HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-05-29, Page 7THUI^PAY, W Wtll, I9HTHE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Of re-* is Mr. as his the and the desk, is that?” the’ back the fire, storey aid. the porter’s attention to The porter scratched his bewilderment and said: dat don’t beat all, Dat’s time die mownin’ dat mis- and soil, but a certain amount of humidity in the air, situation for growth all the more distressing is the amount of smoke that has invaded the air from forest fires in distant portions of the province. We’ll not be surprised if the Germans regard " .............., Nor will we be of Halifax or A passenger on a pullman, look­ ing under his berth in th® morning, 3ound one black shoe and on® tan. He called the error, head in “Well, ef ■de second take’s happened,” * * * .Dear Colonel; The late Alfred Pe­ ter Marble served for 81 years oh the Volunteer iFire Department. His buddies chipped in a fund for a headstone, one which is engraved: ■“He has gone to his last fire.”* * * The teacher was testing the pow­ er of observation of her class. Slapping a half-dollar, on she said sharply: “What Instantly a voice from row called: “Tails!”♦ * * The Man and the Monk A peasant with p troubled con­ science went to a monk for advice, He said he had circulated a vile story about a friend', only to find ; •out that the story Was not true. olf you make peace with your conscience,” said the monk, “you must -fill a bag with goose down, go to every dooryard in the village «and drop in each one of theih one fluffy down.” The peasant did as he was told.. Then he came back to the monk and said he had done penance for his folly. “Not yet,” replied the monk. “‘Take the bag, go the rounds again and gather up every down that you have dropped.” “'.But the wind must have blown them all away,” exclaimed the pea­ sant. “Yes, my son,” said the monk; “(and so it is with your vile words. Words and down are quickly dropr ped, but try hard as you wi|l, you can never get them back., again.” ' ■ —Mattie of Manhattan* * * * One day a man had the misfor­ tune to be bitten by a dog. By the time he got to the office, word had gotten around that the dog was rabid, so his friends (those folks Who wanted to court his favor) came trooping in to express their sympathy and concern. „ “Good gracious, man!” exclaim­ ed the sixteenth bore that morn- “You shouldn’t be here at the ought to be ip. a,hospi- shots . !of hydrophobia He is indeed vain who seeks the praise -of fools aqd parasites. * ♦ *' Friendly Enemies After au immense amount trouble, the vicar of a country par­ ish succeeded in reconciling twp old women who had been-quarreling for years. He even induced them to meet1' under the vicarage roof. In his drawing-rocta, they shook hands, After an embarrassed sil­ ence, one of them said: ”Weli, Mrs. Tyler, I wish you all you wishes me,” “And who’s saying nasty things now?” snapped Mrs. Tyler.,* * » Your children appear just spoiled to the other fellow as children look to you. * boasts of his ♦ * The fellow who ligion hasn’t any, ¥ ¥* Approbation is far more effective in making people like you than re­ proval.♦ ♦ ♦ Hope When you find yourself in a shadow, A light is not far away; And the deepeY you go into the night The so'oner you come to the day. The longer you find the climb, The shorter the way to the crown, Looking up will not make you dizzy That comes when you’re looking dqwn!—Uncle Jake * * * i Answering Curious Cynic —it is not what a man starts or where he starts, but where he stops that gives him distinction, —the ignorant man shuns his, own -companionship. ■ —tempus does fugit—but it still takes most men about .a week to dodge a day’s work. —most men now-a-days constituted that the altar alter them. I * are so doesn’t Ophelia ing, ■office, you tai taking serum.” “Haven’t yet—I’ve writing to -without looking Written page. “Oh, I see. time got do,” to go to a hospital some' important replied the victim up from the type- —miss * * * One of those little tragedies that make life so inexpressibly sad is revealed in the plaint of a Univer­ sity freshman who, after looking over his rating for the last semes­ ter wrote: I think that I shall never see A “D” as lovely as a. “B”; A “B” whose rounded form is pres- ■ sed. ■ -■Upon the records of the blest; A “D” comes easily—and yet It isn’t easy to forget. 'D’s” are made by fools like <me; 'But only God can make a “B”.—Ph.D. * «■ I suppose you are writing your will?” "F ... - ’ ‘ _ people I’m going to bite when I mad.” ‘No,pe, I’m making out a list of go * >fs * Proverbs Of 1941: The way the (transgressor is hard—on j friends.