HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-06-05, Page 4* THE EXETER TIMES-APVQCATEOTW4Y, JUNE 51U, 1911 ! ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES I Exeter Hensall 1 ..... .........-V"—..... McLaren’s MINUTE TAPIOCA 10c Libby’s PORK & BEANS 3 large cans 25c Schneider’s Pure Lard 3 pounds 25c LIBBY’S SPAGHETTI large cans 2 for 25c JUNKET TABLETS 1 2 for 25c | SERVEX TISSUE Soft Cleansing Tissue for Use as a Handkerchief 200 sheets........10c 500 sheets.....__25c McLaren’s PEANUT BUTTER large jar 23c McLaren’s NUT CRUSH .... 23c Schneider’s K DOG FOOD | 3 cans for 25c |Sea Glory RED SALMON large can 29c WOODBURY’S SOAP 1 4 cakes 23c | Magic BAKING POWDER 16 oz. can 28c Large Meaty PRUNES 2 pounds 25c Hunt’s BREAD FLOUR 7 lb. bag 25c Large Bottle BLEACH 7c Makes Clothes White.Dr. Jackson’s KOFY SUB 31c SUNLIGHT SOAP 5c a bar Sweet Juicy ORANGES 2 dozen 35c Hawe’s LEMON OIL large bottle 23c Chocolate Marshmallow Biscuits 2 pounds 29c BREAKFAST BACON 33c lb. VANILLA EXTRACT large bottle 13c ......... . . .. -r .......... Good 4-string BROOM* 29c EXBTER 1 OOOK’S | ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES Phone 58 | The Store That Gives You Value HENSALL Phone 46 $7.50$5.00 Phone 70 i FROZEN FOODS WE SELL THEM Trivitt W.A. FREE!FREE’ Salmon Fillets, CELEBRATION MARKS THE, OPENING OF VICTORY LOAN DRIVE Whitefish, Herring, Cod Fillets, Baddie. are healthy and appetizing ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN 3 SIZES $10.00 High Class Entertainment Don’t fail to see Mel. Forbes, Ernie FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS 4 We invite you to pay us a visit and inspect our New and - Modern Lockers. EXETER FROZEN FOODS Exeter, Ont. JUMBO ICE CREAM full pint bricks 18c. each 2 for 35c ICE COLD BEVERAGES Chill at 33 degrees Always the Same (Continued from Page 1.) detachment of the Kent Active Ser­ vice Regiment. The latter, headed by three pipers, marched to the school grounds where the men w(ere stationed. They put up their tents on the school grounds, cooked their own food, and went through drills and manoeuvres Similar to a tactical field scheme. The platoon was in Charge of Lieut. Greenwood assist­ ed by Lieut. White. Col. McDon­ ald, of the Middlesex-Hurons and Major Tilley, District Recruiting Officer, accompanied -the soldiers. The ladies of the Exeter Red Cross branch furnished the men with a pair of socks each and also provided pies and cakes for their meals. During the afternoon ipop and icigarettes were also presented to the men. In the evening they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane at Leavitt’s Theatre. The men were loud in their praise of the treatment received here. board of education The regular meeting of the Board' of Education was held in the of­ fice of the. Grigg Stationery store on Monday evening, June 2nd, at 8 o’clock. Absent, W. L Smith. Previous minutes were read and approved. Principal Wiethey reported for May as follows: Number on roll, 180. Staff complete. Satisfactory fire drill had been held. New per­ iod notices and pads were working well, In ease of doubt notices had been followed by visits to parents. School was being opened with Scrip­ ture reading in’ the hall for five classes and the National Anthem sung in group. According to notice just received exams would be set probably a week later but in the same order. Fourteen additional pupils to leave this week for farm labor, making between fifty and sixty. A communication from Mr, Faw­ cett was read, requesting two cab­ inets for use in the workshop. Per G. Lawson and J. N. Willis, that Mr. Fawcett look after the cabin­ ets required. Carried. Per A- Q. Elliot and W. H, Dear­ ing that the departmental examina­ tion supplies be procured. Car­ ried.Principal Creech reported fox1 the Public. School as follows: Number on roll, 165. Mrs, Hockey had sub­ stituted for Miss Armstrong who was ill foi’ a week and Miss Horton fox* ■the principal on the afternoon of May 14th. The Public School ball team had won all of the four games played in the south half of the ; league and would now play with the winner of the north half. Classi­ fication of the school for the com­ ing year was given by grades. Re­ commendation exams had been held in Grade 8 and pupils securing a good mark in these tests and ap­ proved by the Entrance Board would be