HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-16, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TUCH.SOAY, JAXfAltY 1040
I Coming to Hensail
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the, purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those . that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensail
for appointment
Mr. Carl Passmore made a busi
ness trip 'to Toronto this week.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir vis
ited with relatives in Toronto this
Mr. Joseph Hagan left lapt week
for Florida, where he will spend the
winter months.
Miss [Alice ‘Pfaff left this week
for Toronto where she will visit
with Miss Emalie Morrison.
Mrs. iLloyd Hudson or st. Marys
is spending several days with her
aunt, Mrs. Nelson Blatchford.
We regret to hear that Mr. Bert
Riley is quite ill. His many friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Frank Coleman, who has
been ill at his home here is some
what improved at date of writing.
The many friends of little Har
old Ford regret to hear ,he is still
quite ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
The annual congregational meet
ing of Carmel Presbyterian Church
will be held on Monday evening.
Jan. 20th.
Rev. Wm, Weir conducted ser
vices in the Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday and the choir
sang two anthems.
Ml’S. Matthews and two little
girls of Portage la Prairie were the
guests of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir
during the past week'.
Mrs. 'George Brown and daugh
ter, Mrs. John Wilson of Stratford
attended the funeral of the late Mr.
Nelson Blatchford on Saturday.
Miss Marie Miller, Windsor spent
the past week with relatives here,
coming here owing to the illness
and death of her uncle, the late Mr.
Nelson Blatchford.
Mr. George Miners of London
was in town on’ Saturday, coming
here to attend the funeral of the
late Mr. Albert F. Whitesides, high
county constable for Waterloo coun
ty, and a former resident of Heu-
■Communion service was held in
the United Church on Sunday
morning, conducted by Rev. R, A.
Brook. The choir sang an anthem
entitled “God is Love” and at the
evening service the choir sang “Re
joice Ye Pure in Heart”.
Young People’s Uii\ion
The Young People’s Union met
on Monday evening, the program be
ing in charge of Miss Elva McQueen
and Howard Love. It was the Mis
sionary meeting and Mr. Carrey
Joynt very ably gave the topic. Miss
Edna Saundercock gave a reading
and Miss Ellen Love played a piano
instrumental. Following the pro
gram games were played under the
direction of Miss Gladys McKenzie.
Prayer Services Held'
It being the week of prayer, spe
cial services were held last week on
Wednesday evening in 'Carmel Pres
byterian Church when (Rev. R. !A.,
Brook of’ the United Church de
livered a very inspiring discourse
Mrs. J. W. B'onthron sang a pleas
ing solo entitled “The Beautiful
Garden of Prayer”. On Thursday
evening the service was held in the
TJhited Church when Rev. Wm.
Weir of Carmel Presbyterian
Church delivered the special mes
sage, which was very inspiring.
The choir sang an anthem entitled
“Hear Tliou My Prayer.”
Young People Meet
The regular meeting of ’ the
Young People of Carmel Church
was held on Monday evening with
Miss Irene Hoggarth presiding and
opened by singing “Tell Me the
Old, Old Story”, after which Mrs,
Melvin Moil’ led in prayer. Miss
Maxine Purdy read the Scripture
lesson and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall
favored with a piano instrumental.
It being missionary meeting, Mr.
James Mustard, Jr., gave the topic
on “India as it Stands Today”. The
meeting closed by singing “Come
Let Us Sing of a Wonderful iLove”
and the benediction.
Oiioir Bapquctcd
The choir members of Carmel
Drosbyterian dhurch were tendered
a sumptuous banquet in the
schoolroom of the church at 6.30
on Friday evening by the Women’s
Association of the church. The
tables Wei’e beautifully decorated
with red candles and matching
flowers and decorations. . Follow-
ing the banquet Mr. W, A. Mac-
Haren, choir leader, expressed/ in
a brief address, thanks to the la
dies for the banquet. Rev. Weir in
a short address seconded the mo
tion, to wjilch Mrs. Frank Farqu-
Bingo & Banco
Sponsored by Canadian Jtagkm
8.30 sharp
Proceeds in aid. of Red Cross, War
Service Committee and Legion
General Admission 35c
har, president of the Women's As
sociation, replied. Messrs. James
Mustard, Jr., and James Patterson
were called upon by the chairman,
Mr. W. A. MacLaren. Both re
plied with brief addresses. Mrs.
