HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-02-06, Page 8* THUtSUAT, EEBKU.MIJ.’ 0th, 1MI THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE US V’s Beauty Shoppe Spiral Croquinole and Coinbixmtioa Peimmnenta Evenings by Appointment Phone 112 VERA C, DECKER, Prop. Exeter Markets Wheat for Wheat Board, 53 t&c. New Wheat, ?7e Creamery Butter, 37c Eggs. A Large. 18e Eggs, Medium, 15c Eggs, B, 12c Dressed Hogs, $10,75 BINGO! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th Canadian Legion Building Main Street,. Exeter Two carloads of citizens from Exeter attended the fuueral of the late Rev. A. E. Elliott of Thames- Ville on Monday. Practically all of the roads and concessions in the Townships of Usborne, Stephen and Hay .have been opened up with snowplows, •Suime of the roads have been blocked to motoi' traffic, since be­ fore Christmas. Mr. A. R. Tomlinson received word Monday of the serious illness of his father, Mr. Harry Tomlin­ son of Ft. William. Mr. Tomlin­ son has been ill for some time and once before was in a very critical condition. Mr. Robert Borland, who is in charge of the Centralia Creamery, has been successful in passing his military examinations and has been commissioned first lieutenant in the Exetex- platoon of the Middle­ sex-Hurons. The executive of the James St. United Church Sunday School met Wednesday evening of last week for their annual meeting. The secre­ tary, S. B. Taylor, reported that $210,76 had been raised for the M, and M. fund. The balance on hand is $137.71. Mr. J. Hubert Jones was re-elected superintendent | and all the officers and teachers re­ appointed. Miss Gwenneth Cann was appointed pianist to fill the place of Miss Laurene Beavers who is now training fox* a nurse in Lon­ don, The A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a Euchre -at the Parish Hall next Monday night, February 10th, at 8 p.m. Good priz­ es. Lunch will be served. Admis­ sion, 25c. Reserve Friday, Feb. 14th, Tor the Lions Club Valentine Dance in the Exeter Arena. Music by Flighr- Lieut. Force come. $1.50. ments. Fletcher and his Royal A.V Orchestra. Everybody woi- .Dfress optional. Extra lady 50c. Coupler Refresh- IFarmers’The Thames Road Club are booking orders for Western oats subject to the freight rates be­ ing paid by the government. The secretary would like all who are entitled to a bonus on fertilizei’ to call for same.—P. Passmore, sec­ retary. FOR SALE, CHEAP—A five-foot show case in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. ltc FOR SALE—10 young -pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply to Geo. Dunn, R. R. 1 Kensall. Wright’s Clearance Sale is full swing. , in 10 I ChoiceJ Quality Meats 3 IDEAL MEAT MARKET Tanton Phone 38 Main St. I i I LOCALS i I I « I ■■III ,t MH 'OT.',y A $25.00 War savings certificate and 16 Cash Prizes will be given away in the Times-Advocate sub­ scription draw Feb. 15 th. One coupon given away with each fifty cents paid. See advertisement on another page. LOCALS A general meeting of the Exeter Branch Red Cross will be held‘Fri­ day evening, Feb. 7th, at 8 p.m. in the Chapter Rooms of the Eastern Star (Frayne Block). Major Wat­ son, Field Secretary, Toronto, will be the speaker. . on a Bur- Jory Chickens and Hams 15 Rounds Door Prize Admission 25c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH „ Rev. Douglas. C, Hill, R,An B«D. Minister Mrs, J, G, Cochrane* organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship. .Sermon; '•Qiir Simplest Need,” 7 p.m.—Public Worship, Sermon: “Uncoxx formed” T'he Nazis “take” the money for world xwjWL In Canada yon are only asked to lend for War Sayings Certificates, We agree to buy regularly. SOUTHCOTT RROS. ♦CL'lie cost of defeat- would be infinitely greater than the cost of war,” Marion Pooley Beauty Shop Exeter Phone 245 A Regal ALBERTA COAL Gas Pressure Mined Makes Its Bow New Standard of Excellence Western Coal Local Dealer JAS. P. BOWEY Car Just Arrived.. Try a Toil Phone 33 EXPERT Permanent Waving TOMLINSON’S Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE ‘‘The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on Monday, Feb. 10th from 3 to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many satisfied customers in this district TENDERS WANTED—For cords of 16 inch wood, beech or maple, for S.S. No. 1, Usborne. Ten­ ders to be in by Feb. 13th. Luther Reynolds, Sec.