HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-17, Page 4THUIWBAY, MY 1941 THE EXETER
“Voice of Prophecy”
Did he go to heaven that day? How could a thief get
Iq paradise?
Sunday, July 20, 7-45 p,m
by Logan Houser
CAREY--At Mt. Carmel, on Mon
day, July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Carey, a daughter.
McDonald—At Mrs. Godboit’s
Hospital, on Saturday, July 12th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald,
of Exeter, a daughter,
KIRKHAM’—At Dr Fletcher’s Hos
pital, on Sunday, July 13th, to
Mi\ and Mrs, John Kirkham, of
Stephen, a sou (premature).
MURRAY—-Op Saturday, July 5th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray,
of Corbett, a son (Robert John).
WOODBURN—On Thursday, July
1-0, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wood
burp, of Corbett, a son.
Foot Sufferers!
Special Attention!
The Special Representative of
Miracle Foot
Will be at
Tuesday, July 22nd
‘The Home of Bunny White”
Exeter, on
2 to 7 p.m.
No Charges for Consultation
“Miracle” Method of Correction
successfully proven by our many
satisfied customers in this
The following is copied from the
Winnipeg Tribune, Monday, July
"William S. Lang, retired farmer
and pioneer of Virden district, died
Saturday afternoon at his resL
dence, aged 7$. He resided at 1479
Wellington crescent.
"Born in Huron County, Ont, Mr,
Lang came West in 18'83 and soon
after settled on a homestead in the
Montgomery district. He sold his
farm and came to Winnipeg in 1912,
"He is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Rose Lena Lang; a son, War
ren, druggist at Los Angeles, and
two daughters, Mrs, William Lin
coln, Dugald, Man., and Mrs. Alex
Milne, Winnipeg; also a grandson,
Bruce Lincoln.
"The funeral service will be held
Wednesday at 3 p,m. in the Clark-
Leatherdale funeral chapel, with
burial in St. James cemetery. Rev.
G. E, Bolton, assistant of Westmin
ster United church, will officiate,”
FITTON—In Exeter, on Thursday,
July 10th, 1941, Delta Jane Ma
thews, beloved wife of the late
Saxon fitton, in her 67th year.
HEYWOOD—In Exeter, on Friday,
July Uth, 1941, Joshua Hey
wood, beloved husband of the late
Harriet Sanders, in his 76th year.
KLEINSTIVER—In Dashwood, on
FridayJuly 11th, William Klein-
stiver, in his £lst year.
HAUGH—In Dashwood, on Satur
day, July 12th, Daniel Haugh, in
his 79 th year,
RICKER—In Hay Township, on
Tuesday, July 15, Arthur Har
vey Ricker, in his 50th year.
Mrs.The relatives of the late
Jean Fitton wish to thank the
friends and neighbors for the kind
ness rendered during Mrs. Fitton’s
illness and for the assistance and
sympathy rendered during
During this campaign of about
three months ago, .pertain pledges
were made by a few of our people.
It was understood that Goderich
authorities would render account to
those who made pledges -direct. It
now transpires that Goderich wishes
the canvassers in Exeter to collect
the amounts as they come due. Each
canvasser has been advised of the
names of those who made pledges,
and the amounts and the due dates,
and each canvasser has been asked
to contact these people and turn
in the money to Mr. Allison, the
Miss Nola Faist wishes to thank
her many friends who so kindly re
membered her while a patient in St.
andJoseph’s Hospital, London,
since her return home.
Judging of the standing field crop
competition in Cartier oats spon
sored by the Exeter Agricultural
society took .place Thursday of last
week with Mr. John Hargreaves, of
■ Beachville as judge. Secretary
Clark Fisher accompanied Mr. Har
greaves, 27 fields of grain being
in competition. Some of the fields
are exceptionally good, while others
were only fair. The result of the
judging has not yet been made
of London,
her home
Misses Madeline and Clare Glavin
are spending a few days in Ottawa.