Malcolm ‘Dougall gave a Scotch
reading and Miss Margaret Dou
gall. played a piano solo. A sing
song concluded the program led by
Rev. Weir with Mrs, J. W. Bon-
thron and Miss Irene Hoggarth as
accompanists, All joined in sing
ing “Auld Lang Syne”.
W.M.S. Meets
The first meeting of the year of
the W.M.S. pf Carmel Presbyter
ian Church was held on Thursday
afternoon with the President, Mrs.
C. Hudson, presiding and opened
with the call to worship after
which Mrs. Hudson led in prayer.
Hymn “All the Way My ‘Saviour
Leads Me” was sung and Miss Min
nie Reid read the Scripture, Matt.
6. The minptes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted and
the roll call answered with “Pray
er”. The business was discussed
and the executive will meet at- the
manse'on Wednesday afternoon to
arrange the programs for the year.
Miss Reid read the allocation for
Jhe bail. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron fa
vored with a pleasing solo entitled,
“More Like Thee, O Father”. ' A
very pleasant feature of the pro
gram was the presentation of' a
Life Membership certificate to Mrs.
(Rev.). Weir. Mrs. Jas. Patterson
read the address and Mrs. Hannah
Workman presented the certificate.
After singing “Standing at the Por
tal” Mrs. C. .Hudson gave the re
port of the Huron Presbyterial held
in Clinton on January 8th. Mr".
Weir read from. First Corinthians.
17th chapter. Mrs. C. Hudson gave
the topic entitled ‘'Go Forward”,
which was most interesting. This
was followed with a season of pray
er led by Mrs. Manson, Mrs. Work
man and Mrs. Logan. After sing
ing “Breath on Me, Breath of God”,.
the meeting- closed by repeating the
Lord’s prayer in unison.
' United Church- W.A., Elect
The annual meeting of the Wo
men’s Association of the United
Church was held on 'Friday after
noon, January 10 th, at 3 p.m. with
the president, Mrs'. James McAl
lister presiding. The meeting op
ened by singing “Take My Life and
Let it Be”. Rev. R. A. Brook pre
sided over the election of officers
which resulted as follows: Hon.
Pres., Mrs. S. Merner; pres., Mrs.
Jas. McAllister; 1st vice-pres., Mrs.
Eric Kennedy; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs.
Harry Horton; sec., Mrs. T. J.
Sherritt; treas., Mrs. I. G. Smillie;.
group leaders, Mrs. Victor Fee.
Mrs. Edgar McQueen, Mrs. Carl
Passmore and Mrs. Grace Harpolo;
flower comm., Miss Florence Welsh,
Mrs. Walter . Spencer, Mrs. Peter
McNaughton and Mrs. Kenneth
Hicks. Miss Florence Welsh fav
ored with a piano solo. Mrs, Red
den and Mrs. Hess sang a duet, en
titled “The Beautiful City of God”
and Mr. Carrey Joynt sang a solo
entitled “Still as the Night” with
Miss Florence Welsh, accompanist.
Miss Mattie Ellis gave- a splendid
address on Huron County. The pro
gram concluded by singing “God
Save the King”, after which lunch
was served.
The Late'Nelson Blatchford
Mr. ^-Nelson Blatchiford passed1
away at his home here on Thursday
morning in his 65 th year following
a lengthy illness. A' son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatch
ford, the deceased was born here,
spending most of his life here with
the exception of a few years spent
in North Dakota. Surviving are
his Widow, formerly Miss Annie
Rappie, two brothers, James, of
Vancouver, B,C., and Wellington,
of London and three sisters, Mrs.
Chas. Jinks, Hensail, M^s. Alice
Peterson, Rapid City, South Dakota
and Mrs. C. Holly Of Virginia.
