HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-30, Page 4wmsrnt* January so, imi THE EXETER TIME&ADVQCATE 4 ti The Red & White Store HSH—B.C. Salmon, WbitefisK FOhU of Haddie and Salted i Oerring’ and Codfish, etc. 10c Free—2 Toitet Soap Maple Leaf with PURE LARD 1 Maple Leaf Soap Flakes 2 lbs. for 19c at 20c French Pea Soup, very large Tin ■ •........... K^llog$’,s Corn Flakes, with Water Glass . Kirk’s Castile Soap .............. Choice Supreme Sweet Mixed JPiclcIes, large jar Chocolate Mallow Cookies—the better kind .... per lb. 15c 3 lbs. for 25c > * £ ,. ..3 for 25c 6 bars for 25c 25c 4 Fresh Good Sized Prunes ................ . Dr- Pomelo’s Grapefruit Juice, 20 ox. Tins Red & White or Aylemr Soup, Tomato or Vegetable., 2 for 17c Libby’s Pork and Beans, 20 oz, Tins ...... ........ 3 for 25c 2 for 19c Wo sell Mother Parker’s Tea—Orange Pekoe, Black, Mixed Harvey & Harvey LUCAN AND DASHWOOD WIN OPENING GAMES ((Continued from Fas® I.) shot gave Ford no chance. Moore put Exeter into the running again. Getting the draw at the faceoff, at the blueline he drove home th® equalizer. Creech and Cluff were thumbed off for scrapping and *n ; their absence Lucan scored the win­ ning counter with thirty seconds ■left’to play, Paul netting the de­ciding counter. Exeter—Goal, Ford; Defence, Creech and Ryckman; Centre, Mbere; wings, Macdonald and Lut- man; subs, Lawson, Beavers, Fer­guson, pinney, Willard, Stive. Lucan—'Goal, Hudson; Defence, Hammond and Cluff; Centre, G. Paul; wings, R. Paul and Chowen; subs, Shier, Howe, Watson, Hod­ gins, Baynes. Referee—Q*Brien, - First Period Lucan — Chowen (R. Paul); Penalties—Shier. Second Period Exeter — Macdonald (Moore); Exeter—Stire (Ryckman); Lucan —R, Paul (G. Paul); Penalties— Ryckman. Third Period Lucan.—Chowen (G, Paul) ter—‘Moore; Lucan—G. Paul allies—Howe, Creech, Cluff. Exe- Pen- IS" Phone 102 We Deliver * * * Dashwood Wins Over Crediton »Dashwood “ Crediton. Place Your Order NOW for LAKEVIEW CHICKS / LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL ORDERS BOOKED BEFORE FEBRUARY 15th WE GUARANTEE LAKEVIEW 1941 CHICKS TO BE FREE OF DISEASE AND AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN WE HAVE EVER PRODUCED . LARGE TYPE WHITE LEGHORNS, BARRED ROCKS, ROCK-LEGHORN HYBRIDS, BARRED ROCK-NEW HAMPSHIRES HERE’S WHAT C. FAIRBURN SAYS ABOUT LAKEVIEW CHICKS: The Leghorn Chicks I got from you a year ago last Spring did extra well, developed into large birds and laid well all through the summer; they also did well last Fall when prices were high. However, last Spring I purchased my chicks elsewhere and saved a little on the first cost, but they did not develop into as large birds and keep up production as well as the ones - I got from you the year before. After looking over your flock of 2,000 breeders I have decided' that your stock is as good or better than can be found anywhere so book me for 1,000 Leghorn Pullets hatched in February. COME IN AND SEE OUR FLOCK OF 2,000 BREEDERS BEFORE INVESTING YOUR MONEY IN CHICKS FOR 1941. OUR FLOCK IS OPEN FOR INSPECTION AT ALL TIMES Office and Hatchery open every day, Tuesday and Saturday evenings until 9 p.m. WEIN BROS 78 Exeter at the Monday, February 3rd In the second game won a 4-2 decision over The Crediton squad forced most of the play throughout the game but found Goetz in the opposing nets their stumbling block, especially in the second period, In the opening minutes of the in­ itial session Crediton rallied their forces at Goetz’s doorstep but found him unbeatable. Brooks tested the Dashwood goalie with a hard fif­ teen-foot drive from the left boards, but was unable to tally. Tieman ’.broke away and fired a lob shot from centre which eluded Smith to open the scoring. Dashwood made ib 2-0 when Wally Wein sank the puck between the posts from a shot off the right boards. Stade banged in Yungblutt’s re­ bound in the early minutes of the second