HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-05-15, Page 1* *58 ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINC, MAY 15th, 1941 r '■SixtydSighth Year liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin g Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ I SPRING COAT at i i i Greatly Reduced Prices iiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiu This is your opportunity to buy a good Spring Coat at the price of a cheap one. These are marked down to clear in a hurry. We still have a good range of styles and sizes, Come early while there is a good choice. EXTRA SPECIAL—-One rack of Misses and Ladies’ Coats, not this season’s but gopd , staple styles ’ to clear at once at $6.95 each LADIES’ AND MISSES SUITS—3 only, smart new styles. Regular price, $17.95. to clear at $12.95 each • 3 Only—Misses’ Tweed Suits—good styles Regular price $12.95, reduced to $5.95 each Furnishings for the Home We have an extra large stock of linoleums, Congoleu'ms, rugs, window blinds, curtain rods, draperies, curtain nets, made-u^p curtains, etc. Get our low prices before buying Linoleum Rugs, large sizes—IOV2XI2, 12x12, 12x13V2 and 12x15—very slightly im­ perfect. New patterns—at greatly reduced prices. Dominion Liquid Wax, specially made for linoleums and Congoleunis. Prolongs wear and makes easy to clean. Only 65c quart can. 3 Hosiery Specials -4“ Silk Crepe Hosiery, firsts, new Spring and Summer shades. Sizes 9 to IO1/’- Regular $1.00 quality on sale this month at 89c a pair. Silk Chiffon Hosiery, new shades, very slightly imperfect, on sale at 79c pair Silk Service Weight Hosiery, new shades, sub standards of the $1.00 quality. A real value at 75c pair. o iiiiimiiiiiiimniiiiiimmHiiiiniiiiiiiimmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinim . Values for Thursday,V Saturday / Country-Kist Peas 9 £_„ 9E« 16-oz. tins ............................................101 4&SC Maxwell House Coffee 1 A A- Regular or Drib Grind......1 ID- HU W ■ WfU...............2 for 17c Aylmer Catsup ‘ aarh 1 Large 12-oz. bottle .................... Aylmer Irish Stew 9 £ 9 E or Clark’s, 15-oz. tins ..............AO* Maple Leaf Soap Flakes 1c Sale£«« Reg. 18c pkg. with 2 Toilet Soap *OI wVt ■ Libby’s Pork & Beans 9 £rt„ Large 20-oz. Tins .......................AU* Kreemy-Puffs, Half-Bushel Pak ««?(L» The new big value Wheat Puffs ...vdVIl wul Mangel Seed — Special, 40 cents per' pound 4 pt. 4 Barb Steel Posts Dr. Roe’s Wire T-Bar Grow Mash $3.85 ' 55c $2;4O New low price on Nu-Wall, $1.10 pkg. with color. Easy to apply, washable, non-fading Mr. C. E. Zurbirigg was the fortunate man who won the lovely 28-piece petalware set. Roller Skates Soft Balls Baseball Bats From $1.00 up From 75c up From 50c up Wagons, from $1.95 up $ * Warm weather is here. Come in and see the new 1941 Model Kelvinator Get your order in for a 1941 Easy Washing Machine as prices are going up. Traquair’s Hardware TINSMITHING SIGN WORK PLUMBING TT5 Your Superior Store Mr. Robt. Crawford has com­ menced the erection of a new home in Exeter on a lot one block east of •the Tfivitt rectory. The Exeter Lions Clnb took three children to 'London Thursday of last week to have -their eyes exam­ ined. Two we.ro from Credlton and ■one from Dashwood, The Exeter‘^Ladies’ Bowling Club will meet Thursday,, May at 8 p.m» at the ■ home*;'of Mrs. EJ. R, Hopper for organisation. Word has -been. received- of the passing of Jofi,n Ji,' of Rig- eon, Mich., in his 81st year. His wife was formerly Henrietta Motz, of Credlton, RACES THROUGH TOWN The screech of a siren brought the residents of the Main St, out to see what it was all about Thurs­ day of last week at noon as Motor­ cycle Officer Jos. Coffey, of Lu­ can, raced through the town. There was considerable speculation as to the hurry. It turned out that Of­ ficer Coffey had an important mes­ sage to deliver at the Goderich court house before court opened for the afternoon session. I =3 GRAVEL CONTRACT LET The contract has been let for the placing of ten thousand tons of gravel on the provincial highways from Russeldale to the Bluewater highway; from No. 4 highway to Zurich and on the highway from Mitchell to Elginfield. With the break-up in the