•A private funeral service was
held from the late residence a^t 1.30
p.im. on Saturday conducted by
Rev. R. A. Brook. Mrs. Hedden
and Mrs. Hess sang by request ‘‘The
Old Rugged Cross”. Miss Greta
Lammie accompanied. The floral
tributes were very beautiful, show
ing the esteem in Which the de
ceased was held. Interment was
made in Hensall Union Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Messrs. Mer-
vyn Brown, Thos. Welsh, J. C. Bell,
Gfio. Follick. Harry Howard and
J, B. Forest. Those attending the
funeral from a distance* were Mr.
and Mrs. W. I-I, Glenn, Toronto, Mr
A, P. Glenn, Now Toronto; Mrs. W.
Halliday, Port Credit; Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Hudson, St. Marys; Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. Sherritt, Hamilton:
Mr. aiid Mrs. Finlayson, Seaforth;
Miss Mario Miller and Mr, Jack
Foulds, Windsor; Mrs. Hawk, Clin
ton; Mr. David Papplp, Seaforth;
Mrs. G. Brown and Mrs. J. Wilson,
Presentation Made at Institute
The Senior Women's Institute
was held at the home of Mrs. Garnet
Case on Wednesday . evening with
Mrs. E. L. Mickle as co-hostess.
Miss Seryl Pfaff, president, presid
ed, following the opening exercises
the roll call was answered with the
name of a township in Huron Coun
ty, Miss Mabel Workman gave an
interesting demonstration on the
products of Huron. Miss Mattie EL
lis was the special speaker and
gave a fine address on “Huron
County”. The motto, “Life is Like
a Garden, it bear the fruit yon
sow”, was prepared by Mrs. Weir
and was very interesting. Billy and
Betty Mickle played a piano duet.
A very pleasant feature of the
program was the presentation of a
bank book to Charles Mickle, in
fant son of Mr, and Mrs. E. L.
Mickle. Miss Beryl Pfaff present-
the bank book and also the follow
ing address:
To Charles Thomas Mickle:
We 'issue a welcome to Baby
Charles, the third member of our
Institute 'Baby Band. The num
ber of members in this baby band
is small, as are also the members
themselves, but these two faults, if
they may be so called, will both he
cured with time, we feel confident.
We are glad to have Baby Charles
belong to our group of happy,
healthy babies, and our sincere
wish is that as he travels through
life he- may continue to be blessed
with health and happiness, as we
all know that for this a -certain
amount of this world’s goods is ne
cessary, it gives me great pleasure
to present this bank book with the
hope that the nest egg it represents
may grow with the years to come,”
Refreshments were served at the
Mrs. Earl Stephens and little son
of Anderson spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodge.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Rea and daugh
ter Goldie were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Near.
Quite a number from this district
attended the farmers’ conference at
London this past week.
A ^number of young people went
to Mitchell Saturday night for skat
Meld Annual Supper
The annual meeting of the Kirk
ton United Church was held on
Wednesday evening. This took the
form of a pot luck supper at which
some 7'0 attended. After the sup
per hour Rev. Rapson read the
Scripture lesson based on prayer.
Dr. G. H. Jose acted as secretary
and gave a full report of the work
of the church. There were also re
ports from the Sunday School.
W.M.S. and others. In all this was
a very fine1 evening well spent.
W.M.S. and W.A.
At the regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Missionary Auxiliary of the
Kirkton United Church on Thurs
day reports for the year 1940 were
given by the secretaries of the dif
ferent departments. The treasurer’s
report showed an increase over last
year. Mrs. C. Routly’s groiip had
charge of the meeting.
The meeting of the W. A. fol
lowed. Mrs. Denham read the an
nual report which showed that
$12i&.00 had been raised. A special
collection was taken for the Red
Cross and the ladies are working
in groups to do Red Cross work.
A $25.00 War Savings certificate
and 16 Cash Prizes will be given
away in the Times-Advocate sub
scription draw Feb. 15 th. One
coupon given away with each fifty
cents paid. See advertisement on
another page.
