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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-24, Page 5
fl THE EXETER TJMES-A©VQCATE tjwbspay. aww smw, mm T? HENSALL Mr, John pfaff returned Rome after, a pleasant visit with rela- fives Jin London. * Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and Ronald returned home from a plea-* sant vacation at Pica's Bay, Mrs. I. G. Smillie returned home after’ a pleasant visit with relatives in Toronto, > Mr, Leonard Keye&> of Cornetfe, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker. Mrs. John Fisher is feeing visit ed by her sister, Mrs, Buttery, of Ban Francisco, Cal, Mr, Allen Follick, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Follick. Mr, Carey Joynt^ of Windsor, spent the week-end visiting at the home of his father, Mr. T. C. Joynt. Miss Beatrice Green, of Grand Bend, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack Taylor, o Miss Mildred Follick, R.N., of Londpn, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Follick. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Ryckman, of Lapsing, Mich., are visiting rela-. tives in and around the village. Mrs, A. L. Case visited this week with her aunt, Mrs. A. Lammie, *in Detroit, Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto, is holidaying^ at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love. Miss Kay Drysdale, of Sarnia, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Drysdale. Miss Myrtle Thomson returned to London, after spending her vaca tion at the home of hex’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson. Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. W. Lammie and sipter, Miss Greta Lam- .mie. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy visited on Sunday with Mrs, Steer’s mother, Mrs. Brazier, in London. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fam ily returned home from a very en joyable motor trip to Quebec and spent a holiday at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Wm. Davidson is confined to her home owing do illness. Her many friends hope for a speedy re covery. Mr. Jack Simmons, of Windsor, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Elda Simmons and grand mother, Mrs. John Dinsdale. Miss Mary "McKaig, of Exeter, visited over the week-eu'd with her mother, Mrs. MoKaig and aunt, Miss Eliza Newell. ’ Mrs. Roy Parlmer and daughter, Caroline, of Windsor, are holiday ing with Mrs. Parlmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. John Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, MacLaren and family of Hamilton visited recent ly with ■ Mrs. MacLaren’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dinsdale and daughter of Brandon, Man., vis ited recently with . Mrs. J. Dinsdale and Mrs. Elda Simmons. Mrs. Gordon Davis and children, of Toronto, are holidaying at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pepper, of Sarnia, spent, the week-end at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Cooper hioved last week to the dwelling on Highway No. 4, on the farm of' the late Dr. A. Moir. Mrs. Alvin Passmore and child ren, of Thames Road, visited re cently with Mrs. Passmore’s . par ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. Mrs. H. R. Middleton returned home last week from St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she recently un derwent an operation. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Hattie McQueen, R.N., of Al bany, N.Y., returned to her home aL ter visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Follick and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.- Mc Queen. Mr. Lome Nicholson, of Detroit, accompanied by his mother,x Mrs. Nicholson,■- of London, were recent visitors wiith Miss Emma John ston. Mrs. Geo. Hess and daughter Ruth have .returned home from a very pleasant trip to the coast- to visit the former’s parents,, Mr. and Mrs? Pettigrew. Mrs. W. Weber and daughter Mary, also Mir. and Mrs. John Doerr, of.Auburn, were Sunday visi tors with Mrs. W. Luker and Miss Gladys -Luker. Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins ac companied, by Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of London, spent Sunday with their daughter, Miss Edith Parkins, in St. Catharines. Miss Mary Buchanan, R.N., su perintendent of. the General Hos pital in Niagara Falls, is holiday-, ing with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Buchanan. -Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter and Catherine and Donald, of Clinton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Car ter’s mother, Mrs. Catharine Hed den, and sister, Miss MOna Hedden. Miss Florence Welsh and Mr. ThoS. Welsh vKere the guests of Mr. and Tvlrs. E. L. Mickle and family at their summer cottage at Ron deau Park over the week-end, On Sunday, August 3rd, the W.M.S. of Chiselhurst church will hold a special anniversary Service in the evening at 1.30'. Rev. W. E. Aidworth, B.A., of Staffa United Church has been invited to preach •the sermon and there will be Special music. Mbs. Harold Hanson and cWldreih of Thamesville, are holidaying with Mrs. Hanson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Swaim prior to moving to Stratford where Mr. Hanson has secured a good position. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker re turned to their home at Bowman-, ville last week after spending sev eral weeks aVthe home of their son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. ’ ' Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the services in the United Church on Sunday, and Mr. William MacLean Hamilton, was the guest soloist at the ^morning service and sang a de lightful solo entitled “The Lost Ship”. At the evening service Mr, W. O, Goodwin sang a solo entitl ed "Does Jesus Care?” Over the week-end and up until tnoon on Monday no difference in traffic was noted in this section ac cording to official reports. Speed has not changed, drivers going at the old rate, although long trips Planned have been curtailed consid erably. Bicycles, horses and bug gies are more in evidence and some prominent Hen'sall business, men were walking to their places of business instead of the usual motoi* trip. Red Cross Softball Game Keep the date open for the Red Cross Softball game on Friday, July 25th, at 6.30' p.m,, between Stan Tudor’s north aiders and R. H. Middietop’s south eiders, to be played in the park. Th'e^teams will consist of some former well-known players, including Reeve Shaddick,, Stan. -Tudor, Councillor "Parkins,- Geo. Hess, Dr.’ A, R. Campbell, Ted Oliver, Chief of Police Kyle. There will be a lucky draw for $1.00 in war • savings stamps during the game. Everyone welcome. Thomson Reunion The descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. ^George Thomson held their annual j/eunion at Bayfield on Wednesday afterndon with fifty present from Hensail, Kippen, Brucefield, Mitchell, London, Varna, Auburn, Shedden, Dungannon and Lo'ndesboro. During the afternoon Miss Mabel Workman and Mr. Sam uel Warren Thomson directed the sports, which were followed Iby • horseshoe playing. .A sumptuous supper was served and the follow ing officers were elected for "’next year: President, Mrs. Albert Alex ander; vice-pres., Mr. Wm. Thom son; sec.-treas., Mrs. Elgin Thom son; sports comm., Mr. John Pepper and'Miss Isabell Alexander; lunch comm. convener, Mrs. Hannah Workman, Mrs. Sam Thomson, Mrs. Robt. Thomson and Mrs. Wm. Alex ander. The reunion will be held at the home of Mr? Samuel Warren Thomson on Highway No. 4, north of Kippen, next year. Cliiselhurst. United Church Picnic The Congregation and Sunday School of Chiselhurst United Church held their annual pinic at Turnbull’S Grove on Tuesday, July 8. The) weather was perfect for the occa sion and the’1 lake calm and tenipting for the many who love bathing. The sports were in charge of Mrs. Tom Brintnell, Verna McLean, Erla Treffry, Margaret Glenn, Russell Ferguson, Ben Stoneman, Mary Kinsman, and the following races; and sports were enjoyed and first prizes captured by the contestants named: Boys’ and girls’" race, un der 6, Margaret Parker; girls’ un der 9, Jean Caldwell; boys’ 9 and under, Murray Brintnell; girls 12 and under, Grace McDonald; boys 12 and under, Harold Caldwell; girls 13 to 16, Erma Chambers; boys 13 to 16, Bruce Glenn; young ladies’ race, Jean' Wright; young men’s race, Benson Stoneman; married ladies, Mrs. Clayton Hor-1 ton; married mens race, Tom Brint nell; ladies’ walking race, Mrs. | Brook; kicking- the shoes, ladies, I Mrs. R. Kinsman; men, Rodger I Venner; wheelbarrow race, Mr. and i Mrs. Clayton Horton; three-legged race, Clayton Horton and Tom Brintnell; feeding the monkey, Mr. 