HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-09-18, Page 4»U1WAY\ Wf. 18th, mi THE SCTBR TIMES.APVOCATB "BIRTO5........ ■iUAVITT’S’THEATRE •In totsr. ou August 28.1 phoneCOOPER- 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ■Cooper, a daughter* CORBETT — At Crediton, on Fri­ day, September 12th, to Mr. and Mrs* Wm. Corbett, a daughter. LAWSON—At Dr. Fletcher’s hospi­ tal, on Wednesday, Sept. 17, to Mr. and Mrs, Samuel E* Lawson,- (nee Ethel Coward), a daughter. LATTA—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospi­ tal on Thursday, September llth, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm* Latta, of Crediton, a son. HECKMAN—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on Monday, September 8th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt Heckman, of Hsborne, a daughter (Marion Elizabeth)* ' TURNBULL—To Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Turnbull (Jean Quigley), 23 Heather Road, Leaside, a daugh­ ter, Elizabeth Ann, on Wednes­ day, Sept. 10th, at the Private Patients’ Pavilion, Toronto eral Hospital. -V------- AUCTION SALE WOODHAM Mr. Robert Hazelwood, Of Kirk­ ton, taught the Bible Class in Sun­ day School last Sunday morning'. The Mission Circle intends hav­ ing a ‘Pick and Pay It’ Supper on Friday evening, September 19th, in the Sunday School basement. A program will be given and at the close there will be a sale of home­ made cooking, etc. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Routley and daughter and Mrs. Graham and son, Jim, of Bright, were guests last Week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn. Mrs. Jas. Squire and daughter and Mrs. Laverne Stone arid Donna, of Kirk ton, spent Sunday and Mon* day with Mr. and, Mrs, Howard Aiidefsoh of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mills, of St Marys, visited on Sunday wish Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer and Other friends in the village. At the meeting of the session and the’board of stewards on Mon­ day evening last, It was decided to hold the fall anninversary day, October 12th, * with Page,; of Exeter, as the speaker for the day. *... ..................*■' ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron, of Hensail, have announced the on* gagement of their daughter, Jean Carolyn, to McAllister Burwell Greer, son of Mrs. Sarah Greer and the late A, B» Greer of London, the marriage to take place at Hensail early In October, j on sun- ReV. A. special GRAND BEND The Grand Bend Airport is in full Swing at present. It takes in the two Love farms and the farm of Mr. Lloyd Taylor. All are good far­ mers and will be looking for farms again. Mrs. Alma Mdllard and Miss Mary Yeo visited in St. Thomas over the week-end. Mr. Fred Fallis, Of California, and his sister, Fanny, of Detroit, visit­ ed friends in the village ovei* the Week-end. „ Mr, Harold Gratton has taken over the Cities Service gas station and has already taken possession. Messrs. Eldon dnd Stanley Gill and Miss Irene Gill are visitors at Windsor with their sisters, Mrs. J. Patterson and Mrs. Harold Hoonah, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill visited there last week for a couple of days. Mr. Arnold RaVelle and son re­ turned home Friday after a week’s vacation in the north country. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson and: family visited in London with their daughter, Mrs. Knight, on Sunday. Mr. Oscar Klopp, of Zurich, has bought what is known as the Shenk property and takes possession at once. Mr. for a don. Mr. parents over the week-end. The fine weather of the past week and this week, especially Sunday, brought many visitors*to this place. Mr. Stanley Gill, of the R.C.A.F., who has, been visiting with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill, for two weeks, leaves on Friday for McLeod, Alta., where he is station­ ed. -V- MOUNT CARMEL and Mrs. Wm. X Beer visited few days last week in Lon-* Percy Atkinson visited his Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beach