HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-02-20, Page 5THS EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE
‘The, Whole Town is1 Talking’
three-act cpinedy play
in the
Town Hall, Hensail,
8.15 pan.
Presented by Ailsa Craig Cast
Admission 25c and 15c
Sponsored by Hensail Red Cross
Mr, Ian MacLean spent the week
end in London,
The annual seed show will be
held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on
Friday, February 2 Sth
Miss Dorothy Brazier, of Lon
don visited recently at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. D. (L Steer.
Mr, Lome Elder of Galt spent the
Week-end at the home of his par
ents, Mi’, and Mrs. John Elder.'
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale vis
ited on Sunday with their daugh
ter, Miss I<ay Drysdale, in Sarnia
Mr. Kenneth Passmore of Galt
spent the week-end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence Reid of
London visited on Sunday with the
latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil
son Allen,
Mrs, Chas. Dayman of Exeter vis
ited last week at the home of her
son and daugh'ter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Dayman.
Mr. Ed Little of St, Catharines
spent the week-end at his home
here and is attending the session
of Grand Jury held in Goderich
this week
We are pleased to report that
Mrs. J, Dinsdale was a winner in the
contest sponsored by the Exeter
Times-Advocate. The draw was
made on Saturday night.
Messrs. E. L. Mickle, Thos. Welsh
Alfred Clark, Walter Spence/ Geo.
Hess and Claude Blowes spent, the
week-end in Toronto and attended
the hockey game.
Mr, Peter Stewart, who suffered
a stroke this week and was removed
to Mrs. Saundercock’s nursing home
for treatment.
The February meeting of the La
dies’ Aid of Carmel Church was held
on Monday evening with the presi
dent, Mrs. James Patterson,' pre
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Kirk of
Fairgrove, Mich., and Mr. Allen
Kirk of Reid City, Mich,, visited
over the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Drysdale.
The WojJ.4^j)ay^of Prayer Ser
vice will be held in Carmel Presby
terian Church on Friday, February
28th at 3 p.m. when the W.M.S. of
the local churches will take part.
Some fifteen couples from Hen
sail attended the Valentine dance
in the Exeter Arena sponsored by
the Lions Club on Friday evening.
Flight-Lieut. Fletcher and his Roy
al Air Force orchestra furnished
the music.
Mr. Walter MacBeath ol- Bruce-
field won the s.tick of candy dis
played in Case’s Bakery window.
The tickets were sold by the Senior
Women’s Institute. The candy was
donated by Mrs. Kennedy.
A three-act play entitled ‘‘The
Whole Town’s Talking*’, will be
presented in Hensall Town Hall
on Friday, Feb. 28, by Ailsa Craig
cast under the auspices of the lo
cal Red Cross.
At a recent banquet held at the
Commercial Hotel the Chamber of
Commerce, Hensall, elected the fol
lowing officers for 'the year. Pre
sident, Mr. R. H. Middleton; treas
urer, Mr. W. B, Cross; secretary,
Mr. Ian MacLean. Committees
were appointed in charge of the
various plans.
Miss Murray Returns From
The many friends of Miss Jean
Murray are pleased to hear that she
has been able to return to her
home after being confined to' St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, where
she was taken following an acci
dent in which she fractured her
hip. Miss Murray was brought from
the hospital Saturday in an ambu
lance and is improving favorably.
Mrs, Bertha Bell is in attendance.
Bingo and Dance
The Bingo and Dance sponsored
by the Hensall Branch of the Can
adian Legion, which was held on
Friday evening, was largely at
tended, Fifteen prizes were given
away, five special prizes, lucky
lunch ticket prize and a consolation.
Mrs. Eldon Jarrott of Kippen won
the lucky lunch ticket ‘prize and
Mr. Wesley Jones of Cromarty won
the consolation prize. Murdoch’s
orchestra furnished music for the
dance and Mr., Wm, fiayter was
floor manager.
Broken Wrist Result of Fall
Mrs. Frank Farquhar had. the
misfortune to fall on the icy side
walk on Saturday morning and frac
ture her left, arm. Dr. I. G. Smillie
attended her arid removed her to
Clinton Hospital where and X-ray
was taken and the arm whs found
to be broken at the wrist, Mrs.
Farquhar is spending a few days at
the home Of her sister, Mrs* Httgh
McMurtrie at Kippen.
Young People’s Union
Miss June ^aundercock presided
over the Ynupg People's Union
meeting held on Monday evening.
