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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-16, Page 8
u'lmisnw, jAsrAin- »»,THE EXETER TIMEg-APVOCATE w sss V’s Beauty Shoppe Spiral Croquinole and Coxublnatioa Pmuixnents , Bveuiqgs. toy Appointment 'Phone 112 WM & DECHER-* Markets Wheat for Wheat Board, 53^c. New Wheat, 70c Creamery Rutter*. 39c Eggs, A Large. 2ie Eg^, Medium, I9e Eggs, B, 15e Dressed Hogs* ? 10.35 BIMG0I THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 th Canadia.i Legion Building Main street, Exeter 15 Rounds The Exeter Dions Club will eeje* brute .their anniversary by holding Ladies’ Night at the Central Hotel Friday evening of this week. Dis trict Governor Charles Bennett, of Paris will make his official visit Choice Door Prize Chickens and Hams Admission 25c NOTICE The A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a euchre on Mon day evening, January 20th, in the parish hall. Admission, 25c. Gopd prices, including door prfee. Every body welcome. Quality •i 1 Meats Marion Pooley Beauty Shop Exeter Phone 245 NOTICE—A few half or quarter .shares in the Fairfield beef ring are available, please notify with the next ten days. E. J. Shapton, President; H. May, Sec.-treas Anyone interested STRAYED onto Lot 16, Conces sion 5, Hay Township, about the end of Sept., one cattle beast, Owner may have same by proving property and, paying expenses. A. B, Bell, R.R. 2, Kippen. 1-9-3tp .FARMS FOR SALE—Fifty acres, house, bank barn, well located. Very easy terms. Several othei* farms. Acreage with comfortable home and henhouses. C. V. Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter. ■WANTED—A position as nurse or plain cook. Apply at the Times- Advocate. 2tp. STORES, Dwellings, garage, saw mill. woodwork shop and farms, large and small, W. C, Pearce, Exeter Rubber Boots with insoles Wright’s, $1.70. t IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St, I i SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER at THE CENTRAL HOTEL Dinner Served from 12.30 to 2 1 5.30 to 7 o’clock Pi'ice 75c Central Coffee Shoppe Open every Saturday from 7 to LOCALS w Mrs. N. W. Trewartha of Clintop, visited with Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Monday. Mrs, Walter Evans, of Walland, was th© guest of Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. Gladman over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biatchford of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Squire on Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Messer of Toronto has been visiting for a week with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Hor ton. Mrs. to her bed. Tuesday tended the Real Estate Board of which he is a member. Two good addresses and installation of officers fea tured this month’s meeting. Horton is still confined night W. C. Pearce at- meeting of the London at/ FOR RENT—House; three bed rooms. hardwood floors, and all conveniences. Garage. Well locat ed. Possession, Feb. 1. C. V. Pick ard, Phone 165. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house, two-storey, over acre of land. Immediate deed. Right price for quick sale. Apply to W. Morley or R. N- Creech. J. HOUSES FOR SALE—Several comfortable homes in Exeter and surrounding villages. Range of prices. Good values. C. V, Pickard, phone 165 FOR -SALE—Will sell privately, for cash, the following used art icles: Kitchen Cabinet, 3-piece ma hogany finish living room suite, 1 mahogany Rocker, 1 Bedroom ; Washstand, 1 Porch Rocker, elec tric Rangette, 3-burner oil stove, small kitchen Work Table, man’s black fur Overcoat, stable lantern, galvanized wash tub, large rain barrel, large feed box and barrel, quantity of used waxed and white building paper, wash Toom mirror, large sized willow clothes basket Ed Beaver, Creditor,. CASH FOR FOX HORSES AND DEAD ANIMALS1—Two hour ser vice, day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47 r 15, collect. Jack Williams. 12-16-4tc . ANNUAL MEETING 8 EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting’ of the Exe ter Agricultural Society will be held In the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thurs day, January 23rd, 1941, at 2 ■ o’clock p.m,, for the purpose of re ceiving reports, election of officei’s and the transacting of any other business in the interests of the so ciety. A meeting of the directors Will be held at 1.30 o’clock pan. Wat Coates, President Clark Fisher, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Kirk ton Agricultural Society will be held in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, Wednesday, January 22nd, 1941, at 2 o’clock. Election Of officers and other business which may come before the board. John Berry, President Hugh Berry* Sec.