HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-09-04, Page 3ft
One pad kills flips all day and every
flay for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each
packet. No spraying* no stickiness*
no bad odor. Ask yonr Druggist,
Grocery or General Store.
THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Johns spent
a couple of days last week in To
ronto attending the Exhibition,
"Mr., John add Miss Kathryn Bat
ten have returned home after spend
ing the past week with Mr, and
Mrs,.Jas. Robinson, of St, Marys.
Misse? Ethel and Irene Pooley
and Burdene Clark left Saturday
morning for St. Catharines, where
they are employed with the peach
Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Burns and
Donald, of London, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. R. W-. Bat
ten and Miss Joan Batten return
ed home after spending last week
with Mr, and Mrs. Burns.
Master Beverley and Miss Marion
Alexander, of Lumley, spent the
latter part of the week with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs.' Theron Cheery and
family called on Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
Hackney, of Motherwell, on Sun
Mrs. F. V. Horne and Kathleen
and Miss Joy Whitlock, of St.
Thomas spent Thursday of last week
with Mrs. Norman Baker, of Well-
hurn. ,Mr. and Mrs. r Jotip Prance and
Misses Eloise Pym ana Betty Prance
spent Sunday in Thedford.
•Quite a number from this com
munity attended the Red Cross fro
lic at Kirkton last Wednesday night.
Miss Betty’ Brown, of the Base
line, spent the past week with Mrs.
Geo. Delbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns, of
Elimville, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham,
of Sarnia, are spending the holi
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bat
' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
and family, attended the Armitage
picnic held on. Monday last oh the
Sauble Line near Lucan.
Miss Greta Fletcher, of London,
spent the week-end at lier home
here.---------y--------- „
The household effects of Dr. and
Mrs. W. D. Bryce were taken by
van to Sudbury,5 leaving here on
Thursday. We regret the loss of
this fine family, and not alone for
their social relations, for both Zur
ich and Dashwood f are now with-,
out-a dentist, and.'we all some time
or other need this attention. It
will be a great inconvenience to be
forced to go out of town for this
service. " We wish Dr. and Mrs.
Bryce and son Bobbie every success
in their new home, and also hope
that there will soon be another
dentist locate in' this splendid prac
tice;—Zurich Herald.
F,O. D. Parker, of the R.G.A.F.,
was instantly killed early Sunday
morning when his&car crashed into
a tree at the easterly entrance of
Clinton. There was no apparent
cause for the ear leaving thb high
way, The driver was the only oc
cupant. The R.C.A.F, officer had
only recently arrived at the school
from Edmonton,
While the accident was being in
vestigated at the scene by Traffic
Officers Colp and Love",
driven by Martin Ward,
Crescent ^avenue, Buffalo,
through the flares which had been
set up on the highway, and'smash
ed into Officer Lever’s motorcycle,
demolishing it, The car, out .'of
Control, careened into another
parked vehicle and came to a stop,
a car
of saa
The World’s Finest,/
is Trade Marked Blue. Order
Blue Coal and we have it, also
Large Lump Alberta Coal
HAMCO Dustless Coke
' Prices are Right . „
Phone 12 Grantor
We Deliver
Stubborn Cases
of Constipation
Those who keep &■ mass^ .Of
impurity pent up in their bodies,
day after day, instead of having it
removed as nature intended, at least
Knee in every twenty-four hours, in
variably suffer from constipation.
The use of eheap, harsh purgatives
will never get you any whore as they
only aggravate ’ the trouble and in
jure the delicate muebus lining of the
bowels, and are Very liable to cause
If constipated take Milburn’s
Laxa-Liver Pills and have a natural
movement of the bowels. They do
not gripe, weaken and sicken as
mahy laxatives* do.
Tho T, Milburn Co., Ltd., Toroiitb, Ont.
