HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-23, Page 5THE EXETER T1M.ES-APV0CATE THURSDAY, sssnrnx Mrt ion
Bingo & Dance
Sponsored by Coadlhp. Legion
8.30 sharp
Proceeds in aid of Red Cross, War
Seryiee Committee aad Legion
General Admission 3>5q
ter, Mrs, Ed McQueen and Mrs.
Geo. Hess, followed by the Lord's
Prayer and “I Gave My Mfe
Thee”, was sung. Mrs. Hess then
presided and led. in prayer. The
roll call,. minutes and. business fol
lowed. The objective for the Ex.e-
ter-Hensall branch of the W C.T.U.
for the purchasing ef a travelling
field kitcheu
Fund) is
asked to
of clip sheets.
Home Front”
Eric Kennedy, Mrs. Ed McQueen,
Miss’ Annie Copsitt, Miss Martha
Hunter, Mrs, John Elder, Mrs, W,
B, Cross, and Mrs, Hedden, The ■
meeting concluded by singing
“Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Call- ’
ing”, after which Miss Murray led
in prayer,
S.S; Scholars Receive
sang two an-
of Mrs, Wm.
hear that she
Mr, AUen Davidson is very much
improved after his recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs, G, M, Drysdale re
turned home after spending a week
in Mt, Clemens and Detroit,
Mrs, Nelson Blatchford is visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Mustard
at Kippen.
Rev, R, A. Brook .conducted ser
vices in the United Church on Sun
day and the choir
The many friends
Weir are pleased to
is much improved after hex* recent
Miss Edith Dick underwent an
operation for the removal of her
tonsils at the office of Dr. 1. G.
Smillie last week. >
Mrs. Gus Voth and daughter
Gwendolyn of Detroit are visiting
with the former’s mother, Mrs. Lou
Simpson and grandmother, ’ Mrs. ’
Robt. Bonthron.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and
daughter- Gwendolyn of Detroit
spent Sunday with Mrs, Voth’s
mother, Mrs. Lou .Simpson and
grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
Miss Cassey Dougall returned to
the 'home of her aunt, Mrs. Katie
Bengough after spending several
days with her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Mac-
Lar en Sr., who was ill. '
The annual congregational meet
ing of the United Church will be
held on Monday evening, January
27th. A good program will be pro
vided and lunch served.’
Owing to the condition of (‘h®
weather and roads the Sacrament
of the Lords Supper which was to
be held in Carmel Church on Sun
day was postponed until Sunday,
January 26tji.
’ Rev. Wm, Weir conducted ser
vices in Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Sunday. The choir sang an
anthem at the morning service en
titled “Song of Hope”, Miss Mabel
Workman taking the solo.
A piano instrumental entitled
‘‘Songs without Words” played by
Miss Irene Hoggart'h was very much
enjoyed. The meeting closed by
singing “Abide"*'With Me” and the
Lord’s Frayer in unison.
A "Scotch Nite” will be held in
•the schoolroom of Carmel 'Presby
terian Church on Friday evening,
January 31st, under the auspices
of the Arnold Circle. A humorous
Scotch program is being prepared,
•Mrs. George -Ferguson recently
purchased the property from the
estate of the late Miss Margaret E.
Hobkirk and has rented the dwell
ing to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hicks
who have moved into it this week.
The members of the Senior Wo
men’s -Institute are selling tickets
on a large stick of, peppermint
candy, seventeen inches long and
weighing four, and a half pounds,
which is on display in Case’s Bake
Shop window, and was donated by
Mrs. Eric Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy
won this candy in thq States.
Young People’s Union
The Young People’s Union met
on Monday evening, it being Chris
tian Fellowship meeting, with Miss
Ruth Brook presiding. The meet
ing opened by singing “Soldiers of
Christ Arise”. Miss June Saunder-
cock read the Scripture and Miss
Mary Goodwin favored with a
piano instrumental. The topic en
titled "Crime” was very ably given
by Miss Elva McQueen. "What a
Fellowship, What - a Joy Divine”
was sung, followed by the Bible
lesson read by Miss Gladys Luker,
after Which a 'Bible contest was
directed by Miss Gladys McKenzie.
