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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-05-08, Page 2
THE OTB TIM^APVQGATO ^s=sq» by ANNE MARY LAWLER some sleep.” Jill thought, “He hates me. He hates me because. I’m rich, and be* cause I lied to him," Mike thought,. “She’s only trying to make things easier for me. She' only trying to be kind." “Good night, Mike,” said Jill. '“Pleasant dreams,” Mike ans wered. Ignoring Lemuel's order to lay low’, Mike was across the road iu an instant, his gun ready for use. No sound came from the car, “Knock him out," Lemuel shout ed exultantly. They forced open •the door, dragged a iprone figure irom behind the steering wheel. “It’s “It’s frantic. The •“She's a. woman," said the deputy, —Jill—it’s Jill—•” Mike was “Am you hurt? Jill—-Jill limp figure stirred. . Q.K., Lemuel breathed relief, “Bumped up. a little, Or maybe fainted, I aimed high.” Lyle twisted his hands, “I—didn’t If I’ve killed her—” In Mike’s Arms Jill opened her eyes, moaned a little, slid slowly back to reality. The first person she saw was Mike. She burst into grateful tears. Mike held her close and protectively, Lemuel cut short the reunion. “Look here, lady,” he said, “How many in that house?” Dazedly she answered, “One. Mac. ’Slick left last night—•” Lemuel wrapped her in a blanket. “Ain’t warmly dressed for Winter, are you? Get in that other car and wrap yourself up well. Them shots’d wake the dead. We’d better run in and grab off your pal. Mac, before he sneaks out on us.” Lyle protested, “Somebody ought to take her back to Clayton.” “Later,” Lemuel said grimly. “We need manpower right now. Here’s a gun, miss. Stay in the back of that car and pop off anybody that even looks at you. We’ll be back. We’re gonna get Mac before .he gets us.” A light sprang <up in the lodge. The police car pu/red toward it. Jill sat huddled in the black sedan, cold and frightened and uncomfortable— but free—free at last. The police car disappeared in a bend in the lane. A branch cracked alarmingly close. Jill pointed her pistol with a wavering hand, strained her eyes against the darkness. CHAPTER XXXI A thin finger the prone fig- examined the ‘A lot of bloo^," he “We’d better get him to a •and quick." a dark, thug up ride the As the police icar rocked up the winding driveway toward Wapa nucka, Lemuel gave directions: “Two entrances to this, place. Me and Mike’ll take to the front. You, Joe, and. you—” a nod to Lyle, “take the back. Stay under cover and keep your firearms ready. We’ll leave the car here. No sense mak ing human targets of ourselves.” The motor stopped. Four figures Crept silently through the bare trees, separated 1 into pairs. Mike and Lemuel circled around to the front entrance, stood flattened against the wall in the deep shadow close to ’the front door. Lyle and Joe swung around the opposite end—the end of the house farthest from the open win- . dow, from which dangled the lad- ■■ der of twisted sheets. ;■/ The Attack Starts Lemuel waited a minute or two to give Lyle and Joe a chance to reach the back door. Then, after listening carefully and hearing no slightest sound within, he shot the lock off the front door and threw his shoulder against it. The door swung open. Lemuel dropped to his knees, plunged into the room. Mike clung to his heels. Noises in the rear of the lodge in dicated that Lyle and Joe had made an equally successful entrance. Then, suddenly, Lyle shouted, a muffled, unintelligible shout. Foot steps out the back door. Footsteps •on the cement behind the house around to the side. A shot. A ond. Sounds of scuffling. Mike and Lemuel whirled stumbled through the darkness to ward the back door. Chairs and tables lay in wait for them, China crashed to the floor as Mike brushed by what loomed darkly tall in the shadows and what probably was a cupboard. Lemuel reached the back door first, Mike only a breath later. Joe was disappearing around the corner of the house and they followed him at top speed. From a window on the side dangl ed a rope of knotted sheets, swaying eerily in, the moonlight. At the foot of the rope ladder, two figures writhed and struggled. Lyl© is Shot; The cement terrace was a welter of arms and legs for an excited minute or so. Then, suddenly, Lem- : uel and Joe were dragging a short, burly man to his feet. Lyle lay on the cement, motionless and a dark stain seepefk across the terrace in the frail moonlight. Mike fell to his knees, ran his hands oyer Lyle’s side. Wet, sticky, warm, “He’s been hit," Mike said. “He’s bleeding badly,” Joe snapped handcuffs on the burly Mac and snatched a flash light from his pocket, of light played across ure. 1 Lemuel