HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-03-20, Page 5THE EXETER TIME^APVPgATfi ■MOW, NABOB aoib, HENSALL Dr. jmd Mrs. D. G* Steer spent a few days last week in Toronto Miss Alice Pfaff, of Dketer, spent the we^k’eud at her home here. Mrs. Verne Smith is spending a few days at her home in Exeter. Mr. Al» Ryckm.an has been con­ fined to hjs room* through illness. Mrs, George Glenn is spending a few days at the homo of her father, Mr. Thos. Dickson, who is ill. The annual Spring Stock Show will he held in Hensall on Saturday, April 5th. Mrs, Alice Cooper, of Kippen, visited on .Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J, McAllister. Mr. Lloyd Ortwein, of London, spent the week-end here visiting with his grandparents. Miss Pearl Harpole, of London, Visited over the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Grace 'Harppie. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy- MacLaren and son Donald visited on Thursday with Mrs. Ida Harding in London, Mr, Alvin Bell, of Toronto vis­ ited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, G. Bell. (Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and family visited on Bunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road, Mr. Milton ’Ortwein, of London, was a week-end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Ort­ wein, Miss Kay Drysdale, of Sarnia, was a week-end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Drysdale. Mrs. Marjorie Sparks, .who has spent the past three months in. London returned to her home here last week. Messrs. Herb and. Donald Hog­ garth, of London, visited recently with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth, * Mrs. John Taylor and family have moved into the residence on# the highway recently vacated by* Mr, Walter Fairburn. ( Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Cromarty spent the week-end at the ■home of the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finch, Of Clinton, spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Mrs. Catharine Hedden, ■ who has been spending the winter months in Hamilton and St. Catharines was in town on Saturday. Mr. Bob Drysdale intends leaving this Week for Chatham- where he will spend four months training with the Canadian militia- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little, of St, Catharines visited over the week­ end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Little and aunt, Mrs. Meidinger. Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins vis­ ited over - the week-end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.#Cline Flynn, in London. Mr. Thos Dickson, whb'ihas been (confined to his room for several months, as the result -of a fall, suf­ fered a weak spell last week and continues seriously ill. The Chambei* of Commerce held a banquet in the Town Hall, Hen­ sail on Friday evening ’to which the Senior Women’s Institute cat­ ered. An interesting impromptu •program followed the supper. The Ladies1 of Carmel Church held a very successful sale of home baking and St. Patrick's tea in the schoolroom of the ichurch, which was decorated in keeping with the oc­ casion and vases of daffodils graced, the tea tables. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the services in ^the United Church on Sunday and' Mrs. Blowes and son, Mr. Claude Blowes, sang a beauti­ ful duet entitled “Let the Lower Lights be Burning”. The choir sang two anthems, "Let the Heavens be Glad”, and “This Holy Hour”. The Kip pen . East Women’s In­ state are sponsoring a euchre and dance in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday evening, March 21st. A short program by the pupils of Mr. Art Finlayson’s school will be pre­ sented. Rev. Wm. Weir conducted the ^morning service in . Carmel Church on Sunday and Rev. C. Mackendorn, of the .Evangelical Church, Zurich, had charge of the evening service. The choir sang two anthems, “For God 1S0 Loved the World”, With Miss Margaret Dougall as soloist and “Bow Down Thine Ear”. A minstrel show is being prepar­ ed by local talent and will be pre­ sented in the Town Hall here in the course of a month. Mr. Saih Rennie is directing the music and Mr. Benson iStoneman. is pianist. For a number of years past a min­ strel