Mr. Austin McKeever has secur
ed employment in Toronto.
We are sorry to report that. Mrs.
Dave Geromette is on the sick list.-
Hei’ many friends hope fox’ a speedy
Miss M. Williams has returned
after spending a, few weeks with
friends in Toronto.
Miss Reta Masse of 'Dashwood
spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. H. Carey. *
Mr. Gordon McKeever is all
smiles. Its a hoy.
Mr. James Dalton Sr., attended
the funeral of the late E. Dean of
Goderich last week,
Mr. Tom Ryan has left for
Chatham Where he will put in his
months training.
Miss Mary Glavin has returned
from Detroit after spending a
couple of weeks with her sister,
Mrs. A, McDonald.
Mr, Behny Morrissey spent the
week-end in Toronto.
Miss Geraldine Harness of
Stratford spent Wednesday with her
grandmother, Mrs. McPhee.
■Little Betty Jane Dalton has
been on the sick list for the past
week, ‘ '
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Ryan of
Detroit visited with relatives here.
|Mi\ Gerald Regan has secured
employment in Aylmer.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Barcliff pf Clin
ton were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Addison Tiernan. /
Miss Beta Fleischauei’ of Zui’ieh
visited with her sister, Mrs, Tyler,
last week.
Mr. Gllfillan attended the butter-
ttiakers* convention in Woodstock
•last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Goetz visit
ed friends in Thedford on Sunday
Mr. Henry Krueger is visiting
with hjs daughters in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Nadiger spent
a few days in Exeter last week,
Mr. Wilfred Stein and Miss Lois
Atkinson of Galt spent the week
end with her mother, Mrs. Atkin
son and Jessie.
The funeral of Robert Gordon,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Bender was held from the family
residence Thursday afternoon of
last week conducted by Rev. Rop-
pel and assisted by Rev. Mr. Peach
ey. Harry Hpffman and Mrs. M,
Tieman sang a duet and'Mr. Hoff
man a solo. The floral tributes
were very beautiful. The bearers
were Robt. Haugh, Grant Wildfong,
Jack .Ford and Paul Peachey. In
terment was in the Goshen Line
Shower for Bride Elect
On’ Friday evening a kitchen
shower was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl in honor
of Miss Margaret Hern, bride-elect
of this month. Miss Mary Earl led
Margaret to a chair prettily decor
ated in pink and White and Miss
Marjorie Earl played the wedding
march. There was a short program
opened by singing the National An
them. Mrs. Warren Brock gave a
reading followed by a guitar solo by
Mrs. Thomas Hern. Miss Mary
Earl and Mrs. Edgar Baker played
a piano duet after which Miss Alma
Ratz gave a reading. Miss Hazel
Hern then sang a solo. Mrs. Wil
liam French gave a reading, Mrs.,
George Brock played an instrumen
tal, followed by a reading by Miss
Anna Brock, after which the Happy
Five sang. The following address
was read by Miss Jean Brock:
We, the Zion ladies’ have as
sembled here this evening to cele
brate and rejoice with you on your
approaching marriage. Great days
and great friends are few in the
lives of most of us but we feel that
your wedding day—the greatest,
day of all your days, merits a gath
ering such as this. You have grown
up with us and we feel yoii are part
of us. As you have emerged from
childhood, through young girlhood
and school days we have been
proud of you as a major product of
our community. We will ever re
member youi’ kindly disposition,
your winsome smile, your careful
guidance of our little children in
the Sunday School, your, friendship
and help in the work of the Mission
Circle, Young People’s and choir.
We regret more than words can
tell that it is imperative that you
leave our church and community,
but many times we anticipate hav
ing you with us and to be encour
aged still further by your kiudly
good fellowship.