spent a few days with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. McKeever. Mr. James -Dalton is It’s a boy! Judge Coughlin and Windsor, spent a few the former’s brother, j Coughlin, o Miss Winnie Madden, of Toronto, is spending a few* weeks at her home here. Mrs. A, Lane, of Detroit, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. Joe McKeever. Wedding bells are ringing for Miss Evelyn Regan and Bill Diet- rich, also for Miss Elizabeth Diet- rich and Joe Coniyon, 4. Mr. James Carey has returned after spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Matte, of Simcoe. Miss Margaret Bachard spent Sunday with friends In Dutton. Miss Williams is spending a jveeks with friends in Mrs. M. McPhee is few weeks with friends Mr, Noah Hartman Sunday with friends in Mr. and Mrs, Raul family, of Dashwood, day with Mr* and Mrs. Hubert Carey, % all smiles. I Wife, of days with Mr. Frank last few Detroit. spending a in Stratford, spent last Dutton. Masse and spent Sun* auction sale household EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub* lie auction at the •premises on WILLIAM ST., EXETER on Monday, September 20th at 2 o’clock, the following; HOUSEHOLD enport, 4 chairs, table, pictures, ra­ dio, 6-tube; rug, linoleum, 2 tables, 6 chairs, sideboard sewing mach­ ine, rocker, couch, kitchen cabinet, glass cupboard, coal oil stove and, oven, oven, stand, round table, kit­ chen chairs, dishes, clock, linoleum, graniteware, lawn mower, chair, screen door, table, 3 chairs, small table, linoleum, tools, brushes, sad irons, chair, electric washer, 2 tubs, laundry stove, copper boiler, table, toilet dishes, table, hose, 2 step­ ladders, 2 clothes baskets, wringer, 6 grain bags, 6 dozen sealers, tea kettle, silverware, crock, chair and bench, closet sundries, hall chair, 2 rugs, mirroi* rack, chesterfield, "2 hall rugs, 2 bedroom rugs, bed, stand and dressers, oed lamp, singlet bed, dresser, stand,, chair, linoleum, box, tie rack, toilet set, clock, stand, 2 feather beds, white dresser and stand, toilet set, rocker, linoleum, 6 pairs curtains, blinds, tools, Everything must be sold , as tha proprietress has sold her house. Terms—CASH ISABELLE TURNBULL, Prop. FRANK 'COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ---------V-------r- FURNITURE AND TOOLS in hensallTHURSDAY,’FRIDAY, SATURDAY ..Special for Fair Day Only, SEPT, 18th 1st xshowjng,' at 7 p*m« GENE AUTRY and SMILEY BURNETTE in BACK IN THE SADDLE ♦ Midnight Show Thurs., Fair Night at 12.05 a.m. Friday and Saturday at 7.30 “1 WANTED WINGS” An aviation drama starring RAY MILLAND, WILLIAM HOLDEN BRIAN DONLEVY and an all star cast. A blue ribbon, award winner .* ' ♦ * ♦ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY two features “The Outsider” starring GEORGE SAUNDERS “Meet The Missus” with the Higgins Family starring ROSCOE KARNS and POLLY MORAN 7 4 i Gen- MARRIAGES ASHTON—TAMAN—At the ■St, United Church, Exeter, Saturday, Septembei* 13th, at 3 o’clock, Miss Eleanor Jeannette Taman to Suh-Lieut. Arthur Nelles Ashton by Lieut, the Rev. D. J. Gladman. Main, on W­ DEATHS POORE—In McGillvray Township on Tuesday, September 16, 1941, William Charles Poore, beloved husband of Margaret Smith, in Ms 73rd year. Funeral service will be held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Mackey, 18th t concession of McGillivray, on Thursday*, Sept. 18, at 2 p,m. —,-----V--------- CARD OF THANKS Miss Grace Hill wishes to thank all those'who so kindly' remember­ ed her during her illness ip. 'St. Jo­ seph’s*' Hospital. V-------- CARD OF THANKS . Thos, McCurdy and Tenie wish to express their appreciation and thanks to the many friends for the many kindnesses and gifts of flowers, treats, cards and kind' in­ quiries while in St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal and since coming home. ---------v-------- CARD OF THANKS theThe committee in charge of Tag Day for the Blind, yrish to thank all who helped to make the day a success. Especially the girls and boys who gave their time so willin. ly selling ’the tags.