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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-16, Page 8
* inVlWWAX, WTOB.EH 1«U1, t»tt THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE « V’s Beauty Shoppe For Permaneftts of Lasting Beauty, Spiral, rrqquinole, Combination, Machiueless VERA C. DECKfch% pyopi Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Jbudy Bowlers Bridge and Afternoon Tea The Ladies’ Bowling Club held a bridge and. tea on Tuesday after noon of last week, bridge being play* ed, at the homes of the different members. Tea was served at the home of Mrs. R. Hopper. The house was decorated with pink snapdrag ons and lovely bouquets of mixed j flowers. Mrs, M. Teller, pres., and Mrs, R. Hopper, viee-pres„ received the guests. ‘'Miss L. Huston and Mrs. H. Pollen invited the guests to" the tea room, which was beautiful ly decorated with flowers. The tea table, covered with a lace cloth, had a centrepiece of roses. Tall pastel tapers were in silver candlesticks, Mrs. W, G- Medd and Mrs. G. Roul* ston poured tea. Mrs. B.*Tuckey, Mrs, C, H. Sanders, Mrs. Howey and Mrs. T. O. Southcott assisted in the tea room. Mrs. Hyndman bridge prize with" a score the prize being a lovely saucer. won the of 2830, cup and i ( -v- Eneter Markets r Old. aud New Wheat, $1.03 Creamery Butter, 37c Eggs, A Large, 3Ge Medium, 34c Eggs, B, 25e Dressed Hogs. $14.25. IDEAL MEAT MARKET # i Summer Sausage Homemade Meat Loaf And other varieties of Cooked Meat for the hot weather me^I CONSERVE VISUAL VITALITY * * We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re placement pf Broken Lenses w • * C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J. G« Cochrane., Organist ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev. Hugh Jack, B.A., of Seaforth, will preach at Ji a.m. and 7 p.m, Special music by the choir, A special invitation is extended to all to worship with us. T T» u Phone 38 Main St. I I ■fc I I i •I MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH • It is a good time to buy that new coat, We have all the coats in stock that we? will have, this season. Many styles cannot be H;uplic<vtecl. The new tweeds are very’ smart and serviceable. * Large GOLDEN CORN Choice MEN’S FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR You will be needing them soon. Shirts and drawers each 90c — Men’s comb.1 $1.75 BOY’S AND GIRL’S BRUSHED COMBS. Awarm and popular fabric for childfren’s combinations. Per garment $1,00 2 cans...........19c .00 NEW dtoVES For fall in the new shades and designs. Some good numbers 79c and $1.00 & YAMA CLOTHS For children’s wear, warm and cozy in a wide range of patterns. Per yard 35c PRINCESS FLAKES 1 large size pkg.. 25c Picture of Happy Gang free NEW RAYON AND LISLE HOSE That are taking the place of silk ■— in the new fall shades 79c X Bros nlen: Look smart Iiowald, Mrs.In One of Our New I holidays with Mrs. W. T. TOMATOES Large can Maple Leaf 2 cans FLOOR WAX Gold Medal 1 lb. tin From our large range of attractively clesigned,_ reacly-to-wears or if you pre fer’ to have one tailored to suit your in dividual taste, ■ let us measure you- for that smart new1 coat. Rev. Norvftl J, Woods, M.A, hfiinister Mrs. N. J. Dore Orgaiiisfc and Choir Leader 10 q.m,-—Sunday School The morning, service withdrawn in favor of Caven Presbyterian anni versary. 7 p.m,—The Minister. Thursday, 7,30 p.m. — Midweek meeting of prayer and Bible ‘ Study,. COTTON PLAIDS In tbe real tartans. Suitable for dresses and odd -ekirts. Per yard 45cMarion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Beautiful All Wool Kenwood Blankets The finest that money can buy. In a wide range of lovely plain shades or reversible. Join our Xmas Club and pay 50c a week and .we will lay one away for you.. ii i hinii n o<aaN«MP<i inuninftnruninmij^ f Miss A. Fish is visiting friends I in London. Miss K. MadFaul spent the week-: end in Seaforth. Mrs. Geo. Geddes is visiting in London this week. Mi*. W, Shaw spent the holiday in Toronto with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Penhale and family spent the.week-end at Grand Bend. Miss Helen Westcott spent the week-end with Miss Gertrude Ratz, of Crediton, Mr. and Mi's. Elmer Reeder and family visited in Detroit, Mich., over the week-end. Mrs. Williams, of Mitchell, is the guest of Dr. D. A. and Mrs. And- LOCALS i LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hodgert, To ronto, and Mr, Oliver Hodgert, Win nipeg, visited with relatives over the week-end. •• , Mrs, May Jackson, of Toronto; Mrs, Harry Sweitzer, of Kitchener; Mrs. Ed. Lippeyt and Mrs. M, Hew lett, of Creditor, were Sunday vis itors with Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer. Miss Phyllis Bierling, R.N>, and Miss M. MacClean, R.N., of Kitch- ener and Trooper Andrew Bierling, of Camp Borden spent Thanksgiv ing with Mi*, and Mrs. H? Bierling. Mrs. R- G. Gillies, of Ft. Erie, ; with her mother, Mrs. S. Martin. ___ _ __ Mr. Gillies, who is manager of the; erson> of town. Canadian Bank of Commerce at Ft. Erie, is being transferred to the Midland Branch. Earl Heywood, Of London, assoc iate editor of the “Corvette Link” magazine and on the printing staff of the Somerville Paper Box Co., spent Thanksgiving with his parents and friends in this community. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale for Thanksgiving .were Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bland, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. W. H. Penhale Mrs. Lillie London. Week-end and Allan, of Forest, Smith and Doreen, of were fam- Mrs. Mrs. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Clarke- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant and ily, of St. Thomas, Mr. and Fred Brock, of Hamilton, and Eric Humphreys, and Jean and Miss Verna Brock, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston celebrated their first wedding an niversary at the home of Mrs. John ston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collingwood. Present for the casion were Mr. and demon kona. T.. oe- Mrs. Roy Al- ildren, of Ar-and three children, of Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get your winter coat 'cleaned now. For a Quick Come-Back. 11 3 JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R, Goulding, A,T,C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister p.m.—'Church School 7 p.m,—The Minister. Monday, 8 p.m.—Y.P. Union Execu tive at the Manse. Wednesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer Service Thursday, 1* p.m,.—-War Service Unit sewing “ and quilting. 3 p.m. business meeting. Sunday, Oct, 26—Church Anniver sary. Walter T. Brown, Ph.D., President and Victoria University, Soloist, William H. baritone, London. M.A., Chancellor Toronto. Manning, CREW NECK SWEATERS In shades of blue, grey, green and black. The popular sweater for youg men in two qualities. $2.50 and $2.75 NEW STYLES IN PIGTEX COATS They are smart’and are what the young men like in blue and green. Each $8.95 FOR well built tern, pair, ing cost. ---------v--------- SALE—Brick residence, located in Exeter. Bathroom,, in cupboards, new heating sys- Whole building in best of re Will sell at fraction of build- C. V. Pickard, phone 1>65. ---------.y,--------- FOR SALE-r-Sow with 8 pigs 4 weeks old. Geo. Frayne, phone Kirkton 3'3r20. ltc ----------y-----------a f FOR >SALE—Ab,out five tons of good clover hay. Apply to Thos. - Foley, Kirkton R. R. 1, Phone 6rl4 ; --------yu-------- ! CIDER MILL— Our cider mill ■will be running every day from now 4intil the end .of the season. Alex Eimmer, Dashwood. lCM4-4tp---------y--------- HdUSE FOR RENT—Fully mod ern, heated, partly furnished, pos session anytime, on West Victoria Street Apply W. F. Abbott, Box 13, Exeter, Phone 36; after -«.7 pun, tfc 1 I HORSES, Dead Two-hour set- Phone Ore di-/ Jack William? ----------y_ CASH FOR FOX animals removed, vice, day or night., ton, 47rl5, collect. HORSE FOR SALE—Gdod, med ium-sized brick house, hydro and nice lot, for $000.00. C. V. Pick ard. —v—— FOR SALE—Highway farm, good buildings, water an electricity, oth er farms. Houses, Exeter and Lu can. Old Metropolitan and build ing lots. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE— . 100 acres, brick house, bank barn, hy dro. Terms. Immediate possession. Several other good farms, c, V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. ■ ................... WILL PAY CASH for horses and cattle over 809 pounds, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease. Phone Kirk toft 34r8, collect. Francis Mink; Ranches. See Oeo. F. Clark for ail kinds of MndmLis, pump jacks, pumps od piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phbiib Oredlton 23*6, R, R. 3 Dashwood.. / Ross tte Mr. and Mrs, B. M. Francis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Rice, Wyoming. Dr. H. H. and Mrs, Cowen . and family, spent the week-end with' relatives at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley, pf Lon- desboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Kerslake. Rev. Mr. Anthony was at Wallace-1 town on Sunday where he conduct-! ed anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker, of New Hamburg, are visiting with Mr. and MVS. G. 