HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-31, Page 8) » ■» Vera <?» Becker wishes to an­ nounce that V‘« Beauty Shoppe will •ho closed irpm Thursday,. August Tth» to Wednesday, August 20th, lnclwiw>. while on vacation. Fred Walter, who for the past year and a halthas been teller at the Bank of Montreal, has enlisted With the Royal Canadian Air Force and. was called to duty last week. We understand he is stationed at Manning Fool, Toronto. Mrs. J. W, McIntyre and daugh­ ter, Miss Joan, who have been vis­ iting with ;the former’s brother, Mr. Sanders,, third con­ cession o.f Stephen, and other rela­ tives, left Wednesday for their homo in Chicago. Ill, Mr. and Mrs. James Francis and daughter, of Tavistock,, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Skin­ ner, Mrs. Percy McFalls accom­ panied visiting George week in them to Exeter, for the past week. Jaques is spending Tavistock. after Mrs, this THE. EXETER TWO*APyP€ATE New Wheat, 75c Old Wheat, :80c Creamery Butter, 40c. Eggs, A Large, 30c Eggs, Medium, 27a Eggs, B, 21o Dressed Hogs, $14.25, 1 IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton ' * .* Summer Sausage - . Homemade Meat Loaf And other varieties of Cooked Meat for the ■ hot weather meal Phone 38 Main St, Ohwmwixkiwi iw ii wm» u »i» ^Mna«*«M>auMMaMHaaH*<uM£S I............................................................................, I ! LOCALS " I I I Monday, August 4th will be Civic Holiday. Mr. Frank Weekes, of is visiting with his aunts Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edwin, and Donald, spent end at Grand Bend. , Rowe Dinney has returned to Stratford after; holidaying at his home here. Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Messrs. Bor- deu and Britain Sanders, spent a few days in Toronto last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling and family, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Quance. , Mrs. Robert Turnbull is visit­ ing with relatives in Toronto this week. b Mrs. Chester Cornish is spending ______ __ ... a week’s vacation with her grand­ unfortunate hold-up of despatches mother, Mrs. Lyons, of Londesboro. from London of your newspapers, periodicals or magazines. Every effort, however, made to maintain a regular service •from now on. Many thanks for your . indul­ gence.” English Periodicals Received Following Blitz The Public Library subscribes ztor three English publications, the Wo­ man’s Journal, the Strand and the Illustrated News. Some weeks* passed and no numbers were receiv­ ed until last week when all past numbers were received, also this apology by* letter. This is just an­ other marvelous example of how British business firms carry der great handicaps. on un- An Apology “The delay in despatch to the temporary dislocation business as the result of the des­ truction of essential . records fry enemy action. It is believed that you will bear with us in this present emergency and it is hoped that no undue in­ convenience has been caused by the is of due our ’ LOCALS " CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Church I, Jitney Bingo in the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd at 8*30 sharp Drawing for door prizes every hour our time All Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps JUMBO ICE CREAM PINT BRICKS 20c each * * * EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 Exeter I Hamilton, here. Brintnell, the week- Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Darrell, of i Toronto, spent Saturday with the is' being j latter’s mother, Mrs. J. McTavish. After Harvest Cultivation with a new Ford Ferguson Tractor is now Economical, quick and handy, child can operate it. • See SANDY ELLIOT Exeter — Ont. Also a few used tractors A ■ LOST OR STRAYED—About July 4th, a dog, part chow, part span­ iel, dark brpwn, pricked ears, ans­ wers to * name of “Chow”. Suitable reward for information leading to its recovery. Rev. R. J. Merriam, Centralia. FOR SALE—7 pigs, 6 weeks Apply to Art Broderick, Exeter, ltp old. ltp . TENDERS WANTED '— Tenders will be received by the Secretary for the painting of two rooms at the Exeter High School. Tenders to be in by August 2nd. Work to be completed before opening of new term. Miss K. MacF'aul, Sec. FOR SALE—Houses in Exeter, Crediton, Lucan. Farms of 3 acres to 200 acres. W. C. Pearce, Exe­ ter. WILL PAY CASH for