Mr. Jack Pope, of Chicago, spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. Joe Carey is all smiles. It’s
a girl.
A number from here attended the
horse races in Exeter on Wednes
day of last week.
Miss Marjorie Regan,
spent the week-end at
Miss Mary McCann,
last week for Cobourg,
will nurse for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Nap. Geromette
family, of Denfield, spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Coughlin.
Miss Noreen Ryan, of Chicago, is
spending hex* holidays with her
uncle, Mr. Michael Ryan.
Mrs. A. Doyle and family, of
London, spent the week-end at their
summer home here.
Mr. Gordon O’Rourke, of London,
spent the week-end at his home
Miss Lorraine Glavin, nurse-in-
training at St. Mary’s Hospital, Kit
chener, is spending three weeks’
vacation at the home of her par
Mrs. Joshua Heywood and
ily wish to express their sincere
thanks to the neighbors and friends
for the kindness and sympathy ex
tended during their recent bereave
DIXON-—In loving memory of
dear wife and mother, Mary Ade
laide Dixon, who passed away one
year ago, July 18th, 1940. *
Oh, happy, hours we once enjoyed,
How sweet their memory still,
But death has a loneliness
No world can ever fill.
—Sadly missed by husband
and family.
JOHNS—In loving, memory of our
dear father, William Johns, who
passed away one year ago, July
16i;h, 1940.
We mourn for one we dearly loved,
For one we could not save;
Beloved in life and mourned
Remembered in the grave.
His loving voice we will ne’er forget
Though years may pass away,
The loss of him we sadly feel
As keen as that first day.
When all is still and silent,
And sleep forsakes the eyes,
Our thoughts are in the
• grave
Where our dear father lies.
What happy hours we once enjoyed,
How sweet their memories still;
But they have left an aching void
The World can never fill.
—Sadly missed by daughter
Birthday Cards for evey member
of the family
Thank You; Going Away;
FIN'KBEINER—-In loving memory
of a dear husband and father,
George Michael Finkbeiner, who
passed away' 3 years
14th, 1938.
There’s an open gate
At the end of the road, ’
Through which each
And there is. a light we cannot
Our Father claims his own.
—Sadly missed by
and family.
ago, July
must go
Wedding Anniversary; Sympathy;
his wife
mother, who passed away One
year ago, July 16th, 1940.
When, evening shades are falling
And we sit in quiet alone,
To our hearts there comes a longing,
If she only could come home.
To those who have a mother,
Treasure her with care,
As you never know her value
Till you see her vacant chair,
—Fondly remembered by husband
and family.
Friendship; Convalescent; Gift
Enclosure; Baby Congratulations;
Birth Announcement
LOVE—In memory of our
Coaching Classes to be Held
The International Plowing Match
will be held ip Huron County ip
1942, and Bercy Passmore, chair
man qf the Local pay Committee has
already started making preparations,
He desires that the reeves and de
puty reeves of Huron co-operate this
year in holding coaching classes and
plowing demonstrations in. each of
the townships this summer. These
events would be staged for the pur
pose of interesting the young men
as well as the older men of the coun
ty in plowing, so that they will
make a good showing on local day
at the international. J. A, Carroll,
Secretary of the Ontario Plowmen’s
Association, has assured the Hur
on County -executive that he will
be pleased to co-operate with all of
the townships in providing free of
charge, competent instructors for
both horse-drawn and tractor plows.
Mr, Passmore, in his letter, sug
gests that the directors select a cen
tral site in their township, It would
be advisable to have two or three
acres of old sod to plow, and also
to have on hand a number of trac
tors, with either two or three fur
row plows and three or four teams
of horses with single plows. Far
mers who might be interested, and
Who would -be likely to enter the
International Competition should
he invited,
Mr. Passmore goes on to say,
"Have those nearby bring their
teams or tractors. Start the pro
ceedings at ten o’clock in the morn
ing. The instructors will then be
able to have all of the plowmen
started by noon. Have the plow
men bring their own lunch. In the
■afternoon, the plowmen can finish
their lands and be given help by
the coaches. Finish the afternoon’s
program by 5 o’clock,” It is point
ed out that any time between now
and the end of September would be
suitable for the demonstration. It
is hoped that the demonstrations
in the, various townships may fol
low each other, so that the coach or«
coaches could stay in the county.
