HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-31, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TRUIWAY, TO ».«/’»» * Curious Cynic Cantos * # -—guarded virtue is only pressed wickedness, —absence is to love what the Jsup- is to firepit puts out . nnd kindles the great. —we grow old because useless burdens of bad • nnd worse memories,* * # wind little we pile up prejudices A Wondrous Adventure After, the. hoping and dreaming, After the striving for gain, After the planning and scheming, After the toiling and pain, After the long years of waiting— When all. ohr labors are through, What have we done toward creating Lives that are noble and true. done to bringWhat have we gladness? What have we cheer? Have we caused heartache and sad­ ness, While we are journeying here? Who has been helped by ourHiving? «Who has found joy at our hands? Have we been, faithful in giving ’’AU that true friendship demands? clone to Life is a wondrous adventure, Happy, successful, and brighf, Free from regrets and from censure • If we. but plan it “aright. Joys will bevours for the taking, Gladness will bless every day— If we are helpful in making Other hearts happy and gay, * * * Take Hold of Your Work Take hold of your work—with the spirit of hope And the will to do yotir best! t And you’ll find that you’re easily able to cope With every trouble and test! Take hold of your work—with a manly vim And a strong and And you’ll find that “half” of the -job is in -,. Getting off with a ‘flying willing —-a loafer is a man who rests' before he gets tired —the man who boasts that he says what he thinks, seldom thinks. —ignorance is the bliss that pre­ vents many men from acquiring, wis­ dom. ; —-there is one thing the cynic does approve of—it's the first person singular, It will take more than a shower to spoil the small potatoes.♦ *. ♦ # Harvest premisses to he over unusually early this year.• < * * ' > ft -ft 'ft The restrictions on the use of gasoline are shewing us the large amount of real fun to be had around one’s own. heme.“ » £ ,$ The North End Dark has been well patronized this summer.* * ■*■ * * <i* # ■* Dairymen have been confronted this last few weeks with some­ thing like winter feeding conditions, * ♦ * * * * Had the youngsters' teeth cheeked way of drawing to a close, * * Exeter gardens have drought. # * * .» stood g Up * well .* *—-miss ophelia’F stick it in become one white evan* preached a i heart; start' I Hang on to your work—with the grit and the grip Of the man that is really you! .“Hang Till on—with a hold that: will not slip; the job you are doing is throughI Jiang on to your work and never part With the ‘lead’ that you have gained; For what is the good of a ‘flying start’, .'If you lose What you’ve just at­ tained? Aye, never let go, when you’ve tak­ en hold Of the work that belongs to you! Hang on with a heart that is will­ ing and bold; Till the job you are doing is through! ’ : We know this is erne of Silas Pos­ thumous Johnston’s favorite stories —it must .be, because he has told it to 'Us not less than three times. And, we guess if we don’t the column soon, it will of our favorites too; Bam Jones, the great gelist, on one occasion sermon to an immense concourse of ■colored people. After he had fin­ ished a stout old colored woman waddled up to him, seized his hand, and pumped it up and down vigor­ ously, saying; ’’Gawd bless you, Brudder Jones! You is everybody’s preacher, black as well as white! You may have a white skin, Brudder, but you is slxo got a black heart!’* Jake Kindleberger/ of Kalamazoo, Mich., told this story of an Illinois hardware merchant whose original­ ity has let. hird pass many a tight place in his business career. He bought 'too many jackknives from a slick salesman who . had whittled off some of his merchant’s judgment with some sharp, smooth talk. Every day, he would look at his stock of jackknives and mentally kick himself for having bought so many. One night, when he went home he •found' some soft pine kindling, sat down, picked up a stick and com­ menced to whittle—all the time thinking of his jackknife mistake. At first, he whittled aimlessly and then unconsciously harkipg back co boyhood days, he found himself whittling out a boat. He -became so absorbed that when it became dark, he went into the house and monopolized the kitchen table. His wife asked him if he was getting childish...and he answered: “You, bet I am. I am getting so childish that I’m going-to* put this boat, a pile of pine sticks, and an assortment of jackknives in my store window in the morning and I’ll bet you two dollars to one of your good chicken dinners that I’ll sell more jackknives in a week than I’ve sold in the last six months. The story ends right there. The merchant didn’t become a million­ aire overnight, -but he did sell‘jack- knives...not only, to boys but to men who had never been in his store beforehand,-who in many instances saw some other article they wanted in his stock.