HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-07-03, Page 5THE EXETEB THURSDAY,- KW JMk 1H1 HENSALL / Mrs, Johns Knee Mary Dittle) of London,. was $, recent visitor with relatives ■ here, ” Mrs. Kemp, of Detroit visited last, week with her mother, Mrs. Marjorie Sparks. Miss Mae McNaughton, of TO’ route, is. spending her vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and daughter, Gladys, are holidaying at Pike’s Bay, Mr. Borne Elder, of Galt, spent a few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Elder, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Lavery, of Port Dalhousie spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Ada Gramm, of Detroit, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Gramm. Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family spent the holiday at Ridge­ town and Rondeau Park, * Mr, and Mrs. James Patterson were in Detroit last week attend­ ing a wedding there, • Miss Edith Parkins, of St. Cathar­ ines, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs. Stan T^dor and Mrs. Sar- aras left this week fqr Hamilton, where they will spend a few days. Messrs, Carey Joynt and Jack Simmons, of Windsor, spent the week-end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Vr Laughton, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Chas, McDon- ell. Mr, Harold Willard, of St. Cath­ arines, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Wil­ lard, Mr. Douglas Sangster, of Wind­ sor, visited over the holiday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Minnie ■Sarigster. Mrs. D. Bailey, of Huntsville, is a guest at the manse with her son- > in-law, and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir. Miss Helen McNaughton, of To­ ronto', spent a few days at,the hoihe of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton, \ Mrs. Woods, of Santa' Barbara, Cal., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. J, Dinsdale, and sister, Mrs. Alda Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, spent the holiday’ with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.- Mr, and Mrs. J. • Brinkholt, of Kitchener, spent the holiday with the latter’s parents,,. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. "'Miss Ruth Maclllyenna, assistant teacher at the Continuation School here, left last week for her home at North Bay. M4i.-s.R0y MacLaren of St. Cath­ arines, spent the week-epd and holi-, day at his home here with Mrs. Mac­ Laren and son Donald. Mr. and Mrs. George Saunder- icock, of Windsor, spent a.few days this Week visiting With Mrs. An­ nie Saundercock. Miss Goldie Cross, student at Al­ ma College, St. Thomas, is spending ’ her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross.. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth of Detroit spent the week-end and, holiday at Pike’s Bay. • Donna Rigby, of Blenheim, is spending a couple of Weeks’ vaca­ tion with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Miss Dorothy Brazier returned to her home in London after spend­ ing the past two weeks at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer. Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto, is spending a vacation with her mother, Mrs. A. Scruton, and sis­ ter, Mrs. Peter McNaughton. ■ Mr, and Mrs. Garnet MousseUu of St. Catharines spent the Week­ end at the home of the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. Hiscocks, who were recently married at Thorndale, are spehding the. summer months with •..the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hunt. Mr. .and Mrs. Whitney Carter and Donnie and Catharine, of Clinton,., Visited over'the week-end with Mrs. Carter’s mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden. Mr, Kenneth Hicks has moved the contents of his 5c to $1.00 store into the building beside the Bank of Montreal recently vacated by Mrs. Ernie Doerr. Dr, Wm. T. Joynt, dentist, Who has been on the staff of the Ontario Hospital, Orillia, has been transfer­ red 'to London add commenced his duties this week. Jack and Jimmy Stapleton left oh Tuesday for Brandon,. Man., to attend the Brandon Fair, Their mother, Mrs. Eva Stapleton, won a prize Of a, trip to that fair. Miss Hamilton, of Bluevale, has been engaged as Reacher at &.S. No. 1, Tnckefsmith. Mass Jean McQueen, who has taught there for five years has resigned her duties. Miss Myrtle Peart Jias returned home having spent a few days at the home of Mrs. John Cairns, Bruce- field, whose father, the late Robert Murdoch passed, away recently, Miss Edith Parkins, .Mr1. and Mrs.’’ Chine Flynn, of Bond on and Mr, Murray Parkins/ of Zurich, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins, Recent visitors at the home of Miss Emma Johnston, were Mr, Jas. Wingham* Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Jolin- ston of Manitowoc, Wis,, accompan* ied by their daughter, Miss Mon­ ica Johnston and friend, Miss Mary Jones, » The United Church congregation and Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday, July 9th with the following committees in charge: transportation oomrn,,. Mr. G. M. Drysdale and Dr. Sinillle; sports comm., Messrs, George Hess and Ken Hicks; lunch comm., Mrs, Oli­ ver Routcliffe, Mrs, Jas. McAllister, Mrs. Annie Saundercock, Mrs. Har- pole and Mrs, Kennedy. ' Mr, and Mrs. Geo. C, Petty cele­ brated their sixty-fourth • wedding anniversary 'at their hoihe. here on Sunday, June 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Petty were married at Kippen by Rev. Mr. Tyiei\< They had a family pf seven, one son, Hanson, who was killed in action in the'Great War; and six daughters, Mrs, Lome Scott; of Toronto; Mrs- Abbott, of Detroit; Mrs. A. Kennedy, of Winnipeg and ‘Marys, of the in the recent- Comp., 0.; Geog., F.; Can. Hist* F.hAgr., C.; Math., C.; Art, C.; Fr., 0?; Bus. Frac., F. Marion MacLaren—Eng, Lit.* II: Eng, Comp., I; Geog,, III; Cam Hist., C,; Agm, I; Math., C.; H;; Fr„ C.; Bus. Prac., 0, • Ronald Steph'bn—Eng. Lit, F.; Eng, Comp., HI; Geog., c.; Cam Hist*. C,; Agr„ F.; Math,, C,; Art, C.; Fr„ F,; Bus. Frac., F. * r, j, Moore, Principal Miss Ruth Mcjllvenna, Asst. Report of S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith In the following report the pu­ pils are listed in the grades for the fall term: Grade .8—Billie Clark, Jack Clark, Harold Dilling. Grade 5—Leonard ‘ Clark, Marjorie Dalrymple, Norma Green, Patsy Mitchell, Bobby Traquair, Grade 4—-Bernice Dilling, Lorne Ford, Billie Green, Hannah Pep- per. Grade 3—Roy Ford, Keith Vol­ land. Grade 2‘—Bobby Bell. Jean B, McQueen, Teacher Dresentatkm at Hurondale • School Thursday evening last the par­ ents and ratepayers of. No, 1, Us- bornb, met in the school to say fare­ well to Mr. Andrew Smart, with Mr, Sam Rennie’s very able assis­ tance* Mr, Joe of ceremonies, did program, proud of its meats, satyr its oldei’ sons and dau-glv ters, go down one by one -in fashioned spelling match, left the laurels with Mrs, Moir. At the ' conclusion 'program the following address was read; Dear M1'- Smart: Most school section gatherings are occasions of complete Joy and happiness, Tonight we folks of this Section are finding our pleasure ad­ ulterated by a great deal of sorrow and sense of loss. It is with this in mind that we meet to bye to you. During your stay of a years with us we have been struck with your ' sincerity and. faithful work. You havp -given excellent service and shown a high degree of fairness and impartiality which in the final analysis is good sportsmanship. Your influence will, we know, be reflected in our children, and your traits-of character have been such as raise the moral plane pf any group of youngsters. In fact, we -can say no more than that we are sorry you are leaving?, Jn your future work, wherever it may lead you, we wish you every success and hope the years will leave time enough for you and yours to come our way again. That you might have something to remember us ^by we beg you to accept .these brushes and pens in the hope their using may bring to mind your 'friends at No. 1 Usborne. Signed on behalf of parents and ratepayers. —Elgin Routcliffe Report of Hensall Continuation - School v I after a subject means over 75 per