HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-08-21, Page 57 > 4 L t *r s I A I i <) I ■p < I f 1 THE EXETER TJMES-APVOCATE Thihwda.y^ august m* HENSALL Gladys Luher is enjoying a Vacation this week.. A. W. Kerslake and Mrs, p. spent Tuesday in London* Stewart McQueen is spend- Miss week’s Mrs. Walks Mrs. ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sid McArthur. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church held a quilting in the church on Tuesday. Mr, Eddy Fremm, pf Clinton, was the guest of Mrs. William Sangster and fanlily last week, Mrs. Wm. Weir and baby return­ ed home from St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, in London, on Friday. Miss Margaret Johnston return- ed to her duties at the post office after a week’s vacation, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. McLaughlan, of Kippen, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Robt. McKenzie, Mr, and Mrs,. Ben Kaiser, of De­ troit, are visiting.with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Misses Lois1 and Marion MacLdr- en spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Carmichael in London, Mr, Ray Patterson, of Toronto, Spent the wpek-end with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Patterson, Miss Gladys Dow spent the week­ end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dow, of Cromarty. Miss Mabel Workman enjoyed a Very pleasant holiday with friends from Exeter at Grand Bend last week. Mrs. Sid. McArthur, who -has been ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is improving and able to return home, Mrs. Devlin and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Ingram, of Pleasantville, N.Y., visited with friends in Stratford on Friday, Mr. Orr, of Ailsa Craig, is -.open­ ing up a shoe repair shop in the building recently vacated by Mr. Roy Weber. Mr. Thos. Huddleson has pur­ chased the property of the late Mr. Peter Stewart which was sold by public auction on Saturday, Kathleen and Bernice Brydgman, of St. Marys, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. DA Walks and Mr. and Mrs. A. V£. Kerslgke. Mr. Jack Simmons, of Windsor, spent the week-end visiting with his mother, Mrs. Alda Simmons grandmother,. Mrs. J. Dinsdale. and1’ Mrs,. Neil Sparks, of Detroit, and of Bayfield, and and Mr, visited jng will be held on Sept. 4th, In­ stead of Sept. 7th, Mrs. ManWjp took the topic entitled "The Young Church Speaks”, which was very interesting, Th® meeting closed with the singing of "I Need Thee Every Hour” and the Lord's •er* • W w W DASHWOOD FOB. RENT—The East, half of the two-storey brich dwelling on the South side of Holland Street in Dashwood. Furnace, electric lights, 3 bedrooms, comfortable living quar­ ters. Apply to F. W. Gladman, Exe­ ter, Ont. Mrs* j. McNevin, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A, E, Oestreicher, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Lam­ beth, visited .Sports Day. Mr, W. D, Mr. Robert called on Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Oes­ treicher on Tuesday, Miss Eunice Oestreicher spent a few days with her friend, Miss Nor­ ma Cook, in Hensall, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Oestreicher and family, of Chicago, are visit­ ing at the home of his brother, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Oestreicher. Master Glenn Haugh spent the .past week visiting his cousin, Mrs. Roy Burchard, in Strathroy. Mrs. G. Chesna and family, of Birmingham, Mich., and Mrs. Pceh- ler and family, of Fort Wayne, are visiting with their mother, F. Willert. Master Bud Stadelbauer, of don,, is spending his vacation with friends here over Einpey, of London, and MeVicar, of Mossley, Carl Scriven and Toronto, spent a ’few with the latter’s par- Mrs. Charles Schroe- Ross Scriven is re- Ind., Mrs. Lon- with his grandparents, Mr, and fMrs. P* Kraft. Dr. and Mrs, Taylpr and daugh­ ter, Anne, and Mrs. Guenther,- whe have been away en three weeks’ ,va- catien, returned home pn Tuesday evening. Miss Clara Ryan, of Mt. Carmel, Is visiting with her aunts, Mrs. Wil­ liam Ziler and Mrs. Leonard Reste- meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and fam­ ily, of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Ziler. ------------y------------ en- over fifty guests at a tea on Wednesday after­ evening of last week in her daughter, Marjorie, A Monster Red Cross Commencing nt 8 o’clock BINGO KIRKTON A Prize Will be Given for the Best Patriotic