> ■'Mr. and Mrs. H. Carey and daugh
ter spent the week-end in Simcoe,
Miss Evelyn McCann has return
ed to. Rodney, where she will re
sume her duties as school teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams and
family, of Detroit, called on Mr.,
and Mrs, J. Dalton op Sunday.
Mr. James Carey is holidaying
with his daughter, Mrs.-Matrl, in
Miss Madeleine Glavin has re
turned to Coign, where she will con
tinue her work as school teacher.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank ‘Coughlin
and Joe attended the wedding of
their nephew, Bill Coughlin, in
Windsor, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard, of De
troit, spent the week-end with the
latter’s brother,, Mr. Joseph Carey.
A number from here attended the
reception at The Pines, Chatham,
on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. H. McDonald, of ,
Detroit, attended the wedding of '
® You’ll be mak
ing no social
errors if you ride
on money-saving
Goodyear Mara
thons, They are
mileage makers;
. . . and are fully
Get top service from your new tires
... add new low-cost Goodyear tubes.
Snell Bros. & Co.
G. F. Skinner ,
the latter’s sister, Miss jMary Glavin,
on Saturday.
A large number were present at a
showdr held at the home of Misses
Beatrice and Teresa Sullivan, in hon
or f the. bride-to-be, Miss Mary
Glavin, last Thursday night.
Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, of Lon
don,' spent the week-end with her
brother, Mr. Joe Dietrich.
Mr. Austin McKeever, of Toronto,
the .week-end at his home
. '-----------V-----------
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and
daughter, of Toronto visit.ed over the
week-end with .the. former’s ,bro-
and Mrs. Hugh McMur-ther, Mr.
Charles Lochner
.. Killed in Fall
Charles Lochner, 34, of 3JI Hor
ton street, London, died Monday
night in Victoria Hospital, shortly
after collapsing at Talbot and Car
ling streets, about 7 o’clock. He was
! working at a gasoline station at
the time, and fell, striking his ‘head
on the pavement. An ambulance
was called and he was taken to
Victoria Hospital, where he died
In. a few minutes, it was found
that his death was caused by a
head injury.
Mr. Hoehn er was born at Shipka,
near Grand Bend. He traveled ex
tensively before, moving to Lon
don seven years ago. He resided
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Er
A. Carruthers, in London.
Surviving are four sisters, Mrs.
George Fenton, of Pennsylvania;
. Mrs, E. A.. Carruthers, London; Mrs.;
George Baynham, of Centralia and
Miss Lucille Lochner, London; four
brothers, Harry Lochner, of Wind
sor; Jack, of London; William, of
Shipfca, and Jarnie, of Inwood.
The body was removed to the
Hoffman funeral parlors at Dash
wood and the funeral will take place
from the Lochner residence at Ship-
ka on Thursday at 2.30 p.m„ with
interment in Grand Bend Cemtery.
Trucks Collide on Bridge
On Tuesday of last week
truck owned by Chas. Stephens i
driven by Laurie (Stephens and
Huron County truck, driven by j
. bertz McCabe, collided on the nar
row bridge east of the tillage, Al
though both trucks were almost
stopped when they met. .they were
badly damaged, the county truck
beyond repair. The damage to the'
Stephens truck was confined to the
front of the vehicle.. Both ..drivers
very fortunately escaped injury.
Traffic Officer N. Lever investigat
ed and did not "I ay1 a charge against
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride and 1
Stuart spent few days last week with
the former’s brother, in Kitchener,
and attended the .C.N.E. in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Sanders, of Lon
don, visited relatives in the vicinity
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W'. Horney and Miss
Irma Ferguson, and Mr. A. Gack-
stetter visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ferguson, o,f Chisel
Mrs. J. Carter and Edith, who
have been visiting the former’s' sis
ter, Mrs. Archie Parsons, returned
to her home at Clandeboye on Fri
day last.
Mr. Clarence McLean, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Keyes, of near
Bayfield, visited on Sunday at the
home of the latter’s parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. H. Jones.
