HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-16, Page 5w
Coming to Hensall
C. R. Wilkinson, R.0,
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at w, Q. GOOPWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month* for the, purpose pf
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those . that
hqve, not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me, Hour? TO a,m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
sponsoring a euchre and
the town, hail on Friday
Entire proceeds in aid of
munity Christmas Tree.
Mr. and Mrs, Cline Flynn and
Miss Enid parkins, of London,, and
Mr„ Murray parkins, of Zurich, were
holiday visitors* with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
Jack Simmons, Mrs. Alda
and Mrs,
on Mon-
Wm. E.
dance in
the com-Pupils Accepted
of London,,
with . Miss
of London,
of Er, and
Mrs. H. O, Dayman spent
week-end holiday in Windsor,
Miss Emma Johnston returned
from a pleasant visit in Delhi,
Miss Cassey Dougall is visiting
with Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Dougall.
•Miss Kathryn Sills,
was a week-end guest
Greta Lammie.
Miss Dorothy Brazier,
is a guest at the home
Mrs. D. G. Steer,
Dr. and Mrs, Byron Campbell
of Toronto, called on friends in the
village on Sunday. ” .
Mr. Jack Simmons, of Windsor.,
spent the week-end with his mQther,
Mrs. Alda Simmons.-
Mr. Reuben Dennome, of Wind
sor, spent the holiday with friends
in and around town.
4 Miss June Saundercock return-'
ed home after a pleasant visit with
relatives in Kitchener,
Mr. Kenneth Manns, of Toronto,
visited with his' mother, Mrs. F.
Manns, o\;er the week-end.
Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto,
spent the' holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Spencer.
Miss Eleanor Bell, R.Nj, ®f Lon
don, was a week-end guest with
her mother, Mrs. Wm. Hyde,
Mr. Ray Patterson, of Toronto,
was a holiday visitor with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson.
Miss Hazel Smillie, of Atwood,
' was a week-end visitor with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie.
Mr. Gerald Campbell, of St. Cath
arines, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr.
Dr. Wm.
and Mr". H.
fishing trip
Mrs. Emma Hawthorne, of Hus
ton, Texas, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. S. Merner and Mrs. Flossie
( Miss Alice Pfaff, of Exeter, spent
’ the week-end with her mother, Mrs.
Alice Pfaff and sister, Miss Beryl
Pfaff. «•
Miss Helen McNaughton, of To
ronto, was a week-end guest '’with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Mc
Naughton., i
Miss Lillian Fulton, of Toronto,
visited over the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Davidson and other
friends here. i
Miss .Joyce Scruton,
speht the holiday with
Mrs. A. Scruton and
Peter McNaughton.
Mr. -Cecil Vanhorne,
is relieving at the C.N.R. station in
the absence of Mr. A. L. Case, who
is on his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. George Varley, of
St. Catharines, visited with rela
tives in and around the village on
Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Tibett and Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin McNichol, bf Lon
don, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Pfaff.
Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Kerslake,
Joan and Billy, spent Thanksgiving
with the foi'mer’s father,’ Mr. Wm.
Kerslake; at Granton.
Mrs. A. Bell and son, Mr.' Harold
Bell, -of London, attended the fun
eral of the former’s brother, the late
George Troyer, on Silhday.
Mr. Douglas Sangster, of Dur
ham, visited over the week-end
with his mother, Mrs. Minnie
Sangster, and members of the fam
■Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, of
Malton, visited over the /holiday
with the former’s mother, Mrs. W.
Lammie, and sister, Miss Greta
Lammie.Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones, Mrs.
Fred Corbett and Mrs. Roy MaC-
Laren and ’ Donald visited last
week with Mrs.' Ida Harding, In
London. v f-
The W.M.S., of Chiselhurst Unit
ed Church are holding a home cook
ing sale on Sdtiirday October 18th,
in Ml*. Chas. Jinks’ shop in Hensall
at 2 p.m. .Mr* and Mrs. Wm. Bbhthrbn, of
Detroit, visited over the holiday
with the former’s mother, MTS.
Robert Bonthron, and sister, Mrs.
Lou Simpson.
Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor,
and Miss Philpott, of London, Were
week-end guests With the former’s
mother, Mrs, Lammie and sister,
Miss Greta Lammie.
Mrs. Catharine tiedden and Miss
Mona Hedden are visiting in. Clin
ton this Week “With the former s
dauglitoi* and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mts. Whitney Carter.
Mrs. Herb Britton and family,
Of Uttblin, and MiSS Alma Hunter,
of Toronto, visited , on Thursday
with Mrs. Hannah Workman and
Miss Mabel Workman,
The Chamber * of Commerce is
and Mrs. Earl Camp-
T. Joynt, of London,
Q. Dayman/enjoyed a
up north on the holi-
of Toronto,
her mother,
sister, Mrs.
of Clinton,
2211/^ Dundas St,,
Under Government Super
Tuition fee? and information
sent on request.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ear) and
Marjorie and Mr. and Mrs. Everard
Miller and little son, Freddie, visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
James Squires.
Mr, Wellington Brock, Irene, An
na and Tom visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. J. Ratz,
Mr, and Mrs. Hector Taylor and
Grant, of Exeter, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. arid Mrs, Ross Hern. ,
Mrs. T. Dickenson and children,
visited on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Brock,
Anniversary services will not -be
held on October 19, but will be held
at a later date.
A number from the community
attended anniversary services - held
at Woodham church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl spent
Sunday with friends at Staffa.
—-----.v—,------ -
Simmons, Mrs. J, Hinsdale
Martha Murdoch, visited
day with Mr. and Mrs,
Butt, p£ Seaforth, who are
Mrs. J, Pfaff, who has been vis
iting with her son and daughter-
in-law, for the past week, was tak
en seriously ill on .Sunday, but is
much improved at date of writing.
Mr. Perry, of Glencoe, has been
transferred to the staff of the Bank
of Montreal here to replace Mr.
Clarke Kennedy, who has been,
transferred to the St. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hedden,
Messrs. 'Orville and Russel Hedden,
of iSt- Catharines, spent the week
end with Mrs, Catharine Hedden,
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Hedden moved
the|r household effects to St, Cath
arines on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Gus Voth and daugh
ter Gwendolyn, of Detroit, were
week-end visitors at the home of
Mrs, Voth’s grandmother, Mrs. Rob
ert Bonthron. They were accom
panied home by Mrs. Vdth’s moth
er, Mrs. Lou Simpson," who has
spent the past few weeks in De
troit. »
The many friends of Mrs. Mar
jorie Sparks, formerly of .this vil
lage,, will regret to hear that she
had the misfortune to fracture her
ankle after* leaving her home here.
She was getting out of an automo
bile when the accident occurred and
is-at present beiiig cared foi* at the
home of her son, Mr. Alex Sparks,
neai* Bayfield. »
Thanksgiving services were ob
served on Sunday in Carmel Pres
byterian Church when the--pastor,
Rev. Wm. Weir, delivered special
sermons in keeping with the z occa
sion. The choii* contributed an
anthem entitled “Give Thanks Unto
the Lord,” and Miss Margaret Dou-
gall, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and
Mrs. Andrew Dougall sang a sel
ection. "
Thanksgiving Services
Thanksgiving services were
served in the United Church on Sun
day, ’ conducted by Rev. R. A.
Brook, who delivered inspiring ad
dresses on the subjects, “Lessons
from . the Changing Seasons,” and
“The Fine Art of Being Grateful”.
Dr. I. iG. Smillie contributed a solo
entitled “Consider and Hear Me”
and Miss Greta -Lammie played a
violin solo entitled .“'Cavatina”, ac
companied 'by Miss”' Kathryn Sills,
of London, on the piano. The choir
sang two anthem's, “Rejoice, Be
Glad in the Lord,” and “In Glad
A quiet autumn wedding was sol
emnized at “the United Church
manse, -Egmondville, last week; when
Rev. A. W. Gardiner officiated at
the marriage of Mildred Ruth,
youngest daughter of Mrs, Flossie
Brock and the late George Brock,
of Hensall,- and Allen Townsend,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Townsend, of Egmondville. The
bride looked charming in a floor
length gown of Rosebud pink double
net appliqued over silk with a bol
ero jacket and a sunburst necklace
set with brilliants wand carried a
bouquet of pink carnations and fern.