Costume » Games pf All Kinds Guessing Contest Prize—A Live Pig Ice Cream, Candy, etc, Hot Dogs, Coffee, etc* Dancing Good Orchestra ADMISSION FREE Bill Lorne and Ronald Elford, Knowles, Chas. Stephen, Mr. Mrs. Clarke, .Alex -Sparks, recently with Mrs. Marjory Sparks. Little Donnie Haytei’ returned to his home in London on1 Satur­ day after holidaying with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs.. R. D. Bell, Junior Hedden returned to his homgi Jn St. Catharines on- Sunday . after*holidaying..at the home of his ■ grandmother, Mrs. Catharine Hed­ den. There wris a large crowd ‘of Soft­ ball fans at the park to enjoy an interesting game .between the mar­ ried and single m®n sponsored by the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson and son Billy, of Detroit, visited over -the week-end witl?* the former’s mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson -and grandmother, Mrs. (Robt. Bonthron. '*» Mrs. Charles Nicholls, Mrs. Mar­ garet Scott and Mrs. Stewart Gunn and little son, of London, who are vacationing at- Grand Bend spent • Tuesday with Miss Hattie Suther­ land. Mrs. Martha Murdoch, Mrs. J. Dinsdale, Mrs. Alda Simmons and Mr. Jack Simmons visited on Sun­ day with the former’s brother, Mr. Wm. Butt, in Seaforth, . who is seriously ill. Miss Betty Mickle very pleasant­ ly entertained a number of her girl friends at a birthday party at her home on Wednesday evening. Games were played and dainty refresh­ ments served. Messrs. S. G. Rennie, Fred Beer, Harold Bonthron, Douglas Sangster. George Shngster, Davb Sangster and Allen Davidson left on Monday for Thames Valley Camp for two weeks’ training with the militia A nomination for councillor to fill the vacancy caused,, by the re­ signation of Donald McKinnon, who has enlisted With,’the R.C.A.F. will be held in the Town Hall Sept. 8th. Mr. Ross McKay, of Hensall, who has taught at Cromarty School for a number of years, has resigned his duties there and has accepted an­ other school in Northern Ontario. He intends moving shortly. High School Teacher Resigns Mf. Robert Moore, coptinuation school principal h%s resigned his position, at the school here owing to Ill health and Will leave shortly ter Lindsay, where he has purchased a store. We regret very much los­ ing Mr. arid Mrs. Moore, and fam­ ily. HARPLEY and Mrs. F. McCrackin,ofMr. Mt. Brydges, visited on Sunday with Ml*, and -Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Mrs. J. Paterson, of Ilderton, -vis­ ited over the'week-end at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carruthers, of Sarnia, called on Sunday at Mr. Robert Murray’s. ' 1 Mrs. J. Thistle, of London, is vis­ iting with, her sister, Mrs. Robt. Desjardine? Mrs* Will Love spent Saturday at prand Bend .with her daughters, Misses Ruth and Helen Love. Master Lyle Steeper, of Corbett, is spending a week with his Cousin, Morley Love. . ---------;V--------- „ training. of Exeter, of her Par­ is in train- SHIPKA Mr. and Mrs. Art. Hardcastle, of Chatham, Mr. M. Guenther, of Cre­ diton and Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke, and baby, of Thedford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer. Next Sunday, August 24th, Sun­ day School will be held at 10.30 a.m.;- Church* service at. 11.15 a.m. Rev. Turner, will be in charge. The Ladies’ Aid are having' a home made' baking sale next Satur­ day afternoo'n at Mr. Wally Des- jardine’s butcher shop at Grand Bend. . 'Miss Pearl Keyes, accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Turner,, spent Monday in Toronto*? Mr. Roy Ratz is building an ad­ dition to his barri. The foundation is completed.y______ will speak at 11 note the hour is George Tuffin and WARS. Meeting The W.M.S; of Cannel Presbyter- iam Church was held at the home of Mrs*. Hannah Workman on Thurs­ day with Mrs. Peter Manson presid­ ing and opened/by singing "Lead On O King Eternal”, followed by the Bed ‘Cross prayer in unison. The Scripture, Psalm 37 was read by Mrs, R, Y. MacLaren.