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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-30, Page 1
ESTABLISHED 1873 I a W.I. ELECTS OFFICERS at PROPERTY TRANSFER the f CORBETT^-KIRCHNER the Trivitt Memorial rectory Mr. *■ t> MAIN ST. CHURCH HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING en- re- and knitting for the Red The quilt committee re several quilts ready to be and various homes were of- Af- citizens the the and and JANUARY SALE OF Hemstitched Sheets and Pillow Cases EXETER, OWAKIO, TOUR3PAY MORNINO, 4ANUARY 30^ 1941 u 5 dozen Extra large size 81x100 hemstitched sheets, Heavy weight, fine qual ity. A real bargain this month at $1.79 each 42 inch Pillow Cases tQ jnatch on Sale at 79c a pair Get a good supply of these two lines as they are exceptional value $3.95 On sale this week to clear in a hurry, 60 Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk Crepe Dresses reduced in price to $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95 each New Wallpapers The new Spring Wallpapers have arrived. We invite you to see them See our assortment of beautiful papers for Living Rooms, Dining-rooms, Halls, etc. The Bedroom papers with their different colored ceilings are also very beautiful. The prices are about the same as last year. Besides our regular* stock we have Stouin- ton’s special book of Living Room Papers which contains almost any- design you may be looking for. Sale of Winter Overcoats Perhaps you have been waiting for a sale of overcoats. We are marking the prices very low, but at these prices we cannot “charge” these coats. It must be cash or produce in trade, for the only reason for this sale is to raise some cash. Prices $15 Also a few at $14.00 10 only Genuine Mountain Fleece Overcoats at $20 each iniiniuiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinOiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiii $16 $17 Speci^¥^tpp for Thursday, Friday, Saturday ^ick Quaker Oats Without Chi'ria, Large Pkg........CilCIl Golden Sultana Raisins 9 BL 1A ~ Australian -Growii ...........................IDS* JL«?C Crisco An Ideal Shortening Heinz Ketchup 5-oz. Bottles . (65c per doz.) 1 lb. tin 19c each 6c Phone 32 JOn Infant’s Delight Soap 4 With Free Pkg. GIDson’s Tissues grX.Brand-Blaebe,-‘’ie5 per tin 10c 2 tins 15cr Vegetable .... Soap Flakes Deal ars M. L. Toilet Soap Your Superior Store Buy C.C.M. Skate and Shoe Outfit PRICED TO SUIT ALL POCKET BOOKS We, have a large assortment of Second Hand Skate and Shoe Out fits priced from 25c to $1.50. See these. Cluck season is coming. See the new Warner Electric Broody ers with genuine Oiromolax Heat Rings... The very finest control and-Ventilation devices. Sturdy, adjustable legs,.. Satisfaction, guaranteed. Will operate for as little as 6c a -day. * One Secondhand Westinghouse Electric Range to clear at a real price. . Did you sc© the new Easy Vacuum, Wasliing* -Machine? If not, come in , . Two Secondhand Cook -Stoves at a price, Wonderful forc, boiling beans -------------------------------------------------------------------- If yoti Want If you Want If you Want Mox*e Milk More -Eggs More Pork Purina Purina * Purina Cow Chow Lay Cliow Hog Chow If you want 10 per cent more growth in your Chicks ask for. Purina Chick Startena.We sell embryo--fed Chicks Traquair’s Hardware TINSMITHING SIGN WORK PLUMBING Underwent Operations Mr. Ivan*Perkins, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins, of Usbor.-.-e, underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital on Saturday last and is getting.along nicely, Mr. Roy Sims, of town, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for the past three Weeks, oft Thurs day last underwent a serious opera tion and since then has had several blood transfusions. Latest reports state that he is getting along as well as can be expected^ Officers Commission Rev, John A. Falconbridge of Centralia has been commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the Middlesex- Huron Regiment R.F. Capt. M. F. Gladma,n has been commissioned captain in the active force and Is at present instructor in connection with tire officers’ training course at Western University. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Preszcator was hostess to members of the Exeter Women’s In stitute. The theme of this January Meeting was ‘‘Home Economics”. The roll call was answered by "Uses of Vinegar”. Mrs. Jacques ga've a splendid and very instructive pa per on "The value of Vitamins”. Mrs. Huntei* took charge of a Din ner Menu -contest. Each member contributed the amount of 50 cents toward the Wai’ Charities Fund of the Federated Women’s Institute of Canada. At the .close of this regular meet ing Mrs. D. A. Anderson, president of the Institute war service unit took charge of several items of busi ness. The ladies decided to have sewing meetings to try and do more sewing Cross, ported quilted fered to complete this work, ter singing the National Anthem refreshments were served and a hearty vote of thanks Was extend ed to the hostess. The officers elected for Exeter W.I. war service unit for 1941 are: pres.’, Mrs. D. A. Anderson; vice- pres., Miss F. Hatter; sec. for sup plies, Mrs. G. Hunter; quilt com mittee, Mrs. E. Broderick, Mrs. F. C-oates, Mrs. M. Horton, Mrs. J, N-Orry; inspection comm., Mrs. Hun ter, Mrs. Norry; work comm., Mrs. Jacques, Mrs. Kyle, EXETER COUNCIL Exeter, Jan. .27, 19-11 : The regular meeting of the Mun icipal council was ’held in the of fice of the .clerh with ail members present, The minutes of the meet ings held Jgu, 13, together with those of a meeting held on the 16th were read adopted on motion of Councillors Sogthcott nnd Hern, Reading and conferring of com munications. Letter from the Sal vation Army* officers, London, with a request for a grant. Per South- cott 'and Digngn that a grant of ten dollars be made. Carried. Let ter from the department of Muni cipal affairs re manual of account ing. The clerk was instructed to procure a copy on motion of South- cott and Tayjor. Circular letter from the Blackstone? Publishing Co., To ronto, re legal,, books, Filed, A letter from McCasky Limited re adding machine. Filed. The .copy of the agreement with the Depart ment of Highways and the village re temporary bridge was ’ referred to and ordered filed. A circular-let ter regarding surety bond returns for municipal officers was read.. The clerk was instructed to have the same properly?; filled in and re turned. ; > Lettei’ from , the department - of Health regarding municipal cheque No. 371, of 1940, in the sum of $6 payable -to. the. treasurer, division of tuberculosis prevention, Toronto, the Same having been returned, was ordered to be cancelled as a new account had been received. Mo tion of Dignan' and South-cott. The Property Committee report ed on an electric sign as asked for by Mr. Beavers, was submitted and given its approval and same was granted, A motion by/ Dignan and Hern that the council meet and investi gate the Exetqr Creamery drain. The same reported as 'causing trouble. Time, Wednesday at 10.30 a.m. Carried. ; 1 Tax collector. W. C. Pearce ad dressed the Council regarding the payment of tajs? arrears. Deferred pending further' investigation. The matter df tax payers making prepayments of 1941 taxes was al lowed as per by-law and notice on statement of taxes for 1940 and former years. Motion b/ Taylor and Dignan and carried. -^* ' The clerk Was instructed to write the Provincial ;'secretary regarding the securing oT/a marriage register for Usenet tbe,J?enjfecostal oyganizar, tion. ” ’ f- < • The following named were appointed as members of Arena Committee representing citizens, Messrs. W. G. Medd F. A. May. Motion per Dignan Southcott. Carried, A new sy^ol’ -clothes with Bhr- rets and cap, cap to have an oil cloth covering be ordered for the “night .constable, W. Wareing. Mo tion by Hern and Taylor and car ried. Motion bjr Southcott -and Dignan that two extra electric lights be placed around the temporary bridge. Carried. A public notice is hereby given to parents regards -children running on and over the street pavement in front of automobiles without first making sure that the road from both directions is clear. The council asks that parents and teachers of schools give this warning. The following list of accounts was read and ordered paid: Quebn Al exandra -Santatorium, London, re fills- Exeter patients and. indigents, $18.00; Peter Strobbie, labor, roads and bridges, $4.5'0; Salvation Army, London, grant, $10.-00; Treasurer, Province of Ontario, manual, $2.00; W. C. Pearce, collection tax ar rears, 1940, $38,29; Jas. P. Bow ey, coal for hall, $7.65; The Muni cipal World, supplies, $25.1»8; Fred Moore, removing snow, $5.8'8; Robert Sanders, removing snow, $5.63; Amos Darling, removing snow, $5.13; George Jacques, re moving snow, $5.13; Robert Flynn, removing snow, ’$5.13; Ewart Pym, removing snow, $5.13; Richardj E. -Davis, removing snow, $5.13: William Andrew, labor, roads and bridges, $5.13, $1.50, total, $6.63; Peter Coleman, team labor remov ing snow, $11.28; *L. E. Day, team labor, removingi -snow, $11.28; Henry Green, removing snow, $11.28, snow ploughing, $4,75, to tal, $16.03; Charles Godbolt, re moving snow, $11,28; snow plough ing, $12.09, total, $23.28. Passed on motion of Dignan and Hern and Carried. Adjournment moved by Taylor. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk A quiet Wedding took place at. the Trivitt Memorial rectory on Wednesday, January 22nd, when Miss .Alma Kirchner,, of Crediton, wfts united in marriage with Mr. William Nathaftial Corbett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Corbett, of Exeter, the ceremony being per formed by Rev; M., A. Hunt. The young couple were unattended. Supper was served at the home, of the groom’s parents 'when about forty relatives and friends were pre- | sprit. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett will ro- I side in Exeter. WINS FIRST PRIZE AT AMATEUR CONCERT The Chatham Daily News uf Jan uary 24th reports an amateur con test at No, 1.2 Training Centre for the entertainment of some three hundred trainees in khaki. More than fifteen men entered the com petition and so -great was their en- thusiam that another concert is planned* The paper says; "The first prize was won by Earl Hey wood, an Exeter recruit, who sang several cowboy songs, playing .his own guitar accompaniment. One of the songs was an original bal lad written by the winner in which he described 'life at the Training Centre. It was acclaimed by the men as ‘‘The Camps Qwn Song’* and Mr, Roe believes that it will soon achieve’similar popularity to the Kent Regiment marching song,” Mr. Roe was supervisor of the tertainment. Soft drinks and freshments were served, TRIVITT VESTRY MEETING The Vestry meeting of Trivitt Memorial church was 'held in the Parish Hall Wednesday evening of last week. -There was a good re presentation and encouraging re ports were received from the var ious societies. The Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt, presided. The treasurer's report showed a neat balance -on hand and the budget account had been raised in full for the first time in the history qf the church. Of ficers were elected as follows: Rec tor’s warden, E. E. Davies, people’s warden, J. W. Morley; vestry clerk, L. Day, Sr.; treasurer, M. W. Pfaff; Board of Management, Convener, W. E. Middleton; J. W. Morley, M. W. Pfaff, R. A. Crawford, G.' A. Hawkins, P. Dunsford, Miss E. M. Bowey, Mrs. R-. A. Crawford, A. Barker, C. M. Aylen, F. Ellering- ton, D. Dew, E. E. Davies, Walter Cunningham and Wesley Dearing; delegates to Synod, W. E. Middle ton, J. W, Morley, substitutes, Dan Dew and G. A. Hawkins; Sides men, Alvin Cornish, C. M. Aylen., Ed Ward, Wm. Ellerington, Homer Russell, W. R. Shaw, Les Coat.es, J. P. Dawson; auditors, J. W. Morley, C. M. Aylen; collector, Walter Cunningham. A vote of thanks was tendered all officers and societies for making the year a success, The ladies served -a lunch at the close. MOVING TO EXETER Mr. Jesse Horn, of the 10th con cession of Usborne, has purchased from Mr. David Clarke, the brick residence on the corner of James and Andrew streets now Occupied by Mr. Ray Lammie. Mr. Horn, hav ing rented his farm to Mr. Clarence Johns, is retiring and wife his bro ther, William, and sister, Miss Eliza beth, will move to Exeter sometime next month. Mr, William Horn has beeft quite ill fbr some time. We welcome -them to our midst. A $26.00 War Savings certificate and 16 dash Prices will be given away in the Times-Advochte sub scription draw Feb. 16 th. One coupon given away with each fifty cents raid. See advertisement, on another page. The annual congregational meet ing of Main St. United Church was held -on Friday evening, Jan. 24. The minister, Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., presided. Reports from the church organizations and commit tees showed, progress in the work carried on and in larger contribu tions for the funds of the church, both local and missionary. The Main Street Red Cross. Unit con tributed 440 pairs of socks, 36 host pital gowns, 44 pairs wristlets, 44^ slings, 14 sweaters, 13 quilts, an^y 122 other necessary and useful articles and $144.35 in money; for refugee sewing 248 articles and 163 donated articles, also 12 ladies felt hats. The election results were as follows: The 'Session—Chas. E. Tuckey, G. S. Howard, Frank Wild- fong, and B. W. F. Beavers, for the term of three years. Committee of Stewards—Geo. W. Lay-ton, G. M. McKnight, Maurice Quance, Earl.. Russell and Earl Witmer for the term of three years. Wm. C< Hoo per for one year to fill out the term of W. E. Walker who moved to London. The members of the Flower Committee were re-elected, namely, Andrew Campbell, Mrs. W. Martin and E. M. Dignan. Mr. Joshua Johns was elected a life member of the Official Board. A petition for war-time restrict tions on the sale of alcoholic liqu ors in Canada was signed by the members of the congregation and the secretary instructed to send the petition to Hon. Jas. G. Gardiner, Minister of National War Services at Ottawa. The women of the.con gregation served a tasty lunch the close of the meeting. Mr. Thos. Mawhinney,, of 11th concession of Stephen Town ship, has purchased from Mrs. Mar shall, her residence on Victoria street. Mr. Wawhinney recently sold his farm to Mr. Daniel Weber and intends holding an auction sale sometime in March. Following the sale Mr.