frame to put Dashwood three up, Wally Fahner netted C'redi- ton’s first counter, rapping home a . goal-mouth pass from his bro­ ther after the two had combined in a ‘ play up the ice. Brooks and Hindmarsh sifted in on Goetz who slid out to smother the attack. Crediton opened the third still carrying the play. Siddall made it 3-2, banging in the disc, from a scramble in front of Goetz. Yung­ blutt put the game on ice for, Dash­ wood, grabbing the puck at centre and with nobody back rode in on Smith and whipped home the last tally. Bawden bore in the the Dash­ wood net with W. Fahrner’s pass but Goetz staved off the attempt. Dashwood-—Goal, Goetz; defence, Yungblutt, Stade; centre, B. Ness; wings, 'Hayter, K. Wein; subs, Restemeyer, Kleinstiver, P. Ness, Tieman, W. Wein. Crediton—Goal, Smith; defence, Schroeder, Bawden; centre, W. Fahrner; wings, Wolfe, A. Fahr­ ner; subs, Haist, England, Hicks, Hindmarsh, Brooks, Siddall. Referee—O’Brien. First Period » * -s D’ashwood—Tieman; Dashwood, —iWi Wein; Penalties—Siddall, Tie­ man. Second Period. Dashwood—Stade; Crediton——W. Fahrner; Penalties—none. Third Period Crediton—Siddall; Dashwood— Yungblutt; Penalties—none. BIRTHS Hos-RUSSELL—At D1-. Fletcher’s pital on Thursday, January 23rd, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rus- .sell, a son (James Franklin). MARRIAGES GORBETT—KIRCHNER — At - Trivitt Memorial church rectory on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, Miss Alma Kirchner, of Crediton, to Mr. William Nathaniel. Corbett, ■ son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Corbett, of Exeter, by Rev. M. Hunt. the A. A THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY THIS YEAR YOU,TOO, SHOULD CHANGE Decide now to enjoy the cleaner, better home heat­ ing that’s making thousands say: "’blue coal’ is the greatest healing value W. C. ALLISON Phone 40w BCM ■ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Miss Nancy Cheadle Clarke, young­ er daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clarke of Stratford and St. Marys, to Mr. David Charles Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. ■ Knight of London, formerly of’ Exeter, the marriage to take place quietly the middle of February. card of thanks Mrs. J. W. Lawson, Crediton, Ont., wishes to thank her many kind friends and neighbors for their kind wishes and. Christmas greet­ ings, also the Christmas boxes and baskets she received during her re­ cent illness and which were great­ ly appreciated. pp A $25.00 War Savings certificate ahd 16 Cash Prizes will be given away in the Times-Advocate sub­ scription draw Feb, 15th. Ono coupoil given away with each fifty cents paid. Renew early before It is tod late, * iWon to “th# Sbadow*-cFRB. Thm.. W p.m.,CKCO.YftM/W ■ween "Trouble with a lot of folks to- , day," observed the corner cigar .store clerk philosophically, “Is, that a lot of folks' mistake the stub- bornoss of their prejudices for the courage Of their convictions." annual meeting of hay MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Th® 66th annual meeting of th® policy holders of the Hay Town* ship Farmers’ Mutual Fir^ lusur- ance Company, was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, the 2-7th of January., 1941, at 2 pan. Thomas Webb noted as chairman and H. K. Eilbei’ as secretary. The report of the directors was read hy the vice-president. H^ C, Deaver, This showed that the year closed with 2098 policies in force, cover­ ing a risk of $8,884,120, an increase of ^279,050 for the year. The Josses were $11,161.84 representing 67 claims, of which 3'8 claims were for 'losses of live stock amounting to $2,130.25, caused by lightning. It was requested that more care should be taken in examining the Jive stock after a storm; not to al­ ter hydro- installations but to get a qualified electrician and those who use wind apparatus to charge batteries to get the wiring examined