HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-17, Page 8July m om THE EXRTER TIMKSrAPVQCATE
V’s Beauty Shoppe
Eor of Lasting Beauty,
Spiral, Craquinole, Combination,
Phone 112
Evenings by Appointment
Exeter Markets
Old Wheat, 80c
■Creamery Butter, 37-38c
Eggs, A Large, 2<8e
Eggs, Medium, 25e
Eggs, B, 18c
Dressed Hogs, $14.00
in the Canadian Legion Rooms
at 8.30 sharp
Drawing for door prizes every
hour our time
Margaret Willard, daughter' of
Mr, and Mrs. Amiel Willard, under
went an operation for ‘the removal
Of her tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hos
pital Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Alex Lloyd and two daugh
ters, Bevarley and Shirley, of To
at the
ii C. Tantoxs
* * *
; of T
after holidaying for two
at Grand Bend are visiting
home of Mr. L. Bay,
Summer Sausage
Homemade Meat Loaf
Hr, H. H. Cowen wishes to an
nounce that his dental .office will
be closed from June 30th, to July
19 th, inclusive, while on vacation,
And other varieties of......... a
Cooked Meat fortlie
hot weather meal
..I,. I, n f.
Phone 38 Main St.
LOST—In Exeter, a pocketbook
containing $30.00, also key to car,
car and registration license. Re
ward, Apply at Times-Advocate.
SALE at 12 c pound in customers’
containers. Discount on large or
ders, Ewart R. Pym, Exeter,
FOR SALE—1933 Chev, Pick-up,
new tires, newly reconditioned.
Priced right. Sandy Elliot. ltc
FOR SALE—Portable radio, .com
plete with new batteries, only $12.95
Apply at the Ford Garage. ltc
FOR RENT—Building suitable
for store and office. Apply to E.
clover honey, in customers’ con
ibs. or
tainers, 12c per lb,; -50
over, 11c per lb. Darrell
R.R. 3, Exeter.
FOR SALE—-A Coleman 3-burnor I
stove with oven, porcelain finish, in'
perfect condition. Reasonable. Ap
ply to Kenneth Johns, R.R. 3, Exe
ter, phone Kirkton 44r5. ltp
HOUSE- FOR RENT—Brick re- |
sidence in central location, modern']
'conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hun
ter, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirk
ton 39r7. tfn
FOR SALE—100' acres including
crops, immediate possession. Small
house, barn with acreage. Huron
St. West, W. C. Pearce. ltp.
FOR SALE—In Woodham, the
property of the late Jos. Rinn, com
prising frame house and good-sized
(garden. ' 2tc.
FOR SALE—A number of young
pigs. Apply Solomon Gingerich.
Phone 84r3, Zurich, Ont. 10-3tp
1 - I
Mrs. Jonah Sims is confined to her
home through illness.
Mrs. A. E. Powles and little Joey
Taylor, of St. Thomas, are visiting
with Mrs. J. W. Powell.
Mrs. M, Hewlett, of Crediton, is
visiting for a few days at the home
of her mother, Mrs. L. Sweitzer, i
Mr. Geo. Hunter received word re
cently of the death of his uncle, Mr, j
Richard Hall, of Whitby.,
Miss Tenie McCurdy, of the Jones
& May staff, is holidaying this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett, of
, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Payne.
Miss Nellie Carmichael has re- <
turned home after a week’s vaca
tion in Muskoka.
Mrs. Russell Balkwill, Paul and
Clare, spent olast
Elaine Kernick,
Road, is spending
Marion Webber.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ... _____ .
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ta
man, of Listowel.
Mrs. Gerry, of Toronto, is spend
ing a few days with her sister, Mrs.
F. W. Gladman.
Mrs. Gordon Hunter spent the
week-end with her husband, in Lon
Mr. Silas Reid, of London, is
spending two weeks’ vacation with
his aunt, Miss Alice Handford.
