HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-09-18, Page 8OTURSPAY, SKPT. ia, 1 MX s Beauty Shoppe I’or Permanents of Lasting Beiiuty, Spiral,, Cmbinntton, MaC’hinekss VERA C, PECKER,. Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Old or- New Wheat,. $1.03. Creamery Butter, 38e Eggs, A Large, 2(u Eggs, Medium, 27e Eggs, B, 23e Dressed Hogs, $14.10. Reserve Saturday, November Sth, foi* the Main St. W.A. Bazaar. Any person found trespassing on the property of S.S. No. 2, Usborne, will be prosecuted. By Order. FOUND—On Andrew Street, on Sunday evening, a pair of lady's black kid gloves. Owner may have same by paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate. --------V-,------- A blue coat and package was placed in Mr. N. Statton’s car in front of his billiard parlor. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply to N. Statton.-------v------- COTTAGE FOR RENT—Electric lights. Possession Oct. 1st. Apply to owner, L. W. Watson, Box 187, Hay P.O. ---------V--------- WANTED far hire—500. water tank on truck. Apply Russell Construction Co., Centralia Airfield, -Rev. L. H. Turner, of “Jesus Meets a Crisis" 7.30 p.m. —^Midweek of prayer and Bible # * If you are considering papering this fall, we have just received a fine range of new patterns and colorings. Brighten up your home for fall and winter. the exeter tjme&apvocate Homemade Meat Loaf And other varieties of i i i ♦ * * Summer Sausage G, Tanton THEIR E. ZURBRIGG LOCALS Optometrist at Exeterltp. Igallon to the I i NOTICE Dr. Roulston announces that he will re-open his office on Thursday Sept. 18th, A MESSAGE TO PARENTS WEAL MEAT MARKET Cooked Meat for the hot weather meal Phone 38 Main St. ABOUT CHILDREN No child with defective vision has a proper chance in the battle of life. A scientific examination of children’s eyes, such as we make, is a sure way to deter­ mine whether they have normed yision- Children who require glasses should have the benefit of the very newest scientific development—-CORECTAL Lenses. They give clear, undistorted vision over the entire surface of the lens so that there is accurate vision even at the very edge. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hilh B-A., B.D. - MUiMAT Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public'Worship Sermom ‘’Reaction of Weakness” 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon: “The Cardinal Truth” Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Sunday, iSeptember 28th. Anniversary Services, Sunday, tober 19th, MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J. Woods, M.A. Minister Mrs. N. J. Dore Organist and Choir Deader . a.m.—Rally Day. Speaker, Mr. B, W. F. Beavers—“The Church’s Front Line” 7 p.m.- Crediton, Thursday, meeting Study. 11 Fcorectal LENSES .. The styles are particularly smart. We are showing a range pf trimtned arid untrimmed / coats in tweeds and dress materials. The prices are very attractive. ---------V-------- WANTED—A used car, as late as .’2& or ’30 model. Must be in good running order and cheap.. Ap­ ply to Rev. R. J. Merriam, Centralia. ItP a , -----------V- Mr. Wes. Ryckman has accepted position at Cook’s grocery. Gordon Cudmore, with A.F., at Fingal, spent the at his home here. Mrs. ’C. C. White and and Mrs. McGilp spent Sunday with relatives in London. James St. Sunday School will hold their Rally Day service on Sunday, Sept. 28th. Miss Elizabeth Martin, of Simcoe, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Mrs. G. Tuckey, of Lucan, is spending a few days with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott cel- for general j ebrated their 27th wedding anniver- Apply to Mrs. W. W. I sary on Monday, Sept. 15th. ---------V--------- STRAYED—A yearling calf, Here­ ford with white face, from Lot A, concession 7, Usborne. Jaques, Centralia R.R. 1, 1 Kirkton 321-20.---------y--------- FOR SALE—(Four acres of and two lots, Village of Lucan; frame house, cottage, 8 rooms; barn, good hen house; all kinds of small fruit, two good spring wells;' at a very reasonable price for quick sale. Must be sold. Joseph Gil- fillan, Lucan, Ont. 2tc. ------,—y— WANTED—A girl housework. Taman. the R.C. week-end JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. • Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School Minister Minister p.m.—Prayer Serviced 28th—Sunday School a.m.1—The p.m.