The letter concludes by asking that
the reeves, and deputy reeves select
a date between August 15 and Sep
tember 15, and then notify Mr.
Bassmore, so' that a complete agenda
can be drafted.—-Harry J. Boyle
in the Stratford Beacon-Herald.
At the Presbyterian Church
manse, Exeter, on Saturday, June
28th, Miss Mildred Lenore, only
daughter of Mr/and Mrs. Thomas
Allen, of Exeter, was united in mar
riage to Garfield Francis, oldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cornish
• of.Woodh’am. The Rev. Douglas C.
Hill conducted the ceremony. ■ The
bride was dressed in ice blue triple
sheer and hat to match with white
accessories. She was . attended by
the groom’s cousin, Miss Margaret
Jacques, who wore a gown of pink
sheer with white accessories, ■ The
groom was supported by his cous
in, . Mr. John Duncan. Following
the ceremony a wedding supper wa,s
Served at the home of the groom's
cousin, Mr. John Duncan. Later
the young couple motored to Thorn-
loe and Kirkland Lake, Ontario,
Rouyn and Noranda,., Quebec, and
other points. On their return they
will reside on the groom’s farm in
Usborne Township, near Wood
late of Lucan,
Athol Ross Martin, son of
Mrs. George Martin, of
The bride, given in mar-
her brother, Earl, of Pe
Dance at Spruce Grove
Mrs. Robert Hopcroft,
Robert Jr., of .
and Mr* and
of Exeter,
On Highway No. 4, 3 miles
South of Exetey
Buddy and his Ruddies
Adam Brock’s Columbians
Dancing 9 to ? jitney Dancing
sent to our shut-in members and
friends. Mrs, C. Bepker reported
on the work'done at the parsonage-
The flower and the sunshine com
mittee for the month are Mrs, Dan
Weber and Mrs. Hy. Eagleson, Mrs
G, Wildfong read a letter on some
of the highlights of the W.M-S.
convention held at Waterloo. Sub
scriptions were taken for copies of a
booklet on the life of Anna Roloff,
The meeting was closed by singing
the National Anthem,
Ratepayers of the township are
hereby requested to cut the weeds
op the roadsides adjacent to their
property and to submit record of
the time employed to the Road Su*
periptendent before the end
subsequent month.
The rate of wages is 25c
for a man with scythe, 6.5c
for ' man with team and
mower to be used at owner’s risk,
A. W, MORGAN, Clerk
- 17-313-
of each
per hr,
per hr,
Florence and Betty Mc-
Windsor and Detroit are
their vacation with their
Daniel Haugh Dies Suddenly
Daniel Haugh, a farmer residing
in Dashwood, passed away on Satur
day, having suffered a heart at
tack 10 days ago. He was born on
the 14th concession of Hay Town
ship, and was in his 79 th year, He
had resided in Dashwfood for the
past 15 years, and was a member
of thp Evangelical Church. He is
survived by his Wife, Emma Haugh;
a daughter, Mrs. Earl Gaiser; two
sons, Milton, of Stephen ,Township,
and Arthur, of Hay Township; two
sisters, Mrs. James Twitchen, of
London, and Mrs. Thomas John
son, of Hay Township, and a brother,
Chris, of Brucefield. Funeral ser
vices took place at the residence on
Monday, followed by a service in
the Evangelical Church. Interment
was in the Goshen Lipe Cemetery.
At the residence of the late
HigliLway No. 4, Immediately South
of Exeter
Mr. A. W. Pickard, of Regina, is
visiting with his brother,
V. and Mrs. Pickard of town
also in London.
