HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-16, Page 7CAMPAIGN FOR BLOOD Dr, w. Btuurt Stanbuvy Writes of His 'Work nt 'Roghmd THE EXETER TJME&APVQCATR T THIURBDAY, WW Oh 1M« His honour, Judge J, G. Stan- buvy has :had a letter from his son, Dr, W. 'Stuart Stanbury, who went to Deeds university, England, at the outbreak of the wav as Senior Lecturer in Pathology, A year ago he was appointed by the Minister; of Health as Regional Superinten-. dent of blood transfusions* for the Whole of Yorkshire, His work is. receiving much favorable 'comment in the London and Yorkshire press. Following are extracts from his let­ ter which have passed the censof: open­ bipod West. Prin-’ Blood Uampaign* ’ s You will remember .that we ed our campaign for 100,000 donors from the East and Ridings by a broadcast by the cess Royal. Since then we have en­ rolled just one-quartpr million don­ ors, Yon will have some idea of the amount of laboratory clerical and publicity wnrk involved. Deeds Troduced 22,000 instead pf their queta of 15,000. Bradford, not*to be outdone, refused to .accept a quota of 8,50b and rolled UP 24,0'00. Fin­ ally Sheffield topped 46,000, mak­ ing it necessary to open a full-fledS-. ed branch depot there. From this you will See that there is no short­ age of potential blood, supplies, but there is of equipment, and even more so' of medical personnel. I have been, trying Very hard to get, medical officel's. Dr. Stan Ryerson did find me Dr, Doris Howell. ‘ She will be codling over very shortly, and’ we have asked the Dominion High Commissioner to hasten her> depar­ ture as much as possible- As: you Will appreciate the forces jar'e ab-'1 sorbing all available M.O.’s . leaving hospitals very short, I do not know what we shall do unless more can. ■be found quickly,' -Our E.M.S. hos­ pitals receive not only civilian but military casualties- as well.-—there being no large military hospitals, in this country in the last war. I have had two medical officers for this centre and the two mobile ■units and more recently one in Sheffield, 'Other than these three who did do the greater part of the work, part- time people in the coun­ try boroughs draw a certain amount of blood each week. Our three, hoW- •ever can draw 150-200, pints, of,blood each on an average day’s work. As you will be able to judge from the picture, the ''plasma processing lab is very much* like a factory, turning the stuff out by the gallon. Other than a theatre sister and a staff nurse, ..the nursing staff for the donors’ room and for making up transfusion sets, sterilizing, etc., is drawn from 120 volunteer nurses of the Red Cross, St. Johns’ and Civil Nursing Reserve., Oup transport con­ sists of the two mobile units and two delivery vans in addition to my o^-n car and vehicles requisitioned as required from the American Am­ bulance “of Great Britain. The two delivery van,s>( one a commandeered insulated Wahi’s ice cream -yan, the other a brand new Chev. donat- cd by America, are driven by girls in. khaki (mechanized Transport dorps), l’lie two mobile units- are ^-ton 'vehicles with their own re-: frigeration .(operate^ by a petrol- driven compressor) seating capac­ ity, equipped with everything such = as eorches, stretchers, resusoitatlpn. vans, capable of going to the inci-, dent and treating the casualty on the spot, Th6 ordinary staff for this purpose is -one medical officer, one nurse and one nursing auxiliary in addition to the driver. The two' mobiles arq driven by full-time man, A-R.F. drivers. Up to the present time the great­ er part of our activities has -been accumulating adequate stocks yfor -our 15,000 casualty beds. zThe amount of transfusion fluids re­ quired is sometimes tremendous. In one- of our Humberside raids 254 pints of plasma and 100 pints of blood in addition to stocks already : held by the local hospitals was despatched from this centre. When •you realize that this amount re­ presents the contribution, of 811 donors used within a period of 48 hourSj it will give you .some idea of the work involved in accumulat­ ing ^the necessary material. V Strenuous Work breath ♦ .s- ’n’ the * * these days, ***!*' diggin* finished'.up. * » « • The -boldest holds his > * #■ Better get the plowin’ -Got these good windfall apples made into* apple butter ' W ■ < •• ♦ 4? We haven’t seen an adequate reason fqr the advance In the price pf gasoline. j ■ • # » * » * - * * Pud’s sore feet and ms’s headache are now the reasons given xion-church going, ♦ * » To learn how well pur quirements, one must travel * . ■ '» * for Men*of 30,40,.SO PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep, vim, vigor, .vitality? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements— alds to normal pep after 30, 40 or 50. Get a special introductory size for only 35J. Try this aid to normal pep and vim today. For sale at all good drug stores. 0 In Toronto Make your home Hotel Waverley Located oh wide Spadina Ave.. - at College St. Convenient to Highways from all Ports of Entry Easy Parking Facilities Close to Everything of IrtipOtidnQe Single. .$1.50 to $3.00 Doubly $2.50 to $6.00 A, M. POWELL, PRESIDENT Rates BaGkache-Kidneys ©ry for Help Most people fail to recognize the S'oriousness of a bad bach t The stitches., twitches, and twitiges are bad enough dUd CauSe great suf­ fering, but back of the backache and the cause o£ it all is the dis­ ordered kidneys,crying out a warn- lag through the back. A Pam in tho back is the kidneys’ erv for help. Co to tM* hSSistmiCO* £ a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills. A remedy for backache and sick kidneys. ... .“Doan’s” are put up in an oblong grey‘ to* Rpf uec substitutes. Getu Doan’s. * * Th<> !& MilMrU uc.p Toronto, Ont. •The campaign -part was most in­ teresting, although very strenuous, I had to attend. Dpr-d Mayor's lupcheons, medical meetings, W.V,S. rallies; etc., Rotary, Board of Trade, etc., etc,, day after day until* I was quite hoarse. Although this phase did not permit much medical ad­ vancement on my part, I suppose it might be Considered excellent train­ ing fot parliament' or something Perhaps my most difficult effort to date was gueAst speaker of Lord Harewood’s Regional Advisory Com­ mittee! ’ ■ The medical end of things is now copipng more into prominence. There is a definite move on foot, to turn over the supervision of all resusci­ tation arrangements in the E.M.S. hospitals ’including the training of- personnel' and the manning of the 'mobile resuscitation units, through­ out the region. We all believe this is the real Step forward', provided yre can get the- right type of medical of­ ficers to man them. The present plan is to have four mobile units at strategic points.( which would move in as soon as they were noti­ fied that a raid was in progress. This mobile plan is particularly ne­ cessary or the coastal hospitals, : where the medical personnel is sad­ ly deplete. ,, As you may haVe gathered by the papers, we have- had only one effec­ tive ,raid on Leeds) but the region is quitev another matter, questionable. pleasure- through several and am very glad that •Spunnies are safely all. . ; I get to London month ’ to attend the ings. Unfortunately, at 'the most, I have been able to.stay only over­ night aS I daren’t leave this centre for long. I have been on several rather important sulb-commJittees, including that on resuscitation. As you probably realize all •cloth­ ing is' rationed and silk stockings seem to be practically unobtainable. Most Of the girls in the Service have taken to '‘stocking creams” of vary­ ing shades. The nurses’ .is the main difficulty as .they have not come to black stocking cream yet! The food rationing has . not fected me , as much as most as I so much on the road,- otherwise I should probably-feel the meat situ­ ation. more acutely.» 'Unfortunate- ' ly, no more qorn, peanut butter^ Am­ erican coffee, etc. Cigarettes are very scarce as also is. tobacco. This th-reatehs tp be a hardship 'but you need have no worries about i sustaining food, .although we may have to forego some of the "exotic” , Varieties. j -People remain surprisingly cheer- ’ ful and* philosophical even in the '•blitzed”"areas. I don't think many have any doubt whatsoever of the final victory, although it looks like a prolonged affair. My own partic­ ular concern is to speed Up the tempo of our particular end of'the casualty service, the need for which would be obvious should I go into it, The arrival of the filter from the University of Toronto Was a godsend as it enabled US to have adequate It is a I had the of going I • must say I you and the away from it about once a M.R.C. meet­ as af- am i 1 the first functioning, service outside London, pretty big show now as you may gttess and has kept me on the hop morning, noon and night, I have