HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-05-08, Page 5TOE EXETER TJMES-ARVOCATE J'HL'liSb.lr, MAI Sih, Wit
Notice to Bus Patrons
of the Town of Hensail
Effective May 15th, the bus stop and depot at Hensail will be
Ut McLaren^ McColl-Frontenac Service Station. Phone 33
Buses will no longer operate in. main section of the town.
Don’t fail to .hear Carlos Sher
man, operatic baritone, of New
York and Harvey Robb, organist, of
London, who will be among the
artists performing at James St.‘
Church, Exeter, May 20th, when the
ipupils of Stanley J. Smith, A.T,C<M.,
will appear in recital.
.Mrs. MacDougall, of Blenheim,
is visiting with Mrs. Annie Saunder-
Pte. 'William Higgins, of London
called on relatives and friends in
town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harding, of London,
visited on Sunday ■ with Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Corbett.
Patsy Steer is holidaying at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs.
Brazier, in London.
Miss Enid Parkins left for Lon
don this week where she has se
cured employment.
Mr. Norval Reid has’ accepted a
position with Mr. A. W. Kerelake,
in his produce store.
Miss Dorothy Brazier, of London,
spent a few days last week at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer.
Next Sunday being Mother’s Day;
special services honoring mothers
Will be held in the local churches.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert‘Johns at Elimville.
Donnie Hayter, of London, is
holidaying at the home of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Pte. Lawrence Baynham, of
Camp Borden, visited over the week
end with Mrs. Baynham and children
Mrs. Jack Corbett and little
daughter* returned home from Dr.
Fletcher’s Hospital, in Exeter, on
Tuesday. ♦ ■
Mrs. Devlin spent a few days last
week visiting with her nephew and
niece, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Colvin,
at Komoka. .
Mrs. D. G. Steer returned home
on Sunday after spending a. few days
with her mother, Mrs. Brazier, in
Mr. Wm. Daniels, who under- ■
went an operation on his leg in
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last
week, continues quite ill.
Mrs. Roy ‘ MacLaren and son
Donald returned home on Satur
day from London where Donald re
cently underwent an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and daugh
ter Gwendolyn, of Detroit, visited
over the week-end with Mrs. .Lou
Simpson, and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. :
Messrs. Carrey Joynt and Jack
Simmons, who have secured good
positions in Windsor, spent the
week-end at their respective homes
' Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and
daughter Donna, of Blenheim, vis
ited on Sunday with Mrs. Rigby’s
parents, Mi*, and Mrs. Stewart Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer, who
have been spending 4he winter
months with their daughter, Mavis,
in Toronto, returned to their home
Rev. Wm. Weir conducted servic
es iri Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Sunday and the choir sang an
■anthem, “Consider the Lilies of the
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mousseau and
daughter, of St. Catharines, are
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs* Dick
Taylor, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mr. T. 0. Joynt was in Goderich
on Wednesday afternoon attend
ing the funeral of his cousin, the late
Robt. Johnston, former County
Clerk and Registrar.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Mavis
and Ray, of London, visited on
Sunday with the former’s sister,
Miss Minnie Reid and the latter’s
sister, Mrs, Jean Manson.
The services were conducted by
the pastor, Rev. R. A. Brook on
Sunday in the United Church and
the choir sang two anthems, “Zion’S
Glad Morning” and “Re Strong iri
the Lord”.
Mr., and Mrs. Geo. MacIntyre re-'
turned to their home lit Detroit after
spending a few Weeks With the lat
ter’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Daniels, and
Mr. Daniels, who underwent an op
eration in St, Joseph’s Hospital,
London, last week. ’
The entertainers who took part in
the Minstrel Show presented their
Show in the salvation Army Ruild-
ing in Queen’s Park, London on
Monday night, when sis hundred
soldiers attended the entertainment.
The cast presented, the show in
Londesboro on Friday night and
will present it at Dashwood, Staffa
and Carlingford in the near future.
Y.P.U. Meets
The Christian Culture .meeting of
the Young People’s Union was held
on Monday evening with Miss Ruth
Birook presiding and opened by
singing “When I Survey the Won
drous Cross”. The scripture les
son was read by Miss Mary Good
win and Rev', R. A. Brook led in*
prayer. The minutes and roll call
were taken by Miss Gladys McKen
zie in the absence of the secretary,
Bob Hess. The anniversary ser
vices and play which were so re
cently held were very successful.
