HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-30, Page 5Coming to Hensail C, R. Wilkinson; R.0» thanked gifts and served. Sputli all for the beautiful refreshments were then Ophthalmic Optician Wingham Will at W, o. GOQEWN’S Store,' every 1st and 3rd in ths? month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those , that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended tn .£pn- sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 pan* Phone 10 Hensall for appointment Huron Agricultural Meeting HENSALL Mrs. Roy MacLaren is the Hen­ sall representative of the Times- Advocate and will be glad to re­ ceive any news, advertisements or subscriptions for the paper, ■------- -» Mr. Dolph Masse is spending U few days in Windsor. Mr; Garnet Smallecombe of Guelph is visiting with his brother, Mr. Fred Smallecombe, Miss ‘Edith 'Parkins of Exeter visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs, Jas. Patterson has been confined tp her room during the past week with influenza. Messrs. Ed. Little and Russel Hedden of St. Catharines spent the week-end at their homes here. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron visited dur­ ing the past week with her daugh­ ter, Miss Jean Bonthron in London. Mr’. Morris Tudor of the R.C.A.F. of St. Thomas spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-. Tudor, .Mrs. Stewart ' Rosser, Mr. Tom Rossei*' and Miss Sarah Trahiran of Denfield visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. L. Case- Mrs, Melvin Moil* underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at the Office of Dr. I. G. Smillie last week, ( Mrs. Catharine Hedden and Miss Mona Hedden left on Sunday for St. Catharines where they’ will spend the remainder of the winter. A Scotch night will be held in the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Friday night. *A mixed program of solos and quartettes will be given and Mr. -Fred Mutch and son of Clinton will play a selection on the bagpipes, Rev. Andrews of ton will be present. Oddfellows at Home -About 50 Oddfellows and wives attended the Oddfellows At Home. The evening, was spent in progressive euchre. ’ Prizes were as follows:,-.Ladies’ first, Mrs; G. M; Drysdale; ’consolation, Mrs. Geo. Glenn; gents’ first, Mr. John M-c- Murtrie; consolation, Mr. Cecil Harris. Mr. Arthur Finlayson. and his orchestra of Blake played dur­ ing the evening. Refreshments were i served. Child Returns from Hospital Harold, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford, returned home Sunday after being confined to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for the past several weeks. The child choked when eating peanuts and was taken to St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, where he was under observa­ tion for some time and finally an operation was performed and a peanut was found adhering to the windpipe. This was removed and the child improved sufficiently to leave the hospital. Bingo Largely Attended The Bingo sponsored by the Can- ’ adian Legion, proceeds in aid of Red Cross, War Service Committee and Legion, which was held in the Town Hall on Friday evening was largely „ attended in spite of the condition of the roads. The special prize of a handsome blanket was won by Mrs. Wesley Jones of Cro­ marty. Mr. E.s .L. Mickle made a speech on behalf of the War Sav­ ings Stamp committee, stating that . a pergonal canvass would be made in February. Murdoch’s orchestra provided music for the dance. Presentation The South Huron Agricultural meeting .was held in the Commer­ cial Hotel, Hensail, when the following officers were elected; Honorary presidents, Mr. W, H. Golding; M.P.> and ’Mr, Jas, Ballantyne, M.L.A,; president, ©l’. A, R, Campbell; vice-presidents, Messrs. Alex Buchanan and; Owen Geiger; secretary-treasurer, Mr* Keith M. MacLean; Directors, Geo. Armstrong, W. R. Dougall, Wm. Consitt, Howard Wright, Thos. Sherritt, Wm. Decker, R. M. Peck, Lome Chapman, W. D. Saunders, A. B. Bell, Sam Dougall, Jas. Scott, E, R. sShaddipk, Sidney McArthur, and <Fred Watson. Arrangements were made for the annual seed show to be held Friday, February 28th, in the Town Hall, and vthe Spring Show to be held Saturday, April 5th. on Saturday, Clin- their Congregational Meeting The annual meeting or the Unit­ ed Church was held on Monday ev­ ening with Rev. R. A. Brook as chairman, and opened , by singing “The Church’s One Foundation’’, after which' Rev. Brook led in prayer. The address of welcome followed, given by Rev. Brook. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by The secretary, Mr. W. O. Goodwin, after which the var­ ious reports were given as follows: Session report by Mr. Henry Hor­ ton; Mission Circle, by Miss Norma Cook; Sunday School report by Mr. Edison Forest; Young iPeople’s Un­ ion by Miss Ruth Brook; Baby Band report given by Mrs. Geo. Hess in the absence of Mrs. B. L. Mickle; W.M.S. report, Mrs. W. B. Cross; Board of Stewards, Mr; E. L. Mickle; treasurer’s report, Mr, G. M» Drysdale; auditors’ report, Mr. Geo. Follicle; Mission Band report, given by Mrs. W. B. Cross in the absence of Miss Kay Drysdale; Women’s Association report given by Mrs. Jas. McAllister; insurance fund report given by Mr. QW. R. Dougall. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale gave the report of the flower committee^ Miss Gladys Luker favored with a piano solo and Misses Ruth Brook and Mary Goodwin sang a duet en­ titled “I Passed by Your Window’’, accompanied by Miss Greta ’Lanunie. Mr, Jas. Smillie, .convener of the nominating committee reported the following being nominated: Board <of Stewards, Messrs. Deter L. Mc­ Naughton, Elgin Rowcliffe and David Dig-nan. Mr. T. J. Sherritt to take the place of the late Mr, Geo. Jackson; auditors, Messrs. R. J. Patterson and Mervyn Brown; press correspondent, Mrs. Maude Hedden; flower comm., Mrs. Elda Simmons, Mrs. .Geo. Hess, Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Mrs. Wm, Forest and. Miss Katie Scott, close. Lunch was served at the> wasA very pleasant evening spent recently at the home of Mr, and • Mrs. Wm. Chapman and Mr, and Mrs. Lome Chapman, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shirray (nee Miss Maybell Johns) who were re­ cently married, forty neighbors gressive euchre Ben Elder won ladies and Mr. ___ ________ ___ prize for the men. Following this Mr. and Mrs. Shirray were present­ ed with an easy chair, the address ■ being read by Mr. Lome Chapman. Mr, Shirray made a very fitting re­ ply. Refreshments were served. Shower for Bride-Elect A Urge number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman on Tues- ’ day evening in honor of their -daughter, Annie, whosd marriage will take iliac e op Saturday. A highlight of the program was it mock Wedding with Mrs, Wilfred Weido, Mrs. Alex Mousseau, Miss Dorothy Munn and Miss Helen Dick taking part. Miss AReen Munn fa­vored with • a' 'plane sole; ’ Misses Betty and Jean Armstrong sang a duet and Miss Helen Dick played piano solos.. ’• GdmeS'1 and 'cohtestb’ were played, after^hieh the bride­ elect was presented with'cream and red kitteen*, ••gifts, < brought Tn in decorated baskets by Beverley Meyers, “ * " “ Jean and Betty * Aileen Munn. There were '‘over present and pro- was played. Mrs. first prize for the Jas. McEwen first Following this Mrs." Hedden Receives Message From Mother in England Mrs. Maude Hedden of Hensall ' received a letter last week • from her mother in England. The writer at present has four sons and, two sonsrin-daw in active service. Two of her sons were killed in action in the first Great War. She writes: “In answer to your welcome letter, which I was most pleased to re­ ceive I must’ say that this war is ,dread/ul. They have bombed this place where we live, bombing hous­ es and buildings. We havb a shel­ ter in. our back garden. One night, when the siren sounded we had to run fpr the shelter, where we were .from 9, p.'m. until 5 a.m. Bombs were dropping so fast over us that I fainted. When we are in bed we can hear them over the housetops, making such a terrific noise, we are really frightened — thinking they will drop their bombs' on us. Three bombs were dropped on the railway close beside where we live. It is terrible and none of us are safe. People keep flocking here from Lon­ don. We are still on ration, half pound of butter, two pounds of su­ gar, one shilling and 10 pence worth of meat .to last four of us for .one week. Two ounces of butter, naif a pound of sugar, .quarter of a pound of margerine for each per­ son. It is nothing hut blackout when, the moon is not out, and it is pitch dark; not a light must be shown in our windows or the war­ dens are on your track. Won’t it be glorious .when this war is over and we can have the lamps_in the streets and in oUr homes, must have faith and trust in vidOnce. But we Pro­ MOUNT CARMEL Evelyn Taylor', Aimistrongj and ’the bnidd*to-be: CARNIVAL Colds Go Down Get After Distress Improved Vicks I’Kcry If a cold had “gone