Arnold Circle Meets
The regular ’meeting- of the Ar
nold Circle of Carmel Presbyter
ian Church was held on Wednes
day evening at the home of Miss
Irene Hoggarth, with the newly-
elected president, Miss Sally Man-
son, presiding. ’ The meeting was
opened by the playing of soft mu
sic, entitled ‘‘The Lord’s Prayer’’,
played by Miss Irene Hoggarth.
Hymn "Standing at'the Portal’* Was
sung and Miss Mabel Workman led
in prayer. The Scripture lesson
was read by Miss Beryl Pfaff.
Hymn ‘“'For Thy .Mercy and Thy
Grace” was sung, followed by the
roll call, minutes and business. The
topic "Heroes’ .of Our Homeland”
(Jennie Lynd) was Very ably giv
en by Miss Sally Manson.I*
W.C.T.U. Meets
(Mobile canteen
$?0. Each member is
Contribute. The regular
will be held the fourth
in each month. Theme
“Opr Enemy on the
was taken by Mrs.
Awards were' given to those writ
ing on -the thirteenth National
Temperance fStudy Course last Oc
tober on Sunday, morning in the
Sunday School. There were nine
teen who wrote and each one receiv
ed a prize. Miss Jean Murray
made the presentations, In the
Senior group the winners received
books and certificates: Bob Hess,
Donald Joynt, Jame^ Clark, Jack
Smith, Joe Marks, Bloss Pepper.
Intermediate class received booxs:
Ross Kennedy, Billy Routoliffe,
John Beer, Phyllis Dougall, Patsy
McDonell, Lenore Norminton. Mar
garet Wurm. Junior Group, ten
and eleven years: Doris Buchanam
June Kennedy, Helen Noakes,
Ruth Hess. Junior Group, eight
and nine years: Bobby Routcliffe,
Eleanor Cook, Mr. Moore’s class
having the highest percentage of
it’s members writing on the ex
amination, they won the carton of
homemade candy made by the mem
bers of the Jiunior Bible Class.
Library Board Meets
The first meeting of the 1941
Public Library Board was
Tuesday evening at 7.30 p.m. in the
Council Chamber with the following
members present: Reeve R. E.
Shaddick, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs.
R. E
1941. Librarian’s report for 1940
read, total circulation being 5,703
books and total for December be-'
ing 406. The librarian reported re
the checking over of the,•books.and
8 .being iuissing^ The treasurer re
ported a cash balance of $174.28 for
the year 1940. Motion that Rev,
Weir, Mrs. Norminton, Mrs. Good
win and Librarian Mrs. Cameron
be the book purchasing committee.
Motion that J. A. Patterson be sec-*
retary and Mrs. Cameron be Lib
rarian at the same salaries. Motion
that the pamphlet as ‘ prepared’ hy
Professor Fred Landon be handed
to the Women’s Institute ahd that
they be asked' to kindly consider
undertaking- to do this work. Ad;
journment to meet again Feb. 11th
at 7.30 p.m.
Jas. A. -Patterson, Sec.-Treas.
Carmel Church. Annual Meeting
The annual congregational meet
ing of Carmel Presbyterian Church
which was held on Monday even
ing was well attended considering
the fact of -the weather and the
road conditions. The meeting -open
ed with the singing -of “0 God of
Bethel”, after which Rev. Weir led
in prayer. Rev. Weir was then ap
pointed chairman foi’ the meeting
and Mr. J. W. Bonthron secretary.
The minutes of the previous meet
ing -were read -and the various fin
ancial reports were given as fol
lows, and all were most gratifying:
Session report, given by Rev. Weir;
W.M.S. report, read by the secre- .
tary in the absence of Mrs. A. D. Mc
Ewen, treasurer. Mrs. Jas. Pat
terson, treasui’er of the Women’s
Association, gave theii* report. The
Sunday School report was read by
the secretary in the absence of Mrs.
Allen Davidson, treasurer. The fin-'
ancial report of the Young People’s
Society was given by Miss Violet
Hyde and Miss Irene Hoggarth re
ported the activities of the year.
