HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-09-04, Page 5SCHOOL OF COMMERCE
Fall. Term-’f September8th, 1941
Special and Correspondence Courses Arranged.
Courses; Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial,
M. A, STONE, Com. Specialist B. F. WARD, B.A,
Viee-Pripcipal- Phone 108 Principal
Pte. Ivan Jones, of Camp Borden
spent the week-end with Mrs, Jones
here, |
I Miss Hazelz Smillie returned to
her duties as teachei’ at Atwood this [
week. ft
Mr. ,and Mrs. Geo, Walker spent
the week-end with relatives at Ni
agara Falls.
Mrs, Fred Beer returned home af
ter a pleasant visit with relatives
in Hamilton, .
Mr. F. G. Bonthron attended the
Postmasters’ Convention in Hamil
ton this i week.
Miss Emma Johnston returned
home from a pleasant visit at Centre
Island, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Munn, attend
ed the Canadian National Exhibition
in Toronto last week,
Mrs. Harring and little daughter,
of London, are holidaying at Mrs.
Harring’s home hjere.
Miss uMary Hamilton/of London
•visited over the week-end
and Mrs. A. L. Case,
Miss Kathleen Jones
week for Toronto where
take a business course.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sayers, of
Rome,’N.Y,, spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo,’Walker.
-Pte. Ivan Kipfer, of Hamilton,
spent the week-end with his par-
• ents, Mr., and Mrs, Ezra Kipfer,
Miss Ada Gramm, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and* Mrs.- Geo. Gramm.
Mr. Roy MacLaren, of St. Cath
arines, Visited ov^r the holiday
with Mrs. MacLaren and son Don. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson are
attending the. Canadian National.
Exhibition in Toronto this week;
Miss Mavis Spencer, of
spent the week-end with
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
A.C. Ken. Passmore, of
spent the holiday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore.
A public war service meeting
will be held in the town hall, Hen
sail, <on Friday evening, September
„ Miss Marie Bell, of London, .vis
ited over the- week-end with her
.parents,"'Mr.* and Mrs. William G.
Mr. Duncaij McEwen and daugh
ter, Jean, of Calgary, visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mc
Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Bell^ and
' son, of* Toronto, were week-end
visitors with relatives in and around;
Miss Dorothy McQueen returned
to London after holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mc
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sh'addick and
Mr. Thos. -Shaddick spent the week
end at the Canadian National Ex
hibition. •
Miss Mabel Workman has been
engaged to
School and
on Tuesday.
Mr. Earl
, visited last week with his brother,
Mr. A. D. McEwen, Mrs. McEweri
and Donna. •
Miss Edith Parkins, of St. Cath
arines spent a few days last week
visiting hei* parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Parkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wurm, of St.
Catharines, spent the week-end with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Wurm.
Miss Mary McKaig,.. of Exeter,
%has been holidaying with her moth
er, Mrs. McKaig and aunt, Miss
Eliza Newell.
Mr. and Mrs., Milne Rennie, of
Seaforth, vjsited om the holiday
with the latter’s parents, Mr.
Mrs. Wm. DbUghll.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Scruton
family, of Port Dover, spent
week-end with Mrs. A. Scruton
Mr. Tlios. Shaddick.
Miss Evelyn Corbett accompan
ied. by friends attended the CaA-
adian National Exhibition’ in To
ronto on Labor Day.
Miss Dorbthy'Brazier returned to
her home in London after spending
a few weeks with Dr, and Mrs. D.
G. ?teer and Patricia.
. Mr. and Mrs. GUS Voth and
daughter, of Detroit, Spent the week
end with Mrs, .Lou Simpson and
Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
Mise Enid Parkins, pf London,
spent her vacation lafet week at
Port Elgin and with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. parkins.
Mr. and Mrs,. E. L. Mickle and
family visited on Monday with Mr.
and Mrs.,Geo. T. Mickle at.RIdge-
' town qnd at Ron dealt Park.
. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch and baby,
of St. Catharines,, visited over the
holiday with the latter^ parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mousseau,
Corporal Dale Richards, of Hd-
monton spent the week-end visit
ing his aunt, Mrs, W. A, MacLaren
and uncle, Mr. G. M. Drysdale
The W.M.S.
will meet .this week in the church On
Thursday at 3 p.m; ’— — —
with Mr.
her par-
teach at the Lumley
commenced her duties
McEwen, of Toronto,
Ray MorioclL Gerald Wein, Har
old and Howard 'Holtzman, Allan
Finkbeiner and Donald Kestle, at
tended the Exhibition last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Murray Holtzmann,
of Detroit, visited with relatives
over the week-end.
Mr. Vernon Haist, Mr. Fred
Haist, Mr. Freeman Haist, Mr..and
Mrs, Arthur Haist and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, John Metter and
daughter and” Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Tufford, of Pelham, attended the
Haist reunion on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Mose Haist, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Haist and daughter,
Mr, and Mrs. Mose Brown, Mr. and
Mrs, Allan Page of Pigeon attended
the Haist reunion on Monday,
Bob Blackwell, of Galt, spent the
week-end here,
Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Haist,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wein, Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Schroeder, of De
troit, attended the Toronto Exhibi
tion"' last week.
Lloyd England, of Chatham, spent
the week-end at home.
Miss Shirley Fahrner left Monday
for Detroit where she will attend
commercial school.
Mrs. Herb- Fahrner is visiting in
Detroit for a week.
s Mr, Rudolph Pohl and Mr, and
Mrs. Otto Pohl, of Detroit, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson St. Clair
over the holiday.
Donations of fruit, sugar or5 mon
ey to purchase' supplies for Red
Cross jam will be much appreciat
ed by the Crediton Women’s Insti
we hope the public will respond as
well as they did last year, Dona
tions may be left at the town hall
on Thursday of' this week or after
that day at H. Schenk’s butcher
shop or at the post office. We trust
the entire community will feel an
individual responsibility and help
in this worthy cause. This is a com
munity project and as such the la
dies are asked to assist in preparing
the fruit. , •
' '-----f—v—----------
Mr. Albert Mitchell, of Windsor
visited recently at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kyle. Mr. Mitchell
is favorably known in town, hav
ing contributed solos here on var
ious occasions'. He has been award
ed first prize of fifteen dollars in
the final amateur contest at Grand
Bend for the solo entitled “Marie
Miss Mary Coleman returned home
from a pleasant vacation at Ham
ilton, St. Catharines and Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Johns, of
Elimville and' Mr. and Mrs. Alex
MacBeath, of Kippen, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Glenn
Bell, ' ;
Mr. and’ Mrs. Cline Flynn, of
London, spent the week-end with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Jas, Parkins,
Mr. Homer Tinney, of St. Cathar
ines, spent tlje week-end at his
home here.
Mrs, Verne Smith has returned
to the home of. her mother, Mrs.
Annie Saundercock, after spending
the past two months at Case’s Bak
ery, Grand Bend.
Mr. Jack Simmons returned to,
Windsor after' spending a week’s
vacation with his mother, Mrs, Alda
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron are
enjoying a week’s vacation by mo-,
tor to Sarnia, Pt. Pelee, Learning
ton, Hamilton, and Toronto.
Mrs, A. Bnshie is ill in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
Mr. Arthur Hhley and daughter,
Mrs, W.m, Faulk, of Detroit, visit
ed over the week-end with the for-
Mr. and Mrs. ottp Pohl .and Mr.
Rudolph Pohl, of Detroit; spent La
bor day with Mr. and- Mrs. Bruce
Mitchell. .
Mr. Arthur Brooks accompanied,
by Mrs, Brokenshlre spent a pleasant
time recently at Wiarton and other
northern points,
Mrs John Essery spent the week
end with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Heighway, In. London.
