HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-31, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1878 fety«&gbtb Year
Hensail Veteran Municipal Riyals Meet sit County Council Picnic
4 •
will be observed on
Funeral of Late W. J. Oke
of effort
the Red
and at- ,
warm-hearted unselfishness
always be remembered by all
knew her.
the night repairing the
The storm was fierce while
A large tree on the kWalk-
south of town, was split
So far no serious damage
born near
the daugh-
Mrs. dames
Exeter With
eye; several more
of the cheek and
was close to
the neck. In
------ ---- ----2 or less
Since he has been at West-
he has received various
We have a few second hand oil stoves on hand.
Priced from $4.00 to $12.00
Children’s Joy Cycles and Wagons from $1.95 to 10.50
Men’s Split Work Boots
x/2 leather and % panco sole, a good strong work boot for harvesting.' Sizes 6 to 11
; „ at $2.25 a pair
White Shoe Sale
" '' ■ -— I '
$3.75 & »3.»5 on sale at $2.98 pr
The above lines include our best Pump? and Ties.
Women’s White Shoes at $1.50 to $1.98
Oxfords, Straps, etc., on sale at $1.50 to $1.98.
Women’s white sandals, cuban heels at $1.00 a pair.
Martha Washington House Dresses on Sale
regular $1.50 for $1.19 each
Child’s Khaki Playsuits 49c
I •** J
Age 4 to 12 yrs., some with short sleeves and some with long sleeves, on sale at 49c
Summer Wash Dresses
We are placing on sale this week- at greatly reduced prices/ the balance of our ladies’
and misses’ summer wash dresses. We would advise guick action* as they will go in a
hurry at these low prices.
Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Aylmer Boneless Chicken nM. Ijm 9Cp
Very tasty for sandwiches, 7-oz.
Aeroxon Fly Coils
The very best kind ...
Hellmann’s Salad Dressing 1 £
Home style-.....- » oz... 18c
Cream Sandwich Biscuits 1 IL, 1
Assorted, Fi>esh ....................lOo laJL
vu/nL^small 10c; large 23c
Aylmer Tomatoes
Choice Quality, large tins ....
• 0
ffljljmwwww-iifflnmrwtowct rniriiMiro.mimMiinmiiiMM.iii.iiMMiii!nilimimuniiim—rniBwiriwini
EGGS—We are buyers of Eggs - for cash - or trade in this store. Prompt service while
you wait.
3 for 5c
Mrs. Margaret G, Gladman, the
wife of Mr. F. W* Gladmau/ passed
away at her home Wednesday even
ing, July 23rd*
Mrs. Gladman was
Peterborough, Ontario,
ter of the late Mr. and
B. Fowler, She came to
Mr. Gladmau in January,
shortly after their marriage, and
lived Jiere since that time, with
the exception of nine years, during
which they resided in London.
A daughter, Margaret, Mrs. W. A.
C. Shepherd, predeceased Mrs.
Gladman in 1938, In addition to
her husband Mrs, Gladman is sur
vived by a daughter (Marion), Mrs.
Warren Sanders, and three sons,
Melville, Charles and Dohald. The
three sons and ison-in-law (Mr.
Sanders) are on actiye service in
the Canadian Army. . Two sons,
Vernon and-Gerald, died in infancy.
Mrs. Gladman is also survived
by her two sisters, Mrs. W. R. Gerrie
and Mrs, A. F. Passmore. ,
The funeral was held from the
family home on Friday afternoon,
July 25th. The service was con
ducted by Rev. D* C. Hill of Caven
Church, assisted by Rev, Stuart Mc
Leod, of First St. Andrew’s Church,
London; the pallbearers being the
three sons, two sons-in-law and a
nephew, ,Mr, Ray Gerrie.
Others attending the funera.1 from
out of town were Mrs. Melville Glad
man and then* three children, Ro
bert, Elizabeth and Diane, Mrs.
Charles Gladman, Mrs. Donald Glad-,
man and -their two children, Mar
garet and Donald, Mrs. Gladman’s
brother-in-law, Mih W. R. Gerrie,
and her nteces, Miss Dorothy Gerrie
and Miss Helen Gerrie, Mrs. Brydon
Roberts, Mr. Gladman’s sister, Mrs,
Arthur- Morrow, Mr. Morrow, his
niece, Mrs. Russell Howland, Mr.
Russell Howland, Mrs. Charles
Gladman’-s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Brien, Judge J. G. Stanbury,
Mr, Kenneth Stanbury, Mr$.
Goodwin, Rev. and Mrs. George
Gilmore, Mr. J. K. McDermid, Miss
Elsie McDermid, Mrs. Ivan Smith,
Miss Mary ' McBeth,. Mr. and Mrs.
John MacDonald, Mr. Frank Mc
Hardy-Smith, Mrs. J. O. Brown.