cent; II, between 66 and 74 per cent; III, between 60 and 65 per cent; cent; and 1 Fergusop, as toaster presented a splen- Hurondale, always scholastic achieve- an old- which Melvin of the couple of i Mrs. D- G, Smith, of St, GertruJe and M^ljicent died effects of nursing overseas Great War. Word was received here ly of the death of Mrs. Thomas F, Eyre, formerly Miss Ida Maude" Mc- Taggart, daughter of Mr. ’and Mrs. Nelson McTaggart, who died at her home in Sweet Home, Oregon. The deceased was marribd at Chiselhurst to Thos. Eyre and moved to De­ troit. Later they moved to Hunt­ ington Park, Cal./and then to Fern Ridge, and finally took up-xesidence in Oregon. Surviving are her hus­ band, one son and one daughter. IFamily Reunion x A very pleasant day was spent at the homp of Mr. and Mrs. J., W. Ortwein on Thursday, July 1st, when their annual family reunion was held, Those attending from a ^dis­ tance were Mr. and’ Mrs. A. B. .Ort­ wein, Detroit;, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brinkholt, Kitchener; Mr. M. W, Ortwein, Miss Margaret Billings’ and Miss Vera MacVicar, of London Mr. and Mrs. W. Schaeffer, “"Kitch­ ener; Mr. and Mrs. Jas,. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and family, Hensall. A daughter, Mrs. Robert Lohr, of, Boswell, Pa., was unable to . attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ortwein are prominent residents the village, Mr. Ortwein being his ninety-first year,? Presentation to Teacher • _A very enjoyable time was spent at S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, last week, when the pupils presented their teacher, Miss Jean McQueen, who has resigned after teaching for five years there,, with a combina­ tion silver and .glass plate, lowing ifs the address: Dear Miss McQueen: of in Fol- We, the pupils of S.S.- No. 1, Tuckersmith, are assembled here at this moment to do honor to our beloved teacher who has taught and guided us so faithfully for the past five years. We will always be grateful for your patience, and kindness to us and hope wherever yoiir lot is cast you will find peace and happiness as the years go by. We will now ask you to accept this little gift as a small token of our appreciation for your services. Signed on bOhalf of your pupils. Miss McQueen, in a few well- chosen words, thanked the pupils for the beautiful gift. Presentation at S.S. 10, Hay A pleasant afternoon was spent in S.S. No. 10 Hay on Wednesday, June 25th. The final Junior Red Cross meeting was held with the mothers of the pupils as guests. Miss May Taylor, vice-president, presided. The meeting opened with the singing of “O Canada” "and the Junior Red Cross Sohg. A short address of welcome was followed by the roll call, th'fe reading of the min* utes and the presentation of Various reports on Jhe year’s Work. A pro­ gram consisting of musical numbers, recitations and. stories followed. Billy Coleman read the essay for which 'he recently received first prize. Then the tericher, . Miss Grieve, was seated in a prettily’de­ corated chair and the following ad­ dress whs read: Dear Miss Grieve: We, the pupils of S.S. No. 10, Hay, learned with regret that you had tion that pass tion decided to sever yoiii Connec* With this school. we could not let without Showing of your valuable You have been a and painstaking toucher and) the re­ sults of your work and the influence of your Christian character .will continue in our lives for years to come. We hope that wherever your lot may bo cast in the future, you may have the full measure of success and happiness. As a small token of our apprecia-. tion wo ask you to accept this gift (a travelling case) and hope that it may servo to remind you of our happy and profftable time spent to­ gether? Signed on behalf, of the pupils of B.S, No. lor Hay. After a few words of thanks from the teacher, the mooting concluded with a 'patriotic pageant, We felt this occasion our apprOcia- services. very capable I Dance at Spruce1 Grove On Highway No. -1, 3 miles South of Exeter EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Buddy and his Buddies EVjERY TUESDAY