* * * You can say some things in an epigram that you wouldn’t dare to say in an editorial. * 5(1 It is well for us all to remember ' that. it takes only one careless be­ trayal of one confidence to lose a friend. of ,his I Your Weir weft TORONTO Try Hotel WAverley Lbcdted oh Wide Spadlna Ave. at College St. Easy Parking Facilities Convenient to Highways . • — Single - - 51.50 to SIB WfiffiS Doub,° : • 52>50 io $5.00 Four to Roorh, $5.09 to 56.69 • Close to the University, Parliament Bulldlriga, Maple Leaf ~ Theatrea, Wholesale Houses, the Fashionable,..,------ Shopping Dietriot, A. M. rowinJL, fresidknt Gardens, Hospitals, and Retail Backache-Kidneys Cry fW Help Most people fail io recognize the seriousness of a bad back, # The stitCheS, twitches, and twmg<ri are bad enough and cause great suf­ fering, but back Of the backache Ond the cause of it all is the dis­ ordered kidneys Crying out a Wam- ing through th® habit 1 A pain in the back is the kidneys cry for help. Go to t,heir assistance. Eci a box of Loan’s Kidney Pills. A remedy for backache and sick kidneys, , » ^ftoan’s” are pat up in w£ oblong grey W mark a “Maple Leaf” on the Refuse substitutes, Eet ** Thft T. Milburn Oo^ Toronto. Ont . ♦ * * Life Isn’t Spiritual I have an idea that there is a lot more good than bad in this world —and, by goodness, I do not mean sanctimoniousness. Psychologists have recently been telling us that a man’s character is like the music scale in “’that there are eight divisions or octave's, each of which is developed and responds according to our environment. In other words, under the right environment, even'the most debas­ ed character can be stimulated to right thinking and right actions, While under the wrong environ­ ment, a lofty and noble character may sink to lower and lower levels. They also Sh6w us that of the eight divisions of our character, five are good and three ate bad and that holds true of each individual. Well, not being a psychologist, I wouldn't know about these findings —to me, they .seem like a lot of theory. But from a good deal of shoulder rubbing with people in various walks of life, I have come to the conclusion that there is .more good than bad in most' people and that the so-called ‘good’ ones ate' more than often bad. Anyone can find things to criti­ cise in other folks if he wishes to become a fault-finder, a critic or a belittler. On the opposite side of the scale, one- can find some good qualities as Well as lofty and noble Virtues in others by training himself to look fdr the good. The ‘gossip’ and the scandal­ monger is a person who looks for wrong instead of right, We all have ■a bit of the gossip ih ottr make-up, 'largely because We View th® World from ‘our side o£ the river’—We ' try to judge others by our own standards. If you Want to get tli® most Out of life—to be truly hdppy, try to vieW others With kindliness, consid- ■ Oration ah# other fellow doubt. Give for having nobleness of impulses. these who need y<hir help. Look for purity instead of evil, for virtues instead of vise, for strength rather than weakness, for merit rather than defects—-and, you Wilf get a lot more ftin but bf life, make mere friends, be better liked,4 and be remembered longer after you are gone. ■toleration. Give the the benefit * of the him (or h6r) credit Wholesome thoughts, purpose and generous Lend a helping hand to —4!Par Buster There just isn’t any easy way -io. get a really hard bit of work well dope. x * * * # .# * .» ♦ The British government now knows where France stands in the present struggle, France is against her, horse, foot and artillery. Appeasement, Britain’s policy, has again failed. . - •* * * I* * * $ The air is for the airplanes and gliders; *the highway is for truckers and the motorists; the sidewalks are for the bicyclists the roller skaters; mortals ipust Tarzan along as best they can,. ♦ *<*«**** The long-continued drought is adversely affecting the lawns gardens. The growing plants require not only moisture in the ................... . .. - ■vV'hat makes the * * * * * • * * * Here is a bit of farm reality, One brave little farm woman had her gard®h w®U worked and planted with all the good things a fine farm garden Ig expected to provide, when the frost came, a frost that cut her every plant level with the soil, Her husband’s orchard was in full bloom that same night. We leave our readers to imagine what these brave people thought and to think of the gripping there was at their courageous spirits. Of course the garden stuff might be replanted, but there is irreplaceable loss of time. The early blossoms will not come till next year, Meanwhile the rent must be provided tor and a little Something got together for the groceries and the shoe?.