Mr, C.
the Lucan United Church,
S. W. Moores united in mar-
Gladys Marie, daughter of
Levina Hutchinson and the
John Hutchinson,
to Fr.ank
Mr. and
riage hy
•troit, was lovely in a floor-length
gown of white sheer with shoulder
length veil caught dp to a pearl
tiara, and carried pink roses with
white lilies'. She was attended by
her sister, Mrs. B. Purdy, who wore
the Salavation Army officer’s uni
form. Trboper Roy Martin, of the
1st Hussars, Camp Borden,
ther of the groom, was best man.
Ward Ward, sof St. Thomas,
Jack Byyan, of Granton, were
ushers. The wedding music
played by Mrs. Penwarden, of Cen-J
trajia, who also accompanied Miss
Mary Fletcher, of Exeter, when
she sang, "O Promise -Me?’ A re
ception was held at the home of
the bride’s mother. After a honey
moon trip through Northern Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin will reside in .
St. Thomas.
The 251st anniversary of the
Rattle of the Boyne was celebrated
at Seaforth on Saturday when some
where between 12,000 and 18,000
Orangemen from the 'counties' of
Huron, Perth, Bruce, WeiHhgton,
Oxford and Waterloo, were on hand
for the celebration. Leu Clark, of
Hensail and Carl Biehl, bt Clinton,
astride the traditional white horses
headed an hour-long "walk0 by
the various lodges arrayed In their
colorful uniforms.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Miss Myrtle .Gulser is attending
summer school at London.
Miss Ruth Guenther has returned
after spending her vacation in Kit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eldt, of In
gersoll spent Sunday with friends
here, also attending the funeral of
the late William Kleinstiver.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Nichol, of
Hickson, visited with friends here
pp Sunday,
Mr, and
and son,
Graham Arthur,
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
T. Hopcroft, .
Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, of
Thedford, were Sunday visitors with
friends in town. .
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Rinker, of Sar
nia visited with Miss Lavadu Hart-
leib on Saturday.
Mrs, N. Evaps and family, of
Kitchener spent a few 'days with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Hy. Hoff
Isaac, of
grandmother, Mrs. L, Mclsaac.
Mr. and Mrs,. Percy Kleinstiver,
of Chicago, Mr, and Mrs. N, J,
Scott and Lorne Kleinstiver, of
Bowmanville attended the funeral of
their father, the late Mr, William
Kleinstiver, on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Snyder, of St,
Catharines, and Mrs. J. Bruce, of
Windsor, spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rpbt,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, of
Windsor; spent the week-end with
relatives here and in Centralia.
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Schlueter and
Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Schlueter, and
two daughters, of Pigeon, Mich.,
tended the funeral of the late
Daniel Haugh bn Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. % Griffith, of
troit, are visiting .with- Mrs.
Miss Onieda Restemeyer, R.N.,
of London, is nursing Mr. D. Tie
man, who is very ill.
, Mrs. T. J. Hopcroft and son Fred
of Halifax and Mrs, Graham Ar
thur, of Exeter, spent Tuesday with
Mrs. Hopcroft’s father, Mr. H. Hopf,
of Clifford,
Miss Dix,. of Toronto, is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller
Lloyd and Ross Guenther and
Paul Ness are taking a motor trip
to Montreal and Quebec this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Al. Mercer and
daughter Anne, of St. Thomas, vis
ited with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and
Lavada on Tuesday. ,
Dr. Lorhe Tieman, who is' train
ing, in Mississippi, was called home
owing to the serious illness of his
father, Mr. D. Tieman.
Mrs. Harry Cook, of Windsor, and Miss Ruth Tieman, of ’ London,.!
are at home owing to their father’s
serious illness.
Rev. Dr. H. A. Kellerman, of
Waterloo and Rev. H. E. Roppel, of
St. Jacobs attended the funeral of
the late Mr. D. Haugh on Monday.
Mrs.- W. Schultz and daughter
Ona, of Detroit, are spending their
holidays with Mr. and ’ Mrs. M?