The program commenced by sing1’
ing **For the Beauty of the Earth”,
after which Rev. R. A. Brook led
in prayer. The Scripture was read
by Miss Elva McQueen. After sing
ing “Faith of our Fathers” Mrs.
Churchill gave the topic on “Fanny
Crosby’s Hymns”, which was most
interesting. Miss Greta Lammie fa
vored with a piano solo, The pro
gram concluded by singing “He
Liveth Long Who Llveth Well”
and the benediction. Miss Gladys
McKenzie directed a contest,
Post-Nuptial Shower
A very enjoyable evening was
spent on Wednesday, when Miss
Edna Saundercock entertained at
a miscellaneous shower in honor of
Mrs. Louis Weigand (nee Miss
Nellie Fee). Games and contests
were enjoyed and the bride was es
corted to a de'corated chair and pre
sented with a decorated basket,
loaded with beautiful and useful
gifts. The bride replied, thank
ing all for the gifts. Refreshments
were served.
W.M.S, Meeting
The February meeting of the
W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian
Church was held on Thursday af
ternoon with Mrs. W. A. MacLaren
presiding. The program commenc
ed by singing “Courage Brother,
Do Not Stumble”, after which Mrs.
Weir led in prayer. The Bible les
son, Matthew 24, was read by Mrs.
Donald Park. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
adopted and the roll call answered
with “Courage”. After singing a
hvmn the business was taken up and
arrangements made for the World
Day of Prayer service to be held
Friday, February 28th. Mrs. A. D.
MacLaren .read a Japanese story en
titled ‘‘The Honorable Apron”,
After singing “Stand TJp, Stand Up
for Jesus”, the offering was receiv
ed, and Mrs. Hannah Workman led
in prayer, Mrs. W. A. MacLaren
gave the topic on “Extracts from
the Church in Action”, which was
very interesting. The meeting clos
ed by singing “Faith of our Fath
ers” and the Lord’s Prayer in uni
Senior Women’s Institute Holds
Interesting Meeting
The February meeting of the
Senior Women’s Institute was held
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Weir on
Wednesday evening with a large at
tendance. The president, Miss
Beryl Pfaff presided over the pro
gram which opened by singing the
Institute Ode and ‘‘The Maple Leaf
Forever”, followed by the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. Mr. R. J. Moore,
continuation school principal, was
present and gave an interesting de
monstration on physical exercises, -
Ross, Kennedy was present and de
monstrated some difficult exercises
with great perfection. Mrs. Geo.
Hess favored with two vocal solos
entitled “So Tired” and “People
Will Talk”,’ -dressed in” comic cos
tume. Miss Greta Lammie accom
panied On the guitar. Dr, I. G.
Smillie was the guest speaker and
gave a splendid address on “Hered
ity of Feeble Mindedness”. The
draw was made by Dr. Smillie for
the lucky ticket for the stick of
candy on display in Case’s Bakery
window donated by Mrs. Eric Ken
nedy, and was won by Mr. Walter
MacBeath, Sr., of Brucefield, The
net proceeds from the sale of tick
ets on the candy amounted to
$22.90. The business was discuss
ed and the matter of saving clip
pings of Red Cross Notes- for a
scrap 'book was discussed, also send
ing a donation to the Central Fund.
The roll call was answered by the
work done for Red Cross and a
poison and its antidote. Mrs. W. B.
Cross very ably gave the motto on
“Health is Precious—Let’s Guards
It”, which was prepared by Mrs
R. J. Patterson. A ladies’ quar
tette comprising Miss Irene Hog
garth, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Mrs
W. A. MacLaren and Miss Mabe*
Workman sang “I Love a Little
Cottage”. A Valentine contest con
cluded the program, after which a
delicious . lunch was served. Mrs.
W. A. MacLaren was co-hostess and
Mrs, Drysdale, Mrs. Steer, Mrs. C.
Cook and Mrs. Sherritt were con
veners of the lunch committee.
Rod Cross Unit
The following is the list of ar
ticles made by the Dashwood wait of
the Red Cross during the past
months 44 pairs of socks, 3 sweat
ers, 2 turtle-neck sweaters, 3 pairs
sea boots, 2 pairs seamen’s socks, I
pair whole mitts, 5 pairs two-way
mitts, 1 pair children's mitts, 1 pair
wristlets, 5 dressing gowns, 5 shirts,
8 large quilts, 2 small quilts, 1
house dress, 1 knitted afghan. The
ladles have been doing splendid work
but ’to those of the district who have
pot been attending the meetings,
there Is plenty of room for you.
