HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-31, Page 6SBHB 4 THE EMIT® TJMEMOTOeATE w sirs* i The World’s News Seen > THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ’ f An.' International Daily N&wsfiafcw > Tnithful-r-Constructive—-Unbiascd-r»Free from SemAriouM* i-' ism Editorials Are Timely and InMwtiw and Its Daily j Together with, -the Weekly Magazine' Scctmm Make theijMonitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home, E / The Christian Science Publishing Society f Chue* Norway Streets Boston, Massachusetts ? Price M&00 Yearly, or $L0Q a Month. k Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section* ^2>60. a Year. [ Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25' Cents,. J> I SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST A Sunday Evening in a Canadian It is Sunday evening in a large military camp in Eastern Canada. Our civilian duties have made cessary for us to remain' in ^during the week-end. From Monday until Friday ing we have watched these young Canadian soldiers hustle and bustle through the battle manoeuvres and have seen them participating in ath­ letic games—enjoying movies and . concerts. We have felt and seen the excitement of preparing for week-end leave by the fortunate ■ones but now it is Sunday and there are still thousands of men in Camp. • Sunday is a different day in army camp, even when one is gaged in the grim business of war. A few restless fellows are wander­ ing around, munching at chocolate bars or eating ice cream cones, many are sitting in small groups, relaxing and carrying on quiet con­ versations, but the majority seem to .be engaged in that well-known pas­ time of letter-writing. Hundreds of letters on this particular Sunday will be written to mothers, wives, . sisters, brothers, sweethearts and friends throughout the Dominion of Canada. In spite of the -a very warm July ,lads are enjoying ping-pong and the of the ball as it is rapidly passed back and forth across the net, is intermingled with the continuous hum of -the electric fans. Yes, it is ■Sunday and the boys, are thinking of home and loved ones. Suddenly, very’- quietly and soft­ ly. from the open door of the chapel which seems to be a feature of all . YJMLO.A, huts,, comes, the strain of a very familiar hymn. Fens and .pencils stop their steady flow across the -pages, heads are raised from it ne- camp even- the an en­ extreme heat of day many of the a quiet game of continual “ping” writing desks, ice cream cones and chocolate bars are hurriedly finish­ ed, the ping-pong balls cease rever­ berating against the bats, half-fin­ ished letters are folded and care­ fully placed in tunic pockets, caps in to file around piano, tq overflowing gests moving where many hundreds more may be accommodated. Small groups of fellows who have been sitting out­ side the hut are attracted by the I full-throated chorus and they, too, join the group in the auditorium. A young, fresh-faced lad with the markings of a well-known Canadian Regiment on his tunic volunteers to play the piano, thus releasing the “Y” man to lead the singing. The young pianist later told us that he was organist in his home-town church and that his father served in France in the last war with the same regiment to which he was now attached. Like his Dad, he hoped to win a commission in the field. For one hour we listened to those clean-cut Canadian lads raising their voices in songs of reverence and dedication. A camp chaplain join­ ed in the service and brought the boys a very appropriate message. It was a real inspiration to us as we sat in that Y.M.C.A. auditorium on a beautiful Sunday evening and realized the fine type of young men that we had, in our Canadian Army, and the same would be equally true of our Sailors, Airmen and Merchant Marines. - No doubt the lads finished their letters to loved ones at the conclu­ sion of the Sunday evening sacred sing-song but we are sure, that dur­ ing that hour* they found an outlet .for their inner feelings. With hands, the soldier boys start into the chapel and gather the “Y” Supervisor at the Quickly the chapel is filled and someone sug- to the auditorium CLINTON AIR SCHOOL IS BUSY PLAGE Clin- Cliff new from the day. The air school south of ton is veritably a boom'town, Watson, of Kippen is presiding over one establishment located directly across the corner from the „ Royal Air F'orce location and there many people survey building activity during a Stretching from ' Number 4 * high­ way right back to the bush On the -former Tyndall farm, there are Jmidlings in various stages of de­ velopment. At the immediate-south -corner ■ of the location, adjacent to Number 4 highway, there are. -signs of ,a hospital being " built. Well drillers are .still busy forcing . .their way down through. the ear Hi jin. search of a constant source of pure water. An iron framework of girders is Hieing erected for the drill -hall. The Clinton radio school x layout will .dwarf' the other '’dis­ trict Royal Air Force schools. in comparison with it. Already occu­ pied by a large force of airmen, the new location is humming tivity of all kinds. It is < that there are now about on the scene working at struction of the buildings. Police of the Royal Air Force are in charge of the school. MBS. JAMES GOLLIE DIES IN USBORNE TOWNSHIP* . 