NIGHT Adam BmchJ’s Columbians Dancing O to '? Jitney Dancing c, between 50 and 59 per “R“ represents, recommended ‘F” represents failure. Grade XI to XII R.;Robert Cameron—Eng. Lit., Eng. Comp., R.; Anc. and Mod. Hist., C.; Alg., C.f'Chem., C.; Lat., C.; Fr., F. Gwen Cooper — Eng. Lit., II; Eng. k. Comp?, Ill;‘Anc-. and Mod. Hist., II; Alg., C.; Art, I; Fr., ' C.: Com., II. Allan Crerar—Eng. Lit., C.; Eng. Comp., Ill; Anc. and Mod. Hist., , F.; Alg., F.; Chem., C.; Lat., F.; . Com., C. Mary Goodwin—Eng^ Lit., C.; Eng,. • Comp., II; Anc. and Mod. Hist., C.; Alg., C.; Art, II; FY., C.k Com., C. Norman Jolly—Eng. Lit./ I; - Eng. Comp., I; Anc. and Mod. Hist., Ill; Alg., Ill; Chem., Ill; Lat., , C.; Fr., II. Donald Joynt—Eng. Lit., II; Eng. Comp., II; Anc. and Mod. Hist., Ill; Alg., 'F.; Chem., C.; Lat., C.; Fr., C. Margaret Kercher —r Eng. Lit., I; Eng. Comp., Ill; Anc. and Mod. Hist.,” Ill; Alg., Ill; Chem., C.; Fr. C.; Com., II. Jeanne Pybus—Eng. Lit., II; Eng. Comp., II; Anc. and Mod. Hist., I; Alg., Ill; Chem., C.; Lat., C.; Fr., III. Florence Swaim—Eng’Z Lit., 0.; Eng; Comp., II; Anc. and Mddf; Hist., Ill; Alg., II; Chem., F/. Fr., Ill; Com., III. Blanche Thomson—Eng. Lit., C.; Eng. Comp., CfS* Anc. and Mod. Hist., C.; Alg., C.; Chem., C.; Phy., C.; Fr., F.; Com., C. Dorothy Chandler—Eng. Lit., II; Eng, Comp., I; Anc. and Mod. Hist., II; Alg., I; Chem., C.'; Lat., I; Fr., II. Grade X / John Beer—Eng. Lit., Ill; Eng. Comp., I; Geogi, C.; Can. Hist., c. ; Agric., Ill; Math., Lat., C.; Fr., C. • Gordon Campbell—-Eng. Lit., Ilf: Eng. Comp., C.; Geog., C.; Can. Hist., R.; Agr., 0.; Math,, F.J Lat., C.; .Fr., III. Ross Kennedy—Eng. Lit., 6.; Eng.. Comp;, 0.; Geog.; C.; Can. Hist., C»; Agr., C.; Math,, C.; Lat., Ill; Fr., III. Harold Koehler—Eng. Lit,, Eng; Comp., II; Geog., Ill; Hist, II;,Agr., II: Math., I; I; Fr., I. Lois MacLaren—Eng. Lit., Ill; Comp., Ill; Geog., C.; C.,‘ Agr.-, C.; Math,, C. Fr., CL June Saundercock-—Eng, Lit., dan. Hist., d>; Agr., R.; Art, Fr., R.: Lat., R.; Math.,, C, Donald. Bell—Eng. Lit, 0.; Ehg. Comp., iil^Geog., a; Gan, Hist. d. { Agr., II; Math., d.; Art, 11; Fr., It; bus, Prac., d. «James diark—Eng. Lit,, R.* king. Comp., R.; Geog., Ill; Gan. Hist, d.; Agr., HI; Math., 0,; Art, lit; Fr., F.: Bus. Frac., d. Audrey Dick—Eng. Lit, lit; Ettg. domp., Il; Geog., ill; daft. Hist, HI; Agr., Ill; Math,, I; Art, II; Fr., it; Bus., Frac., IL Blanche. Greene—Eeg. Lit., G,« Eng. in: Can. Lat., Eng. Can. Hist., R.;Lat., O.J c.; DASHWOOD’ Mr. and Mrs. ■ Campbell, of De­ troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. Ziler a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, Mrs, Ness and^her father, Mr. ’Dyke, spent last Friday with friends in Tavis­ tock. Mr. Dyke will stay there for ■the summer. Miss Brubaker, of Kitchener, spent a few days with Mrs. E. Tie­ man, Miss Onieda •.Restemeyer, R.N.. of London, spent a few days with ■her parents, Lorne Kleinstiver, Bowmanville,, spent the holidays with his parents. Mrs. Leonard Bender has moved to Toronto where she will join her' husband, who has secured a posi­ tion there. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Water­ loo, and Norman, of Kitchener, Were business visitors here on Mon­ day, " * Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile are visiting relatives in Detroit Lansing, Mich. '” Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, of don, is spending a few days her mother, Mrs,. Hamacher. Misses Amelia Willert and CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy spent the week-end with relatives in God­ erich and Clinton. SgjU Hany Lewis, of Niagara Falls' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred , Penwarden last week. Mr. Chas.’-(Scotty) Baynham, of the R.C.A.F. spent the week-end with friends in -Chatham. 