HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-10, Page 5w W®J?5S!?W!
' iComingl to Hensall I
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
* Ophthalmia Optician
will fee at W, OR QQODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those (that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended tp con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment /
»Rev. Wm. Well* is spending a week
at the Boys’ Camp at Kintail where
he is Instructor. The boys attend
ing from here are Billy Campbell,
Donald McKinnon and Ross Cor
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Hedden, Betty
and Marie, of Dundas, Mr. Herb
Hedden and Mr. Lloyd Hedden, of
Miss ' * ■
The Aimold Circle picnic was held
at Gih-nd Bend on Wednesday,
Mr, and MI'S, R. J, Moore and
family are holidaying at Kincardine.
Mrs. John Glenp. visited on Mon
day'with Miss Elizabeth Slavin, w
Mr, Alf Taylor is improving af
ter his recent illness.
Mrs. Philips t(nee Ida Cudmore)
and children, of Toronto are holiday
ing in town.
Miss Irene Russell of Chatham is
holidaying at the home of her par
ents,, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell.
Mr. Carey Joynt, of Windsor, vis
ited on Sunday at the hpme of his
father, Mr. T. C. Joynt.
Dr. Wm. T. Joynt, of London,
spent the week-end visiting his moth
er, Mi’s/Alice Joynt.
Mrs. I. G. Smillie is enjoying a
holiday with relatives and friends
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and
Ronald are enjoying a vacation at
Pike’s Bay and Tobermory .
Mrs. Thos. Lavender is confined
to her room suffering with ap, infec
tion in her foot.
’ Miss Dorothy Brazier, of London
is visiting with Dr. D. G. Steer, Mrs.
. Steer and Patsy.
Miss Beryl Pfaff returned home
on Sunday after spending a (Pleas
ant vacation with Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Moore at Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gramm and
family of Lansing, Mich., were re
cent visitors with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gramm.
The United Church' congrega
tion and Sunday School picnic was
held at Turnbull’s Grove on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, of
, Toronto, spent the weekTend with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Smillie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elder,/of Osh
awa and Mr. Lome Elder, of Gplt,
-4 were Week-end visitors with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Elder.
Mrs. Fred Corbett is spending a
few weeks at the home of her son-
in-law and" daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
♦ Harold Parker.
Miss Hazel Smillie, of Atwood, is
speeding her vacation at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. Catharine Devlin and Mr#.
Roy -MacLaren and Don Visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. “Win. Horton, of
Detroit visited this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Routcliffe and oth
er relatives here. t
i Misses June Saundercock and
Lenore Norminton are attending
summer school at Goderich this week
>as delegates.
Mfs. R. H. Middletoh underwent
an operation in St. Joseph’s Hos
pital, London, last week. Her many
friends hope for a speedy recovery
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ortwein, Mrs.
G. M. Drysdale and Jack are holi
daying at Turnbull’s Grove this
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and
family returned home after a plea
sant holiday with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, in
Rev. D.'C. Hill, of Caven Church,
Carmel Church . here on Sunday
soloist in the arithem.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and
family of Dublin visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Britton's mother,
Hannah Workman and sister,
Mabel Workman.
Dr. Jennie Smillie and Miss
Smillie, of Toronto^ visited, on
day at the homes of Mr, and
Jas. Smillie and Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. Richard Philips, of Detroit,
Will preside at the organ in the Un
ited Church on Sunday, July 13th.
Maiiy who heard Mr, Philips last
year will no doubt endeavour to at
tend tfre services oh Sunday.
Mi*, and Mrs. GuS Voth and daugh
ter Gwendolyn, of Detroit, returned
to their hoihe this W£ek after spend
ing their summer vacation with Mr#.
Voth’s mother, Mrs. Lott Simpson
and grandmothei’, Mrs. <Rdbt. B6n-
Mr. and Mfs. Stewart Smillie, of
St, Catharines; Mf. and Mf& Mdrfay
Smillie, of Toronto, were in >tdvih
evef the week-end visiting with
relatives. They came hofo to at
tend the smillie picnic at Bayfield
on Saturday. . s
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cf. Smillie, of
Toronto, spent the week-end here,
and attended the Smillie picnic at
Bayfield. Mrs. Smillie remaining
for a holiday With her son, Dr, L
C. Smillie, and sister, Miss 4oan
conducted the service in
Miss Irene Hoggarth was
St. Catharine# visited! over
week-end with their motber,
Catharine Hedden and sister,
Mona Hedden,
Mr. Wm. Daniels, who has
confined to St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London for the past three months,
receiving* treatment following an
operation on his leg, was able to re
turn to his nome here on Saturday
In the ambulance. Mr,, Daniels’
many friends are pleased to hear
he is improving,
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. BOnthron, Mrs.
