HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-10-09, Page 51 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Tm.'KSl>AY, OCTOBKB Ml, wt* HENSALL Mr. Thos. Shaddick is vUitiug with relatives at Londesboro. Messrs. Nelson Peipper and Mur-: ray Traquair, of Hamilton, spent, the week-end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Colvin, of Lobp, .called on the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cor- butt, on Sunday, ’ . Ray McLarnon entertained a numuer .of his chums at a birthday party at his home on Tuesday af­ternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hayt.er and Donnie, of London, visited recently and took th© chair ah4 “Blest B£ the Tie That Binds” was sung.’ Mrs. 0. MeDonell read, the Scripture from the 5th chapter - of Galatians, A vocal duet, "Above the Bright Blue”, contributed by Mrs, Hed­ den and Mrs. Hess, was much en­joyed, accompanied by Miss Doug; las at the piano. Mrs. Lamwie led in prayer and th© topic <?» "The Life and Work of Mrs, McKinnon, Missionary in Korea,” was very abiy taken by Mrs. Geo. Hess. Miss Jean Murray spoke briefly in th© interests meeting tion* Senior of. the W.C.T.U., and the closed, with the benedi©’- pgy TIEMAN’S HALL Dashwood Old TimeNew and FRIDAY, OCT. 10th ‘ Murdock Orchestra Adprussion 25c plus ftois With Mrs. Hayter's parents, Mr. Mrs. R. D. Bell. A number of the members of W.M.S, of the United Church tended the Presbyterial held Clinton on Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker, of Bowmanville, are visiting with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker,Mr. Gerald Passmore of the R.C.A.F,, Belleville, visited over •the week-end with his parents, Mr. and < Mrs. John Passmore.Next Sabbath being Thanksgiy-, ing Sunday, special services will be held in the local churches with special music by the choirs, Mr Robert Passmore, B.A., has left to resume his studies at th© University of Toronto after visit­ ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr, Kennedy, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal, who recently un­derwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, is much improved.Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne visited in St. Thomas over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Grant and family. i Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt. and daughter Judith Ann, of London, and Dr. Wm. T. Joynt, of London,1 spent Sundav with their mother, I Mrs. Alice Joynt. The W.M.S. of the United Church | will hold their annual Thankoffer-' ing on Sunday, October 2'6th, when Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Blyth, will be the special speaker. Commencing this week the stores will be closed on winter evenings during the fall and winter seasons. They will be open Saturday evenings and every evening during December. The Arnold Circle of. Carmel Church held a successful social ev­ ening on Wednesday at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Games were enjoyed and refresh-1 ments served. Rev. Wm. Weir, services in Church on contributed . .. - ______ “Teach Me, 0 Lord”, and the at­ ilt I Institute Addressed Clinton Speaker The October meeting of the sail Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Cornelius Cook on Wednes-j day evening when Mrs, Drysdale and1.) Mrs. Cook were hostesses. There t was a large attendance and the | President, Miss Beryl Pfaff, pre­sided. The roll call was answered) by "My Favorite Poem and its I Author,” The demonstration on t “Making the Patient Comfortable” was in charge of Miss Olive Walker, 1 R.N., of Albany, N.Y., and was most? helpful and interesting. Miss Mabel Workman very ably gave the motto I entitled "It Js not i what w© gain I but what ,we retain that counts.” Mr. George Jefferson of Clinton was the guest speaker and gave a most interesting address on "Poet­ ry” a noting several famous poems. Miss Florence Welsh and Mrs. Geo. Hess contributed a vocal duet en­ titled “On to Victory” accompanied at the piano by Miss Gladys Luker. At the conclusion of the program refreshments were served by Mrs, Geo. Hess, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Jas. Patterson and Mrs. R. J. Patterson. A vote of thanks was extended the hostess by Mrs, Cross. Miss Mildred Hackney is spend­ing a few days at her home on the health. Helpers Church Hen- J Mr, and Mrs. Ted Taman and | baby, of Listowel, spent the week’ J end with Mrs. Taman’s mother, j Mrs. A, McDonell. Mr. and Mrs. I Taman were guests at the Greer- i Bonthron wedding on Saturday. . B.A., conducted Carmel PresbyterianSunday and, 'the choir two anthems, entitled ........ 7 L-..'", —J “O Wor­ship the King.” \ Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lavery and family of Port Dalhousie, spent a few days visiting with Mrs. La­ very's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pass- more. Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Rigby and Don­na, of Blenheim, spent Sunday at' the home of Mrs. Rigby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. They were accompanied home by Miss Helen McQueen, who will visit With them- r - ■ The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh is rapidly nearing •completion and they expect to move into the dwelling soom The build­ ing is in charge o'f Mr,” Thos. Welsh and will be very modern and con­ venient. On. Thursday afternoon of last week little Wayne Welsh entertain­ ed twelve of his playmates at zhis„ home, the occasion being his birth­ day. Hats and balloons provided fup. for all and games were played followed by refreshments. Rev._R. A. Brook.was in charge of the services in the United Church on Sunday and in keeping with the World Communion, communion ser­vice was held in the morning. The choir sang ’two anthems, Jesus Died for Me,” and Let Met( Serve Thee.” The "Young People of Presbyterian Church held ness meeting on Monday in the schoolroom of the "Since 1 “Lord, Carmel a busi- evening ____ _ _________ __ __ church with the president, Miss Irene Hosr- garth, presiding. A nominating committee comprising Misses Sally Manson, Ruth Mclllvenna, Bobby Cameron and Jim Mustard were ap­pointed to select. the slate of of­ ficers. ■A number of members of Car­ mel Presbyterian Churcli attend­ ed the evening service in Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, when the pastor, Rev. D. C. Hill, preached his- farewell sermon, taking as his text, “He who giveth his life shall ■find it, and he who saveth his life shall lose it/’ ’ Rev. Hill has been called to the colors with the Can­adian Army and has been appoint­ ed* District Chaplain and reported ■at District No. 2, Toronto, on Tues­ day. He is well known among the congregation of Carmel, Church having been interim moderator dur­ ing the vacancy preceding Rev. Weirls appointment and having ex­ changed pulpits with the minister here during the holiday months for the past several years, and the Carmel congregation here will fol­low his career with much interest, Senior Mission Circle Meets The Senior Mission' Circle of the United Church commenced their fall and winter meetings bv gatherino- at the home of Miss Gladys Passmore on Monday evening, opening with hvmns *aiid the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mis<» Edna Saundercock read the Scripture and Miss Kay Drys­dale took the devotional, “Giving Thanks.” after which Miss Annie Funk led in prayer. Miss Irene Douglas Spoke on "The Work of fhe Mission Circle”. The business items were taken up and the meet­ ings will be held the first Monday night in each month, When refresh* ments will be served. The meet­ing concluded by sjnglng the Na­ tional Anthem! ahd repeating the benediction. W.M.S. Meeting The October meeting of the W\ M.S. of th© United Church was held on Thursday afternoon with the president, Mrs, Cross, presiding, Following the opening exetcises the, business was taken un and arrange* ments mad© for the annual