1 Mrs. J, Mugan, Philip and Mary Catharine, of London, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. C,. J, O’Brien. Mr. Mugan spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer and Jewel, of St. Thomas, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mdlitor and Mr, and#Mrs? Geo. Molitor and fam­ ily, of Thedford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil and family, of Detroit, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, E. Bea- I ver, 1 Mrs, M. Kershaw left op Saturday on a trip to the West, where she will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs, E. Carrothers, of London, visited on July 1st with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. Miss Laura Knight, "of London, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr,, and Mrs, E« Knight. Rev, and Mrs. Merriam and fam­ ily moved this week into the parson­ age. Rev. Mr. Merriam will have charge of the services in the church here on Sunday. Seryices^at 10,30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, 1 Mrs. Brokenshire and Mrs. Bas­ kerville returned home 09 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. McRoberts, of Lucan visited with Mrs. Clara Ab­ bott on July 1st. Sgt. Harry Lewis and Mrs. F. Penwarden visited with relatives in Stratford on Friday of last week. Rev, Mr. Woods, of Exeter, and Rev. Mr. Turner, of Crediton, will be in charge of the induction ser­ vice to be held in the ichurch here on Friday evening of .this week, July 4th, for Rev. Mr. Merriam. A number from here attended the decoration services in the ter Cemetery on Sunday last. “Voice of Prophecy” His Horn in Exeter” Sunday, July 13, 7.45 LEAVITTS THEATRE L. E. Houser and Lon- with Betty Taylor, of London, spent a few days with their parents; \ CUT COAESE FOE THE PIPE OLD CHUM L CUT FINE FOE CtGAEETTES BRINSLEY f Mrs. Slack attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Sceli, at Lieury on Wednesday, June 18th. For •many years Mrs. Sceli lived at Brinsley. After the death “of her husband she made" her home with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Erskine, •at Lieury. Mrs. Sceli was in her 91st year. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis and family, of St. Catharines, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Lewis, and sister, Mrs. Earl Morley. v During the absence of Rev. L. H. Turner In Toronto the Rev. James Anthony of Exeter had charge of the service in the United Church on Sunday. Miss Vera Wasnidge'is attending a missionary conference in Belle­ ville this week. , Dr. J. Elmer and Mrs. Amos,, of Brantford, and’ Mrs. Wm Wylie and children of Schumaker spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. Jos. H. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, J of Biddulph, "were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. Greenlee. Miss Elva Lamport, of Creditor visited her sister, Mrs. Grant Amos, last week. Gordon Allisop is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Cyril Morley arid Mrs. Wm. Sholdice visited tMrs. Geo. Picker* ipg, Of'1 Crediton. McGillivray W.I. The June meeting qf the McGill­ ivray W.I. was held in the hall with the president, Mrs. Malcolm Alli­ son, in charge. Mrs. Reg, Wilson gave a report of the jam-making project held In Londqii? The insti­ tute decided to make jam. Mrs. Parry Thompson gave a paper en Horticulture. Mrs. Newton Was- nidge was in charge of the contest. Imtych was served and a social half- hour was spent, " I CREDITON Exe- FLYOCIDE * * ♦ Kills Flies Instantly. Will not Taint Food or Stain Delicate Fabrics 8 oz. 25c refill, 20c 16 oz. 45c refill, 40c / Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 f Exeter I SOFTBALL * * * ' Exeter Wins Over Crediton The Exeter softball team played a league game at Crediton Monday night and were the winners by a score of 20 to 5. Crediton Bcored two runs in the first and one each in the fourth, 6th and 7th. Exeter scored in all innings bpt the last. They had a runaway in the 5th and scored 8 runs. The line-up: Credi­ ton—M. Hirtzel, G. Smith, Ed. Schenk, Bob Wolfe, H. Hirtzel, Glen Wuertvh, E. Smith, S. Wuerth, and Zimmer. Bowden relieved S. Wuerth at 1st in the 4th. Exe­ ter—B. Dinney,. M. Moore, Creech, J. Creech, Art Cann, E. Carscadden, K. Hockey, McDonald, Britain Sanders, * * * Sharon and Exeter ELIMVILLE Miss Lois Ford, of Hibbert Boundary spent a feW/days with her