-—Mrs. D. Anderson, Mrs. Louise Kyle, Mrs. V. Pickard. A. C. -V- CARD OF THANKS The sisters ’’and brothers of the late Charles Lochner wish’ to thank the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended during theij* recent bereavement, also to Mr, Hoffman for his beau­ tiful solo, “God’s Tomorrow”, Spec­ ial thanks to Rev. Turner and to those who so kindly loaned cars. ---------V--------- IN MBMJORIAM ofmemory and father, passed away Coming... "Devil Dogs In The Air” "Kiss The Boys Good-bye "One Night In Lisbon” "Caught In The Draft” SATURDAY, SEPT* 20 th, 1IHX . At tile home of the late Henry Howard, on Richmond St. Uoinmencing at 1.80 imn- FURNITURE — 5 beds with springs and mattresses, 3 commod­ es, 3 ^dressers, carpet, 15x15, rag carpet," 15x9, pictures, chamber sets, walnut parlor suite, organ, hea­ ter, stove pipes, extension dining­ room table, chaiys, glass cupboard, 3 couches, 5 small tables, cellar table, flower stands, kitchen uten­ sils, bedding, mats, mirrors, trunks, Rayniond sewing* machine, veran­ dah chairs, curtain rods, linoleum rug, clock, lamps, lanterns, dishes, curtains, brushes, clothes horse, sealers, crocks, cement tools, shov­ els, trowels, moulds, pounder, knee protectors, garden tools, sliovels, hoe, rakes, forks, lawn roller and mower, etc; carpenter tools, saw, planes, axes, squares, adze, spirit level, brapes and bits, wrenches,'' chisels, grinding 'stone, wheelbar­ row, ladder, 2 stepladders, scythe, tool box, packing boxes, sprink­ ling can. C1 MISCELLANEOUS — Sacks, force pump, coal scuttle, boiler, vacuum cleaner, tubs, washboard, cant hook, bread can, carpet sweeper and var­ ious other articles. There will be offered for sale subject to reserve hid the property, consisting of 1% lots, frame house of 7 rooms, double garage and lien house. The windows are provided with shutters and storm windows doors and the house is wired hydro throughout. Hard and water are convenient. ’ TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer S, EVELYN HOWARD, GEO S. HOWARD, Executors and for soft -v- EFFECTS—Dav- KHIVA Mr. and the Mrs. G. Sararas, 9th, and 8 ft. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, LOT 21, CON. 10, STEPHEN * on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1041, at one o’clock sharp on if the" following: HORSES—Two aged work horses, 1 gray mare, 9 years old; 1 gray mare 10 vears old; 1 bay mare 12. years old. CATTLE—.6 cows with calves at foot; 1 heifer due Oct. 9; 1 heifer* due O.ct. 23-; 2 cows due Dec. 29th, 1 cow due in May; two-year-old. steer;, 3 yearling steers; white cow; black cow, 2 red cows, both ' in calf; 2 red cows to calve in two Weeks; 11 small calves; two-year- old bull; yearling bull. These are all extra good Durham cattle. 35. sheep, good young ewes; 28 ram lambs; 100’hens. IMPLEMENTS —(Binder, stiff­ tooth cultivator; McCormick cul~. tivator, new; hay loader, mower, • cultivator, set scales, 1200 lbs.,* manure spreader; hay rake, wagon, 2,000 lb. scales, disc, seed drill, 2 sets sleighs, fanning mill, 3'buggies, turnip drill, 2 sets harrows, har­ ness of all kinds, riding plow, walk­ ing plow, 2 turnip pippers, 2 hay racks, bean scuffler And lifter, steel drum roller, grain crusher. There Will be a big pile of junk, binders, mowers, cultivator, • wagon and AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction onLOT 10, CON. 11,‘ USBORNE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd at one o’clock sharp, the following; HORSES—One mare 4 years old: 1 bay horse 4 years old; 1 aged work horse. CATTLE—Cow due April 1; cow due April 5; cow due April 10; good milking cow; 4 spring calves. SWINE—5 chunk pigs, 1-00 lbs; ducks, 60 hens,, 31 chickens. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 6 cut; Maxwell 5 ft. mower, stiff­ tooth cultivator; spring tooth .cul­ tivator, riding'’ plow, gang plow, 2 walking plows, 2 sets diamond har­ rows, manure spreader, hay load­ er, side delivery rake, land roller, Six foot disc, wagon, sliding hay rack, lawn mower, set sleights, cut­ ter, buggies, gas .engine, fanning mill, grain roller, set scales, cut­ ting box, separator,, car, ropes and pulleys, set double harness, collars, sap pails and pans, fire extinguish­ er, ladders, scuffler, saw. saw frame, belts, forks, shovels, whiffle- trees, neckyokes, chains, etc. FURNISHING'S—2 bedroom sets, organ, music cabinet, cook stove, heater and pipes, gramophone, din­ ing-room table and 6 chairs, arm chair, settee, chair and rOcker to match; sewing machine, New Wil­ liams; 2 small tables, kitchen cab­ inet, kitchen cupboard, coal-oil stove, drop-leaf table; linoleum, 2 couches, dishes, kitchen utensils, hanging lamp, bureau, step ladder, clothes horse, pictures and4 other articles. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hopkins, of St. Thomas, visited last week with and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Willert Billy visited on Sunday with latter’s mother, near Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. M. Ayotte, of Port Albert, and Miss Monica Dietrich, of Kitchener, attended the Diet-* rich—Regier wedding on Saturday. Miss Lorna Kraft left on Monday for London, where she has secured a position. Miscellaneous Showers On Tuesday evening, Sept, about seventy-five neighbors friends gathered at the home^ of Mr. and Mrs. J, Wilds in honor of Miss Marie Reiger, bride-elect of last week and presented her' with a miscellaneous shower. A gaily decorated basket was carried into the living room by Anna Marie and Victor Regier, which held many useful gifts for the young bride. An address was read by Miss Eileen Davey. Aftei* the gifts were opened Marie expressed her appreciation in a very fitting manner. A dainty lunch was then served and the re­ mainder of the "evening was spent in music and dancing. The following is the address: Dear Marie: ' There is no denying that this is the most wonderful period of your life and we, your friends, want to have some share in your future thoughts. It is with pleasure that we gath­ er here tonight to spend a happy time with you and to present you with these gifts. Each time you have occasion to^ use them, ipay your thoughts turn to your. Goshen Line friends. We shall miss you from our midst but what is our loss is an­ other’s gain. In closing, we wish that yours and Alex’s wedded life may be long and prosperous. •On Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, Mrs. Dennis O’Rourke enter- . tained about §0 ladies to a miscel- ; lanedus shower , in honor of Miss ' Marie Reiger. A pretty basket, de­ corated in pin k^ and white was car­ ried into the living room by Mrs. D. O’Rourke and Mrs. Chas. Regier, heavy-laden with useful gifts. ’Af­ ter the gifts were .opened and ad­ mired the bride-to-be thanked her friends in a few well-chosen words. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, I ) dear you left REEDER—In loving our dear husband Frank Reeder, who ■Sept. 19th, 1940.' A year ago to-day, my us For God’s peaceful home on the golden shore, Left this world of sorrow and strife TO be where pain and sorrow’s no more. . But you left with us the deal* mem­ ory Of many, happy years we spent to­ gether Those memories we’ll treasure deep in our heart* Until we meet again dear, no more to part. i —Sadly missed by Wife and Family. -----—V---------. IN MEMORIAM LUTHER—In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Martha Luther, who died ten years ago Sept. 16, 1931. We love to think of that beautiful home Where dear mother has gone to stay; Where all her sorrow, pain and tears Are forever passed away. She always used to watch for Anxious If we were late; In winter by the Window, In summer by the gate, Her* thoughts were all so full She never could forget. And So we think that where She must be watching yet. Watching till we come home to her, Anxious if we are late: Watchlag from HeavetPs window Leading from Heavett’s gate. -—Sadly missed by Husband, Family and Grandchildren us, of us, she is ■ Members