HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-06-12, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE tath, 1911 V’s Beauty Shoppe For Permanents of Lasting Beauty, froquinole, (combination, Machinelcss VERA C, DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets New wheat 80 c. Creamery Butter, 35c Eggs, A Large, 19c Eggs, Medium, T7v Eggs, B, 15c Dressed liogs $12,00 w* War Time Cpxnmiftqq The recent Navy League Tug Day in Exeter, under the management of the Exeter District War Time Committee, yielded $65.64. The Boy Scouts did a very fine job in canvassing the town in the after­ noon and the shoppers during the Saturday evening and their work is fully appreciate^. The treasurer and secretary of the committee open­ ed the boxes and later remitted the money to the Navy League. In acknowledging the receipt of the money the League -officials express­ ed their sincere appreciation.t i Red Cross News Friday next will be Red packing day. The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt, ac­ knowledges receipt of the following monies; Caven Unit ...... $ Order of the Eastern Star... Crediton, Sundry .................. • Crediton Sunshine Class, Evangelical S.S......,.............. James St,, Mr. Goulding’s pupils’ recital ................ Exeter and District War Charities Fund The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt,..... __.... .. r......................... ac­ knowledges receipt of the following monies pvei’ the past few weeks; Donation ................................$ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. Geddes for Toronto Telegram Fund for British War Victims... 100.00 Exeter Lady Bowlers for same fund ........................ . Collection at Red Cross meet­ ing at Elimville ................ Navy League Tag Day ....... 5.00 CHOICE QUALITY MEATS ♦ « * full line of Smoked and Lard; and Shortening A Cured Meats, Butter, Jitney Bingo in. the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, JUNE 14th at 8.30 o’clock Drawing for dour prize at 11 p.m. AM Good Prizes. War Savings Stamps CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Dottg^s C. Hill, B.A., B.P< Minister Mrs, J, Q, Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.- THB EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE rather s Day, June 15th Marion Pooley Beauty Shop All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 -Public Worship. Sermon: 'The Adoption of Children.” 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Sermon: “The Price of Sacrifice” Friday, June 13, at 8 p.m.-—Meet­ ing of S.S. teachers and officers in church. Remember father on Father’s Day. We can supply you with many articles that he will be sure to appreciate. Owing to numerous requests, this MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval Woods M.A. Mrs. N. J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister 7 p.m.—The Minister. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Midweek meeting of prayer and Bible study MEN’S FINE SHIRTS In Forsythe or Tooke makes. New materials . in fused or separate collars. $1.95 to $2.25 a BILTMORE FELT HATS • In the pevvest shapes and colors $1.95 to $3.50 11 offer will remain for the month of June. Phone 38 Cross 1.00 26,01 8,00 2.15 .50 Main St LOCALS The office of the Times-Advo­ cate will close each Saturday after­ noon during the summer. The of­ fice will be open from eight to ten o’clock Saturday evenings. Mrs, K. Hockey is visiting in Lon­ don this week; Miss Grace Snell spent -the week­ end in Toronto. Mr. Jim Moffatt, of Forest, spent Sunday and Monday with his par­ ents. , 0. Reeve B. W. Tuckey is attending County Council at Goderich this week. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Floody, of ! Windsor, spent Sunday and Monday ■ -m___...___ ___ „ J $7.00 DeLUXE CREAM PERMANENT in Exeter and Blyth. i Mr. and Mrs, Russell Dorrence ' and son, of Seaforth, visited friends in town on Sunday. Capt. W. E. Weekes, of the- A.M.C., Chatham, spent the week­ end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne, of Hensall,_ spent^Sunday spent Sunday with ( Gordon May, of the Bank of ■" ’ L Mrs, Commerce staff, Brussels, spent ' •rtoG'F A" TV/f Trie? Ti/vmo $4.50 10.07 65.64 Permanents, $2.95, and $5.00 $3.75 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Church School. 11 am—Rev. J. B. Townsend, B.A., B.D., Belgrave. 7 p.m.