spring, the highways were in bad condition and in dif­ ferent places impassable. The con­ tract for hauling the gravel has been let to Sandy and Salkeld, of Goder­ ich, at 87c a ton. If the above quantity is not sufficient arrange­ ments have been made for aD ad­ ditional ’5,000 tons. W. J. HACKNEY DIES Having lived all his life on the same farm, Mr. William James Hackney, of the south boundary of Hibbert, died suddenly o,n Tuesday morning in his 81st year. Mr. Hackney had been in fair ihealth and passed away during the night. When his sister. Alice, wejit to call him in the morning she found him dead in his bed. The deceased was a bach­ elor and lived with his brother/ Thomas and his sister. Dr. F. J. Hackney, of Centralia, Wash., is a brother. Mp. John Cole, of town, and Mrs. Smeathers, of Detroit, are sisters. The funeral will be held Thursday at two p.m., with inter­ ment in the Staffa cemetery. Rev. Mr. Mair, ofj Thames Road, will officiate. s MOTOR ACCIDENT Two R.A.F( men from Port Al­ bert receive® injuries on No. 4 highway, fou< miles south of Exe­ ter late on<SlSlday. - They stood oh the edge of the pavement with arms raised and thumbs out, signalling an approaching motorist that they wanted a lift. In the glaring light they failed- to realize how close they were in line with the oncom­ ing car. The driver, D. A. Gordon, of town, apparently did not see the men in time to swing away from them and the car struck their up­ raised arms. They were thrown to the paveinent and were rendered unconscious for a short time. The injured airmen were A.C. Guthrie and A.C. (F. Dills. A third member of the force, H. G. Barrow, was not struck. Officer Frank Taylor, Clin­ ton, investigated, but laid no charge. Mr. Gordon brought the airmen to Exeter, where their injuries were treated. Anniversary Services Centralia United Church SUNDAY, MAY 18th, 1941 at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Robt. Hicks, of London will preach at both services . Mrs. Margaret Fletcher will assist the choir LEAVITT’S THEATRE EXETER Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. The Sea Hawk’ a special feature startring ERROL FLYNN and an all-stat* cast. Saturday Matinee Adin.—Adults 25c, Children’ 10c . Saturday Evening Adm.-—Adults 35c, Children 25 c * * * MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 2 features “South of Suez” Starring GEORGE BRENT ‘Calling All Husbands’ A comedy feature with GEORGE TOBIAS RECEPTION TEA A delightful compliment was paid the Exeter ladies last Wednesday afternoon and evening when Miss Vera Decker formally opened her new beauty salon. The salon and apartment were gay with a profu­ sion of spring flowers presented to Miss Decker, which harmonized with the already beautiful color scheme in ivory and watermelon pink. Carole Theil, a niece, at­ tended the door. Miss Decker re­ ceived and Mary Regan showed the modern artistic equipment installed in the work rooms. Tea was serv­ ed in Miss Decker’s private apart­ ment. The tea table looked very beautiful, adorned with a lace cloth and a silver basket of tulips, narcisses, iris and forget-me-nots. Those assisting in the tea room in the afternoon were Mrs. Richard Welsh pouring tea, Mrs. Roylance Westcott, Miss Ruth Brown, Mrs. Earl Thiel And Mrs. Theo. Stein- back, of Zurich, sisters of Miss Decker. In the evening Mrs. Nor­ man Cook, of Hensall, poured tea, assisted by Misses Ardys McFalls, Edna Martene, Mrs. Roylance West­ cott, Mrs. E. Thiel and Mrs. T. Stein- back. Don Winer, A.C.2, Of the R.C.A.F. Manning bool, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home there, FATHER AND SONS ENLIST L.CpI. Gerald England, of Credi­ tor, who has been on the Chatham Centre training camp staff since last October, has been transferred to the Royal Canadian Air Force and will train as a pilot. Jack England has enlisted as a gunner in the R.C.A.E, and will report an June 9 th. With the en­ listment of Jack the entire male members of the family are serving in the forces. Their father, Lloyd England, is on the staff of the Chatham Centre and is also a veter­ an of the First World War. MOTHER’S DAY At Janies Street Church i Mother’s Day was fittingly ob­ served in James St. United