The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-23, Page 5HENSALL
I- ' '
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case yisited
last week with relatives in.Toronto.
Mr. Leonard Noakes left recent
ly for Waterloo where he has see
med. a position.
Co., in ,
Mrs, Thos, Hudson who has been
seriously ill is somewhat improved
at date of writing.
? Mr. John Pfaff has moved into
the dwelling recently vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rands.'
Miss Mary McKaig, of Exeter, •spent a few (Uys this week with her
mother, Mrs. McKaig, and aunt,
Miss Newell. '
Messrs. Herb, Lloyd and Orville
Hedden, of St, Catharines, spent the
week-end visiting with their moth
er, Mrs.. Catharine Hedden.
Mr. jand Mirs, Cline Flynn and
Miss Enid Parkins, of London, were
recent visitors with their parents,
Mr, and Mrs. James Parkins,
Mrs. -Catharine Hedden and Miss
Mona Hedden left on Sunday for
St, Catharines, where they intend
to spend the next few months.
Mrs. Little and son and daugh
ter, of Biggar, Sask.,, are visiting
with the former’s sister and broth
er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Hess,
Mr. Alex Sparks, of Goderich
Township and sisters, Mrs. D. Kemp
of Detroit and Itjrs. McCutcheon, of
Alberta, were ip. town on Monday.
Mr, Carey Joynt, who is attending
Western University, London, was
the guest soloist at the anniversary
services at Thames Road on Sun
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of
St. Marys, were called to town on
Friday owing to the serious illness
of the former’s mother, Mrs, Th-os.
Hudson. ”
A number of the young people of
Carmel Church attended the annual
rally of the Young People of Huron
Presbytery held in Clinton Tuesday
Lt. Donald McLeod, of Calgary,
visited on Sunday with, liis uncle,
Mr, Thos. Welsh, and cousins, Miss
Florence Welsh and Mr. and Mrs.
E, L. Mickle.. :
Since Miss Hannah Craig returned
from Seaforth Hospital three weeks
ago, she has greatly • improved in
health and is able to be out again
. among her friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and
son Donald visited on ’Sunday with
the former’s sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin,
of the Thames Road.
Mr. Sanders, principal of the con
tinuation school, and Miss Maelll-
venna, assistant, were in New Ham
burg on Saturday attending a tea
ch er§L convention held there.
Mr. A. L. Case, .station agent,
commenced his ’’duties here this
week after a two weeks’ vacation.
Mr. Cecil VanHorn, of Clinton, was
relieving in Mr. Case’s absence.
Rev. R. A- Brook conducted ser
vices in the United Church on Sun
day and the choir sang two an
thems, “Hear . Thy Call Ringing”
’ and “Lord L(et Me Serve Thee”,
The Women’s Association ^of the
United Church are holding a hot
Hallowe’en supper in the school-
. room of the Church on Thursday,
October 31st, after which the Blue
Boys of -the Clinton Radio school
will present a program,
Mrs. <T. W. Bonthron is confined
to the General Hospital in Hanover
owing to illness. Mrs. Bonthron
has been in Hanover at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Peppier, caring
for her mother, Mrs. Yungblutt,
Wiho is ill, foil’ the past few weeks.
The W.M.S. of the Uiiited Church
are holding their - annual Thank-
off eidng anniversary on
October 26th, when Rev.
June Saundercock1 has ac-
a position with the Kresge
Kitchener, a
was decided to hold a home-cook*
Ing sale on November 8th Jn the
schoolroom of the church. Mrs.
Robert Simpson gave an interest
ing paper on the subject “Do Not be
Afraid of Change—It is the Very
Essence of Life”, Hymn “Jesus
Shall Reign Where’er the. Sun” was
sung. A skit presented by Mrs.