- If you can think of one idea'that will catch the public eye, you can move jackknives or‘ any other ar­ ticle. Aye, never let go for though ‘half’ of the game the ’way that the job’s begun; half that will ‘bring you your share ef fame! in sticking until you have won! is The Is * *. * Dear Colonel;. A reluctant young man-—though not an objector—-was being examined as to his fitness for military service. He pleaded that his sight was weak. He could make nothing of the type on the medical examiner’s test chart. Lar­ ger type w&s placed before him, ’but still he couldn’t, or wouldn’t read it. At last, in desperation, the medi- •eal officer held a large ’oval lunch tray about a foot from his nose, •and demanded: “Can you see that?” “Yes,” was the reply. “What is it?” “Er—a cap from a beer bottle.” —Narrator * # * K‘If I Knew You and You Knew Me” . There are two poems written on this same theme and with the same title. Rotji were written about thirty years ago, both .have excep­ tional merit, and as far as I know the author of each is unknown. Perhaps the reason is that they both have been reprinted so many times that <»the identity of both authors Here grateful send us to have authors. If I knew ydu and ’Tis seldom .We would disagree; But, were lost, is one of them. if any of our readers can the other. the names We’d be Also, we’d'‘like of each of the you knew me * * over? Vacations have a * under the long-continued never having yet clasped hands, often fail to 'understand each intends to do what's right And treat each other ‘honor bright’. How little to complain there’d be If I knew you and you knew me. Both That Before Bay Half Over Women who' should be strong and healthy become weak, run. down and Worn out, and are unable to attend to their household duties. They get . up in the morning dreading the day’s work ahead of them. Some disease or constitutional dis­ turbance has left its mark in the form of shattered nerves, impover­ ished blood, and an exhausted con­ dition of the entire system. ’ Women will find in Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills the remedy they need to supply food for the exhausted nerve force, and one that Will help them back to sound, perfect health again, The T, Milbum Cto, Toronto, Oat. Then when Some goods you ‘fire back,* Or make a ‘kick* on this or that, We’d take it in good part, you see, If I knew you and you knew me, With custoixiers ten thousand strong, Occasionally things go Wrong; Sometimes our fault, sometimes! theirs—’ ' Forbearance would decrease all cares— Kind friend, how pleasant it would be If I knew you and you knew me, Then let no doubting thought abide Of firm good faith on either side; Confidence to each other give, Living ourselves, let others live; But any time you come this way, That you. will cult we hope and pray, Then face to face we each shall see And i’ll know yon '•and yeti'll know RAT® m -OSCAR OW I It is with deep sympathy that wet chronicle th® rather sudden passing! of Lorinda Walper, beloved eonipan-i ion of Oscar Klopp>, of Zurich, who, passed away Tuesday evening, July 15th, in her Cbtli year. A few months ago Mrs. Klopp underwent an operation in si London hospital and returned home with anticipa­ tion of getting well again, but the Higher Powers would not have It so, and she passed peacefully on to her eternal Maker. Born in Hay Township on the Bronson line, bgJ ing a daughter >of Mr. Casper and the, late Mrs. Walper. After her mar-: riage to Mr, Oscar Klopp, they farm­ ed on the cornei’ of the 14th con- cession and the Zurich road for many years before moving to Zurich some; years ago. Always a very ambitious, and hard working lady and deeply’ interested in supplying the needs* of her family. A good neighbor,: always willing to lend a helping, hand, she will be the community, her