The July shipment of Red Cross
articles from Dashwood was as fol
lows: 2 pairs socks, 2 sleeveless
sweaters, 3 scarves, 5 ribbed hel
mets, '6 pairs 2-way mitts,. 1 pair
tplain mitts, 1 turtle-neck sweater,
3 pairs seaboots, 3 turtle-neck
j tuck-ins, 1 alternative, 5 caps, 3
bed jackets, TO', men’s shirts, 5
quilts, refugee clothing, 150 ar
ticles. c
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel' Weber had
the pleasure of entertaining a good
ly number of the Young' People of
the First Church, of the Nazarene,
London, on Saturday afternoon,
when they held their annual picnic.
The afternoon was spent .in games
followed by a lovely lunch/ out on
the ' lawn. Little Misses Margaret
and Elaine Schade, of Zurich, help.-
ed to serve, They all Unjoyed a
treasure hunt which covered the
biggest part of the farm, In the
evening all gathered around a bon
fire and had a joyous time singing
choruses led by Ernie Gillian and
accompanied by Mrs. R. Robinson
on her accordion. The testimonial
part was led by Bill Griffin, after
which the meeting was closed by
several brief prayers, and they all
left for London; *
Willow Grove Ladies
Meet At Exeter
.Th’e Ladies Aid of Willow-Grove
were pleasantly entertained Thurs
day afternoon of last week at the
home of Mrs. J. S. Harvey in Exe
ter. Mrs. Lander led in the devo
tional exercises and Mrs. -James
Douglas presided over a brief per
iod of business. Games and con
tests were then conducted by Mrs.
Diegel and Mrs. Wes. Wood. De
licious refreshments were served by
lite hostess and a committee.
Wassman invited the ladies to
home for the Au’gust meeting.
Great Progress At
• /
New Radio School
There are, -many reports on
new radio school below Clinton,
all agree that it is/ to be a much
larger school thrin any now in oper
ation in Western Ontario, except
St. Thomas. The buildings, covered
with asbestos shingles, appear to be
of better construction and finish
and grenerally of a more permanent
nature than usual. No intimation
has yet .been given of ‘the number
of buildings, but the layout on the
i landscape^ would seem to justify
estimates of accommodation for two
thousand students. Hydro and tele
phone men are talking of much
more extensive operations than at
Port Albert. Plans are said to call
for the erection of numerous small
laboratory buildings grouped about
a big central research structure,
the whole to house literally thou
sands of tons of equipment. The
whole is to be heavily guarded by
the military and by electric fences.
Already guards are living under
Canvas on the property. Erection of
one hangar for visiting planes and
construction of a landing strip are
talked of by air-minded dopesters
who usually follow such operations
talked of by air-minded dopesters
with great interest.
A marriage was solemnized at
the Parkhill United Church par
sonage when Sanforetta Margaret
Smith, of London, eldest daughter
of Sanford and the late , Mrs.
Smith, of Parkhill, was married to
Orville Wilbur "Willis Mollard,
youngest son of Mrs, Mollard, of
Parkhill, and .the late Ernest 'Mol
lard. The bride chose a street-
lengtm dress of romance blue sheer
With white accessories. The mat
ron of honor, Mrs. Borden Elliott,
of Thedford, sister of the
Wore teal blue crepe. The
■groom was attended by his
er, Ray Mollard, of Parkhill,
■the ceremony a wedding.
was sevred at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Mollard, of Arkona,
brother of the bridegroom, the oc
casion being their wedding anni
versary and also the Bridegroom's
mother’s birthday, Later the. couple
left On a motor trip to Niagara
Halls and points east. They will re
side on the bridegroom’s farm on
the Mollard Line near Grand Bend.
Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S, Meet
The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of
the Evangelical Church held their
regular meeting in the church base
ment. The temperance committee
had charge of the devotional exer
cises. Mrs. Wes. Wolfe took the
chair, and the meeting was opened
With a hymn and prayer led by Mrs.
