The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-16, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1878 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16 th 1941 Sixty-Eighth TiW
SI it*
The new Spring Wallpapers have arrived. We invite you to see them See our
assortment pf beautiful papers for Living Rooms, Dining-rooms> Halls, etc. , The'
Bedropm papers with their different colored ceilings are also very beautiful. The
prices are about the same as last year. Besides our regular stock we have Stoun-
ton’s special book of Living Room Papers which contains almost any design you may
be looking for.
Sale of Winter Overcoats
Perhaps you have been waiting for a sale of overcoats. We are marking the
prices very low, but at these prices we cannot “charge” these coats. It must be cash
or produce in trade,’ for the only reason for this sale is to raise some cash.
; Prices $15 $16
Also a few at $14.00 and 10 only Genuine Mountain Fleece Overcoats at $20 each
Monday, Jan, 13 th, 1941*.
The muncipul council elect met in
the Town Hall on the above date
Ut 11 a.m. and took and subscribed
to the necessary oath of office as
Reeve—-Benson Ward Tuckey,
Councillors—Edwin Milton Dig
nan, James Wellington Hern, Herbert Q, Southcott, Sylvester Basil
The Rev. M. A, Hunt, rector of Trivitt Memorial church, being in
vited' by Reeve Tuckey, opened the
session by reading Psalni G6 and
gave a splendid address followed
by prayer, 'Reeve Tuckey extended
the thanks and appreciation pf the
council to
that the
Dignan, Hern and Southcott,.
Adj., Hern and Southcott.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
The first business meeting of the
municipal council was held in the
evening at 7,30. All members pre
(The minutes of the special meet
ing, December 21, 1940, as well as
the morning session were read and
adopted on motion of Councillors
Hern and Dignan.
■ jLetters and circulars were read
as follows;
Maj. Daly. C.
Hussars, thanking
their cooperation,
the Hospital for
Mr. Hunt.
by Taylor and Dignan
following constitute the
Committee: Councillors
The brick building on Main St.
owned by Wilbert Martin has been
sold to Geo, W. Wright. The new
proprietor will get possession the
first of April. Mr. Martin for years
has conducted a stationery and
musical instrument business in
Exeter, succedding his father, the
late Samuel Martin. While dispos
ing of his small wares stock Mr,
Martin will continue in the bicycle
and piano ’business and will seek a
new location, Mr. Wright, who now
operates a general store business
in town, will move his stock to the
new location and will have the
rooms at the rear fitted up for liv
ing apartments. Mr. J, H. Grieve,
who occupies part of the building,
will continue as at present.
to Britain,
yet taken,
lias been
New Prints for Spring
The new Spring Prints are now in stock. Among other makes we have the well .
known Wabasso Brand. Prices 29c., 22c., 25c., and 29c. a yd.
at c a
Hundreds of yards of heavy weight figured Flannelette for ladies’ and children’s
pyjamas, nightgowns, etc. This is a real bargain. To clear in a hurry at 29c yd.
at Real Bargain Prices
HEAVY ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, Whitewith rainbow borders, a real bargain at
$5.00 each
SaturdayValues for Thursday,
Garden Patch Peas ' . 9 for 1 Qo
Or Garden Patch CoiiA, 10-oz. Tins « 1U1 1 J’L
Strawberry Jam
St. Williams Brand, 2 lb. jars ...“dvll
Aylmer Pork & Beans O «,Jne
Large Tins ......................................
Maxwell House Coffee 1 IL Hue AQd*Regular or Drip .................* IW»
Grapefruit Juice — CA
" Unsweetened, 20-oz. Tins, 10c eJV Uxi®
. 25c
Unsweetened, 20-oz. Tins, 10c
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes G
Nice Glass Tumbler Free eP
Happy vale Mincemeat 9 Ike 9 Cd*
In 2 lb. Tins <&» I Mo®
P.E.I. Potatoes <21 I1?
75 lb. Bags, Nice Fresh Stoclc**ClLM *•*«*
Stock - Reducing Sale
Granite Teapots ......... 42c
Large Coffee Pot ..........42c
No. 32 Washbowl .... 15c
No. 9 Teakettle ..... 95c
Straight Kettles...........49c
Ivory and Red Kettles. .39c
Ivory & Red Saucepans. 35c
Ivory & Red Teapots.. 69c
See windows for reduced
prices on other lines of
Granite Ware
Sponsored by
TUESDAY, JAN. 21, at 8 p.m.