Miss Wilda
Kitchener, spent last week with her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaac, Jr.,
and family, of Detroit, are holi
daying with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaac,
Rev, Austin Duplan, of Port Hu- ’
ron, called on Mrs. W. Parsons and
other friends in the village on Wed
nesday of last week.
Miss Gertrude and Lula Dempsey
and Mrs, P. Price, of Toronto, were
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
John Essery.
Mr. T. Pollock and grand-daugh
ter, iris Pollock, were week-end
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lome
.Mr. and Mrs. Harris West were
in Grand Valley for a couple of days
this week attending the funeral of
the former’s uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Kennedy visit
ed over the week-end with relatives
in Goderich and Clinton.
Mrs. Lewis Davey had the mis
fortune to fall on Saturday of last
week, sustaining a fractured rib
and several bruises. Her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Harness and Mrs. Greenlee
attended the Lamport reunion "held
at Spruce Grove- on Monday of this
Mr. and Mrs. J. B,lair, Mr. And
rew Blair and Miss Grace Andrew
enjoyed a motor trip to the north
last xyeek.. '
Mr. Fred Warner has enlarged
his barber shop and has two new
chairs and mirrors which have add-
’ed much to its appearance.
School reopened Tuesday with
Mrs. Lome Hicks in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Neil and
family, of. Bad- Axe, Mich., spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Beaver. ’
Mr., Art Hastewell, of Camp Bor
den, spent the week-end
Bill Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
son, of Detroit, visited
week-end with his parents, Mr.
Mrs. Jim Neil. •’
Mr. and. Mrs. E. Beaver and
and Mrs. Garfield Neil and. family
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Murray Neil in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. J., Mugan and fam
ily, and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins, - of Lon
don, visited on Sunday with Mrs.
C. O’Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of
London, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham.
. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Johnston,
Jean and Ray, of Buffalo, and Mt-.
and Mrs. Truman Mills, of. Sarnia,
spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, of
Grand Valley, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. ’ Harris West. Miss
Jean Talbot returned with them,
having spent the past week here.
.Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt and
Mr. George Godbolt visited for a
few days with
this past week.
Mr. and Mrs.’
ed recently with
Talbot in Grand Valley and while
there, took in the Toronto Exhibi
Pollock, R.N., of
will be answered with “Courage”.
Misses Mabel Workman, Margar
et MacLaren, June Saundercock,
Lois and Marion, MacLaren, spent
the week-end holiday at Bayfield-
i Rev. Bremner, of Seaforth, cop-
l ducted the service in the United
Church on Sunday. Mr. Lome El
der, of .Galt, contributed a solo en
titled “A Saviour
Mr. Jack Murray,
Miss Violet 'Murray,
ines, visited Over
with their sister, Miss Hannah Mur
Miss Lettie Love returned to chei;
dutiesr 'as teacher in Toronto this
week after spending the summer
with hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Misses Goldie Cross and Ruth.
Brook left last week for St. Mich
ael’s Hospital, Toronto,’where they
will take their nurses’ training
Mr. Morley Sanders, of Clar.es-
town has been engaged as principal
i of the Continuation Schoo), which |
opened here on Tuesday, Septem-1
her 2nd. '
Mrs, Devlin.
.Misses Edith and Lilly McEwen
returned; to Kitchener last week af
ter spending their summer a vaca
tion at the home of their brother
and. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John
E. McEwen/
,Mrs. Catharine Hedden and
daughter Mona, are holidaying with I
the former's daughter and son-in-j
law, Mr. and Mrs. .Whitney Carter,
in Clinton, this week;
Mrs. David. Bailey returned to
her home in Huntsville on Mbnday
after spending the past two months
’with her daughter and son-in-law,
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir.