Come out and help our boys as well
as our bombed friends across the
sea, ’
Mr. and Mrs. Sperry of Mount
Carmel were Sunday visitors with
the Kraft sisters.
Milford Mason and friend of Pal
merston spent the week-end with his
mother, Mrs. Edith Mason.
Lome Haugh, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Haugh, was oper
ated on for appendicitis in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital last Wednesday. We
understand Lome is getting along
Miss Donna Edighoffer, of Zur
ich, has returned to her home af
ter spending a couple of weeks con
valescing from a dislocated knee
cap and her recent illness. She has
been staying with her aunt, Mrs, L.
Mrs, Hopcroft of Dashwood vis
ited with her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs, Sam Price of Hanover, .
Progressive Euchre
The progressive euchre party
given by the Dashwood Red Cross
unit last Friday evening was a de
cided success. The winners of the
ladies’ prizes were Mrs. Russell
Webb, Mrs, E. Gardiner and Mrs..
P. Tassold and the gents were
Lome Kleinstiver, Mr. Robt. Hay-
ter and Mr. E. Gardiner. The
lucky winner for the fancy com
forter was won by Mrs. Jos. Wil-
lert and fajjey quilt by Miss Doro
thy Wein. The evening closed af
ter a very enjoyable time had been
The dance held in the Commer-
aial Hotel last Thursday night was
Well attended. Another will be
held this week on Thursday night
when good music will be pro
The remains of the late Mr, Ben
McKOnzie of St. Louis were brought
here and laid to reSt in Grand Bend
Cemetery on- Friday. The family
accompanied the remains here.
Mrs. Fred Genttner is visiting
with her daughter in London this
Mrs. W. Kleinstiver, son Lome
and daughter, Flo, Mrs. L. Mclsauc
and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer attended
the funeral of fheir cousin, Del-
phine Noll of Stratford, who was
killed in a car accident at Stein
burg’s icorner.
Cook’s Hall, Centralia
McNicol’s Orchestra
Admission 25c
Good Floor Cafeteria Lunch
Total Proceeds for War Victims’
Adm. 25c First 15 Gaines Fice
Come and Help
Mrs. A, Robinson spent the past
week with her daughter, Mrs. Lome
Marshall, of London-
Miss Edith Fletcher, of Brussels,
visited with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur Fletcher this past
Miss Roxie Doupe is assisting
Mr, E. N. Shier at the general store.
Mrs. George Arksey, Audrey, and
baby Jean spent the week-end with
Mrs. Arlo Copeland.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray and family of
Milverton were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. RusSell Brock and
boys spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Morley of Whalen.
Master Jack Switzer of Anderson
spent part of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Switzer.
' Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall of
London, spent the week-end with
friends in the village.
W.A. and W.M.S. Meeting
The February meeting of the
Kirkton United Church Women’s
Association was held in the church
basement Thursday afternoon, Feb.
13 th. Plans for more Red Cross
work and1 final arrangements for
the supper and play which are to
take place in the near future were
made. c
The W.M.S. followed with Miss
Urquhart’s gro-u-p in charge. “Living
Epistles in Korea—Miss Maria Ki n
and Nurse MacKinnon” was the
study. Daily prayer in 1941 was
taken by Mrs. Alvin Crago. The
meeting closed with prayer.
The Y.P.U. of Thames Road en
tertained the Elimville Y.P.U. on
Friday evening, February 14th.
About 75 were present. A splendid
program was provided by the Elim-
vllle Young People. Contests and
games were enjoyed, after which
refreshments were served.
The fine weather and good roads
caused bigger crowds at chttrch than
have been for some time.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Morgan and
Mr. and Mi’S. Roly Williams at
tended the Plowmen’s Convention at
Toronto last week.
An ice carnival is being held this
Saturday night, The proceeds are
for war purposes.
The Y.P.U. -of Roys held a box
social at the hottie of Mrs, Clifford
Dow last Thursday With a splendid
attendance, trhe proceeds were fOi*
war purposes.
Mrs. Nancy Ravelle left Sun
day to visit her daughter in St.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd * Fahner visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mrs. Isaac Sharrow is on the sick
Mrs. W. B. Oliver visited with
Mrs. Alma Mollard on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Webb and
son Mervin were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Mousseau.