- and Mrs. Mawhinney .and son Edgar will move to Exeter to reside. We understand that Mrs. Marshall Intends moving to London, Social Evening . A Very enjoyable evening was spent Monday by/the Trivitt Me morial choir at the home'of and Mrs. Albert Barker. After a business session euchre was en joyed by all present. The winners were: ladies* high, Miss Teiiio M0- Curdy, gent’s high, Albert Barker, and lucky tally draw, Mrs. Fred N^wfon Affp,* euchre a dainty lunch I was enjoyed by ail present. TEMFPKAKYBRIPGF is NOW OPEN The temporary bridge Ip Exeter is now open for traftic and the detdur signs that were placed at the north and south ends of the • town have been removed after be ing up for 86 days. The work of constructing the temporary bridge was done by the Wainright Con struction Company, of London, who have the contract ‘ for kuiliding the new bridge. The temporary bridge is a wooden structure built by driv ing 'piles into the bed of the river. The approaches to the bridge both north and south were built up by dumping .large quantities of clay taken from the river bank on the farm of G. J. Dow. Railings have ■ been bujit on either side of the ap proach and on the bridge. The ca pacity of the bridge is from twelve ■ to fifteen tons. The preliminary work on the new bridge has already : started. DISTRICT ORGANIZES FOR WAR SAVINGS CAMPAIGN A meeting of those interested in promoting the sale of War Savings Certificates was held in the Library on Friday evening last. Represen tatives were present from nearly^ all the district coming under the jurisdiction of the Exetei* District War Time Board, Grand Bend, Dashwood, Shipka, Crediton, • Cen tralia, S.S. ‘Nos. 4 and 5, Usborne, Hurondale, Thames Road, Elim- ville. The War Savings Committee, a branch of the War Time Board, was in charge, with Fred A, May in the chair. In the temporary ab sence of Thos. Pryde, president of the War Tim,e Board, R. N. Creech, the secretary, was called „gn> an^ he gave a talk on the need of a suc cessful -drive to enlist the co-opera tion of 2,000,000 Canadians to in vest regularly in War Savings Cer tificates so that through-out Canada $10,000,0.00 a month may be in vested for the duration of the war. In Erigland, $55,000,000 a day is being -spent on war effort. < Men, women, boys and girls are all do ing their part, while in Canada, though not on the firing line, we may soon be, if England does no-t win the war. This? we must never allow to happen as the cost of de feat would be infinitely greater than the cost of war. He gave a re sume of the ..work of the General Canadian Campaign Committee as outlined at a District Meeting in London a week previously, which several Exeter people attended. The committee is putting on the most extensive advertising cam paign ever attempted in Canada. Twenty-six advertising agencies are engaged in preparing every kind of advertisement — radio, newspaper, magazine, bill board and poster— -some of which are already appear ing in the daily and weekly news papers. The purpose is to con vince the people that this is a life and death struggle, not only for the people of Britain, but also for the people who live on this continent. The money invested in these Savings Certificates will not -only help to fi nance the war but will create a valuable backlog of savings for the people in the years following the .war. He drew attention to the need of canvassers for the whole district and outlined the iBank Pledge Plan, The Honour 'Pledge Plan and the kit each canvasser would be supplied with. At this time Mr. Pryde arrived, and he gave a pep talk on the needs and purposes of the campaign, in which he stressed the fact that 'confidence in our -cause and energy in the cam paign were what was needed to make it a success. General discussion followed and -many questions were answered and explanations made on various phases of the work. It was agreed that the -territorial or ganization of the various units of the Exeter Red Cross Branch should be utilized fof the canvass. Sever al members of the County Council, wiho had just returned from a meeting at Goderich, were present and enthusiastically endorsed the work and volunteered their assis tance. In Exeter the Employer- Employee, the business and profes-*' sional canvass, will take place early in February. About the middle of the month, as proposed by H. C, Rivers, -a frolic 6r stunt of some kind may be put on in town, and this will be followed by the general can vass. As soon as the advertising matter and the canvassers’ kits ar rive district workers may secure a supply from Fred May. In case they are not called for they will be sent out to the surrounding units early next month. Underwent Operation •Stanley E, Gili, R.C.A.F., T.T.S., St, Thomas, underwent a major op eration at the station hospital on Friday (last. At last reports he is doing as well as