’ Ruth Hess and Gloria Twitchel sang
a duet and the topic- on “Canadian
Poets” was very ably given by Miss
Ruth Brook and Misses Elva Mc
Queen, Norma Cook and Gladys
Passmore gave poems. The meet
ing was closed by singing “Blest
Be the Tie That Binds” and the
benediction, after which Miss
Gladys McKenzie directed contests.
Celebrates diet Birthday
Hensall’s oldest lady, Mrs. Mag
dalena Lindenfield, celebrated her
91st birthday at her home here last
Wednesday with the members of
her family being present. Mrs. Lin
denfield was born in Baden and has
been a highly-respected citizen o'f
the village for the past fifty years.
She was the recipient of many
beautiful gifts and received many
callers during the day. Her fam
ily consists of four sons: ’'William,
Billings, Montana; Israel, of London,
Walter, of Stirling; and Edward, of
Exeter, and two daughters, Mrs.
Schoch, of Zurich and Mrs. Johns
ton, of Hensail, with whom she re
Wohelo Class Meets
The Wohelo Class -of the United
Sabbath School met at the home of
their teacher, Miss Ellis, on Friday
evening, May 2nd. Following the
devotional exercises and business
period, several enjoyable numbers
were given, consisting of solos by
little Audrey Walsh, accompanied
by her mother. Readings by Miss
Ellis; piano solos by Miss Gladys
Luker. The highlight?of the even
ing was a spirited debate, “Resolved
that Country Life is Better than
Village Life”. The affirmative side
was ably taken by Misses Mary Cole
man and Dorothy Dougall while Mrs.
Hridden and Mrs. Kennedy firmly up
held the negative side. The judges
Miss Margaret Grieve and Mrs. Har-
pole declared the affirmative speak
ers the winners by a very small mar
gin, A dainty Junch was served at
the close. The convener of the en
tertainment and lunch committees,
was Mrs. Hedden.
W.M.S. Holds 51st Birthday
The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter
ian Church held their fifty-first
annual birthday party on Friday,
May 2, with a good attendance.;
The schoolroom was beautiful with
spring flowers and th.e meeting op
ened with soft music on the piano,
and the call to worship, followed by
singing “I Will _ Lift Mine Eyes”.
Mrs, John Dallas read - the scrip
ture, Psalm 46 and led in prayer.
“’Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer”,
was sung and the offering was re
ceived and dedicated in prayer, af
ter which Mrs. R. Cameron led in
prayer. A > Vocal duet, entitled
“Ashamed of Jesus”, was sung by
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Miss
Margaret Dottgall, accompanied by
Mrs. W. A. MacLaren at the piano.
Rev. WmA Weir introduced the
guest speaker, Miss Mary E. Ander
son, of Japan, and Rev. James L i
Dickson, of Formosa, who told inter
esting stories of their work in tlie
missionary field, - and showing slid
es. Miss Anderson sang “Softly
and Tenderly Jesus is Calling” in
the Korean language. Mrs. Cam
eron arid Mrs. Workman moved a
vote Of thanks to the speakers for
■their interesting addresses. The
meeting Closed by singing “0 Zion
Haste”, after which ReV. Weir led
In prayer, A social half-hour was
spent and a dainty lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Webb, of
Grand Bend, Ont., have announced
the engagement of their only daugh
ter,. Hene, to John Douglas Smith,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. William
■D. iSmlth, of ’Forest, Ont., the mar*
riage to take place on May Itth.
Don’t fail to hear Carlos Sher’*
man, operatic baritone, of New
York and Harvey Robb, organist, of
London, who will be among the
artists performing at James St.
Church, Exeter, May 20th, When the
pupils of Stanley J. Smith, A.T.C.M.,
will appear in jecital.
Miss Catharine Finkbeiner, who
has been with her sister, Mrs.
Humble, in Sarnia, for some time,
has returned.
Mr. Van Dyke, of Tavistock, is
visiting with his daughter, Mrs.
The Hensail Minstrels will pre
sent their show at Dashwood in
Rader’s garage on Wednesday ev
ening, May 14th, sponsored by the
Dashwood Red Cross.
Mr, arid Mfs. E. Nadiger attend
ed the wedding of a nephew in
Galt on Saturday,
Mr, Sam Witzel, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with his mother, Mrs,
Arbor Day was observed in the
public school on Friday and in the
afternoon the pupils were taken to
Grand Bend, where they had a
ball game.