Lou Simpgon, Mr. T. C, Joynt and
son Donald were in Barrie on Thurs
day attending the funeral of the late
James MacMartin, who died in his
67 th year, following a lengthy ill
ness. The deceased was well-known
in the village, having visited here on
many occasions. Surviving is his
wife, who was formerly Miss Edith
Bbnthron, daughter of Mrs. Robt.
Bonthron, one son, Charles, of Bar
rie, and two daughters, Mrs. J, Hick
ey, of -Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Hal.
Halroyde,-of Toronto,
Call to Arms
A call to armswas read at the
Town Hall here on Thursday morn-
'ing by Reeve R. E. Shaddick after
it was presented to him by Lieut.
Whitticker, of the Kent Regt., fol
lowed by a Short ceremony attended
by the members of the Municipal
Council and lo$a4^citizens.
Smillie Picnic
About fifty of the Smillie clan
gathered at Bayfield on .Saturday
afternoon and enjoyed their reun
ion, * The afternoon was pleasantly
spent in renewing relationships and
the sports were directed by Miss
Hazel Smillie and Mr. Delbert
Geiger. A delicious suppei*1 was serv
ed. Attending from a distance were
relatives from Toronto, St. Cathar
ines, Alvinston, Inwood, Oil Springs,
Detroit, Zurich, Varna and Hensall.
. W.M.S. Meets
The July meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held on
Thursday afterffoon, with the presi
dent-, Mrs. Cross, presiding. Miss
Jackson, of the Upper Canada Tract
Society, was present and gave an
outline of her work. The remainder
of the program was presented by the
members of the Mission Circle with
Miss Norma Cook presiding. After
singing the hymn “Rescue the Per
ishing”, Miss Elva McQueen read
•the Scripture and led in prayer.
Miss Mary Goodwin read a poem.
The topic, entitled “An Indian
Girl’s Life”, was very ably given
by Miss Irene Douglas. The meet
ing closed by singing “We Have
Heard a Joyful Sound”, and prayer.
A pretty June wedding was _sol-
emnized recently at the Thorndale
United Church when Hazel Marie,
only daughter of' Mr. and Mrs, A.
E.1 Hunt, of Hensall, became the
bride of Wilfred Carman Hiscocks,
only son of Mr. and b- L. His
cocks, of Woodstock. Rev. E. S.
Hiscocks, uncle" of 'the groom, of
ficiated. The bride, looking charm
ing in sandune crepe with white- ac
cessories, and wearing a corsage of
white carnations; * sweet peas
baby’s breath, was attended by
V- N%.. Harrison, of London,
chose navy triple sheer with
accessories and* white corsage.
J. B. Mallon, of Toronto, was the
groomsman. The young N couple en
joyed a trip to Northern'Ontario and
Council. Meeting
‘The regular meeting of the Vil
lage Council was held on Monday,
July 7th, at iS'p.m.-in the council
chamber with all members being
present. Minutes of the previous
meeting were read. Pef" McKinnon
and Horton that the minutes be ad
opted as read. Carried.
Treasurer Jas. A. Patterson pre
sented the half-yearly financial
Thos. • Kyle, ’ pjiblic utility em
ployee, asked the council for'1 an in
crease in. wages. Per McKinnon and
Parkins, that We pay Thos. Kyle
$7'0.00 per month as utility man and
prepare By-law *0 take care of same.
Carried. f
Correspondence was read from
Private D. J. Walker, A. C. Ken
Passmore, Alvin Bell, Pte. W. Nich
ol, Imperial Oil Ltd., County En
gineer, Dept, of Highways, ’ County
Treasurer, Dept, of Municipal Af
fairs, Judge J. M. Costello, Branch
Red Cross Society; the same Were
considered and filed.
Per Cameron and
we refund the Red
paid fer hall rent.