They were unattended. Following
the ceremony the bridal couple left
on a motoi* trip to London, Hamil
ton and (Burlington. On their, re
turn they were honored by a family
dinnei* and reception at the 'bride’s
home, with the immediate members
of the family present. Mr, and
Mrs, Townsend will reside in Hen
Mi*. George Yi’dyei* Passes
A shadow of gloom was cast over
the community on Friday morning
upon hearing of the sudden passing
of Mr* George Troyer in his 60th
year. The deceased had been in
his usual health, but suffered a
severe heart attack and his sudden
death came as a very great, shock
to his family. Ml*. Troyer was a
prosperous farmer, having spent his
life on his farm three miles west df
Hensall. Surviving are his widow>
one son, Gordon, and three sisters,
MrS, Wm, Dignan and Mrs.- Win.
Hyde; Hensall, and Mrs. A. Bell,
A private funeral service
late home on
conducted by
quartette com-
Workttian and
Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Kolman,
■of Toronto and Mrs. McDonald, of
New Hamburg, called on friends
here on Saturday last,
Mr. Borden Schroeder, of Wind
sor, spent the week-end at his home
• Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys, of
Exeter, visited on Sunday last with
Mends here.
Mr., and Mrs. E. • Keys and Miss
Pearl Keys visited on Sunday last
with Mr. and .Mrs, John McAsh, of
Varna, and attended anniversary
services there.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ratz have
returned home after their honey
moon trip.
Mrs. T. Collins and Miss Eleanor
Collins, of Toronto, visited last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Mr. Mervin Desjardine has re?-
turned home after spending the |
summer months with Mr.
MisS Ida Sweitzer, of
.Spent- .the week-end with relatives
The Y.P.S.
ening to plan,
A baby boy
of Mr. and Mrs.. Lome Dietrich on
October 13 th. Congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barr and
two. children,.- of Sarnia; Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Brenner and two child
ren and Mrs. Mary Brenner, of
Grand Bend, and- Mr. and Mrs.
'Chas. Clarke and little Nan-cy, of
Thedford, spent a pleasant Thanks
and Mrs.
met on
for the
Tuesday eV-
winter meet-
at the home
giving at the home of Mr.
Wm. Sweitzer.
Miss Edith Fletcher, of
week-end with
and Mrs. Arthur Fletch-
her par-
Mrs. Harvey Gray, of TO'
was held from the
Sunday at 2.3'0 p.m.
Rev, Wm. Weir, A
prising Misses JMabel
Irene Hoggarth, Rev. W. Weir and
W. A. MacLaren, sang “The Old
Ruged Cross". Tile pallbearers
were Messrs. RUssell and Francis
Coleman, Harold Boll, Elgin Thomp
son, George Johnston and Jack Fa
ber, The floraF tributes were very
beautiful, interment was in Hen-
sal) Union Cemotery. ■
A report Of the Red Cross ap
pears on another page.
J ,Agent-—Is your mother at home,
Boy—Yes sir,
Agent (after several knocks ih
gyain)— X thought you said she was,
Boy—She is, but 1 don’t live here.
spent the
ents, Mr.
Mr. and
ronto, sp.ent the holiday With Mr.
Maxwell Gray/.
f Miss Procter, of Sarnia, is holfy
daying with her sister, Mrs. Me
Hardy, and Dr. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and
family, of Toronto, spent the holi
day with Mr. and Mrs. Truman
guests with Mr.
Mrs. H. Loughllen, of Melburne,
and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hudson, of Bry-
anston, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. A* Bickell.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock, of Ham
ilton, spent the week-end with vMr.
and Mrs. Russell Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doupe, of
ronto, were Sunday guests with
and Mrs, Everett Doupe.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Butcher
daughter, Norma, of Simcoe,
Mrs. H. C. White, of St. Marys,
ited with Mr, and Mrs. I, N. Mar
shallton Monday.
The sacrament oi! the Lord's Sup-
per will be administered at the
morning service at Shipka,at 10.30
o’clock. Public worship at Brins
ley at 2.30 p.m., preceded by Sab
bath School at 1*30.