Douglas, Mrs. Cairn and Mrs. Lo
gan entitled “The Two Loves”
a qui3
by singing “Guide Me Thou
Jehovah”, followed
prayer' in unison#
Red Cross
An urgent appeal
out to the Red Cross Branches of
Western Ontario, from the Ontario
Division of the Red cross society,
for blankets. More blankets are
now needed* for this same work. If
you can give a blanket, new or as
good as new,' such a gift will be
deeply appreciated. If you would
like to give to the “Blanket Fund”
of the Hensail Branch of the Red
Cross, Mr,' Lawrence or Mrs, T.
Shenritt or Mrs" Goodwin or Miss
A -Consitt will be pleased to receive
such a donation, if you specify that
it is for that purpose.
Another shipment of jam -left;
Tuesday of this week. The gross
weight /of this shipment was 430
Mrs, Douglas conducted
on the “Women of the
The meeting was
by the
has 1)0611 sent
New and Old Time
Murdock Orchestra
Douglas, Mr. Alex Sparks, Mrs. An
nie MacDonald and Miss Mary Me-
Ash, Hensall and Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Douglas and Mr, and Mrs.; Lindsay
Eyre, Brucefield.
and Mrs, Albert Scott and
Sinclair, of Blyth, former pastor
here, will be the guest speaker.
Special music will be presented by
the Choir.
Mr. and, Mrs. Stewart McQueen
and Miss Jean McQueen, spent the
week-end in Blenheim visiting with
their daughter and son-in-laW, Mr.
. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna..
They were accompanied home by
Miss Helen McQueen, who has been spending"' the past few weeks there/
William Daniels has been remov
ed to Seaforth Hospital for treat
ment. Two years ago he fractured
his hip while visiting in Brantford,
where he was formerly in the pos
tal service. He was a patient in
Brantford -hospital for some time
-and later received treatment in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London.
The euchre and dance sponsov-
ed by the Chamber of Commerce
held on Friday eveniiig, was well
attended. The entire proceeds were
' for the community Christmas ti’ee.
The ladies’ first prize for euchre was
won by E. Stephenson, Of Clinton;
second, Blanche Thomson, Kippen;
gents’ first, Thos. Meyers,. Zurich;
second, Ferry,' Hensall. The lunch
was 'donated by the following, Blue
Ribbon Coffee Co.,
estra furnished
The October
dies’ Association of Carmel Dres-(
byterian Church Was held on Tues-,
day evening with Mrs. Patterson’
presiding and opened by singing
“Peace, Perfect Peace/’ after which
Mrs. Patterson led in prayer. Mrs.
Wm. Douglas’ group had charge of
the program, Mrs, Annie Logan
gave an interesting reading. It
Toronto. DU-
and Marra’s
Murdoch’s orch-
the music for the
meeting of the La*
Again’ we thank the Hensall
for their splendid co-opera
tion and .the many citizens of Hen
sall and district who have helped to
make this jam project such a suc
cess this season by their gifts and
services. The first .carload of jam
has been sent overseas. A second
Carload has gone forward to the
coast, It feels \good -to have had
some part in this work which will
mean so much to the people in Eng
land this winter.
A -correction of last week’s ship
ping report is made in this edition.
By mistake it was reported that the
4 unitg of girls’ outfits consisted
of 1 coat, 1 hat, 2 dresses, with
pantees and 2 pairs of socks. This
should have read 5 coats, 5 .hats,
1'0 dresses with panties' and 10 pairs
of sOcks per unit. We apologize to
our--.workers for this mistake. . •
■One in;ore word about Red Cross
membership. This is the time of
the year when the membership fees
are ;due. Every person who con
tributes '$1.00 or more to a Red.
Cross Branch becomes a member„and
receives a dated membership card.
Every paid up member has a right
to vote at the annual meeting and
every such member is an indisput
able part of this organization as a
-booster and a worker. (Please re
new your membership fee ,now. If
’the.reader is not a member of the
Red O’oss Society we invite you to
join without delay. Mr,. H. O.'Law
rence, .Bank of" Montreal, Hensall,"
will be - pleased to receive your fee
-and will give you an official receipt
and a 1942 membership card.