Misses Helen Essery and Jean
Hepburn spent the week-end with
Miss- Helen Rowe.
tMiss Olive Cameron, of London,
week in Brant-
of the Thames
this week with
W. Taman spent
All Good Prizes, War Savings
■- in; '■■ ~ -nr?... 'Ar-.;;;-■- ■■■.
Special Oil Permanent
$5.00 for $3.75
Other prices
$2.95 to $10.00
Mr. W, H. Johnston is visiting
with relatives at Lucknow.
Mrs. John Hope and daughter,
Norma, of Toronto, were week-end
visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Woods
at the Main St. parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Green, of
Toronto, are visiting with his uncle,
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Prduty, of the Lake Road,
Mrs. Wilkinson, whq has spent
sevdFal weeks in the West, has re
turned to live with her sister, Mrs.
Chas, Birney.
Miss Evelyn Howard, of Toronto,
is holidaying at the home of her
parents^ Mr. and Mrs. G. S. How
Miss Nona Chambers, of Algonac,
Mich., is spending a week’s vacation
with her parents, Mr. and
John Chambers.
Mrs. Fred Mitchell was in
don foi’ a few days last week.
Mitchell and Mr. Anderson, u.
Windsor, accompanied her home,
spending the week-end. ‘ "
. of
20c each
* ♦ ♦
Phone 70 Exeter
«»<Spent the week-end at the home
NOTICE—During the week of
July'14th to 19th my office hours
will be 7.00 to lO.'OO p.m. on Tues
day and Saturday; John
etris t.
Practitioner and Optom-
. 3-3tc
count of
acres with good buildings, best of
land and convenient to Exet.er. Will
sell at once .with all crops included
or for fall delivery. Priced very low
and on easy terms? C. V. Pickard,
Phone 165 Exeter.
ill health of owner, 150
The office of the Times-Advo-
cate will close each Saturday after
noon during the summer. The of
fice will be open from eight to ten
o’clock Saturday evenings.
See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of
windmills, pump Jacks, pumps and
piping. Repairing windmills and
pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R. R.
3 Dashwood.
FARMS FOR SALE—100 acres,
brick house, bank barn, water in
buildings, hydro, bush. Best of
land. Mostly seeded out. Easy
terms. Immediate- possession if
desired. Several other good farms
for immediate or fall possession,
O. V, Pickard, phone 165, Exeter.
animals removed. Two-hour sei-!
Vice, day or night. Phone Credi-
ton, 47rl5, collect. J ’
Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B.A., b.d.
Mrs* J, G. Cochrane. Organist
10 a.m.-—Sunday School .
7 p.m.—'Public Worship, Sermon:
“Proverbs of the Early Church”
3. “Religion and Morality”
During July evening Service only
Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m.—Re
gular meeting of the w.M.S. at
the home of Mrs, Wm. Hatter,
Thursday, July 24 —- Annual Sun
day School and Congregational
Rev, N. J, Woods, M-A., in Charge
Mrs. N. <T. Dore, Organist
10 a.m.-—Sunday School in
11 .a.m,—Public Worship in
St, Church. Third in the
on the Book of Revelation.
7 P.m.-
S|. Church,
Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Union Prayer
service in Main St. Church.
-Public Worship in James
Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt
Organist, Miss MacFaul
Choir Leader,Mr. Middlemiss
After Trinity
.g Prayer and Ser-
Gtli Sunday
mon. The Rev. M. Elston.
Marion Pooley
Beauty Shop
All Work Guaranteed
Exeter Phone 245
One rack of Summer Dresses, in voiles crepes and sheers. Values from $2.95 to $5.95.
If we Rave your size in this lot don’t miss this chance of securing a dress or two at this
low price. YoUr choice for
t Linen Tea and Hand Towelling
The mills are not making any pure linen towelling. We still have a few pieces of all
linen tea and hand towelling that we offer at very attractive prices. Get a supply at
per yard < 35c, 50c,. 55c
Dress Lengths in Celanese Crepes and Sheers
We offer a number of dress lengths in crepes and sheers. These are lovely materials
and come in splendid colourings and patterns. ,At per yard 89c. ' Dress lengths $3.55
e and Silk Hose
20 dozen Crepes and Silk'Hose in the seasons best selling shades. These are sub stand
ards. Per pair
- ■■ . \
......... ................! ......................... ....................................... ............... . . NJ, N
Boys’ and Men’s Hatchway Underwear.