granted entrance standing Without trying the finals. Pupils in most of the other grades would be promoted, on their year's work in a similar way. Permission for the afternoon of June 20 th to write exams was requested. Per Wm. May and G. Lawson, that the two reports, be adopted and re­ quest for the ‘afternoon of June 20th granted. Carried. The intervening correspondence was read by the chairman. Per C. V. Pickard and J. M. South- cott, that the matter regarding the ; Canadiaxi National Exhibition be left with the teachers and study courses. Carried. The resignation of Miss Woodall was read and accepted with regret1 on motion of Messrs. Lawson and Dearing..Per G. LawsBn and J. M. South- co’tt that the application of Mi^s Watkins for the vacancy be accept­ ed at the salary Of eight hundred dollars. Carried. ‘ Per Mrs. Beavers and C. V. Pickard, that the .bo.gk-...recoinm end­ ed by the Department be. procured for the High School Library.' Car­ ried. . ’ K Per C, V. Pickard and Mrs. Bea­ vers that in view of the loss of the •agriculture grant, the salary Of Mr. WaghoYn be raised one hundred dol­ lars. - Carried. The High School inspector’s -re­ port was read and discussed, Ac­ comodation for bicycles* and light­ ing system to be looked after by building and grounds? committee. Per A. -O. Elliot and?J. M. South- cott the payment of the following accounts was_moved: Jones & May, Supplies, $15.-97; Huron Lumibex’ Co., supplies, $35.16; Grigg Sta­ tionery, supplies, $21.91; B. W. F, Beavers, $1.70; Traquair’s Hard­ ware, 90 cents. Carried. Adjournment per A. O. ■ Elliot. K. M. Mae'F'aul, Sec, ■ ,, •„ ■—.... BIRTHS WELLS—-At Mrs. GodbolVs Hospi­ tal, on Tuesday, June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs; Nelson Wells, of Exeter, a daughter. MCNAUGHTON—At Mrs. Godbolt's Hospital, on Wednesday, June 4th, to Trooper and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, of Woodham, a daughter,, MAHONEY—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital, on Wednesday, May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney, of Mt. Carmel, a daughter (Mary TeressaL CHAPMAN—At Mrs, Patterson’s nursing home, Hensail, on Fri­ day, May 30th, to Mr, and Mrs. Lome Chapman, a daughter, WILSON—In Toronto on Wednes­ day, May 28, to Mr. and Mrs, Har­ ry Wilson (nee Beryl Drummond) a son, (Michael Wayne). DEATHS ELLIOTT—Ip Stephen Township, on Wednesday, May 28th, 1941, Wil­ liam Rufus Elliott, in his 79th year. TOWERS—In Exeter, on Wednes­ day, May 28th, 1941, Archibald B. Towers, in his 76th year. WARD—-In Exeter, on Wednesday, May 28th, 1941, Frances Emily Stevenson, beloved wife of Wil­ liam Ward, in her 7i8th year, ACHESON—At Parkwood Hospital, London, on Sunday, June 1, 1941, Annie E., widow of the late James Acheson, formerly of Exeter. McCarthy—In Biddulph Town­ ship, on Tuesday, June 3, 1941, at his late'residence, lot 11, con­ cession 2, Joseph McCarthy, in his 86 th year. WALKER—At her late residence, Oakwood Park, Grand Bend, on Tuesday, June 3, 1941, Mrs. Kate Walker, widow of the late C. M. Walker, and dear mother of Fred, formerly of Wingham, in her 74th, year. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Penhale nounce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys Isabelle, of Wind­ sor, Mr. sor, St. sor,our, on o’clock. T an­ to Mr. Samuel D. Bland, son of and Mrs. Thos. Bland, of Wind- the wedding to take .place in Paul’s United Church, VMM Saturday, June 21st, Wind- 3al _ ,____., CARD OF THANKS Bessie Hartnoll wishes toMiss thank all those who so kindly sent letters, flowers and cards while has been ill. her she CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton daughters Wish to thank theii’ many friends for their kindness, in let­ ters, .'cards and flowers sent to Mrs. Horton while sick in. the Hospital. PPP and’ CARD OP THANKS family of the late Wm. R. wish to thank the many for the kindness extended Mr. Elliott’s illness and also The Elliott friends during for the kind expressions of sym­ pathy during their sad bereavement. A-l BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire Reds Write or Phone for Prices Phone 38-3 Granton, Ont. 