never worked so hard. The movie presentation of the executive with a telephone on either ear has no ex* aggeration at the height of it. ■Please keep in touch with anyone coming over and I may be able to get in touch with them. I had. a tetter from Lady .Banting asking if It were possible to .get her some­ thing to do to help the war work. I have taken the. matter up with •fiotli the M.R.O. and the ministry. We may be able to manage it short­ ly, perhaps you, would get into touch with her when next lit Toron­ to. i local merchants are meeting our re- about. if' > * * ■ e These are the days when, every man should be out for everybody 4 else, with no hindmost man for the devil to take. * * »> ,« « Funny, isn’t it, how easily w.e become the slaves of conveniences? Things and practices that are the cushions of to-day are only too ' likely to prove, the speckles of tomorrow. * * *■ * * • * * B.ettei’ keep those farm animals off the roads. We have just heard of a rambling animal costing its owner one hundred shining* .bucks. The king sometimes charges high rent for road pasture. .* * , >* * » A whole lot of our business men are telling us that it is better merchandising to feed up the turkeys and chickens in the back yard than to spend much time in trying to drop salt on the tails of birds of passage. «»« '*«*«» It's not quite cricket on the'part of the Business First Commit- Barbers’ Association to raise the price of urge their patrons to buy hair tonic. We • A GREAT COUNTRY tee of the South Huron hgirdutting and then tp" live’'in strange times, Bright sunshine, gentle breezes, flowers in full bloom, trees laden with a fine quota of leaves, green beans maturing in the gar­ dens, cattle unhoused, “flannels” still chumming with the mothballs are all evidence in the middle of October. Some country, this. o NOT? #' ■•Rs' * 'M WHY the scarcity, of labour of one sortW6 hear a great deal about and another. On the other hand, there are a great many folk right, here who could and would give good service were they asked to do so. Why do not the parties requiring labour do a little advertising? That’s about the surest way known to man, whereby to get in touch with the labour market. . RIGHT ON THE JOB ■' It seems that someone has been talking too sailing of Canadian ships. Aid and comfort has way of the enemy by such gabblers. And again Mounties who have discovered the party with the too easily moving tongue. It takes some Canadians a long time to learn that the mouth is for eating with, as a general thing. ■ .’*♦ » * .m m * * 9 How welcome is the man These dark and trying -days. Who keeps his head and minds his job ‘ . And no goose flesh displays. ’’ .For chattering tooth and tender feet^.^, Will stand our foes in stead, • ?' .* But the man who best serves Britain’s cause. . ’ ; . However sore our dread. . » '. And . ■ If vict’ry’ll come as sure as dawn we’ll work and keep our head. « ♦ * * BETTER ‘ CONSIDER holding down good jobs in much about the been put in the it has been the / . Many people pricking in their thumbs that' urges the giving thing for the green-looking hills of building will be wise to do a little figuring before packing their hiking for the-pay roll with its fancy figures. For one thing there are such matters as the cost, of board and laundry and of doOda*ds of one. sort and another. There is the matter of rent where the sky is now the limit, 'And then there are incidentals. One young fellow took it into his head to keep tab, a really close tab, on his expenditures. After doing so he hied him back to the good and clothed him for .twenty-five good years. light just in time. . ' ♦ * * * * 4< DIDN’T (JET IT HARD ENOUGH the country find a UP of a fairly good wages,- Such folk grips and old farm that had He says he Saw a fed red * getIt’s pne thing, seme ef our young men are finding out, to into military Service but quite another thing to get. promotion in; the military or air or naval service. , The big difficulty with.soine youths is that they can’t take it. They crumple up when the severe strain comes. We pan point out three causes for-this softness when there should be sturdiness, hut we'd be sneered at if we did so. All we do just now* is to point out'that the weak ine body or mind or morals stand little chance in the war or any place else. Some way the homes .and the schools don’t make our youth get under their skins what it takes, Softness