aunt, Mrs. FranklW Skinner, this, week. y/ Mrs. M. Routly, 91 Woodham/ vis­ ited for a few .days with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Routly. Master Gordon Ford is holidaying at his sister’s, Mrs. Newman Baker near Wellburn. Master David Bradshaw, of Sea­ forth, is holidaying this week at Mr. John Herdman’s. Quite a number from here enjoyed the cooling breezes off Lake Hur- ‘ on on July 1st. ' F. Jack England, of the R.C/A.F. Manning' Pool, Toronto, and' L.Cpl. Gerald England, spent the week­ end at home. Pte. Lloyd England has returned •j to Chatham, having spent a 14-day furlough at home. The local committee of Stephen Township for the Victory Loan have been awarded a penant for having exceeded their objective. Martin Morlock, of Brantford, spent the week-end at his home here. . Mr. and Mrs. Herb, of Charlotte­ town, P.E.I., visited at the Evan­ gelical parsonage with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch, while on their vaca­ tion, Harold Pletch, of Kitchener, and Myrtle Pletch, R.N-., of Hamilton, , were guests at home with Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch. The Evangelical Sunday School will hold their picnic at Grand Bend on Wedpesday, July 9thy Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths, of Toronto and Miss Annie Handford, of Exeter,, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. * We are glad to report that Mr. Fred Gaiser is improving after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodgers, of New York City are visiting with Mr.and Mrs. Albert King, THAMES ROAD Mr. Fletchei’ Staples, of Toronto, will sing at the Thames Road church next Sunday. KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Preeter, and daughter, Aldene, of Strat­ ford, spent Dominion Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs". J. Hutchinson and Miss Ruth, of London, spent last Sunday with Relatives. Miss Monica Dietrich, of Kitch­ ener, visited last week with her sis­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. P. Regier. Mr. Art Willert had one kof his horses killed by lightning during the electric storm on Monday ev­ ening. Miss Evelyn McCann, of Rodney, is spending her .summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. Miss Ruth Willert spent the week­ end in London. . Mr. and Mrs. Milford Ayotte spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich. Miss Leila Mossey, who has taught at S.S, No, 6, Khiva School, fbr the past five .years, Jias resignod he? position. On Tuesday evening, June 23rd, the pupils and theiv par­ ents gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratz in her honor and presented her with a beautiful ward­ robe ease. It was his first day on the golf course, and after several shots ho asked the caddies how he was doing. “You’re hitting them rather well,” answered the -patient caddie, “but hot in the direction of the hole.” “Hole?” asked the novice. “What holo?” % Tie softballers went to a league prevent- the fourth, bgt in the for Exeter retired the 7th Sharon The local Sharon Friday evening for game and when darkness ed further play anothei* tie game had been chalked up. Exeter scor­ ed in the first innings and had three men on bases when the side was re­ tired. They scored again in the second arid twice in the third. , Sha­ ron scored twice in the third innings and added two more in When Sharon went to 6th the score was 12-4 and when the side was score was tied. In the went into the lead by scoring three runs and in the 8th and last innings Exeter tied the score, 15-all. The line-up was as follows: Exeter—R. Dinney, p.; M. Moore, 2b.; Si Creech, c.; Joe Creech, c.f.; A. Cann, s.s.; Carfrey Cann, r.f.; E. Cars- cadden, lb.; K. Hockey, 3b.; R. Snell, l.f. Sharon—Gerald Wein', c.; Ray Morlock, lb,; Harold Holtz­ mann, s.s.; Holtzmann, 3b.; Irvin, c.f.; i don,,p.; Bill Kestle, r.f.; Steel, D. Kestle, l.f.; Howard 3b.; Irvin, c.f.; Gor- 2b. SHIPKA ( I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gale tended the Griffith Reunion Springbank on July 1st. Miss Dorothy Harleton, nurse-in­ training in St. Thomas