The Mission Band report was given
'by Miss Maxine Purdy and the Ar
nold Circle report by Miss Helen
Moir. The cemetery report Was
given by Mr. J. W* Bonthron and
the congregational statements were
given by the secretary in absence of
the treasurer, Mr, F. G. Bonthron.
The following were elected as mem
bers Of the Board of Managers: Mr.
Jas. Bengough, re-elected, Messrs.
James Mustard Jr., and iGlenn Bell,
elected. Property trustees, Messrs*
Peter Moir arid J. W. Bonthron;
auditors, -Messrs, W, A, MacLav-
en and James A, Fatterson; record
Ing secretary, Mr. Douglas gangster
Ushers were all .re-elected.
0. Goodwin, Miss Mattie El-
Rev. Wm. Weir, S. G. Rennie
Robt. Moore. The minutes of
meeting were read
Mqtion that Reeve
Shad dick be chairman for
• on account of |he stormy weather
and bad roads the last Sunday, even*
ing service pf the United Church was
. Messrs, Chris Halst, Henry Haist,
John Haist, Earl Haist, and Mrs#
Thos1. Mawhinney, attended the
funeral of the late Allen Haipt” of
Kitchener on Tuesday.
Mr. Lome Voidt spent Sunday
at Stratford.
Miss Jean Mountain spent the
Week-end at Donegal.
On Friday evening at 8 o’clock
the annual congregational meeting
of the Crediton United Church will
convene In the auditorium of the
church. ‘Preceding this. the ladies
pf the church will sponsor a pot
luck supper, proceeds of which will
be donated to the Stewards of the
church, (Ladies please note). Sup
per commences at six o’clock. All
members, adherents and friends of
the church are invited,
Friends of Mr. Thos. Trevethick
will be delighted to learn that 'he
is registering improvement.
Watch next week’s issue of the
Times-Advocate for the detailed an
nouncement of the Crediton circuit
Young People’s Rally.
W. M. S. Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of the United church
was held in the church parlors. Mrs,
L. Turnei* took the chair for’ the
"Worship service and program, af
ter which Rev. L. . Turner took
charge foi' the election of officers.
The following are the officers for
1941: Pres., Mrs. J. O. Lovie; first
vice-pres., Mrs. Elmer Lawsort;
cording sec,, Mrs, ”
corresponding sec.,
Telfer; treas.,
pianists, Mrs.
Turqer; Christian Stewardship sec,,
Mrs. L. Trevethick; .'Baby Band
sec., Mrs. E. Penhale; Group lead
ers, Mrs. L. Turner, Mrs. A. Kestle,
Mrs. A. King; study book, Mrs. S.
King, Mrs. H. Mitchell; press sec.,
Mrs. A. C. Baker. After the elec
tion Mrs. Lovile took charge for the
business. It was decided to have a
pancake supper- February 25 th.
The Society is having a sewing
meeting on January '30th, to pre
pare for the bale. Meeting closed
by singing hymn
the president.
; re-
F. W. Clark;
Mrs. M. W.
Mrs. A. C. -Baker;
Lawson, Mrs. L.
Meeting closed
3*8’4 and prayer by
The Crediton
unit of the Red
held their re-organization
meeting at which, the following of
ficers were elected; Past, pres., Mrs,
M, W. Telfer; pres., Mrs. F. W._
•Morlock;. vice-presidents, Mi;s, Wm,
'Sweitzer (Shipka) Miss Ella Mor-
lock (Crediton) Father Fogarty,
(Mount Carmel); sec., Mrs. Law
rence Wein; treas., Mr. M. W- Tel
fer; campaign committee H. K, Eli-
ber (chairman) F. W. Clark,-F. W.:
Morlock, Alonzo McCann, >F. C.
Brown; advisory committee, Rev.
A. E. Fletch (-chairman), Rev. L.
Turner,- Arthur Amy, G. Zwicker,
S. Brown, Mrs. M. W.. Telfer, Mrs. .
Mose Faist, Mrs. G. Zwicker, Mrs.
Wm. Sweitzer; inspection commit
tee, Mrs,. Harry Beaver (convenei’),
Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mrs. Wm.