Church and Sunday School on Sunday last, At the morning service the atten­ dance was unusually large, Ten children were presented for bap­ tism. They were Nancy Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyle; Wayne Keith, son of Mr- and Mrs. Frank Parsons; Frederick* William, son of Mr, and Mrs. Garnet McFalls; Douglas Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Sillery; Eleanoi1 Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Heywood; James Ron­ ald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott; Jeanette Anne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Taylor; Caro­ line Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Oke; William Grant, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Westlake; Helen Jeanette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nerval Jones; Margaret Ruth Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, was also baptised. The choir furnished special music. A quintette was sung by Miss Helen Penhale, Miss Pearl Wood, Mrs. Goulding, Mr. Cutbush and Mr, •'Fawcett. The pastor, Rev. A. Page, took for his subject, “The Parent­ hood that will Save Canada.” A special service was held in the afternoon in the Sunday School. The Primary sang. Scripture les­ sons were read by Dawson Gould­ ing and Dorene Parsons. Miss Cath­ arine Armstrong read the story, “The Quest”. At Main Street Church The rite of baptism for eight children featured Mother’s Day ser­ vice in Main St. United church last Sunday morning. The church was nicely decorated with tulips and lilacs. The choir furnished an an­ them, “A Song of Mother’s Love” with Mrs. G. Skinner taking a solo part and Miss Mabie Follick and Mrs. Turnbull a duet. The pastor, Rev. N. J. Woods, took for his text “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” He touched on three things in the training of children, prayer, bible study and the attendance at public worship. The children presented for baptism were Charles Leroy, son of Mr. and Mfs. Norman Heaman; Wayne Den­ nis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey; Patsy Ann and Audrey Emily Marie, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beaver; Douglas How­ ard and Joan Marie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waghorn; James Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell; Helen Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Kestle. At the evening service the choir sang “Lift up Your Heads”. A trio was sung by Misses Mabie Follick and Merna Sims and Mrs. Hockey. The min­ ister’s -subject was “Mary, the Mother of Jesus.” At Pentecostal Tabernacle Mother’s Day was fittingly ob­ served in the Pentecostal Church on Sunday when the church was beautiful with spring flowers. A ! large crowd was present at the morning service. In the morning after Sunday School a beautiful Mother’s Day program was pre­ sented, entitled “Mother’s Love”. Choruses, trios, duets and quar­ tettes were ably rendered and the children of the Sunday School gave ■readings. Rev. Clemens gave an inspiring address on Christian home life. A very interesting part; was the presentation of a gift to Mrs. Moore, who was the oldest mother present, she being 87 years old; also a gift to Mrs. Triebner for being the mother present with the largest family in attendance. Bou­ quets were given to four other mothers who were over 75 years old. At the evening service Rev. Clemens spoke on the subject, “What Will You do With Jesus and What Will Jesus do With You?” Mr. O Crawford, of Arkona Sang a beau­ tiful solo. At Caven Church. 4The Young People were in charge of Mother’s Day services in Caven Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. Miss Annie Mason presid­ ed and Miss Irene Kydd read the scripture lesson. Mr. Henry Strang was the Speaker, his subject be­ ing the Christian family. There was a good attendance and the of­ fering was for missions. There was a slight slip-up at the evening service. Rev. B. F. And­ rew, of Clinton,, was the speaker, but was late in making his appear­ ance. The opening exercises were conducted by Mr. Strang assisted by Rev, James Anthony.