^ ate which Mte* The "Peace”. Father of Mankind the offering received. MacLaren and Miss Mlnhte Reid will visit the shut-ins during the next month. The September meet- Jas* Parkins led in prayer* i‘oll call was answered by Hymn "Dear Lori ami ” was surig and Mrs. w. A. MOUNT CARMEL- Mr. and Mrs, Etue and family, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s father, Mr. James Carey. Mr. and Mr.s R. Millne, of Glan- worth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Coughlin. Mi4, and Mrs. Joe Glavin are Spend­ ing a few weeks with friends in Ot­ tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Keating, of Hamil­ ton, have returned after spending a few days With their aunts, Misses Kate and Nellie Carey. Miss Marjorie Regan, of London, is spending a few days at her home here! Rev. Father Coughlin, C.S.B., of Toronto, and his mother, Mrs. B. Coughlin, called on relatives here on Thursday.. ' Mr* Jack Carey was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Friday, where he will undergo treatments. Rev. Fr. W, H. Murray, O.S.B., of Owen sound, has left for Toronto, where he will be for a week. Wedding bells will soon be ring­ ing for Mary Glavin and Charite Dietrich. Miss Marion Mahohey spent Sun­ day with Mary Loupe, of Alisa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and lly spent Thursday visiting in erich. fam- God*. «i V, theyMiss Sharp—-Love Is blind, say, “ Ployfoot—-Yes, that must he why we see so many spectacles in the park. CREPITON Mr. and Mrs. Itpygl. Brown land son, Tummy, of Munroe, Mich., Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Moser, of Evans­ ton, Ill*, Bev,, and Mrs. J« Burn, qf Selkirk, Ontario, Mr. Melvin Brown, of Kitchener, and Miss Irene Woods, of Kitchener, are visiting with Mrs. Florina Brown, Mr* and Mrs. Will Siebert, of Zur­ ich, Mrs. William Major, of Toronto, and Mrs. Hoffman and son Bob, of Galt, were Sunday Visitors with Mrs, Florina Brown, Mr,,.and Mrs* Lawrence Wein and Douglas are spending a few days in St, Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Culbert, Mr. and Mrs, Aljoe Culbert, Frederick and Margaret, of Lucan, and Mrs, Fred Kerr spent the week-end at Boat Lake. Mrs, Emily Peck, of Bayfield, Mrs, Ellen Armstrong, of Toronto, (Mr, and Mrs, 'Stephen Collins and' daughter, Elaine, and Miss Marilyn Baker, of Windsor, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. son, Ross, of days’ vacation ents, Mr. and der. Master maining for two weeks, We regret tc| report that Mr. Jack Richard, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, passed away Tuesday even­ ing. Gerald England, of Long Branch, and Lloyd England, of. Chatham Camp, spent the week-end at home. Master Glenn -Fahner, of Minnow Lake visited for a few weeks with Mr.-tand Mrs. Lorne Morlock-. Trousseau Tea Mrs. Chris Wein, of Crediton, tertained trousseau noon and honor of bride-to-be of this month. The home was beautifully decorated with summer flowers. Mrs. Wein and the bride-elect received the guests at the door, The attractive tea table was presided over by Mrs. Henry J. Varley, assisted by Miss Tillie Wein. Miss Bernice Fahner dis­ played the lovely linens and dishes and Miss Livina Varley, the gifts. ---------V---------■ 5 THAMES ROAD At the morning service on Sunday I the Rev. Douglas Hill, of Caven Church, Exeter, o’clock. Please not 11:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. family, of.Wheatley, were week-end Visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Parker.' Mr. Harry Hunkin, of Logan, is visiting with his niece, M^s. Wil­ iam Kaye. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Daw­ son on Sunday were .Airmen Wm. Ross and V. Stevenson, of Goder­ ich. Mrs. Johp Hodgert and Mrs. A. Mofgan sang a duet at the Sunday morning service. Quite a number from Thames Road enjoyed a vacation at Grand Bend during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Passmore spent a few. days at Rondeau Park with. Mr. and Mrs. William Tookey. Mrs. Smith and daughter-, from the 'WeS't, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. -Coward. Mrs. Rebecca Stewart is visiting with her daughter, Mrs., Wm. Stone. Mrs. McKay, of Seaforth, is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Hod­ gert. _ , Mission Band Meeting' The Jolly Junior Mission Band met on Sunday mprning, August 17, With an attendance of thirty-five. Eleanor Hunkin presided, while all . sang, "Tell Me the Old, Old Story”. Winnifred Hodgert read Psalm 100 followed by .prayer by Anne Mor­ gan, band leader. Milton McCul- lagh read the minutes and called the roll, which was answered by the name of a tree. After singing "I Am so Glad that Oui' Father in Heaven”, Jack Cann gave a read­ ing. Anne Morgan took the topic from the Trinidad study book and Grant Morgan played an instru­ mental. The meeting closed with the National Anthem' and prayer In unison. / W.M.S. Meeting At a recent meeting of the W.M.S. I in the church, the young ladies