Smith, Miss Clara Fahrner; sewing
committee, Mrs. W. Mack -(conven
er), Mrs. Albert King, Mrs. C. Sims,
Mrs. George Eilber, Mrs. Mabel
Ewald, Mrs. Lawrence Swartz, Mrs.
Art Finkbeiner, Mrs. A. McCann;
knitting committee, Mrs. H. Schenk
(convener),. Miss Nola Faist, Mrs. ,
Alvin Baker, Mrs. A. E. Pletch,
Mrs. M. Ratz, Mrs. Ben McCann;
quilt committee, Mrs. L. England,
(convener), Mrs. Mose Faist, Mrs..
C. Roeszler, Mrs. T. Trevethick,
Mrs. B. Kestle, Mrs. Emmery Fahr
ner. It was -decided to sell tickets
on a quilt Which will be drawn on
the evening -of -February 21st at a
draw will be a hooked mat.
will he held the third Monday of
each month at 8
Eilber’s 'Office. . The ladies of the
community are requested to attanrl
the sewing meetings every Wednes
day afternoon at 1.30 o’clock in
Mrs. Elizabeth Clark’s hall over the
Mr. C, Watts has returned, after
spending a few weeks with friends
in Windsor and Detroit.
Mrs. L. Isaac has returned to
her home after spending some time
with her sons, in Detroit and Wind
sor, ■ r
“MrsJE. Edighoffer and daughter
Donna are visiting with Mrs. Me*
The Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran
Church are having it Wilting in the
basement of the church on Wednes
day afternoon,
Mrs, Atkinson and daughter Jes
sie who have sold the creamery,
moved their household effects to
Guelph on Tuesday, where they in
tend to reside.
Mr, Curry of Clarksburg, who has
purchased the
ed to move to
The Ladies'
the Dashwood
•held their regular meeting at the
home of Mrs. G. Wildfpng, The De
votional exercises were in charge
of Mrs, A, Oestreicher’s group with
Msr, A. Oestreicher as chairlady.
Mrs. J. M, Tieman led: in the open
ing prayer after which the scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. V. Schatz.
A temperance reading was read by
Mrs. W, Wolfe. The 'chapter in the
’Study book "Women -of the Philli-
pines” was given by Mrs. Harold
Kellerman. Prayer for our . mission
aries was offered by Mrs. R. Miles.
A New Year’s reading was given by
Mrs. H. E. Roppel. A dialogue,
‘‘Open My Eyes”, was given by Mrs,
G, Link and Evelyn French,
business for the month was
transacted. The minutes of
previous meeting were read
th,eir adoption was
Mrs. J. M. Tieman.
man, convener of the
Committee, reported
out to our shut-in
friends. The Sunshine Committee
for the month are Mrs. G. Wildfong
and. Mrs. M. Haugh,. Our Self-Den
ial work is to, be observed the last
week in January. The Denomina
tional Day of Prayer is February 2
and the World’s Day of Prayer,
Feb, 28. The B'. Line and Grand
Bend Societies are meeting with
the Dashwood Society for the
World' Day of Prayer, There were
36 sick visits made during the
month and 26 dainties sent. ’The
annual election of officers is to be
held in March instead of January
as was formerly announced. The
next meeting will' be in charge of
Mrs. J. M. Tieman’s group. After
roll call and collection of fees, re
freshments were .served by the host
ess. ' '
creamery, is exp ect
town this week.
Aid and W.M.S. of
Evangelical Church
seconded by
Mrs. E. Tie-
Christmas Box
24 boxes sent
members and
Cook’s Hall,
Friday, January 24th
Admission 35c
The prize for the second
committee is to be Sidney
Mr. -Bill Geromette of Detroit
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Geromette.
Mr. and Mrs. Overholt of Zurich
spent Friday with the latter’s par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Mahoney.
Mr. Jack Morrissey spent the
week-end in Buffalo.
Mrs. Joe Dietrich spent Satur
day in London.
Mr. Jack
It is a girl.
Mrs, Paul
taking care
Geromette, who is still
Hall is .quite pleased.
Masse of Dashwood is
of her mother.
Wein, and H. K.
of the executive
O’clock in H. K.