A number of the Young People of
Carmel. Presbyterian Church attend
ed the . annual picniC* of the Young
People of Huron Presbytery held
at Turnbull’s Grove on Monday. ••
Miss Irene Russell, R.N., who lias
completed her training at the Pub
lic General Hospital, Chatham, is
spending her holidays with her par
ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell.’:
Mrs. Jack Corbett;. Connie and
Ross returned home. on ? Sunday
after spending a few’' days with Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and Mr .and
Mrs. Albert Morenz, at Dashwood.
Mr?; and Mrs.. James Campbell,
of Windsor, visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell and family.
They were accompanied home by
Neil, who spent the .summer holi
days here. •
Miss Lenore Norminton, daugh
ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Norminton, of
Hensall, rfnd a .pupil / of Hensail
Public School, won the 10th prize
in the public speaking’ cbm petition
held at Toronto Exhibition. There
were, 60 contestants. '• • .
During the early hours of Wed
nesday morning/ one side of Cook’s
mill caved 'in, leaving their large
stock of grain and beans exposed
to-' the weather. Men were busy
on Wednesday shovelling the con
tents of’’the mill into freight cars..
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hedden and
daughter, Marie, 'of Dundas, and,
daughter .Betty of St. Catharines,
Mr. Lee Hedden,- of Hamilton -and
Mr; Herb Hedden, of-St. Catharines,
were week*end visitors at the home
of their mother, Mrs. Catharine
Hedden. . ’ •
BMr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, Shir
ley and Joyce, of St. Catharines,
spent the week-end with the for
mer’s mother, Mrs. Catharine Hed-
dep and with Mrs. Hedden’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. eFred Kinnings.
They were" accompanied home by
Ronald and Roy who have spent
the past month here.
Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., conducted
service in Carmel Church on Sun
day evening and the choir sang ah
anthem entitled “O Worship the
Lord”. Next Sabbath regular ser
vices will be held'' at 11 a.m. and
7.30 p.m.. It being a special day
of prayer-these services will be in
accordance conducted by Rev. Weir.
The annual rally of the Huron
Presbyterial will be hbld on Tues
day,- September 9th, in First Pres
byterian Church, Seaforth, with
morning and afternoon sessions.
The dwelling owned by Messi"
McMurtrie of Kippen pres'ents a very
fine appearance, having the exterior
painted by Mr. R. E. Shaddick.
Miss Joyce Scruton and Miss Ol
ive Coxworthy, of Toronto, visit
ed over- the
MRs Mary
visited last
Mrs.,, Waiter
pf Wonderful
of Detroit, and
of £Jt. Cathar-
the week-end
Made and Kept Fresh at Our Mill
1 cwt. 17 per cent. PIG STARTER ............................... $2,70.
1 cwt. 21 per cent. PIG STARTER ............................... $2.30
and’ Mrs. Wm. Ingram re-
to their home in Pleasant-
N.Y., after spending two
with the latter’s mother,
I mer’s niece, M*’s- D. Walks,
I Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Kerslake,I’ Miss Florence, Welsh .spent a few
| days this week with relatives in
Mrs. Fred Corbett spent Sunday
xyith Mrs. Devlin.
Mr, T. C. Joynt spent
in Toronto this week. 1
Mr. Thos. Shaddick
ill while on a holiday
and is still in a serious <
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
son, Reeve
blood for a
' day.
Dr. and
little daughter, Judith Anne and Dr.
Wm. T. Joynt returned to London
after -holidaying at the home of
their mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Nomination Meeting
, ,, A nomination meeting Tor'a coun
cillor to fill the vacancy made by
Mr. D. E. McKinnon, who ha£ en
listed, was held on Friday, Aug
ust 25th. Mr. Al. Kerslake and Mr.
Fred Daters were nominated. An
election will be held on Monday,
September 8th. Mr. Peter McNaugh
ton- was elected by acclamation as
school. trustee to fill the vacancy
made by Mr. Ed. Norminton,'■R.
A. F., who is in England.
—-----n—:----- ,
a few days
was taken
in Toronto
condition in
R. E. Shaddick, gave
transfusion on Wednes-
Mrs. Harry Joynt and
holiday with Mrs. A.