husband are Mrs. Len Haist, Mich.; Mrs, Earl Yuugblut and De­ lores, of Zurich; three sons, Harold and Wilfred, of London, and How­ ard, of town; her father, Casper Walper, Zurich; three sisters, Mrs, SchneideV and Mrs, Kruger, Detroit and Mrs, Chas. Stewart, of Toronto and a brother, Edmund Walper, on the old homestead farm near Dash­ wood, The funeral was held on Friday afternoon and was largely attended, friends being present from near and far; Rev, E. Turkheim of­ ficiated, interment followed in the Lutheran cemetery. And so another citizen passes, still in the prime of life, and much needed in the home, but a higher hand rules our destiny. <—Zurich Herald. 7,000 at Seaforth Lions Frolic a good, reliable subject that is being well and thoroughly talked over at present: the Russo- German war. And the most Irrlta* ting feature of the whole war is. the fact that all our talking falls to gain any very decisive victories for the Russian forces in the field. The encouragement we gather from: ths favorable reports of the morning; paper is rudely dashed in disappoint­ ment when wo read of Russian re-' verses in the evening. One can. hardly blame either the war cor­ respondents or the publications they represent tor these contradic­ tory reports; the field of action is so large and the confusing influence of propaganda and counter-propa­ ganda is so great that reliable and clear-cut pictures of the largest war,' in all history are out of the ques­ tion, As a matter .of actual fact we have no doubt that this very confusion is the brain child and weapon of the German high -com­ mand, However, after six weeks of observation, we believe, that the results are favorable to the Rus­ sians, and therefore to our own cause; perhaps we should not say favorable, but at least they are much more favorable than might easily have been the case. Is it not true that the tiling we feared most gravely was the swift envelopment of not only the whole Soviet army but the whole nation, and land of the ‘Reds in one* of those utterly bewildering invasions such as have paralysed and disarmed France, Jugo-Sl’avia, Greece and all the rest. After all, the action we most de­ sired from the army of Russia was resistance—continued resistance to the German army, with the resul­ tant losses in personnel, equipment and time. The worst possible cal­ amity would have been one of these three-day campaign’s with Russia lying shattered before she had had any -chance Ho exact payment for the attempt on eventual winner is, of course, still quite conceivably in any case our up to the present, are beyond the realization of most of us. Club held PhJuly £3rd in an attendance thousand, was The weather The seventh summer carnival of the Seaforth Lions Wednesday evening, the Lians Park, with of more than, seven a decided success. was ideal and everyone enjoyed a night of fun and amusement. The carnival gut under way with a par­ ade from the town hall to the park, of the R.C.R, hand, three hundred men of the R.C.A.F.,. two platoons of the Kent Regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Howard Hemplull, of Hensail, a Red Cross ambulance, with four Red Cross nurses, the clown band from Toron­ to, Seaforth Boy Scouts and Sea­ forth Highlanders’ Band, Heading the entertainment fea­ tures in the long four-hour pro­ gram were The Flying Whirlies, in a thrilling roller skate act, The Taylor Troupe, in acrobatic stunts, Jack and, Rosie, the youngest acro­ batic dancers appearing, Gallant® in a juggling act and Master Granto, a slack wire artist. Extra attrac­ tions were the appearance of cham­ pion Highland dancers from Embro. Corporal Woodrow, of Toronto, gave a respirator drill and demonstra- : tipn in the use of gas masks, Fourteen booths including a Sea­ forth Red Cross booth were in op­ eration on the grounds. The bingo booth appeared quite popular, Oth- jap favorite games were played. The winners of the prizes given- by the Seaforth merchants were 1st prize, Mrs. R E, Barrett; 2ndfi> Mr,- Rus­ sell Coleman; 3rd, Mrs. Hugh Gor­ don. The prize for the pure bred cow and calf No, 2890 went to Clayton Martin, Clinton. The enth draw for the lucky ticket made at midnight but it was nailed for, A monstrous display of fireworks at the close was one of the highlights. The proceeds go to the Lions war service work and assist in maintenance of the park and pool. ** *ft ft