'A. Hawkins. Mrs. Arthur Campbell is spend-' ing two weeks at Brantford with her daughter, Airs. Steele. Mr. Bob Marshall, of Detroit, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Westcott. - Mr. Sidney West, on the staff of the North Bay Nugget, is holiday ing with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green and Miss Dorothy spent Monday in St. Catharines with their son, Stan. Mrs. H. L. Sturgis visited with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. West, of Aurora, over the holidays. Mr. .and Mrs. N. Ogden visited in Hamilton last week with Mrs. Jennie Davis and Miss Vina Fisher. Mt. and Mrs. Statham and Lois, Of london, called on Exeter and Hensall friends Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Skinner Spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner, of Credi- ton. ■ ’ & Mrs. J. K. Cornish, of Brucefield, Spent several days last week with, her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. Hanni gan. Miss Catherine Arm strung com menced her new duties this week as a member of the staff of the local post office. ' Messrs. Lorn© Oke *and Orville Webber have returned home after two weoks at Belle River with Can adian Canners. • Dr. Geo. C. Hind, Mrs. Hind and. Harlene, of Walkerton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hind Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B» W. F. Beavers and Miss Isabelle Turnbull Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers, of SSrnia. Mr. Wm. J. Smith, who has been in Kitchener, spent Thanksgiving at his home hero, leaving Monday evening for Ottawa. The weather Monday fior Thanks giving was delightful. There were many visitors in Exeter for the long week-end holiday. Corporal Ted Wilson has return ed to London after spending a four- day leave at the home of his par ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cassidy and Dorothy, of Forest, Mr, and Mrs. H. Cousins and Marilyn, of Warwick village, spent Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs. C. White. w I Mrs, Robert Stephenson, her f daughter, Reina, and son, Herbert, i of Varna, were visiters in the home of w. H. Johnston one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. B. Either, al Ubly, Mich., visited last week with Mr. EIlbeFs sister, Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, of town, and his brother, Mr, Hen ry Eilber, of •Crediton, ...to Autumn Beauty Your Permanent Wave at 0 TOMLINSON’St f Phone 146 in the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, OCT. 18th at 8.30 sharp Drawing for door prizes every hour our time All Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr, Middlemiss , 19th Sunday After Trinity Children's Day Remembrance Day for Sailors 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon “Remembrance” 11 a.m.—-Sunday School. Children's Day Service. Evening service withdrawn in fa vor of Caven Presbyterian Church ' Anniversary, „ . Real Savings in Men’s Overcoats We are going to be able to give you real savings in overcoats as many of our coats were bought last year. The cloths are better and the styles are righb up to date.. Take a few minutes some day and drop in apd look them over, Five New Dinner Sets priced at $22.50 to, $27.50 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday .I. « OATMEAL Quick Cooking AYLMER SOUPS Follow the Gay Crowds to the ..BIG DANCE „ OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th Clayt. Steeper and his Radio Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday Night good nights fun for young old. Dancing till 11.45 Admission: Ladies, 25c, Gents, A JUST RECEIVED e» PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 ^a.m.—Sunday School Sunday ’Services at 11 .a.m. and 7.30 p.m,. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—'Prayer Meeting Friday, 8 p.m.-—Young People’s Everyone Welcome Pastor—-E. Clemens Vegetable or Tom at 3 tins............25c / and 25c | i Two car loads of Coke. As this fuel is very ’ scarce,- would urge you to fill up your bin NOW for winter while we have it on hand. Phone 33 Jas. P. Howey RED CROSS NEWS The following message, received from the Prime Minister of the Un- ited<Kingdom, Mr. Churchill, is ad dressed to every worker for and every contributor of the Canadian Red Cross: “The Canadian Red Cross Society has won the gratitude of many thousands of people in Great Britain! for the energy and devotion with j which it has worked' on their be half. The quality of the clothing sent from Canada has been univer sally admired; it’s quantity has been remarkable. . Civil (defence: workers, and the fire-fighting ser4-1 vice have shared with innumerable' air raid victims welcome supplies of j clothes, blankets, food and medical! equipment that have reached these * shores. In their name I thank all | those who have contributed with I such tireless generosity to this hu-{1 mane work.” Over 10,000,000 ’articles have been made by the women of Can ada for the Canadian Red Cross So ciety since the beginning of the war, $1.00 in