—-Rev. J. B Townsend Wednesday, 18 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss First Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 1'0 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Preacher, Rev. M. H. Els­ ton. MEN’S PYJAMAS In many new patterns in broadcloth or flannelette $1.50 to $2.50 NEW SUMMER SOX The new short sox are cool and comfortable for hot weather. Per pair, 25c to 50c New Patterns in Fine Worsted Suits for Men You will buy much better cloths now than you will be able to get a few months later as well as make quite a saving by buying now. See our values in 2-pant suits at $25.00 to $30.00 CREPE-SOLED OXFORDS FOR SUMMER Clifford W. Hicks, of Centralia, who joined the R.C.A.F. on May 10th, left for St. Hubert, Que., on Thursday last. __ __, „ __ , _ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ready, of I with Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Clarke * • Owen Sound, spent Sunday with ( Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood. W. Ready, who has spent the past ■ two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wood returned to her home with them. * * * Tomlinson’s Foot Sufferers! Attention! Hairdressing The St. Marys Parks Bowling Club have extended an invitation to the Exeter bowling club to visit them on Tuesday evening, June 17th. All members of -the Club are ask­ ed to keep this date open. Reserve Friday, June 27 th for a three-act play, “Lena Rivers” to^ be given in McKnight’s .hall, spon­ sored. by the Quilting Gang of Con. 2, Stephen. Notice is hereby given to all owners or harborers of dogs to pro­ cure licenses for the year before July 15 th, After this date sum­ monses will be issued to those fail­ ing to comply with thia order. •J". SENIOR, Clerk WANTED—Ten used bicycles. W. Martin, Exeter south. FOR SALE—Some nice houses and cottages, some for cash, others part cash, balance by month. 100- acre farm with complete set of buildings, with water system, good bush, crops in. Priced right. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ltp LOST—A. boy’s Mimo watch with black leather band. Please leave at the Times-Advocate. Itc Sunday and Monday at his home here. The many friends of Mrs. J. G. Jones will regret to know th®t she is eonfined to her bed through ill­ ness. Mr. Nelson Hill returned to ronto on Saturday after a ten-day visit with his mother, Mrs. L.- Aid­ worth. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Patrick, of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday With Mrs. Patrick’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. Horton left Monday for In­ gersoll, where she will spend a month with her cousins, the Mc­ Kelvey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Christie, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Mr. Glen M-cTavish, who is at­ tending the Aircraft school at Galt, spent Sunday and Monday at his home here. Mr. William Davis, of Sky Har­ bor, Goderich, spent several -days at his home. Bill had been under the weather with a touch of pleurisy. Mrs. Ellen Wilkinson is on a six weeks’ visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. James Wilkinson, in Man. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Toronto, are visiting with the lat­ ter’s sister and brother-in-law, To- I A Freak of Nature Mr. Richard Davis, on Monday afternoon brought into the office a couple of freak foliage -plants.# Growing from the main stem -are’ three branches each with different colored leaves. On one large branch the leaves are red, on another branch the leaves are red and green and on a smaller branch the leaves are green. Another slip from the same plant produced green leaves on one side of the stem and green and red leaves on the other side. Some of the leaves would be green on one half and green and red on the other half. The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid FOR SALE — Thoroughbred brown gelding, 7 years old, 15 hands 3 in., 900 lbs, well broken, single, double and saddle. Apply to Filmer Chappel, Cromarty. WANTED—To pasture, 6 year­ lings or 2-year-oId cattle. Will take a horse to pasture. Apply at the Times-Advocate. ltp. APARTMENT FOR RENT—All modern conveniences, sun room. Available July 1st. Telephone 15 5J See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R< R. 3 Dashwood. // ---------~----- FOR SALE—Baby’s pram, bone colored. As good as new: also play pen. Apply at Times—Advocate. 29-3tp FARMS FOR SALE— brick house, hank barn, buildings, land, terms, desired, for immediate or fail possession. C. 