-Treas. Woodham, Ont. METING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council Will be held, in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 21st, at 2 p.m. Ail accounts, notices of deputa tions and other business requir ing the attention of Council should in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 18th, N. W. MIMM County Cierit, Goderich, ont and 12 A 525.00 War Savings certificate and 16 Cash Prizes will be given away in the Times-Advocate sub scription draw Feb. 15th. One coupon given away with each fifty cents paid. See advertisement on another page. BIRTHDAY BARTY Last Friday afternoon a surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Westcott for her daughter, Dor is, who was* celebrating her twelfth birthday. A numbei* of hei* schopl chums and friends gathered foi* sup per after which games were enjoy ed by all. H. O, Dayman, of Hensall, Tuesday afternoon with in Exeter. Fred Hatter, Jr., of Blyth, J. Beer spent with Mr. and Bierling and are spending a i I The Thames Road Farmers’ Club ■ held their annual meeting at the j home of Mr. H. Rhode. The busi- 1 ness of the club has been growing i each year. The turnover last year j was a little over $13,>000.00 as com- 5 pared with $69*00 in 1938. Edgar Monteith was reelected president and P. Passmore, secretary-treas urer. The directors are R. Wil liams. Ray Cottle, Jas, Cottle and Jos. Ferguson. Trivitt W.’A. Mrs. Warren Sanders is spending this week in Toronto. Mr. W. J. Beer spent last week in Windsor with Rev. W. B. and Mrs. Cunningham. Mrs. spent friends Mrs. is visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs. K. J. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sunday in London Mrs. W. L. Werner. Messrs. Andrew Clarence McDonald few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts of London, formerly of Port Arthur, visited with Mrs. T. McCurdy on Sunday. Mr. R. N. Rowe and Mr. Robt. Dinney attended the furniture show last week in Stratford and Kitchener. Mrs. Sid. Sanders, who has been confined to her bed under the doc tor’s care, for the past two weeks, is considerably improved. Mr. A. R. Tomlinson has received word that his father, Mr. H. Tom linson. of Fort William, is recov ering after his serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and ; Donald and Mac of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of Lon don spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dellow of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton and also visited in London with Mr Thomas Appleton- Mrs. Witmer, of London, receiv- ed a cablegram from her husband. Gunner Ronald Witmer, saying he arrived safely in England on Jan. 2 He is a former Exeter boy. Mrs. N. Baker has just received word of the sudden death of Mr. James Delgaty, of Gilbert Plains, Man., a former resident of Cen tralia. He was in his 82nd year. At the James St. Sunday School Sunday afternoon a number of prizes and certificates were given out to the scholars Who wrote on the recent temperance study papers. Mrs. W. F. Abbott left this week for Taber, Alberta, where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Arto Delve. On her way but she will visit with her Windsor- Mr. Harry Hoffman, Wood, Sang two solos in United Church on Sunday, He also sang a duet with, Mr. Goulding at the afternoon service in the Sun day School. Mr, Kent and Miss Grace Christie of Woodstock spent Sunday with MA and Mrs. Chris Luker. Mrs. Kent* who lias been visiting, re turned home with them* Miss Amelia Acheson is having the dining-room of tile Central Ho tel enlarged partition has the room is redecorated. Messrs, Gordon May, Allan West cott, Earl Heywood and Gerald Cor nish left the latter part of last week for Chatham where they will go into training for a .month* The W.A, of Trivitt Memorial Church met in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening with a fail* atten dance. The meeting opened with a hymn and the Litany and pray- Mrs. Ferguson gave the scrip- was called last meet- Mrs. Bier- were nom- meet the " other church committees to ar range for the World Day of Pray er on February 28th. It was decid ed that the W.A, would hold their usual pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 25th. Plans were discussed for arranging the work for this year. Mrs. Bierling read the Christmas message from the Primate. Mrs, Heywood read an item on the New Year. Mrs. Middle ton read a part of the study book. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. f ers. jI ture reading. The roll I and. the minutes of the | ing read and adopted. I ling’ and Mrs. Ferguson j xnated a committee to 1 1 1 J Age of Advertising ■ This is an age of advertising. People are no longer wandering through the woods trying to find a mousetrap maker. Do you know of any success that has not been advertised intelligent ly? You know of plenty of failures that have lacked proper advertis ing. And what is true of the business proposition is equally true with re ference to a personality or a pro fession. Without proper without intelligent advertising, great artist would attract about much attention as another fly in a boarding house kitchen. propaganda -— a as sister in of Dash- James St. and redecorated. A been taken down and being repapered and Reduced Prices iiiiiiinitniiniiiiHiHiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiJininiinniniiU Bros Maili St. Mission Sand I People closed after • cleft *»• CAVEN ^SBYTRRIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., Minister Mrs. j. Q, CoClix’ane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Al a.m.—’Public Worship. Sermon: “Rep entente and Remission". 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Sermon: “Fire in our Bones'*. Thursday, Jan. 16—Regular meet ing of W.M.S. at home of Miss Jeckell at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26—Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Monday, Jan. 27—Annual Congre gational meeting, preceded by ppt luck supper at 6.30 p.m* MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval J. Woods M.A. Mrs. N. J, Dore Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The Minister -Sunday School , -The Minister. 7.30* p.m. 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Thursday, 7.30* p.m. — Midweek meeting of Prayer and Bible Study. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, zlrtlxur Page IV. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader —The Minister. -Church School -The Minister. -Y.P. Union atm,-11 3 p.m,- 7 p.m.* Tuesday, 8 p.m.- Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday, 3 p.m.—War Service Unit. Friday, 8 p.m.—Annual Meeting of the Bible Class. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir' Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday after Epiphany 10j a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—-Sunday School -patriotic Service.1£ 7 p.m.-! Anthem: “Near to the Heart of i God”. Solo: “Spirit of God.” I Miss Senior. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Intercession and Prayer Service. Wednesday, ,Jan. 22nd, 8 pun.— Annual Vesti*y meeting will be held in the parish Hall. Watch 'Wright’s store this week and next. Caven Congregational Circle The regular meeting of Caven Congregational Circle was held at the home of Miss Jeckell on Tues day afternoon last with a good at tendance. The meeting opened with Hymn 69 5,_ Mrs. Hatter read the Scripture lesson, followed by. pray er. Hymn 697 was sung and the roll call was answered. The roll call for next month Will be “Mv Favorite Kind of Housework”. 'It was decided to have a Plunket din ner in April. The following com mittees were then appointed: En velopes, Mrs. Whyte; lunch, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Kydd, Mrs. Sillery; program, Mrs. Moir, Mrs. Billon; hostess, Mrs. Billon. The Red Cross meeting will be held at the home qf Mrs, Gladman on the 29th of Jan uary. The meeting was then fa vored with a talk from Mrs. Lay- ton on a trip to England, which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Mason then read a chapter from “The Sky Pi lot” on the Ladies’ Aid, which was also greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Pol len moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and those who took part in the program. The meeting with “God Save the King” which lunch was served. e are offering our coats and dresses at reduced prices.- t Specials STAMPED MATS In a range of designs Size 20 inches by 36 inches at. Size 28 inches by 45 inches at ., Size 30 inches by 54 inches at . . .35c 60c 75c SUB STANDARD HOSE In Chiffon and Service weights, in the most wanted shades. A good value at per paix* 69c. PRINTS In plaid and floral patterns, in a wide variety of colours at per yard 20c. 25c. 30c. STRIPED FLANNELETTE A yard wide and of a quality splendid for children’s clothing and quilt linings at per yard 22c. COTTON Our cotton bats come comforter weights 40c and 50c BATS in both quilt and at per pound 2 pounds 75c TERRY TOWELLINGS We offer four qualities that are splendid value at per yard 25c. 30c. 35c.20c. COOKING BEANS Choice White 0 ll)s*> » • • « • « 2Sc SOAP Reduced Price Lifebuoy 2 cakes .... 13c BUTTER Choice Dairy 1 lb. ...... 33c CORNFLAKES Kellogg’s 3 boxes .... 25c glass tumbler free SHORTENING Domestic 2 1-lb. pkgs .. 25c CORN Aylmer White 3 large cans .. 25c MACARONI Quaker 2 boxes.............25c HEINZ SOUP Tomato 3 cans . . ... 