following: IMPLEMENTS — Wagoil, nearly new; M.Hi binder, 6 ft. cut; steel roller, disc harrow, disc seed drill, 14 holes; set diamond harrows, 4-section; riding plow, turnip seed drill, grass seed sower, gravel box, hay rack, scuffler, sulky rake, cut­ ter, , set sling ropes, 2 sets double harness, 2 hdrS0 collars, heckyokes, whiffletrees and other small ar­ ticles. GRAIN—14 tons mixed hay, 200 bushels of barley, <300 .bushels of oats for Seed, 150 bushels of mixed feed, 10'0 bushels Cartier seed oats. No reserve -as the proprietor has rented his farm. TERMS—CASH JOHN PROUT, Proprietor, FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: JACOB HENHOFER late Of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, farmer, deceased. . . Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims duly veri­ fied, to H. Eilber & Son, .Crediton, on or before the 15 th day of No­ vember} 1’941, after which date, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. , Dated this 27 th day A.D., 1941. MRS/ MARGARET 130 Fisher St. BEN MCCANN, R.R. N. 3, Dashwood, Executors of October, HELD, Waterloo 2to