show has been presented in the Spring herb and has always proved to be a splendid success. W.M.S. Meets The March meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel Churoh was hold on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Hannaih Workman’ presiding and opened by singing “My Faith Looks tip to Thee”,’ followed by prayer by Mrs. Weir. Mrs. W. A. Mac­ Laren read the scripture from the 12th chapter "of Romans. The roll call was answered With “Faith”. * The visiting committee reported having made nineteen calls in homes and two In the hospital d'Uif- lhg February. Mrs. Wm, Davidsott and Mrs* A. D. McHwen volunteered to visit this month. The offering Was received and hymn “Arm of the Lard Awake” was sung* Mrs,, C. Hudson gave interesting papers entitled “Prayer, a Vital Factor and the Faithful Few”. Mrs. Logan led in prayer and Mrs. Workman gave; the topic on ‘‘The Missionary Situa-' Cion of Today”, which was very in­ teresting. The meeting closed by singing “Jesus. Shall Reign Where'er the Sun” and the Lord’s Prayer in Unison. United Clweh Notos At a recent meeting of the Offic­ ial Board the Minister, Bev* Mr. Brook introduced the plan which is being adopted throughout the whole church across Canada to liquidate the church debt, The fol­ lowing War Savings Committee was appointed to take care of this work; Chairman, Harry W. Horton; vice- chairman, R. J. Moore; Oliver Row- cliffe, Chairman of the Board of Stewards; H. Horton, Sr„ Clerk of the Session; Clarence Smillie, Sun­ day 'School Superintendent; Mrs. W, B. Cross, president of W.M.S.; Mrs, Jas. McAJistei^, president of the W.A.; Miss Ruth Brook, president pf the Y.D.U. and Mark Drysdale, secretary treasurer, Rev, Brook spoke Sunday morn­ ing on the subject, “The Call of To­ morrow on the Church of Today.” He outlined the need of eliminat­ ing the church debt to give the Church freedom from this handi­ cap and thus make her ready to as­ sume the lesponsibilities which will rest upon her when the war is over. He also pleaded for unity in the United Church, outlining what a church like this could accomplish if all co-operated and supported to the full our leaders, He urged the loyal support of the people to this immediate plan when the church can help the state and the state the church at this critical time in the history of both institutions. There seemed to be special wisdom in the slogan, “A loan to my country, a gift to my church”, St,. Patrick’s Social . A very enjoyable time was spent in spite of the inclemency of the weather at the United Church on Monday evening when the Young People’s Union entertained the Yopng People’s Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church at a St. Pat­ rick's social. Rev. R. A. Brook gave an address of welcome to the guests and led in singing the fol­ lowing Irish songs: “My Wild Irish Rose”, “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling”, “Come Back to Erin”, “Peggy O’Neil”, “River (Shannon”, and “Sweet Rosie O’Grady” with Miss Greta Lammie at the piano. Miss Beryl Pfaff presided and the following numbers were presented by 'Carmel- Young People’s Society. Vocal solos entitled, “Quiet Down Here” and “Try Singing a Song” by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren were much enjoyed. Miss Irene Hoggarth ac­ companied at the piano. Miss Ruth Maclllveuna gave an interest-, ing and humorous address on “St. Patrick’s”. M;ss Norma Sangster, dressed in a becoming Irish cos- , tume, sang a delightful solo" en­ titled “Did Your Mother Come from Ireland”, accompanied at the piano by Miss Irene Hoggarth. A num­ ber of those on the program from the country were unable to be pre­ sent owing to the storm. A playlet entitled “Comforting Friends”, which was very interesting was,pre­ sented by Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Patterson. Mr. Claude Blowes directed the contests following the program, after which, refreshments were served by the Y.P.U. A vote of thanks was ex­ tended the Y.P.U. by Miss Irene Hoggarth, to which Miss Ruth Brook responded, and the Mizpah benedic­ tion was repeated in unison. Rev. Weir Addresses Institute Mrs.'James Patterson and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale were hostesses for the March