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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-03-13, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TiiciisoAv, march wa>, ww Coming to Hensail C. Ro Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in th© month, for the, purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those (that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con- 4 suit ma Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensail for appointment HENSALL Mrs, Roy MacLaren is the Hen sall representative of the Times-Ad- vocate and will be glad to receive any news, advertisements or sub scriptions for the paper, Mrs. Reg, Tibbett underwent an operation on Sunday in London for mastoids, Mrs. Wm. Leibold, of Zurich, visited last week with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Garfield Rroderick. Mr, and Mrs, Louis Weigand, of, Dashwood, visited with relatives and friends in town on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Fairburn are ; moving into theii’ dwelling on Main street recently vacated by Mrs. Olive Hudson. Rev. Wm. Weir was in London on Tuesday calling on patients in the Hospital there, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stanlake mov ed into the dwelling recently vacat ed. by Mrs. Lee Hedden. Mrs. Blowes, of Mitchell, is vis iting with hex* son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes. Mrs. Olive Hudson moved to Lon don last week where her sons, Max and Laird, have secured positions. Mrs. Ted Taman, of Listowel, spent a few days last week visiting with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Mc- Donell. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Chisel hurst, spent the week-end with iher uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren. Ronald MacKinnon, wiho has been confined to his • room for the past week with 'an attack of pneumonia, is improving. Mr. Geo. Douglas and Miss Irene Douglas, of London, visited with relatives and friends in the vil lage on Friday. Mr. Gordon Bolton, who under went an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week, con tinues quite ill. Misses Shirley and Audrey Twitch- ell of Byron visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz, of Dashwood, spent the week-end vis iting with tlhe • latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman. Miss Beryl Pfaff spent a few days this we^k in Toronto. Miss Annie E. Consitt is teaching Miss Pfaff’s class in her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton (nee Jean Stone)" and children, of London, vis ited over the week-end with Mrs. Fulton’s father, Mr. Wm. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and daughter Donna of Blenheim visited on Sunday with Mrs. Rigby’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc Queen. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer spent a few days this week in Toronto. Mrs. Minnie Sangster returned home from Scott Memorial Hospi tal, Seaforth, where she has been convalescing after 'fracturing her leg at the hip. Rev. Wm. Weir conducted ser vices in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and the choir sang two antihems entitled “Like as a Father” and “Great God of Nations.” Freddie Robinson, who has been in the War Memorial Hospital, London, for tlhe past several weeks, underwent an operation on Monday and is doing as well as ican be ex pected. , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins, of Exeter, returned home after spend ing the past week with, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McQueen and friends in the village, ■ iMiss Ruth Ma’clllvenna, accom panied by Mrs. Alice Joynt, Donald Joynt, Gordon Campbell and Allen Crerar spent the week-end in To ronto attending the hockey game there The Young People’s Society of Carmel Church will 'be entertained at a St. Patrick’s social by the Y. P. U. in the United Church next Mon day evening,' March 17th and will provide an Irish program. Mr. John Craig, who has been receiving treatment at Scott Memor ial Hospital, .Seaforth, for the past several weeks, was taken Seriously ill last week. His many friends hope for an improvement in Mr. Craig’s health. The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres byterian Church are holding a St. Patrick’s tea and sale of home baking