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Not Easy to Enlist in
Royal Canadian Air Force
Second Articles in Series W’i'itten
For the Canadian Weekly News
papers Association, of 'Which the
Times-Advocate fs a Member,' by
Hugh C, Templin, Editor of the
Fergus News-Recprd
> w *
It is not easy to join the Royal
Canadian Air Force.
That is not because men are-not
wanted; they are, and the deed will
become greater. It is not because
ope Pas to go far to find a Recruit
ing Centre; they are scattered all
every province
them. Ontario
Bay, Windsor,
Toronto and
over Canada, and
has at least one of
has six—at North
London, Hamilton,
Ottawa, ft is hard because the
R,C,_A.F, is particular about those
it allows into its ranks. There 1S
a high tradition to be maintained,
Fox* the air crews, at least, educa
tional requirements are high,
pilot, for instance, must have
for. matriculation, or better.
Alert, physically fit young
are needed, of course. The
limit* for pilots is 30 years; for air
observers and wireless operators
two years older. According to the
official literature, “applicant^5 are
'required to be of good character,
. possessing intelligence and person
ality, and to be 'observant, self-re
liant and keen on flying,” And
this means just what it says.
At the Recruiting Centre
In order to find out just how a
young man would join the R,C.A,F.,
‘■“I started at the beginning of the
’procedure. I went to the Recruit
ing Centre, at 297' Bay Street, To
ronto, choosing it because it is the
largest and the busiest in Ontario.
The staff numbers 45.
The Recruiting Centre is in an
old office building. That was ob
vious, - not only because of the lay
out but because the names of brok-
. 'erage firms and the like are still to
be found on some of the doors.' In
the hallway, a man scrutinized me
carefully, He said nothing, but his
look was (penetrating. I wondered
if. I was suspected of spying or
something of the kind, but my
guide', s Flying Officer Nicol, steered
me safely past,
tliat the man in
pert in character (study.
tified myself with a few drinks, or
been otherwise unsuited to become
a member of this great brother
hood, he would have found an ex
cuse for steering me out the door.
Every applicant must have proof
of age and education, at least two
letters of recommendation
character, one of them from a re
cent or present employer, a
riage certificate, 'if applicable, birth
certificates of children, if any, and
military service. I might have sup
plied them all, but had none with
me. Most .applicants go like that
and are sent to the Parliament
Buildings or wherever it is neces
sary to go to get the certificates.
There is no charge for these, if
applicant uses the forms given
•at the Recruiting 'Centre.
. Pilots are Most Populajc
Nearly every applicant, who
the qualifications, wants to be a
pilot., .That’.s easy enough to under-
. stand, for there’s a certain glamor
about the job.. What boy hasn’t
dreamed of flying his plane through
•the skies? .Who hasn’t heard what
Canadian pilots did during the last
. war? And how many really know
•much about all the other jobs the
Air’Force offers?
Many don’t. realize that condi
tions have changed greatly in the
air since the last war. Then the
pilot usually flew and fought alone;
now Co-operation is essential. Many
planes carry crews oof three or four
or more. They require air observ
ers, wireless operators and air gun-
. nerS.
For every plane flying in the air,
' a large .crew is needed on the
ground. The R.C.A.F'. lists: some
65 trades in its ranks. Experienc
ed men‘are much preferred, but in
experienced men of the right kind
will be trained. ’ y
Many applicants ,try to bluff their
way. into the positions they desire.
There’s iiothing new about that, of
course, but it’s almost impossible
in the R.C.’A'.F, All applicants for
Later, I learned
;he hall is an ex-
Had I for-
Worry Saps
The Nervous System
Worry over business or household
duties, sudden shock,; the' insane
quest fof pleasure, the foolish at
tempt to. put a week of normal life
into twenty-four hours, feverish ac
tivity, the demand for sensational
literature die all conducive io the
aggravation of wear afid. tear on the
nervous system.
If yon aie tired, listless, nervous,
and worried why not giye Milburn’s
Stealth and Nerve Dills a chance to
4 help put yon on your feet again.