down/’ caus­ing coughing, muscular soreness, or irritation in upper bronchial tubes, see what a “ VapoRub Mas­ sage" can do for you! With this more thorough treat­ ment, the poultice-and-vapor action of Vicks VapoRub more effectively PENETRATESirritatedaii- passages with soothing medicinal vapors... stimulates chest and back like a warming poultice or plaster... STARTS RELIEVING misery right away! Results delight even old friends of VapoRub. TO GET a “VapoRub Massage” with all its benefits—massage VapoRub for 3 minutes on im­ portant BIB-AREA OP BACK as well as throat and chest- spread a thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed cloth, be . sure to use genuine, time-tested — VAPORUB. THE EXETER TIM.ES-AOVOCATE TfflflWWX, mwm 20, IBM 5M Winchelsea Skating Rink Tuesday, Feb. 4th Good Frizes which will be paid off in War Savings Stamps foi* Races, Costumes, etc. Admission: Adults 25c School Children ,10c CREDITON Mr. Lewis Faist of Glencoe spent the week-ete here. Mr. II. K. Eilber and Mr. Harry Beaver attended the annual meet­ ing of the Hay Township. Fire In­ surance Company at Zurich on Mon­ day. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Beaver was electml president of the company for the ensuing year. Miss Gertrude Beaver of Detroit. Is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Beaver. Miss Edna Beaver and Mr. Ar­ nold Robertson of London spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. AMoe Culbert, Fred­ erick and Margaret spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. The new boiler which was pur­ chased from Leonards of London ■has been installed for the heating system of the Evangelical church and is giving good ’satisfaction. Mr. Lloyd England of Chatham spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Telfer are visit­ ing this week in Toronto, Mr, Arnold Wolfe, in training at Chatham visited on Sunday- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Under the enthusiastic leadership of the executive of the local Red Cross unit the ladies of the district have entered wholeheartedly into aiding i-n sewing for the Red Cross. The ladies meet each week in Mrs. Clark’s hall and on Tuesday after­ noon thirty-eight ladies were sent. pre- Young People’s Rally Young People’s Rally of the unions of Brinsley, eon- sera DASHWOOD i A public dance will be held in the Commercial Hotel on Thursday ev­ ening,’Jan. 3'0tIi. Good music will be provided and a good time is ex­ pected. Harry and Gertie Hoffman spent Thursday evening with Miss Anna Hess in Zurich. Miss Belva Truemner of the 14th concession spent the week-end with Miss Myrtle Gaiser. Mr. A. E. Oestreichev sick list. We hope for recovery. Mrs. Stacey, who has fined to her bed for |he weeks, we are pleased to proving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Currie Mrs. Jas. will pre­ Miss Mc- Brinsley is on the a speedy been con- past three say, is im- of Clarks­ burg, who have taken possession of the creamery, have moved into Mrs. Mclsaac’s .house, formerly occupied by Mrs. Atkinson. A Valentine euchre party will be held in Room 2 of the Dashwood School on Friday evening, Feb. 14th. A cafeteria lunch will also be served. Valuable prizes given. The entire proceeds towards Red Cross work, body come and do your bit. ■Skating is in full swing just .now as th,e ice on the rink is in excellent condition. Several hockey matches scheduled for this week. Death of Ernest L. Denomme Mr. Ernest Denomme passed away at the Ontario Hospital, London, on . Tuesday, January 21st, following a lengthy illness in his 50th year. T.he deceased was born at Drys­ dale and was a member of St. Peter’s Chiurch, He is survived By his sorrowing widow, formerly Vata-line Bedard; five daughters, Mrs. Ed Lobsinger, Mrs. Andrew Voisen and Thesee, all of Kitchen­ er; ’ Grace of Drysdale and Ther­ esa at home; two sons, Elmore and Kenneth of Kitchener; also five sisters, Mrs. Melvin Overholt, Mrs, Bert Bedard, Mrs. George Jeffery, Mrs. Peter Corriveau and Mrs. • Chas. Bedard; four brothers, John Denomme of Blake; Maxim oE To­ ronto; George of Saskatchewan’’ and Armand of Drysdale. The funeral took place on Friday morning to St, ‘Peter’s Church with interment in St. Peter’s Cemetery. Rev. Father O. A. Martin officiat­ ed. The sisting Shipka and Crediton will be held in the Crediton United church next Sunday, Feb. 2nd., at 7 o’clock. The choir loft will be occupied by a group of young folk when an anthem will be sung, as also a duet. The