Thank- offering to be held Sunday, October 26 When Rev. A. Sinclair, of Blyth will be the special sneaker. Ar­rangements were made to have Miss Agnes McPhalL speak here at Some1 future date. Mrs. A. Spencer then the $895 DASHWOOD Ladh&s*- Aid 04 AV .M.S. The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S, of the Evangelical Church held their regular meeting ih the church base­ment. The devotional exercises were in charge of the Mission Circle with Aldene Eagleson in the chair. A very interesting program was given. The two societies met in separate rooms for the transaction of business, then again joining for several contests directed- by Helen walper and Myrtle Gaiser;. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. H. Kellerman was appointed to take her place. The floral committee for the month is composed of Mrs. M. Tieman and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. The Sunshine Committee are Miss Susan Kratt and Mrs. Cora Gaiser. The decorating committee for the , Harvest Home Festival are Mrs. E.Bender, Mrs. C- Becker, Mrs, D. Haugh and Mrs. H. Kellerman. The meetings are to be held in the homes for the winter months on Thursday nights. There were 32 sick visits made, 12 bouquets and '2 dainties sent this month. The La­ dies’ Aid served lunch at the close.Mr. Addison Tieman is having a public dance in the hotel on Fri­day night, Murdoch’s ~ ' will furnish the music.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon family, of Sarnia, were •town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eirvn Mclsaac and family, of Windsor, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. L. Mclsaac, last week.Mr. and Mrs. Walter George Smith and daughter, Georgina, of the Haig Farm, near Thedford, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Prance, and daughters, Shirley and Betty, of Thedford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent. Miss Karen Pedersen, of London, spent last Wednesday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Pedersen. Special Thanksgiving services are being held in both churches on Sunday.Garnet Weiberg,'who is training at Petawawa, spent the week-end with his “phrents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg..Mrs. E. Edighoffer, of Zurich, spent a few days wifft her sister, Mrs. Mclsaac.Mr. and Mrs. Dempster, of Kit-' chener. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader if or a few days.Word was received here on Mon­day night of the sudden death of Mr, John Preeter, of Kitchener. A number of relatives from here are attending- the funeral on Thursday. Word was received here on Sat­urday of the death of Isabel, be­ loved wife of Samson Vincent, at the home of her daughter, Miss Mary E. Vincent, in London, in her 75th year. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon with interment in Mount Pleasant • Cemetery, Lon­ don. Death of Samuel Baker Mr. Samuel Baker, resident Zurich for a goodly^ number years, f' THAMES ROAD and ROYS Ronald Collings wap homo over the week-end. He expects to leave for other parts goon. We wish both he and the other boy© the best of luck, Miss .Alice Hackney, Mrs, Wm. Ferguson, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. IL Ford, Miss J. Stone and Mrs. Mair attended the W.M.S. convention at Kippen this weelu Mrs, James Dow (nee Elizabeth ‘Hackney) has been quite ill for the past ,Afew days. Mrs. Simon Dow returned from St, Joseph’s Hospital on Sunday. She is doing very well. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore at­ tended Whalen anniversary on Sun­ day, Thames Road Anniversary, Sun­ day, October 19th. Special notice next week. Many from these parts attended the frolic at Exeter last week. Thanksgiving services next Sun­ day at all church services, should try to be present. Wedding bells are ringing around here. They have hushed for quite a long time. ----------V---------- 1940 FORD COACH with heater and defrosters, a real nice one 1940 FORD COUPE, low mileage, ...................... 