They are a body building, nerVe
strengthening tonic containing■" tho
essential elements for the nervous
JTh® T. Milburn Od., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
trades must pass the “trade tests”
even before the medical examin-
atlopg. Two corporals start the
questioning, if we man passes
them, he goes to the Warrant Offi
To save time, I slipped past the
two corporals and went directly to
Warrant Officer w. h. Day, fam
iliarly known as Sgt. Major Day,
In years past, I knew more than
one Sergeant Major,
the most
But Sgt,
other of
For one
seemed to have an uncanny kndw-
ledge of the intricacies of all the
trades in the Air Force.
I looked down the long list and
pretended I wanted to be a motor
mechanic. (I really wanted to be
a pilot, but I was a bit too old.)
I couldn’t imagine myself being a
diesel oiler or ,a pigeon loftman or
a mausseur or an interpreter, but
everybody knows how to drive a
car, so I would be a motor mech
“Suppose you were out driving
with your girl on the way to Niag
ara Falls and you were on a back
road somewhere” (What that man
knows!) ‘,‘and your car stopped,-
What would you do first?” asked
the Sergeant Major.
I said that I would look in the
gas tank, but it appeared I had plen
ty of gas. After- covering several
possibilities, it seemed I had trouble
with the timing of the ignition,
and I was soon beyond my depth.
The Warrant Officer
about it than I did.
be a pilot after 'all.
That is typical of
emit goes through at first.
I asked if some were not too
nervous to answer'. After all, a
man joining the Air Force was tak
ing an important and decisive step.
Sgt. Major Day agreed, but he said
that he soon put most recruits at
ease and I believed him. If a few
were still nervous, he sent them
in to talk to the girls on the staff
for a while, . I don’t know whether
to believe that or not. Anyway,
I skipped that part of it.
The attestation paper which the-
recruit must fill out contains the
expected questions, such as name
age, place of birth, aird so on.
There is'’’space enough to list the
names; of eight children, which
should be ample. There are also
some less obVioiis * questions: Have
you ever been convicted of an in
dictable .offence? Are you in debt?
(If so, state particulars—and there
is plenty of space for the particu
lars). Sports and bobbies? Jn ad
dition, there is a question about
flying experience in hours, solo,
dual or passengqr. It is said that
some of the applicants, particularly
from the United States, have plen
ty of hours to their credit, but that
doesn’t always guarantee that they
will be good pilots in the fighting
. Definite' and detailed instructions
are given to each applicant when
filling in the forms, yet 9P per cent
are said to make one stupid mis
take: they don’t write iii the name
of their home town. They don’t
forget their street address, but most
of them applying at that centre are
from Toronto and don’t think it
necessary to say so.
The Medical ^Examinations
The medical examination is 'thor
ough, particular ’ attention being
paid to the eyes and hearing, as
might ’ be expected. After passing
the usual eye tests, reading letters
on the chart at a distance of 20
feet, in a darkened tunnel, and so
on, .the doctor held up his finger
two feet in front of my eyes and
told me to’watch it, as 'he slowly
pushed it nearer 'my face. Grad
ually I grew more and more cross
eyed, which was quite ‘proper. He
asked me to try it with him. .His
eyes followed my finger to a- cer
tain point, then one suddenly snap
ped back. I was surprised, but it’s
fairly common. Those candidates
haven’t perfect fnuscular co-ordin
ation, it seems, and can’t judge dis-
tancee accurately. They are the
ones who might crash into another
plane while landing.
Finally there was the color blind
ness test. I looked .at colored cir
cles In a b'ook, one to a page. Each
one looked as> though it was a •
mosaic pattern and in each'I could
trace with little difficulty usually,
though not so easily sometimes, a
pair of figures—57 or 29 „ or a pat
tern. A mail who Was color blind
Would see ail- entirely different
number, one which didn’t show 11$
until pointed out by Flying Officer
Kinsey,, who was' giving mo the
tests. The system was devised by
a Japanese professor who had made
a study of colorblindness. For
those who are seriously color blind,
there is a light test with rod and
green lights. It is said that five
t>er cent of the recruits are color
blind and so useless as members
of an air- crew. (
Last stage in tho Recruiting pro
cess was carried on in abasement
room where a full set of my finger
it was never
popular rank in the Army.