Miss Jean Long left on Tues
day for Owen Sound, where she
fill train for a nur'Se in the hospital
"Mr. and Mrs,. A. Ulch, of Windsor,
and Mr. A. Long, of St. Catharines,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. N. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Herdman, of
Gentralia, and Glen and Doreen
Morden, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Gackstetter, of Dashwood, visit
ed recently at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Horney.
Canada Will Observe ‘Reconsecration’
Week September 10th to 17
War Services Minister Thorson An- Service -clubs, Canadian clubs and
nounccs Ccu’emopJes to Nationallyc. orgapisatlous of every kind will be
Honor Defender on Uaud, and' - - -
Sea and jn Air-
.Setting aside ofMhe week Sep
tember 10 to 17 as* a./’week of re
consecration of the Canadian people
to the democratic cause against
Na^i tyranny”, was announced in
Ottawa last week by War Services
Minister Thorson.
Reconsecration week will mark,
the beginning of the third year of
Canada’s participation in the war.
Mr.1 Thorson said the Govern
ment has proclaimed reconsecration
week “in national honor for those
who on land, on the sea and In the
air are the defenders of our country,
and in proud memory of those val
iant hearts who have gone out
from among us in the most
of all sacrifices for our
Likewise, he added, this
proclaimed as ’’one of reconsecra
tion of our lives and possessions, of
everything we have and everything
we are, fox* the principles which,
under divine providence, have been
our stay and help in the past, to
the end that torment may be lifted
from men’s hearts and peace and
safety for all nations and peoples.”
Prime Minister Mackenzie, King
and other ministers will ’ speak
during the week in a series of
talks over a Canadian Broadcast
ing Corporation national hookup.
The aid of the press, the radio
and the motion \picture is being
mobilized, Mr. Thorson emphasized,
to further the objectives of re
consecration week, the co-operation
of fhe nine premiers of the pro
vinces, of members of the House of
Commons, of the members of pro
vincial legislatures, of the mayors
of all Canadian cities and towns and
the heads of smaller municipalities
is being sought to make reconsecra
tion week a real success.
Churches are being asked to ar
range special events to mark the
week and the reconsecration theme.
held by them, the objective of re-
consecration will he impressed upon
the Canadian people,
Exercises will b* neld through
out Canadian schools during the
jweek tp impress upon youth the fact
that Canada Is at war, why Canada
is at waf, the issues involved in
successful outcome of the war.
week ?s
, F. Coughlin Awarded
Damage' Caused Seed
Wbed Spray
In these busy days, many of w
have tp satisfy pur hunger with .ar
sandwich, often bolted hurriedly.
We know we’re playing fast, and,
loose with our insides, but the job
must take first place. Irregular
meals, irregular sleep, and new ways
of living are all causes of ■constipa
JST«w to Get Gentle itelief
Constipation, as you know, is
paused mainly by the disappearance
of moisture from the large ‘intestine,.
Therefore, that moisture must re-
turn. This is done by the action of
the several mineral salts which are
present in Kruschen. At the .same
time Kruschen, by its diuretic
action helps to flush the kidneys^
thus ridding your bloodstream of
its accumulated toxic pojsops.
It stands to reason that the eiza
of dose for relieving constipation
depends op the individual. Hut once
this initial constipation has been
relieved, a small daily dpse—just
enough to cover a dime—will help
to keep you regular, and cheerful,
Start today to remedy the mischief
wrought by irregular meals and
hours. You can get Kruschen from
any druggist—-25c, and 75c.