0 A resident of Usborne township for the past eleven years, Mrs. Jas. Collie passed away at her home on the South East Boundary Sunday evening after a short illness. Mrs. Collie was in her 89 th year and was the former Sarah Wood, daugh­ ter of the late James Wood and Wil­ helmina Rae. She was born in Elma township March 2, 1'853, and was married July 11, 1881, at Moth­ erwell to James Collie, who died in 1916. After their marriage the couple lived in Fullapton township until 11 years ago When Mrs. Collie moved to Usborne township. She was a member of. Roy’s United church. Surviving are two daugh­ ters, Catherine E. Collie, Kirkton, and Mrs. Harold E. Ruston, (Mary B.), Usborne ther, James, grandchildren grandchildren. ter, six brothers and three sisters predeceased her. The remains rest­ ed at the home of her son-in-law, Harold.., Ruston, lot 2, South East Boundary, Usborne township, where a private funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock. Rev. A. Rapson, Kirkton, officiated and interment was made in Kirkton Union Cemetery. making- thh toolh of war ; Take a passing look at an explo­ sive bomb- a 5 00 pound one. It it 36 inches high as it stands ou mid, and 13 inches across. It is made of cast steel, black apd for-, bidding in appearance, shaped much like the churns, seen in the country in (he old daya when dairy butter was an article of commerce, and before barrel churns were invented. Loaded with its proper complement of T.N.T. and amnfbnium nitrate, sealed, with the firing appliance and the directive fins attached, is not difficult to see in the eye the mind, the devastating power this' instrument of war produced Canadian plants. A filling plant is as clean as hospital ward. It is absolutely clean, The visitor wehrs clean rub­ bers provided by the plant. These rubbers are used for nothing else but walking on clean floors. Mat­ ches, lighters, and other trinkets are left behind when the visitor starts on his trip of inspection. The clothes of the workmen; are clean. They wear a standard uniform. The men leave their they leaye the trained to quiet, a place where mean loss of life and serious dang­ er to property,, carefulness becomes an ingrained characteristic. The enormous size of the plant, the ex­ tent of the operations, th© move­ ment of traffic in and out, gives a profound and lasting impression of the tremendous activity developed in Canada as. a result of the war. When the shells leave the factory where, they are made they are perfectly clean, At the filling .plant they are cleaned, again—they might have taken on some extran­ eous substance on the journey^They are then poured. This is done in several operations. A smoke box is.added. Then men who are watch­ ing the firing of these shells want to know where they hit. Smoke will prove the indicator. When the filling operation is complete, they are sealed, varnished, ready for shipment. They are stored in arsenals, ready for the journey to their final destination. When they explode on the field of battle they exert a pressure of 50 tons to the square in'ch. AH munitions plants have cer­ tain1 common occupy large buildings are large numbers shift—two shifts to the day in one plant. They are away from large business centres; but life seems to go on a good deal more calmly 'in a munitions plant or shell or bomb loading plant than in the ordinary busy hive of industry.. The' guns of Napoleon fired one shot-per half hour at Waterloo. The French 75’s in the Great War ran 20 to 25 per minute, aircraft gun fires T20 per minute. Time, which brought .these modi­ fications, changed- also the relative size of munitions plants from one war to another—put six men at work on the home front to one on the war front. These are the fac­ tors which have increased tremen­ dously the material contributions to this war in comparison ’with wars of the past. w « Provision MFM WANTFD4s>JH il, ff “H # IbIf T.o Work During Tomato Season, Beginning About August 15 Malse Applications tp UBBY McNEILL & LIBBY Chatliam, Ontario Applications from those engaged, in war industries will not he