I So we avail ourselves of the op
portunity which this happy occa
sion affords to assure yon of ou”
deep appreciation of your splendid
worth to the community and
church. We ‘wish to congratulate
your husband and to extend to you
both our sincerest wishes for a
long united life of happiness and
So, Margaret, we ask you to ac
cept these gifts and as you daily
use them may they ever remind you
of the love and good will of the Zion
After Margaret had unwrapped
her many lovely gifts everyone took
part in contests and lunch was serv<
W.M.S. Meets
The January meeting of the
W.M.S. was held at the home of
j Mrs. James Earl. The president,
I Mrs. Wellington Brock, had charge
1 of the meeting which was opened
with hymn 341, followed by prayer
in unison. The roll call was ans
wered by 1,4 members. It Was mov
ed that the Society have its social
evening in March in the school.
Hymn 297 was sung and’Mrs. War
ren Brock led in prayer, after which
poems were read by Miss Margaret
Hern and Mrs. Wellington Brock.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. J. T. Hern. The study book
was taken by Mrs. Wellington
Brock. Mrs. Melville Hern gave a
reading and Miss Marjory Earl fa
vored with a piano solo. A poem
Was read by Mrs. Edgar Baker and
Hymn 131 was sung. Mrs. John
Johns closed the meeting with pray
The Zion Mission Circle will hold
their monthly meeting on Sunday
morning, Jan. 19th, at 1'0 a.m. at
the home of Miss Jean Brock.
Mr. Robert Flooi’ visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl.
Mr, Allen Jacques had the mis
fortune to crack several ribs. We
hope ho is better soon.
Mrs. George Earl of Exeter vis
ited with her daughter, Mrs. Nor
man Brock.
A number from the community
Were Skating on .Saturday night.
During Jftuu&ry, February and
March the stores of the village, shall
remain closed on Tuesday evening
of each week.
,Mr, Wm. Gaiser returned hoxne
after spending a few days in To
We regret te report that Mr.
: Thes. Txevetlxick is on the sick list.
We bepe fer a speedy recovery,
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Louise Schwarts is improving after
her recent illness,
’ Mr, Maurice Beaver broke his leg
at the angle yesterday, when he tell
off a wagon. Dr. Taylor, of Dash
wood, was called, and had the leg
put in splints. He will be taken to
the hospital in a few days fox’ treat
Crediton Women’s Institute
The January meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute was held on Wed
nesday afternoon, Jan. 8th, with a
good attendance. Mrs. W. Mack, 1st
vice-president, presided in the ab
sence of the president. The meet
ing opened by singing the Ode fol
lowed by the National Anthem and
the Lord’s Prayer in unison. It was
decided to have a supper on January
29th, the proceeds for the Red
Cross. A meeting is being held ev
ery Wednesday afternoon in the
town hall to do sewing for the
Red Cross. A knitting instructor
will also be there to teach knitting
and it is hoped that all the ladies
of the community will come and
make the undertaking a success.
Mrs. Aaron Wein took the chair for
the following program: A reading
by Mrs. T,‘ Mawhinney; vocal duet
by Mrs. Eli Brown and Mrs. Frank
King; a paper on music by Miss
Lulu Mollard; a reading by Mrs. C.
Sims and a musical contest. Mrs. C.
Sims played several patriotic songs
on the victrola while lunch was be
ing served. The hostesses were
Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs. Leonard Wein,
Mrs. Aaron Wein and Mrs. T. Ma
Uxifited Church W.A.
The first meeting of the W.A. for
the new year was held in the Cre
diton church basement on Jan. 9th.
with Mrs. W. Mack, president, in
the chair. The meeting opened
with hymn “What a Friend We
Have in Jesus” and prayer by Mrs.
Mack and the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. A scripture reading, Psalm
46 was taken by Mrs. Lawrence
Hill. Mrs. Turnei’ favored with a
lovely piano selection. Mrs. Ger
ald Zwicher gave a reading and a
challenge fox’ the new year was
given by. Mrs. Mack. The ladies ar
ranged for a pot luck suppei’ in
connection with the annual congre
gational meeting. $10'. 00 was vot
ed for the "War Victims’ Fund. Mrs.
Gerald Zwicker was appointed as
representative for the society to
the Red Cross. The meeting closed
with hymn and the benediction.