of the Exeter-HensaH branch of the Canadian Legion and the Exeter Band attended the Drum­ head service in Lucknow on Sunday. t -V- NOTICE TO CREDITORS REi MARGARET MacLAREN, late of the Village Of Henshll, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceaseds CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required on or before October 11th, 1941, to file with the undersigned Executor and his Solicitor, full particular^ of their claims- duly verified, after Which date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets o”f the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been re­ ceived, DATED this her. 1941x Robert Y. Executor, R.R. Ho, J. W. Morley, ■Solicitor for Executor, Exeter, Ontario, 17th day of Septein- MacLhreu, 1, Hensail, i$i£- Ontario 18-3 tc plows,, all to be sold. Terms—CASH JONAH KESSEL, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer • ---------V------— TERMS—CASH MRS. JOHN McCULLAGH, Proprietress FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ——-v------- public auction I anile east of ONTARIO TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, September 20th, 1941, at 7 p.m., for the repair of the Centralia drain. Plans, profile, and specifications of the work to be performed seen at the Clerk’s Office, must be completed by the next November and- a may be Work 15th of marked cheque for $100.00 payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Ste­ phen must be furnished by the*con­ tractor when submitting his ten­ der. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Herbert K. Either, Clerk, Township of Stephen 1 Crediton, Ont. Crediton, September 2nd, 1941 —-----y.------— NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the deceas- having RE*. Amelia Sharrow late of the Village of Grand Bend County of Lambton, widow, ed. v - ■Creditors and others claims against the estate of the said deceased are requested to send full particulars of such claims duly verified to H. Ellher & Son, CredL ton, on or before the 1st' day of October, 1941, 'after which date the executors Will proceed to dis* tribute1 the .assets of the said •estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated the 13 th day of September, A.D. 1941. AQUILAS SHARROW, OHLEN truemner, Executors, Dashwood, Ont, AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by 1)4 miles south and MOORESVILLE, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1941 at 1 o’clock, the following: HORSES—'Gray team, mares, matched, 7 years old; gray PerCher­ on .maye, *8 years old; sorrel gqhding; .6 years old; bay mare 6 years old; black mare .3 years old; yearling- Perch eron colt. CATTLE—Gray cow 5 years old,, due in November; gray cow 5 years old, »due December 5th; gray cow* 5 years old due December 21; gray cow •cow gray gray farrow cow, 3 steers, rising 3 years; 6 yearlings, 9 spring calves, 16 ewes, brood sow, 10 pigs, 50' Rock hens, 13 geese, 25 turkeys. . turnips, 1 acre mangolds,, tons clover, hinder, 2 Spring-tooth cultivator, 2 drag har- 5 years -old due Jan. 5; gray 5 years old-, due Jan. 9;"‘gray* five ‘years old due March 1; cow 5 years old due April 23; cow 5 years old due April 30;- 3 steers, rising 3 years; 10 tons timothy hay, 6 IMPLEMENTS—M.H. McCormick** mowers, cultivator, stiff-tooth spring-tooth harrow, f rows, hay rake, McCormick manure- spreader, 2 disc harrows, hay load­ er, scuffler, laud roller, tractor., , cutter, 2-furrow plow, walking plow, . set sleighs, 2 wagons, one-man hay1 rack, wagon box, 2 sets double har­ ness, single harftess, fanning miH, . set scales, cream 'Separator, hay fork, rope and car; sugar kettle, 30 cow chains, water tank, forks, shovels, hoes, whlffletrces, neck- yokes, chains, paiis, boxes, barrels, 3'50-egg incubator, seed drill, sea** lets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Bed, dresser, commode. Positively no reserve as the pro­ prietress has rented her farm, MRS. WILLIAM HOLLORAN, . ProprietressFRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Anctioneer