'Voice of Prophecy* “The Mark of the Beast & Man Number 666” What is the mark of the beast? A heaven marked man with a mystic number. Who is he? Hitler, Stalin, Mussolino, or?? Leavitt’s Theatre, Exeter Wednesday Night, June 11, 7.45 p.m. In the Opera House Hall Come to these important lectures and hear the Bible truth. Logan E. Houser invites you personally Grand Bend A RECORD! and liis Cascade Rhythm. Orchestra The first orchestra ever to play a third, season at Grand Bend! This year’s patronage shows his popularity! DANCING EVERY SATURDAY * * * SURF SHOP Showing “Catalina’s” new Swim Suits English China Wedgwood — Royal Doulton The Women’s Auxiliary of Tri- vitt Memorial Church met' at the home of Mrs. Middleton on Tues­ day evening. The meeting opened with Litany and prayers. Mrs. Thomson read the Scripture. The roll was called, minutes were read and adopted, and correspondence was read. The treasurer’s report was given and business discussed. It was decided that the Little Help­ ers’ picnic should be held on the third Tuesday in July. Mrs. O. Winer took the study book. Mrs. Middleton gave an article on Stew­ ardship and Mrs. Bierling read a poem, “Through Prayer”, The meeting closed with the Daily Pray­ er and the benediction, -aftex’ which the hostess served, lunch. West and Hank Collins ♦ The 3 popular Comedians and musician, also singing and daricing Cann’s Grist Mill Yard, Exeter JUNE 6th & 7th Sponsored by SEL—KA—TON REMEDIES tap of FORMER EXETER WOMAN JMRS. A. ACHESON, DIES Mrs. Annie Acheson, widow James Acheson, formerly of Exe­ ter, died Monday in Parkwood .Hos­ pital, London, following three years' illness. She was in her 74th year, Mrs. Acheson was formerly Miss Annie Norton. She was born in Hamilton, but had lived most of her life in London. Latterly she had lived for a time in Parkhill prior to her illness. A private fun­ eral service was held on Wednes­ day afternoon with interment in Lambeth Cemetery, DEATH OF MRS. KATE WALKER Mrs. Khte Walker, widow of the late C. M. Walker, of Oakwood Park, Grand Bend, passed away at her residence .early Tuesday morn-, ing aftex* an illness of four months. She was in her^4th year and had spent the winter in Guelph, Born in Niagara, she also resided in Wingham before moving to Grand Bend 22 years ago. Her husband, the late C. M. Walker, who was the founder of the Oakwood Golf and Country Club, predeceased her three years ago, she is survived by one son, Fred, of Oakwood Park and one sister, Miss Jane Stiff# of Inger­ soll. A private funeral will take place at her late residence on Thurs­ day, June 5, 1941 at 1.30 p.m., con­ ducted by Rev, F. L. Lewin, of ParlthilL interment will follow in Wingham Cemetery. GREENWAY Mr. Ted Busweli, of the R.C.A.F., who has completed a short teourse at Regina, Bask,, returned to his home here for a few days last week. He has left for Sky Harbor to act as an instructor on a link-trainer machine fit use by the air force. Mr. Wm. Smith, of Killdeer, Sask, a former resident of Exeter North and sod Of the late Kit Smith, is renewing ixiddaihtaiices in Exeter and vicinity, it Is about thirty years ago that he left town. The Strawberry Festival of the United Church will be held on Wed­ nesday, June 18th. The program consisting of a play, “The Little Clodhopper”, and other numbers will be provided by sylvan talent. Mr. J. B. Nichol, of Hamilton, is Spending a week with friends here. Mr. Edison Pollock left last Wed­ nesday to enter military training and at present is in London, Mr, Claude Detloft, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Detloft and Richard of De­ troit spent a few days last week with Mi*, and Mrs. Albert Pollock, . Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance and Miss Eloise Pym of Winchelsea visited last Thursday with Mrs. T, Bullock and Mrs. J. Gardner. Mrs, Russell Pollock, Margery and Peter, of London, spent a few days witty friends here. .Mi*, and MrS? Lloyd Brophey, Cteve and Frances spent the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs. Claude Fal­ lis, of Mount Forest, Messrs. Selbourne English' and Harold Pollbdk, of Detroit, spent the week-end at their homes. THE LATE A. B. TOWERS The death took place in Exeter on Wednesday, May 28th, of Mr. Archibald B. Towers, well-known in Exeter and vicinity. He was in his 76th year and had been ill only a short time with a heart con­ dition. He was born at Cromarty, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wil* liam Towers, of Hibbert Township. He was unmarried a!nd for some years farmed' at