The following bills and accounts
Were read: Bed Cross Society, re
fund hall rent, $16.50; Doiithron &
Drysdale, supplies} $84,30; imperial
Oil, Ltd., balance account, $12.00;
County t of Huron, hospitalisation,
$22.75; H. T. Cudmore, gravel,
$10.4'0; G. M. Case, teams, streets,
$10,40; M. Ducharme, Idbor, streets,
$2.50; Chas. Wolffs, labor, streets,
$9.45; Thos. Huddiesou, labor,
Horten that
Cross $16.00
streets, $840; Roy Todd, $845; J.
A. Patterson, half-yearly
.$113.50; Thos. Kyle, $55.00;
Commission, hydro, $643;
Middleton, supplies, $4.95
art Bros., bunting, $3,69;
$365.52. Per Horton and Parkins,
that bills and accounts be paid, Car
The Clerk was instructed to noti
fy the imperial Oil, Ltd,, that on
account of not being able to secure
the proper gravel to cover the road
oil council would not be needing
road oil this year.
Per McKinnon and Cameron, that
we adjourn to m.eet at the pleasure
of the Reeve on August 11th, Car
ried. *
I I 9 ,
R. H,
J, A. Patterson, Clerk
Dance at Spruce Grove
On Highway No, 4, 3 miles
South of Exeter
Buddy and his Buddies
Adam Brock’s Columbians
Dancing b to ? Jitney Dancing
Mission Circle
TO.TOPAY, a'ULY 'im *11141
¥011R ' IIIIPBB w 'If' !■ Ih | JV-
It vs right"
arudl feel like < mIHibhl
lirer i» the LrgeV organ in yawr My
and mart important to your heaWu
frO® to e»t IM, WpplM
' Bowenergy, allows propw JFPMfe
Mood. When, yoig ant of order'
fM d«Qinppre« 'in yp«r inOwHfct Yo«b«*
coma consdpated, stomach can’t
work progprly, You fesd -Laididaciry*.
bactacliy," duxy, diVgfed -oat $ fW
For over 35 theusamls fray® Wfl prompt
■relief from the^e miseries—with Frui|-a4*nrey>
So can you TryFruit-a-tjves—you’ll be
pimply delight&d how quicHy you’ll feel like g
new person, happy npd well again. 25c, 50c,
Mis# Lauren# Hern js spending
three weeks' vacation at the home
of hens parents.
Miss Jean Brock spent Saturday
with her aunt, Mrs, T. Dickenson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern and
family, Mm and Mrs, Ross Hern
■and family, Mr, and Mrs, Harold
Hern and family and Mr. Charles
Hern attended the Taylor picnic at
Grand Bend, on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thompson,
of London, visited on Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern,
Everard Miller is ajl smiles these
days. It’s a bay,.
Zion Sunday ‘School picnic was
held in Stratford Park on Friday,
July 4th, There were 105 present.
Dinner was served at 1 o’clock, fol-
lowed by the sports, the results of
which were as folows; Children 5
and under, Phyllis Hern, Billy Hern;
children 6-9, Marilyn Hern, Doro
thy Pooley; boys 6 to 9, Wilbury
Knowles, T. Brock; children 9-12,
Christine Dobson, Harry Hern;
wheelbarrow race, Harry Hern and
Herbert Johns, Ray Jacques and
Tom, Birock; young ladies’ race, Ha-
z'el Hern, Laurene Hern; young
men’s race, Kenneth Hern, Morris
Hern; married women, Mrs, Nor-J
man Jacques, Mrs. Angus Earl;*
men under 40, Howard Kerslake,
Malcolm Spence; men over 40,' R.
E, Pooley, Ernest Knowles; 3-leg
ged race, Hazel Hern and Art Hern,
Gladys Earl and Kenneth Hern;
necktie .race, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Pooley, Mrs. Warren Brock and Nor
man Brock; potato race, Morris
Hern’s team; stunt race, Ross Hern’s
team; clothespin race, Ethel Poo
ley and Arthur Hern, Kenneth
Hern and Ii$ne Brock; women’s
kicking the slipper, Hazel Hern,
Irene Brock; men’s kicking the slip
per, Malcolm Spence, Norman
The monthly meeting of the Zion
W.M.S. will be held at the home of
Mrs., Malcolm Spence on Thursday,
July 10th. A ten-cent tea will be
Mr.\and Mrs. Warren Brock visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and
T. Dickenson.
Mr, Bill Switzer of the B.C.A.F-
Manning Pool, Toronto .spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Switzer,
Miss Marian Tufts, nurse-in-
trainiug at Stratford General Hos
pital, is home for a week’s holiday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cluff of To
ronto, spent the past week with Mr.
and Mrs. Wib. Cluff.