Mrs; Gladmalt^ was -- always very-
active in church work, first as a
teacher in St. Andrew’s Sunday
School, Peterborough'. -She was
also a member of the choir of that
•church. Later she held many of
fices in the Women’s Organizations
of the church in Exeter and Lon
don, being president “of the Wo
men’s Missionary Society of Caven
Church at the time of her death.
The Huron County Council picnic at Goderich was one of the events
of the past week, The above picture by a. Stratford Beacon-Herald
photographer, shows Ex-Warden George Betty shaking hands with his
political rival of days gone by, Ex-Warden Owen Geiger, both of Hen-
sall. The Beacon-Herald says the two veterans of the municipal poli
tics arena still love to argue politics. There are still gleams of
political fire in their eyes and it wouldn’t be such a hard job to pro
mote another battle for ballots even now in Hensall.
‘ X
Plwne32 Jones & May Your
-Hydro Line Struck on Tuesday
. Evening—Heavy Bain Affords
Very Little Relief from Heat
The lightning flashed, the thun
der cracked and the rain came down
in torrents during a short thunder
storm that passed over Exeter
Tuesday evening and afforded a
temporary respite in the heat-wave
that has climbed close to the 100
mark. With the rain pouring down
the peal of the fire alarm sounded
and the first thought was that some
place in town had been struck,
Flames could be seen- shooting into
the air at the corner of North and
Andrew Streets. (Lightning ihad
' struck the hydro wires and the
•aiicing of -the wires had caused 'the'
flames to leap into the air..' Mem
bers of the Middlesex-Hurons were
training at the town hall at the time
and saw the flames. Jack Pryde
and Aljoe Sanders sounded the alarm
and stood in the heavy rain to ring
the bell. Later the fire truck was
rushed to tli^ scene. The hydro
wires were struck in several places.
The street lights with the exception
of the standards through the -busi
ness section, went out. The rur
al lines were put_ out of commis
sion. Hydro workmen worked all
it lasted,
er farm,
in two.
has been reported.
Traquairs Hardware
Dealers In
Kelvinator Refrigerators Easy Washing Machines
Beach, Findlay and McClary Stoyes and Ranges*
. Purina, Pioneer and Dr. Roes Feeds
New Idea Furnaces Low Bros. Paint
Nik-Tonik—iai tonic and roundworm treatment for chickens'
and turkeys, for growing and laying flocks. f
Stock Spray Fly Spray Linseed Soap
$1.35 a gal."25c a can 18c a lb.
Now is the time to start your pullets on a good laying con
centrate* See us, for prices*
Dr. Roe’s developing concentrate for chicks.-r-Mix 4 or 5 to
1 with your own chop—$3.55 a cwt.
■ • -■■■ > ....,<i ........ ; -. ....: . . . - ; -.A
Reg. Wuerth, who has been train
ing at Manning Fool, Toronto, spent
Sunday, with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. A. H. Wuerth. Beg, has boon
moved to the St. Thomas Techni
cal , Training School, Reynold, has
• resigned his position at Cook’s gm*
Cory and leaves on August 4th to
train at the Galt Aircraft School,
This day has been proclaimed
Civic Holiday for the Village of
Exeter and all citizens^ are re
quested to observe it as such.
B. W* TUCKEY, Reevej
Mr. Archie Davis, who has been
a 'patient at the Westminster Hos
pital, London, for several months,
on Friday last underwent an opera
tion dn his leg for a war wound
received in the last Great War. At
that time Mr. Davis lost most of the
muscle and tendons of his leg and
’ while he has been in hospitals on
different occasions, the wound has
always given him more
minster, _ ___ ..
kinds of treatment and the wound
has all but healed up only to break
out afresh. The latest move it to
remove eleven inches Of flesh, from
the thigh and graft it to the wound
ed part of the leg. This will ne
cessitate three operations over a
period of as many months, during
which time the patient will, of ne
cessity, suffer a.great deal of pain,
it is hoped that by grafting the new
flesh the wound will heal. It was
thought .at one time he might have
to lose his leg. He will be glad
to see any of his old friends at any
time as the hours.pass slowly while
Confined to his bed. ■
The death took place Monday in
Exeter at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. (Dr.) H. K. Hyndman, of
Mr.' James William Johnston, In
his 80th year. Mr, and Mrs. John
ston* moved ,to Exeter last fall from
Vancouver to reside with their
daughter. Mr. Johnston was taken
ill while on his way here and while
he has been able to be around he
has not enjbyed good health. He
was of Scotch descent, being a na
tive o.f the Shetland Islands. For
many years the family lived in
London/ where Mr. Johnston was
a merchant tailor. For twenty-
three years they lived in Toronto
and for the. four years previous to
coming, to Exeter, they resided "in
Vancouver... The deceased was for
50” years an elder in the Presbyter
ian Church and after church union i
in the-Unite'S Church. He’ was a
veteran of the last ‘war, having
served two years in France as a
Royal Engineer of the inland wa
ters’ transport. He. was also a
veteran walker of the Ontario
Walkers’, Association. At the age
of 69 he* was winner in his class of
a 31-mile race. Besides his bereav
ed widow, Florence C. Johnston,
he is survived by six children, Mrs.
