HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-05-01, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1941 TOE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE St OPENING TEA For the opening of bur NEW BEAUTY PARLOR opposite the Control Hotel we , will be “AT HOME” to the ladies of Exeter and the surrounding district. We invite you to call and inspect our new quarters and our up-to-date hair styling equipment WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 p.m.. 1 V’s I Exeter Markets New Wheat, 82c Creamery Butter, 34c Eggs, A Large, 18c Eggs, Medium, 16c Eggs, B, 15 c Dressed Hogs, §10,60 * CHOICE quality meats * ♦ full line of Smoked and Cured Meats, Butter, Lard,’ and Shortening A Main St.VERA C. DECKER, Prop. IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton FOR SALE—Strawberry iplants, 7 choice varieties, 90c per 100 and also pansy and Spanish onions. Frank Gollings, Thames Road. GLADIOLI BULBS—Mixed, good size, §1.25 pei* 100. Ask for list of named varieties and prices. Nor­ man Norry, Exeter, Phone 38 (IS...0 I 1 IO— i LOCALS■ I i Eye Strain in- Children * * ♦ Squinting, holding material farther away or nearer than other children—these and many other symptoms may point to eyestrain. Have their eye? examined now, C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office Hours 9 to 5 Daily Except Wednesday CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN * CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. TO, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs.. J. G- Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—-Public Worship, Sermon: ’’Casting out the Beam” 7 p.m,-^Public Worship. Sermon: “The Mystery of the Risen Christ1" Friday, May 2, 8 p.m.—Special meet­ ing in the church to be address­ ed by Rev. Mr, Dickson, of For­ mosa and. Miss Anderson, of Ja* pan, missionaries recently expell­ ed by the Japanese government. Tuesday, May 0, at 3 p.m.—Regular meeting of Caven Congregational Circle in church basement, SPECIAL! T FOR SALE—Strawberry plants Senator, Dunlop and Premier, 70c per hundred. Discounts for quan­ tities, Apply to E. Beaver, Cen­ tralia. <1-3 to FOR SALE—Yorkshire sow, car­ rying third litter, Apply Times-Ad- vocate. dtp CASH for fox ^horses and dead day or Phone Jack 4tp. animals. ’ Two-hour service, night. Grinder for sale. Crediton, 47rl5 collect. Williams, ■< Oliver IFORDSON TRACTOR and ©low in good working condition, $175.00. Sandy Elliot. 2tc FOUND—One bottle of insulin. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement. Apply Times-Advo- cate. NOTICE—-I wish to inform the public that from this date I will not be ’responsible for any debts con­ tracted by my wife. Exeter, April* 2 8 th, 1941. Wm. N. Corbett. FOR SALE—A small safe at a rea­ sonable price. Cunningham & Pryde. In return for light housework, a good home, wages, given a "kind middle-aged woman. Conveniences in home. Apiply in writing to Times- Advocate. Seed Potatoes Genuine Green Mountain, sound, clean Geo. miles ■stock. $d.l0 iper bag, f.o.b- Jeffery’s, Thames Road, 3 east of Exeter. 5-1-tf NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF EXETER There will be a house to house canvass for a weekly garbage collec­ tion from May 1st to the 5th by Preszcator Brothers, Edward and Basil, supported by the town coun­ cil. We would appreciate the co­ operation of the citizens in sup­ porting the project. WANTED—A. used piano in good condition. Apply .to Mrs, Dan Lewis, Ailsa Craig, Ontario. , ltc Switzer, Kirkton Itp. FOR SALE—Jersey cows, fresh and to freshen. Milton H. St. Marys R.R. 1. Phone 3-9. Jer ----------------— ’ FOR3 RENT — Two apartments with all conveniences, also garage. Apply to Mrs. J. Prout. 2tc. TRACTOR FOR SALE—Apply at Morenz’ farm, Dashwood, 2tc Hugh Ont/i t .SALE—Tent, 7x7, heaviestFOR quality, used only 2 seasons. Also 2 camp cots, mattresses, etc. Half price, Apply Times-Advocate. Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, spent Thursday with his parents. . Miss Ada Gaiser, of Shipka, spent several days last week with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell have returned to Exeter after spending .the winter in St. Thomas. Miss Margaret Johnson spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, at Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson at . Grand Bend. Misses Leola and Elva Stepbens, of Bracebridge, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Ste­ phens. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Inglis and son, .of Forest, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis and daughter, of Tavistock, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Miss Isabel Turnbull spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Singleton, of Glencoe. Rev. D. 0. Hill and Mr. Henry Strang are this week attending the Hamilton and London Synod, which is meeting in Hamilton. Missse Clara and Eva Vosper and Mr. Stewart, of Toronto, called on relatives and friends in Exeter over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson and family and Mrs. Geo. Lawson • ■Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Erpest Constable and daughter Evelyn, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ryckman. Mr. ' Eldred Simmons left last week for Stratford where he has secured "a position with Mr. Art Gingras, undertaker. Mr. Murray Ferguson has moved into one of the apartments in the building recently remodelled by Mrs. J. Prout, Main St. Signaller Warren Sanders, of Toronto, and Private Hilton San­ ders, of Camp. Borden, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr§. Harold Steel, of London, vis­ ited with Mrs. R. Skinner last week, Mr. Steel came up for the week-end and Mrs. Steel returned with him. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker, of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Tayloi. son-in-law and daughter, of London, spent Sunday ..with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins® Dr. L. L. and Mrs. Follick, of St. Marys, visited with Mrs. E. A. Fol­ lick-. on Sunday. The latter is still confined to her bed through**' ill­ ness. Rev. Ernest Grigg left on Tues­ day for Norwich, where he will spend a couple of days addressing ■ the W.A. of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. C. Kestle and Gary are leav­ < i Custom plowing, discing, culti­ vating and sowing. Apply Wallace Wein, R.R. 1, Dashwood. Phone 571*7. R.R. 2 to 1 FOR tatoes. Exeter. SALE—'Early Cobbler W*. F. Abbott, Phone po- 30, JANITOR WANTED—For Caven Presbyterian Church, Apply oil or before May 3rd to Harold Whyte oi* Wallace Seldon. 2to FOR SALE—Farms, large or small, In Huron and Perth, some with electricity. Saw mill, planing mill, homes in Exeter and other villages, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. MUST BE SOLD—120 acres, 22 acres of grass, 20 acres, seeded out, fro acres ready' for spring1 erbb. Bush. Fair house, good shed. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house, two-storey, over acre of land. Immediate deed, Right, price for quick sale Apply to X 1 W. Morley or R. N, ureech. ft Jitney Bingo in the Canadian Legion Rooms SATURDAY, MAY 3rd at 8.30 o’clock All good prizes, War Savings Stamps SCALP TREATMENTS Help recondition your hair for your next Permanent Wave. See about special prices on a series treatments us of Marion Pooley Beauty Shop Phone 245Exeter TOM WALKER Painter and Decorator Sign Work and Spray Work Enquire at Lindenfield’s Hardware SUNDAY, MAY 4th SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER CENTRAL HOTEL Cream of Mushroom Soup Tomato, Apple dr Grapefruit Juice Combination Salad Fried Spring Chicken, Apple Jelly T-Bone Steak with Sliced Tomato Fried Country Sausage and Apple Sauce Cold Roast Beef or Ham "Whipped Potatoes Buttered Peas and Carrots or Corn Apple Pie with Cheese Date Pie with Whipped Cream Lemon Pie oi* Ice Cream Sundae Tea Coffee Milk Dinner served 12.30 to 3 p.m. and 5.30 to 7 p.m. 75 cents For SPECIAL NOTICE Paper, Metal, Bones Rags Save them—Give them and And do your part to win the Saturday, May 3rd, is Exeter’s big day for collecting the above goods. Please do your part by getting the materials ready and please tie paper and magazines in bundles. To the fawners in our district— If you have any old tires, old iron, or any old metal that you would like us to call and get, please notify the chairman. The followdnjg is the list Household bones, magazines, alu­ minum, copper, brass, bronze, zinc, lead, other metals, scrap iron and steel, carpets, rugs, woollens, mixed rags, bottles and glass, tin foil, waste paper, newspapers, old tires, waste rubber, leather, old shoes, bagging, string, cork, oils and fats. Centralia Unit are co-operating and scrap may be left at the church shed. In Crediton Mr. Brown at the school will be in charge. J. A. Traquair. Chairman war ing this week for Stratford where * she will join Mr. Kestle, Who is em­ ployed by the Swift Canadian Co. The best wishes of a host of friends will follow them. Mrs. M. A. Hunt, Misses Catharine ■Gibson, June Bierling, Shirley Ba­ ker and Elaine Coates were in Lon­ don on Wednesday attending the convention of the Anglican Jun­ ior W.A. Mrs. H. Jennings is a dele­ gate from the TriVitt "W.A. Messrs. Harry Griffith and Ar­ nold Combes, of Toronto, and Mr. Murray Montgomery, of Wcybutn, Sask., now with the R.C.A.F., at St, Thomas, also Mi*. R, F. Char­ nel!, of Weyburn, now with the R.O. Navy at Ottawa, were visitors in town over tbe week-end. Mr, Ivor Morgan, who has been in Toronto for several weeks he has secured a position Royal York Hotel, was in over the week-end and was pallied back to Toronto by Mrs. Mor­ gan and daughter where they Will make their home In future. Perfect weat'her conditions have prevailed during the past week. IFOR SALE—One and a storey frame house, Andrew St., fur­ nace, complete bath, some hardwood floors. Range Wired, inside de­ corations good. Nice garden with fruits, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. where at the Exeter accom- FOR SALE—A carload Edward Island potatoes in a week or ten days, amount o.f certified seed Leave your orders at Hensail Cb- operative. Also coal, cedar posts, B.C. shingles, concentrates, salt, stock minerals, oil and fertilizers of all brands. Huron Farmers’ Co­ operative Company* Ltd,, Kensal!. , . 