meeting of the 'Senior Women’s Institute with Miss Beryl Pfaff presiding. Following the singing of the Institute Ode, “The Old Rugged Cross” was sung. The roll .call was answered with “Your favorite radio program”. The mot­ to, “Behaviour is a mirror in which everyone shows his image”, was very ably given by Mrs. Claude Blowes. A pleasant feature of the program Was the presentation of a bank book to Shirley Loraine, in­ fant daughter "of Mr. and Mrs. Er­ nest Doerr. Miss Beryl Pfaff read the address and made the pre­ sentation. The demonstration on part singing Was given by Mr. Sam Rennie with Misses Norma Sang­ ster, Gloria Twitchell, Ruth Hess, Irha Weber and Patsy Mc'Donell taking part. iMiss Eva Stackhouse, of Brucefield, favored with humor­ ous readings during tihe program. ReV, Wm.' Weif was the guest , Speaker and gave a fine address on Helen Kellfer/ which was much ap­ preciated. A skit entitled “Com­ forting Friends” was presented by Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Hicks, Mi'S. Drys­ dale and Mrs. Patterson, which was vepy humofotfs. Misses Sally Man- seti and Florence Welsh Were ap- pointed to nominate the officots for the coming year. Miss Pfaff moved a vote of thanks to the hos* tess and Miss (Stackhouse and re­ freshments were 'Served by Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Kennedy, Misses Beryl Pfaff and Gladys Passmore, Red Cross Notos We are* pleased to report tha* another large shipment of goods Mt the work rooms of the Honsaii MOTION PICTURES ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th at 8 under auspices pf the ohoir Showing motion pictures with sound effects for the Canadian Govt., featuring Caiuuhi’s war effort and hicluding “NOT PEACE BUT A SWORD” “WINGS OF YOUTH” “A LETTER FROM ALDERSHOT” “LONDON CAN TAKE IT” “SQUADRON 093” with “SINGING SAM”. Adm.; Adults J25c; Children 15c Twoohoim Program ’ . Branch of the Red Cross on March 4th. This shipment contained the following articles; Hospital supplies -—GO pairs pyjamas, 4 pillow cases, 3 sheets. Refugee Comforts—’9 quilts, 3 dresses, 6 children’s night­ gowns, 2 baby jackets,, 7 pillows, 2 skirts, 3 boys’ pants, 1 pair stock­ ings, 4 dressing gowns, 7 pairs children’s pyjamas, 12 pairs bloom­ ers, 13 slips, 3 waists. Woollen Goods—120 pairs socks, 36 pairs mitts, 3 •helmets, 24 scarves, 2 sleeveless sweaters, 2 tuck-ins, 6 sea-boot stockings, 2 shoulder shawls. Special articles—5 turtle­ neck sweaters, 5 scarves, 5 pairs seamen's boot stockings, 5 pairs two-way mitts and 5* helmets. We desire to convey to all our workers our thanks for the way ju which they have been staying with this work, and accomplishing so much .good. The work has re­ flected great credit upon our Branch for the efficient manner in which it has been executed. There are one or two items that we would like our ladies to particularly pay attention to. Will you please'mea- sure as carefully as possible the socks. The cuff must be 4 inches. The foot not less than 10 inches or more than 12, When winding the wool, please be very careful not to pull it too tight. Tight winding does not economize. It spoils the wool. Please wind into loose balls. We want to go on record show­ ing how much we appreciate the sup­ port given by the public in general to the splendid play presented by our friends from Ailsa Craig, Pat­ ronage like this is encouraging and helps to swell our revenue for fur­ ther work. Practice has commenced for a minstrel show to be held in the near future for Red Cross pur­ poses. It promises to be one of'the best ever presented. Euchre and Dance COOK’S HALL, CENTRALIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th Lucky ticket will be drawn for quilt Ladies please provide lunch Auspices Centralia War Service Unit ’ Admission 25c i......... ............... '1 ■ , >' . - DASHWOOD Mr. Valentine Becker and Fer­ gus Turnbull attended a convention in. Hamilton last week, and also enjoyed a trip through the Nation­ al -Harvester Co. plant. Mrs, P. Humble,' of Sarnia, is spending a few days with her Sis­ ter, Mrs. R. Goetz. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman spent the week-end in Fergus. Ow­ ing to the roads being blocked, they were not able to return. Chester Gaiser is on the sick list. We hope for a hpeedy recovery. Nancy Anne, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan,- un­ derwent -an operation for the remov­ al of her tonsils and adenoids in Dr. Taylor’s hospital on Tuesday morning. Carl Wein has taken a position at Merner’s butcher shop. Mr. Sampson Colosky had the misfortune to fall, cracking a bona in his hip which will cause him to be laid up for some time. « MrS.tu Arnold Kuntz, of the 14th concession is suffering from .an at­ tack of pneumonia. Mr. Thos. Hopcroft and son Rus­ sell spent the week-end in Port Colborne. The (St. Patrick’s tea, which was held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor was Very well attended, considering the weather. The proceeds were in aid of the Red Cross. Word Was received here last week by relatives, Of the death of Elsie, daughter <of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer, In Ohio. . Mrs. Robt» Hopcroft and baby of Port Cdlborne are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman visit­ ed frieiids in London on .Sunday. Mr* and Mrs. John KttnU and Mr. Oiuyten Ffile were bailed ta Detroit last week owing to the serious ill­ ness of Mrs, Kuntz’s 'brother. Mr. R. , GoeU is attending the Fire Insurant convention in To'roh- to this week* **Dok st yowr lab J'1 -CREmTON The Ham (Supper advertised for Tuesday, March 18 th, has beep post­ poned until Thursday March 20 th* The March meeting of the tea*; ,chers of Stephen Township was held last Wednesday evening at the public. school* Mr* H* K, Ellber was present and gave a very in­ teresting address* Miss Audrey piardinge rendered a piano solo, Lunch was served at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Brown. The series of Lenten sermons will be continued next Lord’s Day at Crediton, Shipka and Brinsley, when the subject will be “Vows”. We are glad ta report that Mr, Sylvester Wuerth is improving af­ ter being laid -up with the flu. On Monday, March 24 th, a Len­ ten lecture entitled “From Sea to (Sea” will be given by tihe minister at Shipka under the auspices of the Y.P.U. On the 25 th, Tuesday night, ‘the same lecture will be given at Brinsley under the auspices of the Y.P.U, A good attendance is desired. Wm. Trevethick is feeling much better, to the delight of bis many friends, Mrs. Fred Neil, of Brinsley, has returned home after a sojourn in Victoria Hospital, London. Her many friends wish her a speedy and com­ plete recovery. The True Blue •Class of the Evan­ gelical Sunday School held tiheir election of officers last Monday ev­ ening after Mission Circle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fahrner with the following results: President, Clara Gaiser; vice-pres,, Nola Faist; recording sec., Leila Mollard; asst, sec,, Meleeta Wein: tre,as„ Erma Krueger; librarian, Edith Wurm. The class reports a successful year, having 15 active members and four associate mem­ bers. Mr. and Mrs. (Percy Mollard and Leila attended the diamond wed­ ding celebration of the former’s sis­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H, Mellin, Sr., at Shipka, on Friday evening. Mr. 'and Mrs. Mellin are 83 and 78 years of age, respectively. About 54 were present, including theii* nine children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Mellin were presented with a purse of money. Miss Edna Beaver, of London, spent the week-end, at her (home here. Mrs,. Rodney Bowman, of Wind­ sor, visited a feW’T days with ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Guettinger. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown spent a few days over the week-end nt Holmesville. Mrs. Adeline MacDonald return­ ed to New Hamburg after visiting a week with Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. Gordon Ratz and Frank Hicks, representing South' Huron, were in Clinton on Wednesday last, discus­ sing with the Junior Farmers and Agricultural Representative, the pos- sibilities of improving the memorial grounds on Dunlop’s Hill in the way of flowers,, shrubbery, etc. The Dunlop brothers, who are buried on this hill, were the founders of Hur­ on County in 1841. The site is fa­ vorably situated on the Blue Water Highway north of Godericih and would be an attraction for passing tourists as well as