of the circle Were the guests and fur­ nished the program. In the ab­ sence of the “W.M.S* president, Mrs. Stone, Miss Pearl Duncan, second vice-president, Was( in charge. The devotional period was opened by singing hymn 256 and repeating the Lord’s Pra/er in unison. The Scrip­ ture from Luke 18:9-25 was read, by the president. The minutes were read and adopted after which Helen Selves took charge of the program, hymn 123; prayer by Hel­ en Selves; reading by Mai;y Bor­ land, "The Worst it Yet to Come”; instrumental by Marion Hodgert, "Help Somebody To-day”; reading by Jennette Stone, " Saving Food for Hanner”; hymn 109; duet by Mrs. Morgan arid Anne; ’"Beautiful Rose of Sharon”; reading by Lois Ford, "The Lord’s Little Pig”; in- stfUhiental by June Coward; duet by Boberte Duncan and Eleanor Dawson and closing hyirin 318. The» meeting closed with the Mtetfah benediction.' l ELIMVILLE At 7 p.m. on Sunday, Rev. Jas. Anthony will speak. Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore and child­ ren, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. •Kenneth Johns recently. Master Malcolm Kirkland, of near- Hurondale, has been holidaying4 with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns' and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davey and family, near Centralia. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom­ as, is spending her vacation with re­ latives here. Troopers Wilmer Ferguson, Johns, Percy Clifton Brock, Earl Coultis and Roy Hunter left for Thames Valley Camp on Sunday morning for Mrs. Reg. McDonald, is visiting at the home ents, while her husband ing at Thames Valley Camp. ’ Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Miller and fam­ ily visited on Sunday at the home of Iv^r. and Mrs. Thos. Bell. Miss Alice remained for' a week’s holi­ days. Mr. and Mrs. Alice Sinclair of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, of Woodham, Mr. Alex Johns, of Crumlin Airport, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole of Exeter and Mr. Hilton Johns and Miss Margaret Cook, of Lucan, were visitors on Sunday at Mrs. John Johns’. Mr; and Mrs, Wm. Bradshaw and David, of Seaforth, Were Sunday vis­ itors at Mr. John’;Headman’s. ... Mrs. Wm. Murch has returned to Colwell, N.J., after spending the past few -weeks at the home of Mr. P,Mutch: -V- Mrs. CREDITON EAST Mrs. Frank Scheiding, of Lon­ don, is visiting her mother, C. Motz. Trooper Jack Jasney, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his wife and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Brokenshire, 'of Windsor, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Miss Betty Brokenshire, who has been holi­ daying in Centralia, and here, re­ turned Mrs. to her Mr. __ ______ Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Hicks baby, of Exeter, spent Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Miss Shirley Brunzlow, of .tralia, is holidaying with her aunt, and uncle, Mr. and. Mrs. J. Bullock. -Mrs. Wm. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, of Kippen, visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Wm. Motz and also attended the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Chris Wein in honor of her daughter, Marjorie. Mrs. Wilsdn Anderson spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroe­ der at Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. C. Motz, Mrs. Eliza Snell’ of Windsor, Mrs. Minnie' Parsons and Mrs. W. D. Sanders, of Exeter, spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. -------------------- home with them. Chris Rau is again confined bedt through illness, ant Mrs. Geo, Lawson and and with Cen- I CROMARTY annual Sunday School the Presbyterian Church The nic of held Thursday afternoon at Lions Park in Seaforth With an at­ tendance of over one . hundred. The afternoon was spent in bathing and races. ... The following were the winners: Girls or boys under 6, Bar­ bara Hill, Wilma Harper; girls un­ der 10, Blanche McLaren; boys under 10, Ross Macdonald; girls under 14, Jeanette McKellar, Blanche McLaren; boys under 14, Fergus McKellar; young women, Hazel Hamilton; women’s Walking race, Mrs, Ken McKellar; relay, Velma Wallace’s team; clothes pin, Mr, Deiehartj and Dorothy ’Deich- art; lucky spot, Grace McLachlin; feeding the monkey. Pearl Hough­ ton, Frank Bruce; women’s kick­ ing the slipper, Grace McLachlin;. men’s slipper, David HUI and John Wallace; three-legged racfe, Hazel Hamilton, John