'V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. ■100 acres, , water in hydro, bush. Best of Mostly seeded out. Easy Immediate possession if Several other good farms CASH for fox horses and dead animals. Two-hour service, night, grinder for sale. Crediton, 47rl5 collect. Williams. day or Phone Jack 4tp. WOMEN WANTED TURN YOUR TIME INTO „„„ LARS by selling Famllex Products to the people In your 'community. Be the only one in your territory to make money with our line of 200 iguaranteed necessities, No ex- pefience needed, Login with a few dollats and own your business. No risk. Eon catalogue and complete details: BtO St. Clement Street, Montreal, DOL- James St. W.A. The Women’s Association of James Street United Church held their regular meeting in the church parlors with the president, Mrs. F. ] May in charge. The meeting open- i ed with hymn 156, “O Master Let I me Walk with Thee”. Miss Reta HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE ' “The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on o Tuesday, June 17 th 2 to 7 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM’ No Charges for Consultation . “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many! satisfied customers in this district. X■ and Mrs. Winnipeg, Penhale, of Mr.vCX Q1OLUA TXxAU- WliUvllCJ. 'lYA'X • ■ -« and Mrs.- George Walker, of Ste- phen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whittam and little son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Lee and Mrs. Louden, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brooks, . me Walk with Thee’’. Miss Reta Rowe read t'he -scripture and Mrs. f Sharpe led in -prayer. After the business, Mrs. Tom Coates favored the ladies with a solo. Miss Down gave a very interesting reading on “The Life of Winston Churchill.” Hymn 290, “God be With You Till We Meet Again”, was -sung. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, after which served. tea was I Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith attended the fun­ eral of Mr. Jack Worden, of S-taffa, on Friday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. K. Wernei’ and son, of London, and Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Russell and ichildren, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. W. J. Beer, -at Grand Bend. Mr. -and Mrs. Bert Amy -and Leslie, of Brantford, spent week-end-, with Mr. and Mrs- Amy and Mr. and ' Mrs. Wm. whinney, of .the Goshen Line. 'Monday, June 9th, was observed in Canada as the birthday of King George VI, The postoffice -and the banks Were closed and there was a holiday for the school children. Sgt. Rollie Motz has returned -to his duties at Chatham after holi­ daying at his home here. Bartie Motz, of the Manning Pool, R.p.A.F., Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mrs. F. J. Sanders and son Gor­ don, Mrs. Vincent McFarlane, Mrs. Percy M-cFarlune and Mrs. Letha Emack, of Toronto, visited during the past week with Mrs. Ida San­ ders. Mrs. Albert field -and Mrs. , . Lucknow, visited at the, home of Mrs. Thos. Harvey one day last week. The former Is a sister of Mrs. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lewis were in London Thursday of last Week where they attended Convocation, Miss Eileen Lewis, who has been a student at Besca Hall, graduated with hot B,A. degree. Mr. Edgar Torrance, a Ciinton boy and a former employee at Henman's Hardware store, Exeter, died re­ cently at Sudbury. He is survived by his widow and one daughter liv­ ing at Sudbury. H1S mother to- i 55c and $1.00 5? 23* These are very comfortable and give wonderful satisfaction. $3.50 $3.95 N(EW NECKWEAR In the new summer shades. Also in plain colors. SALMON Fancy Cohoe .. . 25c FREE! Ten days’ supply of Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder with four cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap, HATCHWAY NO-BUTTON UNDERWEAR No buttons to come off—cool and com­ fortable for hot weather Per garment, $1.25 . 8c $2.95 FATHERS’ DAY with one of our e • • • ■' I .....-.....■■.I... . -..I.T Fresh Salted SODAS 25c MEN’S FINE SHIRTS ‘ In a beautiful range of new patterns. Our regular $1.50 line. Special 3 for $4.00 Fine English Raincoats made by Macintosh This is a lovely fawn light raincoat, fully guaranteed to turn rain. A coat every man should have. • All sizes. Special, each $5.00 gy—•................................................................................——....... ....................■■■■.