HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-23, Page 8WHW4X OOIWB 1011 w THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATF V’s Beauty Shoppe We have •fetaHeiil the wry latest in hair 'dryers- for our patrons. VERA 4A DIA’ilEB, I’rop. Bhone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat, $1.05 •Creamery Butter, S7c Eggs, A Large, 43e Medium, 41e Eggs, B, 28c Dressed Mogs. S14.25. LOCAL. NEWS Apple Day was held Saturday by the Exeter Boy Scouts and Cubs. $43-00 TO realized and will het the treasury ?33.00. The largest returns, were made by a Cub of $6.49. Mrs. Wyllie, of Bowmanviile, and hex’ sister, Mrs. McTayish, of To­ ronto, visited with. Mr, and Mrs, J, A. Stewart on Monday. Mrs. Stew­ art returned to Bowmanviile with them on a visit. As a sequel to a serenade of Mr. •and- Mrs. Jackson Woods, of Elim- ville, a reception is being held for them at the Exeter Opera House tills Wednesday evening, ....v——- TRANSPORTATION SERVICE— From Exeter to the Airport. Rea­ sonable rates. Persons wishing transportation please enquire at Traquair’s Hardware, D. Thomson. --------y—„— RENT—House In and modern con- 280 H, Exeter ltp ♦ I 0 Choice Quality Meats > * •# C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. CONSERVE VISUAL VITALITY * # * W© make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re* placement of Broken Lenses st * C, E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l>Irs* G* Coebram©* Organist Services as usual. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH j Rgiy, NbXVM J« Woods, M.A. Minister Mx’S, N, J* Dore Organist; od Choir Leader 11 Public Worship: and Church School. W.M.S. Thankofferlug. | Slides on West China. , 7 p.m.--Service withdrawn in fa­ vor of James St. Anniversary. Thursday, 7,3Q p.m, —- Midweek meeting of prayer and Bible study NEW RAYON AND LISLE HOSE. That are taking the place of silk in the new fall shades 79c NEW GLOVES For fall in teh© new shades and designs. Some good numbers 79c and $1.00 It is a good time to buy that new coat. We have all the coats in stock that W© will have this season. Many styles cannot he duplicated. Th© new tweeds are very smart and serviceable. WANTED TO Exeter with bath veniences. Box Times-Advocate, ,—v-^-- STRAYED—A calf, onto my pre- raises. Ownex* may have same by claiming ^ and paying the expenses. Simon Greb, Exeter. ltc... - FOUND—A black patent leathei’ purse on Main Street, containing a small amount of money and some photos. Apply at the Times-Advo- icate. A* ---------V--------- FARM WANTED—Would like to buy a farm, 75 to 100' acres. Must have good buildings and good land. No agents. Apply at Times-Advo- cate, ltp t JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir Leader ANNIVERSARY SERVICES . a.m.—CHANCELLOR W. BROWN, . VICTORIA UNIVER­ SITY, TORONTO ■3 p.m.—Sunday School, BIBLE CLASS 7 p.m.—DR. W. T. BROWN SPECIAL SOLOIST, MR. W. H. MANNING, -London, dt both ser- , vices. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service COTTON PLAIDS In the real tartans. Suitable for dresses and odd ekirts. Per yard 45c YAMA CLOTHS For children’s wear, warm and cozy in a wide range of patterns. Per yard 35cMarion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Woi’l^ Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 >1 T,Beautiful All, Wool Kenwood Blankets The finest that money can buy, In a wide range of lovely plain shades or reversible. Join our Xmas Club and pay 50c a week and we will lay one away for you.1 1 ! LOCALS I i 1 Mr, G, H. McAvoy, of Wingham, visited at his home here on Sun­ day. Capt. W. E. Weekes, of Chat- ‘‘ ham, is at home on two weeks’ fur­ lough. Mr. Percy Noels, of London, spent the week-end with friends in Exeter, 1 Mrs. Alex McDonald is visiting in! Welland with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark. Mrs. Laura Lawson, -of Crediton, is seriously 'ill in Mrs. Godbolts’ Hospital. Mrs. Sydney West is visiting at the home of her son, Harry '0. West, in Sarnia. » j Miss Ruth Vodden, Londes-1 boro, spent .the week-end with Mrs. i Chestex* Cornish, Mrs. Christena Northcott, of t Stratf-ord, is visiting with friends LOCALS I ! ---------V--------- SPECIAL Will sacrifice nearly new wash­ ing machine for balance of pay­ ments. Apply Box 280 B, Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tp I for a fe^ aays< -------v------- Mr SALE—2.5 New Hampshire! fn Lloyd Hodgson, Centralia, ltp FOR pullets. -------------------- SALE OR RENT—Lot A, Usborne, 1’5'0 acres, n£ore or acres of bush. IF'arm mach- Brick house and Daniel E. Hicks, R.R. 23-4tp FOR Lon. 5, less, 10 inery -of all kinds, large barn. 1, Centralia. anaa^t FOR truck, Phone ---------V-------- SALE ox* trade on light 1933 Pontiac Sport Sedan. 