Cool and comfortable for hot weather, with no buttons to rip off. Boys 75c, mens $1.25
Sub Standards in
New Bathing Trunks for Men
The finest all wool trunks for men that we have seep. Shades of gulf stream blue
. and wine.
per garment $1.95
Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday arid Saturday
■ ’*■ .
Large and Meaty
2 lbs....... 25c
1 Box Super,Suds, 19c
With Relish Dish, 5c
Both for 24c
Woodbury’s Facial Soap
. 3 Cakes, 24c
1 Cake, lc ' ■
4 for 25c
1 pound .... 49c
10 lbs. . « . . • 25c
3 boxes ... . 25c
Little Orphan Annie Scribler
x Free soap*
0 bars ..... 29c
■' Jewel
2 1 lb. pkgs. . 25c
2 large cans . 23c
Miss Betty Bell, of Detroit, is
visiting witk Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Keith, son o&gMr. and Mrs. Whit- •.
ney Coates, ofUJsborne, underwent
an operation for the removal of his
tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital,
one day last week. »
Mrs. Percy McFalls (nee Miss
Margaret Johns) and son Richard,
of DeBolt, Alta., are visiting with •
Mrs. A. McFalls and other friends
and relatives in and around town.
Mrs. Chas. Johns is spending some
time at the home of her s(on, Mr.
Kenneth ’Johns, taking ar much-
needed rest, after attending her
cousin, the ,late Miss’Hartnoil, dur
ing her long illness.
Captain W. E. cWeekes left last
Thursday for Ottawa for a special
five weeks’ course. Mrs. Weekes and
Billy, accompanied by Mrs. Cecil
Stewart, left by -car and will join
the Captain in Ottawa. ,
Trooper Calvin Cutting, of
Borden and Mr.. and Mrs.
Maier ahd daughtei’ Dorothy
of Dashwood, spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cutting and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Coombes.
Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Forest,
are occupying part of Mr. J. W.
I Powell’s residence on Victoria St.
You _ .
Experienced Fitter in our Private
Truss Room and Protected by a
Signed, Money-Back Guarantee
Did You Ever Buy a Truss that
Didn’t Fit? That Can’t
Happen Here
are Properly Fitted by an
Your Drugs at
Plione 50 Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. N.« - Jefferson, of
Mitchell, and Mrs. H. Forbes-Ro
berts, of Calgary, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. John Hind last week.
Messrs. K. J. L'a’mpman, E. M.
Dignan, W. W. Taman and T. Pryde
left on Wednesday morning to at
tend Masonic Grand .Lodge in To
of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer. . Mr. Gordojl H'ewlett, B.A., and
Leo Witmer is spending a few ! wife, are holidaying at 'the former’s
holidays with his uncle and aunt, 1 hom'e lier-e. Mr. Hewlett has been
at college at South Lancaster, Mass.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O’Neil, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Bell and daughter
Carolyn, of Hamilton, spent
day with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Lawson,
S, G. Lawson, of Crediton; Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Thiel, of Zurich, and
Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson, Iris and
Jimmie spent Sunday in Wardsville.
Mr. Eldred Simmons, (
ford, and Fred Simmons, of Man
ning Pool, Toronto, spent the week
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Simmons.
Miss K. MacFaul left Tuesday
morning for two weeks’ vacation in
Port Hope. Mrs. Broadbent, who
has been visiting with Miss Mac
Faul, accompanied her.