♦ < * * i* 4 4 * * THAT DEAD SURE THING The sinking of H.M. Battleship, the Hood, illustrates -once more the slowness of the British Empire to acknowledge that there is nothing so uncertain as a dead sure thing. If the Empire, on the other hand, has been cured of her twin vices of apathy and complac­ ency the loss of the noble ship will be compensated, for and her brave sailors will not have died In vain. <!****♦* * HOW CAME THEY THERE? Many are asking why the German fleet Was near ’Greenland. The answer is plain. They were there to bomb New York and Halifax when they were good and ready to do so. They were on mischief bqnf and that mischief was not designed to work any good to this continent. ~ ' ' the battle pf the Atlantic as a matter of history, surprised if they regard the next battle as the Battle New’ York. rather than when danger NOT THEORY BUT RESULTS Britain and her allies have need of victories theories. We have talked and' talked of democracy ‘ to our every treasure 'has thickened. We have said that we must not do certain things in this war because they are not democratic. . Day in and day out we have shouted “Great is democracy of the - 'Anglo-Saxons”. Meanwhile the heavy hands of the Hun have been strangling out our very breath.. We have failed to see that there are occasions when the dictator who knows his business is what ■ liberty requires for her preservation. England would have perished had it not been for Cromwell. The union of -the United States would have perished front the earth but for the strong hand of Abraham Lincoln who, to meet the occasion, gathered all the reigns , of government into his strong and capable hands. So it must be in . this our hour of peril, when the cry is neck or nothing. When one’s dwelling is threatened with the incendiary’s torch is not the hour to split the fine ribbons, of the infinitesimals of the punctilloes of government millinery. Speeches from London and Ottawa and Washington are nice enough, but what we want just now are a few smashing good victories.*.*♦♦♦**„*’ THEi RECESSION TO BARBARISM Hitler is to German youth what Allah was to the Arabian in • the days of Mahomet. To German youth no divinity but -Hitler. And the world knows what Hitler is. In all the records of cruelty and treachery, in all that is known of- non-humanity and savagery, there is nothing that compares with Hitler. And his devotees seek no-higher status than to outdo him. To obey the orders of their new-found divinity is the one thing that German youths desire more than life itself. Germany has receded to barbarism with none of the attractive features and potentialities of barbarism to save it from * all that is hideous. . Hitler seeks to control the world by appealing to its weakness, its- follies, its baseness. He never lifts his eye to the stars. His mind and -heart are of -the jungle. The ape and the tiger and the jackal are his models. The beak and claw are his means for attain­ ing his ends. In the gre^it universe he is that most terrible of objects, the moral idiot. Ape and tiger and jackal can be controlled by the only means they recognize. The moral idiot knows no moral restraint. Force, impersonal, but dominating, is -the only law that the ape, the tiger the jackal and the moral idiot deign to recognize. Britain learned this fact very slowly. Canada and the United States are only now coming to a recognition tereof. . ' * « * * IF *l « * STILL MORE SERIOUS The going in of France with the Axis powers within the last ten days has given the war a new seriousness. In fact, there is not a portion of the British Empire that is not gravely threatened. As King George told his subjects in 1939, the struggle is sure to be long and hard. Prime Minister Churchill’s statement that the Empire faces a time of sweat and blood and toil and tears is ahead. Ger­ many is bent on world domination, which, if accomplished, means the passing of the good free days for Canada, and for Exeter and environs. We have no doubt of ultimate Victory for the Empire and her allies, but we do not entertain this hope as an anodyne or a soporific. We entertain it as a fiery urge to do our utmost. What are some of the things to be done? First of 'all, frills must be cut out. Wholesome sport must give way to toiling industry. Canada must give herself to production of food and to manufacturing necessary goods. - » Second, we are required to keep up a high standard of health . and physical efficiency. Plain food and plenty of sleep are essen­ tials these dreadful times. ‘ Third, and most important, we must keep up our mental and moral and spiritual health. Good books and papers are to be read. The church and .Sunday School are to be attended and. their mes­ sages regarded. Faith in the living God and in our own efforts are to be cultivated. History teils us that the nation goes farthest, that has most