15 Rounds Adm. 25.
A Drinking Water Tablet for Chickens and Turkeys
A Water Disinfectant, Fungicide and Bowel Astringent
Use it to Protect Your Flock
Additional Prizes for Extra
Door Prize & Consolation Prizes
Proceeds in Aid of British .War
Victims’ Fund and the Exeter
War Time Committee
See, Buy and Use the New
Terms to Suit Your Pocket. Come in and See Us
We carry a full line of C.C.M. Skate and Shoe Outfits and
Hockey Sticks and Accessories
to time tlih Exeter
Time Committee has
For economy and sure, steady heat, u'se the new
Traquair’s Hardware
A social evening will be held In
tlie I.O.O.F. Hall on Tuesday, Jam
21, at 8 sharp. All members,
tlieit* Wives, ahd Oddf$loW&\, W1&4
nws are cordially invited to attend.
Ladies please provide lunch,
A truck belonging to JoboS &
May and driven by NolSon Wells odd
a car driven by Jas. Sherritt, of
Goderich, figured in an See!dent
about a mile .south of Exeter dur
ing the snowstorm on Friday ar.
ternoon of last week, The truck
; was going. north and tlie car FAs
Southbound, the car colliding With
the rear ..Of the. truck. The
was badly damaged but nd one
(From time
District War
published the names Of men .Who
have enlisted for overseas service
and the committee are anxious to
keep right up to date On the ad
dresses of these men. They have
all been given a pair.of socks and
a sweater. Previous lists gave the
names of forty-seven men. The fol
lowing additional twehty-one names
are on the overseas enlisted roll;
Stanley Gill, Air Force; P. rl. At
kinson, Air Force; C. E. Baynham
Air Force; Major E< E, Tieman.
Navy; Rollie Motz, Lloyd England
D. E. Hicks, Air Force; Sgt. J. L
Squadron. First
the council for
Filed. From
Sick Children;
Lightning Cheque Writer Co.; On
tario Municipal Associatioin; On
tario -Good Roads Association,
Filed. Treasury Department. Par*
liament Buildings, regarding rail
way tax distribution, 19'39.—Filed.
The report of the Striking Com
mittee was read' and accepted on
motion of Councillors Dignan and
Finance — Councillors Southcott
pnd Dignan.
Cemetery—Councillors Dignan
and Southcott.
[Property-—Councillors Hern and
Roads and Bridges—'Councillors
Taylor and Hern.
Arena—Councillors Hern axLd,
•Taylor’. ‘ i.:
The .reeve to be a member of all
committees by virtue of his office.
The first named to act as chairman.
Mr. Thomas Pryde was reappoint
ed to the Library Board for three
years, .1941, ’42, ’43. Mr. G. ,S.
Howard to the Library Board for
three years; Mr. Ed Treble to the
Board of Health with salary.
Messrs. H. C. Rivers, Garnet
Flynn and John Norry were ap
pointed fence viewers.
Truant Officer—John Norry.
Municipal Assessor—Rd. Welsh.
All salaries to be as of 1940. Mov
ed by Councillors Southcott and
Taylor and carried.
Seven copies of the' municipal*
World to be ordered^ one for each';
of the councillors, assessor and
Authority was given the reeve
and. treasurer to borrow the ne
cessary money for .current expendi
tures when necessary. Moved by
Taylor and Southcott., Carried.
A list of persons having tax ar
rears was given by Tax Collector
Pearce. March 1st was set as the
final date for collections on./motion
of Hern and Taylor. Carried.
The following accounts were
read and ordered paid: County of
Huron, hospital charges, Nunn,
$12.13; Sanders, $27.12, $1.7'5, to
tal, $41.00; Exeter P.U.C., street
lights. $22.8.12, town hall, $'3.44:
Dr. Weekes, injuries Fred Moore,
$3.0'0; Jos. Senior, telephone,
$1.3 8; Dr. Fletcher, postage Board
of Health, $7.5'0i; H. Bierling, sup
plies Jas. Sanders, $2.10; W. C. Al
lison, coal, town hall, $7.95; J.
Stire, labor, drain. $1,20;; Fred
Moore, R. and B. Sand, 50c; Chas.
Gbdbolt, snow plow, $15.00; Hy.
Green, snow plow, $3.00; W. Ware-
ing, Jan. 1*18, $38.56. 'Passed on,(
motion of Southcott and Hern.
Adj.t Hern.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Per L.B.S.
Monday evening was Past Mas
ters' night at Lebanon Forest
Lodge, A.F. & A.M. The third de
gree was exemplified with Past Mas
ter M'. W. 'Pfaff in the East. Wor.