considered it ol’ of in a suits behind when plant. They are efficient work. In carelessness might characteristics. tThey ground areas, The low. They employ of men—<-1,000 in a. The Bofors anti- the l $ thousands of homes have been des­ troyed; that many more families havd’ been annihilated or divided; that millions have become hunted, haunted fugitives; that over vast stretches of the earth there has been nothing but terrible death and tor­ ture and anguish and heartbreak. : Here in Canada, in these lovely midsummer days, when there is great beauty and peace all about us, where men and women still know love and laughter and Where little children can still play with­ out haunting fear iu our streets and fields, the frightful tragedy of these things escapes us. We go about our daily tasks in the ordinary way, are denied little of life’s com­ forts; motor, play golf and tennis, take our Summer vacations. All this is perjhaps understand­ able; Russia is a long way off, Yet it would perhaps be well if, occas­ ionally, most of us tried to get over our spectator complex, our feelings of security and indifference, pon­ dered the terrible meaning of this war—the meaning to civilization's fpture, to the future of our own country and our own children, of what is happening in Russia, A mil­ lion men dying! The most gargan­ tuan battle of all * human „ history being fought before our eyes; slaughter of human beings on* a scale that staggers the imagination! ■ All this, too, because of the vile evil of one man! Surely the com­ mand of it all for decent men every­ where is that there can be no rest, no peace, no evasion of sacrifice, until that human monster, • that be­ getter of human misery without parallel in the world’s story, is wip? ed from! the face of the Earth. Taxes? Discomforts? Surrender of comforts and privileges? Let tis try’ to know that none of these things matter now; that until the evil of Hitler is no more we must be prepared, and should be gladly willing, to give up everything. A million men .being slaughtered-— without reason’! CREDITON EAST been township; one bro- Vancouver, and four and seven great- One son, one daugh- with ac- estimated 500 men the con- Serviee WHILE. MILLION MEN ARE BEING KILLED, WE PLAY l(An Ottawa Journal Editorial) The human mind, hardened by two years of disasters,, can hardly take in the magnitude of the thing that is happening in this battle of- Russia. We just can’t realize that a million of our fellow human be­ ings have died during the past’ three weeks in the mountains and on the plains of Russia;’ that scores of FUNERAL OF MRS. COLE <(My dearLife Insurance Agent: sir, have you made any provision for those who come after you?’” Harduppe: “Yes, I put the dog at the door, and told the servant to say that I’m out of town.” Diarrhea Dysentery If you are suddenly attacked with diarrhoea dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach or bowels, or any looseness of the bowels do not waste valuable time, but at once pro­ cure a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Ex­ tract of 'Wild Strawberry and see how quickly it will give you relief. ■When yon use /fDr. Fowler yon are hot experimenting with some new and untried remedy, but one that has stood the tost or time; one that has been on the market for the past 94 years. Beware of substi­ tutes. They may be dangerous to your health, Het Fowler^** and feel safe* ■ w MUburn Co., Lid,, Toronto, Ont The funeral’ of Mrs* Henry Cole, Blahshard Township the past 50 years, was held on Mon­ day afternoon at 2.30 from the re­ sidence of her son, William, with Rev. A. .1, Gowland conducting the service. 67 th year, following a predeceased died eight is survived Eckmeier, Zurich; Mrs. Roy Oliver, sons, William J„ Blanshard, and Alfred, of Avonbank, and a sister, Charlotte, 41, Con ver, B.C. resident foT Mrs.’ Cole, who was in hex* died suddenly Friday heart attack. She was by her husband, who years ago, • Mrs. Cole by a daughter, Mrs.. IL a stepdaughter, St. Marys; two Hl an shard, 1 r His Very Own Madam: “You must have a good appetite! You have eaten a whole pie!” Kitchen-Door Visitor: “Yes, ma- dqm, that is all I have in the world which ,1 can rightfully call my own.” —-Christian Advocate, As a’geiieral thing, folks are more Interested in what you -are than what you were, SUMMER WITHOUT AIR RAIDS ENDED FOR FWUDACE' IN CAPITAL Aliuerican-Mmle Flying Fortresses Also Bomb importiMit Naval Bort of Emden Best of all fly killers*. Clean, quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug­ gist, Grocer or General Store* THE WILSON FLY PAD CO,, HAMILTON, ONT. lOc WHY PAY MOREBer- capi- -story news 03LLOPHANE HELPFUL IN MARKETING APPLES The joss of moisture