Miss Myrta Taylor, of London,
spent the week-end with her bro
ther, Dr. and Mrs, R. H. Taylor.
Mr. Ira Tieman, of Peterborough,
is visiting with his mother, Mrs.
Mary Tieman.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna and fam
ily, of Birmingham, Mich., spent
the week-end with her,mother, Mrs.
Mrs. Allemang and family of Kit-,
chener were Sunday visitors with
her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Mr. Manewell, connecting com
pany inspector of the Bell Tele
phone, of Toronto, spent Tuesday
in town on business.
The property on Main Street, o’
the late Mr. George Kellerman was
sold to Mr. E. R. Guenther Iasi
Mr. and Mrs. George Maier and
family of Detroit spent the week
end with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie, of De
troit are spending a few weeks at
their home here.
Addison Tieman and Milford Mer-
uer made a business trip to Toronto
On Monday.
Measles have broken out among
the school children here. Quite a
number are quarantined.
The Henrich Memorial Band held
their annual meeting and election
of officers on Monday evening. Miss'
Helen Nadiger, the secretary, re
ported a balance on hand of $20 O.JiO.
The newly-elected officers are: Pre
sident, Addison Tieman; secretary
treasurer, Myrtle Gaiser; leader,
Harry Hoffman.
music by
Adm. 25c Dancing 9-
Everybody Welcome
Miss Jean McCann, of St. Marys
Hospital, Kitchener, spent Sunday
at her home .here.
Misses Eliza and Hilda Dietrich,
of London,* spent the Week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietrich.
Mrs. Dennis Bedard and son Ron
ald of ’Zurich, are spending a few
days with the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Morrissey.
We are glad to report that Miss
Ann McPhee is. on the road to recov
Mr. Jack Morrissey is all smiles.
It's a boy, *
Keep a date open for the dance in
the hall on Friday night.
Mr. Nap Geromette Is quite pleas
ed. It’s a girl.
Mr. James Dalton, Sr., spent Tues
day with friends in Goderich. :
Mrs. T. Molyneaux and two daugh
ters,’ of Dublin, speilt Friday With
Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton.
Mr. Cyril Morrissey, C.A.S., To
ronto, Spent a few days last week
at his home here.
Don’t fail to hear Carlos Sher
man, operatic baritone, of New
York and Harvey Robb, organist, Of
London, who will be among the
artists performing at James St.
Church, Exeter, May 20th, when the
pupils of Stanley J, Smith, A.T.O.M.,
will appear in recital.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and baby,
of Atwood, visited here oil Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Johns, who had been
there for a short visit returned home
with them,
Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Veiiner and
sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, of
Chiselhprst, were visitors at Mr.
Gilbert Johns’ on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of
Wellburn visited iri tills neighbor
hood last Sunday.
Mrs, Henry Ford returned home
from SL Thomas on Saturday last
after spending over a week with her
sister, Miss J. Whitlock,
Don’t fail to hear Carlos Sher
man, operatic, baritone, of New
York and Harvey Robb, organist, of
London, who will be among the
artists performing at James St.
Church, Exeter, May .30th, when the
pupils of Stanley J, Smith, A.T.C.M.,
will appear in recital,
The Police Trustees of the Vil
lage haye appointed Wednesday,
May l'4th, as rubbish collection
day. Citizens are requested to bring
any rubbish they wish to be carried
away to the street curb for ready
The Trustees have also proclaim
ed a half holiday of all the busi
ness places for the summei* months,
Holidays begin Wednesday*, May
14th and end Wednesday, Septem
ber 24th.
Mr. Ben Eilber, Mr. John Either,
Mrs, Mary Eilber, Mrs. Walter
Schroeder and son Gerald of Ubly,
Mich., visited at the home of Mrs.
Henry Eilber, who still continues
quite ill.
Miss L ulu Morlock, of Windsor,
spent the week-end at hei’ home
Rev, A. E. Pletch is attending
the Evangelical Conference held at
Tavistock this week,
Mr, and Mrs, H. K. Eilber attend
ed the funeral of the late Robert
Johnson, of Goderich, a former
county sheriff, when Mr. Eilber
acted as an honorary pallbearer.
The Bell Telephone linemen are
bu^y trimming trees in the village.
Miss Lillian Haist, of Crediton,
was the winner of the congoleum
rug given away by Faist Bros, for
the most 4-letter words formed from
the words “Faist Congoleum”,(hav
ing 512. words.