Mr. Erwin Bestard , Aimer Des-
jardine and Leisum Lafond took in
the -hockey match at Toronto on
Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs. McGuire of Brinslev
visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason on
Mrs. Gibb Statton and family of
Sarnia are visiting with friends in
the village.
Mr. Lloyd Walper has bought the
hundred-acre farm from Mr. Clar
ence Schade, getting possession Ap
ril 1st. (
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patterson of
Sarnia visited with Mr. Patterson’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Patter
son. ovei1 the week-end. Mr. Will
Patterson is laid up with an attack
of shingles. ®
The community auction sale that
Was held at Grand Bend on Feb.
15 th was a great success. Many
of the farmers -turned out. The
community wishes to have another
sale in March. Wm, H. Smith was
the auctioneer. v
Mrs. ‘Geo. Devine, who has been
quite ill, is much improved.
< Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Exeter, vis
ited Mrs. Well’s mother, Mrs. Et-
tie Baker, on Sunday.
You are welcome at the cottage
prayer meetings each Wednesday
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull is at present
with her mother, Mrs. Dean Brown,
at Greenway, who Is 111.
Miss Ruby Latta is on the sick
list with an attack Of appendicitis,
but her -condition is somewhat im
John. Ch Troyer Dhw
John George Troyer, a former
WeiLktiown Hensall resident, pass
ed away at his home in Binscartb,
Man. Surviving are his widow, the
former Miss Allie Smith, one son,
Dmery, of Binscarth, and a daugh-
j ter, Amy, of Canora, Bask,
.Monster C^nlvaL
Thames Road Rink
postponed until
Saturday, Feb. 22nd
on account of stormy weather
Good prizes in War Savings
Stamps for Costumes, x
Races, etc/
Adults 25c Children 10c
Music Supplied
a s i ‘L
At the United Church Sunday
evening Rev, Mr. Tumor will take
for his subject “Super Conquerors
through Uhrlst”. The choir
sing a dedicatory number to
air forces of the Empire,
Mr. Thos. Trevethick, who
been ill, continues in about
same condition. ’
The meeting of the W.A,
held in the United Church base’
ment on Thursday last with the pre’
sident, Mrs, Mack, in the chair. The
meeting opened with the hymn
“Faith of Our Fathers”, prayer by
Mrs. Lovie and the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. The 23rd Psalm was read
by Mrs, Kestle, Several visits were
reported and the committee for next
month are Mrs, F. W, Clark and
Mrs. Gerald Z wicker. Hymn 260
was sung, after which Mrs, Wood-
all gave a reading and two mouth
organ selections were played, by
Mrs. Lovie. It was decided to nave
a St. Patrick’s supper on March 18.
followed by a mixed program.. The
meeting closed with a hymn and the
benediction. Mrs. Mack and' Mrs.
Lovie served a dainty lunch.
Don’t forget *the pancake supper
in the United
Tuesday under
Miss Bernice
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Fahner.
Mr. and Mrs, M. W. Telfer re
turned home after, spending two
weeks in Toronto and Mil-ton.
Messrs. Eldon Smith, Gerald
Smith, Robert Wolfe and Harold
Wolfe spent Sunday in Windsor.
Maurice Hertzel, Nelson Lamport
and Harold Wolfe returned home
Saturday after a month’s training
in Chatham.
, Miss Bernice Haist of London
Spent‘Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wellington Haist.
Short in duration, but definitely
intense enough to make up for this,
the blizzard that struck southern
trio last Saturday swept through
iton and district, filling side-
and highways and maroon
cars all along the -road sides
Fq/tunately little or no damage
was done, although business in
town was more or less at a stand
still Saturday night.
We are glad to report that Mr.
Fred Gaiser is improving after his
recent illness.
The Mission Circle held its meet
ing at the home of Mrs. H. K. Eil-
ber on Tuesday evening with an
attendance of seventeen members.
The president, Norma Fahrner,
took charge of the devotional exer
cises, which consisted of the Circle
Song, prayer, the Scripture read
ing, and a discussion on steward
ship, which was followed by a
hymn. .The program, which was
in charge of the Finance Commit
tee, Erma Krueger, Margaret Wein,
Laurene Wein, Clara Gaiser, Gert
rude and Jean Mountain, introduced
the study of China. It took the
form of a radio broadcast. There
was also a song, Valentine read
ing and piano duet. Personality
and Valentine contests were en
joyed. A dainty lunch was served
by the hostesses and a social half-
hour spent.