Majoi' Day was unlike any
the rank that I had met,
thing, he had a sense of
Equally important, he
knew far more
So I decided to
what every re-
prints was taken. The fingers were
stuck on a -sheet of glass coated
with printer’s ink or something of
the kind, then pressed
in the proper places
then the four fiugei’s
band together and the
right hand. My guide
immensely, but there seemed to be
a certain grimness to it as well.
The members of the R,c,A-F. carry
copies of these and Pther Indentifica'’
tions with them Wherever they go.
After farewells to Flight Lieut.
Lumsden, o.c„ at the Recruiting
Centre,, and Flight Lieut, Muckell,
I headed for the Manning Depot,
the ,next stage ip the Ute of the
recruit In the k.c.a.f.
Next Week—The Manning
one by one
on h card,
pf the left
four of the
enjoyed this
The thirteenth annual reunion
the England family was held
Grand Bend op. Wednesday, July
9th, with an attendance above the
average, The weather was delight
ful, the water warm, reunion good
will filled the air apd a most en
joyable flay was'spent. The ?ump-
. tuous dinner, (provided by the ladies,
. was enjoyed at poon by all, the pre
sident, Mrs. Ward Zavitz, being mis
tress of ceremonies. Dinner over,
a literary program- was presented,
during Which short addresses were
given by several members of the
family. A .nominating committee
consisting of T. A. Woods, of Wat
ford, Mrs^ L. Deimage, of Camlachie
and A.. E. Johnston, of Auburn, was
appointed. In the afternoon a fine
program of sports was run off. In
the children’s races the following
were winners: 3 years and under,
Bobbie Deimage, Louise Munroe;
3 to 6 years, Patsy McCormick, Don
ald. Moffatt, Louise Woods; boys.
6 to 8, Franklin Campbell, Keith
Moffatt, Lawrence Campbell; kick
ing the slipper, Mrs. Russell Woods,
men’s race, Calvin Dolbear, Horace
Deimage, Graham Woods; women’s
race, Mrs, John Munroe, Mrs. Nor-
val Woods; ' girls, 6 to 18, Mary
Janes, Marian Woods, Helen An-
Bathing for the young ipeople” and
visiting among the older ones help
ed to pass a pleasant afternoon and
all too soon' it was time for the
evening meal. The1 report of the
nominating committee was received
and adopted unanimously. The of-,
ficers for the coming year are as
follows: _ Honorary president, W. H.
Johnston, Exeter;:
Mark Zavitz, Watford; presi-
Dr. W. V.
past president,
Johnston, Luck-
lst vice-president, Elmer Mof-
Watford; 2nd vice-president,
Hair, Watford; secretary-trea-
H..Cecil Johnston, Lucknow;
Mesdames. Wm.
luncheon comm.,
.Woods, of Watford’; Elmer. .Johns
ton, Lucknow; .John Cavanaugh,
Strathroy; sports >comm., Horace
Deimage, Camlachie,- Elmer Woods,
Watford, Morley Johnston, Auburn;
courtesy comm., Mrs. (Dr.) W.’ H.
Woods, Mount Brydges.
Members were present from Alvin-
ston, Arkona, Auburn, Belgrave,
Camlachie, Exeter, Iroquois Falls,
Lucknow, Sarnia and Strathroy.
Grand Bend, was chosen as the place
of meeting, forr next year and' t-fc'e
.second Wednesday in July as the
. date. The singing of the National
Arithem brought this happy day to
a close and the members seemed re
luctant to leave their pleasant As
sociations until this time next year.
Numerous letters of r,egret were re
ceived from .those living at a dis
tance, expressing regret that they
’were unable -to attend. . -
to find
or my
for the
St. -Clair Shores, Mich.,
July 10', 1941
Exeter Times-Advocate,
Exeter, Ontario.
Dear Sirs:
I wonder if yo.ur paper could help
me out in any way by printing this
in your paper and help me
any relatives of my father
father’s mother and father,
two weeks ago I found out
first time that my father was born
in Exeter and that there was a fam
ily of About fourteen brothers and
sisters, some of them known to have
passed away.