Bro,. Pfaff was assisted by Wor.
Bro, H. S. Walter as Sr. W.; Wor.
Bro, C. G, Salter as Jr. Warden.
Wor. Bro. Thos, Fisher, one of the
oldest members of the lodge, as
sisted with the work 3,nd was com
plimented on the manner in which
he performed his duties, Other
past masters who assisted were W.
Bros. G. W, Lawson, Chester Ma-
whinney, W.- W, Taman, R. N.
Creech, C. Tanton, W. E. Middle
ton, E. A. Howald, J. M. Southcott,
Dr. Roulston, Thos. Pryde and E.
M. Dignaif. At the conclusion of
the work the officers of the lodge
served refreshments.
A despatch from New York, Mon
day, says i
“The Canadian-British-American.
Council (CBAC) announced todav
that it has received enough dona
tions tn purchase an
freighter to ferry food
Acquisition has not
place but a committee
selected and has begun, negotiations
for purchase -of the first freighter,
The Canadian - British,-i American
Council was established about three
months .ago as a war council for the
purpose of co-ordinating, if pos
sible, the efforts to raise money in
the United States and Canada to
help Britain in her present war dif
Case R. Howard, past governor
of the Canadian Club of New York,
treasurer of the Canadian .Society'
of "New York for many years and
traveling representative and man
ager, foreign business department
of the New York Agency of a large
Canadian bank for 12 years, has
become chairman of the Public
Relations Committee of the Council
and has been directing much of its
work to date.
Mr. Howard states that it is a
non-profit, non-political organiza
tion with no affiliations official or
unofficial with any of the three
governments. There are no solici
tors and no direct funds received
for clothing, etc., as this is so well
taken care of by Mrs. Wales Lath
am, president of 'Bundles
tain and other groups.
Mrs, Winston Churchill
invited by cable to accept
orary chairmanship of the Brit
ish Ladies’ Committee and the hon
orary chairman ship of the Ameri
can Ladies’ Committee will be an
nounced .shortly.”
Mr. Howard'is an Exeter old boy,
having commenced his banking car
eer in Exeter and is a frequent visi
tor with his mother, Mrs. H.
Work "is progressing In building
a temporary bridge across the riv*
er. The Wainright Construction
Co,, of Loudon* have had a number
of dump trucks hauling earth from
the river bank cm the J, G. Dow
farm and have formed a roadway
south of the river and west of the
old bridge tp near the river’s edge.
Biles have been driven and a ramp
is being built across the river, A
fifteen-ton caterpillar macliinjej
handles the Jogs and the pile-driver..
li on
Andrew, Air Force; Dorp. Cail'
Browning, Dental Corps; Jack
Sweet, L. BrimacombCj Sgt. War
ren Sanders, Leslie Thomas, Lester
Allen, H. G. Anderson, Air Force:
Trooper J. E. Bayliss,. Fred Hop*
croft, Navy; tL. D. Battersby, Air
Force; Bpr. Burton F. Brouse; Lt
J. M. Harvey,- Stewart Mair, Navy
Many of these mon enlisted some
months or weeks ago,
Dental Ocrps;
The following list of articles was
received at the Red Gross shipping
roon^ on Friday, Jan. l<Oth: 191-
pairs Socks, 15 pairs seaman’s
socks, 14 sweaters, 23 scarves. 11
helmets, 11 pairs mitts, 8 turtle
neck sweaters, 1 pair broadcast
Wristlets, 38 washcloths, 1 pair flan*
ette blankets, 19 quilts, 104 articles
o'f refugee clothing. These articles
were packed and shipped to Red
Cross headtiuarters, it 'tvas an . ex
cellent shewing, particularly in
view of the fact that the period
covered Included the Christmas atid
New Year" holidays. ' Electric- out
lets have been installed to help the
women, Shipping day is a very
busy one at the Library.
Installation Follows Banquet*
Previous to the installation
the 1941 officers of the Exeter
Chapter O.E.S. on Wednesday ev
ening, Jan. 8, members and guests
from Simcoe, Woodstock, London. I
and St, Marys, to the number of
..fifty sat down to a sumptuous
turkey banquet at the Central Ho-'
tel. The candle-lit tables were ap
propriately and beautifully decor
ated with fresh flowers, star favors
and 'streamers of “Order” colors.