Farquhar, of Kippen,
week with Mr. and
The Senior Women’s Institute will
coriimence their fall meetings witli
■ a pot luck supper to be held at the
hoine of Miss Sally Manson on Wed-
j nesday, September 10th, at 6.30 p.m.
of Carmel Church' The roll call is to be answered with
“Something In My House I Would1
The roll call tike to. Get Hid of.
. Miss Marion Johnson returned
her duties at Victoria Hospital,
London, after a two weeks’- vaca
tion at the home of her parents,, and
one week with her sister and bro
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Essen,
of Oil Springs:
The ■ Misses Lois Rundle, Gladys
Shiei* and Laura Rundle, of Lon
don, were week-end visitors at their
homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris, Mrs.
Percy Harris .and son Beverley, of
'Chiselhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. La
verne Stone and Donna were Sun
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. Leonard Thacker will drive
the high school children to and
from. St. Marjfe and started ' Tues
day morning of this week?
Many ladies from Kirkton and
other points attended the Red Cross
display at Woodham on Tuesday
afternoon and evening.
John Camm and Cecile left Tues
day morning of .this week for “
ronto Fair and intend visiting
a week with friends there.
Mirs. David Stephens, Muriel
Marion, attended the' Toronto
hibition last week.
Mr. Lawrence Copeland Ifeft Tues
day of this week for the Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn are
entertaining friends from Alberta.
Mr. Wendell Camm, for the past
two years teacher in Beaconsfield
School at Burgesville, accompanied
by his sister, Miss Evelyn Camm,
was present on Friday at a commun
ity gathering in the. school. During
the afternoon the presentation was
made by the pupils and friends of
the Section of a farewell giit to their
• The ..packing committee packed
and sent to the Red Cross head
quarters at Toronto last week the
gowns, 12
qpflts and
ed and sent this week,
sent td the British Bomb Victims
550 very useful articles foi’ both
young and old people.
On Tuesday afternoon last in the
basement of the Church a very
splendid display of . Red Cross, serv
ing and knitting and also many gifts
that', were donated for the British
Bomb Victims were shown. Lunch
was Msei’ved -and a musical pro
gram was provided, which consisted
of solos, duets and piano solos. The
proceeds amounted to over $16.00,,
1 which will be sent to the British
Wat Victims’ Fund.
dressingarticles: 20'
bed jackets, 11 suits of
4 large quilts,
the knitting will be pack-
They also
5 crib
This is a worthy cause and
Mrs. Harold Noonan and
Ronald, who have been spending
two months with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Harmon Gill, at
Lakeview House, left' Monday
their home in Windsor.
with Mr.
. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer
son Wray and Mr. Milton Sweitzer
returned Saturday after a pleasant
motor trip to Timmins by way of
Toronto and through the Muskoka
Lake district to Callander and home
by. way of Owen Sound and South
Mr. Borden Schroeder, of Wind
sor, and Jack McDougall, of London,
spent the week-end with Mr. Lewis
’ S. S. Picnic
A very enjoyable time was spent
on Thursday last when the members
of Christ Church S.S. held their pic
nic at the jhome of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Gilmour. The afternoon was
spent in softball and races, after
which lunch was served. The re
sults of the races were as follows:
Girls under 4, Lizzie Gilmour, El
eanor Simpson, Norma Latta; girls
6 to 8, Shirley Dixon, Patricia Car
ter; boys 6 to >8, Hiram Dixon, Stew
art Simpson; girls 11 to 1>3, Phyllis
Gibson, Lorraine Dixon; boys 11 to
13, .Billy Dixon, Jack Gilmour;
graceful walking, Mrs. G. Latta,
Mrs. Donaldson; oldest person pre
sent, Mrs. Wm. Simpson; youngest
person, Evelyn Gibson; wheelbar
row race, Albert Gilmour, Verlyn
Gilmour; kicking slipper, Mrs. L.