I do not happen to know what
my father’s mother’s or father’s first
names were. My father’s name was
William M'utart and, here is a list
of brothers and sisters: Oline, Maryi
Jane, George, Angelina, William
John, Cory James, Deby Jean,. Eliza-
-beth E., Charles, Claretta, Laura,
Mutart and Samuel. If there are
any relatives by these names or any
of their children, or any relatives
of the parents bi these children
please get in touch with me.
Thank you,
William Mutant,
21728 Fresard St,
« St. Clair shores, Mich.
■ P.S.: .My, father and mother were
both dead when I, was two and a
half years old and I did not know
who any of my relatives *were or
where they wore until, by accident,
I met an old friend of my parents,
so you see i am in the dark as to/
any relatives,
A person who Is all wrapped up In
himself usually makes a mighty
small package.
The fbllowihM wwt oi the Dxe*
ter races Wednesday of last
is copied from the London
Press, written by “Hal B.”
* < » *
If it hadn’t been for the dust and
the unpleasantness created from', it,
the harness race meeting at Exeter
On July 9th could be considered
among the best of the season* as the
contests were all keen, and in many
instances the finishes "were extreme
ly close, with different heat win
ners popping up when least expect
ed, all of which made the Racing all
the more tense and interesting, both
fpr the speculators aqfl spectators
alike, The lai’ge number of horses
made it compulsory to split the 2,29
event and race it off in two divi
sions, there being nine starters in'
one and eight in the other.
The half-mile free^fpr-ali pace,
sprung perhaps the biggest9 sur
prise of the afternoon when the
hot favorite, Leah Guy, only man
aged to win one heat, that heihg the
first, which she paced in 1.04%
to win. In the second heat, her
driver, Finnerty, was derricked
for beating the barrier, along with
•Simpson, driving Petrolia Grattan,
and Powell and McDonald substitut
ed, respectively. Leah Guy didn't
get away from the barrier any too
well in this heat, with the result j
that she was given a long, hard
drive, and although' she gained
ground and paced fast in spots,
she failed to win from Oliver Grat
tan, one of the pacers racing
around here who always gets a
piece, of the money for his owner
driver, T-«Yearly, Crediton. The
final heat of this race saw Leah
Guy again a little back when the
barrier raised, and Oliver Grattan
was in front at the quarter, and from
there to the wire she was‘‘ never
headed', standing a bombardment
of rawhide through, the lane to stand
off the challenge of Leah Guy, the
time this heat being 1.03, the-fast
est of the race.
Qutfoots Pacers
Winn Aubrey, a trotter in with
a flock of pacers, owned by O. Kil
ler, Stratford, made it a straigh.t-
heat affair iu the 2.26 event, the
big gelding being right sharp and^
full of trot. In the opening stanza/
Winn Aubrey led from the barrier
to the wire, and Helen Direct placed
second to head Peggy Patch-in 2.14.
Wiustou Grattan set the pace in
the second heat, and when they
spread out at the head of the lane
for .the final drive, Winn Aubrey
got up in time to win from Win
ston, with Be^y. Patch, in close at
tendance, this, being one of the
best finishes of the entire after
noon, the time of the mile, 2.11.
It was all Winn Aubrey as he went
out in front and set the pace, fol
lowed by Helen Direct for a con
siderable distance, but in the final
stages Blondie D., got up to land
the place, with Winston Grattan
third, the latter coming from
hind the second time around
flash some of his speed, but ap
parently the Ibng. grind took
toll, and he cbuld not reach the
winner in 2.13.
LeetMcKillop won the^.2.28 trot
after the London-owned mare,
Axene Volo, knocked off the first
b.eqt in . 2.22,
trotter second,
gaited steeds
battle through
made a break
chances and Jim Axworthy trotted
up to land the show money. Axene
Volo went right off in front on the
second trip and' was leading into
the backstretch, followed by
.McKillop and Jill Volo, but by
time they reached the half,
was in front of Axene Volo,
latter making a slight mistake
which caused her to drop back,
and Jim Axworthy came along to
cop the second share of the money
from Axene Volo in 2.23%. The
London-owned maje again went'
out on top in the final stanza, fol- :
lowed by Jim Axworthy, and it
wasn’t until the thffee-quarters was
reached that Linberg moved with
the McKillop trotter, and from
there to the wire he kept right on
trottiiig, heading Jim Axworthy at
the finish line, and L6e Stai’ Note,
a son of the famous sire, Lee Tide,,
was third, in
of the race.