1938 DELUX FORD SEDAN new motor, new battery, thoroughly overhauled,....$750 1938 Delux FORD COACH, with heater and defrosters a real beauty, has always had careful attention..... 1937 LAFAYETT NASH COACH, with heater, ........... 1934 CHEVROLET COACH, with heater,..................... 1934 FORD DELUX COACH ................................. ............ CHRYSLER SEDAN, a good sound car for only......... ALSO SOME USED TRUCKS and TRACTORS Field Day Largely Attended The Field Day held in Hensall on Wednesday, sponsored by the Hensall, Kippen and Zurich War Service committee, was largely at­ tended, the weather being ideal. The committee in charge was Mr. R. H. Middleton, chairman; Messrs. W. R. Davidson, Ted Oliver, Ed, Gascho, and LeRoy O’Brien. Dr. A. R. Campbell, president of the com­ mittee and the local teachers were in charge of the arrangements, softball ture on the list Orchestra Cal fas and visitors in You again been $750 $650 $375 $375 $175 Phone 64 SANDY ELLIOT CROMARTY 1 I Thames Road owing to ill W.M.S. Entertains Home The W.M.’S. of Carmel I very successfully entertained the Home Helpers at a supper meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday evening.’ The room and tables were tastefully decorated with autumn flowers for the occasion. Mrs. A. Logan presided over the following program arranged by the Home Helpers and opened b'f sing­ing “O Master Let Me Walk with Thee”, followed by prayer by Mrs., W. M. Belhj The Scripture, TTeb-l rews, chapter 11, was read by Mrs. I J. Hazelwood. The roll call was answered by “Faith”. Mrs, J. Cairns favored with a vocal solo en­ titled “I Have a Friend”. The busi­ness was presided over by the pre­ sident, Mrs. C. Hudson, who wel­ comed the Home Heiners to the 'meeting. Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Da­vidson reported having made six­teen calls during the past month. Mrs. Workman and Mrs, Sangster will visit during \the next month. Arrangements were made to pack boxes ■ for the boys overseas and Mrs. W. R. Davidson and Mrs. A. D. McEwen were appointed to pack the same. The Home Helpers’ re­port was given by 'Mrs. A. Logan and the treasurer’s report Was giv­en by Mrs. A. D. McEwen. ^Ar­ rangements were also, made for the thankoffering to be held in the near future. Mrs. • Jas.. Parkins gave the address for the evening on “Suffering, Human and Divine, and Consolation”, which was most interesting and helpful. The pro­gram concluded by singing “Faith of our Fathers”, after which, Mrs. Wm. Douglas led in prayer. Council Meeting .The regular meeting of the vil-. lage council was held on Monday evening in the council chamber with all members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted oh motion of Kerslake and Parkins. R. J. Patterson, tax collector, imported receiving $1,- 27'5.20 in lt941 taxes to date. Thos. Kyle reported that the gravel for the streets was available at Mac- Lean’s pit. Reeve Shaddick report­ed the interview with the Highway engineer at Stratford in connection {with surface treatment of King St. J. A. 'Patterson reported that he had received the revised assess­ment on the Black Creek Drain ex­ tension.Correspondence was read froln; the Dept, of Municipal Affairs, Dept. I of Highways, Municipal World, A. | C. Donald, E. MacKinnon, Bell Tele­ phone Co., D. E. Holmes. Same considered and filed.•The following bills and accounts were examined: A. Taylor, labour, fire tanks, $1/00; H.' Hyde, trac­tor at park, $2.00; Chas. Jinks, car at park, $1.0,0: Hydro Commission-, hydro, hall, $7.29; Thos. Kyle, sal­ ary, $70.00; F. G. Bonthron, post­age, $5.00; Rt J. Patterson, select­ ing jurors, $1.50;, R. E. Shaddick, selecting jurors, $1.50; J. A. Pat­terson, selecting jurors and car to Stratford, $5.00; J. Sangster, la­ bour, hall, $6'.6O; O. Twdtchell, supplies, fire dept., $12.50• W. R.