Then be sure to keep the dogs off the street and away from where the children are playing. Dog tempers are likely to be a bit short, A dog bite is not a pleasant experience, ft .ft * ft 4 ft * ft ’ Now that the Bend may not be as well patronized as usual on account of the restrictions on the use of gasoline, why not start a boating club on the town river? _ * * * » ♦ * * * ONCE AGAIN Once again, thanks to those thoughtful people who thought and obtained a sufficient supply of good watei’ * $ Dog days! Yes, indeed, of and worked for for this town. / ■* ♦ * "♦ ♦ ♦ * * !ft THERE’® A DHilFERENCEi Qur fathers carried in their harvests on their backs or pulled them in on wooden jumpers and threshed them wife a flail. Nowa­ days, the harvest is garnered by the combine, or drawn in on the gasoline truck and threshed by gasoline power. Well, our fathers paid for their farms and for other things they needed, 5 ACCEPTABLE That playout of our band was greatly liked. The boys played well and they marched well. The music was all the sweeter because we know who played it. The youngsters listened with all the ears1 they had. The old people were' glad to realize that the town is still alive and from their security on the verandah or lawn enjoyed and enjoyed still more the fine things they listened to. Those bands­ men are workers, and we applaud them all the more heartily be­ cause they gave us a share of their well-earned leisure to give us a’ real delight. Come again, boys, * • **. * ♦ • AT IT people are doing what they ban greatly missed in Surviving besides three daughters, Mount Clemens, GEORGB MASON DIES Mr, sev- was not STILL For the most part, Ontario \ _ t.o -conserve gasoline. Unfortunately, there are a great many who simply flout every appeal fox4 conservation. A way must be found for handling these inconsiderate people. The present way of saying today that one set of regulations is to be enforced and announcing the next day that something different is to be done, is confusing and irritating and cannot%but issue in lawlessness. It is high time that the powers- that be got out of theii' childish ways. The public is demanding equal rights to all and special privileges to none. We’re in a terrible struggle for our very existence, Temporizing and squinting will not meet the situation in any yay, shape or form. * * AT LONG LAST s At long last Britain and the United States have wakened up to the fact that Japan has been making fools of them. For some un­ happy reason big business thought that it was a good policy to ■coddle Japan. The Japs were flooding our markets with cheap and inferior goods and we have complacently bought them, thus starv­ ing our own workmen and women and cutting a rod to beat our own backs. With an innocence that smacked far ■ more of the . dove than of the serpent, we waited and tried to appease, while our enemies were doing their utmost to ruin us. We were in the •position,; meanwhile, of -.the mouse and the rattlesnake. Again big business has shown its inability to take care of its own. interests. Uncle Sam. and John Bull are now awake and treating the Japs in a manner they cannot but understand. What we fear, is that some subtle interest will interyene to turn aside the point of our sword. Like Hitler, the Japs are morally colourless. They keep their word only at the mouth of the cannon. They may take a thought and mend, but we see no signs of their doing so. ♦ * * * * « WON’T STAY PUT International conditions simply will not stay put. After the First Great War we.were sure that the nations would have learned to behave themselves. To our. dismay 'the smoke had not cleared from the last cannon before Germany was up to her old tricks is supplanting and deceiving. Spain, too, had internal pains that made world conditions ominous. Italy gave rein to hei’ ferocity and Ethiopia, was needlessly invaded and tortured. Then came the aggressions upon the smaller states qf Europe. Then followed the Second Great War, Russia got into it. Now Japan is^opening the chamber of horrors in the far East. As if this were nbt enough to worry the old world, South America is looking up new causes and occasions for bloodshed. No, there are no signs of things Settling down. The rattlesnake of aggression is looking for some juicy small mouse nation to swallow. AU of which urges voters to elect political representatives who -can take, occasion