-treas., R.R. 1, Hen­ sail. 2tc FOR SALE CHEAP—Small sized used Piano, guaranteed; DeLaval Cream Separator; Vacuum Cleaner, good condition. Apply 'P.O. Box 273, Exeter, Ont. FOUND—Between Dashwood and Exeter, -a logging chain. Apply to H. Hoffman, Dashwood, « * FOR SALE—C.C.M. Bicycle, bal- Mar- ltp. loon model. Sale price, $35. fin’s Music Store. MODERN BUNGALOW 'Sale—Three Bedrooms, floors, all conveniences. Low price for quick sale. Pickard, Phone 165. FOR •hardwood Like new. C. V. STORES, Dwellings, garage, saw­ mill. woodwork shop and farms, large and small, W. C, Pearce, Exeter VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house, two-storey, over acre of land. Immediate deed. Right price for quick sale. Apply to J. W. Morley or R. N. Creech. CASH FOR FOX HORSES AND DEAD ANIMALS—Two hour ser­ vice, day or night. Phone Credi­ ton 47 r 15, collect. Jack Williams. 12-16-4tc IF BACKACHES are slowing you Up, take RUMlACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Browning’s Drug Exeter. Store, FARMS for sale 10b acres, No. 4 Highway, hydro, good buildings/ Reduced price. 100 acres. One of Usborne’s best farms. Very comfortable house, good barn, bush. 150 acres. Comfortable house, large barns, silo, bush, 20 acres fall wheat, Priced to sell. 50 acres, house, bank barn, $600.00 will start you on this farm. ■fe V. PICKARD Phone Exeter MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Noryal J* Woods M.A* Mrs* N* J* Dore Organist and Choir* Leader a.m.—The Minister •Sunday School •Slides-“The Life of Da* imiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiiiti SESVK with Mr Schlimme with the A. spent the past Ellis Pearce saw a robin Satur­ day. Ralph Delbridge, of London, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr, Bert Pilon, of Goderich, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Frank Weekes of Hamilton spent Sunday with relatives in Exe­ ter. Miss Margaret Rogers is spend­ ing several days with friends in London. Mrs. McGilp, who has been con­ fined’to her bed for the past month is able to be up. Trooper Douglas Gould, of Camp Borden, is visiting at his home two weeks’ leave. Mr. and Mrs. Will Amy, of ford, spent Sunday with Mrs. and Mrs. E. Kestle. . Mr. and Mrs". A. J. Taylor, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. Mrs. W. T. Goodison of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel o£ Crediton spent Sunday and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth of London spent-Sunday latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers and Gerry of Sarnia are days with Mr. and Beavers. Mrs. John Norry week in London with her daughters, Mrs. W. H. Black and Mrs. Bert Fleischauer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickens and Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Davis of Lucan spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coates. Ivan Perkins, who recently un­ derwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, returned home Sunday and is feeling fine. Mr. Archie Davis, who has been at Westminster Hospital, London, for a-number of weeks, visited with his family over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman and Mrs. Warren Sanders and family spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gladman. Mr. Harold Skinner and Mr. B. W. F. Beavers attended a dealers’ convention at Clare Bros, and Co. Ltd., in Preston last Thursday. "Miss Jean Snell, who recently un­ derwent an operation for appendici­ tis at Victoria Hospital, London, returned home last week and is now recuperating nicely. On Wednesday, February 12th at Seaforth, D. Company of the Middlesex-Hurons will be inspected by Brigadier-General D. N. McDon­ ald,- officer commanding military district No. 1. Mrs. L. iPhinn and daughter Margaret and the Misses Jean and Norma McKelvey, of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with Miss A. Handford. Mrs, Thbrnton accompanied them home for a week’s visit. Donald and Grant McTavish of Shakespeare, sons of Mrs, J. Mc­ Tavish, town, were both winners of $5.0'0 worth of war savings stamps drawn for at the Avon Theatre, Stratford. Friday evening last. Mrs, Jack Findlay and family and Mr. Douglas Baker and Miss Smith of Detroit visited Mr. and Mirs, Geo, Anderson and Mr. and Mrs: Art Broderick over the week- 1 HOCKEY Doubleheader Friday Night, February Hensall vs. Crediton Dashwood vs. Exeter ♦ * ♦ Monday Night, February 10th to Exeter vs. Crediton Hensall vs. Lucan * * * Old Time SKATING PARTY Wednesday, February 12th * ♦ ♦ MONSTER CARNIVAL Friday, February 21st Skating Each Night * 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH We have some lovely qualities of fine cotton Sheetings that are excellent values. The better qualities we will hem free of charge during the month of February. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. . Organist and Choir Leader "They that stay by the in 7th ARE YOU RUPTURED? A complete up~to range ofwill ti Did You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t ♦ Happen Here You are Properly* FitteQ^by an Experienced Fitter in oux ..private Truss Room and Protected-t a Signed, Money-Back Gu^ra^tce Your Drugs ah ROBERTSON 11 3 p.m/ 7.00 p.m.- vjd Livingston” Thursday, 7,30’ p.m, —- Midweek meeting of Prayer and Bible Study. Monday—Y.p,U, 11 a.m. stuff*' 3 p.m.—Church School T p.m.-—The Minister. Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Y.P. Union Wednesday. 8 p.m.—Prayer vice Thursday, 3 p.m.—Women’s Associ­ ation, Friday, 8 p.m.—Annual Congrega­ tional Meeting. Lunch Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Septuagesima' Sunday a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Special service of pray­ er for peace. Sermon: “Light and Life” Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Intercession and Prayer. The Chancel Guild wiil meet after at the home of Mrs. E. E. Davies. TOM WALKER Painter and Decorator Sign Work and Spray Work Enquire at Lindenfield’s Hardware Mr. Barry Wenger, linotype op­ erator for the Times-Advocate, has rented from Mrs. Mantle the west half of her duplex dwelling on John street, and his mother will move from Mitchell to Exeter the near* future. , FORM LITERARY SOCIETY The Exeter High School has ganized a Literary Society and ected the following officers: Hon. pres., R. N. Creech; president, Jack Kestle; vice-pres., Ann Morgan; sec.-treas„ Shirley Penhale; editor, Shirley Fahrner; assistants, Britain Sanders, Fred Hess; form .represen­ tatives, Carey Joynt, Gwenneth Cann Wallace Fahrner, Vjrla Jones, Shirley Motz, B. Dawson Goulding, Gwenneth Jones, The society meet every three weeks. One tablefull of Ladies’ Shoes, this week only, $1.00 per pair, Wright’s Store. At an executive meeting of the Main St, Sunday School last Sun­ day it was decided to make a trial from March 1st to July 1st of hav­ ing the morning church service and Sunday School combined, the pri­ mary class meeting while the ser­ mon is being delivered and all the other classes meeting after the ser­ mon. Messrs. Walter Cunningham and Thos. Pryde were In Windsor over the Week-end, The former visited with ihis son, Rev. Borden Cun­ ningham and the latter with his brother, Mr. Jack Pryde. They at­ tended service at the Church of the Ascension where Mr. Cunnlng.- ham recently began his new du­ ties as rector. Main St. Y.P.U. The Young'People’s Union of Main St. United Church enjoyed a sleigh ride party and social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Aid­ worth Monday evening of last week. Two sleighs with teams driven by Wm. Hooper and Oscar Tuckey con­ veyed about thirty-five of the young people to the home where a few of the neighbors had gathered. Rev,. E. Aidworth and Mrs. Aidworth of Staffa were to take part in the pro­ gram but were prevented on ac­ count of the roads being blocked. Mr. Medd gave a short address. Con­ tests were enjoyed followed by a dainty lunch. Trivitt Memorial W.A. of Trivitt Memorial at the home of Miss FRESH FISH... White Fish (drawn) (Winter Caught Superior Herring Cod Fillets Salmen Chillets EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 . The W.A, Church met McTaggart with a splendid atten­ dance. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayers. The scripture was read by Miss McTaggart. The roll call was answered with the alternate reading Of Psalm £5. -The minutes of the last meeting' were read and adopted and the treasur­ er's report given. Correspondence Was read. A committee put in Charge to arrange the Pancake Sup­ per on Feb, 25th were Mrs. Bier- ling, Mrs, Middleton* Mrs. Fer­ guson and Mrs, Thomson. Mrs, Winer took charge for the remain­ der of the meeting. Mrs. Thomson read .a letter describing the 'Bish­ op Bompas Hospital at Fort Nor­ man, A hymn Was then sung, Mrs, Winer gave an interesting article on Women’s Work in the church, The meeting closed with a hymn and the henedic.fioi'l. The hostess served a dainty lunch, Zr Unbleached at per yard 45c and 50c Bleached at 65c and 75c NYLON HOSIERY The much talked-about stocking you have been waiting fior, The synthetic textile equjal to natural silk and made entirely from coal, water and air. It has great strength and elasticity; We are only allowed a few pairs each month. per pain* $1.65 BATS FOR COMFORTERS Made from fine, fluffy cotton, Opens up full size of comforter* In 1 lb. and 2 ib. sizes. 