The Late Miis, Marjory Sparlcs
Friends and neighbors in the
village -were greatly shocked f on
Thursday to hear of the sudden
passing of . Mrs. Marjory -Sparks in
her 8'2nd year. The deceased had
been a resident of Hensall for the
past several years and had only giv
en up her home here about a month
ago and was visiting with her sis
ter, Mrs. E. A. McAsh, in London,
when she had the misfortune to
fracture her. ankle. Mrs." Sparks
appeared to be in her usual health
otherwise and*was being cared for
at the home of her son, Mr. Alex
Sparks, in Goderich Township,
where she passed away with a sev
ere heart /attack, leaving behind ,he>
many pleasant memories, beloved
by. young and old. Formerly Miss
Marjory. Douglas, and beloved widow
of the late George Sparks, she
leaves tq mourn their loss, two
daughters; Mrs. McCutcheon (Hel
en), of Alberta; Mrs. Donald Kemp
(Margaret), of Detroit; two. sons,
Alex Sparks, of Goderich Town
ship, and Ford Sparks, of London.
'.One son, Douglas, predeceased her
a number of years a,go. One^is-
ter, Mrs. E. A. McAsh, of London,
and four brothers, George Douglas,
Hensall; Wm. Douglas, Brucefield;
Robert Douglas, Kapuskasing, and
Irwin Douglas; Edmonton, also sur
Funeral service was held -from
Bayfield United Church on Sunday
at 3.30 p.m. conducted by a neph
ew of the -deceased, Rev. Arthur
M'CASli,.’ of Maple Hill, assisted by
Mr. Lome Sparks, a grandson of
the deceased, -a student in the min
istry at Ashbemy College, Kentucky.
The floral tributes were very beau
tiful, -showing the esteem in which
the deceased was held. Interment
was in Bayffield iCemetei’y. The
pallbearers were Mr. Douglas Kemp,
Detroit, grandson, Mr. Robert'Stihel-
of Bayfield, Mr.
and Mr.'
Lome Manson, of London, nephews
of the deceased. Relatives attend
ing the funeral were Mrs. McCut
cheon, Alberta; Mf. and Mrs. Dcn-4
aid Kern# and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Sparks and daughteiy Dr. W«
E. Schellig and family, and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller attended
the Thames Road anniversary last
Sunday and also visited with friends
’ Miss Evelyn Wynn, of London,
was a -week-end guest at the horned
of her mother, Mrs. Wm, Wynn.
Mr. and Mrs.’Dickie are engaged
with Mr. John Camm for a season.
Mr. and Mrs, James Squire visit
ed on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs,
Nelson Squire,
A number from here attended
the regional school held at Kirkton
United Church last Tuesday even-?
Rev, A.
Sympathy is extend-
and Mrs. Laing on
a telegram from
lig, ‘ Detroit, Messrs. Russel
William Sparks,
’Peter Douglas, Clinton,
D. A. McAsh, Mrs. ■young,'
Mrs, Lome Manson, Mr,
Ford Sparks, London;
Mrs, Acheson, Winthrop;
Isabell Manson, Detroit;:
George Douglas and Mass Trenje*
evening of
of friends
ring, The
was spent
the direc-
and Ber-
cxy mX'O *
this is the time to
Save Money
ed to
overseas reporting that their
Jordan, who has been with the Navy,
was among those missing when the
boat on which he was sailing was
torpedoed and sunk recently.
Mr. Louis Beavers, of Exeter, re
cently sold the Johnson farm a mile
and a half south of Woodham to'
theMr. William Thompson, of
southeast boundary -of Usborne.
All who attended the piano
cital last Friday evening by the
___________ _ . Pu
pils of Stanley J. Smith, A.T.UM.,,
of Exeter, speak highly of the num
bers given by each and every pupil.
The recital was sponsored by the
Y.P.U. \in aid of the* British War
Victims’ Fund and the proceeds
4amounted to over $20.00.
Callers at the home of Mr.
Mrs. Thos. Bell were Rev. and Mrs.