A representative congregation met
in the United Church, Crediton, last
Lord’s Day evening when Rev. N.
J. Woods, M.A., of Main St. United
Church, Exeter, occupied the pul
pit with his choir gracing the choir
loft,. Mr. Woods’ sermon, subject
was “The Gospel According to You”.
Mrs. Norman Hockey rendered a
solo while the choir rendered the
anthem, “Seek Ye the Lord” with
Mr, Gerald Skinner rendering the
solo. It is felt that in terms of
spiritual values, this exchange of
ministers and choirs was mutually
inspiring and helpful.
Mother’s Day services will be held
at Shipka, Brinsley and Crediton
next Sabbath when the minister’s
subject will be “The Ideal Mother”.
Special Sunday School sessions com
memorating this day will be con
ducted at all three appointments.
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson will conduct
the service at iBrinsley, when a choir
composed exclusively of mothers will'
render trie anthem. The rite of in
fant baptism will be dispensed at
■Brinsley and Crediton. Don’t
forget that little Mother* of yours.
She will be expecting the mailman
bearing youi* card of affection. Let
us honor Mother’s Day in God's
house of prayer and thus honor our
Mother’s Day Services
Mother’s Day was very fittingly
observed at the Evangelical Church
on Sunday. A ladies’ choir of thirty
voices occupied the choir loft in the
morning service and sang two fine
selections under the direction of
Mrs. William Smith. A ladies’ oc
tette sang “Always Remember Your
Mother”. Rev. Mr. Pletch preach
ed Very acceptably both morning and
evening. The theme for the morn
ing service, “A Call of Love and
Devotion”. Love is what humanity*
needs more than anything else.
Mother love is next to God’s love
because it never changes. A men’s
choir took charge of the singing at
the evening service and contributed
two numbers under the* direction of
F. W. Morlock. A special program
was rendered in the Sunday School
under the direction of tlie Living
Links class with Miss Ella Morlock,
teacher. The program included re
citations, Songs, a short play, a la
dies’ quartette, a men’s quartette.
Special recognition was given to
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, the old
est couple present and 'to Sandra
Kay .Finkbeiner, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner, the
youngest babe present.
Annual Meeting of W.L
The annual meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute was held on Mon
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Chris. Haist with a good attendance.
The meeting opened .by singing the
National Anthem followed by the
Creed and the Lord’s Brayer in uni
son. The roll call whs answered
by the paying of dues and naming
youi’ grandmother. The ladies were
reminded of the district annual
meeting to be held at Exeter on
June ttiOth. All members wishing
to go are to leave theii* names with
the president or secretary. Twenty-
five dollars was donated to the
Queen'S IFrihd, and a Second $iS0
war borid is to be ptirchased bjr the
Institute. The reports of the dif
ferent officers and ■conveners were
then given. Mrs. M. W. Telfer took
the chair for the election of officers
Which resulted as follows: Hon.
pres., Mrs, d. ZWicker; past pres.,
Mrs. M» Ewald; pres., Mrs, Lloyd
England; 1st vice-pros., Mrs. W.
Mack; 2nd vice-pros., Mrs. W. Wein;
SeO.-treaS,, Mrs. H. Schenk; asst,
sec., Mrs. G. z wicker; district dir
ector, Mrs. Lawrence Wein; audi
tors, Mrs. G. Zwicker, Mrs. F. W.
Morlock; reporters, Miss Jean
Mountain. Mrs. Lawrence Wein;
agricultural representative, Mrs. A.
Wein; pianists,, Mrs. Emmery Fahr*
ner. Miss Lulu Mollard; choristers,
Mrs. G. Morlock, Mrs* J. Woodall;
Red Cross representative, Mrs. S.
The subject chosen for the local
leader training was “Making the
Most of Vegetables”, Misses Lula
Mollard and Alma smith were ap
pointed as local leaders. Mrs, Wm.
Oestreicher took the chair tor the
following program: A song for
Mother’s Day; vocal duet by Pauline
and Gordon Hess; topic on Histori
cal Research by Mrs, Lawrence
Wein; piano duet by Mrs. Harry
Hess and Pauline, A delicious
lunch was then served by Mrs, Chris,
Haist, Mrs, G. Morlock, Mrs. Wm,
Oestreicher, Mrs. D. Mclsaac. A
hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Haist
for the use of her home, to the other
hostesses and to those taking part
in the program was proposed by
Mrs. M. W. Telfer and seconded by
Mrs, A. Wein.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Torrance and
family of Porter’s Hill visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr. H. Ivi-
Mr, and Mrs. S. Beattie, of Varna,
spent the week-end with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Mc
Mr. Clarence’McLean, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Mr. and Mrs, H. McMurtrie vis
ited on Sunday with Mr. John Mc
Murtrie, who underwent an opera
tion in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don, last week. His many friends
wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr, and Mrs. Enos Herdman of
Elimville visited recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney.