131 after 7 p.m. ---------v--------- SALE—15 0 acres,frame Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get your winter coat cleaned now. If TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, "Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MaeFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middleiniss 2Qtli Sunday after Trinity a.m.—r-Moriiing Pray'er and Ser- “A Question'- of Supreme BOY’S AND GIRL’S BRUSHED COMBS. A warm and popular fabric for children’s combinations. Per garment $1.00 ” 5CREW NECK SWEATERS In shades of blue, grey, green and black. The popular sweater for youg men in two qualities. $2.50 and $2.75 MEN’S FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR You will be needing them soon. Shirts and drawers each 90c —- Men’s comb. $1.75 NEW STYLES IN PIGTEX COATS They are smart and are what the young men like in blue and green. Each $8.95 ' I For a Quick Come-Back... .... .to Autumn Beauty Your Permanent Wave at TOMLINSON’S FOR house, bank barn, close to town and school. 5 acres of wheat. Immed­ iate possession.’ Other farms. C. V. ■Pickard, phone 165. ------------V------------ AUCTION SALE Lambert Sale Yards, .Strathroy, Saturday, October 25th. 200 head ■of mixed stock cattle. A nice run. ■Sales every Saturday. Private sales during .the week. A. G. Mc­ Alpine, Auctioneer. ------------y------------ SALE—Brick residence, located in Exeter. Bathroom, in cupboards, new heating sys- Whole building in best of re­ Will sell at fraction of build- C. V. Pickard, phone 165. ----------y---------- CIDER MILL—Our cider FOR well built tem. pair, ing cost. mill • will be running every day from now until the end of the season. Alex Zimmer, Dashwood. 10-4-4tp ----------y---------- HOUSE FOR RENT—Fully mod­ ern, heated, partly furnished, pos­ session anytime, on West Victoria Street Apply W. F. Abbott, Box 13/ Exeter. Phone 30, after -7 p.m. tfc K / ---------v— I CASH FOR FOX animals removed, vice, day or night, ton, 47rl5, collect. ---------v-- HOUSE FOR, SALE—Good, med­ ium-sized brick house, hydro and nice lot, for $900.00. C. V. Pick­ ard. HORSES. Dead Two-hour sex- Phone Credi- Jack William? ----------V---------- ' FOR SALE-—Highway farm, good buildings, water an',electricity. Oth­ er farms. Houses/ Exeter and Lu­ can. Old Metropolitan and build­ ing lots. W. 0. Pearce, Exeter. ----------y-----—. WILL PAY CASH for horses and cattle over 300‘ pounds, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease. PhOne Kirkton 34r3, collect. Francis Mink Ranches. --------V— ------ See Geo. F. Clark for ^11 kinds of 'Wlndmixls, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R. R, 3 Dashwood. '-----—V--------- WOMEN WANTED 'Call oh friends, neighbor,s, rela­ tives, others, with Familex House­ hold Necessities and make money Low prices, Excellent ■ ■repeats. Get With and St. i Ross tfc full time, spare time? attractive containers, profits. Big orders—; your share of holiday spirit best line In the field. Details free catalogue. Familex, 570 Oleniont, Montreal.I . Orval Lawson has returned - to Orillia after two weeks’ vacation at his hqme here. Mr. Thos. Hawkins, of Windsor, is visiting with his son, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. ! Mr. and^Mrs. Lamport, of Melita, ■ Man., spexit the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney. Mr. ’ and Mrs. Jack Stonehouse and family, of Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strangways, of Tottenham, spent the week-end with Mrs. H. K. Hyndman. Lieut. A. M. Sweeton, of Ottawa,' spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Delbridge. Mr. Reg Ford, of St. Catharines, spent the week-end witli his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Harness and Barbaifa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rockolo and daughter Mary visited with. Mrs. Calvin Cutting, the former’s sister. Mrs. Jack Waldron, of Clinton, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hock­ ey. Miss Wealthy Schroeder, of De-; troit, Mich.., is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder. • Mrs. Thos. Collishaw, of Wyom­ ing, was the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, over the week-end. Mr. H. S. Walter and Mr, Stan- ley Walter, of Yarker, spent last Monday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant. Mr. 