John Barnard and children and
Miss WinnitTed Barnard, of near
Next Sunday will be anniversary
in our church. Rev. Reba Hern, of
Varna, will preach at both services,
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m/ We ’hope for
good attendance and know you will
not be disappointed. *
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bell have re
ceived word from their son, Lloyd,
with the R.C.A.F. at Brandon, that
he has received his corporal’s strip
es. Graham, in the Navy at' Esqui
mau, .has been appointed ordinary
Miss Dorothy Johns has return
ed after spending over a week in
At 'Sunday School last Sunday a
vote was taken to decide on the
time Sunday School was to be held
and 11 o’clock in the morning was
the hour,chosen.
A good number of our congrega
tion attended the anniversary ser
vices held at Thames Road last Sun
Anniversary services will be held
in the Evangelical church on Sun
day, October 2.6th, when Rev. F<
B. Meyer will be the guest speaker,
Harry Hol’finan attended ithe
Funeral Directors" Association held
at the Hotel London last Friday,
Donald Harris, of Sarnia, spent
ia few days with relatives here this
Mr- Addison Tieman is holding
a public dance in the hotel on Fri*
day night, Murdoch’s orchestra/in.
attendance. >
The WiMiS. and Mission Circle
motored to Clinton on Sunday after
noon and entertained the inmates
of the County “Home to a program
and treats,
Address and
On Wednesday
week a number
neighbors of Keith Weber, who
home on leave from an R.C.A-F,
training field in Nova Scotia, gath
ered at the home Of his parents,
Mr/ -and Mrs. Daniel Weber, to pay
him a surprise visit and to present
him with a gold signet
early part of the evening
in playing games under
tion of Alden Eagleson
tlia Becker, The following address,
which was signed by all present, was
read by Gordon Eagleson:
Dear Keith: "
We, your fmehds, schoolmates
and neighbors, are glad of the op
portunity to meet, with you tonight
and to convey to you oui' fondest
We respect your courage for help
ing to defend your King and coun
try.* During your absence we shall
always remember you and think of
you often. We sincerely hope that
this harvest leave has been a plea
sant one and that you shall be able
to be with us again very soon.
To show our affection and es
teem we now ask you to follow a few
directions to find, the gift that we
have selected for you.
Keith expressed his thanks for
the gift, after which everyone sang
“For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. A1
dainty lunch was then served. ,
’ —-------,y.------------/
Like new, iow mileage new
ear guarantee
Mrs, F. W, Clark is visiting for
two weeks, with her daughter,
Harry Dale, of Brampton.
Rev, and Mrs,' Turner and
Maclsaac are spending a few
in Toronto.,
» Mr. and Mrs. Alex Grant, .^f
don, moved into the residence of
Mr. William Morlock last Saturday.
W.e welcome them to our midst.
Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Brock visited
with Mr- and Mrs, Alex Fraser, of
Busseldaie, on Sunday.
Mrs. Orme, of Toronto, spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
Fahner last week, ■'
We regret to report that
Henry Ejlber is critically JU,
hope for’ a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert, Freddie
Margaret, and Miss Myrtle Walker,
are spending this week
. Mr. Chas, Jones, of
spent Sunday with Mr.
Herb Mitchell.
Mr, and Mrs.
and daughter,
loo, and
and Mrs.
and Mrs. Ross Krueger.
On Sunday, October 26th,
services of public worship, Shipka,
10.30 a.m.; Brinsley, 2,30 p.m.,
and Crediton, 7,*30 p.m,, will be
conducted by Mr. Spencer Blair, stu
dent minister, of London, attend
ing Western University, . At Brins
ley and Creditor the services will
be sponsored by, the Women’s Mis
sionary Society. During the period
in which the Crediton Circuit was
'without a minister, Mr. Blair served
xwith much success and his return
will be welcomed. h The Rev. Law
rence H. Turner, minister of the
church, wlill conduct anniversary
services at Zion church, on the oc
casion of £he redecorating and re
opening, the minister of which- is'
Rev. Quaithe.