• Davidson, coal for hall, $155.00; total, $268.39. It was moved by Horton and Cameron that the bills and a/ccounts as read he paid. Car­ ried. z Adjournment until November, per Cameron and Parkins. Carried. Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk I I Jump, Blanch Munn, Munn, A game was an added fea- the program. Following is of winners: Junior Gh’ls Champion, Betty Munn, S.S. 10, Hay, 8 points. Broad Jump, Aileen Munn, S.S. 10 Hay; Betty Munn, 10 Hay; Phyllis Taylor, Zurich. 75 Yard Dash, Eleanor McKenzie, Marjorie Hoffman, 7 Hay; Dorothy Turner, y7 Stanley. High Doris Buchanan, Hensall; Naphe, IO- Stanley; Aileen 10 Hay. Ball Throw, Betty 10 Hay, 87 ft. 2 in.; Betty Rowcliffe 10 ,Hay, 7;2 ft. 8 in.; Irene Baker, Stanley .(Blake School) 59 ft. 9 in. I * Junior Boys } 'Champion, Billie Campbell, Hen- 1 sail, 11 points. Broad Jump, Bill Mickle, Hensall, 11 ft. 8 in.; Billie O’Brien, 7 Hay; Gordon Trice, 8 Hay. 75 Yard Dash, Billie Camp­ bell, “Hensall; Orville Taylor, 10' Hay; Bill O’Brien, 7 Hay. High Jump, Billie O’Brien, 7 Hay, 3 ft. 9 in.; Orville Taylor, 10 Hay; Bil­ lie Campbell, Hensall. Ball Throw, Billie Campbell, Hensall, 126 ft.; Billie Mickle, Hensall, 124 ft. 9 in.; ■Gordon Trice, 8 Hay, 111 ft. 3 in. Senior Girls Champion, Elizabeth Grant, Hen­ sall, 1-0 points, 10'0 yard dash, El­ izabeth Grant, Hensall;-Sybil Grant, Hensall; Lenore Normin ton, Hen­ sail. Hop, Step and- Jump, -Jean Krueger, Zurich, 24 ft. 9 in.; Ada Hey, Zurich; Lenore Norminton, Hensall. High Jump, Elizabeth Grant, Hensall; Sybil Grant, Hen­ sall; Lenore . Normipton, Hensall. Softball Throw, .Patsy McDonell, Hensall, 8'2 ft. *8 in.; Lois MacLar- en, Hensall, 77 ft. 9 in.. Senior Boys Champion, Donald Joynt, sail, 16 points. Joynt, Hensall; Hensall; Jack O'Brien, 7 Hay. Hop Step and Jump, 'Clair Bedard, Zur­ ich, 34 ft. 6 in.; Jim Clark, Hen­ sall; Donald Joynt, Hensall. Put, Donald Joynt, Hensall, 2 in.; Jim Clark, Hensall, 8 in.; Keith Rose, Zurich, 10 in. Pole Vault, Donald Hensall, 9 ft. 4 in.; Jim Hensall; Ross Gascho, Zurich. Intermediate Girls Champion, Shirley Wolff, sail, 11 points, Wolff, Hensall; Tuckersmith.; Hay. Blake,’ i Mrs. Gordon Appleton has moved to Exeter, where she has taken an apartment. . Mr. A. L. Case is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation and spent a • few days this wdek in Detroit. Miss Mae Swahn, of London, visit­ ed on Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swahn. Mrs. Donald McKinnon moved into the dwelling recently vacated by Mrs. Marjorie Sparks, this week. Corporal Lawrence Baynham, of Camp Bdrdeitfl who was on his last leave, visited with Mrs. Baynham, Bobby and Jimmy. Messrs. Harold and Doiiald Wil­ lard, of St. C.”'........................... Week-end with and Mrs. Ezra Mr, and Mrs. Detroit, visited week with the brother-in-law, Daniels. » Miss 'Olive' Walker, R.N., left this week for Albany Hospital, N.Y., to resume her duties after spend­ ing the1 past month with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Walker. Catharines spent thd their parents, Mr. Willard. Geo. MacIntyre, of during latter's Mr. and the past sister and Mrs, Wni. Hen- 100 Yards, Donald Gordon Campbell, Shot 31 ft. 26 ft. 21 ft. Joynt, Clark, Hen- 100 Yards, Shirley Kathleen Powell, Beverly Myers, 10 Softball Throw,' Betty Baker, Eva Mae Brown, Crediton; Marjorie - Klopp, Zurich. High Jump, Gloria Twitchell, Hen Sall, 3 ft. 11 in.; Shirley Wolff, Hensail; Beverly Myers, Jump, Shirley lor, 1-0 10 Hay; Broad Gloria Twitchell, Hensa-ll: Wolff, Hensall; Evelyn Tay- Hay. Intermediate Boys Champion, Ross Gascho, Zurich. 2.0 points. 