knelt and wound closely. worried, hospital- Mike rose quickly and ran down the drive. “W.hat’s on that guy’s mind?” Joe wondered aloud. The sound of a motor rippled across the lawn. Mike’s stratagem was clear. He ran the police car up to the edge of the terrace and Lemuel and he carefully, slowly, lifted the limp figure to the back seat, Mike tried vainly to stop the gashing blood with a pocket handkerchief, but in a moment the white linen was stained angry red. •Lemuel said, “Put that in front with me. You running board, Joe. I’ll drop you off with the girl. Mike and me’ll get right back to town. That young fellowTl need a doctor pretty fast— ■and my friend Mac 'here”—he snapped the words out—“will find himself nice and comfortable in the jail. We don’t tolerate your kind around here, guy, and don’t forget it.” Mac said nothing, but sat stolidly in the front seat, his animal face expressionless. • The car started, slowly and care fully. Lemuel drove with skillful wariness, avoiding as many of the worst nits as possible. Mike, prop ping Lyle’s head in his arms, braced himself against every jolt. Lyle had to come through O.K., he told him self fiercely. He was—a thorough bred. That’s what Jill deserved. A thoroughbred. Not a . mongrel. Joe hopped off the running board when they came to Little Finger crossroads. “Take her back to the inn,” Mike said. “And tell her—” his voice- trailed—tell her what? “Tell her— what happened,” he finished lamely. The police car turned and sped on toward Clayton—its hospital and its jail. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiun lowed him, but ho had a head start. He beat it qi’ound to the side of the house and started to wrestle with a guy that’d just slid down a ladder made of sheets. They was : a couple of shots and a lot of tuss ling, and pretty soon Mike and the Chief was in it, and -when th® smoko cleared off we ‘had bracelets on Mac. But Putnam was hit and bleeding pretty bad, So the Chief and Mike are taking him to the hospital." “I—-see," Jill said. She saw more than she wished. Why had Mike gone to the hospital with Lyle? Why hadn't he let Joe Go? Why hadn’t Mike come hack to her—-un- less her fears he was angry causb she had By the time up under the Kettle, Jill was in tears, tied her inside, wife clucked over her, settled her in front of a flaming fireplace, brought hot milk and egg, wrapped her warmly. Joe escaped gratefully in the di rection of the jail. Jill sat, numbly, while the manager’s wife fussed ma ternally about. Consolation for Jill “I’m Mrs. Huston,” she said, con versationally. “And you’re the Mor ton girl, of course. Now look dear, you’ve had a very strenuous time. Why don’t you go to bed?” iBut Jill only shook her head stub bornly. “I’ll wait for news—from the 'hospital.” “Of course, understood. It It looked now young Putnam boy was patch things up after all. ton sighed romantically. Jill's head nodded lower and lower with weariness. Then, sud denly, the front door opened and Toni burst in, an excited Toni, who clung to Jill, laughing and crying and babbling incoherently. “Mike called me from the hos pital,” she said. “Isn’t it wonder ful about Slick being arrested and Mac being caught? Isn’t it terrible about Lyle? I came right over. I had to ride in the milk truck.That’s the only vehicle on the road between Ames and Clayton after curfew. I called your father. He’s flying up in the morning. They've got Mac in jail and Mike is giving Lyle a transfusion. Oh, Jill, I’m so glad you’re safe.” Mike Hides His Feelings The front door opened ..again. It was Mike, this time. Jill wanted to cry out with joy, to rush to h'im, to throw her arms around him. But a new and peculiar shyness envel oped her. She smiled and said, “How is he, Mike?” Mike said remotely, “Fine. He’s -had a transfusion. The doctor re moved the bullet and he’s sleeping He's lost a lot of blood, but he’ll be all right if infection doesn’t set in. Or, if he doesn’t have another hem orrhage.” Jill said, “I’m so glad, Mike bit his lip, things stood? Lyle. . were correct—-unless With her—bitter be lied to him. the sedan had pulled sign of the Copper Joe hus- The proprietor's dear." was all so as if that Mrs. Huston romantic, handsome going to Mrs. Hus- CHAPTER XXXIII Lemuel Dillon met Jill with the respectful admiration a Chief of Police showers on a citizen respon sible for such pleasant publicity in rile public prints, “Hope I didn’t hurry you,” he said, “We just want you for usual formal identification of man Maa.” “I’m glad to identify him," stated with vehement sincerity, jail,” Lemuel worried. “The New York police have Slick Allen in custody. So far he hasn’t opened his