The Young People’s Union of
Shipkq has been reorganized and a
promising and fruitful year is an-
1 ticipated. At the meeting presid
ed over by the minister, the follow
ing were elected to office; presi
dent, Miss Verna Baumgarden; vice-
president, Mr, John Lamport; sec-
i retary, Mr. Harold Finkbeiner; trea
surer, Mr. Kenneth Baker; pianists,
Mrs. L. H. Turner and Miss Lillian
Lovie; social and literary conven
ers, Misses Lila IFinkbeiner and M.
Hicks; Christian citizenship, Ivan
Sharpe; missionary, Misses Hazel
Pickering and Mabel Harlton.
■The first of the fall and winter
series of lantern lectures will be
given- under <he auspices of the
Young People of Shipka on Tues-
. day, October 28, at 8 o’clock. Since
the entire offering will be devoted
to missions, they desire the support
and attendance of their elders. The
title >of the lantern lecture is “Mak
ing a University on the Roof of the
The . Crediton 'Evangelical
sion Circle held their October
ing at the home of Mrs. Ross
gey. Twenty-two members -and four
visitors were present. The presi
dent, Mrs. Harold Fahner, presid
ed over the devqtional
and business.
at Boat
and Mrs.
A. Howard Krueger
Carolyn, of Water*
and Mrs.
daughter Betty, of
spent Sunday with
Harry Fahrner and
Deluxe equipment. This is
an exceptional value.
Mrs. Leitch, of Hamilton,-
dressed the meeting of the Young
People’s Auxiliary on Sunday even
ing last. Mrs. Leitch has spent
teii years in the leper colony and I
very nicely illustrated her talk with
pictures of ithe lepers and gave a
very concise talk on the work done
among them. This is a very com-’
mehdable work -and when one hears
of the pitiful condition of those poor
creatures in thejr suffering^. one isK.
apt to think “truly the harvest is
great and the laborers few.”
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller,. of
Toronto, -visited ' an Thanksgiving
with Mrs. S. A. Miller.
A few firom here attended the
W.M.S. held at Motherwell,the
Motherwell auxiliary having invited
<the societies of the Presbytery to
be With them at a social gathering.
Cromarty was well represented.
Mr. J. D. Walker, of Calgary,
who has been visiting with friends
in the neighborhood -of late, left
London on Saturday by airplane
for his home in Calgary.
A lot of good, cheap transpor-
Deluxe equipment including
Heater and Defroster.
Upholstery and general con
dition like new.
A real good buy. Hot water
Special model. This car
looks and runs like new.
In real good mechanical
A car that will give you a
Jot of good service.
A car that has had real good
Like new. Heater, Defros
ter and Radio,
Your Dollars Buy More HereYour Dollars Buy More Here
■ & Co_
Phone 100
guest speaker will be Mf, <
Morley, of Exeter. Everybody wel
Mrs. H. .Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Tru
man Mills, of Sarnia, spent Friday
of last week with the former’s sis
ter, Mrs. Spencer, of St. Thomas.
•Mr. -and Mrs. Carter have moved
into Miss A. Anderson’s apartment.
---------y--------' •
W, M. .s. Meeting- j
The October meeting of the.
W.M.S.' was held, at Mrs. Sherwood
Hunter’s home on Wednesday after
noon of last week. . An unusually
small number were present, only
j-six members and one visitor. ' Mrs.
R. Batten presided. Psalm 45 was
rtiad in unison as the opening num
ber, followed- by the singing of
“Come Ye Thankful People, Come”,
prayet by the president 'and the
Lord’s Prayer in unison. All joined
in reading hymn 517. The singing
of hymn 12 preceded, a reading by
Mrs. Evere'bt Skinner, “Thanksgiv
ing Day jn Canada”. Mrs. Ford
then gave the report of the ^ectioii-
al convention held recently in Kip
peg, .Business session followed,
When it was decided to have the
election of officers at the Novem
ber meeting and the north of Elim-
ville members were appointed as a
committee to prepare the slate of
officers for 1942p- Mrs.- Ford to be
convener. Minutes were read and
the (roll was called, the subject be
ing “Thanksgiving”. MjS. F. Brock
read a poem on Thanlisgiving, and
after singing “Breathe on Me Breath
of God” the meeting closed with
the benediction.