Hospital, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harleton. Miss Nola Sweitzer, nUrse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the holidays at her home. Mrs. Thos. Coates and daughter Elaine and the former’s sister, Mrs. Stanley Williams and son Bobby, of Rochester, N.Y., are holidaying at Grand Bend. Simple at- of that $2 I’ve“Pop, I’ve raised needed so long.” “Good work, son. his salt should try as sible to make himself independent of his father and Stand on his own feet. How did you do it?” “Borrowed it from mom.” A boy worth early as pos- Rev. 6. H. Johnson Negro Evangelist will conduct services in “THE CHURCH OF GOD” Oft the B Line Grand Bend Sunday School Anniversary Op Sunday, June 29th, the Sun­ day School anniversary services of this church were held. The atten­ dance was good at both services al­ though the heat was intense, Owing to illness Rev. White was not able to be present to conduct the services, as had previously been arranged. Rev. Brook, of Hensall, very ably conducted the morning service and preached a splendid sermon, Mr. Wm. Routly read a letter from Rev. White, expressing his regret and best wishes. The children’s choir sang three numbers. At the evening service Rev, Mair was present and assisted. Rev. ■ Hunt of Exeter gave a very inspiring address. The choir sang two anthems and a love­ ly solo by Mr. Fletcher Staples, of Toronto, added much to the enjoy- ’ ment of the service. Following is the letter from Mr. White: Victoria Hospital, * London. To my dear friends in the / congregation at Elimville Anniversary on Sunday, June 29: Greetings from one who would love to be with you and who is in­ deed. with you in spirit. My heart rejoiced at the prospect of1 being again able to see and hear and . talk with you and when I found it wise to change my plans for the summer and-begin by spending some time here the giving up of my -vis­ it to you was one of the disappoint­ ments that had to be borne. I trust you were able to. secure a-better preacher for the day, even if he isn’t so good-looking. ’ quired, but have been get any information, on so far. You will all be glad to I am well on the way back to strength and health. I expect to be able to leave this ‘haven of rest and restoration about the end of next week and I will be glad of another chance to worship with you some­ time later. In the meanwhile: These are days when the tides of life are surging swiftly. We feel the call of God to the deep things of the soul. How I would love to hear you sing to-day “Onward Christian Soldiers,” “Rejoice the Lord is King.” We know not what the morrow brings but we know our God is marching on—and we must go with Him—onion! Carry on! We need clear minds and straight thinking—clean bodies and sacrific­ ial working—resolute wills and stern devotion, brave, loving hearts and sympathetic patient compas­ sion and withal, an -unfaltering trust in God, who has brought us out and will surely bring us in if we but obey. Let us hear again the challenge. “Call upon me in the day of trouble and from our knees let us arise and no matter what the future holds, God will be there! I dm not sure of anything else, friends but I am sure of God. He will be there! And if he is there, He and I can “Carry On”. Heads up! Eyfes front! -If He’s willing we’ll pull through and if not then WH begin nnew' with Him forevermore. 'God bless you Yours I have in- unable to this point know that all. lovingly, l. c. white supper was served beginning aftd Nightly during the week of July 6th Services commence at 8 pan, — YOU ARE INVITED a aOn July 1st a In the church shed to a large crowd by the W.M.Sh of the church, Be­ ing unable to secure strawberries, ice cream was served as a substi­ tute? The play, “The Little Clod­ hopper”, was presented by Sylvan people and although the auditor­ ium was extremely Kot, the play­ ers were given the best of atten­ tion. AH the parts were splendidly taken and the play was full of hit- mor. Several musical numbers were given by the visiters, which were very enjoyable. Additional news will M found on another page;