Wallace. Supper, wis served and all returned to tlmir homes feeling that they had a real sociable afternoon. pic- was the CENTRALIA j Mrs, Ron. Hill and Mrs, J. Demp­ sey, of Windsor,, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker. Donald Hill. whe had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Baker, returned home with- Ms mother. Misses Jean King and Dorene Baker have been holidaying at Grand Bend. Sergeant-Pilot D. E. Hicks, of Trenton, spent a tew days week with hjs parents, Mr, and Andrew Hicks. Mr* and Mrs, Rex Mills and tyn, of Wyoming, were Sunday visi­ tors with Mrs, Harry Mills, Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. J. O’Brien were Mr. and Mrs. j. Ma­ gen and family, of London, Air, and Mrs. W. Lundy and sop and Mrs* w, Lundy, Sr*, of Detroit; Mrs. G. Hen­ nessey and family, Highway No. 4. Mr. and Mrs, Lome Hicks and Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Hicks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry at Hgrrlston., Mr. and Mrs. Mites McCabe and son Mac, of Walkerton, visited with friends in the village on Friday of' last week. Mr., and Mrs, M, Sleamon and June, of London, visited with Mrs. J. Sleamon on Wednesday of last week. Mrs, J. Mugan and children are visiting with her mother, Mrs. C, J. O’Brien, ' Mrs. Lorne Hicks visited for a' couple of days last week with her father, Mr, T. Pollock, in Ripley. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Essery on Sunday were Dr, and Mrs.-Heigh way, of London, Mrs. B. Hicks, Dorothy and Stanley. The latter, who were recent visitors at Mrs. Essery’s old home, present­ ed her with a beautiful bouquet of* gladioli which had been picked from the garden of the old home. Mr. W. Johnston had the misfor­ tune to fall and fracture his ankle white at work last week. Mr. Jack Andrew, of the R.C.A.F.. in St. Thomas, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Andrew. ■% The W.M.S. will have charge of the services in the church next Sunday. Mrs. Layton, of Exeter, will give the address. The following articles were sent to the Exeter Red .Cross Branch last week by the Centralia Unit: 20 pairs , socks, 2 sweaters, 3 scarves, 2 helmets, 2 pairs mitts and gloves, pair seaman’s boots, 2 .caps, 2 pairs sheets, 2 -quilts, 4 crib quilts, 2 coats, 1 skirt, 23 articles of refugee clothing. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hamilton and Laverne were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.-* Wilcox ■ and Doris, Mrs. Kerr, of Stratford, Mrs* W. Essery, of Usborne were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Fred Penwarden. Miss Beatrice Essery has return­ ed to London, after visiting at her home for three weeks. Master Billy Rosenberger, of London, spent the past two weeks visiting his cousin, Miss Helen Es­ sery: last Mrs." Mai’* | WOODHAM On Monday evening qf iwt week the Young Ladies’ CIgSB -of the Sun­ day School and the Mission Circle girls gathered -at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Johnson and presented their daughter, r:g bride-to-be, with a lovely floor lamp. A pleasant evening was spent together. And’ rey thanked them kindly in a tew well-chosen words, Mrs, Berry Doupe, of London, is spending a few days'at the home -of Mi’* and Mrs. Cecil Camm, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Mills and Mr,! John Camm, Evelyn and Wendell,: “attended the Johnson,’-—Essen re­ ception at the bride’s home on Sat­ urday afternoon last, Mr. Harold Tufts, of Toronto, very ably taught the Bible Class on- Sunday last, and also assisted the Church choir last Sunday morning* Mr, and Mrs. Anderson and Shir­ ley, of Washington, and Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Stone and Donna, of Kirkton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr* and Mrs. Jas. Squire. ' Miss Audrey Scott is spending a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Rundle, Miss Joyce Ross, of Kirkton, spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Dorothy Thompson. A large number from Kirkton at­ tended church last. Mr. spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ ley Shier’s. A very pretty wedding wsfs sol­ emnized a t Woodham United Church on Saturday last, at 2 p.m, when Miss Audrey Johnson became the bride of “Mr. William Essen, of Oil Springs, Ont. Another wedding took place on Saturday when Mr. George Wilson, of the Base Linp, was united in mar­ riage with Miss Annie McLean, of Puslinch, Ont. The marriage took place at the home of the bride. Mrs. Wilson has for several school. I i “““ . 