Anniversary Services
Sunday, Oct. 26th
Services at 11 a<m. and 7
REV. REB A HERN, of Varna
will speak at both services
Special music by the choir
All are cordially invited to
Mrs. Wm. Morley’ and ‘Siva,Mrs.
Melleville Hern and. Mrs. Malcolm
Spence attended the Journal-Argus
Banquet at Thorndale on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson
and Eunice, of London, were Sun
day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Rev. ?Mair, of Thames Road oc
cupied the pulpit in this church on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frapk Squire and
Shirley visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Fisher, near Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Smith and fam
ily, of Belmont, were week-end vis
itors at the homfe of Mr. Melleville
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and
Mary attended Thames Read an
niversary on Sunday and Spent the
day with friends. . ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenzie,
St. Marys, .were Sunday visitors
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Duffield.
” W.M.S. and W.A.
of i
K The W.M.S. held their monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. Millie
Pullen on Thursday afternoon last
with 14 members and two visitors
present. * Mrs. Gunning was in
charge of the meeting. Several la
dies gave readings and Mrs. Mer
riam invited the ladies together
with their husbands for the Novem
ber meeting. Mrs. Merriam closed
the meeting.
Mrs. Wm. Morley presided over
the W.A. meeting. Letters Of ap
preciation were rea$, from Mrs. Fal
conbridge, of Toronto, and Pte.
Granton Jones, in England. Some
plans were made for a musicale in
November. At the close of
meeting lunch was served by
hostess and her assistants.
A car driven by Lome Hodge, of
Staffs, sideswiped a truck owned
by the Guenther Transport, of Dash
wood, on Saturday -afternoon while crossing -a narrow bridge on a
county road two miles south of
Dublin, There were no injuries.
votional exercises
__ _______ The program in ]
charge of Mrs. Lome Morlock had ,
for its theme “Christian Fellowship” •
and consisted of short prayers 'by
five of the girls, scripture, readings, :
double duet poems, a new study
book was introduced Seed and
Soil", and a piano duet given by .
members of "the literary and good
cheer committees. The meeting
closed with a social houir. The -No
vember meeting will be the annual
thankoffering meeting with the
'Our people are very much con
cerned about the manner in Which
the trucks hauling gravel to the
Grand Bend Airport are travelling
through .the Village. It appears ho
concern is £iven to the safety of
young or old and something should
be done- before^,-a fatal ’accident oc
curs. Sufely the lives- of the yo-ung
and aged should have some con
sideration, and it is high time that
the authorities looked into the
matter. The ordinary motorist
takes every precaution in passing
the Street intersection and the truck
driver surely hasn’t the law in his
own hands. Some truck drivers
only have1 one headlight and no
tail light on their trucks. Then?1
again parents should make every
effort to keep their children from
riding bicycles on the streets after
dark. The fact of some rid^eg two
■on a wheel makes it extremely dan
gerous and if anything happens,
poor motorist ususally gets
Thanksgiving services were
served in St, Mary’s Church on Sun
day with Rev. Mr, Johnston, of St,
George’s Church, London, as spec
ial speaker in the morning aird Rev.
Donaldson, rector of the church, in
the evening, Appreciative congre
gations were present at both the
morning and evening services. Spec
ial music was rendered by
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis
Douglas and Mr. and i\|rs. s
Lewis attended the wedding of
Reta Lewis, which was performed
in First United Church, Hamilton,
by Rev. Crossley Hunter.
The Women’s ‘ Association are
presenting a pageant, entitled
“Living for Jesus” at 'the evening
service on Sunday, October 26th, at
7.30 p.m., with Special music.
> Mr. Cyril Hennessey spent a
couple of days in Toronto last week
attending the; banquet and conven
tion of the Prudential Life Insur
ance Company. ; ;
Mr. and ’Mrs,. Dave 'Smith, of To- ’
ronto, visited with Mr. -and Mrs.