Subsequent to the repast duriDg
which the spirit of good comrade
ship and mirth prevailed, toasts
were proposed to the “King”, “Dis
trict Deputy Grand Matron**,
“Worthy Matron Elect” “Worthy
Patron Elect”, “Retiring Worthy
Matron and Patron”, “Exeter Chap
ter” and ‘‘Our Guests” and were
responded to by Mr. Jack .Green,
Mr. W. -D. Sanders, Mrs. Ida M. San
ders, Mrs. Chrissy Telfer, Mr. Bruce
•Fields, Mr. W. J. Smith, and Mrs.
Beatrice Green, respectively. Mrs.
W. J. .Smith acted aS toastmaster.
Suitable songs were, sung after
each toast. Upon returning to the
Chapter rooms the preliminary Ses
sion Was presided over by the re
tiring 1940 Worthy Matron and.
Patron 'and officers after which the
beautiful and impressive instal
lation ceremony was performed in
a setting of candle light ahd flow
ers. Tlie installing officer. Mrs.
Ida M. Sanders, first past matron
of Exeter Chapter was assisted by
Mrs, Leone Parker, P.D.D.G.M,, aS
installing marshall; Mrs. Bertha
Boyce, P.D.D.G.M., as installing
Chaplain and in the East by Mrs.
Ruth Arthur, D.D.G.M., and Past
Matrons and Patrons of Simcoe,
London, St. -Marys, and Exeter
Chapters. The ladies of the instal
ling board wore shoulderettes, the
men boutonnaites and the Stai’
Points, flower bandeaus presented
to them through the courtesy of
the Worthy Matron elect. After be
ing escorted through her guard of
honor and received in the East by
hei‘ installing officer the Worthy
Matron, Mrs. Beatrice Green, was
presented with a lovely bouquet by
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Amelia
Richards, of Simcoe, on behalf of
her ten appointments, after which
Mrs. Adelaide Moffatt sang a beau*
tiful and appropriate solo. The
following were the officers install
ed for 1941: Worthy Matron, Mrs.
Beatrice Green; Worthy Patron.
Mr, B. W. F. Beavers; associate
Patron, Mr. Bruce Fields; associate
Matron. Mrs. QathCrihe Smith,
•Secretary, Miss Reta Rowe; Trea*
surer. Mrs. Jennie Lawson; Condue*
tress, Mrs. Chrissy Telfer; Associate
Conductress. Mrs. Mary. Sanders;
Chaplain, Mrs. (Lillian Tranruair;
Marshall, Mrs. Ida M. Sanders; Or*
ganist, Mrs. Elva Coates; Adah
Miss Harriet Knipe; Ruth, Mrs.
Ladrk Guancs; Fsthef, Mrs.- Ella
Middleton; Martha, Mirs. Myrtle
Tanton; Electa, Mrs. Maty Uoruey; *
Wardens, Mrs. Mabel FefgU’sdn'; '
Sentinel, Mr. W. D. Sanders. Be-
fore dispersing lunch was served
and a serial time spent.
*• *4;-
Good attendances'-marked the'ob
servances of the Universal Week of
(Prayer in Exeter, with evidence of
interest on the part of those pre
sent. No doubt good weathter help
ed, but the chief reasons were felt
to be deepened seriousness as a
consequence of the war, and care
ful planning of the meetings on
the part of those in charge. Each
minister presided over the ser
vices in his own church, with the
sermon delivered by one of the
'other ministers. Owing to ill health
.Mr. Woods was unable to preach at
the Friday service, but his place
was .capably taken by Rev. Mair of
Thames Road. It is anticipated that
a series of community services will
again l^e held during Holy Week.
An interesting and impressive in
stallation service for the officers
and teachers of the Sunday School
was held .in Main St. United Church
on Sunday morning last at which
there was a splendid attendance.
The pastor, Rev. N. J, Woods, spoke
In keeping with the occasion, the
subject of his sermon being “Aims
and Objectives in Sunday School
Teaching”, Mr, B. W. F. Beavers,
who has been the faithful and ef
ficient superintendent of the school
for the past 26 years has retired,
and was installed as honorary su
perintendent, while the newly in
stalled superintendent is Mr. Ray
Waghorn. His assistants are Ben
son Tuckey, Frank Wildfong .and
Fred Walter. The remaining of-j.
ficers are: secretary, C. E. Aid
worth; asst., Glen McKnight; lib
rarian, Archie Webber; treasurer,
Gladys Ryckman; Missionary supt,,
Mrs, Chas, Johns; Temperance
Supt., W. C. iPearce; Home Dept.