'and Mrs. Clayton Horton; necktie race, Ross Sararas and Verna Mc Lean;-. marshmallow race, Bernice McClenchy; potato race, Jack Brint nell and Arthur Parker. The men enjoyed a tag of war* on the beach • followed by a similar contest among the smaller boys. ‘“’The sports were thoroughly enjoyed by onlookers ’ as well as. the. contestants and the spirit of co-operation helped to make the whole program worthwhile. About 100 sat down to tea and the table committee consisted ,of the following ladies: Mrs. Calvin Hor ton, Mrs. Bert Riley, Mrs. Jack Munn, Mrs. R. Taylor, Jr., Mrs. Richard, Kinsman, Mrs. R. A.,, Mc Donald. The supply committee were Mrs. Earl Kindman, Mrs. J. Glenn, Mrs. E. Treffry. New Books at Hensall Library Fiction That None Should Die ...... Slaughtei’ Up at the Villa ................ Mangharn Lightning Angel ................... Buck Silver Wadding Ayres Love and Lady Gay ......... Nelson Random Harvest ............... Hilton These I Like Best ..... Norris Kitty Foyle ...... ................... Morley Then I’ll Look Up ...... ..... Mowat Red Ashes ... .......... Pedlary The General v.....>.............. Forester’ The After House ............. Rinehart White Magicr. Baldwin . ^Rum of the Brush .............. Rhine J Bulldog Drummond on Dart- * moor ....... Fairlie Sick Heart River ,wwt.,>..Rucfe.an. Lone Star Silver .................... Cole Climax .... .Ash A Great Day ........... ,Seifret Don't Wait for Love ,w........ Greig Sunrise Hill The Seventh. Hour ............ Hill Valley of Thunder ........ Buck The Hangman’s Whip ««,. Eberhart The Chiffon Scurf ..... Eberhart The D.A. Draws a Circle ...... Gardner Rider of the Midnight Range-— ........... Ermine The Secret of Dr, Kildare Brand The Qwl Hoot Trail ............ Foster The Navy is Here ...,...... Traffail Junior Fiction Adventures of Chilli-tum-Gum...... ..............................Collie Sandman’s Once Upon a Time...... ............................Walker Marta Finds the Golden Door... ...............Cavanah Little Bears Laughing Times ... Fox Annifeairnne and the Big TreaI sure ,................................... Joan Animals We Know ............. Young Favorite Fables from Aesop... The Emerald City of Oz ....... Bairn Little Pupils of Central America...... .................Erskine Three Little Pigs ............... Anon Birds of Canada ............... Ann Their Girl Chum ............... Wynne The North Patrol ......... McArthur Sword of the Air ........... Bertram The Wind in the Willows...Grahame They Found Adventure.....Plunkett Mary Truelove Detective...Bertram Anne Thorne in America ... Caster Molly in the West ......... Merchant Left Till Called For ....... Monckton Dave Dawson at Dunkirk ... Bomen Non-Fiction Mansion House Liberty ... Bottome Britain Speaks ....-........... Priestly My Sister and I ............... VanDer Women of Britain ........... Struthers The White Cliffs ......... Miller Blood—Sweat—’Tears ...‘ Churchill American Industry in the War... ................Bainch Fur Trade Apprentice ....... Clay I Wanted Wings ..............-....... Lay A Pacifist in Trouble ........... Inge Out of the Night ................. Valtin Miss .Marion Dougall, nurse-in- I trafning at Victoria Hospital, Lon don is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.. R. Dougall. KIPPEN Death of Arthur* Ricker A shadow of gloom was cast over this community • on Tuesday morn ing of last week when the news spread of the passing of one of its well-known citizens, Mr. Arthur Ricker. Mr. Ricker, who was nev er married, but always lived with his mother, had been ailing for sev eral years, due to a heart condition which caused his sudden death. The deceased was .born in Bright, Ont., on July 1st, 1892, and came, to this community when just a child. He was a member of the United Church of Kippen. He leaves to mourn their loss his mother and two sisters, Mrs. Norman Pybus (Maude) of London, and Mrs. Gordon Pybus, (Eva), of near Zurich. The fun eral service,was held from his late residence on Thursday afternoon, at 2.301 p.m., conducted by the Rev. A. M. Grant, with interment in the EXeter Cemetery.' The. pall bearers were Messrs. William Pet ty, James Petty, William Thom son, William Horney, Oliver Fee and Wilfred Weido. The flower bearers were Messrs. Fred Slavin, Alfred Ropp, Ivison Torrance, Gor don Troyer and Percy Tibett. Those, attending the funeral from a dis tance were Mrs. Norman Pybus and family and Miss Ellen PybUs, of London; Mr. Charles Wellman, Mrs. J. Wellman and Miss 'Margaret Wellman, of Port Huron;’ Mrs. R. Squires and son, of Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs. Enos, Mrs. Ben Wilson, Miss Greta Reisberry anci Mr. and Mrs. J. Buckley, of Bright; Mr. and Mr$. William Bowden and Mrs. Smith, of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder, of Clandeboye; Mr. and Mrs. W. Pybus, of London. Miss Doris Alexander, of London spent Ah® week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alex ander. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Ropp and fam ily visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Steckle, of near Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. C. Baisden, and daughter, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Baisden, of Detroit, visited on Monday with the for mer’s nephew, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. Mr. and Mrs.>kR. Torrance of Por ter’s Hill visited recently with the latter’s father, Mr. H. Ivison. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jaques, of near Elfmville, and Mr. W. Ferguson, and Roy, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jaques. Mrs. W. Ferguson has spent the past week with her daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs*. Archie Parsons, Gerald and Harold visited recent ly With Mr, and Mrs. J. Linden, of Denfield. Miss Dora Pybus, of London, spent the week-end with her grandnioth- er, Mrs. H. Ricker, Little Dorothy Jaques is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jaques, of Elimvilie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie, of Var na, visited recently With the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Mc- Clymoht, CREDITON Mr. and Mm. William Rowman and Mrs. EL Guettinger spent a few days last week in Windsor. Miss Helen Teller, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W« Teller. Mr. Clarence Fahner, of Wind sor, spent the week-end at his home here, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser visit ed a few days in Detroit last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Beaver, Miss I Edna Beaver and' Mr. Arnold Rob ertson are holidaying at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. . Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Miller, Mrs. Glen Miller,«, of Ohio; Mrs, McCan- non, of Memphis, Tenn,, and Mrs. Oscai* Grismore, of Florida, were guests over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Morlock. Friday night that fine commun ity working organization, the Cre- diton Red Cross Unit, are asking for your patronage for their frolic and garden party in the Crediton Athletic Field. It is not necessary to draw attention to the wonderful work the Red Cross is doing; that service speaks for itself, -and will ensure that an appreciative pub lic will be generous in its finan cial support. > Mrs. Mollard and daughter-Kath leen, of New York, wer^guests of Mr. and Mrs-. Filed KerpJast Thurs- v N ” On Sunday a\tomperance pro gram was given in Iwe United church {Sunday \ School. Mr. Horace Del- bridge, of Ej-1 speaker. Ela' piano instrumental. Miss is spendi parents, MX?* and Mrs. Edward Mor lock. Mr. wood, was present at the "morning service of the Evangelical Church last Sunday and delighted the con gregation with two numbers. • Mr. Hoffman also sang at the Sunday School. Miss Pearl Wood, of Exe ter is expected to :be present next Sunday morning and render several selections. The Sunday School last Sunday was very well attended. The “Liv ing Links” class took charge of the worship service. Gertrude Ratz occupied the chair. The remain der of the program consisted of Scripture, prayer, readings and a vocal quartette by Aldonna Wuerth, Doris Wuerth, Verna Wein and ..Ada Gaiser. Mrs, Herman Powe, of Centralia, was present very interesting Jalk ance. , ' ' Pte. Lloyd England, spent ‘the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Matt. England, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England, Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner and Mrs. Wm. Roeszler, on Monday attended the funeral of the former’s sister, Mrs. Susan J. James, of Chicago, Ill. Burial was in Woodland Cemetery, London. s. Mollard and daughter- Kath- of New York, wer^guests of fl? & Ml i day. piorlock, of er holidays & mile, was the guest $ Mitchell played a Windsor, with her Hoffman, of Dash- and gave a on Temper- of Chatham, home. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson and Eunice, also Mr. Duffield were Mr. and Mrs. Stratford. Mrs. Walter Norman, of Belleville, are holiday ing with Mrs. John Hazelwood. Mr. Clarence Tales, of Windsor, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Miss Marjorie Parkinson and hro- ther Russell spent the week end at Windsor, guests of Mr. Geo. Lewis. Ronnie Squire was at ley for the week-end. Aircraftsman David who spent the past sixteen weeks at St, ' Thomas Training School, has been stationed at Clarsholm, Alber ta, and left for that place on Wed nesday last. # Mr. John Rinn, Roxie and Car men, of the. Base Line’, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Alex holidaying in "Toronto. • Frank and' Joan Stratford, are spending their cation with Billie Morley. Shirley Squire spent a few days with Mrs. O. Millson, of Prospect. Little Jean Christie, of Halifax, visited for several days with Audrey Arksey; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and fam ily, Of Belmont, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gunning. W.A. and W.M.S. Meet The W.A. and W.M.S. met at Mrs. Edgar Squire’s home on Thursday last with 16 members present as well as. four visitors. The W.A. was in charge of Mrs. Wm. Morley. Plans were made for the ice cream social. Readings were given by Mrs. Geo. Squire and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson. Mrs. Frank Gunning was in the chair for the W.M.S. meetingv Mrs. Wni. Hodgson read the Scripture lesson; Mrs. Edgai’ Squire expressed apprec iation for the kindness shown Mrs. ‘Harold ChitUck, who has been a patient in Beth HaVen Hospital, St. Marys, for the past two months. Mrs. F. Squire favored With a solo. The meeting was closed by Mrs. Hazel- Weed. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants,% and Mrs.’ Bert Sunday visitors of Ed. Woodward, of Langtree and son and Mrs. Port Stan- Hodgson, Mrs. Walter Baillie Morley iliiaiHli are , of va- III Mill IM ‘Voice of Prophecy’ LEAVITT’S-THEATRE, EXETER SUNDAY, JULY 27th at 7.45 p.m. Marvelous revelation from planets.Accurately locating' creation week. This lecture is one you must not miss. ALL IN COLOURED PICTURES by L. E, HOUSER DASHWOOD I where he is with Eugene Tieman, spent the week- Mary Borden, his mother, Mrs. Murray Wolfe and Herb week- Rev, C, Becker and Carl Oes- treicher attended the Evangelical Young People's Camp at Paris last week. Mrs. Jane Guenther and daugh ter, Grace, of Kitchener, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Dr. Lome Tieman, who was call ed home owing to his father’s ser ious illness, has returned to Missis sippi, where he is in training. We are pleased to say that his father, Mr. Tieman, is improving; Mr. Fred Hopcroft, who has been home for two weeks, returned to Halifax on Monday the Navy. Major and Mrs. of Camp end with Tieman. Messrs. Wein, of Fort Erie, spent the end at their home here. Mr. A. Phillips, of Detroit, ed friends here over the week-end. Mr. Harold Weber, of Stratford, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Ella Martinson, of Elmira,- is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. Miss Mary Edighoffer, of Mitch ell, is spending her vacation with Miss Shirley Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. C. Routledge, of Ingersoll, are visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neeb, of Pon tiac, Mich., spent' the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb. Mrs. R." Thompson, of London, spent a -few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. Keys, of London, were Sunday visitors with her moth er, Mrs. T. Kraft. Mrs. Nicholson, of London, and son Lome, of Detroit, called on Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada on Monday night. Mrs. Catharine Hedden and I daughter, Ruth, of Hensall, were! Sunday visitors with Mr. Hartleib and Lavada. Mrsf James Smith and daughter Shirley, of Windsor, spent the week end with her father, Mr. J. Hartleib. Mr. and Mrs. Borden McAtthur, of Thornbury, and Mrs. M. P. Cur rie, of Clarksburg, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Currie. Mr. Milton Witzel and daughter, Mrs. Egan Spindor, of Townsend, Wash., and Misses Sarah and Annie Siebert, of Detroit, spent end with Mrs. Witzel. ..Mrs. Fulton and Mr. Jack Fulton, of Toronto, O’Rourke, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Miss- Onieda Restemeyer, R.N., who has been nursing Mr. D. Tie man, returned to London on Wed nesday. visit- .. "He Makes the Bible Plain” IE MdUNT CARMEL Mrs. Jack Barry and family, of Detroit, are spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryan and family spent Sunday in Chatham. Sister Mary Avala, of Chatham, and Sister Eileen, of Tillsonburg, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrissey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin spent. last Friday