Geo. Baynham and other friends in
the village' on Sunday. A ’ •
Mr. and Mrs. %G, Hamilton. and
Laverne spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos.. Smith and attended, the
Thankoffering services held<in the
Mr. Fred Baynham, of. the R.C.
A..F., spent the week-end at» his
home here. “ ’ '
Mr. J. Essery spent Sunday with
his daughter, Mrs. -B.- Hicks.
Mrs. E. IFaulder, of Crediton, vis
ited with Mrs. iClara ;Abbotit on- Fri
day of last wCek. ; .
Mr. C. Kennedy, of"the’ Sham*
rock Greamery -staff, has been trans
ferred to the Exeter branch of Can
ada Packers. Mir. and M-fs. -Ken
nedy moved to Exeter- on' Saturday.
The Johnston family, residents
here for the i>ast few years, moved
to Ailsa Craig last week. ’
Mr. A. Gray spent the week-end
with Mr. Donald Hicks. '
Large congregations attended the
annual Thankotfei-lng services W)4. MW. W. Horney,
m the church, on Sunday, October
19th. The church was nicely, de
corated for the 'occasion. The-
guest speakers, 'Rev,. Woods of
Main. St. Church, Exeter, and Rev.
A. Sinclair, -of Blyth, at the evening
service, delivered very impressive
sermons. Very fine music was de-.
jiVered by the choir. The Choir -was
assisted at the morning service by
a vocal solo by Mr. -Chas. Godbolt,
of Exeter,"and a vielin solo by Mr.,
C. Louch, ofYToront-o. At the even
ing service Mr. Arthur Palmer, boy
soloist, of London, favored with two
solos. The music for the day was
very much appreciated.
The Services in the church
Sunday, October 26th will
10.30 a.m. .and 7.>30 p.m.
evening service the ladies
Women’s Association will
their pageant.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Home and School Club will be
held this Thursday evening. The
be at
At the
of the
Miss Edna Cochrane visited with
friends at Centralia on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and
family and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hor
ney visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Parson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
seph Linden, of Denfield.
Quite a number from here
tended anniversary services
Brucefield on Sunday.
Miss Verna Linden is spending
a few days with her sister and bro
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mr. and Mrs. George Rockola, of
Marden, visited at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. W. Horney, on Friday last.
Anniversary services will be con
ducted in the United Church here
next Sunday, -October 26th, at 11 '
a.m. and 7.30 p.m. by Rev. Mr.
Turnbull, of North Street United
Church, Goderich. The choir i&
preparing special s music and Mr.
Benson Stoneman, of Chiselhurst,
will be the guest soloist. /
Mr, and Mrs. 'Enos Herdman, of
Elimville, visited on. Tuesday With
Rev. A.- Brown, of Brantford, a
former preacher at
ed with Mr. E. N.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
family, of Detroit, spent the week- w
end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dob
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. But
cher, of Simcoe, On Saturday.
Miss A. L. Urquhart, Mrs. Wib
Cluff and Mrs. I. N. Marshall, at
tended the Journal-Argus Confer
ence and dinner at Thorndale on
Friday, Octobei’ 17.
A large number from the village
attended the services at Anderson
on Sunday.
Mrs. Rapson, mother of Rev. Alex
Rapson, arrived this week to spend
the winter at the manse.
the Children's Colds
Kirk-ton, visit-
Shier this past
Blatchford and
Despite all the mother can do the kiddies will tun
but pi doors not properly wrapped up; have on too
much clothing; get overheated and cool off too sud
denly; get their ieet wet; kick off the bed clothes, and
do a dozen things the mother cannot help*
At u Battle id treating children’s colds is tti give them something
. °Xs01?!r</ung they will take Without any fuss, and this the mother
toil find m Dr. Wood’s Norway Dine syrup, a mmedy used by Canadian
mothers, for the past 48 years.
Price 35c a bottle; the large family size, about 3 times as much, 60c, at
wl drug counters.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, O»t,