Rally speaker will be, Mr. E; G. Pickell, a divinity student, also pre­ sident of the London Conference Young People’s Union, Trevethick, of Brinsley, side at the piano with Leod, president of the Young 'People, Mr. Pickell and the minister of the church occupying the pulpit. A hearty invitation is ex­ tended to all to share in the inspira­ tion Of this Young People’s service. Crediton United Church Sunday School will observe’ temperance Sunday next Lord’s,., day morning when the speaker will- be Rev. L. H. Turner, minister of the churcl). Mr. and Mrs. Turner will also ren­ der a du,et. t Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. Hold Annual Meeting The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. the Evangelical church held their annual meeting recently at the par-, sonage. The president, Mrs. Dan. Finkbeiner,„ presidjO.dj. over the de­ votional 'exercise’s/' after which Rev. Mr. Pletch took charge of the election of officers. Mrs. H.. M. Faist presented the following slate of officers ■ wliiqh was Hon., pres., Mrs. Louisa Schwartz; pres., Mrs. Atr-hur Amy; pres.; Mrs. A. E. Pletch; pres., Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. sec., of SHIPKA will be will go Every- are accepted: Mr. A. McCann purchased h new Plymouth .car from Herb Hartman’s garage last week. Mrs. K. McNeil and daughter Margaret of Tweed’ are spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. Breen, Who is seriously ill, Kfi’* and Mrs. Urban Ayotte and bon of Detroit spent the week-end with the latter’s patents, -Mr. arid Mrs. Jerry Campbell, A number from. here attended the Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. meeting on Monday in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and soil. Ronald of Zurich spent the Week-end with tho latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Morrissey. We ;are’ glad'to .report- that Mrs. Dave Geroihette is . much improv-*■' ed. *' ‘ .Mbsms; tom Ryan and Job Gia- vin of ’Chatham' spent Sunday at thoir honies hero. Mr. ,Benny Morrissey spent the weWehd with Mr. arid Mrs. Her*week*ohd with Mr. arid Mrs. bert Desjardinp of Toronto. The regular meeting of the La­ dies Aid will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6th, at the home of Mrs. Ma­ jor Baker at 2 p.m. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the fire insurance meeting on Monday last at Zurich. Mr. Ed Lamport is at present in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Where he has had an operation on one of his eyes. He is getting along nicely. On Sunday next a missionary pro­ gram will be given in the Sunday School. Miss Elsie Gaiser had the misfor­ tune to have a bone in her leg brok­ en just'below the knee while play­ ing on the ice at school on Thurs­ day last. Mr. Miltori Ratz spent Saturday last in Petrolia on business. Rev. L. Turner gave a very temperance sermon on Sunday The regular meeting of Shipka Home arid School Club held on Wednesday, Jan. 22 with the president, Mrs. A. Gaiser, in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of “0 Canada”, followed by the Home and School prayer. Following the business meeting a reading was given -by Miss Verna ,®aumgarden. Evbryohe jolted in’, community singing. Mrs.. A. Webb read;, ah article an ’’The Adapta­ bility bf the Japanese”, Refresh­ ments were served. The meeting ■closed ■ with . the singing of “God .Save, tlie” King.” . ', 1st vice- , 2nd vice­ Mrs. C. Haist; 3rd. vice-pres., T. Mawhinney; . 4th vice-pres., D. Finkbeiner; recording sec., H. Schenk; Ladies’ Aid treas., H. M. Faist; corresponding Mrs. H. K. Either; W.M.S. treas., Mrs. A. Morlock; pianist, Mts. Emmery Fahrner; asst, pian­ ist, Mrs. Herb Morlock; sec. litera­ ture, Mrs. Dan, Finkbeiner; con­ vener of social comm., Mrs. Harry Beaver; convener of serving comm., Mrs. S. Lamport; convener of Good Cheer comm., Mrs. Cliff Hill; con­ vener of decoration coiri-m., Mrs. J. Morlock; convener of parsonage comm., Mrs. C. Haist; convener of transportation comm,, Mrs. Everett Fahrner; secretary, Tithing, Mrs. A. E. Pletch; sec. Prayer League, Mrs. Ezra Faist; sec. temperance, Mrs, Wes Wein; sec. membership and magazine, Mrs. T. Finkbeiner; Y.IP.M.C. advisor, Mrs: H. K. Eit­ her; sec. Little Heralds, Mrs. A. E. Pletch; auditors, Mrs. E. K. Fahr­ ner, Mrs. H. K. Eilber; representa­ tive to Red Cross, Mrs. H. M. Faist. The aneeting was closed by prayei* and the National Anthem was sung, after which lun'ch was served aiRr appreciation was