. A $25.00 War savings Certificate
and 16 Cash Prizes will be given
away in the Times-Advocate sub
scription draw Feb. 15th. One
coupon given away with each fifty
cents paid. See advertisement On
another page.
Look at Your Label
The WyC.T.U., held their regular
meeting in the schoolroom of bhG.
United Church oh Thursday after
noon with. Miss Jean Murray pre
siding over the devotional, Which
opened by Singing “He Lethfetft
Mb”, followed by the Scripture read* #
ing, 1st Corinthians, Chapter AS, Ill
unison. After singing "i Can Hoar
My Saviour Calling”, a season nf
prayer Was led by Miss Martha Hiuti*
Rawed Hocks, White Rocks, White’
Leghorns, Brown Leghorns,
jersey Black Giants, New
Hampshire Beds
.Write er Phone for prices
Phene 38-3 Granton., Ont-
Miss Marjorie Parkinson of Zion
Spent the week-end with her par
Mrs, Harvey Squire visited re
cently for a few days With Mrs.
Jas. Anderson of Thames Road.
Service in the United Church was
withdrawn on
Miss Eunice
don visited on
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson.
Mrs, Geo. Squire, Mrs.' Wm.
Frenchy Mi’S# Wm. Morldy and Miss
SIVA Morley were -guests at the
Spence—-Hern Ntijitiais on Satur
day. ■':•,, • •
Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden of Exeter
spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
account of weather
Parkinson of Lon*
Thursday afternoon
Miss Mary Hanna of London
holidaying with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hiram Hanna. ‘
A number of village ladies met at
the home of Mrs. Russell Brock on
Thursday afternoon and quilted a
quilt for the Red Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross enter
tained 1'0 young married couples to
a euchre party Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall of
London spent the week-end with
Mr, I. N, Marshall.
Miss Marian Tufts, nurse-in
training at Stratford General Hospi
tal is holidaying with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts for the
next two weeks.
Mr, Gordon Burgin of London Was
a guest with his brother; Mr. G. H,
Burgin, over the week-end.
Dr. Morphy of New York Is holi
daying with Ms sister, Mrs, Wm,
Mrs. Jas, Gardiner, Sit, returned
home after spending the past two
months with Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Gardiner at Ottawa.
The contract for managing the
local rink and making the ice is
being done by some of the boys of
the village, and at time of writ
ing the ice was in perfect condi
tion. We wish them every success.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer spent
the week-end with their son,
Lloyd Sawyer, in Toronto.
The annual congregational meet
lug of the Centralia United Church
will be held in the’ schoolroom pf
the -church on Wednesday evening,
Gupper will he served by the Wo
men’s Association*
’jMA’Sa J, Brown of Dashwood vis
ited for a few days with her sister-
in-law, Mrs, M, Armstrong,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, who
have been caretakers of the school
for the past few years, have resign
ed and Mr.
have been
and Mrs, Steve Molnar
appointed In their
WHITE FISH t(Pjtawr) per lb . ,,.«47$
Winnipeg Winter
LAKE SUPERIOR HERRING, per lb.............,,................09c
epp FILLETS. M______.„■<48c
Exeter Frozen. FoodsPhone
w*MT. fif. Meeting
The Women’s Missionary Society
of Centralia United Church held its
December meeting and election of
officers at the -home of Mrs. Arth*
ur McFalls. The results of the elec
tion were as follows: Honorary Pre
sident, Mrs. John Essery; president,
Mrs. Wellington Skinner; 1st vice-
president, Mrs, F. Penwarden; 2nd
vice-president, Mrs. George Hicks;
recording secretary, Mrs. Falcon
bridge; assistant secretary, Mrs. W.
Baker; treasurer, Mrs. Lorne Hicks;
assistant treasurer, Mrs. Albert Mit
chell; corresponding secretary, Mrs,
H. iPowe; Christian Stewardship
and Finance, Mrs. Arthur McFalls,
pianist, Mrs. F. Pen warden; Baby
Band Superintendent, Mrs, R.