can bo exacted. Stanley is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Harhioh Gill, Grand Bend. EXETER FAIR BOARD SHOWS FINE SURPLUS The Exeter Agricultural Society held their annual meeting in, the Town Hall Thursday* afternoon of last week and was presided over by Mr. W. J. Smith’. Reports were received, -showing that the finances were in good shape. In spite of the wet weather which affected the attendance at the fair there were more than the usual number of en tries, numbering 1,447. The re ceipts were $1,90.03 and dis bursements «M90,5 6, leaving a credit balance of $501,67, $130.00 were spent for hog an$ sheep pens which made a great improvement. The Swine Club was one of the best held in the province last year with 21 epembers and 19 exhibitors, The Lions Club sponsored a Calf Club, A Field Crop competition will be .held again this year, William Coates, who has rendered valuable service as president for a number of years, has resigned that posi tion but remains as one of the dir ectors, Dr. E. S. Steiner- is the new president. The remaining officers are: vice-president, Wm. Oestreich- . er; second vice-president, Cecil Rowe; secretary, Clark Fishor; treasurer, R. N. Creech; directors, Wm, Coates, Dan Dew, Preston Dearing, ‘Percy Passmore, Verne Pincombe, Wm. Ellerington, Mur ray Elliott, Benson W. Tuckey, G. A. Cann, Mrs. W. R. Goulding, Mrs. Rufus. Kestle, Mrs. W. S. Howey. •Delegates to the district and pro- ; vincial meetings are Wm. Coates and Mrs. -Goulding with Mrs. Rufus Kestle as alternative; auditors, R. . Moffatt and W. J. Floyd. Death of Mrs. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May, Warren, and Marjorie, were at Mitchell on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. May’s sister, Mrs. F. K. Mat thews, of Toronto, Mrs. Matthews passed away Thursday following a lengthy illness. Mrs. May was in To ronto for several days previous to her sister’s death, ’ Mrs. Matthews’ maiden name was Olive Davis, daughter of the late W. R. and Mrs. Davis of Mitchell. -She is well-known in town, having visited here on different occasions, LUCASJ -AND t DASHWOOD WIN OPENING GAMES OF CYCLONE LEAGUE The Cyclone League got away to rousing start at the local shinny gardens Monday night, featuring a double bill between Exeter and Lu can and Crediton and Dashwood, The first match between Exeter and Lucan -especially kept the fairly large crowd on -their toes all the time. Caution was thrown to the wind and the two teams played a wide-open rousing game. Two new faces appeared on the local line-up in Lawson and Ferguson and both gave a good account of themselves. Twice in a row the -Lucan line of the Paul brothers and Chown bored in on Ford before the locals got or ganized in the opening minutes. Chowen had nice chance on the play but his 'd-ose-in shot missed the net. Creech and Moore made, a break for Exeter’s first thrust but Creech lost control of the puck when right in on Hudson. Ford made a spectacular save on Chow- en’s drive after the ’latter had grab bed the 1-oose puck at the -defense and rushed in on the goalie. Lucan broke into the scoring at the nine minute mark. Reg. Paul broke away fast and was partially blocked at the defence by Creech but Chowen managed to -get the pass and beat Ford with a high shot from the left boards. Stire for the locals missed a nice , chance but his shot hit the goal post, While Shier was in the cooler foi* tripping Exeter staged .a power play and it nearly backfired. Chowen and Hammond- broke away from their own end with only Ryckman back and Ford had to be good to stave off their drive. In the dying minutes of th© period Lawson just failed to score on a scramble in front of Hudson’s cage. Macdonald netted the equalizer early in the second semester. Moore laid down a nice pass to him and while almost on a straight angle with the net his accurate shot caught the corner of the^cage. Ford took Chowen’s knee-high shot on the pads when the -Lucan winger bored in on him. Stir© put th© homesters into the lead, skating in on Hudson with Ryckmafi’s pass, aftei4 the two had combined on a njee play through the rival defence. However, the home team didn’t maintain their lead for long. The Paul brothers, staging some bril liant playing, split the defence and Reg sifted in on Ford with Gerald’s; pass to beat Ford and make the score 2-2. Ryckman was banished for tripping but the locals staveci off the Lucan attack. Creech mad** a brilliant solo effort, breaking from his own zone to drift through the defence and heading goahvafd. lit trying to draw I-Iu'dson -out of posi tion, however, he lost the puck. Oho weft put the visiters Into the , lead early in the third frarhe, G. Raul laid down a nice pass to hhn at the blueline and his chest high (Continued, on jiage 4) Renew Early as Subscription Draw Closes Feb 15th.