1 Miss Marjorie Essery is visiting j in London with her aunt, Mrs. Ar- j I the Johnson and Essen wedding here on Saturday and Mrs. Law, of London, been the school teacher years at the 8th line -V- and Mr. and of near aunt and Por- Miss dancing nightly until LABOUR DAY Free Admission before D pan., Tues­ day, Thursday and Friday FINAL AMATEUR CONTEST MONDAY, AUG* Wh IM«e-Winners of Previous Consists •Cuinpete for GRAND CASH iPBW A GREAT 1TIOGRAMMB Come and Support Your Town’s Fnyoiwiie Entry! BUNDAY CONCERT, AUG, Ms Repeat pertennanee TAVISTOCK BRASS BAND And all their Bupportiug Artists Their last concert wag wonderful*--- tilts one promises to be better LABOUR' DAY' ’ WEHR-END % MIDNIGHT DANCE The BIG I Sept., 1st, 12.05 a,m. HOLIDAY FROLIC LABOUR DAY NIGHT GREENWAY Miss Ruby Pollock is visiting with friends in Port Huron. Mrs. Minnie i(Ramsay) Mussel­ man, of LeGrange*, Iill., visited for a few days last week with Mrs, W. T. Ulens, Mr. phone ly. Mr. Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown spent Sunday in Goderich and ton. Morley Pollock is spending week in Kerrwood with his sin, Jack Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Miss Isabelle Montaine, of Fair­ grove, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Arthur Baker, Mr.. Edison Borden, spent home here. Wm. Hicks had a Bell tele­ installed in his home recent­ and Mrs. Langford Ridley, of of the Lake Pollock, of the week-end -V- this cou- and Road. Caipp at his Steeper spent with Harvey of Petawawa z BRINSLEY Rev. L. H. Tuimer who has been away on holidays has returned and occupied the pulpit of the United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sunday at Fort Erie Morley. • - Gnr. Cyril Morley, Camp, spent the week-end with his wife and family. Margaret Mercer is holidaying in Parkhill with Mrs. James Orr. Pte. Raymond Pierce is attend­ ing Camp at Thames Valley. Dr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Amos, of Brantford, spent the week-end at the home of his father, Mr. Joseph Amos. Mr. J. H. Amos and Miss Mary Amos attended the Givin—Amos wedding at Liei^ry on Saturday. Mr. Chester Lee, of London, visit­ ed his week. KIPPEN • Mr. and Mrs, John Butt daughter, of Flint, Mich., visited over the week-end with the former’s brother, Mr. Edgar Butt., Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, of Lu­ can, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kernick, and Shirley, of Exeter, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. William Horney. Miss Dona McBride, Brucefield, is visiting her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. - -Mr. and Mrs. Ar-chie Parsons and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, of Clandeboye. Mrs. J. Baker and Miss Margaret Reichert, of Hillsgreen, visited Re­ cently with the former’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. AV. McLachlan, Kiss Margaret Torrance, of ter’s' Hill, is visiting her aunt, M. J. IviSon. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, of Hillsgreen, visited recently with the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs. W. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson attended the trousseau tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wein near Crediton on Wednesday af­ ternoon of last week in honor of their daughter, a bride-elect of this month. A number of young men frprn thW vicinity left on Sunday morning for camp at Thames Valley. Mrs. Mina Love, who* has been visiting her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love left last week to visit'‘her son, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Lansing, Mich. chie Robinson. W.A. Meeting The W.A. of the Centralia United Church met in the basement of the church on Thursday, August 7th, with thirty-one members and four­ teen visitors present* The presi­ dent, Mrs. O. Brown, presided over the meeting which opened with hymn 287; prayer by Mrs. McFalls; setiptere, Ephesians, 4:25-30 by: Mrs. Andrew; a reading, "Kind-1 ness”; guitar solo by Doris Skinner; I a reading, “Our Queen”; a reading, “Crowded Ways of Life”, by Mrs. Bowden; solo by Arlene Skinner; reading by Flossie Davey; chorus by­ Maxine and Marina BoWden and Ar­ lene Skinner; thoughts on the 23rd Psalm by Mrs. A. McFalls and hymn “Faith of o>ur Mothers”. A dainty lunch was served including two birthday cakes in honor of Mrs. TE.cn* A v « PDTnAv MTr’U’T'C J. McFalls and Mrs. J. Essery. Both .TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS ladies are over eighty years of age! and are still ^members of the W.A. society.