Hertzel, Mrs. H. Thompson; child
ren’s three-legged race, Billy Dixon
and Jack Gilmour, Verlyn Gilmour
and Lorraine Dixon; ladies’ three-
legged race, Grace Simpson and
Mrs. T. Kooy, Mrs. T. McVey and
Mrs. H. Thompson/ '
School has started again with
Mr. Chas, McQuillan in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rawlins and
daughter visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Whiteford.
Mr. and Mrs Harvey Dundas spent
Sunday in .London.
-------------y------------. .
Wedding bells are again ringing
in this neighborhood.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Dietrich (nee Miss Mary
Glavin of Mt. Carmel) who were
married on Monday.
School reopened on Tuesday af
ter the summer vacation with Mrs.
Freeman Morlock, of Crediton, as
Miss Evelyn McCann returned to
Roddey on Monday, whore she Will
resume her duties as'<iteacher,
relatives in Essex
Harris West visit-
Mr. and Mrs. John
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mrs.* W. Par
sons on Tuesday when the ladies
Of the village gathered in . honor of
Mrs. C. O’Brien, who is leaving
here this week to reside in London.
Mrs. Lome Hicks read the address
and Mrs. O’Brien was presented with
a handsome table lamp and clock.
Mrs. O’Brien expressed her apprec
iation in a very gracious manner. A
dainty lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. Willis,
Mrs. R. Smith and Miss Flossie Da
vey. During the previous week the
ladies of St. Peter’s Church (High
way No. 4) met at Mrs. O’Brien’s
home and presented her with
beautiful chenille bedspread.
and Audrey
from a very
friends in
The doctor’s 5-year old answered
J;he call at the door. “Is the doctor
in?” inquired the caller. .
“No, Sir.”
“Have you any1 idea when he’ll
be back?”
“I don’t know’, sir*-*-he went out
on an eternity case.”
of London,
•Mrs. Bertha Hodgins
Anderson have returned
.pleasant holiday with
Miss Agnes Greason,
•is holidaying with her mother, Mrs.
M. Gregory.
Mr. Ira Shier, of Houston, Texas,
visited with friends in the village.
Mr. Walter Hazelwood attended
the funeral of his sister, Mrs, H.
Mills (Mary) at London this past
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Switzer
and daughters have returned front
a very pleasant holiday with Mfs.
Ken Lewis and his brother, Leonard,
of Highland Grove’ and also at*
tended the Exhibition at Toronto
on Friday.
Miss Edith Fletcher, Who. has
spent the summer in Toronto, re*
turned this week and is holidaying
with her parents before returning
to the home of Rev. and Mrs. C.
L.. Lewis where she is attending
school at Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stanley and
Now is the time to treat ypur Laying Birds for worms We
have Special Effective Split-Action N-I< Worm Capsuls for
- Such Treatment.
For Best Laying Results, Feed Your Flocks Shur-Gain
.... . Laying Mash.
Lundy’s Woven Fencing and Portable Silos,
Shell Lubricants, Molasses and Cod Liver Oil
•little daughter, of Pembroke, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Those who attended the funeral
of the late Henry Doupe, of Moore
field this past Wednesday were Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Burgin and family,
Mrs, F. Pridham, Mrs. Wm.;,.Den
ham, Mrs. R. Hazelwood, Mrs/E.
Shier, Mr. N. R. Doupe, E. Switzer
and R. Switzer, Miss B. Doupe and
Mrs. E. A. Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys and
Jean spent the week-end in the
Muskoka district. * K
Mr. Harold Tufts and son- Nor
man, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray re
turned to their homes after Spend
ing the past two months at Kirkton.
Pte. Ed. Luker of the C.O.C.,
Queen’s Park, London, whose hoihe
is in Rapid City, Man., spent the
week-end with his cousins, Mrs.
Fred Roger and Mrs. Everett
Doupe. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee and
sons, of Pt. Credit,, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mar
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne- Stone spe'nt.