Mr, and Mrs, Jones and daugh
ter Marjorie of Hamilton, spent
part of this week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Cluff.
Mrs, Alice Clark, of London,
ited with her brother-in-law,
Walter Hazelwood, this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Eric Humphreys
and daughter Jean spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs, J. E, Anderson,,
of Hamilton, %
Mr, W. J, Morphy, of Tadmore,
Sask., is visiting with his twin*
sister, Mrs. Wm, Scott, and while
here celebrated their birthday on
July 2nd.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Marshall and
daughters were
Mr. and Mrs.
Little Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. R, Ross returned home
from Victoria Hospital, on Friday,
where she has been for the past 4
weeks, nursing a broken arm.
Mr, Albert Shier, Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Shier attended the funeral
of their cousin, the late Albert
Smith, of Millbank, on Monday.
Sunday guests with
Lome Marshall, of
Ross, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Russell
son Glenn, of Detroit,
enjoyable holiday with
; mer’s parents, Mr. .and Mrs. F. W*
Clark, and returned to Detroit on
Mrs. Ernest Guettinger spent
last week in windspr and Detroit.
Friday, June .27, wound up an
other year for the pupils and teach
ers of the Crediton Public SchooL
The classes and pupils of rooms 1
i and .2 presented their teachers, Miss
Jean Mountain and Miss Ella Mor-
lock, who have resigned, with gifts.
We extend best wishes to the staff
and all students, and sincerely
hope they may have an enjoyable
, Mr3 and Mrs. Russell Clark and
spn Glenn, and Mr. and Mrs. F, W,
Clark spent a few days at Algon-
1 quin Park last- week.
Privates Kerr and Swance, of
Gull Lake, members of the Medical
Corps, and Lance Corporal Gerald
England, spent the week-end at the
latter’s home.
Mrs, A. Collins and daughter,
spent .Sunday with Mrs. Lloyd Eng
Mr, nad Mrs. Blake Fawcett and
Frances Marie were visitors with
Mrs. Lloyd England, on Monday,
Next Lord’s Day public worship
will be conducted at all three ap
pointments constituting the Credi
ton Circuit, Shipka at 1'0.30, Brins
ley at 2.30 p.m. and Crediton at
7.30 p.m; The minister, Rev. L. H,
Turner, B.A., will preach.
Union services with the Evan
gelical Church will begin Sunday,
July 20th, with the Rev. A. E.
Pletch conducting. Please scan your
Times-Advocate for schedule of
services covering the last two weeks
in July and the first two in August.
Mrs. O, W. Connell, of Spencer
ville and Miss Joan Mills, of To
ronto are summer guests at the
United Church parsonage.
r^It is not, without regret that the
minister n6tes the pending depar-'
ture of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wat
son and son Douglas from the Brins
ley Congregation fpr the duration of
the war. They have been towers
of strength in all departments of
■the church’s life and the prayers
and best wishes of minister and
people are accorded them.
In case of need the Rev. Pletch
will be more than happy to re
spond to the claims of both cpn-
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of New
York City, son-in-law and daugh
ter, of Mr. and Mrs. King, are vis
iting their ancestr’al home. A hearty
welcome is accorded them and it
is the hope of the minister that they
are enjoying thejr holiday to the
Do not forget that the doors of
the church are wide open during
the summer season as at other times.
“Take time to be holy,
Kenneth Dillow and Lewis Faist
of Oshawa spent the week-eh’d at
their homes here.
Mr. Fred Beaver, of New York,
and Mr. William Beaver, of London-
are spending their vacation with
relatives in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Holtzman vis
ited with Mr. Daniel Schwanz, who
is a patient at Alexandra Hospital
at Goderich. We are gjad to report
that Mr, Schwanz is somewhat im
proved after the fall he had two
weeks ago, when he sustained a
broken back.