* Mr, Andrew arrived in tlnm to deliver the ser­ mon. NO INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL THIS YEAR Huron-Perth League Will Sponsor junior Groups At a meeting of the Huron-Perth Baseball League held at Clinton last Wednesday night, it was decided that the league would not sponsor an intermediate group during the coming season, Managers of all the Intermediate clubs in the league were of opinion that owing to the removal of players from their lo­ calities, either for war work or to enlist, it would be impossible for them to field teams strong enough to carry on in intermediate “B” company. The league will instead sponsor junior and possibly juvenile groups. Entries for a junior grouping have been received from Goderich, Clin­ ton, Exeter and Hensall, Delegates were present from Exe­ ter, Crediton, Blyth, Hensall, Clin­ ton and Goderich. SOFTBALL LEAGUE A public school softball league has been formed with two groups making up the league. The south group comprises Grand Bend, Dash­ wood and Exeter and the north group is made up of Hensall, Zur­ ich and Bayfield. The players are to be 15 years or -under and at least five of the players must be from Grade 8 or under. Group winners will play off for cham­ pionship, the play-offs to be two out of three -games and if third game is necessary it is to be played on neutral ground. The schedule is as follows: South Group May 5—Grand Bend at Dashwood May 7—Dashwood at Exeter May 12—Exeter at Grand Bend May 14—Grand Bend at Exeter May 19—Dashwood at Grand Bend May 21—Exeter at Dashwood North Group May 5—Zurich at Bayfield May 7—’Hensall at Zurich May 12—Bayfield at Hensall May 14—Zurich at Hensall May 19—Hensall at Bayfield May 21—Bayfield at Zurich Exeter Wins First Game The first game of the . south group was played at Grand Bend Monday afternoon. It was a free- hitting game with lots of errors. The final score was 29 to 23 for Exeter. Umpires were J. B. Creech and A. Watson. Grand Bend is playing a return game at ExeteT to-day (Wednesday). The linec-up ' Monday was as follows: Exeter—Doug Brintnell, p; Ross Tuckey/ 2nd; Jack Hennessey, 1st; Arnold Lindenfield, c.f.; Don Presz- cator, l.f.; Carl Hewitt, 3rd; Jim Whyte, c.; Bob Pryde, s.s.; Wilbert Gillespie, r.f., (replaced by I-Iugh Davis in 9th). Grand Bend—’Howard Green, c.; Junior Mason, p.; Donald Brenner, 1st; Mervyn Ravelle, 2nd; Allen Schatz, 3rd; Kenny Dawe, s.s.; Rene Thibault, l.f.; Bruce Stanlake, c.f.: Glen Nichols, r.f. CEMENT FLOORING IN sPouring of cement for the floor­ ing of Exeter’s new bridge was •completed last Saturday. The floor­ ing is ninety feet long and thirty feet wide. It was poured in four strips running the length of the bridge. A cement pier supports the flooring of the bridge. Consider­ able’ material has been used in the flooring.. It is estimated that there were nine carloads of stone approxi­ mately 360 tons; 180 yards of sand and about 2,260 bags of cement. Three inches of asphalt will be laid on top of the cement. The workmen are engaged at present in building forms for the curbing. A sidewalk will be laid on the west side of the bridge and splash guards will sepa­ rate the sidewalk from the road­ way. Eleven pillars are to be erected along the east and west side and electric standards Will be erect­ ed at either end. Sang at Tavistock Messrs. Harold and Gerald Skin­ ner and Harry Hoffman Were at Tavistock on Sunday where in com­ pany with Jas. Francis they sang a quartette at the evening service in connection with the Evangelical conference. Mrs. H. Skinner and Marilyn, Mrs. G. Skinner and Miss M. Bolton accompanied them and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis. Ort Sunday next James St. Sun­ day School "Will commence their ser­ vice at ten o’clock In the morning to continue throughout the sum­ mer months. -In copying the .list of Farm La­ bour Candidates appearing last week, credit for passing ttppnr School Composition and Middle School Geometry was accidentally omitted in the case of Jean Brock. Marie Buswell obtained credits in four tipper school papers, Botany, Zoology, chemistry and Trigono­ metry. “THIS TIME WE ARE ALL IN THE FRONT LINR” For over a year and a half wo Canadians have been at war with Germany and all Germans, yet few of us at the present time realize the