Cromarty, purfehasityg a farm near Exeter. later He retired about two years ago and has been living with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ross at ^vhose home he passed away. He is survived by five sisters and one brother, Mrs. D. Park, of Hensail; Mrs. Hockey, Mitchell; Mrs. Margaret White, Hamiota, Man.; Mrs, Ross, Of town; Mrs. Gillard, of London, Mrs. Ann McCurdy, of Cromarty and Mr. William Towers, of town. The funeral was held’ Friday afternoon conducted by Rev. N. J. Woods. The bearers were Messrs. G. Ethering- ton, George Earl, James Green, Samuel McCurdy, Wm. McKay and Arthur Francis. Interment was in the Exeter cemetery. Public School Softball The. Exeter public school soft- ball team, after winning the south section of the league met Zurich, the winners of the north section in the first of two out of three games Tuesday afternoon. The game was played in Exeter and the visitors wore the winners 30 to 19. Heavy batting featured two innings by the Zurich lads and in the 7th they piled Up 10 runs. In the first in­ nings Zurich scored 7 runs and they maintained a lead all through the game. The line-up: Zurich—-Her­ bert Turkheim, Ralph Krueger/ Clair Bedard, Ward Thiel, Donald Bedard, Ray ScliilbO, Ross Gascho, Gordon Hess, Keith Rose. Exeter—-Jack Hennessey,, Ross Tuckey, Doug, BrihttiaH, Arnold Hndehfield, Carl Hewitt/ Don Preszcatoi’, Jfm Whyte, Harry Silis, Bob Pryde. Mf. Frank Weekes, of, Hatniltoix, spstit Sunday with relatives iti fixe- ter» A. H. SWITZER HATCHERY GENERAL ELECTRIC ii.. i. i - trotpamr .The many conveniences of a Gr-E Hotpoint Rango from Hi-Speed Calrod Ele­ ments with Measured Heat to the Thrift Cooker, which cooks complete meals ifi one operation, ensure cook* ing success at a saving of time arid money. Come in today. MADS IN CANADA DEATH OF MRS. WARD Exeter, mourns the passing of a quiet, unassuming lady in the 'per­ son of Mrs, Wm. H. Ward, who pass­ ed away at her home Wednesday, May 28 th, following an illness of a couple of weeks, Mrs. Ward passed away Wednesday evening while the same day at noon Mr. Ward was taken seriously ill. .His condition was quite critical at the end of the week, but his friends will be pleased to know that he is now somewhat improved. Mrs. Ward’s maiden name was Frances Emily Stevenson. She was in her 78th year. Mr. and Mrs. Ward moved to Exeter from a farm in Usborne and have been esteemed residents for many years. Besides her husband the deceased is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Lamont, of Smith’s Falls nad Miss B. Stevenson, of To­ ronto. The latter returned to her home Tuesday after spending sev­ eral days here. The funeral, private, was held’ Saturday afternoon con­ ducted by Rev. A. Page. The hear­ ers were Messrs. R. G. Seldon, G. S. Howard, W. W. Taman, F. A. May, Geo. Lawson and Wm. Ryck- man. Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery. Relatives were present at the funeral from St. Marys, Stratford, Distowel, Harris­ ton, Toronto and Dearborn. Mich. KIPPEN ! Kippen and llillsgTcen Congregations Call Minister At a congregational meeting fol­ lowing church service on Sunday evening the congregation of Kippen and Hillsgreen United Churches ex­ tended a call to Rev. Grant, of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ulch, of Wind­ sor, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, Lang. Miss Jean Pybus, of Zurich, spent the week-end with her grand­ mother,-Mrs. H. Ricker, The many friends of Mrs, Her­ bert Jones will be sorry to learn she had .the .misfortune to have hex’ ankle broken on Friday morning last. Miss Irene Turner, of Hills-, green, visited on Sunday with Miss Irma Ferguson. Miss S. Finkbeiner, of Crediton, is spending a few days with hei’ sis- . ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. V. McClymont and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc­ Clymont, all of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dayman were visited by relatives from Detroit on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander, of Londesboro, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Rev. and Mrs, Chandler. Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Pybus, of Zurich, visited on Friday evening with the latter’s mother, Mrs, Riicker. h: KHIVA Honor Bride and Groom A delightful evening was spent on Friday, May 30th, at the home of Mr. . | ‘ when bors their Mrs. cent with The evening was spent in music and dancing. During the' evening an address was read by Mr. Win, Diet- rich. 