the public in gen­ eral-. About 50 ladies were present at the Red Cross meeting last Wednes­ day afternoon. The first part of the afternoon was spent in sewing, af­ ter which Mrs. .'Gerald Z'wieker and Mrs, Russel Finkbeiner gave a splendid talk and demonstration on Home Nursing. The articles made during the month were dis­ played and at the Close of the meet­ ing tea was served by some mem­ bers of the Evangelical Mission Circle. The shipment this month included 24 pairs of socks, 4 sleeve­ less sweaters, 2 turtle-neck sweat­ ers, 9 scarfs, 2 helmets, 11 wash cloths, 13 pairs pyjamas, 4 • girls’ dresses, 2 knitted caps, 4 slips, 3 pairs (bloomers, Complete layetjte donated by the Women’s Institute, 16 quilts. ELIMVILLE The following articles were made by the Red Cross Knit and ship­ ped last week: 30 pairs socks, 1 pair seaman’s socks, 5 scarves. 1 pair knee caps, 4 pairs mitts. 22 wash cloths, 2 windbreakers, 4 pairs pyjamas, 1 girls’ sweater, 1 large quilt, 2 crib quilts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and baby of Atwood attended the Johns-Har­ rison nuptials on Saturday last and spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Wm. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford and sons, Mrs. W. H. Dickey and baby visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Newihan Baker near Welburn. ‘ The W.A. met at Miss Dora Del- bridge’s home on Thursday after­ noon of last week, 14 members be­ ing present. “0 Canada” was suftg add the Lord’s prayer repeated In unison, i Mrs. Gilbert Johns teed . A poem.', “The Queen was read by Mrs. Hymn “I Would be i” was sung/ Mrs. Jack Del- “What Have You ] unison. Fsalm 27 Walked Here” ; Garnet Johns. i True1 ..1 bridge read ..... L ------ | Done?” niter which business was discussed. The meeting was closed I with the ’singing of “My Faith Looks tip to Thee” and the.repetition of ” the ii’- nah henedloffeu Lunch was Served, . CENTRALIA ' Mr., and Mrs. S. Henry and son pf Harristan, and Mr- Donald Hichs of the R.C.A.F., ip. Goderich, were week-end guests with Mr. and Andrew Hicks. Mr. Fred Baynham, of Landon, spent the week-end at his hemo here. The Hornd axicl School Club meet­ ing will be held on Friday, March 21st, The guest speaker pf the ev­ening will be Rev, Turner pf Cre­ diton,. Mrs. Thos, Flynn, of London, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Flynn tor a fdw days this week. Rev, R, J, Merriam, of May- nooth, will conduct the services at Centralia and Whaled on Sunday, March 23rd. The congregations are urged ta, he present,. Red Cross’Notes The monthly meeting of the Cen­ tralia War Service Unit was heLd in the basement -of the church on Mon­ day afternoon, March lOt'h. The meeting was opened with all sing­ ing the National Anthem. The sec- 1’Btary and treasurer were called, on to -give theii’ reports. Mrs, Andrew, refugee convener, gave her report and explained how the refugee mon­ ey was spent on material and also told what sewing the committee had accomplished during the month, A letter was read from Clayton Lightfoot, expressing his apprecia­ tion of the articles which he receiv­ ed -at Xmas time. A vote of thanks was extended to the ladies who -so kindly -donated quilt tops, lining, etc., to the unit, and there were also two quilts quilted during the after­ noon. A ten-cent lunch was serv­ ed at the close, Delivered to Exeter Red CroSs: 36 pairs socks, 7 scarves, 5 helmets, 6 quilts, 4 pairs pyjamas, 12 articles for refugees, also 3 complete lay­ ettes, consisting of 3 mother’s night­ gowns, 9 'baby nightgowns, 6 baby jackets, 6 pairs baby bootees, 54 diapers, 3 pillows with eases, 3 face cloths, 9 baby shirts, 3 baby bon­ nets, 3 baby blankets, soap and safe­ ty pins.’