4-10-tfC e your 11 i Three Electric il<0 11 Choir Leader Worship and “A Great Res- p.m.—Y.P.U. 7 .’30 p.m. — Midweek of prayer and Bible Medium size Reasonably priced Third Sunday After Easter School Communion Resurrection TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Mlddlemiss • 4 This contest closes Saturday Taflored-to-Measure SOLD BY “Where Beauty Blooms” MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rey. Norval J. Woods M.A. Mrs. N« J. Dore_ Organist and a.m.-—public Church ’School. ponsibility.” 7 p,m.—Rev. Lawrence Turner of Crediton accompanied by the Cre­ diton choir. Sermon, “A More Abundant Life”. Monday, 8 Thursday, meeting Study. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—'‘After the Storm—the Rainbow” 3 p.m,—Church School. 7 (p.m.—The Minister. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday, 3 p.m.—W.A. Friday, 8 p.m,—Board of Stewards a.m.—Sunday a.m.—Holy iSermon, “The Immortality” Intercession and Prayer Service Thursday at 8 ip.m. The Laymen’s Deanery banquet will be held at Wingham on Thurs-’ day, May 8> at 7 p.m. R. E. Russell Phone 109 A New Roof for your house$ « * Small Down Payment—10 per cent of total price 12 months to pay Minimum monthly payments, $5.00 A 3 per cent discount allowed on prepayment of unpaid balance of Prince to arrive a limited included. Limited TOMLINSON’S FOR SALE—Comfortable brick house, barrt, large hennery, and 5 a acres of land, Tewnehip taxes, ' Several other houses. Some with j acreage. 0, V. Pickard, phone 165, Why sniffer the agony of Rheu­ matic Pain, Sciatic^, Lumbago, when Rumacaps Wilt give you quick Welcome relief. Browning’s Drug Store* 100 pairs of Children’s, Misses’ and Women’s | shoes, in canvas and leather, oxfords and straps. All of these shoes sold for $1.75, $2.00 to For the person making the most 4-letter words out of the word “Congoleum” and the name “Southcott” we give a beautiful Congoleum Rug in the season’s newest patterns. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday SALT $ Iodized Shaker 3-P/2 Ik boxes.. 18c DAIRY BUTTER Choice 1 lb.............. . 33c RINSO" 1 Box Rinso, 22c 2 Bars Sunlight Soap free Use your coupons instead of „ money AYLMER Pork & Beans 3 large tins . . 25c SPECIAL Lynn Valley Peas 3 csins • • « . • POTATOES Certified Irish Cobblers Also Green Mountains Lowest prices ' Livingston’s PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkgs. .... 15c TEA Salada or . Lipton’s Stilll at old prices. While they last. 1 pkg. SODAS 1 box CHEESE all for 25c ARE YOU RUPTURED? Did You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t Happen Here You are Properly Fitted by an Experienced Fitter in our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Your Drugs at ' ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter ’ James St. W.A. Group 2 of James St. W. A. met last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Boyle. The evening was ■spent in Red Cross work. A few items of business were discussed and arrangements were made for '’the next meeting to be held at the home* of Mrs. H. Sturgis on May ■29th at 8 p.m. Lunch was served by the hostess and her committee. .......■■■■—------ 0 Rev. Enos Hart, of Amherstburg, was the speaker at the morning ser­ vice in James St. United church on Sunday. Mr. -Hart, as conference representative, outlined the present campaign of the United Church of “lending to the government and giving to the church.” The M. and M. fund of the Church is at pre­ sent carrying a very heavy deficit and an effort is being made to re-, dhee this deficit by appealing to the members to turn over at least one of their War Savings Certificates to the Church. The plan is meeting with splendid success id many places. PIANO TUNING And repairing, S. Boardman, 11 years with Heintzman Go., will be in Exeter and district shortly. 'Please phone Exeter 43 (W. Mar­ tin), and your order will be taken care of, Pianos tttned, cleaned and demothed. It will bay you to Wait for S. Boardman. We give you a first class job at very fair and reasonable ‘j bribes. TIP TOP CLOTHES are hand cut and individually tailored to your measure. Choose YOUR new Suit from 500 all-British fabrics in every wanted pattern and color. TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED . w. w. B TAMAN James St. Group Meeting Mrs. Page’s group of the James St. W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Broderick on Friday even­ ing, April 25 th, with thirteen mem­ bers present. The evening was spent In knitting and sewing. After a business meeting, a dainty lunch was served. The next meeting of Group No. 4 will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Lindenfield on Wednes­ day afternoon, May 28th. As this is the last meeting of the group, a full attendance is requested. 'Pimes-Advocate Classified adver-'■ Hsing can be depended on tor quick results.