—... ...... ... ....... . .................................... ; Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday Red Star 1 lb. tin Dumart’s LARD 1 lb. pkg. ... Hershey’s COCOA lb. tin .. . 14c RUBBER RINGS BIG L: 72-PAGE &>ipAan Annie SCRIBBLER with the purchase of ♦ 3 pkgs. Quaker Cornflakes 3 for 25c . CHICK OATMEAL Southcott Bros Rev. Harry Jennings, who for three years was an Anglican mis­ sionary at Norman, N.W.T., and for the past year as been stationed at Ft. Smith, returned to Exeter Sat­ urday evening and with Mrs. Jen­ nings, has been, visiting with his mother, Mrs. Harry Jennings, Sr. Mr. Jennings left Fort Smith on the 14th of May, taking three and a half weeks to make the trip home. He visited with friends in Toronto and London on the way here. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings are at present visiting the latter’s/ parents, Mr. and The James Street Mission Circle met Monday evening at the home of Miss Mary Gardiner, of Usborne. There was a large attendance. Hymns were sung. A very inspir­ ing address was given by Miss Down on “The Life of Winston Churchill’’. Arrangements were made to hold a picnic at Grand Bend the last Wed­ nesday in June. A icontest was very much enjoyed, after which a dainty lunch was served. ' „ " . ‘ Mr. Mrs. C. Lawrence, of Gorrie.operator now sta- Stuart with the tinned at-Halifax, is enjoying a two week’s leave visiting at the parson­ age at Thames Road. Mrs. operation for the removal of her tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, Wednesday morning. Mair, a wireless Canadian Navy, Musical Recital and Mrs. v son, ] the M. Ma- Alvin Moir underwent an | LEAVITT’S THEATRE EXETER Phone 135 1 Johnston, of Ash- (Dr.) Johnston, of 11I THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY “Santa Fe Trail” starring ERROL FLYNN and an all star cast “CANADA CARRIES ON’’ ANDY CLYDE COMEDY e> * * MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY . 2 features • “Captain Caution” ‘Three Musketeers’ A musical western * • « Coming——— “Arizona” to Ing at Sudbury, sides at Clinton, NOTE—It will be interesting know that this picture Was made on the ranch of Mrs. Loretta Holtzman Fletcher, formerly of Crediton The pupils Of Mr. W. R. Gould- ing, A.T.C.M., gave a splendid recit­ al in the basement of James St. "Un­ ited church Friday evening of last week. The basement was decor­ ated with floor lamps and spring flowers. Several Red Cross l-adies in uniform attended as collectors and ushers, the proceeds of the evening being donated for Red Cross purposes. At the close of the program Mr. and Mrs. Goulding entertained the pupils -and friends to lunch. All the numbers were well received. Piano solos were played by Marian Woods, Velina Webster, Shirley Thompson, George Dobbs, Emily Wildman, Marguerite Pickard, Betty Mickle, Billy Mickle, Mary Fletcher, Catharine Gibson, Marion Cowen, Marion Mills, Mitzie Mof­ fatt, Kenneth Mills, Madeleine Rundle, Grace BeCkier, Benson Stoneman, Margaret Dougall; piano duets by Betty and Billy Mickle, Donald Southcott and Dawson Goul­ ding, L. A. Wein and W. R. Goul­ ding, Madeleihe Rundle and Donald R-odd, Marion and Kenneth Mills, B. Stonemail and W. R-, Goulding; vocal solos by Barbara Harness, Jean Hagerman, Jean Elliot, Case Allen, Ruth Brown, Eunice Oest- relcher, Gertrude Camm; vocal duet by J). Gill and H. Hoffman. A choir of eighteen voices sang four numbers; the ladles of the choir sang two numbers and the men sang two numbers, 'rhe following com­ prised the choir; sopranos, Gertrude O’amm, May Patterson, Dougall, Jean Hagerman Oestreicher, Ruth Brown; Joan Elliott, Ethel Clarke, .Buswell, Barbara Dinney; Douglas Cill,' Robt. Cameron, Allen, Lawfence Wein; bass, son Stoneman, Harry Hoffman W. R. Goulding; Trousseau Tea Mr.s. Norman Hockey entertained at a trousseau tea Wednesday after­ noon and evening of last week in honor of her daughter, Thelma, bride of Saturday afternoon. In the afternoon Miss Merna Sims dis­ played the trousseau and linens and Miss Florence McDonald the China. Mrs. Hockey poured tea and Miss Edith Hunter assisted with the serving. In the evening the' tropsseau and linens were displayed by Misses Merna Sims and Edith Hunter and the china by Miss Mac­ Donald. Mrs. Hockey • poured tea ■and Miss Labelle Sims helped to serve. Over a hundred guests re­ gistered. Remember smart and up-to-the-minute Arrow Shirts. Ties, Socks, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps and Sweaters. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 Margaret ,■ Eunice altos, Helen tenor, , Case EXETER, ONT.