in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday, March 15th, at. 3 p.m, Mrs. Jas. McClinchey had the misfortune last week to fall on the Icy streets, fracturing her left arm at the elbow. She was attended'by Dr. D. G. Steer and taken to Sea- fGrth hospital for an X-ray. The March meeting of the Senior’ Women’s Institute was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson, The rdll call was answered with ‘‘Your Fa vorite Radio Program” and Rev, Wm. Weir was the special speaker. mu* Red ser- The Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a St, Patrick’s dance in the Town Wall, Hensall, on Wed* nesda’y evening, March 19 th, when Flight-Lieu t. Fletcher and his 14’ piece Royal Air Force Orchestra of Bort Albert will provide the sic. proceeds in aid of the Cross. Rev. R. A, Brook conducted vices in the United Church on Sun day and Mr. Carey Joynt sang a beautiful solo entitled “The Stran ger of Galillee” at the morning service in loving memory of his mother, tlhe late Mrs, T. 0. Joynt, who passed away si# years ago this month, thorns Arise” The choir sang two an- entRled 4‘Soldiers of Christ and “0 Zion Haste”. Y,P,U, Meets Hlva McQueen presided at at 2.30 p.m., R. A. Brook, Hensail Union Arnold Meets of the Arnold Presbyterian the home of Miss ............... the regular meeting of the Y.P.IL in the United Church on Mpnday evening. Miss Greta Lammie play ed a piano instrumental and Mrs. Eric Kennedy very ably gave the topic on ”Miss A. J. Archibald.” from the study book, ’’Links Between East and West”. Miss Gladys Mc Kenzie directed the contests at the close. The Late Mrs. John Berry A formex* resident of Hensall passed away- in St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London, on Monday, id the person of Mrs. John Berry, ixx hex’ 85th year. The 'deceased lhad beexx a resident of Hensall for a num ber of 'years, and following the death of hex’ husband, took up resi dence in London, where she Ixas re sided until her death. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs, Fitzpatrick (An nie)* in Toronto and Mrs. Bert Vennei’ (Ella), of Elimville, and one son, Albert, in the West. A private funeral service was held from Bonthron and Drysdale’s un dertaking parlors oxi Wedxxesday conducted by Rev Interment was in Cemetery. Circle The March meeting Circle of Carmel Church was held at Miss Helen Moir on Monday even ing. Miss Sally Manson presided over t'lxe program which opened by .singing “Unto the Hills Around”, followed by prayer by Miss Han nah Murray. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 9 6 was read by Mrs. Weir. The business was discussed and ar rangements made fox’ Thankoffering meeting. Hoggarth read letters sionaries published ixx Tidings. The meeting closed by sing ing “The Day Tihou Gavest Lord is Ended”, followed by the Lord’s -prayei’ in unison. Refreshments were served by the hostess. i W.M-S. Meets The'regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Ghurdh was held on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. B. Cross presiding over the ■■ opening exercises. Following the Lord’s prayex’ in unison, Mrs. Milton Love read the Scripture. Arrangements were made for the birthday party to be held March 19i!h. The regu lar’ meeting on April 3rd will be followed by a quilting. Mrs. Victor Fee and Mrs. Chas. McDonell re ported having made twenty-five calls on shut-ins in February. , Mrs. G. M. Drysdale presided over the remainder of the program. . Mrs. R. J. Patterson led in prayer and Mrs. Jackson Walkei’ favored with a vocal solo entitled “The Beauti ful Garden of Prayer”. Miss Flor- ’ en'ce Welsh accompanied at the piano. Miss Annie E. Consitt very ably gave tlhe' topic on “The Life of the the Easter Miss Irene from mis- the Glad Surgeon Skeena.” Euchre, Dance and Bingo . Largely Attended The Town Hall, Hensall, was packed on Friday evening when the Kippen East Institute, the Can adian Legion and the Chamber of Commerce sponsored a euchre, bingo and dance. At 10.30 Mur doch’s radio program was present ed. The announcer, Mr. Ross Mac Kay was introduced by Mr. E. L. Mickle and presented the charac ters in his usual humorous man ner. .Mr. Sam Rennie sang a vo cal solo entitled “Moonlight and Roses”; Mrs. R. Sim.pson and Mrs. H. Caldwell presented a short Irish play entitled “Dennis and Kitty Mc Guire”; Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang* a