expressed to ReA and Mrs. Pletch and the hostesses? Crediton United Church ^Annual Meeting The annual congregational meet- of the Crediton United .'church held Friday evening. Preced- the business a pot luck supper sponsored by the Ladies’ Aid, Read Your Label fine last. the Was Careful nursing has always fail­ ed to cure any grievance. ing was ing was which in its method and, financial results reflected great credit upon them. Each person procured a plate with the necessary knife, fork etc., and served, himself. This noble method, borrowed from cash and carry restaurants, Was quite a suc­ cess and will bear repetition. The church family, sitting at individual and small tables, was much in ex­ cess of past years. For their splen­ did work the ladies were the re­ cipients of a hearty vote of thanks froin'ali present. At 8.15 the meeting was called to order by the minister, Rev. Law­ rence H. Turner, devotional exer­ cises being \ittdulged in. Miss Renn Yearloy presided at the’ piano. Jhe opening hymn, ”1 Love Thy King­ dom, Lord,” was followed by the reading of scripture, St. John 17, the intercessory prayer pf pur Sa­ viour. The wprds of consecration uttered By Christ ‘’For their sakes I sanctify niyself,” were expounded by (lie minister, who Intimated that first of Ml Jesus invoked a blessihg and strength from God in his- owii behalf that He * might meet confi­ dently and triumphantly the sup­ reme crisis of His life—-the Cross. Secondly, He prayqd for His dis­ ciples, those whom God had pecu­ liarly and particularly entrusted to his care and tuition and thirdly for the wld pf mem, -desiring to mate them children of God, The minis­ ter reminded bis flock that since consecration was yecognized as a necessity by the Master, how much more so to those of us who profess His name tp-day* We stand within the portals of a new year in the Mte of our church; looking busk along the corridors of the year that- fe gone and discovering and exper­ iencing anew that it has been no vain thing to have waited upon the Lord and looking forward with the assurance that the God of our fa­ thers has promised to continue to be our God and may a distorted and darkened world, the Church and the Church’s Christ stand pleading with man and nations to return to the fatherly embrace of God. For, said the speaker, this is the only way back to peace and sanity. With this devotional setting the business of the evening was initi­ ated by Mr. Sidney Brown being elected secretary. Report of .the Session was given by the minister, which revealed a stressing of pas­ toral work, particularly with re­ spect to the sick and the shut-ins. To these members of this' church family the sacrament of the Lord's Supper has been regularly dispens­ ed, a service which has been great­ ly appreciated by the recipients. Two infants received the rite of in­ fant baptism”, 'Gary Ross Cliffe and John Cecil Mathers. During the year three of our members were removed by death, viz: Mr, Isaac Hill, Miss Diana Clark and Mrs, Susannah Snell. The membership of the church was augmented by the transfer of Mr. Sidney Brown from his father’s church at Brant­ ford and Mrs. Brown from Holmes­ ville. The minister related that during the year he had solemnized seven marriages. The first of a series of musical numbers and readings interspersing the program, was rendered by Elaine Mitchell, entitled “I Dream of **“ R.R; 1} (korgetown, Ont, Oct* 26, W4Q. *crMitchell, Jeannie”, which was much enjoyed. Due to the illness of the. church treasurer, Mr. Thos. Trevethick, 'the financial report was submitted by the minister. Despite the many add­ ed calls made upon our people, the financial givings were in excess of a year ago, The financial givings to missions were also -of an en­ couraging ^.nature. The church, financially, will have reached port on an even keel, with all debts liquidated. The Red Cross and the British War Victims’ Fund liave'been enriched by the generosity of our people. As usual, the Ladies’ Aid have been a tower of financial strength' in all branches of the church’s work. The report of the Women’s Association was presented by Mrs. Woodall, in the absence of Mrs. Trevethick, which was unani­ mously accepted as was the secre­ tary’s report, also presented by Mrs. Woodall. Mrs. Alvin Baker presented both the secretary’s and ■treasurer’s reports of the W.M.S., which showed, that though the mem­ bership was relatively small, sub­ stantial work had been done. The Good Cheer fund was presented