horses and cattie ovei* 30 O' pounds, dead or alive, free of medicine or disease. Phone Kirkton 34r3, collect. Francis Mink Ranches. , ---- --------— HOUSE FOR RENT—Brick re­ sidence in central location, modern conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hun­ ter, R.R. 3, Exeter. . Phone Kirk­ ton 39r7. tfn Ross tfc FARM* MUST BE SOLD—On ac­ count of ill health of owner, 150 acres with good buildings, best of land and Convenient to Exeter. Will sell at once with all crops included of for fall delivery. Priced very low and on easy terms. C. V. Pickard, phone 165 Exeter, SeO Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of windmills,, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. vFhone Crediton 23-6. R. R,' 3 Dashwood, i PERMANENTS TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 PNOFox Zncfore Snapifiotf in yourlettert Quality V/ork Quick Service ■ A f > ’ V "-■PWV ®* •* '***'* vA’%4^ FOTO ALBUM FREE Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter u I i farms FOR SALE—100 acres, brick house, batik barn, water in buildings, hydro, bush. Best of laud. Mostly seeded out. Easy terms, j Immediate possession if desired/ Several other good farms for immediate or fail possession. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. CASH FOR FOX HORSES. Dead animals removed, vice, day or night, ton, 47rifr, collect. T'wd-hottr set- Phone Credi- Jack William-,. The office of the Ttmes-Advo- datd Will close each Saturday after­ noon during the 'flee will be open o’clock Saturday summer. The of- from eight to ton evening#,. L.A.C. Hubert Keillor, of Mitch­ ell, spent a couple of days last week with Barry Wenger. Miss Holly O. Martin, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ro­ bert Wenger. Rev. N. J. and Mrs. Woods, Mar­ ion, Louise and Kenneth, are holi­ daying at Grand, Bend. Miss Isabel Anthony is spending this week at Port Carling in- the Muskoka district. Mrs. John Willis is confined to her bed through illness. Miss Ola Reid is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. B. W.’ Tuckey and Mrs. Ed. Pollen visited in Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Vipond, of Atwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie on Sunday. Miss Marion Rundle, of Thames Road, is visiting this week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fraser, of De­ troit, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Norsworthy, of Trenton, are visiting with Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mr. Jack Cutting, Jr., spent last week visiting friends at Park Head and relatives at Sauble Beach. Mrs. Cutting and son, Trooper W. C. Cutting, spent Friday evening with friends in Hensall. Bartie Motz, of Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leach, Mrs. Mary Leach an-d Mr. Roberts, of Florence, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Gordon Appleton. The Middlesex-Huron’s were sued their summer uniforms Monday night in? preparation going to camp. Mr. Wm. Winer is this week mov­ ing from John Street into the resi­ dence of Miss Ballantyne, Carling street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Waneless and Miss M. Vincent, of London, called on Mrs. C, afternoon. Mr,, Alex had a bone when he was kicked by Thursday of last week* Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Almira Brintnell) of St. spent the week-end with their par­ ents. ' ^.Mrs, Jonah Sims’ many friends will be pleased to learn that she is recovering nicely from her recent illness. L.A.C. Ralph Delbrldge, ■ of To­ ronto, left Saturday for the Ele­ mentary Training School at Chat­ ham, New Brunswick. „ Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Beavers and son, Gerry, of Sarnia, ate spending several day# with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr, and. Mrs, Albert Sutton, of Marion, tnd.i Mr, and Mr#, Earl Smith and Mr, Albert Guenther, of Indianan oil#, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ford and spent a few days at Grand Bend, Mrs. W. R. Garner, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. Ed. Treble and Miss Effie Treble. Fred Simmons, of the Brantford R.C.A.F. Training School, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Simmons. ' Mr. and Mrs, E. Guiry, Jim and Mona, of Chatham, visited with their uncle, ‘ and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, for