Hyndman, of town; Mrs. H. A, Dean,
of Portland, Oregon; Bruce H. Johnston, of Montreal; Stewart
Johnston, of Exeter; Ivor, of To
ronto and Miss Catharine Johnston,
of San Francisco. The funeral took
place from the residence of Mrs.
Hyndman on Wednesday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. N. J. Wopds. In
terment took place in West Ceme
tery, near Ailsa Craig.. Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Johnston, of Montreal,
and Mr. Ivor' Johnston, of Toronto,
attended the funeral.
Lakeview Casina, Grand Bend*
presented its second concert this
summer in aid of the. Red Cross on
Sunday night* realising two hund
red dollars for the British Bomb
Victims’ Fund, The orchestra un
der Willis Tipping, Mr, Roy Gould*
ing, a.t.C,m„ Mr, Harry Hoffman,
baritone, and Miss Agnes Butcher,
concert pianist, were the artists
who made up the very entertaining
program. A great deal
was expended to boost
Cross Funds, and a two
d-ollar objective was set
tained. A window was decorated
for the occasion and two Red Cross
flags floated on the top of the
Casino, Two young ladies, Misses
Marjorie Rutherford and Mary Wil
son, dressed in Red Cross uniforms,
accepted the donations at the head
of the stairs.
The orchestra opened the even
ing’s entertainment playing “March
Medley” and “Shadow Waltz”, Mr.
Harry Hoffman sang “To the Stars’*
and came ba'ck ter an encore with
“I Walked To-day Where Jesus
Walked.” Two more selections,
“By Bye Blues”, featuring Ollie
English and his triple-tongueing"
brass section and a hymn, “What a
Friend We Have in Jesus”, were
played by the orchestra before the
piano duet? by Roy Goulding and
Bill Simms, “Qui Vive” and “Bri
tish Empire”, Ray O’Neill, of the
orchestra, sang two solos, “Inter
mezzo” and “I Love You”. “Gems
From Show Boat" were played by
the orchestra followed by Bill
Simms’ piano solo, “When Day is
Done”. A novelty Selection by the
orchestra, “Barnacle Bill the Sai
lor” brought the audience down in
laughter as Nick Gregorash and Ace
Henry staged a hilarious singing
act. Three selections were (played
by Miss Agnes Butcher on. the piano .
and she sang the Hungarian Na
tional Anthem-in the native tongue.
The orchestra wound up the even
ing’s entertainment% With an old
Italian folk song, “Hurry Back to
Sorrento”, a inarch, S.I.B.A., a
hymn,' “Unto the Hills Around.’’, in
which the audience joined in sing
ing, under the leadership of Roy
Goulding and Harry Hoffman and
concluded with God Save the King,
Before the singing of the hymn Mr,,
Jenkins, of Detroit, moved a vote of
thanks to the artists and to the*
audience for their support.
Master Gary Kestle, son of Mr.
and Mrs, “Dutch” Keatfi, of Strat
ford, formerly of Exeter, is criti
cally ill lit thd Children’s War Mem
orial Hospital, in London, He un
derwent an operation for appendi
citis on Friday last and has been
a very sick child. His condition is
on the mend,
With the temperature in the
’high nineties for several days last
week, residents of this communi
ty •'sweltered beneath a heat wave
that was the equal of anything ex*
perienced either this.year or last.
In spite of the gas*’ restrictions,
Sunday saw one of’ the largest
crowds ever to visit Grand Bend
where the visitors sought relief
from the boat by visiting .the lake
shore, or dipping in the cool waters.
Many a bare back was blistered by
■the sun’s rays, ice cream and cold
drinks were in* constant demand.
Local thunder-storms’ Visited the
but tailed to bring* much
hot bed
JohU. Hind 19 Confined,
through illiiess.
The marriage was quietly solem
nized In the Grand 'Behd United
Church When Edith H. LoVe, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thomas
Love, became the bride of Douglas
R.” Gill, youngei* Son of Mr. and
Mrs, .Tohn Gill, o£ Grand Bend, Rev.