100 Yards, Ross GUscho, Zurich; Claire Bedard, Zurich; Jack Clark, 1 Tuckersmith. Broad Jump, Ross Gascho, Zurich; Claire Bedard, Zurich; Aubrey Gaiser, Creditoil. Shot Put, 12 lbs., Ross Gascho, Zur­ ich, 2-6 ft. 9 in.; Claire Bedard, Zur­ ich, 24 ft. 8 in.; Aqbrey Gaiser., Crediton, 2'3 ft. 3 in. High Jump, Ross Gascho, Zurich, 4 ft. 6 in; Claire Bedard, Zurich; Jack Clark, 1 Tuckersmith. Girls 6, 7 and 8 years, 50 yards —Rose Ann Aubin, 7 Stanley; Bar­ bara Ann Gascho, Zurich; Jean McAllister, 3 Hay. Sack Race, girls 6, 7 and '81 years, Elva Lovjg, 7 Stanley; Ruth Woolley, 1 O' -Stan­ ley; Marion Tinney, 10 Hay. 5'0 yards, boys 6, 7 and 8 years, Ronald McKinnon, Hensall; Jack Rath well, 14 Stanley; Lloyd Buchanan, Hen­ sall. Sack Race, Doftald McKiiinon, Hensall; Hugh Zaphe, 10 Stanley; Ronald McKiiliion, Hensall. V- No finer gift can b© sent to th© boys overseas or in camp than a subscription to the home paper. It is a weekly visitor with th© home news and very few •copies have been missed by those who are receiving the paper overseas. Sub­ scribe how. MOUNlT CARMEL Messrs. Jack Madden and Hubert McKeever spent a few days with relatives in Detroit, , Mr. Dan Coughlin had the mis­ fortune to be thrown from a horse, breaking his arm in two places. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morkin, of Aylmer, attended the Regan—Diet- rich wedding on Saturday. Miss Doyle here. Mr. family lin wedding on Wednesday of last week in London. Marg Doyle spent Sunday ir and Mr. Jim. with friends Dietrich andand Mrs. Joe attended the Dietrich—Con- -V- SAINTSBURY of o___v ........ of jcaIB, died very suddenly at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Weigand, 14th concession of Hay on Tuesday, Sept. 30th, who had been warned of^a heart weak­ness, was in the act of closing the barn door when in some way the door fell and Mr. iBakei’ was struck. Due to his heart-’condition lie soon succumbed. Deceased was well and favorably known here, where he was raised and 'lived most of his life. His wife died some years ago,. while residing in Zurich. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Weigand oh Friday afternoon at 1.30 p.m., followed by service in St. Peter’s Lutheran church, Zurich, with, interment in St. 'Peter’s Lutheran Qemetery. and Lor­ and Lois We are sorry to report that Miss Marguerite Davis is confined to her ■bed through illness. There was no church here on Sunday owing to the anniversary •in Kirkto’n. Week-end visitors with Mr. Mrs. Minor Dobbs were Miss raine Dobbs, of Lucan, Mr. Mrs. Clyne Dobbs and Miss Helmer, of Simcoe. Miss Marie Dobbs returned with them for a few days. A number from this community attended the anniversary services at Kirkton. Mr. Fred Dobbs Just received a carload of cattle that was shipped from the West. Mrs. Sam Switzer returned home on Friday after spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. Dobbs. Minor •V- WOODHAM Piano Recital by pupils of STANLEY J. SMITH m WOODHAM HALL FRIDAY, OCT.17 at 8 p.m. aid of British War Victims’ Fund Sponsored by Woodham Y. P. U. Adults 25c Children 15c on In with pro- four com- CREDITON ob- Kerr treated his staff duck supper last Thurs- All enjoyed a bounti- and spent a very en- Anniversary services will be served at the Evangelical Church on Sunday, October 12. Mr. W. S. Cressman, of London, will be the guest speaker. Special music will be rendered by a full choir. Every­ one is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Mary Eilber, of Ubly, Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry JEitber, who is at present very ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. The Township Council has erect­ ed a, fines flag pole at the town hall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr are spend­ ing this week at Boat Lake. Miss Myrtle Walker spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce, of Brucefield. Mr. Fred of men to a day night, ful supper joyable evening. Service stations in the village have no trouble in Selling all the gasoline they can get, but there should not be an acute shortage. In other words, there will be enough to go around if handled judiciously, but eacli month the squeeze is being applied more and more tightly, Mr. J. W. LaWSon has sold his residence on Main St. to William Dace, of London. Possession to be given at once. Mr, Dace has the contract of painting at the Cen­ tralia airport. Mr. Ezra Faist has