'Orville Snell, who has a pos­ ition in 'the office of Canadian Cah­ ners at Strathroy, spent the week­ end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Inglis and son, Lome, of Forest, are vaca­ tioning with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling. Misses Dorothy Traquair and Laurene Beavers, nurses-in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent Tuesday at their homes here. Jack Frayns, who has just com-; pleted a course as >a machinist in Sarnia, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Mrs. Eugene Beaver, who has been visiting for the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Harold Skinner, returned to Toronto on Sunday. Tuckey Transport have the foun­ dation in for an addition to their building on Main St. The new build­ ing will be used for housing their trucks. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Chas. Dayman on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dayman and fam­ ily and M.rt and Mrs. Gilbr.eath, of Sarnia. Mr, Wm. W. Northcott, Mr. Geo. Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe and family* Mr. Jos. Northcott and Mr. and Mrs, L, Hirtzel attended the funeral of the late Thomas Thomp­ son in Toronto on Monday. Thompson died in St, Joseph’s pital, London, on Friday of Week, Phone 146 10 mon: ■Importance”. 11 a.m,—Sunday School The evening* service is withdrawn in favor of James St. Anniversary' Thursday,' 8 p,m.—The Red Cross Unit will meet in the Parish Hall for business and quilting. Friday, 6.30 p.m.—Laymen’s ban­ quet in Goderich. Monday, Oct. 27th, 8 p.m.—Tho Board of Management will meet in” the Parish Hall. All members ■are asked to attend. Real Savings in Men’s Overcoats We are going to be able to give you real savings in overcoats as many of our coats were bought last year. The cloths are better, and the styles ..are right up to date. Take a few minutes some day and drop in and look them over. 0 Five New Dinner Sets priced at/$2^.50 to 7.50 1 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday in the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th at 8.30 sharp Drawing for door prizes every hour out time AU Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps Aylmer PORK and BEANS 4 tins............25c TODDY BLEACH Chocolate Drink * 39c 3 bottles .18c1 pound tin % pound tin PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m- Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Everyone Welcome Pastor—E. Clemens WHEATLETT Both fprr 25c 24c Jas. P. Bowey Annual PORK & BEAN SUPPER of i Mr. Hos- were O. Mar­ on 33 19c 5cTwo car loads of Coke. As this fuel is very scarce, would urge you to fill up your bin NOW for winter while we have it hand. Phone @ lbs..... . 25c Woman’s Auxiliary of the Trivitt Memorial Church, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28th in die Parish Hall Adm. 25c Supper 5.30—8 ! JUST RECEIVED, MATCHES >■ TAMAN PHONE 81 Pentecostal W.M.S. Meeting EXTRA SPECIAL COLE’S DRUG STORE * for 31c. . for 51c. for 76c. EXTRA SPECIALr--- - ... by Mrs. J, adopted. It ft quilt lot /• EXETER, ONT. EXTRA SPECIAL Supplied are limited. We arc not promising to fill repeat orders Plione 65 * Exeter Ont. 1 BOX SPAGHETTI 1 BOX MACARONI '2 for Mrs. H. C. McAlister of Ft.-Wayne,1 Ind., is visiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cumgan and son, Douglas, of Stratford, guests with Mr. and Mrs. tin on Sunday. Mr. W. W, Taman, who underwent an operation at Hospital, London, for eye Purity BREAD FLOUR cotton bags MINCE MEAT 1 lb. tin SUPER SUDS 1 box . 1 bowl ALL FOR Misses Norma Wilson and Edith Hunter, of St. Catharines, spent, the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.; L. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter. Mrs. Frank BrOwn, of Pafkhill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie one day last week..- She was accompanied by Mrs-. Marshall Box, of iparkhill, who visited with Mi's. 'Chas. Birney. recently Victoria trouble, ‘returned to his home Wednesday, --------V-----— l*entecostal Fellowship Rally A successful Fellowship Rally was held -on Wednesday, October 8th at the Pentecostal church. The church' was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers. The after­ noon service was well attended, the service being opened with lively singing of hymns, choruses and tes­ timonies. Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson, of Arlcona, sang a beautiful solo and a duet wad* ably rendered bj>. Mrs. Lorne C. Wenzel and Miss Ida'Me-- Dermid, of Stratford. ReV. John­ son, of Arlcona, brought ,the after­ noon message. At the evening ser­ vice the church 'was filled to cap­ acity. A good song service openedI the service, Mrs. Johnson again singing a solo. Mrs. Brush, of Ar- kona, also sang a .solo. ^'Trs. Lorne| C. Wenzel and Miss Idi' McDermid, i of Stratford, rendered a beautiful I duet. Rev. R...Norcross, of Strat­ ford, brought the evening message. ' Those in attendance fx’Om outside j points wexre from London, Lucan, I Arkona,/Parkhill, Grand Bend, God- I erich and Stratford. .................. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hookey and Mr. Alex Thompson, of London, vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey and Jim on the occasion of Mrs. Hook­ ey’s birthday. C. W. Keddy, of Glencoe, who has just received his wings at Saskatoon on October 7, spent Friday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. W. C. and Miss Nettie Keddy, on Ills way to Hali­ fax, where he is expected to report the latter part of -this week. ——--------- ... - At Underwriters’ Convention Mr. Frank Delbridge was in To­ ronto on Saturday attending the Life Underwriters’ ’ convention and luncheon as guest of the Confeder­ ation Life Association held in the Royal York Hotel. There were twelve Confederation agents to qual­ ify for pie coiiyention from the Lon­ don district. ■ The 'attendance of 1,480- was over 300 more than in previous years./ ■' ^eadyl Keep your clothes cleaned and pressed by having them, regularly - and often - serviced by us. You’ll not only get twice as much wear , out of your clothes but will^reap all the values that cleanliness and neatness produce. The badminton dance and other social events are just arouhd the, corner — which calls for perfect, grooming. We can help you look your best ... by taking full responsibility for the appearance of your clothes. Don't delay - be ready now. REXALL ONE CENT SALE Oct. 29-30-31st, Nov. 1st S Tubes REXZLL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTHPASTE Rcf ’.i.ar $1.20 Value {’ ALL FOR 65c. CHRISTMAS GR 36c. Box 10 assorted 2 Boxes 50c. Box 16 assorted 2 Boxes 75c. Box 20 assorted 2 Boxes $1.00 Box 12 assorted 2 Boxes for $1.01 15c. pkg. of 50 Xmas Tags & Seals 2 for 16c. ----------;.............. t. .....-.... • i t JASMINE LADIES’ GIFT SET Containing. 60c size Cold Cream, Liquid' Skin Softener and Vanishing Cream Regular $1.80 Value ALL FOR 79c. JASMINE ADEN’S' GIFT SET Containing 40c Tube of Shaving Cream, GQC’ Bottle Shaving Lotion and 40c Tin Talcum Regular $1.40 Value ALL FOR 73c. /' Phono orders accepted but we strongly recommend you to shop early See bills for big g bn 400 items The October meeting of the Pen­ tecostal W.M.S., was hold in the oliurch on Wednesday, October 15. There was a good attendance. The meeting was presided over by the president, Miss Peart, and was op­ ened by singing three hymns, after Which Miss Ba.tr led in prayer. The roll .call was answered in keeping with Thanksgiving, each one tell­ ing something they had to be thank­ ful for. The offering was then taken up, A duet was sung by Mrs. E. Miller and Mrs. E. CudmOre, en­ titled “'Friendship with Je&us”. The minutes of the last meeting were read and It Was moved by Mrs. E. Miller and’ seconded ’•“•" ** 1 Perkins that they be was decided to quilt the Red Cross on Thursday, October 23rd, to have children’s dresses cut and made foa* refugee work, ..'V-----— ( ; MISSION BAND RALLY •The Mission Band of tile Hurbn Presbyterial held their fall rally at the Presbyterian Church, Exeter, on Saturday, afternoon, Over 80 boys and girls from Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, ilenMll ahd 'Exeter were present, The devotional exercises were taken by the Seaforth band . and each band contributed a num­ ber' on the program. Miss S» B. McLean, of Seaforth, won the mem­ bers’ attention by the story, "Nan, the Little London Girl”, Mrs, Wil­ son, of Seaforth, presided.- At the close a picnic lunch was enjoyed, the Exeter band serving.