25c RINSO 1 box...............21c ARE YOU RUPTURED? Did You Evex* Buy a -Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t * Happen Here are Propei’Iy Fitted by anYou Experienced fitter in our Private Truss Rooxn and Protected by a , Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter A complete up-to-date Men’s Furnishings including ... Permanents Tulip Oil Permanent for Tomlinson’s 83 THIS WEEK ONLY $5?5O James St. Y.P.U H The James Street Young held their * January meeting -on Monday the 13th. The meeting op ened with the use of hymn “Faith Of dur Fathers”, which was fol lowed by the Lord’s prayer; Psalm 90 was read responsively. A mis sionary letter was read'* by Helen Buswell and a story entitled “Visi tors’ Sunday” by Helen Westcott. Laurene 'Beavers gave a ‘‘New- Year’s” reading. “All the Way My Saviottr Leads Me” Wag then sung. Rev. Page presided over the fol lowing election of officers for 1941: Hon. Presidents, Rev. J. W» Down, Her. A. Page; pres.,' Allan Richards; vice-pres., Irene Sweet; pianist, Ruth Brown; asst, pianist, Ola Reid; see., Helen Westcott: asst. Sec,, Lois Clarke; treas., Het ty Coates; Christian fellowship, Iva Fisher; asst, C.F., Alma Richards: Christian missions, Helen Buswell; •asst. C.M., Hazel Jones; Christian citizenship, Gerald MeFalls; asst, 0,0., Josie Ketsiake; Christian cul ture, Jessie Montieth; asst,, Helen Smith; recreation, Hasel Woodall, Ivan Perkins, Alvin Rowe, Vera Decker, Ardys McFalis. The meet ing was closed with the singing of “God Save the King” and the Miz pah benediction. The Murray Mission Band meet ing was held on Monday in the pri mary room with a good attendance, the president, Patti Balkwill in the Chair. The meeting opened with Singing, the Mission Band purpose and prayer and the Lord’s prayer in unison. It being the first meeting in the New Year business and plans took considerable time. A copper contest led by Paul Balk will and Jack McKnight was ex plained. Twehty “World Friends” were ordered for 1941. The follow ing are the officers for 1941: Paul Balkwill; 1st vice-pres. na Cornish"; recording sec., Heyman; corresponding sec. Snell; treas., Evelyn Waring; sec.,* Geneva Elliott; temperance sec., Jack McKnight; pianist, Bar bara Harness; World Friends, Mar ion Webber; Mite Box sec., Bonnie Smith; Watch Tower Heralds, In dia, Pearl Kirk, Africa, Marion Woods, China, Gordon Kirk. Korea. Emily Wildman, Japan, Maxine Mc Donald, Trinidad, Home Missions, Hymn Book sec., Gilbert Witmer; Hopper and Mary McKnight. aid Marion Woods gave a letter from Lois Jean Collins of Angola. Africa. A Temperance reading was given by Donna Cornish on “The Spider and the Fly”, Hymn 418, “When He Cometh” was then sung and ’'God Save Our King”, after which Mrs. prayer. OU Pres,, , Don- Vjerna Jean press Alma Ry-ckman; Glaire Balk will; Donald Kirk and Offering, Joah Her- 0. Johns closed The next meeting will Monday, Jan. 2?th. Look at Your Label iii ha Men’s Suits and Overcoats Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Mufflers, Underwear, Socks, etc W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER. ONT. Main St. W.M.S. The tegular M. S. was held Henry Anderson With a good at tendance and the president, Mrs. Penrose, in the chair, The meet ing was opened by hymn “Oh Je*- sus I Have Promised”, then prayer and a New Year message which Ivo give in part. “May it be a year of prayer.” ?A doctoi* speaking before the British Medical Association re cently said: ‘‘The best medicine Which my practice has discovered is prayer. The exercise of prayer in those who habitually practise it must be regarded ns the most ade quate and normal of all the pacifi ers of the mind and calmers of the nerves, As one whose whole life has been concerned with the suf ferings of the mind, I would state that, of al! the hygienic measures to counteract disturbed sleep, de* pression of spirits dhd all the htb man miserable sequels of a depress ed mind I would undoubtedly give meeting; of the W. at the home of Mrs, the first place to the simple habit of prayer. Such a habit does more to quiet the spirit and strengthen the soul to overcome mere inci dental emotionalism than any ether therapeutic agency known to me. During the business session cards and letters were read from shut-in members who were remembered during the Christmas season. The subject, Japan, (about Rev. and Mrs. Norman, whose lives as Can adian missionaries influenced Ja panese far and wide) was taken by Mrs. Medd. Mrs. Dayton also spoke on two Japanese women, who through the full surrender of their lives In their home life and neigh borhood wielded a great influence and spread the Christian truths they had been taught in out mission schools. Worship service was then led by Mrs, Woods, Scripture tOS- a°n by Mrs, Campbell, prayer by Mrs, Jaques, hymn and closing prayer for our missionary—<Miss Marjorie MUlar of Africa*