by Hydro officials as their own pro­ tection. The assets of the company now to­ tal $65,801.77 wihch represents cash in the banks, investments in bonds and unpaid instalments and with the premium note residue of $'235,795.48 less unearned premiums the year closed with total resources of $296,312.57, an increase of $6,- 314.79, At the present time the liquid assets represent 74.5 cents for every $100 of insurance. Mention was also made of paying $60 towards the purchase of an ambulance and paying $13'0.00' to fire brigades for their work in fighting fires. These brigades did splendid work and were the means of saving the company considerable money. The passing of G. Holtz­ mann and Wm. Lamont, former agents -of the company, was also’ re­ ferred to. The election of directors resulted in Thomas Webb,- Henry C, Beaver and Goldie Graham being re-elected for a term of three years, J. W. ■Haberer and Geo. Deichert were reappointed auditors. The meeting came to a close by singing the National Anthem. At a later meeting of the direc­ tors H. C. Beaver was elected pre­ sident and Goldie Graham vice-pre­ sident. * I GRAND BEND and^ Mrs. Earl Baker visited with Mr. and Mrs. ofMr. Shipka Dave Johnston on -Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mathers of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie -over the week-end. Miss Maud Bolton of London vis­ ited with Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Turn­ bull over the week-end. . Mrs. Mary Turnbull and daugh­ ter Jean were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gault on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A, Sharrow and son William and Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Turnbull attended.' the funeral of ’Mi’. O. Stebbins of Detroit on Wednesday. " Mr. Lloyd Fahner visited in Port ; Stanley for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Penfound returned home from California Friday after a very short visit as Mr, Penfound was taken quite ill and had to be bought home. He is a little im­ proved. Mr. Geo. Mason is on the sick list and we are hoping for a speedy re­ covery. ' Quite a number attended th'e fire insurance meeting on Monday last in Zurich. Quilting of quilts for the Red Cross is the order of the day in the village? \ s „ ' Putting up ice has started and a big field will be put up- before it is completed. Miss Irena Gill is visiting with Mrs. Patton in London at present Don’t forget to attend the cottage prayer service each Wednesday ev­ ening. Old favorite hymns you love to sing. WHIPPING BOYS ;In the royal courts of many coun­ tries it has at one time or other been the custom to have “whipping boys.” When a prince did wrong, the whipping boy, instead of the prince, took a licking. Barnaby Fitzpatrick took what was coming to Edward VI. Mungo Murray was the “gtand-in” or bend-over foi” Charles I. Two men who after­ wards became cardinals Ate said to have been Whipped foi’ Henry IV of France. Raphael was flogged for the son of a marquis, but ran away. Even nowadays there is often a “whipping boy” in a democratic government—a cabinet member^ Who becomes the special target for while to be ‘ Now THAMM ROAD ROYS Th® week-ends of this month huve played havoc with the church attendance. All nt them have been very stormy. The annual church meetings pf Roys and Thames Road have been held. Good reports have been shown, especially -on. the M. and M. Funds. John Morgan and Rev, Mair vis­ ited Byron Sanatorium last week. Mrs. Morgan is improving idaily{ The colder weather of the pa'st few days, has given splendid Re and the local rink at Thames Road ig now in full swing. Mrs, Trueman Fletcher is quite ill. Andrew Christie has been 'con­ fined to his bed for over two weeks. A poison infection has been the cause. Rev. Peters of Varna addressed the Y.P.A. at Thames Rd. on Fri­ day. Misses Margayet Allison and Anne Morgan