Mr. .and Mrs. J. Linden and Ver
na, of Denfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J,
Carter and family, of Clandeboye,
visited on Sunday at the home Qi
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons.'
The many friends of Mr. Arthur }
Ricker will be sorry, to learn he is
seriously ill at ’his home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, of Hen
sail visited on Sunday with Mrs. H.
Ricker and Arthur.
The Y.'P.S. 'of the United Church
are holding their annual spring an
niversary on Sunday, May 18th.
Rev. Beacom, of Grand Bend, will
be the guest speaker at both ser
The YJP.S. ‘presented their play,
Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Creek”
in Hensail United Church and Zion
United Church, Dublin, last week. .
Mrs. N. Pybus, of London', is
spending .a few days with her moth
er, Mrs. H. Ricker. Miss Dora Py
bus, of London, visited on Monday
evening with Mrs. H. Ricker.
The Harmnoy Class of the United
Church are holding their monthly
meeting on Friday evening at the
•home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bro-
Mr. and Mrs. J. PranCe, of. Win-
chelsea visited on Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs. T. Bullock.
Mr. Raymond Pollock and Jack
of Kerrwood, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock.
Mrs. Carman Woodburn, and
Marion, spent Monday afternoon
with Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, of Grand
Messrs. Harold Pollock and Sel-
bourne English, of Detroit, spent the
week-end at their homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brophey, of
Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Brophey,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, of Brins
ley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Woodburn*.
The Ministerial Association of
South Huron met at the manse on
Monday afternoon. A paper was
read by Rev. Rapson, of Kirkton.
Some twenty were present. At the
close of the meeting the hostess
served lunch out on the lawn.
Mother’s Day will be observed
next Sunday in all ’churches. Bap
tismal services will be held at both I
Mr. Ronald Gollings has enlisted
in the signal corps. We wish him’
every success.
Rev. Mair and Mr. John Morgan
were at Byron on Saturday.
Mrs. Cole of Mount Pleasant gave
a reading at the Y.P.U. meeting at
Roy’s last Sunday.
Mrs. John Hodgert will sing a
solo at Roy’s Church next Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. R. Copeland and
Don of Gorrie visited at the manse
on Wednesday. <
(formerly Walker’s)
3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45
Further Reduction oh Largei*
Gnarahtded no Filler
Results considered, you will find
this potvder unequalled as a tonic
tor All fatin stock
Your Drugs at
Phene 50 Exeter
Falcon Peas, 16-oz. .2 for 25c
* Carnation Milk ,. ,.,. .. ,*3, tins for 25c
Pork & Beans, 20-oz. tins 3 /pr
Pyre Dutch
1 lb. Bag, 20c
Family Size
Each 31c
10 Bars for 29c
Pineapples are nearly over. We will appreciate your order.
# Buy Mother a box of Chocolates at
Harvey & Harvey
Phone 102 Service Grocery We Deliver Evenings
.................. ................................................................
' ■■___ ___ . . .... .. _
Sunday visitoi’s with Mr. and
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull were: Mr. and
Mrs, Norman Turnbull and Mr. and
Mrs, E, Mousseau, of Kippen; Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Holt, Rev. Mr. Grigg,
of Exeter,
Mr. Erwin Holt, of Galt, and
Miss Beulah Holt, of London, spent
the week-end here.
Mr. Glen Dsejardine, of Petawawa
'spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Desjardine.
Mrs. Etta Baker and daughter
Doris spent the week-end with .Mrs.
Wells, of Exeter.
Mr. Wally Desjardine spent Sun- •
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mousseau
and little daughter, of St. Cathar
ines .are visiting Mrs. Mousseau’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mous
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Oliver were
called to the hospital in London
where their son, George, had an op
eration on Monday morning.
Mrs. R. Ravelle was able to leave
the hospital on .Saturday and was
moved to her daughter's home
where she will remain for some
Mr. Wes. Nichols has moved his
family back from London after
spending a couple of months.