Mr. Melvin Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
William Knechtel and . daughter
Lillian, of Kitchener, visited with
Mrs. S. Brown on Sunday.
Bob Blackwell and Martin Mor-
lock of Brantford spent 1
end here.
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin
Flipt, spent a few days
and Mrs. Godfrey Wein.
Speak oft with thy Lord.”
Crops Rather Light
Haying in this district is pretty
well completed. The crop was very
light and apparently was injured by
frosts. Wheat is rather light, with
some rust showing. Wheat-butting
Will start the end of this week. Mix
ed grain looks pretty well, especial
ly barley and oats have headed out
well. The weather has been very
dry for beans.
Week of
Who died
on July 3rd,
second eldest daughter of the late
Godfrey Mangnus and Mrs. Mangnus
of Crediton. Surviving ate her hus
band and one son, also onb sister,
Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, of Shipka, three
brothers, Louis, of Racine, Wis.,
veteran jof the Spanish-American
War, Fred, of Detroit, and Harty,
of prince George B’.C., both Veter
ans of the last War,
Clark and
epent an
the tor*,
Group NO, 2, of the Women’s
Association under the leadership
of Mrs, H, Lightfoot are holding an
ice cream social pn the Centralia
Church lawn on Thursday evening,;
July ,17 th, followed fry a good pro
gram of local and outside talent,
Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Kleinstiver
of Chicago, visited with Mr. Wm.
Willert and his mother on Saturday
of last week.
Mr, Fred Baynham, of London,
spent the yyeek-etid at his home here.
Mr. Walter Mitchell, of the
R.C.N., spent the week-end with his
parents,. Mr, and Mrs. B. Mitchell,
Mr, and Mrs. John Willis and
Elmer, of JExeter, were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. R, Davey.
Mrs. Geo, Baynham accompanied
Mr. Chas. Lochner and Mr. and
Mrs. E, Carrothers, of London, on'
a motor trip to Callander last week,
Mrs. Clara Abbott and Mrs. H-
Mills visited with friends in Lucan
on Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray and fam-'
ily atended the Anderson family re
union held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Taylor in IJsborne on
Scotty Baynham, of the R.C.A.F.,
has returned to Winnipeg, after
spending the past two weeks at his
home here.
The Centralia Sunday School will
hold their annual picnic at Grand
Bend on Friday afternoon of this
Mr, and Mrs. F. McCann and
Ronald, of Simcoe, visited with Mr.
and Mrs, F. Bowden on Sunday.
The Mission Circle girls of
United Church held * their regular
meeting at the . home of Mrs.'Ro
land Neil. The meeting opened with
the use of hymn 13 6 and the Lord’s
Prayer was repeated in unison. The
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
Alvin Lewis. Seventeen members
answered the roll call., There were
also several visitors present. Hymn
143 was sung and the minutes of
the last meeting were read and
adopted. The topic was read by
Verna Robinson followed by a read
ing by Jessie Lewis. Vocal duet by
Myrtle and Gladys Neil and a read
ing by Mrs. Kenneth Sholdice pre
ceded a report on the proceeds of
the ice cream sold at the straw
berry social and the bazaar, also a
report orf the-mite boxes, which were
handed in at the previous meeting.
They amounted to $-6.75. Hymn
85 was sung and,the Mizpah benedic
tion was repeated. Jessie Lewis was
in .charge of the contest which was
won by Marian Morley. Lunch was
then served by> the hostess.
The community of West School,
^S.S. No. 8', presented them teacher,
"Mr. George Ross, with a lovely
plub bag on Friday night. Mr. Ross
has been teacher for the past year
and was compelled to resign on ac-
. count of military, training. The
evening was spent in dancing.
A number from here spent Sun
day at IpperwasA Beach.
Mrs. Arthur Hodgson, who for the
past;three weeks has been confined
to her b’ed, is up and around again.
Cutting wheat is the order- of
the day in this vicinity.
Miss Marian Morley spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ro
land Neil.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Gilbert and
family visited relatives- in this com
munity on Sunday. ' -
Mr. Harvey Morley is. visiting
his home here after spending some
time in Sarnia.
in the
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Byron of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home-of
his father, Mr. W. J: Brown.
Miss Veronica Burnett, of Lon
don, spent the week-end with Mrs.