were visitors with Miss Jean Brock at Zion over the week? end. Red Cross workers met at Far­ quhar hall on Friday afternoon and quilted 4 quilts, Rev. and Mrs, Wright of Bruce- field and Rev. and Mrs. Peters of Varna were visitors at the manse on Friday. The Young People were address­ ed by Rev, Peters on Friday night, his subject being, *‘Ye are not your, own, but are bought with a. price.” At the close the young people en­ joyed Mr, from noon cousin there. Mrs. Truman Fletcher, -we are glad to hear, is holding her own at present. Miss Rhea Mills and Mrs. K Johns are attending her. Mr. Lorne (Passmore was in Windsor on Monday assisting Iris cousin, Mr. C. Passmore of Hensail with new car delivery. W.A. Meeting The W. A. annual meeting was held in the church basement on Wednesday, January 15th. The pre­ sident, Mrs. Stanley Coward, pre­ sided bver the devotional period. AH reports from the different com­ mittees showed a very successful year and the officers for 1941 are: Pres., Mrs. Thos. Allen Jr pres. pres.. .. Mrs. Wm. COWai’d; iVAio, AN. pniyupo, Group Leaders—Mrs. Milton Mc­ Curdy, Mrs, Jas, Hodgert, Mrs. Ai­ mer Stewart, Mrs, P, Passmore. Mrs. N. Hunkin’s group gave a short, enjoyable program; Mrs. Allen a piano solo; duet by Mrs. Squires and Mrs. A. Gardiner; Mrs. Len Harris gave a humorous reading. Since the hour was late, the meet­ ing .dispersed more quickly than usual, but all spent an interesting afternoon. Congregational Meeting The annual meeting of the church was held on Tuesday even­ ing and though there were several interesting attractions nearby, the attendance was goq!u< Th&, comfort and sociable'he^s that pervades ev­ erything after aXi^e supper was in evidence. Rev. W. devotional period “Fight the Good Fight” andSthe ■ Scripture reading from the sectmd Chronicles and prayer followed'^toy a short talk on ‘‘The Ultimate Church”, Which will be the result of the training the children of to­ day receive from their parents. The- task of tomorrow lies witl/the par­ ents of today. Th^ minister clos­ ed this part of the evening with prayer. Business was then proceed­ ed with, the pastor being elected chairman and Mr. E, Monteith sec­ retary. The year’s activities were reviewed by Mr. Maii> Consider­ able Work had-been achieved and all is in good financial standing. The various reports were adopted. The three stewards elected were Mr. J. W. Hackney, Mr. Jas. Hod­ gert and Mr. C. Cann. Mr. Aimer Stewart expressed his desire to re­ sign from the trustee board. Mr. F. Dawson was appointed. Mrs. Mor­ gan was ^tendered an appreciative" vote on her successful work in the choir, Mr. and Mrs. Mair were in­ vited to remain another year and a word of appreciation of the happy relations between congregation and pastor was expressed.' ing closed with the National them. DANCE KIFPEN FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st ..CLAYTON 3TEWER and his orchestra. I’ll meet yc^ at Kippen General Admission C, Watson, Manager AUCTION SME of FAW LANDS at DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH SATURDAY, FEB. 1st, twp o’clock pan. skating. B'. Jeffries returned home Huronda.le on Saturday after- after a week's visit with his ;• 1st vice­ Mrs. A'. Gardiner; 2nd vice­ Mrs. Chas. Allison; treas., Stone; sec., Mrs. Roy pianist, Mrs, N. Squires ir opened the with’ hymn “ Tt ----- The eVen- 'An- I fol’ a Opposition attacks. For a Hon. Ian Mackenzie seemed the Whipping boy at Ottawa, it is Hon. J. G. Gardiner. Mr. Gardiner has to stand, lot. When ‘he came home from Eng­ land some months ago, he was charged with having bargained too hard With a country in distress in order to get a good price for Can­ adian wheat. In vain lie explained that Canada had taken the price Britain offered. When he went over again and made a new agreement Which reduces the pried paid for Canadian bacon, he was accused of not bargaining foi’ a better deal—- of