solo entitled “Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair”; Miss June Mur doch played a piano solo and Miss Joyce Broderick sang and danced; Dr. I. G. SmiUie sang a solo, ‘‘On the Road to Mandalay”, and the male quartette .comprising Mr. W. O. Goodwin, Rev. Weir, Dr. I. G. Snxil- ’ lie and Mr. W. A. MacLaren, sang “Rule Britannia”. This concluded the program, after whiclh lunch was seryed and dancing followed. Mr. R. H. Middleton drew the lucky ticket on the quilt which Was held by Mr. Emerson Smith, of Kip pen. The net proceeds were SOLDIERS! ATTENTION! f STAND YOUR FEET A AT EASE W Ml 1 ,v;r Re close. Rich- $142.17 which will be sent to the British War ' Victims’ Fund in To* ronto. . Wohelo Class Elects Officers The Wohelb Class of the United Church mot on Friday evening with Mrs. Lome Chapman presiding. The following officers were elected fox’ the year, president, Mr, Ross Forest; vice-pres., Miss Margaret Sheppard; secretary, Miss Gladys Luker; treasurer, Miss Flva Me* Queen; pianist, Miss Ruth Brook; press secretary, Mrs, Maude Hed* den; conveyance committee, Messrs, Lome Chapman, Jack Corbett and Ted Munn, During the evening two class members, namely, Mrs Hugh Morenz, nee Annie Coleman, and Mrs. Louis Weigand, nee 'Nellie Fee, were presented with gifts. The presentations were made by Miss Edna Saundercock and the ad dress was as follows, being read by Miss Gladys Passmore: Deax* Annie and Nellie: Once more we have gathered to offer our best wishes to two class members Who so recently became brides, ‘ Though it may not be pos sible for you to be with us often ixx the future, we offei’ these little re membrances with the wish that as Often as you use them you may re call the many happy hours spent with the Wohelo Class. —Signed on behalf of the Wohelo ■Class. Both made fitting replies, fresihments were served at4the Haytei’—Robinsox?. Tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs. ard Robinson, Stanley, , was the scene of a px-etty wedding on Sat- ui’day, March 8th, at 2.30 p.m., when Rev. J. R. Peters, of Varna, united in ma,rxij|age It-heii’ eldest daughter, Ethel Norrine, and Elmer J. Hayter,’ son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter, of Stanley. Miss Grace Andrews, friend of the bride, of Carlisle, Sask., played the wedding music. The ceremony was perform ed under an arch decorated with pink and white streamers and mai denhair fern. The bride chose a floor-length gown of white taffeta, sky-blue d’esprit net trimmed with orange blossoms, long satin ap- pliqued net veil caught up with her mother’s bridal wreath of orange’ blossoms, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Alma .Forsythe, R.N., of Toronto, wore a floor length gown of pink net over satin, and carried white carnations. The groom was attended by his brother. Mr. Marvey Hayter. The bride’s mothex1 received wearing a valley blue crepe dress trimmed with lace Daisiax* and pink ice-box roses. The groom’s mothex- wore a rose crepe dress. A wedding dinner was serv ed to about, fifty guests, following the ceremony? The groom’s gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver. Later the young couple left on a honeymoon trip, the bride travelling in a rose crepe dress trimmed with white lace, with .hat and veil to match and an . Acadia blue coat and matching accessories. They will reside on tlhe groom’s farm near Varna. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts. Wm. McKenzie Passes Suddenly The sudden passing on Thursday of William McKenzie came as a shock to his many friends. The deceased had been down ixx the village on Wednesday afternoon, ap pearing to be in his usual health ’and after returning home was taken seriously ill. and was later removed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London^ where an operation was performed, following which Mr. McKenzie pass ed away on Thursday afternoon. The deceased lived for the past number of years on his farm xri Stanley Township, moving to Hen sail with his wife and members of. his family in November. Surviving are his widow, six sons, Philip, Ro bert, Kenneth and Donald, of Hen sall, William, oix the homestead in Stanley, and Andrew, divinity stu dent at Knox College, Toronto, and two daughters, Mrs. Howard Our- rxe (Jean) of Cliixtoxi and Mrs. Ur ban Ducharme (Marguerite) of Forest .and