S. McIntosh and "friends.
The Red Cross Society held a
.successful quilting last Thursday
on the lawn of the United
and quilted three quilts.
Miss Mary Bruenner has
ed her position as teacher
school west of Greenway and has
been engaged as teacher in a school
near Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and
family, of Toronto, are spending
the holidays at their summer home
here. , •
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs,. Lloyd Brophey and family.
Mr.. and Mrs. Don McGregor en
tertained the families in the school
section south of Greenway last
Thursday evening to a social even
ing and presentation in
Miss Patterson, who has
her position as teacher
Miss Ruby Pollock of
is spending the holidays
mother, Mrs. A.
er friends here.
A large crowd
friends attended
union on. July 1st at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullock.
Mr, and Mrs, Peter Wasylyk, Mr.
dim Wasylyk and Miss Betty Ack
ers, or Toronto, are spending this
'w^ek with Mr. Dawson Woodburn
honor of
of that
and Mrs. Howard Morley and
Roy Neil, of Detroit, were
week-end visitors with relatives.
Mrs. Hannah Millson, of Weston,
is spending a few weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Millson.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Squire and
Harry visited on Sunday with Mr.
•and Mrb. Orville Cann, of Thames
■Mr. and Mrs^Wm, Morley were
at Niagara Falls bi. Sunday.
Mrsi Swdllow is visiting for a
time with Mrs. Frank Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of Detroit,
and Mrs. Cameron were recent visi
tors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie.
Grafton Squire of Kitchener, spent
■the week-end at his home.
Aircraftsman" David Hodgson of
St. Thomas was a week-end visi
tor at his home/
Several from ■ here attended the
induction services Of Rev. Merriam
at Centralia, oh Friday evening.
ReV.- Merriam had charge pf the
service in the afternoon on Sunday.
Mrs. Wynne, of Woodham, was a
recent visitor of Mrs. B. Duffield.
Miss Jean Morley had her ton
sils and adenoids removed at Dr.
Kipp’s office in Granton on Friday.
Her condition is very favorable.
and Mrs. Gordon Davis and
On Sunday next services will be
in the United Church at the us
ual hour. Rev. L, H. Turner will
be in charge. Preaching at 10.30,
Sunday School following,
Mrs. D. Barr and two children
of Sarnia, who have spent the past
week visiting, at .the hoine of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Sweitzer returned home
on Sunday last.
Miss Ruth Kenney is holidaying
with her sister in Zurich,
Mrs. Perry, of Exeter, *and Mrs.
R. Schroeder, of Clandeboye, spent
part of last week at the home of
Mr. L. Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair and
family, of Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Shepherd, of Brinsley, and Miss
Mildred Lamport, of London, were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Lamport.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Guest and
Joyce, of Toronto, visited for a few
.days with relatives here.
Miss Erma Finkbeiner, of Sar
nia, visited over the week-end with
, Mr. John Humble, of Sarnia, spent
a few days with friends.
Mrs. Geo. Shepherd, of Parkhill,
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepherd,
London, visited with' relatives
Monday. *
son Wilfred spent Sunday with
and Mrs. Fred Davis.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Dobbs were Mr. George Essery.)
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Turner and
daughter Marian and Private Wm.
Turner, all of Londbn.
, Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Dobbs, of
Simcoe, spent Sunday with the for
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Min
or Dobbs. Eveleen Dobbs return
ed with them for a few weeks’ va
Miss Alma Skinner, of Centralia,
engaged with Mrs. Fred Dobbs.is
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Merner
children spent Sunday at
ing in
with Mr. and Mrs.
of relatives
the Bullock
"week with Mr. Dawson “Woodh
and other friends and camping
Grand Bend.
/ Miss Ruby Hicks and friend, df
Hamilton, sjient last week with
her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bicks.
Jack Pollock, of Kerwo.od, spent
a few days last week with his cou
sin,’ Morley Pollock.
How Does Your Label Read?
Eldon Mernerj who is
London, spent the week-end
with his wife and family here.
Mr.® and Mrs. Steve Glanvllle,
Hespeler, spent the week-end
their home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley,
London, and the former’s sister, Mrs.
Martin, of, Detroit, Visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs/ Wm. Motz.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lewis and
Mrs. Leonard Wein and son spent
Sunday at Grand Bend with
and Mrs. Alec Hamilton,
Mrs. Wilson Anderson and
Charles attended the Anderson
union at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Taylor, near Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe and
family, nf London, spent the ‘week
end at their home here.