mouth. All he did was squeak for a lawyer,” JiU shrugged, “What difference Will that make? I can identify him, too,” '“Oh, the kidnaping.” Lemuel tossed that aside carelessly, "We’ve got them both sewed up on that count. Airtight. We’ve got a wit ness who saw you step into his car. We’ve got your own testimony. And we picked Mac up after a gun bat tle at Wapanucka. No question of' the kidnaping. It’s other things. Jill stared in amazement. The chief elucidated. “Your friend Daly thinks-—with reason, we suspect—that Wapanucka was a hideout for smugglers. But if nei ther Mac nor Slick wil peep, we still don’t know any more than we did. And there’s others in the ring, too. “However—” he opened a heavy grilled door, ‘.‘you can identify this thug now. The New York police are taking him back for trial. Maybe they can make him talk. But,” his voice grew wistful, “I wish I could/ Mac Talks Mac was haled before Jill, the salne Surly brute sullenness brood ing over his animal features. “That’s the man,” Jill said. “The other one is Slick Allen.” Lemuel smiled,, “We know all about Allen. They’ve got him un der lock and key down in the Big Town.” Mac said nothing, eloquently. Lemuel rambled on,. “We know all about the smuggling gang, too. Big time racketeers. Used Wapan ucka as a hideout. They put the screws on Slick Allen in New York, and he talked." Mac snarled, “You’re crazy!” Lemuel shrugged. “Have it your own way. But he talked, Soon’s they got him behind bars, 'he began to babble. How else do you think we caught up with you so fast?” A crafty worriment darkened Mac’s little pig eyes.. The Chief of Police was elabor ately casual. “Alien’s thumbprint the this TO THIS WORM FOIE Jill “in If you are bothered by dandruff, rub Minard # generously into your scalp. It’s greaselese, has no unpleasant odor, and dries quickly; It’S the sworn foe of dandruff—as it is*of ’ muscular soreness and pain, joint sprain or stiffness, tired feet; Excellent for colds and ordinary sore throat, too; Get a bottle at your druggist’s today; keep it handy. * ns MINARD'S LINIMENT KSCss? was on tliq ransom note. But He squirmed out of that nicely, Testi fied he mailed it for you.” • Mac exploded, “That’s a lie!” ‘Lemuel turned to Jill. “Nice f el • la, your friend Mac. .Well, wise guy, listen to this. Bliqk went to pieces as soon as they got hand cuffs on him, Turned State’s evi dence. He’ll probably get off easy. But you—you’ll burn for this. job. Slick said you planned the whole thing. He was just the finger man. And after all, we did grab you at • the kidnap hideout.” Mac moistened dry lips with a terrified tongue, listened, as though hypnotized by Lemuel’s lazy drawl.i (TO BE CONTINUED) I I Your Knt visit to TORONTO Try Hotel Waverley Located on Wide Spadina Avo. at College St. Easy Parking Facilities Convenient to Highways • — Single - - stse to as® Hates Doubl8 s - sns to w-w Four to Room, 55.0© to $I.B e Close to the University, Parliament Buildings, Maple Loaf Gardens; Theatres, Hospitals, Wholesale Houses, and the Fashionable Retail Shopping District. A. Mi POWELL, PRESIDENT and ■sec and ' Painful Boils Bad Blood the Cause When boils start to break oaf. different parts of the body it is an evidence that the blood is loaded up with impurities. just when you think you are rid of one, another crops up to take its place and prolong your misery. AB the lancing and poulticing you may do will not stop more coming. Why not give that old, reliable, blood purifying medicine Burdock Blood Bitters a chance io bahisb. the boilaf 'Thousands have used it this purpose during the past 60 year*. Take B.B.B. and get rid ofthebewl Mood and the boils too* the r. Milburn om. Silence once more. Then. Mike’s'Message Jill sat shivering in the black se dan, waiting—waiting. The night was filled with noises, strange nois es, sinister sounds. A sudden crack ling of underbrush would cause her to whirl about in terror, gun wav ering perilously. After an eternity of terrified vigil, she beard the sharp crack of a pistol shot, then an other. She trembled with terror, in the distance, the soft purr of car. Who was driving it? Was it friend or enemy? Jill sat upright in the back seat and gripped the gun till her knuckles ached. Nearer and nearei* came the motor. Then the police car rounded the bend and. Slowly picked its way to the cross roads. A man stood on the run ning board. Jill watched, fascinated, while the car slowed, turned and the man. leaped off. Then tho police car picked up speed,, hummed down the road. A lone figure walked toward the black sedan. “Mike—-” Jill called. “it’s me—Joe,” came an unfa miliar voice. “I’m the deputy, Mike’s going in to Clayton. To