C. E. fieacom performed the cere
mony. The bride was charming in
a floor-length gown of white sheer,
With a white picture hat and white
kid shoes and carried a bouquet of
roses and baby breath. Her only
ornament was her grandmother
Taylor’s gold locket. The couple
Were unattended. Following the ceremony the bridal couple left litt-
mediately on a motor trip to Nor
thern Ontario, the bride travelling
in a blue crepe dress with white ac
cessories. On their return Mr* and
Mrs. Gill will reside in Grand Bond,
Where Mr, Gill will resume his
duties as music instructor of schools
in September*
Thp Red Gross frolic at Crediton
was appreciated by the public gen
erally, who filled the community
park last Friday evening. The fro
lic. was an outstanding success and
the society are naturally gratified
in the extreme, Everything was
done to cater to the desire* of a
public anxious for amusement, A
ball game was, staged at seven p.m.
between Sharon and Exeter. Some
older games were in evidence in
cluding the time-honored bingo, of
which the Canadian Legion of Exe
ter took charge, A fish pond, which
was in charge/ of the Evangelical
Mission Circle, was well patronized
by the kiddies, and a game where
balls were thrown the length of a
•Carmel, were in charge. A fine pro
gram was given by the Dashwood I rubbed their eyes to make certain
All of the games were
as 'werb the refreshment
The . Ladies’ Aid of both
Churches, Shipka and ML
A phenomenon that is seldom seen
on the Great Lakes took place .Sat
urday and as a result an Exeter
gentleman arrived at Grand Bend
on Sunday to find his sail boat part
ly on its side, filled with Water and
a large hole in the bottom of the
boat. A despatch from Sarnia states
that the Lake Huron water level
dropped considerably. Members of
parties aboard two cruisers from
the Sarnia Yacht Club* attest to the
decreased level. The cruisers were
anchored in the bay with their
noses in shore and their sterns well
out in the water. When the occu
pants arose in the morning they
Gars Collide During Heavy Rain
During the thunder-storm Wed
nesday evening about 9.30 an auto
accident took place on the highway
about two miles south of Exeter. A
eoupe driven by Bob Whitmore, o£
Olandeboye, had stopped on the
highway and Whitmore was in the
abt of cranking it when he noticed
the lights of a car approaching. He
tried to flag it but the car crashed
into the rear of the standing car.
The second car was driven by R,
E. Cooper of town and with him
as a passenger was Albert S'ims, al
so of Exeter. Mr, Sims was badly
cut about the face, and head. He
was brought to the office of Dr.
Dunlop in a military van. Several
sutures were required to close a
wound over the
ter a laceration
another wound
jugular vein in
Whitmore car was Steve Tasco;
Centralia. The car was driven
to the east, ditch and was
damaged but fortunately Mr.
escaped with a few bruises.
Cooper car took to the west
The accident was investigated by
County Constable John Ferguson.
Band, under • the direction of Mr.
Harry Hoffman.' The proceeds of
the evening amounted to about
At least Six hundred people
were within the gates and creditor
never welcomed a more orderly*
appreciative crowed. There was a
carnival spirit Im evidence every*
where, and during the entire even
ing, smiles, laughter, and good cheer
radiated everywhere, it was in*
fectiOtts, and its clean, wholesome
futi inspired the Creditor society to
give expression to the old toast,
“Happy to meet, sorry to part, hap
py to meet again!0 .
The Creditor Red Cross Society
are grateful indeed to the public
for their support, both financially
and otherwise, and particularly do
they thank , those who, while not
connected with the local society, so
willingly assisted in the stands,
that they Were’nt seeing things.
The water had gone down, leav
ing the cruisers high and dry. It
is reported that the water in Lake
Huron dropped two and a half feet
in a few minutes in spite of the
^fact that there was no wind blowing.
wne source said that the change
in water level is causd by certain
changes in barometric pressure, it
was not long before this Water re
sumed its normal level, In the
meantime' tlte sailboat of Dr. Cowon
which Was anchored in the river at
Grand Bond, turned partly on its
side in the shallow water and a.
stone crushed in one of the boards
on the bottom of the boat, which
then filled with water,
some time before repairs
be made.
It was
*The niidsummer vacation
over.is half
The funeral of the late Walter
John Oke took place from his late
residence, lot 24, concession 2, Vs*
borne, where the deceased has been
•a lifelong resident of the township*
He was in his 88th year. Although
he had not enjoyed the best of
health he was able to be up and
around until two weeks previous
to his death. Besides his bereav
ed widow, whose maiden name was
Harriet Squire, he is survived by
two sons, Lome, Exeter; James, of
the boundary; also two daughters*
Mrs. Alvin Cottle, Thames Road;
Beta, at home; and one sister, Mrs*
Charles Dayman,,Exeter. The fun*
oral was conducted by the Rev, N*
J. Woods and was largely attend- ‘
ed. Mrs. Thos, Coates sang an Im*
pressivo solo. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Luther and Gordon Oke,
Garnet Frayne, Marvin and Crescent
Dayman and William Westlake.
Friends wore present from Sea-t
forth, Honsali, Woodham and Tuck*1
eramltk. interment was in the fcxo-
ter Cemcteryt