Miles. The Scripture lesson
Was read by Mrs. Cora Gaiser, after
Which our pastor, Rev, C. Becker,
gave an address on Ohristian Qiti-
senship. Prayer for our mission
aries having birthdays this month
was offered by Mrs. G» Wildfring.
The* president then presided fdr the
business. In the absence of the
Secretary and treasurer, Mr's? JL
M« Tieman Was appointed Seftre- / “Aren’t you afraid your creditors
tary and Mrs, H, Kellerman, the
W.M.'S. treasurer, acted tor the
treasurer, There were 92 sick Vis
its made and four bouquets were
might see you at this expensive
“It’s the safest place.
cah’t afford to come here.”
FRIDAY, JULY asth, 1941
at l.OQ o’clock in the afternoon. ,
the following:
REAL ESTATE—Part of the*
south half of Lpt 15, Cphcessiqn 1,.
Township of Usborne, containing ft
acres more or less. On the proper
ty ism three-storey brick house with
modern conveniences and a frame1-
bayn. The property is well land
CHATTELS — Chesterfield and'
chair, odd chesterfield, 6 small
tables, beautiful antique walnut side
board, modern, walnut dining-room
suite, ig pieces; dinner wagon, an
tique walnut bed and dresser, beds^
and dressers, iron bees, springs and
mattresses, wicker sun room furni
ture, walnut whatnot, rocking
chdirs and gents’ chairs, drop-leaf
table., table radio, cedar .chest, oc
casional chair, four wire-back chairs,
10 kitchen chairs, enamel top kit
chen table, coat rack, "Goblin” el
ectric cleaner, electric sewing mach--
ine and sewing cabinet, combination ‘
coal and electric stove, General El
ectric refrigerator, electric wash- ‘
ing machine, 3 floor lamps, carpet,
sweeper, rugs,’ carpets, linoleum^
and corigoleums, rustic lawn chairs’
arid setees, quantity pt fruit and'
sealers, coal, wood, 'work /bench,,
garden hose, garden fools, ladders,
wheel barrow, lawn mower, floor
mops, garbage can and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
19136 Oldsmobile Sedan if not pre
viously sold.
TERMS OF SALE—Real Estate: ‘
If not previously sold will be put.
up .subject to a reserve bid. 10 peiF
cent of the purchase money on day
of sale and the balance in 3’0* days,.
'Chattels: Cash.
For further particulars apply to-
670 Talbot Street,
Executors.-FRANK TAYLOR, AuctioxAr?
Exeter, •
Solicitor for Executors,
Exeter, Ont.-
Re: BETHIAH (comiri'orily known*,
as Bessie) HARTNOLL, late of
the Village of Exeter, in the?
County of Huron, Spinster de-
ceased,- *
ing claims against the estate of, the
said deceased are required on or*
before July 28th, 1941, to file with
the undersigned Solicitor for the?
executors, full particulars of their*
claims duly verified, after which
date, the assets will be distributed,
having regard only to the claims of
which notice has been received,
DATED this 7th day of July, 1941.
•by J. W. MORLEY,
their solicitor. Exeter, Ont..
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant;
to Sectiori 51 of the Trustee Act,
1937, Chapter 168, that all.
having claims against the
the Township of BiddUlph,.
late of
in the County of Middlesex, Farmer,
deceased, who died on or about* the*
Third day of June, 1941, are re
quired to forward full' particulars.
Of such claims duly Verified, to the*
undersigned Executors or Solicitor;,
for the Executors, oh or before the*’
11th day of August, 1941, after-
which date
Estate Will
the assets thereof having regard
only to the
shall then have been deceived.
DATED at London, Ontario, this-
day Of July, 1941.
R.R. 3, AilSa-Oraig, Ont.,
R.R. 3, Granton, Ont.,
Executors of the Estate-
Eldon w. mitchell, Esq.,
79 Dundas St., Londoii, Ont,
Solicitor for the Executors;
the Executors of this
proceed to distribute
claims of which notice-
9 th
How Does Your Label Read?
1 ft