the hospital.” “Is he—hurt?” The words stuck in her throat. Mike—hurt! “Not him." Joe climbed into the front seat. “The other fella. Put nam, Shot pretty bad. They’re taking hini into the hospital right away. We got your friend Mac, A mean customer for anybody's mon ey.” Gears meshed and the car rolled from behind the hill, following the police car into Clayton. Joe Tells of Battle Joe sketched the evening’s events laconically. “We sneaked up to the house, Putnam and me to the back door and the Chief and Mike to the front. The Chief shot the lock off the it&nt door and busted In. We shot the back door. I was all the Way into the dining-room when Put* nahr let out a yell and ran out tho back door; I turned around and fol* So that’s how ’ ? So Jill still loved Well, he couldn’t blame her. ’ “He was the one who caught Mac, Jill,” he said honestly. “We were breaking into the house, but Lyle found him sliding down the sheet and tackled him. Mac shot twice and Lyle got hit. But in the mean time the rest of us had grabbed Mac. Lyle’s the big hero of the occasion.” ■ “The sheet ladder,” Jill echoed. “That’s how I got out, Mike. He must have heard the shots and come in after me. Then when .he saw I was gone, and suspected the place was being surrounded, he took a chance on coming out the window. It was on the side of the house, and safer than trying to shoot his way out. He 'had no way of knowing I’d taken the car. He probably figured he could get away if he once got to the garage. I’m glad it’s all over.” She sighed. “Mike—will Lyle be all right?” There was no indication in the tone of Mike’s voice that his heart was shattering into bits. “He’ll be fine. As good aS new/' Toni yawned widely, to bed.'........ stairs. Jill?” ft , “I’m going S'.ve moved toward the “Coming, Joan—I mean, ii Their Heart 'Yearnings rose wearily, “I suppose so."Jill She waited for a minute, looking at Mike. Her heart cried: This is the first time we’ve been alone in days. Haven’t you anything to say to me? Mike patted her shoulder frater nally. “Lyle’s going to be fine. Don’t you worry. Just catch up on Some dreams.” Lyle always Lyle.1 She thought ■bitterly, he’s trying to avoid me. He doesn’t want to be atone with me. “Mike,” she heard herself saying, “aren’t you going to—kiss me good night?” He smiled. “Sure.” He P6M and kissed her on tho forehead, a quiet, impersonal kiss, turned her toward the stairs With a gentle push. “Off With you, yo.ung lady. You need BLUE WATER HIGHWAY TO BE HARD SURFACED Contracts Let Cover Large Stretches F(or Huron and Bruce Counties Besides the paving of the Blue Water highway from Goderich to Port Albert and from Forest to: Grand Bend this summer, 67 miles of surfacing is to be done on this road in 1941, it was announced last week by G. L, Parsons, Goderich, president of the Blue Water High way Association, The surfacing includes 22 miles from (Forest to Grand Bend, the contract for which has been award ed to the Sandy Construction Co., Goderich; |1)3 miles, Bayfield to God erich, contractor, R, ’J. Brewer Goderich; 21 miles, Dunlop to Am, berley, A. J, Brewer, contractor; 11 miles, Amberiy to Kincardine, Ben, Goldthorpe, contractor, Other contracts for near-by gra< veiling are 32 miles, Wingham to Tralee, contractor, R, J. Brewer; 25 miles, Wisebeach to Parkhill, Thed ford -to Hanks Corners, Graild (Bend to Parkhill, Sandy Construction Co., contractors; 1'0 miles, junction of highways 6 and 24 to Hepworth, Wiarton to Ferndale, Sandy Con tracting Co. The material to be used is (Pit gravel crushed. It is planned to have work on the Blue Watei- Highway completed by June, giving a paved road and hard- surfaced road from Windsor and Sarnia to Wiarton on the north and Oldland, Barrie and Orillia on the east. The road from Wiarton to Lion’s Head and Tobermory already is in good shape. Appoint Police Officer Helmar Snell, chief of police of Seaforth was on Friday appointed to fill the vacancy on Huron County police force caused by the resigna tion of A. E. Jennings. Constable Snell; a native of Londesboro, has been on the Seaforth force for eight years. He will be stationed in that town, his duties to commence May 5. There were 17 applicants for the position and most of them appear ed in person before the. county police committee which met Friday afternoon in Goderich. ' PARKHILL HORSE TRAINER GIVEN FOURTEEN DAYS William. 