* . W.M.S. Meeting The August meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday afternoon, August 12th, with nine members present? The president, Mrs. W. Skinner,- presided over the devo­ tional part of the programme. The’ meeting opened with hymn 99 from the Canadian Hymnal. The Scrip­ ture reading from Luke 18th chap­ ter, verses 9 to 25, ■was read by Mrs. F. Bowden. Mrs. W. Baker read the hymn, "Jesus, Thott Divine Com­ panion”, Hymn 24, “All People That on Earth Do Dwell” was sung. The program, "Social Welfare iji Canada” was taken by Mrs. Connor, Mrs. F. Lewis and Mrs. W. Bow­ den. The minutes Of the last mOete ing were read and adopted. This ■was followed by the treasurer’s re­ port, temperance secretary’s re* port and the report of the Friend­ ship secretary. Hymn 307 "0 Come Let Us Adore Him”, was sring and the meeting was brought to a close with prayer by the president. ....... Sunday School Teacher*. "Why, Willie Wilson. FigfiitSng again! ; Didn’t last Sunday’s lesson teach you that •when you are struck on one cheek you ought to turn the other to the striker? Willie: Yes’rn but he hit me on the nose and I’ve Ohly got ohe. ( i i i Dance at Spruce Grove On Highway No. 4, 3 miles South of Exeter Adam Brock’s Columbians Dancing 9 to ? Jitney Dancing ZION Mr, and Mrs. Sam Stevenson and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs* Melville Hern* Kenneth and Phillip Hern left on Sunday to train at Thames ’ Valley Camp, London. 4 The Red Cross Frolic will be held on Wednesday evening at Zion. Come and help the Red Cross. ' The following is the list of Bed Cross articles sent in the last pack­ ing: 9 pairs of soclte, 1 turtle-neck sweater, 2 scarves, 2 pairs of sea­ men’s socks, 2 1 pair of sheets, of mitts, Marjorie Earl with her sister, Mrs. Howard lake, of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. James Earl and Mar­ jorie, Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller and Freddy, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jac­ ques and family attended the Gun­ ning picnic held at Wednesday, August A number from were at Ellmvlile night to hear the Agnes McPhail. Barbara and Katherine Hunter visited last week with their cousins, Irene, Anna' and Tom Brock* * alternative 4 bonnets, 4 visited last sister, Mrs. Mary Carter, last KIRKTON and Bob McCurdy and Ken. the week-end at caps, pairs week Kei’S- Grand fiend on 13tli. the community on 'Wednesday speech by Miss Ray Duncan spent Grand Bend. Lloyd Smith, Charlie Harris, Wm. Allen and Ronald Fletcher, of Us- borne, spent several days last week at “Kozy Inn” cottage, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ray yiet- cher and Norma, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harris and family, Mrs. Jas. Harris, of London, and the Misses Greta and Audrey Fletcher spent Sunday with the boys. Rev. Allen Duffield and son Dale, Mrs. Allen Duffield, Jr., and family, of Sault Ste. Marie, are holidaying with Mrs. C. Duffield. Mrs. J. L. Tellis, son and daugh­ ter, of Wheaton, Ill., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bat­ ten. Guite a number from the village attended the annual garden party held at Zenda, on Wednesday, which some 10,000 people attended. Mrs. Stan Howe, of Barrie, Is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Howe. Mrs. Russell Broqk and her sons, Billie and Don, are nplidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, of Detroit, Miss Norma Tufts spent the past week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Kirk, Woodham. Mrs*. Roy McNaughton with Mrs. Floyd Pridham, Rowan, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, ronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. S. Tufts* Mrs. Harold Tufts and little daughter, 'Marilyn, returned heme with them after a month’s holiday with Mrs. S, Tufts. Mrs. Jas. Kemp, of London, Is holidaying with her daughter, 'Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hazelwoeh and son, Bill, of Detroit, spent the past week-with Mr, Walter Hazeiwodih Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coair-, of Taibotvilie, were Sunday gutets with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oragm Miss Norma Pletcher., of tfsberiie^ spent a tew days with her cousin, Miss Greta Pletcher, In London, visited at PL Of To-