Miss Libby Young, of London, is
at present visiting with Mrs. Frank
Mr. Shenk and family moved to
Thedford this week.
Rev. Mr. Grigg of Exetei’ preached
a very inspiring sermon on - Sun
day morning and everyone is look
ing forward to hearing him again.
Stephen Township Federation of
Agriculture will hold its first re
gular monthly meeting on Monday
evening, May 1.2th, at 8.30 p.m. in
the township hall, Crediton. Mr.
Hugh Hill, prominent dairy farmer,
Goderich, will be the guest speaker.
A varied program of music, etc.,
will be provided from school sec
tions 8, 10, 12, 18 and 17. Every-
’one interested in agricultural prob
lems is invited to attend the meet
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook and
Mr. J. Kenney of Detroit spent a
few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. B. McCann.
Mr. Gordon O'Rourke spent the
week-end at Windsor.
Miss Eileen Willert, of London,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert.
Mr. Fred .Preeter, of, Stratford,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Kraft
a few days last week.
Don’t fail to hear Carlos Sher- jnan, operatic baritone, of Nevi
York and Harvey Robb, organist, of
London, who will be among the
artists performing at James St.
Church, Exeter, May 20th, when the
pupils of Stanley J. Smith, A.T.C.M.,
will appear in recital.
Congratulations to Miss S. Moser,
teacher, and her four pupils, Nor
ma Tufts, Leona Dobson; Ray Mor
rison and Melvin Doupe, on obtain
ing their entrance certificates.
The oldest lady in the village, in
the person of Mrs. Mary Allan, who
is in her 86th year, has just com
pleted 70 pairs of men's socks for
the Red Cross.
Mrs. M. Routly spent Sunday ■vVith
liir. and Mrs. Frank Routly,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whan, of ’To
ronto, Visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Cluff this past week.
O& Meeting
The W.M.S. met in the basement
of the church Thursday with the 4th
line group in charge. The ladies
studied the story of one of the
greatest home missionaries of the
United Church, Rev. Horace .Wrincli,
M,D„ d.d., who founded the hospb
Golden Yellow Banana? , „3 lbs. 25c
Sweet Juicy Oranges AU sizes
Grapefruit, medium size 6 fop 25c
Cpokies, chocolate mallow or
assorted 2 lbs, 29$
Choice Peanut Butter per lb., 15c
Choice Home-Rendered Lard ,. 3 lbs. 25c
Tomatoes, 28-oz, tins 4 2 for 25c
Huron Toilet Tissue ,,.. 8 rolls for 25c
for your house* * *
Small Down Payment—10 per
cent of total price
12 months to pay
Minimum monthly payments,
A 3 per cent discount
allowed on prepayment of
Unpaid balance
* * *
Huron Lumber Co.
tai at Hazleton, B.C., and there serv
ed for 3 years. He had his degree*
in agriculture also.
Red Cross Meeting
The ladies of the Red Cross who
are sewing and knitting, displayed
their garments made during the
month of April at the home of Mrs.
.Reuben Switzer on Thursday, at
which some 60 attended. Many
from the village- and community as
well as from Mt. Pleasant attend
ed. The ladies in charge were
greatly pleased with the interest
taken in-theii’ work. We hope the:
Red Cross workers will continue:
their work. A dainty lunch was
served and over $11 was realized.
A confirmation service was held;
in St. Paul’s Anglican Church on
Wednesday evening. Bishop Sea-
ger, of London, was present at the
laying on of hands. Eight were con
firmed. There was a good congre
gation. The choir sang that won
derful anthem “I Will Lift Up
Mine Eyes”, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Reu
ben Switzer took the duet and Leon
Paul the solo part.
•We extend our sympathy to Mrs.
Milton Gregory in the death of her
father., the late Mr. Henry Muer.
Dear Colonel: Whenever my sis
ter’s twins are quiet, we suspect
they are up to some mischief. Sun
day afternoon while I dropped in for
my weekly visit, sis became very
uneasy—but finding them sitting
quietly in the next room spoke tri
them: “I'm glad you children are
so good and Sitting quietly so as
not to disturb your Daddy while he
is taking his nap.”
—And the Twins answered in
unison: “Yes, mummy, we’re watch
ing his cigarette burn down to his
—Merely Marian.
Those co-eds in a western uni
versity wiho told an interviewer
they did not expect to be kissed the
first time out with a date, didn’t
say what they hoped.
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