Mrs. Bakex* and Mrs. Gerald Zwick-
er were hostesses and served a dain
ty lunch.
Evangelical Mission Circle
On Monday evening the Evangel
ical Mission Circle held its an
nual meeting at the home of Mrs.
H.- K. Eilbex’ with a good atten
dance. The worship service, which
was in charge of the president, Nor
ma Fahrnex’ consisted of the
Circle Song, prayer and a hymn,
the Scripture reading and a New
Year’s reading. After a few ap
propriate introductory remarks
Rev. Pletch conducted the election
of officers which resulted as fol
lows: 'Pres., Norma Fahrner; vice-
pres., Margaret Wein; recording
sec.. Nola 'Faist; treas., Clara Gai-
ser; corresponding sec., Jean Moun-»
tain; pianist, Lulu Mollard; asst...
Marguerite Finkbeiner; conveners
of committees, finance, Erma Krue
ger; literary, Irene Morlock; mem
bership, Aldonna Wuerth; good
cheer, Addileen Morlock. A short
dedication service for the new exe
cutive was held. The various re
ports were given, showing a- good
year’s work. The Circle arranged
fox* a greater effort in Red^ Cross
work. Then the executive served a
dainty lunch provided by the host
ess, Mrs. Eilber. An enjoyable so
cial half-hour was spent
Work Pants at Wright’s Sale,
The sympathy of the community
is extended to the family of the
late Mr. Joseph Eagleson who died
at his home on Thursday, Jan, 9,
after a lengthy illness. Interment
was in Parkhill Cemetery.
Mrs. David Steepex* continues in
poox’ health at the home of hex’ son,
Mr. Eldon Steeper,
Mrs. Amel Gollin visited Mr. and
Mrs. Mellen on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper,
Mr. and. Mr^. Hugh iR. Hodgins of
Mollard Line, and Mr. Charlie Hod-
gihs of Grand Bend, attended the
funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs.
Hubert Hodgins of Grantoxx on
Thursday, Jan, 10.
Mr. Roy Young is assisting Mr.
Wm, Hodgiiis drawing wood to Hie
We are giad to report that Mrs.
Ohmer is better agaih,
Mr. Lyle Steeper Ms been oxi the
sick list with bdils on his heck.
Suit & Coat Sale
We offer this month .a special $0 pex- discount on
opr pew stock pf Men’s Suits Single and Dpuhfe Breasta6»
Splendid Patterns-
Clearing out a number of
Sizes 30 to 36 $5.06 to $8.75
Sizes 36 and 38 As low as $3.50 to $8.75 each
See our line of well-assorted fresh groceries at popular prices
PASTRY FLOUR ............................................ 24 lbs., 65c
POTATOES ................................................ per bag, $1.10
BLUE BOY COFFEE...........................;............... per Jb., 37c
Frazer C, Brown, Crediton
Mr. R. Borland spent the week
end at his home in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden and
family visited with Mr, and Mrs
Harold Taylox’ in Usborne on Sun
Messrs. Andrew Blair, Reg Hodg
son and Bill Elliott are training in
Chatham for a month.
Mr. Scotty Baynham of the R.C,
A.F. has been moved from Trenton
to Winnipeg. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton of
Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John iPollard. ‘
Mr. Wilber Penwarden qX Chath
am is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Miss Ila Willis of Exeter is vis
iting Mrs. Thos. Willis.
The January meeting of the Home
and School Club will be held on
Friday, January 31st. This is mem
bership month. -Please bring youx’
Bed Cross Notes
The Centralia War Service Unit
met in the basement of the church
on Tuesday afternoon. During the
afternoon the ladies quilted, three
quilts and a ten cent lunch was
served at the close of the meeting.
The following have been delivered
to the Red Cross in Exeter: 18 pairs
socks, 2 pairs seaman’s boots, 1
scarf, 1 sweater, 20 pairs' men’s
socks for refugees, 12 pairs wo
men’s hose, 5 quilts, 6 pairs child
ren’s bloomers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and
children of Grand Bend spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims.