Following the evening service at;
Crediton, the minister will give a
lantern lecture entitled “Building,
a University near the Roof of the
World", This will be the first of
a series of monthly lantern lectures
sponsored by the M. and M. commit
tee of Shipka, Brinsley and Credl-
ton churches. You are invited to
see these beautiful and informative
slides depicting the program of
Christian education in West China,
L.Cpl, Gerald England, of Chat
ham, and Jack England and George
Seaborn, of the Air Training School
at Guelph, spent the week-end at the
former's home here.
Miss Shirley Fahrner and Mr, and
Mrs. Berg, of Detroit, spent Sunday
with Mr-,and Mrs. Herb Fahrner,
Mr, James McMaster and Miss'
Jean McMaster, pf st, Marys, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence
■ Mr, Bob Kerr and Miss Cooke, of
Detroit, spent the- week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr.
Reel Cross Shipments
The following Red Cross ship
ment was sent from Crediton this
month: 5 pairs seamen’s socks, 4
seamen’s scarves, 2 aero caps, 3
pairs seamen’s boots, 2 turtle-neck
sweaters, 8 pairs army socks, 3 army
scarves, 2 alternative caps, 2 wash
cloths, 1 girl’s unit of coat, skirt,
knickers, blouse and sweater; 1
boy’s unit of 1 pair shorts, 1 blazer,
blouse, also 1 pair boy’s pants and
waist (donated); <2 quilts.
Anniversary Services
Large crowds attended the
niversary services of Zion Evangel
ical Church on Sunday, October 12,
morning and evening. This was
the 44th anniversary of the pre
sent building and the 86 th anni
versary of 'the organization of the
congregation. Mr. Cressman, of
London, was the* anniversary speak
er and delighted the audiences with
spirit-filled and inspiring messages.
At the evening service the United
church and pastor,. Rev.- Turner,
joined the Evangelicals in worship
and the spacious church was filled
Mr. -Cressman spoke briefly to the
Sunday School. A full choir under
the direction of Mr. Lawrence Wein
rendered excellent, music at both
services. At the morning service
Mr. Lawrence Wein and Miss Ella
Morlock sang a duet, “At the Hal
lowed Place of Prayer’1. The choir
sang “Stand up for? Jesus’’. Mr.
Chas. Hoffman -sang?*“Oh, How I
Love Him”, , at the evening service
and the choir rendered “0 r a
Thousand Tongues”. A beautiful
spirit of fellowship existed/-anjong
the people throughout all Abe /ser
vices of the day and this anniversary
will long be remembered. '
' /g
A goose an
duck supper/will
Put Your Layers into Production
Eggs axe needed without delay for overseas shipments.
Prices are good. You’ll save money when m use SHUR-
GAIN 18% Laying Mash «■
18% Laying Mash $2.80 36% Eggmaker Concentrate $3,75
Bq sure to worm your laying hens; before they start prod
uction, . Use Pratt’s Bplife-Aetipn Capsules, They are rel*
idble, safe and easy to givq to poultry.
We can’t afford' tip lose our little pigs, Give them an ideal
start op our Ideal $ tarter .Pigs can be made to grew faster
and produce better bacon at a lower cost by feeding SfiUR-
GAIN Hog Concentrate. We have proved it. Britain dem
ands more and more hogs. If we work together we can fill
the, order,
17% Pig Starter $2.65 41 % Hog Concentrate $3.30
Remember freshness of. feeds is more essential than ever.
Made in our pwn mill our feeds are always fresh.
New bags are extremely expensive. Save yourself this high
cost by taking our feeds in your own bags.
Miss. Antoinette Ziler, of London,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Ziier.
Miss Myrta Taylor and brother,
Jack, of London, and Mrs. Sharp,
of Exeter, spent Thanksgiving with
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor,
Mr. and1 Mrs. Harold Kellerman
spent Thanksgiving week-end with
her parents in Fergus.
Mr. Arthur Baird, of London,
called on friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Hopcroft and
Russel spent the week-end with
their son, Robert, in Fort Colborne.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft are spend
ing a week with their daughter,
Mrs. stadelbauer, in London,
Mr* Kenneth McRea, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with his sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Currie.