the week-end. The Main Street evening auxiliary are holding a picnic at Mr. Oscar Tuckey’s this (Wednesday) after­ noon. Mr. Silas Reid has returned to London after spending two weeks j with his aunt, Miss Alice Hand- j ford. Miss Lenore Lawson, of London, is spending two weeks’ vacation with her sister, Mrs. and also in Port Miss Kathleen sor, is spending tion with her parents, Mrs. Henry Kestle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kestle, of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kestle. Misses Ada Gaiser and Alma Ratz, of Shipka, and Miss Barbara Din- ney, are -holidaying at Grand Bend this week. 4 A. R. Tomlinson, Ryerse. Kestle, of Windr two weeks’ vaca- Mr. and ORDER YOUR x j DISCO COKE TODAY i Supply is Limited New carload just in Disco Coke is a quick starter, gives a good lasting heat and burns out to a fine powdery ash. v "13 Rev. Douglas C. HUI, B.A., I3.D. ■ Minister • Mrs. J. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m .—Sunday School During August, morning service only at XI a.m., conducted by Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., of Hensail, Congregational Circle will hold their meeting at Mrs. Hatter’s on August 5th at 3 p.m. UNION SERVICES MAIN ST. UNITED, CHURCH JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rey. A. Page in charge Mr. W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M in charge 10 a.m.—-Sunday School churches, 11 a.m*—Public Worship Street Church. 7 p.m,—Public Worship Street Church. Thursday, 7-30 p.m.—Union Prayer service in Main St, Church. in in Main -X / ■ s both Union Services Join R.C.A.F i Crop Contest Winners Announced at Exeter 'EXETER, ONT... in James TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector,* Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Deader, Mr. Middlemiss Eighth Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Holy Communion Sermon, “The Loveliness Christ” The congregational and. Sunday School picnic, will be held at Grand Bend <on Wednesday, Aug, 6th. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe Shoppe will be closed from Aug. 4 — Aug. 11 Exeter Phone 245 f ’ Remember the Tenth Annual Sims Reunion to be held at Spruce Grove on Civic Holiday, August 4th. Miss Bessie Brooks returned to Toronto on -Saturday after spend- . ing the past week with Mr. and . Mrs. Emerson Cornish. Rev. M. A. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt have returned after a pleasant va­ cation during the month of July, They spent three weeks at. Leaming­ ton. Mt. Hunt will have charge of) the services in Trivitt Memorial ■church next Sunday. • Reeve B. W. and Mrs. Tuckey. Ex-Warden B. W. F. Beavers and Mrs. Beavers, and Reeve Percy Passmore and Mrs. Passmore, of Usborne, attended the Huron Coun- ,-ty Council Picnic at Harbor Park, Goderich, on Wednesday last. Mrs. John Snell, of Windsor, is visiting in Exeter with Mrs. H;> Par­ sons and is ^calling on her many old friends in this community. Mrs. Snell, who is well up in years, is looking exceptionally well and is quite active for a woman of her age. She has a warm spot in her heart for Exeter where she spent so many years. Mrs. E. L. Gibson and daughter Catherine and June Beirling re­ turned home after spending a week in “Matabanic” cottage at Grand Bend. They had as their guests Mrs. Geo. Allen, of Kirkton, Mrs. Margaret Yager, Miss E. J. Cunning­ ham and Mrs. John Patterson, of Ilderton, also Mrs. Alvin McLean and Miss Hattie Hodgins, of Elgin- field. to Merchants and Shippers A. SouthCott Tuesday McLaren, Of Cromarty, in his hand fractured a horse on Ford (nee Catharines, 1 We are endeavouring to do our bit in the conservation of f gasoline. In doing so we are asking you td mail all orders possible. In other cases our trucks will leave otit office at 9.00 a.m.' for London. Please have all calls in for freight pick ups early so we can avoid Unnecessary trips up and down our streets. , Also we wish to state that we are discontinuing our evening delivery* but your goods may be procured off the truck at our office if necessary until 9.00p.m.' except Saturday* when all freight is delivered for that day. Your kind co-operation will be appreciated. LET US WIN THIS WAR FIRST. SAVE GASOLINE We Do Not Want Rationing. TUCKEY TRANSPORT PhoneW Exeter, Ont. f Plain and Hemstitched HH.H 1* The makers will not take orders for sheets