HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-02-20, Page 4WWM, FEB. 20th, 1911 THE EXETER TIMES-AWPCME Exeter Arena PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS EXETER BAND IN ATTENDANCE Admission 25c; Children 15c2 hours Skating The Red & White Store 2 pounds for 25c for 20c ..each 49c We Deliver Baking Powder quart sealer each 29c Campbell’s Vegetable Soup 2 for 19c Mr. Whitney Coates says: The chicks I have received from you have certainly laid splen­ didly. I have gathered over 100 eggs daily on average for the past 3 months from approximately 150 pullets. The egg size is also very good. Kellogg’s Cornflakes 2 large pkgs., 25c with cereal bowl or tumbler free Fresh Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. pkgs. 2 for 25c Carnation Milk, large tins ... .3 for 27c Sweet Mixed Pickles, 27-oz. jar . .ea. 25c Coffee in quart sealers, fresh and fragrant Pudding Powder, Butterscotch or Chocolate ....... each 5c FISH: B. C. Salmon, Whitefish, Oysters, Fillets of Haddie, Codfish, etc. All kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. FRIDAY, February 21 FREE 2 Toilet Soaps free with 1 Grand parade at 8.30 for those in costume, followed by judging Ice reserved for those in costume until after judging ° ORANGES Good size . -. 2 doz 45c Smaller . •••• 2 doz. 35c 1941, at 8 o’clock sharp Best Dressed Couple....................................... .$5.00 $2.50 Gent’s Fancy Costume ..................................... 2.50 1.50 Ladies’ Fancy Costume .................................... 2.50 '1.50 Gent’s Comic Costume..................... . , 2.50 1.50 Ladies’ Comic Costume.................................... 2.50 1.50 Girls’ Fancy Costume, 16 and under............ 1.50 1.00 Boys’ Fancy Costume, 16 and under.........,1.50 1.Q0 .. 1.50 1.00 Girls’ Fancy Skating ................................... •.. .1.00 75c Comic, Boy or Girl, under 16 yrs................... 1.50 1.00 Boys’ Race, 12 yrs. to 15 yrs............................ . 1.00 75c Boys’ Race, 12 yrs. and under........................ 50c 25c Best Girls’ Trio ................................................. 1.50 75c Clowns, performance 'and dress considered . 2.50 1.50 1.00 All prizes paid in War Savings Stamps ECDMDMX Harvey & Harvey Phone 102 I - #-----------------------------------------------------—---------------------------------------------------——— ■ ----------------------------—........ Place Your Order NOW for LAKEVIEW CHICKS LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL ORDERS BOOKED 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF DELIVERY DATE WE GUARANTEE LAKEVIEW 1941 CHICKS TO BE FREE OF DISEASE AND AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN WE HAVE EVER PRODUCED LARGE TYPE WHITE LEGHORNS, BARRED ROCKS, ROCK-LEGHORN HYBRIDS, BARRED ROCK-NEW HAMPSHIRES Here’s what A. Dougall, Hensali, says: Of Die 250 Barred Rock Pullets I purchased from, you last March I still have the full amount left, having received a dozen or so extra. They have laid exceptionally well and the eggs grade, very good-—from 22 to 24 dozen A Large per 30 dozen case. I have only lost one pullet since locking the pullets in last fall. This proves the health of Lakeview Chicks. Please book my order for 350 Special Mating Chicks for March 20th. COME IN AND SEE OUR FLOCK OF 2,000 BREEDERS BEFORE INVESTING YOUR MONEY IN CHICKS for 1941. our flock is open for INSPECTION AT ALL TIMES Office and Hatchery open every day, Tuesday and Saturday evenings until 9 p.m. BIRTHS THOMSON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital on. Friday, Feb. 14th> 1941 to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomson, a sop, (stillborn) (Roland Wil­ liams ATKINSON—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on Tuesday, February 18th. 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles At­ kinson, of Biddulph, a daugh­ ter (Shirley Ann). KER SLAKE—In Hensali, at Mrs. Annie Saundercock’s nursing hoipe, on Saturday, Feb. 15, 1941, to Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Kerslake, a daughter. ' WETHEY—In St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, on Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Jr., of London, a daughter, DIXON—-At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospi tai on Wednesday, Feb, 19 th, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dixon Clan deboy e, a daughter, „ HOCKEY CydoE'e League Standing Lucan W L TFts Lucan ...................