been pointed tax collector for Stephen Township in the place of Freeman Morlock, who lias resigned. Several trucks ,are kept busy drawing gravel from Usborne Town­ ship for the Grand Bend airport. ap- ■1 For the church service last Sun-' day morning, a large bouquet of bronze, chrysanthemums was placed at the altar in memory of Eleanor Barnett Camm by her husband, Joh.n S. Camm and family. Inspiring dedication services were held last Sunday morning when sev­ en of our young people united the church. Rev. A. Laing nounced baptismal rites for of the young people of the munity, Lloyd Jacques, ^Loreen Jacques, Donald and Madeline Rodd. At the close of the service sacrament was administered. Mr. and Mrs. Pattison attended the Whalen anniversary on Sun­ day last. Mr. and Mrs. Pridham and child­ ren, of Port Rowan, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and children were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Squire. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn are visiting with the former’s sister at Kingsville. Donnie Rutherford, of Strathroy, called on friends in and around the village recently. Misses Viola Jacques and Made­ line Rundle were delegates’* for the Young People’s Union at St. Marys Church last week. Viola remained for a few days to visit with friends, Mr. John Wright and his broth­ er, Hugh, of Detroit, attended the funeral of their nephew, Mervin Ross Wright, son of Mrs. Jsa- bell Wright last 'Saturday after­ noon. The young man -made his home with his grandmother, Mrs. McCurdy, of 'the boundary, and while working in the field suddenly pass­ ed away. The remains were laid to rest in Staffa Cemetery. He was in his eighteenth-year. Mrs. Macbonald, of Brussels, re­ turned to her home after spending a few days with her son in the vil­ lage. Mr. and Mrs. Chittick, of Pros­ pect Hill, visited with Mrs. Robin­ son on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Stoskopf, of Seb.- ringville, and their nephew, Sir. Scott, of the West, visited at Mr. John Scott’s on Sunday. Mr. Scott is in the Air Force and is now at St. Thomas. ’ A few from Cromarty attended the farewell services in Exeter of Rev. D. C. Hill, of Caven Church. Mr. Hill has • enlisted as a chap­ lain and will ably fill that position as he is a well-informed and ener­ getic clergyman. Mountain at Oomarty is Blaze of Glory At this season of the year,', while driving through the country, we are amazed and awed by the beauty of our own Canadian woods and’ trees, when they are clothed in their autumn foliage of many tints and colors. It is a wonderful sight and -one never to be forgotten and perhaps unsurpassed in any country the world over, land of leaf the try, and pensities tints after a season of frost, drive or a walk out into the coun­ try and the seeing eye has present­ ed to it a panoramic view in which nature has lavished and blended all her wondrous colors. Thousands of people have travelled miles in search of famed scenes of beauty in other parts which in many cases do not compare with our own coun- . try right at • our own door. One amazing spot of beauty is the moun- taiii between Staffa and Cromarty which at this time of the year, dressed in its autumn glory, is a marvellous have had wonderful and now autumn, any of it— ■we take as a matter of course, and usually without comment or thanks. ---------V--------- Piano Recital assisted by 1 MAE S. PATTERSON A.T.C.M. assisted by MARGARET TREMEER A. T. C. M., Violinist of London Grand Bend United Church FRIDAY, OCT. 10th at 8.15 p.m. GRAND BEND Mr. Fergus Turnbull and fam­ ily visited in Ingersoll on Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Russell Mollard and family of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pollock visited Mrs. Alma Mollard on Sunday. ^Mrs. Ranch’shaw, -of Detroit, spent the past week with her par? ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bren­ ner. Miss Mary Turnbull has secured a position at Holt’s store. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston spent Sunday at Whalen. Mr. Lloyd Taylor will' hold a sale, having sold his farm for the air­ field. Mrs. Earl Webb, of Michigan, Spent the past week with her moth- ’ * er, Mrs. T. F. Turnbull. Canada being the the maple and the maple emblem of our dear coun- because of its sugar pro- it takes on its beautiful A : picture to behold. We a wonderful summer: weather, wonderful crops, are having a wonderful Do we appreciate all or -the beauty and blessings ELIMVILLE -V- CREDITON EAST Quite a number of the men from here have secured work at the Fair- field Airport. Trooper and Mrs. Jack Jasney and Mrs. Murray Neil ’and Mr. Eber Lew­ is spent Saturday in London. Trooper Jack Jasney, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home here. Pte, and Mrs. Douglas Triebner and son of London, and Mr. |and Mrs. Nat Corbett, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Trooper and Mrs. Jack Jasney. Mr. ahd Mrs. Edgar Horney and Donald, Shirley and Bobby, of Ridgew.ay, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, of Kippen, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. T ay lor, of Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hensall, visited Mr. and Mousso on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner have moved into their new home, which has just been completed. Mr. Robert Pollock hasf ' moved into his own home after’ selling his gasoline business in Bayfield. Mr. Ken Love has moved into Mr. Less Ireland’s house. Corp, who is Sunday Miss week at Wellburn with Mr. and' Mrs, Newman Baker. A fire started in Mr. John Brock’s swamp on the day of the windstorm and although men spent considerable time for days trying to put it out it was still smoulder­ ing a week after and a large piece had been burned out. The cause of the^ire is not known. 1 Mrs. Hy. Ford attended the W.M.S. convention held at Kippen On Tuesday. Mr. Clayton Herdman, of Inger­ soll, spent the week-end at home. Cyril Cornish, of Aylmer, on two weeks’ leave, spent with Mr. Bill Johns. Dorothy Johns visited this his -V- -v- “Yes my wife gets more out novel than anybody.” “How do you mean?” “Well, she always starts middle, so she’s not only ing how* it will end, but began,.” ot a the*in wonder-, how it» HARPLEYn- Miss Grace Maier, of visited on Sunday with Miss Mildred Maier. Mr. Mansel Hodgins visited on Sunday with London. Mrs. Ann Ridley is Leamington with her daughter, Mrs. Oliphant. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFalls visit­ ed on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harding, of Hagersville, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ross Love. Address and Presentation The congregation of Grace Church Greenway, met at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carruthers and pre­ sented Mr. and Mrs. Edison Pollock with some handsome silverware. Following is the address: Dear Ruth: We, your friends, have assembl­ ed here this evening to extend to you and your husband our very best wishes for a long and happy mar­ ried life. both from childhood and the fam­ ilies from which you come. size of this gathering shows some­ thing of the regard in which this community holds you. You, Ruth, have always been a, regular attendant at Grace Church and a willing helper’ in all its ac­ tivities. As Sunday School organist, at Christmas entertainments, at fowl suppers, and garden parties, you have always taken an active part, and we are glad that you will continue to live among us. Our best wishes go with you and' your husband in his military car­ eer, and wo look forward to the dayy When the Wai* is over, and you settle­ down in a home of your own in our midst. As a slight token of our good, wishes, we ask you to accept this little remembrance, together with the Dashwood, her sister, and Maud friends in visiting in. We have known you! The esteem and affection of us alL Sighed, Mrs. Garfield Steeper, Mrs. James Wilson.-