of moral and spiritual resources. Man .must -have reason to be assured that the grafter is not encouraged. Unless the govern­ ment is fearless, informed, intelligent and forceful in these respects, the ire of an outraged, toiling, generous public may overnight take ,on a terrible form.ik- « '* i * » * *•J WE JUST DON’T BELIEVE THEM Lately there have been rumors tc the effect that Belgravia, the centre of British aristocratic life, is the home of idleness and its twin, vice. We simply give no credence to such talk. Vice there may be there. But that is not saying that vice characterizes Britain’s select society. As we know them the Englishman is a gentleman and the Englishwoman is a lady. Were they otherwise, th&y couldn’t be the genuine sports they are, nor could they carry on un­ der the strain to which they have been subjected as they have carried on. Where a certain type of journalist looks in the direc­ tion of any class of people, he sees nothing but meanness and dirt. Such men and women live by dipping th'Oir neWs-gatligrihg SpOifige into every little-social cess pool and then squeezing it out over th® tea-tables of a curiosity-seeking public. Such scandal-mongers soon go to their oWn place, Th® failure of English society, who have had leisure and th® opportunity to study world-wide conditions, -has been their apathy in reading the signs of th® times. Swdh' folly induced the sleep of death for eight long years nt least. The Ger­ man locust at® up the iharvost sown In the toil and agony of cen­ turies. They now see their folly in ruined cities and devastated countryside, But th® apathy has fled out of the English -door and window. When Ottawa and New York are bombed it will start its flight from America. The worst Offence of the English society has bden It® snoring apathy. Canadian and American pottering afitiVi- ty in wat matters illustrates what we mean. The Anglo-Saxon slug­ gard may well learn a lesson from the ’German ant. Engish society, we beliete, hag been clean, but Sleepy an# Slow. HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held at th* Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, May 12th, with all mem­ bers present. The minutes of the April meeting were adopted as read. . After disposing of the communi- fcations the following resolutions ■were passed: That 1941 assessment roll . be received from assessor by the coun­ cil and that Court of Revision to consider appeals be held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, June 9th. That Wm, F. Jennison be award­ ed contract of crushing and truck­ ing gravel for 1941 at 67 cents per cubic yard, flat, subject to condi­ tions provided for under agree­ ment dated May 12th, 1941, That tax collector return the 1940 roll as at May 12th, 1941, and that all arrears of taxes remaining un­ paid on May 30th next be returned to county treasurer for charge against lands affected and that col­ lector be paid his salary. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Hay Telephone and general accounts be paid as per vouchers: Township Roads1—Times-Advo- cate, advertising, $4.20; M. G. Deitz, gas, oil, etc,, grader, .$113.75; H. Steinbach, Road Supt., $12.25; pay list No. 4, labor, $69.68. Hay Telephone System—National Revenue, tax tolls, $33.17; Treas. Stephen, refund rates and tolls, $12.77; Northern Electric Co., sup­ plies, i$175.40; Bell Telephone Co., tolls, March to April, $141,48; Stromberg-Carlson ■ Co., supplies, •$'81.75; H. G. Hess, 1 month sal­ ary, $175.00; T. H. Hoffman, one month's salary, $191.66. General Accounts—Queen Alex­ andra Sanatorium, reliefs, $12,00; W. S.' Johnston, collector’s salary. $ib'b'.0O; Provincial Treasurer, hall license, $5.00;, W. H. Edighoffer, assessor and postage, $132.11. The Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 9 th, at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon for regular monthly meeting and as a Court of Revision on 1941 assessment roll. Special Meeting At a .special meeting of the Coun­ cil of Hay Township held since the regular May meeting, the follow­ ing business was transacted: A 20- ft. strip of land has been purchased adjoining the Kellerman block in Dashwood from Peter Kraft and the contract for erecting a building for the Central Office in that village has been let-to T. Klumpp, office to be completed by July 1st next. Mr. Wm. H. Hapgh was appointed in­ spector in charge of building opera­ tions, Mr. Thus. Laing was ap­ pointed inspector of following muni­ cipal drains—Aidworth Drain, Ea- crett Drain, McDonald Drain, and Wildfong Drain and was instructed to make a report on the condition of the McDonald Drain at next regu­ lar Council meeting. A. ..F, Hess, Twp. Clerk HOUSE BURNS On Saturday afternoon the large Stone house of Mr. Elgin McKinley,, of the Goshen line, three miles north of Zurich took fire from the roof, and before it was extinguished it got ajmost beyond control. The 'terrific wind blowing at the time made it almost impossible to extin­ guish the flames as they were fan­ ned by the wind. The Zurich fire brigade with its equipment went up and did good work in getting it un der control, Practically all the up­ per story of the house is gutted b^ while much of the low being saved.