Damages of $65 with
favor of D. F. Coughlip, Stephen Township farmer, against the
County of Huron, were awarded
last week in a reserved Division
court, judgment handed down by
Judge T. M. Costello, The award
is for damages caused to plaintiff’s
seed corn by the county weed spray
er, the wind blowing the poisonous
liquid into Mr, Coughlin’s corn field
as the sprayer passed destrbying
several rows. The award is for ac
tual damage caused, nothing being
allowed for potential loss through
injury to the grower’s reputation
as claimed, # ’ r
”1 cannot venture a guess at the
possible damage occasioned by the
poor appearance of the crop and
I believe
ance was
when the
pulled up.
ing to burden the county with
punitive damages occasioned
work in which it should be
•couraged, namely the destruction of
weeds,” the trial judge stated. This
is the first case of its kind to reach
Huron County courts although oth
er claims have been settled by the
County Roads Commission.
"‘’Dad" i want to go to Tome .o^her
school.” ’“What’s the matter,, my
dear? Don’t you like the teacher?”
”No. I don’t. Yesterday she said
five-and five was ten. Today she
said it was six and four.
The August meeting of the
ondale W.I. was held at the home
of Mrs. H. Perkins, with a v^y
good attendance, The president,
Mrs. Kirkland, was in the chair.
The roll call was “A Favorite Verse
of Mipe”. Plans were, made * to
make more jam" this week at the
home of Mrs. W. Etherington.. Do
nations of fruit and sugar were ask
ed for, Mrs. P. Passmore was ma’de
convener of a cooking sale to be
held Saturday,. Sept. 13 in Exeter.
The Red Cross "meeting will be held
on -September 22nd at Thames Road
-Church. The program was by the
Junior girls under direction of the
local leader, Miss Grace Beckler.
Miss Shirley Moil’ explained what
was taken „up at their class ■■ meet
ings. A skit was put on by five of
the class members, Misses G. Beck
ler, H. Williams, A. Passmore, M.
Kernick and R. Welsh. Little Ann
Luther sang a solo, accompanying
herself on the guitar; Master Grant
Morgan, gave a piano instrumental,
and Marian Kernick a violin solo.
Miss Kola Perkins gave a reading.
A talk , on “Different Cuts of Meat
and How to Prepare Them”, also
a demonstration on making pressed
meat was given by Miss G. Beckler.
Mrs. C. CudrfiWg 'm’oved a vote of
thanks to all those taking >part in
making the meeting a success. The
meeting was closed by the National
Anthem. Lunch, was served by , the
hostess and committee. The Sep
tember meeting will be held at .the
home of Miss N. Keddy.
that this .poor apear-
more or less remedied
outer rows of corn were
Certainly I am not
■ either driver.
I Miss Joy Whitlock returned to
her home' in St. Thomas on Mon-
. day'after a pleasant vacation spent
at Summerholme, Pt. Stanley, which"
is operated by the London Y.W.C.A.
and also three weeks in this com
munity with relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Len. O’Reilly, Mr.
Irwin O’Reilly, Miss Thelma O’Reil
ly and Master Bobby ‘ Allison, of
Sarnia, visited at*Mr. John Brock’s
over Sunday and Labor Day. Mr.
Billy Brock, of London, was also
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Long and ba
by, of Stratford,- were visitors here
last week-end.
Mr: Ernest Aiken, of Guelph-,
spent a few days with Mr. Garnet
Miners arid other, friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, .of
Seaforth, were visitors at Mr. John
Herdman’s on Sunday. Master Da
vid Bradshriw returned'"' home with
them after Spending a week here.
Mrs. Allen Johns attended the
funeral of he? cousin, the late Mrs..
Geo. Powell, in Seaforth last Sat
Miss Grace Brock is recovering
nicely aftei* her recent accident.
Mrs. W. H. Dickey and Mary
Lucille are spending this week with
her sitser, Mrs. Newman Baker,’
near Wellburn.
Mrs. . M. Routly, of Woodham,
visited with her son, Mr. Wm. Rout
ly and family over the week-end.
Miss Eunice Penhale spent the
past week with her friends, Misses
Edith and Melba King, of Stephen.
Mrs. Chas. Stephen, Wanda and
Donnie, visited With Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Murcfi in London over the
Mr. Elgin Skinner has commenc
ed his duties as teacher in a school
in Biddulph.