Ray Peters,
,D. Campbell,
straight heat winner in the second
division of the 2.29 classified pace.
He was the best? in the first two
heats, winning from Peter Lee in
the first in 2.17%, and Dillon Hen
ley in the second in 2,18%. The
. final heat of this race caused a little
confusion and apparently some dis
satisfaction bn the paTt Of “the
Knight of the, Chalk”. Ray Peters
set the pace, followed closely by
Peter Loe, who were so far in froht
of the others that no matter what
they did they couldn’t interfere
with the others in the race. Coming
into the stretch, Fetor Lee took the
race track ^way from Hay Deter,
who had made a slight break on the
turn, but once- Campbell got him
settled, h^ paced up. to Deter Leo,
who made a break, and Hay Deter
boat him to the wire. Tho fault
found with placing the horses as | Hounion”, donated by Mrs, W. Hod-
thoy finished arose out of tho fact I gert. The following slate of of*
.with the Mckillop
the two diagonal
the lane until Lee
which cost him his
quite a»
2.21, the fastest heat
owned and driven by
Ailsa - Craig, was a
that Peter Lee was running, hut to
the informed, a hoppled pacer nev
er gains ground by making a break,
and as he didn’t interfere with any
horse, nor better his position, it
didn’t appear to the judges that he
should be penalised, so, conseduont-
Jy, he was placed second, where
finished with nothing near him,
Texas McKinney, owned by
Cudmore, Seaforth, and driven
AIL Moore, Sarnia, upset all the
previous dope in the first division
of the 2.29 race. Gladys,. Oakie
showed in the lead first, and was
still in front at the half in 1.13%,
and it was not until the three-,
quarters that - Texas McKinney
showed signs of being a contender,
but from there to the pay station
he was the best, winning from
Emily Grattan by a short margin,
the latter racing a splendid heat
to be beaten a few feet from the
wire. In the second heat, Emily
Grattan, owned in London, was on
top from start to finish, with Peter
Grattan trailing her for some of
the distance, but when it came to
counting noses at the pay station it
was Emily Grattan by a nod over
Bobbie Burns in 2.15. Texas Mc
Kinney’ made every: post 'a winning
one the final time out and won from
Bobbie Burns and Peter Grattan in
that order.
2.29 Race, $100
Texas McKinney (Moore)
.Emily Grattan (Grattan)
Bobbie Burns (McWilliams)
Peter. Grattan (Feathers)
Walter McKillop (Mullin)
Gladys Pakie (Morrissey)
Miss Lauderdale (Simpson) ...7
Peter Grattan (Miss Harris)...6
Ima Dear (Simpson) ..............'
Time: 2.18%, 2.15, 2.17.
Free-for-All, Half Mile, $200
Oliver Grattan (Yearly)
Leah Guy (Finnerty) ...
Bud Grattan (Gray) ...
Baron Rothschild (Morrissey) 5
Petrolia Grattan . (Simpson) ...4
Time: 1.04%, 1.04%, 1.03.
2.28 Trot, $150
Lee McKillop ((Linberg)
Axene Volo (McDonald)
Jim Axworthy (Gerberg)
Lee Star Note (Toor) ...
R. B. Bennett (Litt) .......
Jill Volo (Moore) .........
Ruby Volo (Lawson) ........
Rosie O’Grady
Time: 2.22,
l(Doan) ..
2.23, 2.21!
Winn Aubrey
wrasitxx xm. aa
Snell Bros. & Co G. F. Skinner
.6 '8
Pace, $200
1 1
3 5
2 2
4 3
5 4
6 -8
6 2
(Ppi’vis) ..........1
Blondie D. (Simpson) ........4
Winston Grattan (Morrissey) 6
Helen Direct (Buchan) ........2
Peggy Patch (Feathers) ........3
St. Patrick .(Lawson) ..........5
• Time: 2.14, 2.11/ 2.13. .
2.29 Pace, Second Division, $100
Ray Peters '(Campbell) ........1
Peter Lee (Morrissey) ........2
Dillon Henley (Moore) ........7
Elizabeth Lee (McDonald) ....3
Scott Baldwin (Scott) ..........4
Riot Grattan . (Steele) ..........5
Sonny Boy (Gray) ................6
G!rattan Henley i(Yearly) ........8
Time: 2.17%, 2.1i8%, 2.18.