Mrs. Catharine Mots is Visiting
her daUghter-In-Iaw, Mrs. R. Motz,
In Exeter.
Miss Boris Sims spent last week
at Thedford with her cousins, Vera
and Clara Sirn^C
cago spent, a few days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Klein
Mr. Roy Neeb and* sister, Mrs.
Mosher, of Pigeon, Mich., spent the
past week with their mother, Mrs.
Mary Neeb.
Mrs. S. Adams, of London, spent
a few days with her sister, Mr, and
Mrs. E. G. Kraft, last wfeek.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna and fam-
Percy Kleinstiver, of Chi-
1I ily, of Birmingham, Mich., are spend
ing their vacation with her* mother,
Mrs. Willert.
Mr. and Mrs. ^W. Schultz and
daughter Ona, of "Detroit, spent a
few days with relatives here.
Miss Grace Guenther, of Kitch-
I ener, spent the week-end with her
brother, Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Guen
Mr. William Maier,
House of Refuge spent a
with relatives herp.
Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac,
been visiting in Detroit
home on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford
of Clinton
few days
who has
and family, of Detroit, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and family of
Windsor, spent the week-end with
their mother, Mrs. L. Mclsaac,
Fred Hopcroft, H.H.C.S,, ocean
seaman, who is stationed at Hali
fax, is home on leave for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher and
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz were
Sunday visitors with Miss'Ella Mar
tinson, at Elmira.
Fire destroyed the garage of Mr.
Jack Wein, about half a mile north
of Dashwood on Saturday'morning.
The fire is believed to have been
caused by Sparks flying from un
derneath a kettle Where beans were
being boiled. Dashwood fire en
gine was called and kept „the fire
away from the other ^buildings,
Master Charles Tieman spent a
few holidays with friends in Clin
ton this week. »
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tieman en
tertained a number of their friends
at the Commercial Hefei recently in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mar
ner, who wqre recently married. The
evening Was sfrent in playing pro
gressive euchre, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Marner were called for
ward and were presented with a
lovely trilight floor lamp. Mr,
Merrier, on behalf of his wife and
himself thanked the friends very
heartily, after which a dainty lunch
was served.
the Week-
Wein, of
with Mr.
of Crediton Died.’in B.C.
was received here last
the ‘ death of Mrs. Alex.
(nee Lydia Mangnus),
in New Westminster, B.C.,
The deceased was the
• , I . ■
Hibbert Council
The Hibbert Township Council
met in the Township Hall, Staffa,
on Saturday, duly 5th, ait members
present and the Reeve presiding,
A resolution was passed declaring
Monday, August 4th Civic Holiday.
By-law hro. 8<, appointing an assis
tant drainage engineer, was read
a third time and finally passed.
The following accounts were paid:
Mrs. Quance, stamps, $3,00; Direct
Relief, $13.21,
Thos. D. Wren, Clerk
Grand Bend
A Huge Success!
Cash prizes for answering easy
questions. Young and Old
Enjoyed It!
Adults 50c Children 20c
3 Honrs Dancing Free, as well as ■'
Free Admission to Dance Before
0 pan. Tuesday, Thursday and
and lus Cascade Music
Nickel Dancing
« « •
35 Musicians
Featuring “Bing Kelly”, the yodel-
ing. Drum Major and “Shorty Neeh”
the Boy Soprano
Mr. and Mrs. George Cowie spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Love.
Mrs. Stanley Kayes and Geral
dine, who spent last week with her
father, Mr. Mansel Hodgins, have
returned to her home in Toronto.
Misses Helen Love and Orva Bes-
tard, are spending the summer at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hayter and
babe of Detroit spent the Week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey.
Mrs. S. McByran, of Thedford,
spent a couple of days with Mr.
and Mrs, Robt. Murray.
Mrs. A. Ridley is spending a few
weeks with Mrs. W. England at
Grand Bend.
Frozen Food Locker
$5.00 $7.50 $10.00
per year
* * *
pint bricks each
* * *
Herring, Cod Fillets, Salmon
Fillet^ Hatfe
, * < ■<: ■ ■ ■
Phone 70 Estetqj
■ x ■