by the hand. The sleepy voter elects the dullard and the sluggard In international affairs and gets his toes jammed and fingers burnt accordingly. > THE ONLY WAY Rationing gasoline is the only fair way under the present cir­ cumstances anji human nature being what it is. Here are two il­ lustrations. One business man had ah appointment that he must meet early the following day. He rose early and above to his ap­ pointment at ’the suggested thirty-five mile rate, In the same town a second business man bad an appointmerit of a slmimr nature. He rose at the usual hour and met his appointment by driving at fifty miles an hour. The reader.will see;the point. The second illustra­ tion, is of two groups of young people on the same street one .sultry* evening last w-6ek. One group waited on the lawn,t though one of the group said: “Did not the soldiers need the gasoline, I’d have the car out.” The second group had their appointment at the plea­ sure resort, got into theii’ car and drove Over one hundred miles be­ fore, returning jiome. The reader 'will agaiii see the point. Folk Who refuse to be guided by reason and conscience and the full re- of the 'war, simply must come under the_ whip of the Freedom Pleasure quirements i government, less .people, cesslty.* j JSIIli pij JUllOE VVAMv vA*s3 v» VI l*XXV is a dangerous gift in the hands of thought- and self-indulgence simply must bow to ne- * * * » # * * DOING GOOD Every so often we heax’ complaints about the church’s doing little or nothing to stabilize the nation. Such fault-finding has little foundation in. fact. Here is a part of what camp is doing. In the big city there are women .and children who could not possibly ,get any relief fi46m their congested areas were it not for fi-esh Air ■camps. These camps are not de luxe affairs. Usually a minister goes to the lake shore, secures the temporary use of .a building with a fair roof that he,puts into good condition and walls that a little of his own handiwork make weatherproof. There a couple of doaen city folk from/congested areas are furnished with good food, such as bread, butter milk and vegetables, all of which are govemuient inspected. Good bathing is insisted upon together with lessons in useful handicraft work. Elementary cooking is taught, together ‘with -genuiae soap and water and elbow grease cleanliness. Manners are insisted upon/xThe result? colour comes back or is started for the first time in many a pale cheek, pounds of solid flesh are init on, drooping shoulders are straightened and vim is put into the whole life. One has ‘to sea this good work to appreciate its value. The church and the government are not half'as slow as some of their critics would have us believe. ’ . * her life. The of the campaign, undecided; it may be Germany, but advantages, even *. * * We would like to talk ovei’ the gas restrictions for a feW moments. Now take it easy-—we know per­ fectly well that you are tired of having to talk it over. Our views on the ‘matter are of the simplest kind: If the army, navy and air force need the gasoline for the prosecu­ tion of a successful war and the attainment.of a swift victory, then by all means let them have it. Per­ sonally, we don’t imagine that it would be any pleasure to be left stranded ‘.in a light tank under a heavy barrage of enemy fire at the strategic, moment because some of the boys at home had to take a few trips this summer. As we have said, if the forces need the gasoline, give it to them, but why all the n-on- ■ sense ' about restrictions and ex­ pensively advertised requests for public cooperation? Crack on the rations right away, with reason­ able exceptions for the people who are earning livelihoods in motor transport, etc. The people of Great Britain are not kicking about their rations; and. over there the rations are hitting below the belt, and not just below -the carburetor. However, to get away from our own personal opinions, here’s a ra­ ther peculiar thought that struck us the other day, American tour­ ists are practically shut out of the country by the present restrictions, which is all right too, for we are willing to agree that in all proba­ bility we need the fuel far worse than ’#we heed, the benefit of Ameri­ can currency. But, during ■winter and spring the Government spent terrific money (just how terrific never likely to know) for The funeral of the late George