—'Zurich Her- WINCHELSEA and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Saints- bury. Mr. and Mrs. -Garnet Johns at­ tended the MacDonald picnic held sat Springbank on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and , family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and baby ' of Atwood spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke and Burdene visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs of Saintsbury. Mastei* Donald Burns, of London, is holidaying with his cousin, Mas­ ter Billie Batten. Miss Deirdre Whaley, of St. Marys spent the week-end with her Cousins, Misses Kathryn and Joan Batten. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Horne. Mrs. Harry Munch and family, of Elimville spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge and family, of St. Marys,_ visited on Sunday - - - ’ ~ — Batten. with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Johanna Ryan, of London,Miss died on Saturday in her 86 th year. Miss Ryan was a daughter of the late Timothy and Julia Ryan and was born in Biddulph Township. For the past 60 years she had lived in London. She was the last sur­ vivor of her family. 600^^' MARATHON IS OUR LOWEST PRICED TIRE WITH THE POPULAR DIAMOND TREAD ® Marathon is causing plenty of excitement among enthusiastic motorists. It’s a! fully guaranteed Goodyear and it’s a mileage maker that’s grand news t for any tire buyer. I We have it in your size. Get top service from your new tires ... add new low-c6st Goodyear tubes. G. F. Skinner EXETER, ONTARIO When a free-born Canadian citi­ zen wants,, to do anything he may go right ahead without consulting anyone—except—his wife, the po­ lice, his boss, his life insurance company and his neighbors—espec­ ially the neighbors. The March of Science srs®« SfiW '-------TRANSMISSION--------J®Jr—LINES IS A recent development in avia­ tion is the Terrain Clearance “Indicator, which gives the height of a plane above the ground im­ mediately below it. Th® former barometric altimeter gave the height above sea-level only. A pilot ,who drifted off his course m poor Visibility had no means of estimating his Clearance, and was likely to run his plane into a mountain side. The new indicator operates by “bouncing” A radio wave from the plane to> the ground and back, and measuring the transit time. The interval is too short to meas­ ure directly, so the frequency of the transmitter is changed con­ tinuously. Th® difference between incoming and Outgoing frequen­ cies gives the number of waves sent out in the interval. The greater the number, the longer the transmit time, rhd the great®#’ MAKING FLYING SAFER the clearance. The meter is cali­ brated from 20 to 5,000 fe®t, so that the pilot cart tell at a glance how high he is. Perfected by Russell C. New- house of Bell Telephone Labora­ tories, the indicator exemplifies the hiany valuable by-products of telephone research. Other avia­ tion devices have been developed .■by . the telephone laboratories during the past few years. The first ef these was a two- way communication system# whereby a pilot in flight can keep in constant touch with the airport. A few years ago, when this system was being tested, a newspaper reporter climbed aboard the Bell Telephone Labora­ tories test plane. When it was in flight, he called up his editor and skid, “Hello, Chief! I’tn about 1,500 feet tip in the air and talk­ ing to ybu »y telephone!” Great was his chagrin when he heard the editor shout across the Office, “Jones is drunk again!” As a result of these experi­ ments, the pilot can keep contihu- ously posted on the’ weather, land­ ing conditions and SO forth. At the larger airports, where many machines may be landing at one ■time, tliiS communication system is used to “Stack” planes at dif­ ferent levels, so that they can be brought in one by one. Another interesting device helps guide aircraft down when rain or fog makes safe landing difficult* Intricate equipment translates sound signals into light signals at the aaministration building of the airnoA A tiny speck of green light moving across a screen of frosted glass, gives the exact position, of the plane. Air­ port officials can note any errors the -pilot "mates in bringing? his machine down through the w.