comes out’in the wash. Only standing colors hold out in the blazing heat of life. * not These . ifr ■ •Mr-'".', './» ' V' They are asking why Britain has to aid the hal'd-pressed Russians. what led Up . to that defeat, There was the slowness of Holland and Belgium and Denmark and Poland and Ozecho-Slovakia and the stu­ pidity Of France that, made a real alliance of European powers a reality. Just now civilization is ’ hamstrung by the isolationists of this continent who refuse to allow the Sta^s and Stripes to lead any armies1 in, the struggle for freedom.. Some fear that their chance to do so may have gone forever. We must not forget in this con­ nection the milk and water support given the Motherland on the part of other members of the British Commonwealth. Too many men and nations alleging to be friends of liberty have stood by while London has been burning in the hope that they somehow would come a share in the insurance. sent an army into Europe folks forgot Dunkirk and .» * * . *■ * * A HINT difficulties in transportation in in for Almost insurmountable remind us of the old saying that you may judge & country roads. No lnatter how prolific a country may be in raw materials so greatly to be desired by an enterprising country, these are u*se- less unless they Can be got to market. Enterprise and good trans­ portation facilities go hand in glove. Britain and her allies* are held up to a • considerable extent just now by the mess in which Persia's roads aVe at this minute. We suggest that the allies move over that backward country a few thousand Canadian road-builders. Such men know how such a job should be-done, over night thqse men would transform the whole difficult situation, What Canadians accomplished in the last Great War bears testimony to. this fact. Det us gqt the tools into the hands that can use them, * «* * a « < * ’ GRIM AND DREADFUL Russia is still holding on with a deadly grip to the throat of her German enemy. Her doing So has won, the admiration of all fight­ ing men and the eternal gratitude of" the British Empire. Grim ■and terrible has been this struggle that must make the Titans feel like Infants by comparison. Even at this distance we look at our garments in the feeling that this red rain is soaklpg them beyond all remedy. Milton knew nothing of such a contest or Faradise Lost had taken on new corntparisons. Dante never dreamed of hprrors so inexpressible, or l\is Inferno would have been darkened with statements mote awe-inspiring, Hell grows darker ns this contest of spiritual powers goes forward. As It Is, we can but wait and work and wonder and hope that some' hitherto iinteeogtiized power will intervene to save faith and to prevent the appalling deluge of fire that some devout souls believe will one day destroy the world and its inhabitants, • , , Persia by its ' MH0W, aw In our weaker moments we fret and worry to have the war over ana done with, unmindful meanwhile of the trememtous work in* volved, We forget the quarter of a century spent in sluggard wish" ful thinking to the neglect of stern duties that should have been energetically undertaken. We overlook, too,, the tremendous work that has been done. Our air force had to be built and to foe manned. Danes of traffic had to be constructed and protected* The civilian life of an empire had to be placed op a war footing. Above all else, the empire required to be made aware of the nearness and the greatness of its peril, Diplomatic battles of the utmost delicacy bad to be fought by men who were accustomed to living in an atmos­ phere of trust and good will and constructive living. Those who are inclined to be moody in times so difficult, have every reason to review the facts and to thank God and to take courage. The posi-i tiop to-day is a great deal better than we dared hope for one year ago,. y .* .* # * > * '* UNREASONABLE War* we know, is a terribly costly thing. Before breakfast almost every day in the yean enough cotton is blown away tp clothe the whole of Canada. Enough food is wasted every day to feed the needy of Canada’s largest cities for a week pn end.. Sufficient building material is invested in war Wildings to supply the re­ quirements of our housing problems for twenty years. Men capable of carrying on the enterprises of many a town and village are employed day in and day out filling .positions that might well be decupled by a girl at ten dollars per week. Rents are being charged for miserable quarters' that would have been scorned twelve months ago,. It is not the cost of war but the wastage, of those who administer the cost of the war that gruels our citizens? It is human creatures’ lives that are the pawns in the present situa­ tion, But a da'y of reckoning is coming, a-coming on the wings of the storm. HURON COUNTY JR. ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO PLAN BOWLING PARTY The Huron County Junior, Assoc­ iation of Toronto have made plans for a bowling party to be held at the Central Bowling and Recrea­ tion Club,-22 Sheppard Street, To­ ronto, on Saturday evening, Octo­ ber 18th, a.t 8*. 30 p.m. A large crowd is expected’and an invitation is extended to all Huronites and their friends to join with them and renew old acquaintances. Following the bowling a short business meeting will be held to elect town and district representa­ tives for the coming season, after which lunch will foe served and priz­ es presented. The Association is very anxious to hear from all ^young people from IJuron County, who are now re­ siding in Toronto and would ap­ preciate if they would get in touch with the Executive Committee. Pre-' sident, Gordon L. Fowler, 200 Cot­ tingham Street, Midway 6043. Sec­ retary, Ken C, Stanbury, 19 Kee­ watin Ave., Hyland 6 6>32.' MR^. RICHARD WEBB Mrs. Richard Webb passed away at her residence in Grand Bend on Wednesday of last week in her 7'9th year. She had an. illness of nine weeks. She had resided in Grand Bend for about 20 years. She was a member of the United Church, Grand Bend. She leaves her hus­ band, one sister, Mary Shank, of San Francisco, and two brothers, David Shank, of Detroit, and-John Shank, of Goderich. _ A brief ser­ vice was held at the residence on Friday. A memorial service was held in the United church. Inter­ ment was in Grand Bend Cemetery. \----------y----r. CAR TOOK TO DITCH When he failed to make a turn on a township road two miles out of Hensall late Friday night, Robert Peck, 1'9, driver and only occupant, took to the ditch and turned his car over. He sustained painful cuts on one arm and both hands. Traffic Officer Lever investigated. I 5 i * ❖ N. fry . itffi i tip for i SUFFERERS FROM RHEUMATIC PAIRS If .her© ia u go°d method by which yon pan get the peet out of apy treatment, and' one which :tms. brought relief to thousands of people, Take Krpschen Salta m a glass of warm water every mormng, Kruschen helps rheumatic pain suf­ ferers in two ways. It cleans out the poisons which exist m almost person’s bloodstream (these are the poisons which give you local pains and aches) and it helps the kidneys to filter out fresh poisons which may be forming. Try this simple treat­ ment over a month ‘and watch_ the results, lyruschen <mn be obtained from any drug store, and 75c. BANQUET AND DANCE AT GRAND BEND Clinton and Goderich Bions clubs will jointly celebrate ladles’ night at the Brenner House, Grand Bend, on Wednesday evening, October 22, This was decided at the regular meeting of the club this week, —V--------. TO SERVE THIRTY DAYS Convicted in Magistrate J. A. Makins’ court Friday on two counts of theft, Harry Dickie, farm lab­ orer from near Kirkton, was sen­ tenced tp thirty days in jail on each, count, the sentences to run con­ currently. Dickie was arrested by Provincial Constable John M. Douglas, of Stratford last Thursday night, an complaint of Harold Dun­ seith, Downie Township farmer,' who accused Dickie of having stolen a bag of oats, two bags of chop and ■ a sweat pad. ' FOR A MILD, COOL, SMOKE ft > • K FARMERS...aS IMPOBTAHT AS ABMOUBEBS C'.- 0 /J* It may not appear so dramatic to operate a dairy farm, to grow grain or raise bacon as to make planes and steel tanks, but the work of the farmer is just as essential to victory as the work of the armament maker, Always interested in the development of agriculture and practical co­ operation with farmers, the Bank of Montreal is especially desirous now of assisting our growers of foodstuffs. Farmers are cordially invited to talk confidentially with our nearest branch manager respecting their credit needs. "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS AF^E WELCOME*4 Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 124 Yeats’ Successful Operation ExfeUr BrAhchi W# J. FLOYD, Manager v mm mMM.uMWuukrwfSiiSiii.'i.^. ■1 i i i k !I r,-' 141 ffflHW 0I