HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-05-15, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE woiwam am IWenM 30,40,50 PEI’, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal! Want normal Pep, vim, vigor, vitality T Try Oatrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements-- aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or B& Get a special Introductory size for only 354. Try this aid to normal pep and vim today, For sale at all good drug stores, 25 YEARS AGO Rev. A. A. Trumpet the new rec­ tor of the Trivitt Memorial Church, commenced duties in the parish on Sunday, * At the regular meeting of the James Street League on Tuesday the election of officers took place with the following results: Rres., Dr. Roulston; first vice-pres., Chris­ tian Endeavour, Miss Vera Essery, Miss Pridham; 2nd vice-pres., Mis­ sionary, Mies Irene Quakenbueh; 3rd vice-pres., Literary and 'Social, Miss Alma May, Miss Stella South- cott; 4 th vice-pres., Temperance and Citizenship, Miss Alice Hand­ ford, W, S. Cole; treas,, Hedley May; pianist,' Miss Hazel Bissett; sec.-treas, of Forward Movement. Miss Laura Harvey; Lookout comm,, Hubert Jones, Mr, Lloyd Hodgson and Mr, Bruce Mitchell, two of the boys on the 2nd concession of Stephen, are getting married this week. ■ The formaer to Miss Smale, of Highgate and the latter to Miss Smith, of Shipka. Congratulations boys. Mr. and Mrs. Westcott and Mr. and' Mrs. Delbridge spent Sunday at Crediton. •When Mr. Louis Day, Jr., enlist­ ed, causing the firm of Dayx& Son to go out of the milk business, the only milkman left was Mr. E. Hew­ itt. Mr. F. Begg is now -trying the business. out USBQRNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of Usborne Township met on May 10th with the members all present. The min­ utes of the regular meeting of Ap­ ril 12th and a special meeting of April 2)8th, were read and adopted. The assessor, W. J. Routly, re­ ported his 1941 roll completed with an assessment of $2,622,830. Court of Revision of this roll was set for the 14th day of June, 1941, at 4 p.m. and the Clerk was instructed to properly advertise the same. r The collector, William Johns, was 'instructed to return his roll to the Treasurer on the 28th day of May. 1941, Grants were made to the Exeter and Kirkton Agricultural Societies of $50 each as in former years. The Glen-Somerville Drain re­ port prepared by T. R. Patterson and the, petition necessitating the preparation of this report was con­ sidered by the Council, On motion by Fisher and Berry the report was adopted and the by-law covering the same was provisionally passed. The Clerk was instructed to have the necessary copies printed and delivered with the least possible de­ lay. Court of Revision on this by­ law was set for the 14th day of June at 3 pan. The Council purchased two steel culverts 30 feet by 12 and 15 inches from the Roofers’ Supply Co, Relief officer reported $49.91 spent on diyect relief in the month of April, The Treasurer reported receipts for the month of April at $1,2'56 and balance, of cash on hand, $7,- 679.7'7. Orders of Road i$I270.10; ,$'3'28.77. The Council adjourned to meet in special session for the considera­ tion of power grader and snow plow on the 20th day of May. A. W. Morgan, Clerk HOUSE OF COMMONS AND • westiminster ABBEY are BADLY WRECKED /The following partial account of Saturday night’s raid on London was written by Pat Usshor, a Can­ adian Press staff writer! and ap­ peared Monday in the daily press: The Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, whose chimes have sounded Empire unity to millions, and Westminster Hall, were hit during Saturday night’s terrific raid on London. In the light of a full moon, the Nazi raiders swept across the heart of the capital, dropping thousands of explosives and incendiary bombs. They smashed the debating cham­ ber pf the House of Commons— symbol of Britain’s democratic government—into ruins. It will have to be rebuilt before it can be used again. They pierced what many consid­ er the most magnificent roof in the world—that of Westminster Hall, with its soaring arches and sweeping oak beams—and damaged the hall’s interior. They opened Westminster Abbey, historic shrine of England, to the sky. They blackened and scarred the^ familial’ face of Big Ben, and the' apparatus which broadcasts its chimes to the world was put out of action temporarily. But it con­ tinued to chime the hours and its clockwork was unharmed. Museum Set Afire They set fire to a section of the British Museum. But the night fighters, carrying out their most successful counter attack to date, bagged 29 of the raiders while anti-aircraft downed another four. This record bag for a single night was estimated to have accounted for 10 per cent of the invading air fleet and brought to 124 the number of Nazi night bombers shot down in attacks on Britain during the first 10 days of May. The previous re­ cord toll for a single night was 24 on May .8, In the House of Lords, Capt. E. L. H. Elliott, resident superinten­ dent, was killed at his post while as­ sisting in fire fighting. Others killed included two members of the police war reserves and one custo­ dian. Other members of the staff," who worked through the night exting­ uishing flames and salvaging valu­ able records and relics, had remark­ able escapes when bombs fell about