immensity of the task ahead of sus, or the importance, to each indiv­ idual ope -of us, of the eventual success of our war effort. It has often been stated that we are at war to defend our way of living, but is it realized why we wish -to do so and how it differs from the plans which the Germans even now have for us? Here in Canada each one of us has a right to happiness, prosperity and good health, and it is possible for each one of us to have these priceless assets, but under the Ger­ manic plans we would have no hope of ever finding any happiness or prosperity and even our health would be taken from us, as a healthy nation would sooner or later become a rebellious nation. If we lose this war we will vir­ tually be enslaved, and as only a free people can be happy, prosper­ ous and healthy, it is essential to each individual Canadian that every ounce of energy be expended to­ wards winning this war. We un­ questionably have the ability but we must m-ake the tremendous ef­ fort so very necessary. Early next month every loyal Canadian will be asked to lend all the money possible to the Govern­ ment of our country in order that the present war may be carried to a. successful conclusion as soon as pos­ sible. Even now in the County of Huron an organization is being set up to organize this county for the forthcoming Victory Loan which it is expected will be announced around the first of June. Mr. James Leiper, Warden of the County of Huron, is Honorary Chairman and Judge T. M. Costello is Honorary Vice-Chairman. Chair­ man of the Executive Committee is Mr. J, D. Thomas, of Goderich, and Vice-Chairmen are Mr. H. C. Camp­ bell, of Wingham, Mr. Thomas Pryde, of Exeter, Mr. J. C. Shearer, of‘"'Clinton, Mr. W. L. Whyte, of Seaforth, Mr. Hugh Hill, of Ben- miller. Mr. G. W. Schaefer is ‘Sec­ retary and Mr. H.' C. ’Williams As­ sistant Secretary. Members of the Executive Com­ mittee are as follows: Mr. Thomas Pryde, of Exeter, Mr. A. Y. Mc­ Lean, of Seaforth, Mr. R. K. Wur- tele, of ’Goderich, Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Goderich, Mr. R. S. Hethering­ ton, of Wingham, Mr. D. D. Moon­ ey, of Goderich, Mr, A. H., Erskine, of Goderich, Mr. D. E. Campbell, of Goderich, Mr. J. G. Mullen, of Seaforth, Mr. J. W. McKib^bon, oi‘ Wingham, Mr. {F. Fingland, K.C., of Clinton, Mr. R. N. Creech, of Exe­ ter, Mr. K. J. Hueston, of Howiol’ Township. Joint Chairmen of the County of Huron Sales Committee are Mr. H. C. Campbell, of Wingham; Mr. Thomas Pryde, of Exe*ter; Mr. J. C. Shearer, of Clinton; Mr. W. L. Whyte, of ‘Seaforth; Mr. A. Y. Mc­ Lean, of Seaforth is Chairman of Huron County Publicity. Committee with Mr. A. Wilkes and Mr. W. T. Cruikshanks. of Wingham, as vice- chairmen. Mt. N. W. Miller, of Clinton and Goderich is secretary. The committee for the County of Huron to handle special names has Mr. R. K. Wurtele, df Goderich, as chairman and Mr. W. C‘. Attridge, of Goderich, Dr. M. Graham, Of Goderich and Mr. " Owen Combe, of Clinton, as joint vice-chairmen. The Employees’ Committee for the County of Huron is headed by Mr. R.- S. Hetherington, of Wingham, as chairman, with Mr. J. B. Rey­ nolds, of Goderich, and Mr. D. Malt­ by, of Clinton, as vice-chairmen. Mr. A. H. Erskine is chairman of the County of Huroii Administration and Finance Committee and Mr. D. >H. Downie, of ’Goderich, Mr. Alex Smith, of Goderich, and Mr. R. C. Whately, of Goderich, as vice- chairmen. ’ Mrs. D. J. Lane is chairman of the Women’s Committee and Mrs. Ida Sanders of Exeter, Mrs. A. L. Close, of Seaforth apd Mrs. J. W. McKibben, of Wingham, are vice- chairmen. *• The chairman of the Transporta­ tion Committee is Mr. D. D1. Moon­ ey, of Goderich and vice-chairmen are Mr. Harper Rivers, of Exetef, Mr. H. C. McLean, of Wingham. Dr. F. J. Beuchley, of Seaforth and Mr; R. W. Rowed, of ’Goderich. Further members of the vatiouS •coftimittees will be announced eatly next week. DuHiig the last war the people of the County of Huron responded ad­ mirably to the appeal by the Gov­ ernment for money to carry on the war effort as it then was. Now the necessity is much greater than it ever was before and as our King stated Many months ago, “THIS TIME WE ARE ALL IN THE ERONT LINE.” $