1- 1
Gdests from London, Exeter,
forth, Bort Hope, New Toronto,
Detroit and Hensail, making a to
tal of 100 whre present at the Hod
gert family reunion in Queen’s park,
Stratford, on Wednesday afternoon
of last week. Mrs. John Bray, of
Kirkton, Mrs. William Martin, Kip
pen, Mrs. Wilber Dilling, Hensall,
and Mrs. John Hodgert, Kirkton,
made the arrangements for
preparation of both meals,
sports committee included:
Bray, New Toronto.
winners of the races: 5 years and ' under, girls, Wilma Coates, boys.
■ Keith Coates; 8 to 9 years, girls,
Bernice Dillijig, Edna Dow; boys,
Bert Dow; girls 10-11, Shirley Coat
es, Agnes Bray; 12 to 13 years,
girls, Marion Hodgert, Elsie Bray;
boys, Harold Dilling,.* Allen Bray;
young people, girls, Marjorie Rich
ards, Lorine Martin; boys, Reg.
Hodgert, Mac Hodgert; married
ladies, Mrs. James Hodgert, Mrs.
Wilber Dilling; men’s slipper-kick
ing; James Hodgert, John Hoggarth;
distance guessing, Neil Hodgert, Al
len Coward; ladies’ slipper-kicking, Lillian^ Hodgert, Alma Richards;
married men’s race, Elgin Luxton,
James Hodgert; ladies’ and men’s
clothes pin contest, Jariet Hodgert
and Mac Hodgert, Elsie Bray and
Donald Bray; men’s marshmallow
race,. John Hodgert, L, Hart; ladies’
and men’s jelly bean contest, Jes-
ie Hodgert and Mac Hodgert, Mrs.
Key Coward and Hay Clark; men’s
and ladies’ jelly bean contest, Miss
Shelby and Gordon Hodgert, Mar
ion Hodgert and Hoss Hodgert; la
dies’ and gents’ tie race, Harold
Dilling and Mrs. Anna Dilling, Hoy
Coward and rfessife Hodgert. . Do-
fore supper the young people en
joyed a ball game. Among the
many good things to oat was a large
cake, Iced in white, with blnk decora
tion, and the Ihscribiion, “Hodgert.
Port Hope, and Foster
These are the
® Every experienced motorist is conscious of the dangers
possible froth blowouts or other causes of sudden tire
collapse. That’p why thousands of motorists say . . .
“I wouldn’t drive a mile without LIFEGUARDS!”
Anyone who knows the facts would rather ride In g
LW that has Goodyear LifeGuards in the tires. For
LifeGuards take all the danger out of blowouts,
The LifeGuard is a 2-ply 'inner' reserve, -tire, inside a
heavy tube that replaces ffhe' .ordinary Itiheff tilbe in you®'
tire. Should a blowout occur there is ho sudden tire
collapse, the LifeGuard remains inflated long enough
for you- to bring your Car to ,a safe, smooth stop.
Every car, every rider, needs this valuable ever-present;
protection . . . LifeGuards fit any tire, make any tire
safer! Let us equip your tires with LifeGuards today.
You can’t get better protection to save you Jife!
ficers was presented -and unani
mously elected: Honorary president,
Mrs. John Bell; president, Jim Hod-
gert; secretary, Leslie Richard;
treasurer, John Hodgert; table com
mittee, Viola Coates, Marie Dow,
Pearl Duncan, Gladys Hoggarth;
sports committee, F. Bray and K.
Hodgert. A collection was taken
and $6.70' was sent to the Queen’s
Fund for Air Raid Victims.
are this
school at
Dr. M.
of Watford, has
business of the
Mr. Rumford
Rev. D. McTavish, wife and
week attending summer
Goderich, of which Mr.
is president.
R. Graham is spending a
month’s vacation during which time
Dr. Jose of London will have charge
of his practice.
Mr. A. Rumford,
purchased the shoe
late tGeo. Manson,
has installed some up-to-date mach
inery for repair work and is adding
a complete new stock.