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Donald visited on Sunday with friends’ in Clinton. GREENWAY The Red Cross Society is hold­ ing a quilting bee in the Parish Hall on Thursday afternoon. A silver collection will be taken. We extend our sympathy to the relatives'of the late Mr. Era Me- HURON COUNTY The purpose of this series of listed meetings is to discuss the need of and methods of creating a strong, vigorous and non-political farm organization, embracing all types of farming. The chief function of such an organization is “to raise the general economic level of Agricul­ ture”. These are your meetings and your opportunity. All meetings will commence at 8 p.m. I I Township Meetings Wi be He is Follows: L STEPHEN, USBORNE, HAYj TUCKERSMITH, Stanley, Township Hall, Varna, March 28th Goderich, Township Hall, Holmesville, March 31st Colborne, Township Hall, Carlow, April 1st Ashfield, S.S. No* 9, 9th Concession, Ashfield, April 2nd West Wawanosh, Community Hall, St. Helens, April 3rd East Wawanosh, Forester's Hall, Belgrave, April 4th Hullett, Community Hall, Londesboro, April 7th McKillop, .Winthrop Hall, April Sth Morris, Township Hall, 5th concession, Morris, April 9th Grey, Township Hall, Ethel, April 10th Turnberry, Council Chamber, Town Hall, Wangham, April 11th HoWiclc> Township Hall, Gorrie, April 14th The above meetings are sponsored by the Agricultural Committee, Huron County Council. CHAIRMAN—X W: GAMBLE - WARDEN—JAM^S LEIPER COMMITTEE—Fred Watson* Sam Whitmore, Percy Passmore, Alex McDonald The “SELF STARTER” for YOUR BABY CHICKS For fast, uniform growth, nothing excels MASTER CHICK STARTER • j: If a 'built RIGHT th do the job RIGHT.! MASTER CHICK STARTER is built-on a GRAIN EASE! It Is' VITAMIN*FQRTIFiE&*' It eonUm CEREAL GRASS! ■ Its proteins are carefully selected and and it has controlled mineral balance. Raise you 1*9*41 Chicks on MASTER CHICK STARTER and have the FINEST chides you ever raised! ! ! J MASTER CHICK STARTER Sold By- ERIC h. c arscadden f ■ ... p ir Olinnm inn Phergon, who passed away in Strathroy Hespital on Sunday after­ noon, Mrs. Ervins. Eggert and Freddie spent a few days last week with friends at Crediton, Miss Laura Dixon and her sis­ ter, Mrs, Hotson, and daughter, of Brinsley, spent Saturday afternoon with their cousin, Mrs, Emersot Woodburn. Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curts, Congratulations to Miss Ula Gl­ ens who passed her examinations of the London Conservatory of Mu­ sic with honors on March 4 th, - Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wellman, Marilyn and Robert of Port Huron spent the week-end with friend? here, ' Mr. and Mrs. J, Prance, of Win- chelsea, spent Friday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. T. Bullock, Mr. Henry Belling attended the funeral of his sister in Detroit las* week. Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Fran­ ces returned home from Ontario, California, on Saturday evening, after attending the funeral of their mother, Mrs. W. B. Fallis. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end with ihis parents, Mr. and Mrs, C, Woodburn. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Larkins, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, L. Steward- son. Mr. Raymond Pollock, and Jack, of Kerrwood, spent Thursday even­ ing with Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Township Hall, Crediton, Township Hall, Elimville, Town Hall, Zurich, Walkers Hall, Brucefield, Pollock. Mrs. E. Stewardson returned home on Tuesday after spending a couple of weeks in London, Mrs.-A, Gollen ppent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, F K-ading of Grand Bend, Mrs. Emmerson Wobdhurn, and Leona, and Mrs. Carman Wood* burn and Marion visited on Tues day afternoon with Mrs. Elmer Sheppard of Leury, CORBETT Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Murray visited relatives at Thedford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mellin attend­ ed the wedding anniversary of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mellin, Sr., of Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young and Jean were visitors in Arkona on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. John Rock, child­ ren, Claii* and Garry, spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. Gar­ field ‘Steeper, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Patterson, of Grand Bend, called on Mrs. Maud® Woodburn on Sunday. We are sorry to report the ser­ ious illness of Mr, Ernest McPher­ son,. who is a patient in Strathroy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Rob'ert Murray] were in London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hodgins of Brinsley. rt' •1 March 24th March 25th March 26th March 27th