The Woodham L.O.L. was award
ed a prize for being the largest re
presented lodge at the 12th of July
celebration at Seaforth on Saturn
Dr. Geo. C. Hind, Mrs. Hind and
Harlene, of Walkerton, and Miss
Lois Statham, of London, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. John Hind oVer
the week-end. , ‘
Mr. Jas. Jewell, of London, spent
? a few days last week with Rev. J.
lW. Down. He
at Grand Bend
W. E. Bradt.
Mr. Homer
don, formerly
went an operation Thursday of last
week and 4s at present .seriously
ill in Westminster Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Reynolds.
Miss Dorothy Traquair, nurse-in
training at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, is holidaying at her home here.
Wilma Coates is spending a
week’s holidays with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates.
Miss Wanda Patrick, of Ilderton,
is visiting with her cousins, Masters
Jimmie and Beverley Sturgis.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graf
ton, of Toronto.
Mr. E. R.' Hopper spent Monday
and Tuesday in Kitchener and To
ronto on business.
The first ripe tomato to be re
ported in town was, picked on Tues
day by Mr. W. E. Middleton.
The Main St. Sunday School picnic
is being held, at Grand Bend this
(Wednesday) afternoon.
Miss Remelda Northcott, of Alvin-
stOn, is visiting with
Hay Township.
Mr. Rowe Dinney, of Stratford,
spending two weeks’
his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook are
spending a few days with friends
in Tillsonburg.
Mr, Frank John^ and Mr. Roger
Crocker, of Toronto, spent the
week-end with Mr, Wm, and Miss B.
Jack Williams. Warren, of Usborne.
Whereas the Fire insurance now
in force on the Huron County Home
and Outbuildings expires on the 1st
day of September, 1941.
And whereas there is now under
construction at the said Home a
Hite Alarm System which, will be
completed within a few weeks,
Therefore the County Home
Committee are requesting Insurance
Agents within the County of Huron
to submit teffders for this insurance,
to the undersigned. on or before
12 o’clock noon, Saturday, August
dth, 1941. The lowest or any ten
der not 'necessarily accepted.
information regarding this in
surance may be bad at the Countv
Clerk’s Office, Court House, God
erich, Ont.
County Cleric
Glenn McTavish, of the Galt
Aircraft School, spent the week
end with his mother, Mrs. J. Mc
Miss Helen Dignan returned home
on Monday after spending her va
cation in Tavistock, Listowel and
Grand Bend.
Mrs. Prank Murdock, of Beulah
Ave., Hamilton, was the guest of
Miss Isabelle Anthony, of Andrew
Street, last week,
Mrs. N. S, Eaton and Miss Irma
Thornton, of Woodstock, spent Wed
nesday oClast week with Mr, and
Mrs. J. A. -rraqualr.
Miss Olive Ouance, of Toronto,
who is holidaying at Grand Bend,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. May,
Mrs. J. W,. Taylor, Mrs,, J, McTav
ish, Gordon and Glenn, attended
the funeral of the late Mr, Herbert,
Galbraith at Stratford on Sunday, i
spent the
with Mr,
■arid Mrs.
of Exeter,
of Lon-
Equipped with
Mud Guards,
Roller Chain,
Liberal allowance on your
sent Bicycle
Phone 43 Exeter South.
Mr. McLeod is engaged in the radio
] air school in course of 'construction
south of Clinton. .''
| The many friends of Mrs. W.
Laverty will be sorry to hear that
she fell in a faint after drinking
an ice-cold bottle of ginger ale on
a very hot day.
call a
Mr. and Mrs, T. Beverley Ache
son, Jane and Nancy and Mrs. Far
rell, of Toronto, are visiting with
the former’s mother, Mrs. W. T.
Acheson, on their return from a
trip to Manitoulin Island.
Mrs. W. B'. Ufisp and daughter,
Mrs. Harold Miller and the latter’s
little® daughter, Sandra, of London;
Miss Donna Powles arid Miss Sa
die Watson, of St, Thomas, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell dur
ing the past week. -
Mr. and Mrs. W» H« Moise,
Shirley ahd Bill, of Blenheim,
the week-end with Mr, arid
J. M. Southcott, at Grand Berid.
Shirley is remaining for the week
and Bill is attending the Boys’
Camp north of GodOricl}.