has responsible for considerable deter­ ioration of fruits and vegetables in storage, This is particularly true ip. mechanical storages where a large temperature differential exists between room and cooling surface. Consumers are becoming more crit­ ical of this condition since fresh produce is being made more avail­ able, states W, R, Phillips, Division of Horticulture, Central Experi­ mental Farm, Ottawa. » The apple in,.its natural state is equipped with a. skin covered with a waxy surface which prevents loss of moisture to a certain extent. This is not adequate, however, under most storage conditions, particular­ ly under long time holdings, Up to the present time, many methods have been tried which would pre­ vent this excessive moisture loss through the skin of apples, but the most • promising devise tried at the Division of Horticulture is the moisthre-proof cellophane bag or liner. The cellophane used in these bags or liners has to. be strong enough to stand handling in storage as well as being equipped with a moisture proof laquer which will not slough off under moist condi­ tions. By test these conditions appear to be fulfilled by what is known as “450-M.A.D.T. Cello­ phane.” 8 When using cellophane for stor­ ing apples, another problem arises from the fact that, if a moisture- proof substance is used to retain moisture, gasses given .off by the fruit are also retained. This may .result in suffocation, bringing about severe damage to the apples. The main precaution, therefore, that must be taken if moisture-proof cel­ lophane is used commercially, is that the accumulation of carbon dioxide must be given due consid­ eration. As it happens the condi- ’ tions generated in . the cellophane, container are similar to, those of gas storage and are suitable to.' many varieties of apples, such as McIntosh, Northern Spy, Linda, Lawfam, Sandow, . and Cortland. With Cox and Orange Pippin a dif­ fusion hole must be used, Other var­ ieties should be thoroughly tested before.. moisture-proof cellophane is used. Retailers and household­ ers have commented favorably on the excellent crisp condition- of the fruit marketed in cellophane bags. Mr- Jack Anderson left last week to take a six months’ course in radio at Ottawa. ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heatherley, of London, spent the week-end. with the latter's mother, Mrs. Catharine Motz. Mrs. Thelma Kelly, of London, who -is camping at Grand Bend, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz and Mrs. C. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, visited on Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mr. Eldon Merner, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. * I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton, of i Mt, Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr. j J. Appleton. I Mr. Sam Baynham and Mr. Fred I Waghorn, had the hydro installed in I their homes last week. i I HARPLEY Master Morley Love spent the week-end with his cousin, JLyl® Steeper, at Corbett. Master Gerald Eagleson, of Grand Bend, is spending his holidays at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Newton Hay ter. ... Mrs. John Patterson, Miss J. Cunningham, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Yager, all of Hderton, called on ; Miss Maud Hodgins last Tuesday, j Miss Barbara Hayter is holiday-’ ing with her aunt, Mrs. Bruce Eagle- we lose!son, of Grand Bend. money , Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle of them of Corbett ‘called on Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love on Sunday evening. A Canadian Press despatch from. London, Eng., speaking of the air raids oyer Germany has this to say: “A summer without air raids end' ed for citizens of Berlin Friday night. The Air Ministry announc­ ed Saturday that ranging bombers of the Royal Air F'orce reached the Nagi capital and dropped some of Britain’s heaviest and most power­ ful bombs after first dropping flar­ es, The main weight of the R.A.F, overnight attack was not on lin, but the bombing of the tai the most interesting news for Britons, The Air Ministry service did not disclose how many . > planes participated in the attack. Hanover and Hamburg got the heavy flight - blows and Saturday morning an American-made flying fortress, out on a reconnaissance flight, bombed the important naval port of Emden. Air bases in Oc­ cupied France were also visited by the busy R.A.F. Berlin anti-aircraft, said an R.A.F/ captain, was delayed in Ber­ lin so that the British fliers would not know they’ were over Berlin, But when bombs started falling the defence batteries opened fire. The Air Ministry did hot say specifically that the R.A.F, t<nk another