Rev. Currie, of Clinton* occupied
the pulpit on Sunday last in' ex-
With Mr. Aidworth of Staffa^,
Wellington Brock, Mrs.
Brock, of Zion and Mr.s
of Winchelsea, Were Visitors
home of Mrs,Quance last
at the
Wilfred Scott visited
Ex. over the week-end
few other young .men sof the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan
and Mrs. Routly, of Kirkton, mo
tored to Woodstock and Visited
their sister, Mrs. Francis^, on Friday
Miss Ella McCulloch returned
home on Monday after spending a
Week’s holidays with friends prior to
resuming lier duties when the school
opened on Tuesday.
Mr. Gemmell, of Tuckersmith, has
been engaged to teach in No. 6,
since the resignation of Mr. McKay,
who has been the teacher at that
school for nine years.. ......—v...........
Mister: ’’This is a great book on
tho wonders
It makes one
the Toronto
and also, a -V-
Mr; and Mrs. Eldon Morner and
family spent the week-end in Strat
ford and Grimsby.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hoatherley, of
London, are holidaying With the lat
ter’s mother, Mrs, C> Motz,
Trooper Jack Jasney,
Mr. John
is home on
Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs, of
■Saintsbury, are in receipt of an in
teresting letter from their son,
Hariy, who is with the R.C.A.F.
Writing from an airport near Cal
gary, he tells of meeting his bro
ther, whom he • had not' seen for
eight years. He tells of the meet
ing as follows:
Monday, Aug. 25, 1941
Dear Mother, Dad and All:
I got a letter from home to-day
and glad to hear that you are all
getting along fine. I want you to
take good care of yourself. I had
a 4-8-hour leave this week-end and
went into Calgary Saturday morn
ing and had dinner at Uncle Wil
liam’s. In the afternoon I went
down to the Massey-Harris com
pany and inquired about Harvey.
I wasn’t there five minutes before
Harvey called up and I was talking
to him on the phone,
.told him that he could
afternoon off so he met
o’clock in the Imperial
was lighting a cigarette
walked up. I never saw
he was right in front of
I would have known him alright.
He isn’t any bigger than he was
when he left home and he is^just
as bald as dad. I wouldn’t believe it
until he took off his hat and show
ed me.
I was.
the Air Force and he said he took a
chance on picking me out by my
bald temples. We spent Saturday
night and Sunday together here in
Calgary. We got a room at the
hotel and it wds just 2-. 30 Sunday
morning when we were ready for
The boss
have the
me at six
when he
him until
me. But
I had to tell him which one
His boss told him I was in
of Gamp
visiting in
Mrs. H Mac-
Recruiting Patriotic Dollars ,
At SOb Canadian Stations
Every branch of the Bank of Montreal is a "recruiting station’*
for Canadian dollars whose owners wish to serve their country.
At any one of our 500 Canadian branches you can buy war
savings stamps and certificates, and obtain full information re-
s"d“s ■ . /
Enlist to the full extent of your ability to help win a decisive
victory for freedom.
of nature. To read
realise how lowly and
man is.” Missus:
•”Hugh! No woman has to wade
through 400 pages to discover that.”
Baird bi Grand
is visiting with Mr,
Mrs. Ellen Davis,
visiting her brothers,
and Abe Dearing.
Samand Mrs,
of Exeter, is
Messrs. Henry
and Mrs. Kuhn have re-
homo after camping at
Muriel Hardy, 13, of Lucan, was
taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Monday afternoon, suffering from
a lacerated hand, which required,
several stitches. It Is believed that
she suffered the injury in a fall from
a hay stack.
Young Medical .Student (to his
Sweetheart)-—De you know, Julia,
that the human heart is equal to
the lifting of «I20 pounds every’24
hours? Julia l(demurely)—■’Well,
that’s just my weight. „
Modern, Experienced Banking Service ■»- * * the Outcome Of 124 Yeats’ Successful Operation