them. Bombs also smashed the! roof of the famous Members’ Lobby, al­ ready hit in previous raids and which had been shored up by elab­ orate scaffolding. Poors were tern off and windows smashed. Westminster Hall, construction of which was started by William Rufus in 1'097, is believed to be the largest diall in the world with a roof unsupported by pillars. It is 238 feet long, 68 feet wide and 90 feet high. Westminster Abbey Hit Westmister Abbey was open to the sky, and the roof over the lan­ tern, the low square tower at the centre of the building, had fallen in. The lantern, the absolute centre of the Abbey, is where the platform and Coronation chair are set for the crowning of the kings and queens of England. The deanery of Westminster Ab­ bey, one of the most perfect med­ iaeval houses in England, was de­ stroyed and the dean and his wife were left with nothing but the cloth­ ing they were wearing. The dean told reporters the loss of his personal belongings was nothing compared to his thankful­ ness that the fabric of the Abbey was intact and that no irreparable damage was done. The cloisters were flooded, but otherwise uninjured. Furious AssapH All the capital felt the weight of •the furious assault. It was less con­ centrated than the fire raid of last December 29, which burped out most of the “city" but there was u great­ er proportion of high explosives. Bits of embers from London’s fires carried nearly 20 miles into the country. Qne motorist said “all through the bright sunshine in the country the air was full of hits of charred paper and other tiny debris.” The constant drone of planes, the thunder of anti-aircraft and the shriek of falling bombs joined the rumble of explosions at the height of the raid. At intervals the de­ fending guns paused to leave the skies clear for the night-fighting Spitfires and Hurricanes to come to grips with the invaders. Now and then the rising roar of a motor told of a German '.plane diving low to machine-gun streets lighted by fires. Bright Moonlight The moonlight was so bright it was possible at times to see trails of vapor in the sky marking the paths of the hundreds of milling planes. There was scarcely a let-up from dusk till dawn. The Germans came in seemingly endless waves, spewing explosives Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire Reds Write or Phone .for Prices A. H. SWITZER HATCHERY Phone Granton, Ont. and incendiaries through every part of the city, blasting and burning. Fires, in business blocks burned for hours. Watcher brigades and fire­ men scarcely were given a. moment’s respite, The Government said “reports show the number of casualties is high and -that considerable damage has been done.” James St. W.M.S. Group Meets Mrs. C. W.. Christie’s Group of the James St. W.M.S, met at the home of Mrs. Hannigan recently and arranged the .program for the May meeting. The afternoon was spent in sewing for the Red Cross, There were seventeen members and four •visitors present, It was decided to hold the next group meeting in the form of a picnic on the Church lawn on Monday, July '21st, at 3 p.m. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. were .passed for payment Superintendent’s Voucher, ordinary expenditure, in of a 15 YEARS AGO Mr. A. J, -Payne had a bone his right wrist fractured on Mon­ day, when he was thrown from Jones & May’s delivery wagon. The king bolt of the wagon broke and the horse ran away. Miss Ella Link, of Seaforth, has been ill at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. About 4 a.m, on Wednesday of last week Mr. L. V. Hogarth, •Stephen, had a brooder house, brooder, and about 3'5 0 3-weeks-old chicks destroyed by fire. Mr, W. J, Grant and son, of Glen­ coe, are opening up a bakeshop in Mr. C. B. Snell’s'block on Main St. Mr. N. J. Dore, station agent, has purchased a lot on Carling Street, and will commence the erection of & new brick house of the bungalow style shortly. Mr. Mervin Johnson left his home at Whalen on Monday to accept a position in Ford City, Mrs. J. H, Jones and son Neil •are visiting in London- Mrs. T. O. Southcott is visiting for a few days in 'Galt and Preston.^** WINCHELS^^^'A Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford aWd family of Elimville, Miss Joy Whit­ lock, of -St. Thomas, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. ,F. V. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephen and family, of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn, of Brinsley spent Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. Sher­ wood Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge and family of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge and Kevin, Mrs. W. F. Batten visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. Geo. Delbridge. Mr, and Mrs. John Hunter, of Exeter spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Delbridge. Miss Mildred ,V!eal visited or Sunday with Miss Bessie Johns, o: Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke and family spent Sunday in Fall's. Week-end visitors with Mrs. Geo. Davis were Mr. Wm. Hagen of Kitchener, ----- I--- Hatham, and Mr. George Hatham of Delaware. ‘T'OCN \ 'W'*’ Miss Eloise Pym anq. Misa-GIadys Batten spent Sundays with 'Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Moore, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, of Luck­ now, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horne. ' Niagara Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Ted On the other.hand, while we are reluctant to admit it, virtue is largely a matter of temptation. HENSALL COUNCIL (Intended for last week) The regular meeting of the Hen­ sail Village Council was held on Thursday evening, May 6th, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Per McKinnon and Parkins, that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. F. G. Bonthron appeared re the Legion, asking for a rebate of-hall rent. Per Horton and Cam­ eron, that we refund $12.00 to the Legion from hall rent for bingo par­ ties. Carried, R. J. Patterson, tax collector, reported re dQg taxes. The constable was instructed to collect the balance as per by-law. Reeve Shaddick reported re cor­ respondence from the County Clerk in connection with Mrs. G. Apple­ ton. H. Atkinson, of the Imperial Oil appeared re road .oil. Per M-C- $Kinnon and Cameron that we ,pur- chase 6,200 gallons of Imperial Oil ‘Nok R.C, 3 for street surfacing at 12.45c per gallon delivered in Hen- ■ sail Vm 48 hours notice. Carried. Horton and Parkins that we order 6 barrels of patching material. Carried. Per McKinnon and Cam­ eron, that we present all boys from this municipality with a money belt who enlist for active service. Car­ ried. Per Horton and McKinnon, that we gather the garbage on May 14th and 1'5th and advertise to this effect. Carried. 'Parkins and Mc­ Kinnon, that we, hold court of re­ vision on the .assessment of 1941 on May 26th at '8 p.m. Carried. Cor­ respondence wa ’ ead from Bickle- Seagram Ltd.*, of Welfare, Provincial Treasurer, O. Twitchell, County •the same were filed. >ills and accounts wer 4>n motion of Parkins aiid McKin­ non were ordered paid. ''Canadian Legion, refund hall rent,\$12.'00; Hensall Hydro,* hall, $6.61;\ G. M. Case, teaming, tstreets, $2.8,0; H. Love, labor,, streets; $1.70; R.\rodd, labor, streets, $l.'2O; T. Kyle,\ sal­ ary, $55.00; O. Twitchell,all, $2.10; fire dept., $7.00; Bickle Seagram, supplies, fire dept., $7.00; E. C. Nickle, tuning piano, $3.00; Co'unty of Huron, hospitalization, $.7.05; Treasurer of Ontario, license - hall and park, '$>6.00; total, $,141.46. Adjournment per McKinnon and Parkins. Carried, James A. Patterson, Clerk Xty Clerk, Dept. easurer, and e following read and Stop that Tickling u. . That tickling in the throat is most' distressing, and is caused jby a cold settling in the throat The dry, hard cough hot only keeps you in misery all day long, but also prevents you getting a good night ’s S166p» ■What you need to relieve this tickling cough is Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. This valuable prepara­ tion is composed of the most sooth­ ing and healing expectorant barks and herbs with which is combined the ' virtues Of the world-famous Norway pine tree. When you ask for “Df. Wood’s” see that yoii get it. SPh® ffl. Milburn Oo., Utd^t Toronto, Ont James Street 'Mission Band Hymn 413 was Used for the Op­ ening number at the Mission Band meeting on Monday afternoon at .4.1’5. Donald Southcott had charge of the meeting. It was decided to holdi'a Mission Band tea on Tues- >1 ay May 27th, and the children wodld provide the program. The Mission Band ’Purpose and Prayer were repeated in unison. George Taptoil read the scripture lesson and Kathleen Moir led in prayer, The Mission Band Hymn and “Working Together” .were prac­ tised. The chapter from the study book, “I-Iow Children Spend Easter in Trinidad”, was taken by Mrs. Tantom Charles Co'wen, Murray. Bintnell and George TantOn recit­ ed a poem. The meeting closed by singing hymn' 512 and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. HoW Does Your Label Read? C A NA D A C A L L S Canada has reason to count her blessings in these days of trial. Canada is three thousand miles away from the sound of guns which are devastating Europe. The broad Atlantic Ocean rolls between us and the ruthless savagery of the German Armies.ii The strongest fleets in the world — British, American and Canadian—patrol the sea between us and the enemy. We have a great friendly nation, probably the richest and .most powerful in the world, at our side. CANADA CAN AFFORD HER SACRIFICES This war is a mechanized war. We have the nickel... copper... lead .. . zinc and other metals the war industries need. We have access to the iron. We can make the steel. We have the organized industries to fabricate these metals and make the trucks, and tanks, and guns, and planes, and the ships. / We have skilled workers and the plants for mass production. Canada has the wheat and the food supplies. Let us count our blessings, and tighten our belts. Canada is rich—one of the richest countries per head of popula­ tion in . the world. Let us lend our strength to the utmost of our power. Our national future depends upon Victory. We must win to live. THERE WILL BE FURTHER CALLS a There have been many calls upon the people of this country for money since Canada entered the war at the side of Great Britain. ♦ There will be further calls. a Let us face the future unafraid. Canada can carry the load. But every Canadian must shoulder his and her share. k This is the most critical hour in our history. Let the future historians say of Canada^ as they will say of our Mother Country: «This was their finest hour/’