40c 59c 75c PRINT HOUSE DRESSES Our regular $1.00 lines. Some of these are slightly soiled. We are making a spec­ ial of them while they last at each 59c Sale of Ladies’ Crepe Dresses One rack of Ladies’ Crepe Dresses, not this season’s make, but dresses that sold as high as $9.95. These have all been placed on one rack for the low price of $1.98 LADIES’ CREPE SLIPS About three dozen only Crepe Slips, Jace- trimmed and our regular $1.50 quality. We find we are overstocked with this line and place them on sale this week, each $1.00 NEW BROADCLOTHS In all the best selling shades. A very good broadcloth at la good price. per yard 20c --------— See our New Sunworthy Wallpapers Quite a number of our new patterns are now on display in our north window. You will find a splendid range of patterns for any room in your home. We have a number of room lots at half price and less. GROCERY SPECIALS BROOMS Four-String * each 25c JAM Raspberry or Strawberry 1 jar ...... 25c COOKING BEANS # White 6 lbs.". . ® . . . 25c SPECIAL Robin Hood Flour 98 ib. bag .. $3.15 $10,000 in prizes Thursday evening Radio Program, CBC Network Ginger COOKIES 5 lbs® ■•••••• 25c OATMEAL Fine or Coarse 6 lb. bag . . . 25c Smart’s PUMPKIN 2 large tins . . 20c JIF Soap Flakes 1 box..............21cPeas -• 3 tins 25c Choice Spy Apples—By Bushel or Basket Southcott Phone 50 Exeter Mr. Glen McTavish, of Mitchell,. spent the past week at his home here. — Glen spent speare, Glen remaining there for the first few days of the week be­ fore returning to Mitchell. Mrs. McTavish, Gordon and and Miss Margaret Agnew the week-end at Shake- James -Street Willing Workers The Willing Workers Evening Auxiliary of James Street Church held their February meeting on Monday, the 3rd, at the home of Miss Helen Penhale, with a good attendance. The president, Miss Helen Penhale, presided over the business. It was decided to hold a sewing meeting on the 19th of Feb­ ruary at the home of Mrs, McTav­ ish. It was also decided to have the travelogue of Miss M. Prldham, a former member of the Auxiliary, put on in the early spring. A de­ finite date Was not decided. Mrs, J, H. Jones took charge of the pro­ gram, Miss Nellie Carmichael read the Scripture and Miss May Jones led in prayer, Miss Helen Penhale sang a solo, after which the Study Book was given by Mrs. K. Hockey, Mrs. I. Ford, Mrs, W. Witmer, Miss N. Carmichael and Mrs. H, Bollen. The guest speaker was Mrs. D» A. Anderson, who spoke on “The Art of Living'*, Miss Alice Handford told the story of SL Valentine, af­ ter* which lunch was served by the . group in charge. Men’s Furnishings including Men’s Suits and Overcoats, Shirts, .Ties, Gloves, Mufflers, Underwear, Socks, etc. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. 'i St. W.A. Mrs. W. James St. W.A. Group One of the James under the iconvenership of R. Goulding with Mrs. C. Kes tie as assistant, held their first meeting at the home of Mrs. Motz last Mon­ day evening. 'Plans for the follow­ ing meetings, which will be held the last Monday of each> month, were discussed and it was decided they would be spent, mainly, in doing Red Cross Work. A couple of musi­ cal numbers were enjoyed followed by a quiz contest, ed by the committee in charge, next meeting will be held .at home of Mrs, (Dr.) Fletcher Monday evening, February 24. two squilt 'tops for the Red Cross. Mrs. Ed Lindenfield was appointed secretary-treasurer of the group, Meetings are to be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month; the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. D. A. Anderson on February 26 th at three o’clock. Lunch was served by the hostess as­ sisted by Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Wm. Coates*, and Mrs. Boulston. Lunch was serv- The the on Group IV, James St. W.A. Group IV of James St. W. A, met on Friday at the home of Mrs. Page, Tho afternoon was spent in making Tlie Silver Maple Club The Silver Maple Club, Mary Fletcher, Marion Cow*en, iPatJHay, Mitzie Moffatt, Janet KeStle, f Jane Smith, Marguerite Marie Melville, and Cwenneth Jones, held a party at the home of Barbara Harness on Saturday afternoon. Tftie after­ noon was spent in. contests and games after whieh'fdhch was served.