Mr. R. Ross and daughter, Greta,
of Seaforth, were visitors with Mrs.
Stacey9 and Mrs. Hoffman on Fri
day. -
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, of St.
arines, spent the week-end
hex* parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Genttner, of Toronto,
the week-end with his parents, Mr*
and Mrs. T, Genttner,
Murray Wolfe, of Fort Erie, spent
Thanksgiving at his home here.
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cook, of
Windsor, spent the week-end here
and in Hensall,
Milford Mason and friend, of
Oakville were Sunday visitors with
his mother, Mrs. E- Mason.
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Eckstein and
family and Mr, and Mrs. Ervin
Brandt and family and Albert and
Otto Becker, all of Kitchener, were
week-end visitors with theii’ par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker.
Donald Oestreicher, of London
Medical School, and Miss Eunice
Oestreicher, who is attending Lon
don Normal School, spent Thanks
giving holidays with theii- parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher.
Mr. -and Mrs. D. Meerburg and
family, of Port Frank were Sun
day visitors with Mr. Jonas Hart-
leib and Lavada.
Mrs, Henry Wolfe, of , Pigeon,
Mich., visited with Mrs. ‘Gill, on
Messrs. Lloyd Weido, of Toronto,
and Vern Weido, of Chatham, spent
Sunday with their mother, Mrs.
Weido, on the 14th con.
Mr. and Mrs. Mavers, of Saginaw^
and Mrs. Mavers, of Sebwaing,vis
ited with Mrs. J. Rader last week.
Mrs. Henry Becker is visiting
with her brothel* in Bornholm.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry- Guenther,
of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving
with his mother, Mrs. C. Guenther.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Pfile spent’
the week-end. with friends, in Mt.
'Clemens and Detroit.
•Keith Weber, of Nova Scotia, is
spending a week ’ with his parents,
Mr., and Mrs, D., Weber.
Miss Margaret Held spent Thanks
giving with friends i'p Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmei- and
Mr. and ■ Mrs. Gibson, of Toronto,
spent | the holiday With relatives
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Brenner, Em
ma and Albert, of Kitchener, and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman" Brenner, of
Waterloo, .were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Neuswanger, on
Monday. *
Mr. Alex Zimmer, who has been
on the sick list for some time, was
taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, in
London, on Tuesday. "
Mr. Dunlop, of Chatsworth, call
ed on friends here on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer
■and Mr; Albert Miller visited
friends in Kitchener ovei- the holi
Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. T. Reste
meyer spent the holiday with rela
tives in New Hamburg.
Mr. Fred Preeter, of Stratford,
spent a few days in town.
William Vincent Dies Suddenly
Thu community was shocked at
the sudden passing of William Vin
cent of the 16th concession of Ste
phen Township on Tuesday, Octo
ber 14th, Mr. Vincent, while in the
barn taking care of pigs, was over
come with a heart attack. He was
a resident of this community for
twenty years and was in his 49th
yeai*. Surviving are his ^vife, one
daughter, Mrs, Chris. Bierling, of
Hay Township; f&ur sons, Hubert,
Harold and Maurice at home and
Earl, of the Blue Water Highway;
one sister, Mrs. Mary Adams, of
McGillivray Township; three bro
thers, Norman and Albert of Steph
en Township and Ed of Winnipeg.
Funeral services will take place on
Thursday at the residence at 2 p.m.
private, followed with memorial
service in the Evangelical Church
Dashwood. Interment will be
Grand Bend Cemetery.
We have; just received a new supply of feeding molasses.
Tankers are not available to bring molasses from, the Indies
and oul* orders are very limited. Feeders would be wise to
place their orders immediately.
Better service, better quality, better prices, save you money.
.......•• ■ ' ......., ... """"
Mrs, Rachael Sims, of Exeter, is
visiting with her son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims
and other relatives.-
Mrs. John Baird,’of Grand Bend,
is visiting with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Sim-s.
Mr- and Mrs, Wm. Heatherley,
of London, spent the week-end with
the latter’s mother, Mrs. C, Motz,
at the home of Mr, and Mrs, -Wm,
Motz, Mrs. Heatherley is remaining
for a few days.