crack at the German battle-, ship, ’Scharnhorst, Friday night or Saturday, . but gave out some details of last week’s shift of the ship from Brest to the port of La Pallice. The Germans tried to conceal the' Scharnhorst at Brest with overhead camouflage netting. But reconnaissance planes had visited the vessel daily and British observ­ ers knew “almost the exadt num­ ber of rivets in her sides.” Last Thursday, .at first glance, the familiar hulk of the Battleship appeared to lie as usual under the netting, but a closer inspection show­ ed that a 530-foot tanker, with smaller ships at the how and stem, to indicate length, had replaced her. The Scharnhorst had left in the darkness and'the R.A.F. search ended at La Pallice was on. RETIRED MINISTER DIES AT BROOKVILLE that up in DIG UP $28. GODERICH—Police here dug $28 in bills out ’.of the ground a vacant lot on Britannia road yes­ terday after an investigation had been conducted into fcthe robbery of the residence of Thomas Anderson, Cambria road. A 16-year-old boy has been charged. 1%______________ Duncan MacKay, a 'famous bagpip­ er in his day, left $2,500 to the Presbyterian Church, Ashfield Twp., near Lochalsh. <• Explicit vil-“Is it very far to -the next lage?” a man who was walking in the country asked the roadmender. “Well, ’taint as far as all that,” was .the r(eply. “It seems further’n it is, but it ain’t.” Dr. R, M. minister of Canada and Presbyterian BRO ORVILLE—Rev, Hamilton, 82, retired the United Church of former pastor of the and United Churches in Brockville^ died bn Saturday morning after a. brief illness. He was born at Cromarty, Perth. County, and educated at Stratford, Pickering, University of Toronto and' Knox .College, Toronto. He also, studied at the University of Edin­ burgh, Scotland. i He served at Eglinton (Toronto),. Brantford and Western Churches before going to He had been Brockville presbytery and of the- synod of Montreal and Ottawa. His wife, one daughter, Mrs. D, A. Welch, Toronto, and three sons, survive: Harry Kent Hamilton, Toronto; Francis Campbell Hamil­ ton, 'Chattanooga, Tenn., and Doug­ las Hamilton, Brockville. He also ■leaves two sisters, and four bro­ thers. The funeral was held on. Monday afternoon. Eglinton (Toronto),. Brookville in 1913, moderator of the OTTAWA-—“Serve by conserv­ ing”, should be the motto of the* housewife' in wartime declares a joint statement, .issued by the Ag­ ricultural Department and' the War­ time Prices and Trade Board. Canadians arg asked to make sure that no fruit or vegetables go to waste this summer because they are not gathered and distributed for immediate use or for storing and preserving, the statement contin­ ued. Lack of adequate rainfall has. reduced early-ripening crops, and the most efficient use must be made of the fruits and vegetables coming- on the market in the months ahead. Sugar supplies are abundant for all preserving needs, points out S. R. Noble, Sugar Administrator un­ der the Wartime Prices and Trade- Board, despite the wartime disrup­ tion of many of the shipping facili­ ties on which Canada'normally de­ pends. I / A-l BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White Jersey Blade Giants, New Hampshire Reds Write or Phone for Prices A. II. SWITZER HATCHERY Phone 38-3 Granton, Ont. ' “What through from us.” it’s touch a lot ok friends their borrowing “Yes, with most and go,” r While the pilot watches, a torpedo Is loaded aboard an Albacore, torpedo-carrying aircraft of the British Navy’s Fleet Air Arm, Such aeroplanes as these struck the blows wh ich did so much damage to the Italian Fleet at Taranto, , TORPEDOES WITH WINGS Town Stuff comes first in the 69% major market!. that’s why the “home-town” Weekly Newspaper com.es first in the reading and buying minds of the 7,750^000 consumers in Canada’s smaller communi­ ties who make 69% of the country’s retail sales The Weekly Newspaper is the one paper that is read and discussed by the Whole family. .It’s “home­ town” news is about^people they know. It’s “home­ town editorials deal with matters of intimate inter­ est to them. It’s “home-town” advertisements by local dealers are based on friendly knowledge of their needs. The circulation of Canadian Weekly Newspapers in , Canada's 69% “home-town” major market total 2,600,000. That’s coverage for you, But coverage is only half the story. The secret of the success enjoyed by advertisers Using the Weekly News*- papers lies in the fact that the Weekly Newspaper -—and only the Weekly Newspaper—can offer the sales-making friendly introduction which builds regular users of a product. Canadian Weekly Newspapers are first in reader interest and first in sales influence in* Canadays 69% major market,