Mrs. George Mantle and Mrs.
Charles Anderson of Exetei’ spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherby,
Mrs. Frank Scheiding and Mrs. Stan
Kelly, all of London, and Mrs. Ro
land Motz and Bobby., of Exeter
spent Sunday with Mrs. Catharine
Motz. , *
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and
Mrs. Leonard Wein and Marion
spent Satxxrday with Mr. and Mrs.
Delton Lewis near Brinsley.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ryckman of
Flint, Mich., spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn and
with the former’s parents in Hen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truemner
who were married recently are at
present at the home of Mr. Dan
Truemner.We welcome them to
oux’ midst
Teacher: Roderic, give a poem
with the words ‘offer’ and ‘sonnet’,
Me and MacRoney loves ,Ravvie
But Mac was the wisbst, dag-
I gave her a crullei1 but he gave her
|Now L'm offei’ list and Mac
... Butter Fat Prices Are High ...
Cash in on the high prices of butterfat by producing
more milk, more cream and at the same time reduce yoiir
cost per gallon. Boost the milk-producing power of your
grain with Shi^r-Gain 35 per cent Dairy Concentrate. It has
balanced extra Protein, extra Tastiness, extra needed Miner
als, extra Production.
We have a new supply of ground Beet Pulp at attractive
prices. Mollases obtained in any quantity. Ground Flax
Seed, Oil Cake Meal, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shell, Salt, Po
tatoes. . Buy your Bran, Shox ts, and Hominy jn ton lots and
save on oxfr prices.
Western Oats, Western Barley, Kiln Dried Corn
We handle Robin Hocxd, Five Rases arid Purity Flour
--------'-V-:. ■■ .
Exeter Feed & Flour Mill
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hobbs and
family of Denfxeld spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. T. McVey of
Mr, Bruce McNiven, M.P., of
Lindsay, Ontario, visited ovei’ the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Steve
Dundas and relatives.
A number from this vicinity are
attending the short course in agri
culture and home economics at
Lucan. The agricultural class
judged livestock on Wednesday af
ternoon at the farm of Ward Hod
gins, and will visit many of the good
flocks and herds in the district
during the month.
Rev. L. C. Harrison, recto)’ of St.
James’ Church, has gone to Florida,
where he will spend a month recup
erating, following an operation.
Rev. K, McGoun, retired clergyman
from London,. will be in charge dur
ing Mr. Harrison’s absence.
A presentation and dance was
held at the school house last Wed
nesday evening in honor of the
newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McWilliams and they were present
ed with a studio couch. The re
mainder of the evening was spent
in danqing.
Miss Dorothy Johns, also Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Johns visited in At
wood on Saturday last with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred .Long, who are the
proud parents of a little daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Venner and
sons were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Johns on Sunday.
The W.A. held a very enjoyable
pot luck supper in the basement of
the church on Thursday evening of
last week.
[ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns were
| guests of Dr. A. E. and Mrs. Johns
i in Hamilton for a few days re-
| cently.
Miss Ella Routly of London vis-
; ited at the home of her brother,.
Mr. W. Routly last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford
of Ingersoll’ visited last Sunday
with relatives here.
Mrs. John Johns spent a few
days recently with her daughter,
Mrs. Jas. Willis, in Stephen.
Mrs. Wes Horne was a visitor at
hex’ sister’s Mrs. A. McFalls, Exeter,
part of last week.
Mr. apd Mrs. Art Willert and
family ^nd Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eagle-
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Eagleson and Mrs. Wm. Mason and
son Gerald attended the funeral of
the late Joseph Eagleson, brothei’
of Mrs. Art Willert and Mr. Hy.
Eagleson at Parkhill on Saturday.
Miss Lorna Kraft left on Sun
day for London where she intends
to remain fox’ sdrne time.
Mr. and Mrs. T» Ayotte of Drys
dale spent Sunday’with theii’ daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dietrich.
Mr. Gordon O’Rourke spent Sat
urday at London.