—The Wednesday, 8 Sunday, Sept. Rally Day Service at 3 p.m. Chas. E. phone ltp Margaret NEW FALL SHOES Showing a fine range of new style: pumps that ore taking well this season at Per pair? $3,00 to $3,50 GLOVES New shades in gloves for fait The styles are very mnart in shades of wine, green, brown and black* Per pair, $1.00 NEW RAYON HOSE The new rayon hose are full-fashioned and are a good substitute for silk. Per pair, 79c LADIES’ FANCY ALL-WOOL SWEATERS * These come in smart stripes in several colors, also plain-color cardigans at Each, $2.95 ' Bedding Values You Should Not Miss Large isize plaid and flannelette blankets. Get your supply at, per pair, $2.65 Unbleached sheeting, 82 inches wide. An outstanding value that will give good wear. Per yard, 55c LOVELY BLEACHED SHEETING This is a real quality ^sheeting that is very hard to procure these days. 81 inches wide. Very special at t Per yard, 85c 10 DOZEN PILLOW SLIPS 42 inches wide. A good quality fine bleached cotton and hemstitched at Per pair, 75c land good good < i i in the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 at 8.30 sharp Drawing for door prizes every hour our time All Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Deader, Mr. Middlemiss New Wallpapers for Fall $ ---------y--------- WANTED—At once, girl to do cooking and general housework. Ap­ ply to Mrs. C. L. Wilson, Main St. - _------y--------- . WANTED — Exeprienced cook- general, family of 3 adults, small modern home. Highest wages for experience. Mrs. G. A. Ramsay, 197 Ridout Street, Sopth, London, Ont. . 18-3tp ---------V---------. HOUSE FOR SALE—Good, med­ ium-sized brick house, hydro and nice lot, for $900.00. C. V. Rick­ ard. ---------V--------- COATS remodelled, lined, Have your coats . rembd- l FUR glazed, elled latest styles. Moderate prices. Wanted, a play pen. Mrs. Norm. Hockey. 18-3tp ---------V--------- FOR SALE—Highway farm, good buildings, water an electricity. Oth­ er farms. Houses, Exeter and Lu­ can. Old Metropolitan and build­ ing lots. W. C. Pearce, Exeter, ---------’V--------- FORD Stake Truck, 2 ton, with license, ready to go to work. Only $'295.00. Also some used tractors. Sandy Elliot, Exeter. -------------------- FOR SALE OR RENT—Oct. 1st, Brick house, suitable for apart­ ments. Corner of Huron and And­ rew. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ---------V--------- WANTED—Reliable girl, ably over eighteen years of general housework. Apply J. G. Dunlop. ----------y______ ’ FARM FOR SALE---100-acre Tarm, 1% miles north of Dashwood, quarter-mile from school. Brick "house, barn 46x72, drive shed, gar­ bage, woodshed, plenty of soft water, two never-failing wells, 18- acres of fall wheat sown. Arthur Weber, proprietor and auctioneer, R.R. 1,. Dashwood, phone 12r57, Dashwood. ---------V--------- HOUSES FOR SALE—Comfort­ cottage, reasonable price and terms. IS storey brick house all ■conveniences, in good Also two houses suitable C. prefer- age for to Mrs. 15th Sunday After Trinity 9.15 ’ a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon,’ “Chief Things First’’ St. Matthew VI-3;3. 10 a.m.—Sunday School Intercession and Prayer Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday, Sept, 28th, 11 7 p.m. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturdayz Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone i FLY TOX 16 oz. tin .... 35c 8 oz. tin ... . 20c ( Choice BREAD FLOUR 98 lb. bag.. $3.10 RUBBER RINGS 5 doz. ..... 25c PUFFED WHEAT 3 Ijoxes* • • • • 25c with Orphan Annie scribbler FREE /....."..... "" OXYDOL 1 box . . . 21c SOAP Sunlight ■ ' 5 bars ..... 27c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 tins ... . e . 25c ....SPECIAL.... MATCHES 3 boxes .... 25c DUTCH CLEANSER 3 cd.us •- * * • 2 Sc I ebrated their 27th wedding anniver- I sary on Monday, Sept. 15th. } Trooper Roy Kirk returned to Camp Borden Sunday after two weeks’ leave at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore, of Sarnia, visited with relatives in town the -forepart of the week. Mr. Jack Frayne, of Sarnia, vis­ ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Frayne over the week-end. Miss Anna Delbridge, R.N., of Byron, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew. Miss Lois Clarke and Mr. Jack Matthews, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Mrs. Wilfred Miller and two child­ ren, of London, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. and Mrs’. Nelson Hill, of Toronto, are holidaying with the former’s mother, Mrs. Aidworth, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Dickens and son, Frank, cn Ailsa Craig, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates. Prof. Chas. Locke, of Boston, is visiting for a few days with W. T. Acheson, Mrs. Dale and Billings. Mr. Harry Spragg, who is the Russell Construction Co., rented the residence of Dr. Ward on William St. Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Hooper, of London, are visiting with relatives and friends and also taking in the Exeter Fair. ” Mrs. Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, left for Regina, Sask., where visit with relatives. Miss Doris Holmes, of visited over the week-end and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake Mrs. Chester Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. R. B/ McBride, of Springfield, Ohio* visited for a Wbek at the homes of Mr. W. D. Sanders and Mr. Rufus Kestle. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton, who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniver­ sary on Tuesday, Sept. 16th. Mrs. Hillary Horton returned home from Tillsonburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Edworthy accompanied her home and Spent the day here. Miss Flora Dettmer and Messrs. Norman Hackborne and Herman Dettmer, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Oke. Mr. J, W. Stewart, of Farquhar, and Mr. James Green, of town, at­ tended the funeral of the late Thom­ as Dunsford at Marlette, Michigan, last Thursday, Mrs. N, Statton, who is recuperat­ ing from an eperat-ion performed several weeks ago, was able to be out for a ride Sunday for the first time since coming from the hospi­ tal. Visitors on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of Patricia Street, Lomdbh, were Mr. and Mrs. Alf;, Hicks, Mrs. Hiram Shatpton, aifd Mr, and Mrs. darnel Hicks and Marilyn, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Leary, Mr, George- Leary and Miss RoVre, of Hamilton; I I re- for V. able easy With pair, duplexing or apartments. Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter.-------V------- FARMS FOR SALE—150 acres, good buildings and convenient to i Exeter. Very easy terms. 100 Acres, brick house, bank barn, hy­ dro. Terms. Immediate possession, Several other good farms, c. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter.——v—— I WILL PAY CASH for horses and cattle over 300' pounds, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease. Phon© Kirkton 341’3, collect. I P'ranols Mink Ranches, —^V-—- HOUSE FOR RENT-—Brick otdence In central location, moderti conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hun­ ter, R.R. 8, Exeter, Phone Kirk- top. 39i‘7. * tfn 1 Ross tfc f re- — ----v~—- See Geo, E. Clark for ap kinds of windmixls, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps, Phone Crediton 23-6. R. ft. 3 Dashwood* z 245 Service—I Service— a.m. and Be British BUY i i Mrs. Mrs. with has John Bell and daughter, Saturday they will Dresden, with Mr. and with Canadian Coal SEPTEMBER SPECIALS .. PERMANENTS.. A in car of Alherta Coal to arrive a order orice. few weeks. Leave your now before it advances in Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 • Regular $7.00 ... Regular $5.00'.......for......... Other Specials from $2.95 to $10.00 for $4.50 $3.75 ..BIG DANCE OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY, SEPT* 20th Clayt Steeper’s Orchestra Modern and Old Time Dancing beginning at 8 p.m. A good nights fun for young old. r and Admisision.: Ladies 25c, Gents 35c Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Redmond and Billy and Mr. Clark Priest, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mr. j and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. •Mr. J. W. Morley was in Toronto last week attending the Canadian. Bar Association which met at the Royal York Hotel. Mr. W. G. Cochrane was also in attendance. Mrs. Louisa Horton and son, Jack, of Oshawa, spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with Mrs, Horney and Miss Horton. They also spent , sev­ eral days visiting Mrs. Workman at Kippen. Members of the James ited Church choir .Jteld and corn roast at the Park on • Monday night, attended. The evening playing games, Mr. and Mrs. John Hedden and children, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hed­ den, of London, brought Mrs. Jonathan Kydd home on Sunday af­ ter visiting for a week with relatives in London. i Street Un- a weiner Riverview About 35 was spent I -V- TOMLINSON’S HAIRDRESSING Phone 146 a Southcott Bros. T Mrs. D. Lippert, of Melbourne, i is visiting with her mother, Mrs. L. j ■Sweitzer. , Sunday visitors with Mrs. Gal-1 vin Cutting were Mr. and Mrs. J George Rockola and Mary, of f Guelph, Miss Robena Powers, Bruce j and Stewart Cann, of Ropkwood. I Mr. Thos. Thomson, of Toronto, | who ' has been visiting for several | weeks with. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe | is at present“»in St. Joseph’s Hospi- ! tai undergoing treatment. His con­ dition is improving. --------V—------ AUCTION SALE Uambert Sale Yards, Strathroy,J Saturday, Sept. 20th, 350 head of mixed stock cattle, of mixed pigs, day. Norm. Hockey AGENT FOR, DEAN’S^DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Outstanding Workmanship A. Also usual run Sales every Satur- G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. -------v- FOR FOX removed; CASH animals vice, ^day or night, ruuue umm ton, 47rl5, collect. Jack William- HORSES. Dead Two-hour Set- Phone Credi- ---------S----------- -: 1 Mr. and Mrs. ■ Melvin L. Sims, of Windsor; Mrs. K. J. Sims, of town and Mrs. W. J. Ford, of USborne, motored to Toronto where they visited with. Mr. Fred Ford and also spent a few days in Oshawa visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hogg. Boys! fi 8 I Haye us tailor you a smart new pair of trousers for the coming term. We have many attractive clothes from which you; are able to choose your new trousers. Let us measure you a pair in a snappy style. M Change of Managership I W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. James Street W.MLS. The September meeting of W.M.S. of James St. Church held in the church parlors brothers of Hen­ in con- his bro­ Mr. Alfred M. Carlile, of Fargo, N.D., is visiting With his , Mr. Benjamin W. Carlile, sail. Mr. Carlile is here nection with the estate of ther, the late William John Carlile, of Fargo, in which the family, In* eluding Mrs. Jas. Green, of town, are interested. He has the pros­ pects of selling some valuable pro­ perty in Fargo situated on a new highway that passes through the ■ town and he Is here > with. a view to completing the contract It is 48 years' since Mr. Carlile left this .community and he had not seen his ^tether during that time. The lat­ ter failed to recognize hint Mr. D. Gordon having been called to the Civil Service branch of the R. C. A. F. in Toronto, and having resigned his position as manager * of the Huron Lumber Company, . Ltd. we wish to announce to the public that Mr. A. J. Sweitzer, local contractor, hab been appointed General Manager, and will have full charge of all plant operations* ' Mr. Sweitzer will carry on contracting ias usual. Your hearty co-operation is solicited Huron Lumber Co. Limited the was on Thursday afternoon with 26 mem­ bers present and Mrs, Page in the chair. The usual business was transacted and reports given by the departments. Papers, magazines, and all good reading material to be brought in at the October meeting and shipped to the Upper Canada Tract Society. It was moved by Mrs. CookVnd seconded by Mrs. Beavers that1 Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Fanson and Mrs, Pybus draft a resolution to present to the Council regarding beer license for Exeter, Moved that Mrs.. Cook’s name be added to the committee. Mrs. Beavers and Mrs. Horney were appoihtedA dele­ gates to the' sectional meeting of the W.M.S. to be held at Kippen on. October 7 th. Mrs. Heywood’s Group will meet at Mrs. Thompson’s home on Sept. 19th to arrange the meeting for October, it was moved by Mrs. Heywood and Mrs; Sharpe that we try to procure the services of Rev. Eddy or Rev. Smith for the W.M.S. Anniversary and Thank- offering Sunday. Mrs. Christie’s group Was in charge of the program. Mrs. Anthony read the worship ser­ vice, Mrs. Beavers the Scriptur.e lesson, Mrs. Stone led in prayer. Gleanings from the Dominion Board were given by Mrs. Christie, Anderson, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs, McGregof* and Miss Monteith* The Misses Elliott gave a vocal dubt and Miss May Snell am accordion solo; Mm. Mrs. Page. —----V—------ z Teacher—“Tommy*, why is your composition ’oh milk only half a page, when I asked you for two pageet” Tommy—“Well; you see, I wreto about cdiidohsed milk.”