by Mrs. Albert Keys which showed that the spirit of the Christ still operat­ es. Mrs. W. Wright intimated that she was in receipt of a letter from her soldier son .in informed her that at Christmas from fund .had arrived much appreciated, bers presented the of the Sunday School which show­ ed a? busy and fruitful year. The parsonage trustee board report was submitted by Mr. Geo. Mawhin­ ney and accepted. Mrs. Sam King rendered a reading and Miss Har­ ding a piano instrumental, both of which were efficiently presented. The following officers were elect­ ed: Mr. T.. Trevethick continues as treasurer with Mi*. Gerald Zwicker as acting treasurer and Mr. Sidney Brown as his associate. Re-elected to the board of stewards were Mr. Garnet Hill and Mr. Thos. Cham­ bers'. Mr. Alvin Baker was elected to fill the vacancy on the trustee board occasioned by the demise of Mi*. Isaac ’ Hill. Messrs. J. Wood- all and J. Lawsoil were elected as elders for a term of five years. Mr. Geo. Mawhinney will continue as caretaker, and Mr. Lawrence Wein as choii; director. The following youngzmen were elected as ushers: ZTed/Z Wright, Douglas Hill, -Bill Woodall, Harvey Lovie, Jack Gallo­ way and Ed. Yearley. A motion to adjourn brought to a close a most inspiring and encouraging congre­ gational meeting. England which the parcel sent the Good Cheer safely and was Mr. Ed. Chain- financial report CENTRALIA is vi3- is vis- Thos. Miss Iva Willis -of Exeter iting with Mrs. Thos. Willis. Mrs. B. Edwards of Exeter iting ■ with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith is 'confined to her home owing to illness. Her many friends wish her a speedy re­ covery. Mr. Fred Baynham of Lmisdon spent the week-end. at his AVume here. A V Mr. O. Clark Of London spept the week-end with his mother and family. The * Union 27 th. sided, hymn followed by prayet. The ipin- utes of the last meeting were fol­ lowed by toll call. Staiiley Hicks, Christian stewardship convener., was in charge of the program, A hymn was suiig followed by a reading by Marjorie Flynn, An interesting topic was given by Don Blair and a musi­ cal selection by Mr, Skinner, Alma and Doris. The meeting closed with the Mizpah h’eiiediction. The monthly meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in the school house On Friday evening. January 31st, This being the last meeting of the year, be sure to bring your fees. The guest speaker for the evening Mil be Mr. Fawcett of Exeter, telling about his trip to western Canada this slimmer, Dveryone is weicorne. Centralia Young People’s met on the evening of Jan. •President Frank Hicks pre- The meeting opened with a < ■ Fred W4 Bray,. Liniited, Hamilton, Ont. Dear Mr. Bray: On March I#th I received my eighth shipment of Brav Chicks which consisted of ^55 sexed White Leghorn 9Q per cent pullets, . They turned out to be almost 100 per cent pullets as X had only 3 cockerels in the flock. As usual I found bhe .ehicks very hardy arid X was successful in raising 252 of them. ' ? I have been raising* chicks for £ years and only -once bought from another hatchery and agree with the old saying, “You have to taste the bitter to appreciate the sweet/’ I was getting some eggs from these pullets when they were 4 months old and when they were 6 months they were laying 60 per cent, of which 50 per cent were grading “A Large" with very few eggs weighing under 22 ounces to the dozen. These pullets are very large and they are the quietest flock I ever worked with, I do not hesitate to say that for big, healthy chicks and real money makers, BRAY CHICKS are hard to beat, Yours Mrs. Carlisle has been buying Bray Chicks for .8' straight years. Her letter tells you why: Vigor and high livability (252 raised out of 256 received).— big, strong birds....early, heavy, steady production of big' eggs, the kind that command the big premium in the Fall. Bray Chicks are just the kind you want beneath your brooder. TheyTl pay you . highest re- truly; MRS, JAS* CARLISLE. turns if you start them early.... early enough to get them full- grown and laying big eggs by Fall. Also, you have more time to look after them pro­ perly if you start them early— early enough to get them past the starting stage before Spring work begins in the field and garden. See us for prices and particulars, or write, or phone -—'SOON. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY Exeter — Phone 246 John St. N„ Hamilton, Ont. or Canada Packers, Exeter; Elam W. Shantz, R.R. 2, Hensail; or Alvin W. Kerslake, Hensail, Agents. FANCY CARNIVALBRINSLEY i.The. oldest resident of this dis­ trict, < Mr. J.. H. Amos, celebrated his ninefy-second birthday at his home on Thursday, January 9th. Mr. Amos is in exceptionally good health; and welcomed a number of his close relatives and friends to a turkey dinner in .his honor on that day.; . Of his family there is vne daughter and four sons, Miss Mary, who resides with him on his home­ stead; W. T., of Lucan; J. Lin­ wood, of Brinsley; Alvin of Lon­ don and Dr. J.,Elmer of Brantford. Mr,. Cyril Morley, prominent far­ mer of this district enlisted and has been called for active service. We are' pleased to report that Mrs. J. L. * Amos’ condition, is somewhat improved. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. in the Kirkton Rink in. aid of the Kirkton Public, Library FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7th Special Prizes for Costumes Admission: Adults 25c, Children 10c Families 50c Refreshments Sold WHALEN DANCE Cook’s Hall, CENTRALIA Friday, January 31st McNicoI’s Orchestra /' Admission 25c ELIMVILLE On Thursday evening of last week the W.M.S.* held their annual so­ cial .-meeting. The weather was. fine and a very -large number were present. Twenty-six ladies and seventeen men sat down to .a pot luck supper which all enjoyed im­ mensely. While tables were be­ ing cleared and dishes washed, contests kept the otherwise unem­ ployed busy guessing. A short pro­ gram was given the president, Mrs. R. Batten, presiding, and several familiar hymns were sung. Some readings were given and an in­ teresting playlette was given by Winchelsea ladies. Rev. Mair also gave a short talk. Mrs. Elford, treasurer, gave a gratifying report of 1940 receipts. $190 was sent to the branch treasurer. The so­ ciety had twenty- paid annual mem­ bers. The meeting closed with singing “God be With You Till We Meet Again” and- the benediction. J •A §25.00 War Savings certificate and 16 Cash Prizes will be given away in the Times-AdvocatC sub­ scription draw Feb. 15th. Ones coupon given away with each fifty cents paid. Renew early before it is too late. ■eaMwanan Miss Jennie Finlayson spent the week-end with her parents near Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston spent the week-end with the latter’s moth­ er, Mrs. Cann of Thames Road. i Miss Merle Squire, of Granton, visited over the week-end with Mr. and. Mrs. 'Recent were Mr. cott, of Mrs. Frank Gunning; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning, of Granton, with Mr. and Mrs. .Ernest Foster; Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Millson and Gerald, of Prospect Hill, also Mrs.. Jas. Beckett and Ruth Ann, of Kit­ chener, with Mr. -and Mr.s. F. Squire: Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munro with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson; Mr. Ralph Parkinson and Eunice of London, with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Parkinson. The congregational meeting of the United Church was held in the Sunday School room with a good- attendance Friday evening. Reports were given from the various organ­ izations. Mr. Wm. Brock Was ap­ pointed .as new member of the ses-: sion filling the place of Mr. Frank Gunning, Mr. Wilfred Herbert and Mr. Bert Duffield were appoint­ ed as stewards filling the places of Milne Pullen and Edgar Squire. Mr. Falconbridge closed the meeting. * Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire spent Tuesday with Mrs. Morley of Wood­ ham, it being her 82nd birthday. We extend congratulations. The ladies of the community quilted two quilts in the Sunday School room of the church on Fri­ day afternoon for the refugees. E. Squire. visitors in the community ’ and Mrs. Roylance West- Usborne, with Mr. and. »aaBs*no» A-l BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White. Leghorns, Brovhi Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire Reds Write or Phone for Prices A. H. SWITZER HATCHERY Phono 38-3 Granton, Ont* 20 per cent off any Suit in tte store. Good Ihitterns, Choice1 Colors, Modern Styles WE HAVE .1.2 SUITS THAT WE OHFER. THIS WEEK * te $15.9o each. Sizes 81, 35, 30 A FEW LADIES COATS REDUCED A SECOND TIME- as low as each; Qthei’s at $5.95 each. These are real bargains... Shop early and^^ot first choice * SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES ttolled Wheat ................iK pkgt 2 pkgs,- Salt ........................igfi % lbs, ttaws. ........so -.Fraser C. Brown, -Crediton I