one brother, Petex* Mc Kenzie, of Kippen. Funeral service was held from Carmel Presbyterian Church, of Which the deceased was a valued member, on Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Wm. Weir, as sisted by Rev. J. N. Miller, of Wort- ley Road Baptist Church, London, a friend of the family. “The Lord’s My Shepherd” and “The Sands of Time are Sinking” were the hymns sung and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a solo entitled ‘‘Good Night Here and Good Morning Up There”. The floral tributes were very beauti ful, showing the respect for the deceased. Messrs. Howard Hyde, Alex McBeath, Doix Switzer and Chester Neal were flowei’ bearers and Messrs. Duncaix Aikenhead, John MacBeath, Stanley Love, Alvin McBride, Nelson Hood and Charlie Farquhar were pallbearers. Inter ment was made in Baird’s Cemetery. Mrs. ELIMVILLE Sympathy is exteii'ded to Bert Venndr, wlhose mother passed away in a London hospital on Mon day morning, Mrs. H, Ford spent d few day# in Exetei’ with Mrs, J, Ford who has been confiixed to her bed. Miss Ruth Skinher is waiting on Mrs, Harld H6rh at Zioh, who is ill ANNUAL st. PATRICK’S Novelty Dance DUBLIN MONDAY, MARCH 17th with f • Hats, Horns, Confetti, Streamers and Novelties BOB DONELLE and HIS MUSIC from Kitcrhefter Dancing 9.30 until 1*80 Adm* 50c DASHWOOD Mr, Louis Morenz, who ihas 'been ip Westminster Hospital, Lon doo. has arrived, home* Mr. A. O. Becker, who is attend ing Kitchener and Waterloo Colleg iate, spent the week-end with his .parents, Mr. and Mi’S, Hy. Becker, Mx. Ezra Bender spent Tuesday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. A- Oestreicher spent last Wednesday with friends in Aylmer. Joyce, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner, xs quite ill with pneumonia. Mr. Lorne ;Genttner is all smiles on the arrival of a son on Sunday, March 9th, at St. Joseph’s Hospital. London. Mervyn Tieman was accidentally struck on the ankle on Monday night while playing hockey in Exe tei*, which will lay him off duty for some time. The monthly meeting of the Lake Huron U.F.W-0. was held at the home of Mi’, and Mrs. Don Hend rick. The meeting opened with the song, “Men of the Soil.” The creed was then repeated in unison. A couple of chapters of the blue print on Confederation of Agricul ture was read and discussed. The roll call was answered with ‘‘What I Would Like to Summer.” Mrs, teresting talk on seed catalogues and orders are to be in by March 15. The meeting closed with “God Save the King”. Lunch was then served. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Will Love. ’ Accomplish This Ezra gave an in refrigeration. The were distributed I MOUNT CARMEL C. ■> Justin Mahoney, of the R. Station at Eucalet, Bay, B.C. the past week at his home Tlhe members of the parish ■a cash presentation to Justin, A. F. spent here, made _ . at the Bing<5 on Friday night, wish ing him good luck and a safe re turn to our midst.' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack-Barry of De troit spent the Week-end with the latter’s brother, Denis O’Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Tom Morkln, of Aylmer, spent Wednesday with the latter’s motlher, Mrs. M. Regan. We. are pleased to report that, Master Joe Hartman is improving. He has recently been critically sick with pneumonia and measles. Mr. and Mrs. I. 'Ducharme, of De troit spent the week-end with the latter’s sister, Mrs. J. Mahoney. Mrs. P. Masse of Dashwood spent a few davs with her parents, Mr and Mrs. D. Geromette. Misses Marie and Marjorie Re gan, of London, spent the week-end at tlheir home here. Mr. Frank Coughlin spent Tues day in London attending the Middle sex Seed Fair. Miss Evelyn Regan is visiting in Aylmer with her sister, Mrs. Mor- kin. SHIPKA i regular meeting of the La- Aid was held last Thursday The dies’ . afternoon, March 6th, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. The presi dent, Mrs. Roy Ratz, presided. Thirteen members and two visitors responded to the roll call. The meeting opened with the singing of hymn “Bessed Assurance.” The Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni son. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Leslie Adams. Reports were given and four letters were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. The afternoon was spent in -quilt ing. The April meeting Will be held at the home of Mrs. Matt ’Sweitzer, with an Easter program and a self-denial offering. Meet ing was closed with prayer. A dain ty Ipnch was served by the hostess. Mr. Matt. Sweitzer is attending the Temperance convention in Lon don "this week Mr. Ed. Lamport is at present in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he is receiving treatment for his eye. Miss Dorothy Merriott is nursing a sprained ankle. Mrs. Roy Ratz attended the fun eral of a relative last Friday in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Neil and daughter of Windsor visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. VOrhe Sharpe. The Y.P.S. held their regular meeting on Monday evening last at the home of Miss Lila Flnkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Neil and Bet ty Ann, of Windsor, Visited With re latives here over the week-end. Miss Bvelyn Harlton, R.N., is at present with friends at Wheatley. Miss Lucille Lochner is at present in London. CREDITON War Savings MpetRig A War Savings meeting was held Ju the public school last Thursday evening. Herbert K. Eilbei* act ed as chairman. Canvassers were present to hear the addresses given by Mr. Floyd, R. N. Creech, Tom Pryde and Fred May of Exeter. These«speakers gave some very helpful information to the canvas sers. A general discussion follow* You Are Invited to Attend a FARMING CONFERENCE and Mr. Fan funeral of the Haist at Fen- Mr. and Mrs, .Sidney Brown spent tlhe week-end ip Brantford. Miss Lulu Morlock, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr.| and Mrs. Edward. Mor lock. Mr. Iiaroid Fletch, of Kitchener, and Miss Myrtle Pletch, of Hamil ton, spent a few days at the Evan gelical parsonage, Mrs, Arthur Amy, Mrs, Roy Ratz, Miss Lillian Haist Haist attended the late Mrs, Harmon wick last Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Neil MacDonald, of Loixdon, spent Sunday with Mi*. and Mrs, John Lovie, Mr. Tom Yearley and Mrs. Al bert King spent last week-end in Windsor and Detroit visiting with Mrs. King’s children. Mrs, Yearley came home with them after spend ing two weeks with her brother and family in Chicago. Miss Nola Fdist spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bow man, of Windsor. The following Brinsley inmates of Victoria Hospital, London, are registering improvement and are expected home in the near future; Mrs. .Fred Neil, wlho is facing an exacting ordeal with courage and fortiture, and Mrs. Dalton Lewis. The .prayers of theii’ church family are offered in theii’ behalf. Miss Ida Sweitzer, of Shipka, is feeling better and the prayers of the Young People’s Union of which she is a member, are offered in (her behalf. Mr. Edward Lamport is again an inmate of St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, and the prayers of the con gregation are offered, on his behalf. Mr. Thos. Trevethick, of Credi- ton, took advantage of the balmy weather last Monday by taking a stroll outside. We are happy to state that he is feeling much bet ter. The minister will continue Len ten meditations next Lord’s Day at all three churches, Shipka, 1'0.39 a.m., Brinsley, 2.30 p.m., Crediton, 7.'0 0 .p.m. The sermon subject will be “The Soul’s Surmise”. You are welcome. The Evangelical Mission Circle held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Fahrnei’ on Monday evening witlh a large attendance, of which two were new members. The devotional period of the ■ .meeting was in charge of the president, Nor ma Fahrner. It consisted of the Circle':Song,"'prayers for-peace by several members, roll call and a short ’discussion on Stewardship. During the business period it was planned that tlhe Circle make a layette for the refugees. The pro gram, which was taken by Irene Morlock, Leila .Mollard, Norma Fahrner, Leila Massey, Dorethy Ratz and Thelma Brown, was as follows; a piano instrumental, “Londonderry Air”; a St. Patrick’s poem; a vocal solo, ‘‘Killarney”; an Irish reading; the history of the hymn “In Christ There is No East or West”; the scripture reading; a piano instrumental and the study book by several members and a hymn. A Chinese contest was en joyed. Then a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and a social time spent. Crediton W.I. The regulai’ meeting of the Wo men’s Institute was held' at the home of Mrs. J. Woodall with a splendid attendance. The meet ing opened with the