'The groom, bn behalf of his bride and himself thanked "their nu­ merous friends fbr the beautiful gifts and invited them tb their home. Everyone then joined in singing “Fox They Are Jolly Good Fellows”, led by Mrs. Wm. Stade, at the ipianb, A dainty lunch Was served by the hpstess, Dancing Was again » r Os urn rid. till the small hours of the morning when all de­ parted for their homes, wishing Mr. and Mris. MoOann Jong life and hap­ piness. Don't forget the Khiva School picnic to be held Thursday, June 12th, at Grand Bend. Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert Were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and daughters El- dene and Joann, Of. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton WHdfong and daughter Nona, of London; Mr. El- Mr.. Mr. Pat- Kel- more Willert, of Grand Bend; and Mrs. Ed. Hamacher and S. Willert, of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leining and sy, Miss A. Kenney and Mr. F. lar, of Detroit, spent the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs, B. McCann. Mr. Gordon O’Rourke spent the> week-end in London. A number from here attended the* Lutheran Houx* Rally held at Kit­ chener and Stratford on Sunday with Rev: Dr. Walter A. Maier, as­ speaker, Miss Eileen Willert, of London,, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert. ' Mr. and Mrs, J. Barry and fam­ ily, of Detroit, visited, last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. O’Rourke and other relatives. Mrs. Herb Jones, of near Hen— sail, was kicked by a cow and X- rays taken at Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, revealed a fractur­ ed leg, between- the ankle and the knee. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Township -.of Us- borne for the year 1941 will liold its. first meeting in the Township Hall, Elimville, on Saturday, June 14th,. at the hour of 4 o’clock p.m. Persons having been assessed for- a dog and the dog has been destroy­ ed since the visit of the assessor,, must notify the clerk not later than the date of the Court of Revision. A. W. MORGAN, Twp. Clerk, R.R. No. 1, HensalK c COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the- Countcil Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing June 10th,. 19411), at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputa­ tions and other business requiring- the attention of Council should be> in the hands of the County Clerk not latex’ than Saturday, June 7th,. 1941.. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont... NOTICE TO CREDITORS . RE: WILLIAM J. SLAVIN, the? Elder, late -of the Township 1 of’ W*Tuekersmith, in the County of' ji; Huron, Farmer deceased, y CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the- said deceased are required on or- before June 18th, 194,1, to file With ffie undersigned Executor, full par­ ticulars of their claims, duly veri­fied, t after which date the said. Exwitor will proceed to distribute the .assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims < i notice has been received, i .DATED this 28th day 19’41. WILLIAM J. SLAVIN/ R.R. No. 2, Kippen of which. of May,. ahd Mrs. Benjamin McCann, about seventy-five neigh-’ and friends gathered to«honor son and his bride, Mr. and Clement McCann, on then4 re­ marriage/ and presented them many lovely and useful gifts. JR., . , Ont,, • Executor,, by J. W. MORLEY, ‘ his Solicitor, Exeter, Ont.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: ANNIE ELLIOT, late of the- Township of Stephen, in the- County Of Huron, Spinster de­ ceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the sdid deceased are required on Or be­ fore June 18th,. 1941, to file With The London & Western Trusts Com­ pany Limited, Richmond Street, LondOh, Ontario, one of the execu­ tors, full particulars of their Claims duly verified, after "Which date the assets will be distributed, having- regard only to the claims Of which notice has been received, DATED this £8th day of May,. 111941. ERNEST ELLIOT, Exeter, Ontario, The London & Western Trusts Company, Limited, Richmond Street, London, Ontario, * Execute rs1- by J. W. MORLEY, theii* Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario- »