Smith; assistant' superintendent,
Mrs’. W. Skelton; Missionary Month
ly Secretary, Mrs. Byron Hicks;
Supply Secretary, Mrs, Murray El
liott; assistant supply secretary,
Mrs. George MeFalls; Associate
Helpers’ secretary, Mrs. Norman
Mitchell; assistant secretary, Mrs.
W. Bawden; temperance secretary,
Mrs. F. Bawden; community friend
ship secretary, Mrs. George Hicks;
assistants, Mrs. W. Baker and Mrs.
O. Skinner; press secretary, Mrs.
The January meeting of the soc
iety was held in the schoolroom of
the church on Tuesday afternoon,
January 14, 1941, with the new
president, Mrs. W. Skinner, in the
chair. The .meeting was opened by
singing the hymn “Standing at the
Portal of the Year”, followed by
some New Year’s resolutions about
what to do with our time, read by
the president. Mrs, Falconbiudge
sang a solo, "Oh Come to My Heart
Lord Jesus”. Psalm 19 was read.
Mrs. F, Bawden gave a very fine
reading and Mrs. H. Powe gave a”
Bible reading from the Missionary
Monthly on the theme foi* the
month which is “Finding the Way
of Life Through Bible Study. Mrs.
M. Elliott gave a New Year’s re
cipe for a very happy, profitable
New Year, (prayers were offered
for our missionaries in Japan and
for Christian work throughout the
world. The hymn “A Better Day
is Coming” was sung, after which
Mrs. Lqxne Hicks gave a reading
entitled “Lifters and Leaners”. The
roll call was answered by 16 mem
bers and 1 associate helper giving
a scripture passage suitable for
New Year’s.
tor present. .It was decided to have j a supper followed by a program in j
February. The annual reports were
given. $207.72 has been sent away I
in 19 40, The average attendance
was 17. Thirteen members took
the Missionary Monthly and there*
was one extra one to be passed
around. The community friendship
secretaries reported 20 visits, 7
treats, 12 telephone calls and 26
cards sent. It was decided to in
vite the congregation to attend the
World Day of Prayer service. Mrs.
Penwarden read a very fine mis
sionary article entitled “Holding
Your Hand”. One verse of the
hymn “Jesus Saves” was sung and
the president closed the meeting.
Miss Dorothy Johns has gpne to
Atwood where she will spend a
couple/of weeks’with her sister.
Mrs. Ered Long.
There was a small attendance at
Sunday* School on Sunday after
noon hut the morning service was
cancelled owing to the weather con
The W.M.S. Pot Luck Supper and
social evening was postponed frpm
Wednesday evening of last week to
Thursday evening of this week,
When, it is hoped, the roads will be
in better condition'.
Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Johns and
Mr. Wm. Johns visited with Mrs.
Fred Long In ListoWeJ on Tuesday.
The! executive of the Women’s
Association,., met recently and the
committees*,were appointed. The of
ficers and committees for 1941 are
as follows;. Pres,,. Miss Ruth Skin-
- . ••• ; ■■ f •
ner; vice-pres,, Mrs. Alvin Fym;
see., Mrs. John Delbridge; treas,,
Mrs, Harold Bell; pianists, Mi'S, F»
Horne and Mrs. Howard Johns;
singing lender, Mrs,
sewing comm., Mrs.
Mrs. Geo. Davis,
Johns, Mrs. DelmerHarold Bell; church comm., ..JHI
Hubert Heywood, Miss Dora Del-
bridge, Mrs, Wm. Routly, Mrs-
Freeman Hpme; floral comm., Mrs.
Wm. Routly, Mrs, Chas, Stephen,
Miss Mary Herdman, Miss Dora Del-
bridge, Mrs, W, H, Dickey; visiting
comm., Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Mrs,
Alvin Cooper, Mrs. Kenneth Johns,
Mrs. John Delbridge; social comm#,
Mrs. Hy. Murph. Mrs, Gilbert Johns,
Mrs, Alvin Cooper, Mrs, Mair, Mrs.
■Lloyd Johns; silver comm., Mrs.
Horace Delbridge. Miss Verda Kel*
lett, Mrs. John Brock; Board re
presentatives. Mrs, Alvin Pym and
Miss Ruth .Skinner.