Church School on
the auspices of tee
out last week)
Fahner, of London,
TIIVUSIIAY, F1SB. 20111, 1041
Call and see, and guess the weight
of our chicks in the Growth Contest
This Year Buy
AH breeders fed on the Turina Plan. This plan
assures you a, strong chick at hatching time.
White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires
and Rock and Hampshire cross
We can supply you with White Leghorn Baby
Chicks, 'all from hens 2 to 5 years old> if ordered
two weeks before setting time. We guarantee to
replace ail dead chicks up to 14 days.
For further information phone 14 r 7, Kirkton.
Tlace your order early
the winner of the quilt. The pro
ceeds from the sale of tickets on this
quilt brought in ten dollars, and
2-0' pairs of men’s socks and 12-pairs :
of ladies’ hose were purchased for
the refugees. Mrs. W, R Elliott ;
moved a vote of thanks, on behalf
of the unit, to the ladies who have ‘
made and donated quilts, clothing,
etc. This was seconded by Mrs.*
Thos. Willis. Carried. During the
afternoon three quilts yvere quilted*,
and the ladies served a ten cent
lunch. Delivered to the Red Cross,
Exeter, are the following; articles:
49 pairs socks, 1 sweater, 8 scarves,.
2 helmets, 9 towels, *10 sheets,. 3;
quilts, 5 shirts, 2 baby pillows with?
covers, 4 jumper dresses with blouse,
es, 1 print dress, 1 boy’s knitted ’,
suit, 8 children's dresses, 2, chilitA’
ren’s blouses, 2 baby coats.
Livingston’s Blue Blossom
$2.20 per 100 lbs.
$2.25 per 100 lbs.
HOMINY $1.75 SHORTS $1.55
BRAN $1.50
We also stock heavy mixed
chop and wheat chop.
Baled Wheat Straw for Sale
R. G. Seldon & Son
iMr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and
Helen of Lucan visited on Thursday
with her father, Mr. Mansel Hod
Mr. Hector Murray left on Friday
to visit friends near ,Sudbury.
Mrs. L. Stone spent a few days
with her daughter in Chatham.
Miss Evelyn
Sarnia, called
Joseph Hickey,
We are glad
Joseph Hickey
.The CBC Farm Forum Broadcast
Will be discussed at Mr. and Mrs..
Colin Love’s home on Tuesday ev
Misses Minnie and Chttmm Mur
ray of Thedford spent a couple n*
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Murray,
A number of relatives of Mr.'
and Mrs. Edward Hartle met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hartle and presented them with
a handsome clock on Friday even
Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle
of Corbett spent Saturday after
noon with Mrs, Colin Love.
Harlton, R.N., of
on her aunt, Mrs
on Sunday.
to report that Mrs.
is improving.
-Mr. Donald Hicks of the R.C.A.F.
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willard and
family moved to Exeter last week.
Mrs. C. J. O’Brien returned -home
last week after visiting for some
time with her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Mugan, in London.
Mr. Hugo Theander of Galt spent
the week-end at his home here.
The' Centralia War Service Unit
held a very successful euchre and
dance in Cook’s hall on Wednesday
evening of last week. There
a good crowd and everybody
ports a real good time.
Steve Molnar, son of Mr.
Molnar had the misfortune
and injure his knee while
on Sunday afternoon. His
hope for a speedy recovery
Mrs. S.
to fall
Sunday visitors With Mr.
Mrs. F. Bawden were Mr. and Mrs
F. McCann and Ronald of Simeon
and Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder
Billy of Clandeboye.
Mr. Robert Borland, who
been operating the churn in
creamery here has been transferred
to the office of the Exeter branch
of Canada Packers.
On Thursday evening of next week
the Centralia Home and School
Club will meet in the school for a
pot luck supper followed by the re
gular monthly meeting. This is
the meeting for election of officers
and the program will be In celebra
tion of Founders' Day.
Mrs. George Baynham received
word on Monday of the death of her
_____________ munity
.'' ——- ^-aj gervf(ie xjnit met In
If interested get in touch with the basement of the phurch oft Mon-:
us soon. ; day afternoon, Feb/1 Oth. The busi
ness part of the meeting was open
ed With “God Save the King”, af
ter which the secretary and treasur
er gave their reports. The lucky
ticket was drawn on the quilt which
was made and donated by Mrs. (5eo.
House 133 Baynham, Miss Boris Creb was
The lazier the man the more he
will have'to say about the things
genius has done,
We are again contracting Barley,
for the Canada Malting Co. i
Hensall, Ont.