National An them followed by the “Ode” and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered by mentioning one reason “Why I Am .Glad to be a Canadian’’. The Institute is mak ing three layettes for refugee and Red Cross work and the articles were handed out to the members to be sewn. It was decided to have a shower of articles such as soap, powder, safety pins, etc to complete the layettes at the next meeting. The members also decided to serve lunch at the April Red Cross dis play day. Mrs. A. Amy look the chair for the following program: Songs, “When Irish Eyes are Smil ing” and “Peggy O’Neil”; x'eading by Mrs. Mountain; solo by Mrs. Gordon Morlock; papei’ by Mrs. A. Wein; solo by Donald Finkbeiner1: Mrs. G. Zwickei’ then read an ad dress and Mrs. W. Wein presented Mrs. T. Mawhinney with an end table, as a token Of appreciation of her wonderful service in the Insti tute for the past’twenty years. Mrs. Mawhinney responded graciously. A contest was held after wihlch lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Wein, Mrs. J. Woodall, Mrs. A. Amy, Mrs. E. Zimmer. A hearty vote, of thanks was tendered to the hostesses, to those taking part In the program and especially to Mrs. Woodall for ■the use of her home. MECHANISED Featuring FORD TRACTOR Ferguson System and Wheel-less Implements Don’t miss this presentation of the latest improvement# Modem Fanning Talking Motion Pictures—*Lectures——Discussions Sandy Elliot’s Garage Thursday, March 20 th 1 to|5 p.m. Springtime! Spring- will soon be here and. the season of larger milk pro duction will begin. From authoritative sources it is learned that it is necessary to produce as much milk as possible in Canada. An increase of 500 lbs. per cow is required to meet the needs for Dairy Products in Britairt and in Canada. Cheese, Concentrated Milk Products and BUTTER are required in greater quantities. Fanners are requested to supply the Creameries with all the cream they can produce. Prices are expected to be on a parity with other Dairy Products The Creameries of tliis District are well equipped and able to take care of all the cream produced in the area. Send or bring your ci*eam to the Crfeamery. Exeter Creamery Co., Ltd. We are still taking orders for freight-off western oats, barley, screenings. Tliis is a considerable saving. If yon wish to get in on it rush your orders before the set quota amount is taken up. SEEDING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE and good seed grain is scarce. We have a limited supyly, so place your orders with us soon Cartier Oats, 70c bus.; Erban Oats, 70c bus.; Early Alaskan Oats, 65c bus.; Western Oats, (clean*for seed), 55c bus. O.A.C. 21 Seed Barley Notice to Farmers All Grains Cleaned for Seed at our Mill Ever since we started the SHUiR-GAIN feed service more and more fanners have found the benefits—in better growth and health of livestock, a saving in dollars and cents, too—of using SHUR- GAIN FRESH FEEDS, mixed at our mill. We strongly recommend our SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER. You need a rapid, sturdy growth, the development of a strong bone •structure, and of vigorous health for the chicles. Our starter gives tliis and is always fresh—never over a week old. It lias to be good when large hatcheries Fire turning to SHUR-GAIN. We can save you money too. 19 PER CENT SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER, $2.80 PHONE 35 PURINA FED FLOCKS This Year Buy POOLEY’S QUALITY BABY CHICKS All breeders fed on the Purina Plan. This plan assures you a strong chick at hatching time. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires and Rock and Hampshire cross We can supply you with White Leghorn Baby Chicks, 'all from hens 2 to 5 years old, if ordered two weeks before setting time. We guarantee to replace all dead cbicks up to 14 days. For further information phone 14 r 7, Kirkton. Plate your order early'2WOODHAM herMrs, John RInn celebrated ninety-second birthday on Saturday with a number of friends being pre sent We are pleased to know that little Bessie McCurdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Who- was ill in Victoria Hospital, was able to return home on Friday last* much improved. I G. A. CANN & SONS i / PURINA siartena R. E. POOLEY Breeders are Blood-Tested Call and see, and guess the weight of our chicks in the Growth Contest a *