H. Heywood; *
Garnet Johns,
Mrs, Howard
Skinner, Mrs.
Suit & Coat Sale
We offer this month a special 20 per cent discount on
our new stock of Men’s Suits Single and Double Breasted,
Splendid Patterns.
■ ? .______________________
i Clearing out a number of
Sizes, 30 to 36 $5.00 to $8.75 each
Sizes 36 ‘and. 38 As low as $3.50 to $8.75 each
See our line of well-assorted fresh groceries at popular prices
PASTRY FLOUR................................................. 24 lbs., 65c
POTATOES ..................................... per bag, $1.10
BLUE BOY COFFEE.................................................per lb., 37c
Frazer C. Brown, Crediton
There was one visi-
Mrs. Minnie Routly and Mrs. Pol
lock entertained Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Crago and Billy, Mr. jpd Mrs.
Frank Routly and Muriel of Kirk
ton and Mrs. Ruby Routly of Wood
ham at dinner on Wednesday of last
Mrs. Arnold Hern, Norina and
Betty visited with Miss Ada Hopkins
on Wednesday.
Mrs. C. Duffield of Kirkton is vis
iting with her sister, Mrs. Morley,
for a few days.
Miss Ada Hopkins visited with
Mrs. Routly and Mrs. Follock on
A pretty wedding' was solemnized
in the Mennonite Church, Zurich,
on Wednesday, January 15th, when
Miss Vera M. Ropp, eldest daugh
ter of Mrj and Mrs. Sam Ropp, of
near Kippen, became the bride of
Elam W., youngest son of Norman
and the late Mrs. .Shantz, -of Pres
ton. y__ :
charming in a street-length
of cyclamen-rose cord faille
and matching accessories,
bridesmaid was the bride’s
Miss Ina M. Ropp, dressed
"street-length gown of aqua green
crepe-backed satin. The grooms-
'man was Orv^l W., Shantz. broth
er of the groom. " Rev. Stenhen
•Peachey -officiated. Following the
ceremony a reception was held at
the home of the bride’s parents. Af
ter a short honeymoon Mr. and
Mrs. Shantz will take ,up residence
near Hensail, Ontario. The bride
and groom have the best wishes of
a host of friends for their future
The many friends of Mr. Arthur
Ricker will be pleased to learn he
is able to be up again after his re
cent illness.
and Mrs. John Coc|hran£|
Ontario. The bride looked
in a
spent a day in Clinton recently.
Rev. and Mrs. Chandler ' enter
tained the managers and their wiv
es to dinner at the Manse on Friday
Fire broae out in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis one day
last week but was noticed before
it gained much headway and was
extinguished before much damage
was done.
The many friends of Mr...Robert
Jarrott will be sorry to learn he is
confined to his room with an 'at
tack of influenza.
Owing to the week-end storm
many of the back roads are im
passable for cars.
The community auction sale man- •
aged by P. Eisenbach and B. Holt
was a big success, the proceeds
amounting to $753.00. W. H. Smith
was the auctioneer. The commun
ity hopes that in the near future
there will be another sale.
has been
and Mrs.
Mr, J. Trevethick who
visiting with his son, Mr.
Garnet Trevethick of St.
has returned home.
There was no > service in the Un
ited Church last Sunday. Mr. Tur**
ner was delayed on account of the
condition of the roads,
The Young Feople’s Society of the
United Church held a progressive
cfoquinolo’ party instead of their re
gular meeting last Tuesday night,
The meeting of ...the McGillivray
W.I. was held on Wednesday after
noon last. Mr. Robert MpCubbin,
M.F., addressed the ladies oh “The
Life of a Member of 'Parliament
While in Ottawa.”
The farmers are busy threshing
beans these days.
A number of. relatives attended
the funeral of Mrs. Hubert Hodgins
of Granton last week.
Flour stocks in Canada in Oc
tober this year totalled' 1,183,551
barrels compared with 9'40,505 bar
rels in October 1939,
To Be Sold
to the bare walls
Watch for Handbills and Further Particulars
Merchandise Priced at Less than Manufacturers Cost
for a Quick Cash-Raising- Event