0’'Brien, witness in a drunk driving case in county po lice court, at London, told the court “I've got a pretty good smeller, but I didn’t get the smell -of liquor on the accused from where I stood.” The accused was Thomas Coulter, 60, Parkhill district horse trainer, who was convicted of drunken driv ing and sentenced to serve 14 days in the county jail. Th© fertSF Times-Advocate >tablWd 1873 and 1387 at Exeter, Ontario PublisbQd every Thursday morainij SUBSCRIPTION—?2.00 per year lv advance RATES—Farm or Real Estate Do« sale 5Qc. each insertion for flnrt four insertions, 26b. each gubiww quent insertion. Miscellaaeopa ttolea, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six word®. Reading notices 10<j, per Use. . Card qf Thanks Legal ad* vertising 12 and 8c. per line. la Memorjam, with one Verse 5H extra versea 25c. each, Member of The Gmjyiian Weekly Newspaper association J,--—.......................... Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &C Money to Loan, Investment# Made Insurance Safe-deposit vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BABBISMSBS. SOJJCIIOBS, *e- LOANS, investments, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, fifiain Stade’, 'EXETER. ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulstori, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr.sH. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D S DENTAL SURGEON Office next to the Hydro Shop Main StTeet, Exeter Office 36W Telephones Res. 36j Closed, Wednesday After noons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fpr Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. B. No. lr DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 Riders and Hikers Plan Mountain Outings WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER' For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you. of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction' Guaranteed Crediton p. o. or phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office!! Exeter, Ont. President ............. JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. Vice-Pres....... T. G. BALLANTYNE Woodham, R.R. 1 DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ..... JOHN HACKNEY - ANGUS SINCLAIR WM. HAMILTON .... .. Exeter4’ Kirkton R. 1 , ,. Mitchell R. j. * Cromarty R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ...... ALVIN L, HARRIS THOS. SCOTT ....... j*T’heir backs turned to a world ' * gone mad, the Sky-Line Trail Hikers and the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies Will this sum mer set their faces toward the clean, snow-covered peaks of the Canadian Rockies Where the eagle and the mountain goat rule supre me. Theirs, for a Spell, will be the Simple pleasures of the trail, the fine companionship of a campfire, the adventure of new trails, the common thrill of discovering Na ture m new moods, Two splendid outings have been planned for this summer for these two democratic organizations, The outings ate'paced to accom modate young and old, stout and lean, * The man-made entertain ment is provided by the riders and hikers 'themselves, artists, writers, stenographers,. school teachers, parents, businessmen, lecturers, doctors, salesgirls and others who love the open although their daily occupations confine them to tho City. The Trail Riders leave Banff firct On a most-interesting trip, following a now trail to Mount Assiniboine, the ‘‘Matterhorn Of the Canadian Rockies,” They will ride for four days and Spend one other in cami>. Their outing is from July 26 to 29. The Sky-Line Trail Hikers have chosen a permanent camp at Prolific Meadow in Kootenay Park and Will spend four days, Augnst-1 to 4, exploring a district which is of great charm and variety. Both organizations provide time for fishing, tor the study of the flowers and wild animals of me district, ror leisure ly enjoyment, of tho grandeur of the mountains, Camera fans will find these low-rate outings parti cularly thrilling because of the variety of picture material. The fisherman Will discover near-vir gin lakes teeming with fighting mountain troUt, The out-door lover will discover an entirely new World and new ways of en joying it* Applications can be sent to the secretary-treasurer, J. Murray Gibbon, noted Montreal author, Whose office is in Windsor Sta tion, Montreal} or to L. S. Crosby, or DanMOCowan, Banff, the west ern secretaries. The Banff Springs Hotel is headquarters for both or ganizations immediately preceding’ the outings, Centralia .. Mitchell Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter The World’s Finest ' ' \ ■ Anthracite is Trade Marked Blue. Order Blue Coal and we have it, also Large Lump Alberta Coal HAMCO Dustless Coke Prices are Right A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Granta® We Deliver Ul We SUU Don’t Say It’s Justified Grandfather admits that Chewing tobacco is a filthy habit, but de fies anyone to prove that it ever started a forest fire! a . o