Mr, T. Yuli and Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Sopeiding, of London, visited
on Monday with the latter’s mother,
Mrs. C. Motz.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliffe and son. Gary
i of London, spent Saturday in our
? town.
Mr. Jack Appleton has moved into
the home of Mr. Wm, Cliffe,.
In the evening Rev. N. J. Woods,
M.A., of Exeter, gave a splendid
Thanksgiving message, #‘Those who
are appreciative and thankful" and
“those who take all for granted”.
Special music was furnished by the
choir, assisted by Mr. Charles Paul,
Leon Paul and A. Atkinson, of Kirk
ton. Miss Gertrude Camm sang a
solo in the morning and' also took
part in the anthems. My. Atltj^-
son also took a special part in M|ie
evening anthem. The singing was
much appreciated. The pulpit ros
trum was beautifully decorated .with
“baskets of flowers, fruits and Vege
tables. A large number of visitors
from neighboring
present and spent
Visitors from a distance who at-^
tended the Sunday anniversary and
spent the holiday with friends here
were Mr. and Mrs. Hilson White
ford, of Ingersoll; Hr. and Mrs.
Harold Thompson and children, of
Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Howard An
derson and Shirley of Washington;
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Langford and
little daughter,, of Clandeboye; Miss
Gladys Shier, of London* Mr. and!
luio. uuiin p vc v cuouu, ui luviiiuaic, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake, of
Exeter, and Mr. Wendell Camm, of
London University.
Mr. and’ Mrs. Whitfield Switzer
spent the week-end and Thanksgiv-.
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Louth,
in Toronto.
Miss Gertrude Camm, of I'oronto,
spent Sunday and Thanksgiving .at
the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Essen, of Oil Springs, {
were holiday and Sunday guests with •
the latter’s parents, Mr., and Mrs.
Delmar Johnson.
Miss Evelyn Camm, left Tuesday
of this week to train for a “nurse
at Stratford General Hospital.
W. M. S. Meets
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
was held in the basement of the
Church last Thursday evening.
This was an open meeting -qnd the _
men were invited to attend. The i
.president, Mrs. Pattison, conducted the week-end with Mrs. Fred Dobbs
the devotional exercises and Mrs.1 and Sunday with their sister, Mrs.
Fred Doupe, convener of group 4,
took the chair for the program.
The study book, prepared by Mrs.
■Gorby, was read by Mrs. Whitfield
Switzer, Mrs. Wm. Mills, Mrs. Art
Rundle and Mrs. F. Doupe. It proved
Very interesting and instructive.
Mrs. W. SWitzer and Mrs. Frank Mc
Naughton favored with a vocal duet;
Mrs. Pattison gave a reading, “Rea
sons Why Our Society Fails to At
tend Regularly” and Mrs. Jas.
Squire gave a reading, “Oh Where
is the Daughter of Tyre Bringing
Gifts to the King”. A hymn was
sung and Mrs. Doupe closed the
meeting with prayer. A^ 10-cent
lunch was served, andtt. tbe Thanks
giving offering collected.
churches were
the day with
Piano Recital
by pupils of
(jriadys biiier, ot Juonuon-^ lw.r. aud . qt* a tvt K7\z t qmttii a tt* ik/x Mrs. John Stevenson, of Thorndale,!olAnJb£*1 l.C. M.
FRIDAY, OCT.17 at S p.nm
aid of British War Victims’
Fundheld in the nited Church jfehed
Thursday eW|iing, October/16th. A
good program^ is being provided by
the Favorite our, of London. Ad
mission, adult^<60 cents/ children
under 11 years,Scents. ' ’■«..,
Several from he’re attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Richard
Webb at Grand Bend on Friday af
ternoon. We extend our sympathy
to the bereaved relatives.
Successful anniversary services
were held in the United Church on
Sunday afternoon and evening.
Large crowds attended to hear two
inspiring sermons by Rev, J. B.
Moore, B.A., of Milton, a former
(ninj^ter. The Choir rendered spec-
ksgiving visitors in the com-
were: Mr. and Mrs. W.