Mason of Grand Bend was held from his late residence ‘Friday afternoon of last week followed by a memorial service in the Grand Bend United Church. Mr. Mason, aged 73, died on Wednesday following a long ill­ ness. He was a farmei' in Stephen Township before moving to Grand Bend. Surviving are his wife, the former Janie Webb; one daugh­ ter, Mrs. Thos. Baird, Grand Bend; sons, Emery and Arnold, of Sas­ katchewan, and Mansell, Roy, Law­ rence and Lloyd, all of Grand Bend; one sister, Mrs. Adolph Desjardin, Edmonton' and^ four brothers, Charles, Edward and John, Park­ hill, and William, of Dashwood. ®». A. WALDEN, NATIVE LONDON TOWNSHIP DIES LUCAN—Francis H. Walden, con­ cession 16, London Towmship, died at his home on Sunday last in his 84th year. He had suffered a stroke a week ago. Mr. Walden was a son of one of the township’s earliest pio­ neers, Thomas Walden, who came to this district from County Cavan, Ireland, in 1823. He was a life­ long member of the .Methodist, lat­ er United Church, and was for some years a member of the official board of Wesley Church, and in his earlier years was active in the Sun­ day School work. His sister, Eliz­ abeth Walden, concession 16, is now the only survivor of a family of 10 children. NOT REQUIRED TO RETURN TO SCHOOL UNTIL OCTOBER Ontario school children, helping on farms this summer will not be re­ quired to return to school until Oc­ tober 1, according to a memoran­ dum issued by the Department of Education. The schools will be op­ ened, however, on September 2, as usual. School principals are authorized to mark the children working on the farms on the school registers “as if present during September on the from that farm their The memorandum said: wish of the Acting Minister that these pupils be encouraged to con­ tinue their help oh the farms dur­ ing the month of September. Theso pupils are doing valuable war work and are worthy of special attention when they return to school.’’ presentation of certificates the employers which show they have been engaged in work during the period of absence from school.” “It is the LUCAN—The body of Dr. Stew­ art Egan, of Ely, Nevada, only son of Patrick Egan, of Lucan, was brought to Lucan for interment,. Dr. Egan died in the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., following an op­ eration. He was in his 49 th year. the past Federal sums of we are tile pur­ pose of advertising the beauties and attractions of our fair country to the American public. The idea behind this advertising campaign, so we have been told, was to bring large Sums of American currency into this country, which would have a favorable effect on our financial relations with that republic. It now develops that the advantages to be gained on the exchange of cur­ rency were in a moment overtopped by the counter-claims of the fuel shortage. Was there not pne,brain in Ottawa foresighted enough to see that the money spent for ad­ vertising and welcome mats spread lavishly through tile TF.S. was going to be entirely wasted? We may be qjiite wrong in our assumption that a bad mistake was other hand we may the Canadian public to find out a few Of made; on the not, and if so should be able the details. HULLETT RESIDENTS MARK WEDDING ANNIVERSARY < ■ • .The sixty-third wedding anniver­ sary of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Huilbtt residents, was observed at their home with a family dinner. Owing to the illness 6t their daugh­ ter the affair was quietly observed. The couple enjoy splendid health, Mr. Carter is 83 years of age, his wife so. They were married in Blyth, July 1878, Settling near Winthrop, they later took up resi­ dence in Huilett. K Replace old worn tires with safe new MOBjPstams © You’ll probably do a lot of driving on the holiday ... so check your tires now. If they’re worn and smooth they’ll punc­ ture easily, or may even blow out » . , fail you just when you need them most! Make certain that your holiday week-end won’t be spoiled, Replace unsafe tires with new big-mileage, money-saving Goodyears. In Goodyears yon get more rubber for longer, low-cost service « ♦ , noh-skid cehtre-trac- tion for greater safety » * . new Super twist cord for blowout pro­ tection. We have eleven different Goodyears, for cars, at different prices. See trs today for the Goodyear you need, AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY. / EXETER, onSAW •»