Mr, and Mrs. J. W» Batson rind
Keith, of London, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Batson’s mother, Mrs, T.
Harvey. Onalee, who has been vis
iting her grandmother returned* to
London with her parents, rind Keith
is remaining for a holiday.
Week-end visitors at Mrs. Alice
daughter, Muriel Mitchell, of Win
nipeg, who is remaining for a* week
visiting relatives in Exeter.
Mrs, Wm, Winer si)ent a few days
last week with Mr, and Mrs. Calvert
Chambers, of London, the latter be
ing til, On Sunday Mr. Wm. Winer
and Mrs, Oren Winer visited them,
Mrs, Oren Wirier remaining and Mrs.
Wm. Winer returning home.
It Was necessary to
doctor.Pentecostal W.M.S.
were Mr. S. Williams of
Mrs. Hannonburg; of
and also her grand-
The July., meeting of the W.M.S.
of the Pentecostal Church was held
on Wednesday, July 9, with the
president, Miss Della Peart, pre
siding. The .meeting opened by
.Ringing two hymns, after whiclj
^ReV. Clemens led in prayer. ‘ The
roll call was very interesting, each
one answering by telling the great
est temptation they had before
they were saved and how the de
sires had been taken out of their
lives. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and it was mov
ed by Miss Barr and Seconded by
Mrs, Clemens that they be adopted.
The business period was dealt With
and it was decided to quilt two quilts
on Thursday, July 17, one quilt be
ing for the Red Cross. Mrs. John
Perkihs and Mrs. F. Perkins donat
ed a top for a quilt and Mrs. Johns
ton also donated blocks for an- i
other quilt, these to be quilted at a
future date. The Scripture les
son Was then read alternately from
Mark‘16, after which there was a
prayer service. Special prayers
Were requested for thre^ of our mis
sionaries who are gping to return to
mission fields, this being the Pen
tecostal monthly day of prayer
throughout the Dominion- of Can
ada, The meeting' closed with a*
hymn, after which Mrs, W. Cooper;
closed With prayer. The next
meeting will be held on Wednes
day, August 13 th, and any ladies
who are interested in missionary
Work, will be welcome. .
Complete Line of
Summer Merchandise
Smart and up-to-the-minute
Arrow Shirts.
Ties, Socks, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps
and Sweaters.
Patsy Hawkins,” Of Toronto, is
Visiting this week With her great-
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, James
Grefen. , '
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. H. C, Clarke were Mr, Jack
Mathews and Misses Evelyn Thody
ahd Lois Clarke, Of London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Geo; Grant, Donald, Mac
and Gary of .St, Thomas. Don. and
Mac Grant are .. remaining 'for some/
Mr. and Mrs. James Green, of
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. J, W.
Stewart, of Farquhar^ visited last
week with Mr. Thos. Dunsford and
family, of Marlette, Mich. Mr?
Dunsford, Who is in his 93 I’d year, Is
quite ill at present. They also vis*
ited with friends in Saginaw, and
Main Street WXS,
. fl ' - jThe W.M.S. of Main St. Church
met at the home of Mrs. Layton on
July 10th. In the absence of the
president,, the first vice-president;
Mrs. Jaques; took charge of the
meeting. After the opening hymn
and praye’r, the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
approved, | Arrangements Were
made for a picnic meeting to be held
on Mrs. MOdd’s lawn on the second
Thursda yin August, at which a
group of the st. Marys W.M.S, are
to be entertained and are to provide
the program. A temperance pro
gram was then given, Mrs. Layton,
Mrs. Cole and Mts. Jaques taking
part, This was followed by a wor
ship service, having for-its theme
“The Way of Christ in Brotherhood”
The meeting -closed with a mis
sionary hymn and prayer for Our
missionaries at home and abroad.