Friday and Saturday at th,e, Toron
to “
Exhibition and returned home
----------V---- ------.
Mrs. Nellie Dobbs was rushed to-
Victoria Hospital last week. Her
ma'ny friends wish her a speedy re
covery. ■ ■
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickens aiid
family, of.London, spent the week
end with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Davis
and called on other friends?
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cowell, Ger
ald and Jean, of St. Thomas', were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
MacDonald over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lobbs,-'Joe
and Tom returned home,last.Thurs
day after spending the w^ek^at
Boat Lake, Wiarton, Isaac Lake,
and other points of the Peninsula.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and
Dora, of Aylmer, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. William Dick
Schools opened on Tuesday with
Mrs. Willis Gill in the West School
Miss Taylor in the north school, Miss
Nola Isaac in Corbett school and
Mrs. Clarence Shaddock in the south
school as -teachers.
Mr. J. B. Nichol and Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wilson, of Hamilton, spent'the
week-end with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and
family, returned to Toronto on Sun
day after spending the holidays at
their summer home here.
Miss Lillian Ulens,. of Windsor,
is visiting with’ her mother, Mrs.
W.‘ T. Ulens.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.‘Wellman, Mari
lyn and Robert, of Port Huron,
spent the week-end with friends
<• Miss Ruby Hicks and friend, of
Hamilton, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks.
Mr. Claude Fallis, of Mount For
est/and- Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sar-
n,ia, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd.Brophey.
Miss Evelyn jounock,
ham, spent a few days
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Miss. Ruby Pollock returned to
Hamilton on Sunday after spend
ing the holidays here.
Mr. Clarence Brophey, R.C.A.F., -
of London, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. A. Bro
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wm.
Sherritt were ,Cpl. Frank Kelly and
Mrs. Kelly, of St. Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Robertson, of Wheatley
and Mr. and Mrs. H. Harlton, of.
Mr. Claude Detloft and Mrs. H.
Wilcox, of Detroit, and Mrs. S. Shar-.
row, of Bad Axe, Mich-., spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Miss Marjorie Oliphant, of Ham
ilton, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Stewardson and other
of Wood- .
with her
Armitage Reunion
The annual Armitage reunion was I
held on the old homestead, conces-l
sion 4 Biddulph, on Sept. 1st. There I
The dinnei'
followed by
The preSi-
hundred "members
at 12.30
were one
the family
was served
a business
dent for this year was Mrs. Clifford
Abbott. The officers for next year
are Mr. Norman Hunt, pres.; Mr.
G. Armitage, vice-pres.; Mr. P. Ar
mitage, treas.; Mrs. C. Shoebottom,
sec. The oldest member present was
Mr. Fred Davis and the youngest
member, Master Allen Hunt.'" .Tl\e
sports, in charge of,the Saintsbury
group, were enjoyed by all, The
ball game was won by Mr. Gerald
Godbolt’s side. The afternoon was
closed with the National Anthem
and all reported a good time. ;
Mr. Earl Oliver, of Detroit,
the week-end with Mr, and
J. Ridley.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin and
Lores spent Labor Day visiting
with friends near Kettle Point.
Miss Barbara Hayter spent the
past week with her grandmother at
Grand Bend.
■S.S. No. 10, Stephen, has engaged
Miss Taylor, of Grand Bend, as
teacher for the coming year.
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, call
ed on Mr. and Mrs Isaac Bestard
on Sunday
Mrs Mark Miller, of Detroit, vis
ited With her sister, Mrs. Fred MC-
Linchey, over the week-end.
Miss May Hod gins has returned
to her home in Toronto.
Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions
Going Daily Sept 12 ~ 26,1941 Inclusive
Coaches, in Tourist Sleeping ’ Cars or in Standard Sleeping Cars
at Special Reduced Rates for eM> class.
BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute.
Tickets, Sleeping Chi’ Reservations and All Information
from any agent. ASK FOR ..HANDBILL T25L
•— —-—«—