«.,6 0 0 12 Exeter ..... ..........--------3 1 2 2 Dashwood ......................2 3 1 5 Hensali .........................2 3 0 4 Crediton ...........0 6 1 1 Exeter Trims Crediton and Adds Another tq their Undefeat­ ed liecord Exeter, Fahrner Ryckman. Second Period Beavers; Crpditqn, A. (Bawden); Penalties— Third period* Macdonald (Lutman.Exeter, Creech); Exeter, Beavers; Crpditon, F, Morton (Siddall); Ex-'jtpr, Ryek- man......... ..... Lucan Still Undefeated Winning From Dashwood NOTION AUCTION SALE MARRIAGES to of ■theCHRISTIE—VICKERY —' At Temple Baptist Church, Windsor, on Feb. 12th, 1941, Ethel Jean Vickery, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harley Vickery, of P-arrs- fooro, Nova Scotia, to Mr. Charles Eli Christie, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie of Exeter, by Rev, H. Nobles of Wind­ sor, GLENN—BROCK—At the Thames Road Manse on Saturday, Feb- 15 th, Frances Margaret Beryl Brock, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Brock, of Win­ chelsea, to Mr. Goldwin Glenn, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn of McGillivray township, by Rev. Wm. Mair, ATKINS—HEDDEN—On Saturday, Feb. 15th, at the home of Rev. W. A. Finlay, Lapibeth, Ada Rae Hedden of St. Thomas, -daughter of Ma's. Catherine Hedden of Exeter and the late Wesley Hed­ den, to -George Robert Atkins, son of Mrs. Louisa Atkins of Moores­ ville and the late Johnson At­ kins DEATHS Ste-DAVEY—On lot 18, con. 11, phen Township, on Tuesday, Feb. 18th, Robert Davey, in his 77th year. Resting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, William St,, Exeter, from where the ftm- eral will take place Thursday, Feb. 20th, at 2.30 p.m. ETHERINGTON — In London, on Wednesday, February 12th, 1941, Bernice Ruth Etherington, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Eth­ erington. in her 5th year. M-cCURDY—In Hibbert Township on Saturday, Feb. 15 th, : Annie Livingstone, widow of the late Thomas McCurdy, in her 77tb year. POWELL—In Granton, on Tues­ day, February 11, 1941, Roy B. G. Powell, beloved husband of Ethel V. Hodgins, in year. LOCHNER—At her late in Shipka on Monday, 17, Mrs. Charles Lochner (nee Lucy Sheardown-) in her 70-th year. YOUNGSON—In Blanshard Town­ ship on Wednesday, February 12, at his concession son, in his ZAPFE—On pushed the puck past Smith a scramble in front of the Lawson and Moore had each pot shots at Smith, the puck •his 38 th residence February late residence, lot 13, eight, William Young- 88th year. Wednesday, February 12, Frederick Thomas, Zapffe, Parkhill, in his 7 7 th/year. of CARD OF THANKS Mr. Ed. Lamport wishes.to thank the friends and neighbors for the kindness shown him while a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, and especially to the Shipka Sunday School and Ladies’ Aid for treats, letters and flowers. CARD Ob’ THANKS Mr. and Mrs..Archie Etherington wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and Sym­ pathy expressed during their recent bereavement, also -for the floral tributes, the loan of cars and pecially to Rev. Mr. Mair cs- solemnized parsonage, Feb. 15 th, MOORE—PRANCE A quiet wedding was at the United Church Kirkton, on Saturday, at 5 p.m., when Rev. Rapson united in marriage Audrey Eileen. Prance, A.L.C.M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Prance of Winchelsea, and Joseph Clifton Moore, son of Mi*. J. Moore and the late Mrs. Moore, Kirkton, The bride chose a tur­ quoise blue crepe dress with pearl necklace and wore a white gold wrist watch, the gift of the groom. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride’s parents. Later in the evening the yoftng Couple left, amid showers of confetti, on a motor trip to Mt, Elgin, the bride 111 a black CO-at, trimmed elan fur, black hat and accessories. They will Kirktdn travelling With Per- matching reside in It is difficult tb tell if a mail shuns vies because he is fttous er just plain stitigy, r Exeter added another two points j to 'their increasing total hy trim* ming the Creditop gang in the doubleheader Monday night as Lu­ can ran wild against, the Dashwood six. The Irish have now won six straight and have yet to meet defeat. Since 'their first game with the Lu­ can team the locals have not been defeated although they were in two ties, one with Crediton and the . other with Dashwood. In order to assure their position in second ■place the locals must win one of the remaining -two starts, against Lucan and Hensali, It looks like a tough assignment for the home­ sters, but -they have shown real improvement of late as the new for­ ward lines have been very effectives, and we think they will be in there when the finals get undei' way, The Crediton boys are now out of -the running and as it stands now it looks like Lucan and Hensali and Exeter and Dashwood in the semi­ finals. Locals Take Crediton 6-2 After running into a tie with Cre diton last week the locals came through with a 6-2 victory over the same club in the first game in the Exeter Arena on Monday -night. Beavers and Macdonald were the big snipers for the Exeter squad with two goals apiece. Stire and Ryckman added the other two to the winning cause. A. Fahrner and F. Morton were the Crediton marks­ men. Ford, in the local nets, put op a real display of goaLtending, especially on close-in attacks. The locals went out In front with a two-goal margin in the first canto; While the game was still young Stire from net. taken rebounded out to Stire, who bat+ed it into the twine. Creech displayed some nice stickhandling while leading a couple of local attacks with Lawson, Moore and Stire. Aus­ tin Fahrner gave Ford a chance to ’make one of his brilliant saves of the evening as the Crediton winger swooped in on him? “Bunny” sprawled tOj.rob FahrAeJ/jOf a coun­ ter. Macdonald increased the lead on a play executed by [Beavers. The_ latter dashed up the left boards and swung a pass to Macdonald to beat the defence and the centre player sallied in on Smith, giving him ho chance on a low drive. Ryckman, Macdonald .and Beavers broke away three abreast to rouse the first excitement of the second stanza. • Beavers set up a pass to ; Ryckman on the rightfrail who cut in toward the net, setting up a pass to Macdonald whose shot grazed the post. Bawden broke away fa$r and beating the local defence slip­ ped in on Ford only to have the puck slide by the post after he had drawn the goalie out. Ford took S. Mor­ ton’s drive from the left boards on the pads to end another Crediton attack. Beavers made it 3-0, grab­ bing t-he puick in centre after break­ ing uh a Crediton -rush and skating very fast let drive from close range to beat Smith. A. Fahrner got Crediton’s first tally on a long .shot from inside the blueline, catchiiig the far corner of the net, after Baw­ den had set him up. Early in the third Macdonald and Beavers netted a couple more tal­ lies on two smart plays. On Mac­ donald’s goal Creech led the sor­ tie, taking the puck from his own defence he -passed the puck ahead to Lutman who laid a blueline pa**.” to Macdonald. Joe tricked the de­ fence and skating in on Smith sent the puck flying into the net. Bea­ ver’s goal was no less spectacular. Snatching the puck off the left boards he stickhandled through the whole team and wound up his mas­ terpiece with a shot that beat Smith all the way. Crediton re­ taliated on a goal, by F. Morton. Siddall, snatching the puck in the centre zone, set up a well-timed pass to Morton as h’e was skating in on Ford. His short shot caught the rigging to make it 5-2. Diiiney and Ryckman each broke away o i separate plays in succession, both hitting the goal post. Ryckman pol­ ished off the victory on a sbio ef­ fort, Breaking up a Fahrner bro­ ther combination at centre his shot beat Smith after he had stiekhandl- ed through the defence, Exeter—'Goal, Ford; defence,. i CreOiCh and Ryckman; centre, Mac donald; Wings, Lutman and B'eavers; subs, Modfe, Stire, Lawson. Di»“ nay, Fbrg'uson, Taylor. Crediton—-Goal, Smith; defence, BaWddn and H. Wolfo; centre, W. Fahrner; wings, A. Fahrner and B. Wolfe; sttbs, S. Morton, F. Morton, Siddall, Hicks, Hnglaftd, Schroeder &eferee-“-O’Srien. First Period Exeter, Stire .. (Moore, LaWsdn.); Exeter, Macdonald (Beavers); Pon- altlos, none. The Lucan Irish still maintained theii* winning streak, trouncing Dashwood 1'0-2 in a weird contest. G. Paul was the big shot in the Lu­ can scoring spree with Chowen, Cluff and R. sniped two to add to cause. W. the losers. Chowen a beautiful through the whole Dashwood team and beating Goetz, On the next play R. Paul scored on a scramble in front of Goetz doorstep. One of the Dashwood players, in checking him put the puck into his own net. Wein then retaliated for Dashwood. Checking Cluff as the big defence- man rounded the net the puck went in behind Hudson, tit-for-tat a similar W, Wein succession eluded Hudson, deadlock on a scramble in.front of | the net after the Pauls and Gliow- en had engineered the play. G. Paul got his first goal on a pass from Chowen, who laid 'the puick. to him from the left boards and Gerry pushed the puck into the open cage with Goetz out of position. Cluff opened the second stanza batting in a pass out by Reg. Paul. Howe and Watson combined nice­ ly through the defence only to be beaten by Goetz. Chowen got his second goal on a smart combina­ tion with G. Paul.- He finished the play by outguessing Goetz and backhanding the -puck into the net G. Paul added another Lucan goal on a beautiful end to end rush Stickhandling through the complete Dashwood squad, he wound up in front of Goetz, drew him out ano laid the puck across the line. The ace line of Chowen and the Raul brothers did all the damage again in the final session. T-he Pauls split four goals between them Gerry got the first on a play with his brother and Chowen,.making the score 7-2. Reg got the second and third counters. The second one was set up by his brother, and Chow­ en and Reg. both figured in tin- third. Gerry ended the scoring ses­ sion with a drive from the riaS* boards that beat Goetz. • ■ -Lucan;—;Goal, Hudson; defence. Cluff, Hammond; centre, R. Paul; wings, G. Paul and Chowen; subs. Watson, Howe. Baynes, Zurbrig?- Shier. Dashwood—Goal Goetz; defen.!?. England', Hayter; centre, Kleinstiv- er,‘ wings, Restemeyer, W. Wein: subs, P. Ness, B’. Ness, K. Wein. ' First Period Lucan, Chowen; Lucan, R. Paul; Dashwood, W. Wein; Dashwood, W Wein: Lucan. Cluff: Penalties none. Wein tallied four goals. Paul each the Lucan the two for opened the solo rush, stickhandling scoring on I The County of Huron has been divided into four Districts for po­ lice purposes. Persons requiring police will get in touch* with the Constable assigned to their territory as ^hereinafter described; Wm. Gardner, Wingham, Ont,—- The Townships of Hawick, Turn­ berry, Morris, East Wawanosh, the north half of West Wawanosh and the north half of Grey. A Jennings, Seaforth, Ont,—The Townships of Tuckersmith, McKll- lop, Hullett and the south half of Grey. John Ferguson, Exeter, Ont,—The Townships of Stephen, Usborne, Hay, and all of the Township of Stanley except that portion north of a direct line from Brucefield to the Blue Water Highway, approxi­ mately fiv6 miles south of Bayfield, Provincial Constable^ S. Cook and S, L, Rjitherford—-The Town­ ships of Ashfield, Colborpe, God­ erich, south half of West Wawa­ nosh and that portion of Stanley not covered by Exeter, which includes Bayfield. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, i I pf Horses Oil WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 1041 at ope-thirty o’clock at G. J. DOW’S SALE BAHNS EXETER, ONT Throe anti 'Four Year Old Fillies- and Geldings, Also mares in foal aiitl good work horses Terms—CASH W. E, NAIRN, Auctioneer G, J. DOW, Mgr. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ struction to sell by public auction on U It was a sort of goal, Lucan scoring in way on -their last goal, got his second goal in on a blueline shot that Cluff broke the SHIPKA concert, which was to be Second Period Lucan, Cluff (R. Paul, G. Pau), Chowen); Lucan, G. Paul (Chow­ en); Lucan, G. Paul; Penalties. The held in the school house of S.S. No, 7, Shipka, Feb. 21st, has been post­ poned to the evening of Feb, 25th. A good program - and lunch is be­ ing prepared. Everybody welcome. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross. Bob Southcott, of Exeter, spenr the week-end with Melvin Gaiser. Messrs. Garfield Finkbeiner and Felton Baxter, of London, visited friends here on Thursday last. ‘ Mr. Ed. Lamport returned home on Saturday last after spending the ■past three weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital, for eye treatment. Mrs. Ernie Lochner of Inwood is at present visiting at the home of Mrs. C. Lochner. The Junior League of Crediton entertained at the home of Mr. and i Mrs. "Albert Gaiser on Friday even­ ing last. The remains of the late Ben Mc­ Kenzie of St. Louis, a former resi­ dent,' was buried from the train to ..Grand Bend Cemetery on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. McKenzie and family and Mrs. P. McKenzie spent a cou,ple of days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkbein­ er and attended the funeral of the late Mr, Ben McKenzie. Last Sunday Rev. Turner pre­ sented seals and diplomas to nine of the Sunday School pupils for their regular, attendance for 1940. The community extends its sym­ pathy to the family of the late Mr.» and Mrs, Chas. Lochner, in the sudden death of their mother, who passed ing. Mr. visited lat.ives Mr. Arthur Gaiser of Port Albert spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Evelyn Harleton, R.N., of Sarnia, is spending a few days .with her parents. Mr. Clifford Keys, of Varna, vis­ ited with relatives here on Friday. i I away early Monday morn- and Mrs. Lome Finkbeine'’’ over the week-end with re­ in Sarnia. none. Third Period Lucan, G. Paub (R, Paul, ChoW- en); Lucan, R. Paul (G. Paul): Lucan, R. Paul (G. Paul, Chowen): Lucan, G, Paul: Penalties, none. MOUNT CARMEL Austin McKeever of Toronto the week-end at his home Sat- and Mr. spent here. Miss Margaret Ryan of -Chatham spent the - week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan. Mr. Joe Regan of Toronto spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. John Ryan of Chicago is spending' a few weeks with' his brother, Mr. Michael Ryan. Mr. James A. Dalton spent urday in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan family spent Sunday in Chatham with their daughter, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich and family spent Sunday in London. Miss Elizabeth Ryan, Brescia Hall, London, spent the Week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Overholt of Zurich spent last Tuesday with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Den­ nis Mahoney. Mr. Frank Coughlin and Son spent Friday in Strathroy. .Top NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: THOMAS CORNISH, late of ; the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Labourer, deceased, CREDITORS AND OTHERS haw­ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required on or before February 25th, 1941, to file with the undersigned Solicitor full particulars Of their claims duly 'verified, after Which date the as- Sets will be distributed, having re­ gard oniy to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this '12th day of Febru­ ary, A.D. 1941.A.D. 1941. J, W. MORLEY, Solicitor fbr the Estate, EXETER, Ont. sharp 10 years 'Old i gelding rising years old due 7 years old; LOT 12, CON. 11, STEPHEN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th at one o’clock the following: HORSES—2 mares 1 mare 5 years old; 3 years old. CATTLE—1 cow 6 in March; fresh cow cow 7 years old due in April; cow 10 years -old due in May; farrow cow; cow 4 years old due in May; cow 4 years old due in June; 5 2-year-old steers; 2-year-old heifer; 6 yearling heifers; yearling steer; Durham bull. 50 hens; 10 tons« hay, 50 bus. feed beans; quantity of lumber. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 7- ft. cut; Deering mower; -hay loader; 10-ft, hay " rake; M.H., seed drill’ fertilizer drill; steel roller; cultiva tor; bean cultivator and puller combined; manure spre’ader; disc harrow and scuffler; 2 Fleury plows; set of harrows; riding plow; 2 two-furrow gang plows;2 wag­ ons, nearly new; light wagon; buggy; road cart; cutter; set sleighs; roller hay rack; stock rack, root pulper; sling ropes; car and ropes; International cream separa­ tor, nearly new; 2 sets double har­ ness; single harness; fanning milk, 2,'000 lb. scales, sugar kettle, horse (Clipper, blacksmith outfit, vise, an­ vil, forge, power drill, 50 sap pails, spiles, -post -hole auger, quantity of wood, forks, shovels, hoes, whiffle- trees, neckyoke, chains, boxes, bar­ rels, pails and other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Ches­ terfield suite, 3 beds, springs and mattresses, 2 dressers and' stands, dining-room table and ten chairs, Congoleum rug 9x12; parlor rug 9X6; leather rocking chair; churn/ cook stove, linoleum, dishes, scales and Alladin lamp. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms—CASH THOS. WAWHINNEY, Prop. FRANK COATES, . Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARM DIED IN DETROIT ;The death took -place in Detroit on Monday, February 3rd, of Adeline Eckstein, beloved wife of Charles Gardiner, in her 59 th year. Deceas­ ed was born and brought up in Zurich district, being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eck­ stein and when a young lady went to the city, about 40 year’s ago. She was ill -for about a week. She is survived by her husband, two bro­ thers, Wm. Eckstein of Port Huron and John of Zurich; two sisters, Mrs. Albert Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway and Mrs. Leroy" of New Haven, Mich. The remains were laid to rest in the New- Haven, Mich,, cemetery on Thursday af­ ternoon. Those who attended from here were Mrs. A. Hendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendrick and Mr, John Eckstein.—.Zurich Herald, DASHWOOD HOTEL SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, 1941 at 2 o’clock the following: South Boundary, Lot 13, in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, 3 miles east of Dashwood, 10'0' acres, more or less, mostly black loam in good state of culti­ vation, well fenced./ Terms of Sale 10 per cent to be paid on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject -to a reserve bid. Posses­ sion in 30 days. • ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer MRS. ANNIE DIETZ, Committee of the Estate of Jacob Koehlar, Zurich. BUTSON—BOA A quiet wedding took place -at four o’clock, Saturday afternoon at othe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dodd, 94 Nile Street, Stratford, when Marion Hislop Boa of Mitch­ ell, daughter of Mrs. Robert Boa, Point iFortune, Que., and the late Mr, Boa, ’became the bride of Mr. George William Butson, of Staffs, son of the late Mr. and MrS. James ButSon. Major 6. W. Howes of the. Salvation Army officiated With Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dodd in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Butson will reside in Staffa. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others hav,r ing claims against the Estates of ADOLPH MORENZ late of the Vil­ lage of Dashwood, Labourer, who died on .the 3rd day of May, 1940, and of ELIZABETH MORENZ, late of the Village of Dashwood, his wife, who died on the 24th day of May 1940, are required to for­ ward theii’ claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of March 1941. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutor Will proceed to distribute the estates having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 11th day of February, 1941. IF. W. GLADMAN, Exeter and Hensali, Solicitor for Frank Morenz, Executor. 6 Turned flip Tables salesman called upon a grbcer at the same time, a pdof wo- entefed soliciting aims,. The A and man grocer, wishing to play a joke oil the salesman, told the Woman to- 'ask the boss’-—at the same time pointing to the other man. The salesman, turning to the gro­ cer, who Was smaller than he, said; “Boy, give this poor Woman a dol­ lar out of the tilt" The grocer paid. Joseph Riley Dies Joseph Riley died in Scott Mem­ orial Hospital, Seaforth, ’following an operation. He Was in his 3 9 th year and unmarried. Surviving are four brothers, Bert, of Hensali, George, of Mitchell; William, of Dublin, ahd' Jim of Brussels; one sister, Mrs. Luxton, of Cromarty. The funerdl was held en Tuesday from the home of Frank Harburn. Cromarty, With burial in the Staffs, cemetery. 6-