Li -Phone: Office 103
Mrs, ChaS, Lechner, of
The Sympathy of the cohi-
is extended to Mrs. Bayn
her bereavement.
monthly meeting of' the
The Red Cross Society is holding
a social 'evening in the Corbett
School on Friday evening.
Congratulations to Mr., and Mrs.
Harold Elson (nee 'Jessie' Wright)
and Mr, "and Mrs. Hugh Larkins-
(nee Hazel Stewardson) who were'
married on Saturday. ■ /.X
Mrs. A. McIntosh returned home
after visiting with friends in Bort.
Mrs. Lloyd Brophey, Miss Muriel.
Fallis of Sarnia and Mr. Claude
Fallis of Mount Foresi -were -railed ’
to Ontario, California, last week,
owing to the serious illness of theii
mother. Mrs. W. B, Fallis. ‘ ’
The W.M.S. of the United Church,
held a successful quilting and 10
cent tea in the basement last Wed^
nesday afternoon. Two quilts were
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull of Grand
Betid is spending this week With
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Marilyn Wellman of ___
Huron spent the week-end with
friends here.
Mrs. Eldon Young of Lucan spent
a few days last week with her par
ents, Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Belling.
Mr. Shelbourne English of De
troit spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. English and Mrs. R.
L. Sheppard.
Last Tuesday evening about sev
enty neighbors and friends gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Stewardson and spent a so
cial evening and presented their
daughter, Hazel, a bride-elect, with
manv beautiful and useful articles
(Crowded out last week)
The Red Cross Society are plan
ning for a social evening in Corbett
school bn Friday, February 21st.
Mr, and Mrs. R. English and Mrs.
R. L. Sheppard visited on Friday
afternoon with Miss L. Leask.
Messrs. Stanley Hartle, Bdisop
Pollock and Gerald Carruthers re
turned hottie, having completed*
their thirty days’ military training
at Chatham.
Mr, and Mrs. Parry Thompson
visited on Sunday at the home of
her father, hlr« W. J. Brown.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Love, Of Lott
don spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Lisle Woodburn.
W'eddtng bells are ringing In this
Mr. -and Mrs. Russell Brown vis
ited on Friday with relatives at
trho Harmony class of the United
Church are holding their meotiftg oft
Friday evening at the home bi Mr
and Mrs. Elton durts.
/Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgifts
and daughter of ‘wiarton visited last
tfeek With Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hod«
gins and other triends. 7
Mrs. E. Stewardson is at present'
> earing for Mrs. Nelson Rock nnd
baby. •
The annual Mission Circle
entine Supper and program
held in the basement1 of
Church on Friday evening last with,
a large attendance. The basement
was tastefully decorated in accor
dance with .the occasion and much
credit is due the girls and their
president, Mrs. W. Wynn, for the
lovely supper and tastefully ar
ranged tables. The program was
in charge of the four school teach
ers, Miss Audrey Johnson, Miss
Gertrude Cann, Miss A. Trewartha
and Miss Marjory Laing, which con
sisted of sing-songs, a solo by little .
Miss Blackler of Kirkton; a read
ing by M.rs. Fred Doupe and a Pro
fessor Quiz program, which caused
much laughter. Rev. A. Laing act
ed as chairman and brought this
enjoyable evening to a close with
prayer. The proceeds amounted to
$25, the fee 'being only 25c.
The Y.P.S. from here will again
present" their play, “Cheerio My
DeaTio”, at the Crediton Town Hall
on Friday evening, Feb. 21st, at 8
o’clock, •
The Woodham Red Cross Execu
tive met recently in the basement
of the church with the president,
Mr. L. Mitchell in charge. After
several items of business were dealt
with the guest speaker, Major Wat
son, from Red Cross
gave a talk on “The
, Moment.” He said at
a half million dollars
ed this year for the
oners of war in German. He des
cribed the packing of parcels in
the assembly line of volunteer la
dies of Toronto, They had packed
2.0'00 a day for five days; that
meant ten thousand a week. These
parcels are sent to the U.S.A., thence
to Portugal, to France, and to Gen
eva. At least 98 per cent arrive
safely. The society is kept in the
needs of the day by a committee of
Canadians in England with A. H.
ing was
Needs of the
least one and
will be need-
British pris-
at the head. The meet-
closed by the National An-
If We
tions as
so crowded.
would give our weekly ac-
much gas as we give our
prayers, heli would not be
RtIB out miOCHit