cash here becomes $3.00 when made by volunteer to. Britain, Into finished supplies, workers to send over * AYLMER PUMPKIN CORN SYRUP LEMONS Large and Juicy 5 lb. tin OCT. 15-16-17-18 Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S f Phone 50 iiiiiiirrii>iiwi<tiiiiiiiifa»,z'iiami^ Exeter St Peter’s Lutheran Church, ZURICH Thurs., Oct. 23" Concert by the HAFPV COUSINS, of Elmira Supper served from 5 to 9 p. tn Admission Adults —- 7,5c; Children 12 under 35c arid * * a I The following list of articles was received at the Red Cross rooms for shipment to headquarters, on Friday, October 10 th: 157 pairs socks, 7 V-neck sweaters 27 turtle neck sweaters, 24 helmets and aero-caps, 21 alternative caps, 53 pairs mitts, 5 pairs rifle mitts, 28 pairs sea boots, 57 scarves; 10 girls,’ units, size 16; 6 boys’ units, size 6, 2 skirts, 3 blouses, 1 sweater, 4 pairs boys’ shorts, 4 boys’ blazers, 43 washcloths, 54 large -quilts, 6 cot quilts, 1 afghan, 10 .wool blan kets, 1 pair flannel, sheets, aftd 90 other articles of refugee clothing, The knitting quota for Inly, Aug ust and September ‘is now complete except for 5 khaki turtle-neck sweaters and 2 pairs of rifle mitts, 'the new quota is out and there is no doubt that our workers will fill it without any trouble. Exeter Branch has kept up splendidly with the work we have been asked by headquarters to do, and now the workers are getting used to the quota system We find it much more satisfactory than the former 'way. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs.' T. B. Acheson and two- daughters Beverley and., Jane, of Toronto, spent tlig the former's mother, Acheson, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Hockey, Mrs. Boyle and Mr. Frank Sheere spent the week-end in Sim coe with the former’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Roulston. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fletcher and Mr> and Mrs. Maurice Rice, all of London, spent Sunday at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns. /Mrs, J. S. Wilson, of Elimville, ac companied by her two grand-daugh ters, Jean Ogden and Helen Wilson, of London, spent the Thanksgiving week-end with her grand-daughter, Mrs. Harold J. Sutton, of Brantford. Mr, and Mrs. Rd. Penhale and Mr. J. E. Penhale and Mrs. Penhale of Toronto, were Thanksgiving vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walk er, 3rd concession of Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Penhale are remain ing for a few days. ,’ Miss Dorothy Hicks, Loftdon, and Miss Mildred Hicks, Shipka, spent the Thanksgiving holidays at ^their home in Centralia, Over the week end Miss I. Hale, of Aylmer, and Mr. and Mrs, 0. J. Murdy. of Lucan, ware guest-s, Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson spent Sunday in Listowol with their son, Dr. and Mrs. W. L< Lawson, and attended the christening of grandson, James William, was ths first christening in news church, twelve babies baptized. Visitors over the holiday home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers and Bill, Miss Alma Winer and Mr. C. McLagan, all of London, and Dr. and Mrs, O. & Tremnor, and ginia, of strathroy, .. iLotaic at yuititr label! . TOPCOATS W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. their This their beihg at the Winer Vlr- Mr, and Mrs. Lawreitee, of Lon- desboro, are visiting with in-law and daughter,, Mr. E, Johnston. Mr. aftd Mrs. Walter Goderich, spent Wednesday of last week withjth© former’s sister, Mrs. and. Mr. Cnas. Johns. Mr. and Mrs, E. T. EdWorthy and Elaine, of Tiilsonbtirg, visited on Sunday with Mr» and Mrs. H. Hor ton. ' Mr» an/j Mrs. of, Stratford, / called same day, , Mr. aftd Mrs. Cecil London bn Sunday ’Thompson, Who Is a Joseph’s Hospital, erlaftd, Of Toronto, Who was also Visiting Mr. Thompson, returned to town with. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, . theii* son- and Mrs, Hdrtt, of A. Amsbury, oft them the Rowe were In visiting Mr, patient id St. Miss Jean. Suth- L. ' A. is ef ■ A Mrs; iSfts. White, of Heathcote, is a visitor with Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Anthony.« . . Mrs, T. o.. Bouthcott retuxned home Tuesday evening after visit ing for several days with Miss Bowman, at Preston. Miss Eacrett, who is ill at Prfesten, improving. Holiday visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper were Mrs. Hopper’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Robinson, of Wlngham, and six of her sisters with their famil ies. They Fere MK and Mrs. Vic, Wilson and Mr. ' and Mrs, Sidney Johnston and Teddy, of Toronto;. Mrs, Albert Foxton and three Miild- ran; Mrs, T. A, Currie-and daugh ter; ' Mr. and Mrs. W, Currie and daughter and Mt; aftd Mrs. Ermln dopeland, of Wingham. IK 4 Ai #