as their inachines are busy on war con tracts, We have a small supply that we offer at old prices Plain and hemstitched at $1.25—$l,39-r-$1.59 Also pillow slips at per pair 50c and 69c DRESS SALE . We still have a few better dresses that we are offering at the very special price of $1.95 BLINDCRAFT APRONS Made by the blind on a large range of pat­ terns plain and fancy styles 35c—45c—r49c—59c—69c CHINA! CHINA! Bring in your visitors and let them look at our lovely china. We have a big stock of cups and saucers, vases, arid odd pieces that will interest them. MEN’S ANKLE SOCKS Cool and comfortable for the weather. Excellent values at per pair 29c—39c-^--50c MEN’S STRAW HATS Clearing of all Mens’ Straw Hats. Values to $2.25. Your choice for 95c Tooke’s Horizontal Hues in Men’s Shirts • I In plain shades. These are lovely shirts for summer wear and are very popular this season. Colours of blue, green, sand and gray. each $2.00 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday RICE Choice 3 • q » 0 « • 2Sc BREAD FLOUR 7 lb. bag .... 27c SARDINES : 6 cans.... . 25c SOAP Lifebuoy or Lux 2 cakes..... 11c SHORTENING . Jewel . ’ 2 1 lb. pkgs. . 25c MILK Carnation 2 large tins . . 19c IVORY FLAKES 1 large box . . 20c PEAS Jumbo 2 tins........... 25c HUSKIES 2 pkgs...... 25c NEW HONEY AT LOWEST PRICES Oh The Air At Wingham On Tuesday, July 22nd, Rev. and M'rs. E. Clemens, Miss D. Peart, Mrs. G. Parker, Miss Jenny Jolly and Mr. Norman Jolly, of the Pentecos­ tal Church went to Wingham and had charge of the broadcast that day at 1.30 in the absence of Rev. Taylor, of Goderich Assembly. They intend to have charge again on Tuesday, August 12 th. Everyone who heard it said it was a real suc­ cess. The first month of the. union ser­ vices by Main St. and James St. Un=" ited Churches has- been brought to a close. Rev. N. J. Woods and. the Main St. choir, have been in Charge of the services. The services have been well attended. Last Sunday the morning congregation was good considering the extreme heat. It fell off in the evening. Rev. A. Page, Mrs. Page and John will re­ turn this week from their summer vacation at their cottage on Wig- wassan Island. Mr. Page and the James St. choir under Ml W. R. Goulding will have charge of the services during the month of Aug­ ust. , 1 Wlnners of the. field crop com­ petition for Cartier tf oats conduct* ed by the Exeter Agricultural So­ ciety, were announced by the On­ tario Department of Agriculture. The sum of $75 was divided among eight' contestants. Twenty-seven I competed and the judge was John R. Hargreaves, Of Beachville.* , Winners in order were: Benedict Dietrich, Dashwood, 92 points; Frank Hick#, Ceatraila, 90; George Link, Dashwood, >87*4; A. W. Ether- ington, Henshll, 86; Percy Pass- more, Exeter R.R. 3,; 85; Archie Etherington, Hensall, 83; Harold Rowe, Woodham, 82; Earl F, Shap- ton, Exeter, R.R, 1, 8L t Summer Merchandise J Smart and up-to-the-minute Arrow Shirts. Ties, Socks, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps and Sweaters PHONE 81 \ The auction hold effects of Fitton was held There was a large crowd and good prices wore realized, the sale bring­ ing in ov'er $1,300.00, The house with five acres of land was put up for auction but was not sold on the day of the sale; On Monday, the auctioneer, Mr, Frank Taylor, sold the property to Mr. Frederick Wild­ man, the price being $2,500.00 Mr, Wildman already owns a home west on Huron Street. Auction Sale of Property of Late Mrs. Fitton sale of the house- the late Mrs. Saxon Friday of last Week. of Toronto, Is mother, Mrs. Ferguson left for Winnipeg Mr. W. G. Birney, holidaying With hl# Chas. Birney. Mrs. today ((Wednesday) after visiting here for two month#. Among the recent recruits in the R.C.A.F., at the Lohdonz recruiting centre were the following: Henry James Frayne, of Usborne; John Ellwood Witherspoon, Of R.R* 6, Parkhill; Franklin Charles Zur- brigg, of LuCan; Ronald Fraser Stuart Ros#, of R.R. 1, Ailsa Craig; Rexford Robert Murray Hanley, of Clinton; Willis ’Newton Baker, R.R. 8, Parkhill; John Bryce Turnbull, of Dashwood; James Harold Cur­ tin, of Dublin; Lee Morden, of deuton; Albert James Shore, Goderich.‘ H- of r Mr* and Mrs. Norman McDonald, Who have been residing in Mrs. El­ ston’s house on Huron Street, West, for several years have moved into Mrs, Moir’s house on the Thames Road. A 4