C^/rts, \Marilyn and Miss Viola
Curts, of London, and Mr. and Mrs
Kenneth Smithers, of Parkhill, with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts; Mr.
Dawson Woodburn, of , Toronto,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chid
Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gil
lies and Donald, of East Williams,
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks; Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Pollock* Margery
and Peter with friends; Miss Eve
lyn Bullock, of Woodham, With her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bullock;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love and son,
of London, with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Isaac and other friends; Miss Ella
Jean McGregor, of Exeter, with Mr.
and Mrs. Don McGregor; Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. McPherson and family,
■of Toronto, at their home here;
Mrs. W. T. Ulens, Ula, and Dorman,
with Mrs. A. F. Matthews and fam
ily, of London; Mr. Hugh Hornet,
of Toronto, with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Horner; Messrs. Har
old Pollock and Seibourne English,
of Detroit, at their homes; Mr. and
Mrs. Party Thompson, of Lieury, at
the home of Mr. W. J. Brown.
Mr, and Mrs. Emetsoh Woodburn
and Leona attended the Lackie-
Dixon wedding at Btin?ley on Sat
Anniversary services will be
held in the Anglican Church on Sun
day, October 19 th. On Thursday
evening, October 23rd, a goose and
duck supper will be held in,the Un
ited Church ehed undet the auspices
of the Anglican Ladles* Guild. The
programme will consist of a play,
"A Rose-Coveted Cottage”, by the
Thedford Y.R.
Sponsored by Woodham Y. iP. U.
Adults 25c Children 15c
Lloyd Dobbs, of the R.C.
Guelph, spent the week-end
and Mrs. Ross Taylor and
of Exeter, were Sunday
and MrS. Eric
Anniversary Services
Sunday9 Oct. 19
Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.rn.
in the monrning and
REV. A. M. GRANT of Kippen
in the’ evening
Special music by the choir
Alt are cordially invited to
Mr. and Mrs. JoskRegan of To
ronto, spent Monday with the for
mer’s mother, Mrs. M. Regan.
Anniversary Services
A fine day marked Woodham
nlversary lust Sunday and splendid
congregations word present at both
services. Rev. H. J. Mahoney, B.A.,
B.U., of Stratford, delivered a force
ful1 and Inspiring’ sermon at the
morning service, taking his text
from, Romans 13*22, “He that hath
an oar let him hear what the Spir
it .saith unto the Churches/* and
’’Behold, ,,X stahd at the door and
knock.** Mr, Mahoney said it was
a challenge to our modern times.
A.F., .......... ...... ..
under the parental roof. .
Mr. - and Mrs. Harry Noels and
baby, of Aylmer, Mrs. Eldon Cald
well and family, of St. Thomas,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dickens.
Mrs. Cecil O’Brien and Edith and
Francis O’Brien, of Toronto, spent
Nellie Dobbs, who is a patient in
Victoria Hospital.
Miss Lorraine Dobbs
home on Saturday after
several months in Lucan.
Week-end visitors with
Mrs. B. Noels were Mr. Percy Noels,
of London
ley Noels
They also
Noels who
.and Mr.'and Mrs. Stan-
and family, of Fingal,
called on Miss Violet
is a patient in Victoria
3()th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs -’eceiv-
ed many gifts and cards on Sat
urday, congratulating them on their
thirtieth wedding anniversary. Mr«
and Mrs-. Frank Doupe, of London,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall a*nd Hazel
and Cecil Hall, of St. Marys, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobbs
and Mrs. Jack Grandwell and Maur
ice Spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs,
M, Dobbs.
A Pimple Covered Face
Kills Many a Romaiice
The lives o£ many young people ato mado miser-
able by the breaking out Of puhples, and You probably
know of caseS where ’a promising romance has been
spoiled by those red> white, featering and pus filled
sores on the face. »*.**«.
The trouble is net so much physical pain, but the . .
mental suffering caused by the embarrassing disfigurement Which very
often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out in company. t
The quickest Way to get rid of pimples m to improve the general health
by a thorough cleansing of the blood. 4
Burdock Blood Bitters helps to cleanse the blood and With the blood .
cleansed the complexion Should clear tip.
The T« Milburn. Co., Littitted; Toronto, Ont,