Mrs. Gordon Wells and daugh
ter Caroline, of Windsor, are visit
ing with her parents.
Master Billy Chambers and Mas
ter Stanley Ward, spent last
with relatives near Crediton.
Dance at
Mr. Wm.
Grand Bend to
Buescher Boys
spending several
J. Carling has -been ap
pointed returning officer for the
coming election.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney have
returned after
flays visiting at Applegate, Carson
ville and other points in Michigan.
Exeter defeated Crediton on the
.local diamond, the score being IS1-?.
,Line-up: Crediton: B. Fahrner, H.
Schenk, K- Fahrner, F. Faist, S.
Wuerth, L. Fahrner, Motz, Schenk
and Maclsaac. Exeter: Tieman,,
Hinds, Beavers, Lawson, Anderson,
Dignan, Yule, Taylor and Ravelie.
from Mr. Duns-
of hot, dry wea-
have been tough
Mrs. J. W. Duncan and children,
of London, returned to their home
after visiting *the former’s sister,
Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Miss Verda
Rowcliffe went with them to spend
a holiday.
Mr. Nelson Stanlake of town has
disposed of his barn on the Lake
Road to Mr. Isaac Dunsford and the
brick on the same premises to Mr.
James ’Dearing. Mr. Dearing also
purchased 2 acres of land on which
the house stands
The three weeks
ther, without rain,
on all the crops.
Entrance Results: Exeter Centre
-—Thelma Connor, Eddie Davis,
Maurice .Harvey l(honors), Mildred
Harvey, 'Ossaf Harness, Wray Hed
den, Clyde Henman, Viola Jones,
(honors),. Verda Jtowcliffe, Cora
Sanders, Stella Sanders^ Blanche
Senior, Vera SweOt, Edward Tay
lor, Alice Vincent, hldward Yellow.
Winchelsea Centre—Grace Bar
nard, Theron Oreery, John Barnard,
Lorena ‘ Johns, Bruce Medd.
Two or three hundred dollars loss
was incurred in the hydro substation
here when lightning struck the wires
at the north of Lucan and ran into
the ISxeter high-voltage vdres. The
automatic animratus for such a
time failed and. the blaco caught
Geo. Wright» for
tile on his own
Request refused.
The Municipal Council of Usborne
Township met on July 11 with all
members .present. Minutes of meet
ings held -on June 14 and IT were
read and adopted. Correspondence
was received as follows: Dept, of
Highways, warning municipalities
that care must he exercised in'sub-r
scribing ip unemployment insur
ance unless Municipalities are as
sured that employees will he eligible
for benefits. Also warning that
any motor fuel used in road con
struction, no matter where, must pay
a tax of,(8 cents per gallon.
Request from
pay for cleaning
property, $40.40.
Committee on
Municipal Drain reported- fhe con
tract let to the Drury Construction
Company and the work of excava
tion completed. Acting upon re
lease orders from T. R. Patterson,
it was moved by Hodgert and Coo
per that Drury Construction Co. he
paid $667.98 and T. R. Patterson
$105.00 for survey, report and in
spection. Carried.
Date for opening and coiisidera-
. tion of report on the proposed work
on the Centralia Drain,,, initiated
in the Township- of Stephen' was
set for the 9 th day of August. The
Clerk was instructed to notify, par
ties affected accordingly.
The Clerk was also instructed to
i publish notice in the Exeter Times-
Advocate, requesting farmers to cut
the weeds on roadsides’adjacent to
their farms and to submit account
of their time to the Road Superin
Relief Officer reported relief fur
nished during June to unemploy-
ables amounting to $29,50. . Trea
surer reported receipts during June,
$'410>.52. Balance of cash July 1,
$7,736.80. On motion of . Fisher
.qnd Berry the following accounts
were paid: Road Superintendent’s
Voucher, $6,146.22; relief and ad
ministration,. $31.50; drainage,
Council adjourned to meet on
August 3, 1941.
A. W. -Morgan, Clerk
> LUCAN—Miss Marjorie Jeff er ey,
of Virginiatown, Ont., has been en
gaged by the Board of Education
to replace Miss I. Winters on the
high school staff.
JB stand Hgjl YOUR FEET 1