letting Canada down. Again he ex­ plained. Britain had drawn at­ tention to the fact that the previous agreement was predicated bn a higher; price for feed than actual­ ly materiaH^ad* Gut that does not quiet his accusers. Ml Gardiner, however, is not at all likely to imitate Raphael. Ho is quite capable of snatching the rod from those who seek to Wield it, and applying it to his attackers. —Toronto Star. CREDITON EAST /Eldon Merner and children Sunday in Stratford With Mr. spent . __ _______, ___ Mrs. Merner, Who is ill at the home of hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rocky, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, all of Kippen, and Mr. Arnold GaCkStetter of Zu­ rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz, Mr. spent here. Mr. __ ___ _________ __ ’London spent Sunday with Mrs. Catharine Motz. ■Pte, Roland Motz of Chatham and Mrs, Motz and family of Exeter visited Mrs. Catharine Motz on Sat­ urday. ; Gunner Leonard Weim who is training at Woodstock, spent the week-end at his home here. Jack Anderson of London the Week-end at his home and Mrs. Wm. Heath erley of HIGH SCHOOL WINS RETURN GAME The High School 'Basketball team wop a. revenge against the St. Marys five, edging out a 23-22 victory at We local gymnasium on Friday last. It was a real struggle from the first tip-off at centre, Both teams dis­ played some classy plays and speed was never absent, At the end of the first half Exeter was in the lead 18-10 and never relinquished it, Exeter was paced by Moore who hooped four baskets and. three foul shots. Green collected three bas­ kets and -one foul shot. Southcott notched a basket and a. foul and Wally Fahner sunk one basket. Fletcher, St. Marys' flashy guard, got five baskets; Henderson sunk three and one foul shot and Mc­ Intyre notched two baskets*, and one foul shot. Exeter—nGreen, Moore, Southcott, Hannigan, W. Fahner’and A. _Fah­ ner. . St. Marys—Henderson, Robinson, Mellor, Greason, McIntyre, B'ette- ridge, Crawford and Fletcher, Referee—-A. J. Fawcett, Consisting of 125 acres, more or less, being parts of Jots 31 and 22t Concession 5, Township of Hay. Good buildings. Convenient- to- school and markets. TERMS—-IQ per cent cash on day sale. Balance in 30 days, C. H, RADER, V. iL, BECKHR, * Executors Geo. Koch Estate ARTHUR WEBER, •Auctioneer. of HUW- The Exeter Times-Advocatc Established 1878 and 1387 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday aaornjne SUBSCRIPTION—$2.0(0 per year in advance RATES—Farm or Real Estate fOT sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subae- quent Insertion, Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found lOp. per line of six woTda. Reading notices 10c. per line. Card of Thanks 50 c. Legal ad­vertising 12 and 8c. pei line. i» Memoriam, with one verse 50c, extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association EXETER HIGH SCHOOL WINS FROM-SEAFORTH ' The High School Basketball team visited Seaforth on Tuesday and trimmed the home team by a 40-16 score. The locals had things near- ( •ly their own way and piled up a ’ big score over the Seaforth five. The locals have won four out of five starts. ZION Miss Anne Morgan, Miss Margar­ et Allison of Thames Road and Miss Florence Southcott of Exeter spent the week-end with Jean Brock. The Zion Mission Circle was held at the home of Jean Brock. The meeting opened by singing hymn9 434, after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated. , The min­ utes' -of the December meeting were read and the roll was called, after which the business was discussed Marjorie Earl then read the Scrip­ ture. The Bible story was read by Mary Hern. Hymn 614 was then sung. The study -book, ‘■‘Men of Africa" was given by Hazel Hern. Mary Earl favored with. a piano in­ strumental. Jean Brock read a poem', "Resolutions for the New Year”. The Watchtower was given by Marjorie Earl; Irene Bro,ck and Mary Earl. The reports of the treasurer and secretary for the past year were given, aftei’ which hymn 511 was sung. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Mizpah benediction. The meeting of the - Community Club will be held on Friday night Jan. 31, at Zion School at 8 p.m. On Friday«evening Mr. and Mrs. .Warren Brock entertained the Young People’s Class at their home. The evening was spent playing gam­ es. Mrs. Brock and Jean served a dainty lunch, The officers for the ensuing year were elected as fol­ lows: President, ■ Kenneth Hern; treasurer, Mrs. Hern ; Earl, Jean Brock; teachers, Warren Brock, Mr.x Harold committee for the sicli, Mary Morris Hern. KIRKTON ft t i i I i .tA'g. he- ■<- Have you evdf noticed that people you meet'on the street tween 6,30 and 7/30 in the morn­ ing are more cheery and courteous than those you meet ah hour later? Mr.and Mrs. Harry Greason and family of London visited with Mr, and Mrs. Milton Gregory this past week. Miss Marian Tufts spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Tufts of Toronto. Dr. G. H. Jose attended County Council at Stratford this past week. Miss' Leona Doupe of London spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Doupe. Record Crowd at Rinlc Some 200 people met at the Kirk­ ton Community Rink ‘ Saturday night. The roads and Weather Were perfect and young people came for miles to enjoy a good night’s fun, The booth, under the supervision of Mrs. Russell Brock and Mrs, R, Switzer, Was also well patronized. Rr, Glen and Mrs. Sawyer and little daughter of London Were "l day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer, The Kirkton Public Library its annual meeting on Friday, uary 24, in the Library rooms a good attendance, Mr. S. Adam- Son acted as chairman and con­ ducted the business. The old- board was re-elected. Membership last year was: adults, 71; Juveniles, 57. There placed mdhtii. Suh- John' held Jan- with were some 85 new books on the shelves this past W.I, Entertains Thursday* night, Jan. 23, members of the Kirkton Women’s institute met In Aberdeen Hallj to; ’dnwrtain, their husbands and irledds to a progressive euchre •par- other- games as well. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. -Garnie Loupe* Mrs, G. Low, and Mr, Rtis* sell 'Brock, after which lilnch.vitaB served,1 :> 5 Dan Hawkey Of. Atlee, Al- spent the past week xith his Mrs, Russell’ Morrison,;’ Mr, berta, niece, the Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICE1OR, &c Money to Loan, Investment Mado Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for uae of our Clients without charge EXETER ,and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, «&e- LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main SU’ee', EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.SOD.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D S DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 3Gw Telephones Res. 3 6) Closed Wednesday Afternoons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fox Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 67-13 Dashwood B. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. Or RING 188 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton p. o. or phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT* MUTUA1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ........... JOHN Kirkton, R. R, Vice-President ...» JOHN Dublin, Ont. HACKNEY, 1 McGrath DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ___.____fixote. Angus Sinclair Mitcheii, r. i WM. HAMILTON... Cromarty, R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE ... Woodham, K 1 t AGENTS JOHN ESSERY .................. Centralia alvin i,. Harris.... Mitcheii r. i THOS. SCOTT Cromarty ’ SECRETARY-TREASURER & W. >. Leavers Exeter . GLADMAN & STAXHURY .' Solicitors,’ Meter • Most married women think ilieir husband’s bachelor friends envy him. ♦