in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and son Ronald, of Zurich, spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Des- jardine. Miss a* few cago, Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan is spending weeks with friends in Chi- Pett and family, of Hamil ton, are spending a few weeks her aunt, Miss Nellie Carey. Mrs. Joe Houlahan and son 'aid, of Shipka, spent Sunday her-aunt, Miss Kate Madden. Miss Mary Doyle is spending a I few days with her aunt, Mrs. Riel- ly, in London. | with Ger- with i CROMARTY The annual field day of the South Perth Baseball League was held in Cromarty on Wednesday afternoon. Three games were played, Cromarty •defeating Motherwell in the first game and Fullarton defeating Rus? seidale in the second game. In the evening game Cromarty defeated Fullarton to win the honors of the" day. A large crowd enjoyed these three baseball gamps. Gunners Eldon Allen and Gavin Twaddle, of Kitchener, enjoyed a few days’ leave before returning to Petawawa. Mr, and Mrs. George Love and children, of Walton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Macdonald. Miss Ada Mae McLellan, of Sea forth, is visiting friends. Gordon Houghton has returned home’ after spending two weeks at Harriston. Master Frankie Houghton, of Harriston, is visiting here. Miss Bernice McKellar visited friends in MitchelJ. CLANDEBOYE I and daughter have been vis- friends in the The United -Church will hold a picnic on Tuesday, July 29. All members pf the congregation are invited to come. Mrs. Harry Neil Marion, of London, iting relatives and community for the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthui' Simpsop, Marion and George accompanied hy Mr. and Mrs. Billie Simpson, and son Keith, spent Sunday in London with Mr. son. Misses Robinson, and Mrs. Clifford Simp- Alice Hodgins, Blanche Ruth Simpson and Mar ion McCullagh, of Lucan, have turned from a two-week trip to John, N.B. Mr. and Mrs. Hensail visited Thursday last. W.I. James Simpson, relatives here re St. of on the Clan-’ the home Sports were The results of children 6 to 10, children 10 to 14, Mary Mrs. Dot drop- Mrs. Meeting The annual picnic of deboye W.I. was held at of Mrs. Roy McRann. held on the lawn, the races were: Children under 6, Joane Wilson; Norma Gilmour Muriel Hardy; young women, Simpson; married women,- Huston; three-legged race, Harrison and Mary Simpson; ping the clothespin in bottle, Andy Paton; kicking the slipper, Mrs. Cecil Carter; grandmothers’ roll, Mrs. Gunn; balloon race, Shir ley McRann. An English billiard table, com plete with balls and cues will be offered for sale Friday afternoon at the auction sale of the chattels of the late Mrs. Fitton. Dance at Spruce Grove On Highway No. 4, 3 miles South of Exeter TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS Adam Brock’s Columbians Dancing Oto? Jitney Dancing IS THE TIRE BUY FOR and Mrs. and Mrs. are visiting the week- CORBETT o£ London, is cousins, Misses Mr. and Mrs. Lyle and other MILE&<££• Tt in-built fWUB quality features that have made it famous for long- mileage, throughout Canada. CAPPTY* All-weather dia- *>• 1 H • mond tread; extra reinforcement throughout, plus Supettwiet cord afford outstand ing protection from skid and blowout. ECONOMY: records of performance in mile age and trouble-free service .« ♦ real low-Cost-pet-rnile economy# " Mr. and. Mrs. N. Fralick and Mr. Henry Bellinger, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Garfield Steeper and friends here. Miss Joan Weir, holidaying with her Joyce and Irene Hodgins, town line. Mr. Garfield Steeper motored to Walkerton on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Hodgins. Mrs. Gordon Ulens is spending two weeks with Mrs. Gordon Wood burn. Mrs. Maurice Murray and son are spending some time with Mrs. Ro bert Murray, Con. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harth, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Mellin, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Mellin, Sr., of Shipka, recently. *** Mr. Stewart Weir, of London, is convalescing at the home of Messrs. "Joe and Jack Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rock and fam ily. Mr. Wm. Hodgins stook threshed his fall Wheat on Thursday and re ports a splendid yield. x Miss Laura Mathers, Mrs. Rachel Mathers, Mrfik John* McGinnis vis ited with Mr, and Mrs. McLarty re cently. V 18 Ca*«da * n that saves mon y Drive iniyOU the start See it to^1 Snell Bros. & Go.. F. Skinner EXETER*ONTARIO