Supt., Mrs. John Caldwell; asst.,
Mrs, John Northcott; Primary De
partment 'Superintendent, Mrs. Ar
thur 'Frayne; Cradle Roll-. Supt.,
Mrs. Glen McKnight; lantern opera
tors, J; Jennings, Clifford Qlance;
pianist, Myrna Sims; asst., Helen.
Dignan. Teachers—Mrs. Frayne,
Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. Woods, Flor
ence McDonald, Mrs. H. Skinner,
Mrs. C. E. Aidworth, Eva 'Penrose,
Mrs. IR. .Webber, Messrs, G. Yelland,
G. Skinner,.W. C. Pearce, C. John,
W. 'G. Medd, G. S. Howard, Rev. J.
Penrose; assistant teachers, Mrs.
Beavers, Mrs. R. B'alkwill, Mrs. C»
Johiiss,Mrs,. Jennings.,. Gladys Ryck
man, "A. Ryckman, iFred Walter,
Rev. NT. J. Woods.
A cold Snap visited this section
this week. The mercury dropped
rapidly all day Monday and one
party reported that t'he thermom
eter registered ten degrees below
in the morning. Another reported
that it was eight degrees below
about eight o’clock Tuesday morn
ing. The ice that had been formed
at the arena early in the season
had practically disappeared. There
was little ice on the river. With
the change in the temperature ice
making operations were in progress
all night Monday and during Tues
day and there was skating for the
first time on Tuesday night. Some
motorists were unprepared and
radiators froze, up, also some water
pipes that were not well protected
suffered from the frost.
The South Huron Ministerial As
sociation met at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Anthony Monday after
noon.- Rev, Wm. Mair of Thames
Road, occupied the chair. The at
tendance was especially good, the
wives of the ministers being pre
sent, A scholarly and informing
paper was read by Rev. D. C. Hill
on the Doctrine of* Salvation
in the 'Orthodox Greek Church. The
paper and tlie discussion traced the
development of the various ele
ments in the best Greek religious
thought and how these were taken
up by and transformed and added
to by the work of the early Church.
The place of the Greek church in
christendom was shoWn and ap
preciated by the paper and the dis
cussion, Mr. Hill was given a cor
dial vote Of thanks for his illumin
ating;. address. After the paper
lunch1 was served. The next meeting
will, be held at the home of Rev, J.
W> Down.
Regina Lodge Celebrates 80th
Birthday of A. E. Hodgert
In honor of A. E. Hodgert, Who
was observing his 80 th birthday an
niversary, Regina Lodge, I.O.O.K,
No. 6, held an informal surprise
Tuesday night at his -home. 2858
Angus street, Regina. Mr. Hbd-
gert’s son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. James B. Lindsay, receiv
ed with him as did also B. Syrett,
noble grand of the lodge. Mr. Hod
gert has been an I.O.O.F. member
about 40 years. He Was initiated
at an especially called noon meet
ing at Exeter, Ont., the day before
he left for the West.
-Kenneth Hodgert grandson, was
in attendance at the door Tuesday
night and presiding over the lace-
covered tea table *were Mrs, A. B.
Muirhead and Mrs. E. Garfield
Hodgert. while serving were Mrs,
W. George Burgess, Miss Bernice
Hodgert and Miss Etelka Hotham.
The latter also gave music selec
tions. A bowl of red and gold roses
from the lodge and many bowls of
chrysanthemums, carnations and
other flowers from individual
friends graced the rooms. D. A*
McNiven, K.C., MJP., proposed the
toast to the honor guest and Gar
field Hodgert »had charge of the
register. , Wires and telephone con
gratulations were received by Mr.
Hodgert from many friends.
Guests present included: Mr. and
Mrs. McNiven, B. D. Hogarth, K.O.,
M.L.A., and Mrs. Hogarth, Mayor
Grassick, Aid. Hugh McGillivray,
W. W> Perrie, LQ.O.F. grand mas-
ter of Saskatchewan; F. D. Gray,
grand secretary; Herb Elsom, past
chief patriarch; Hon. Mr, Justice
W. Melville Martin, J, -D. Martin,
James Rutley, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Allison, Mrs. M. E. Gardiner, T, S.
Hill, j, J. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campbell,
Ml*, and Mrs. Reg Macdonald, Mr,
and Mrs. J. A. Mooney, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Shaw, Herbert Wilson,
Fred McGee, G. L. Macpherson, J.
G. Ronnie, N. C. McLachlan, Frank
■Broomhall, N, S. Dolan, Dan J,
Black, William Etty, 'Robert
Pringle, E. A. Goehring, Henry
Cowan and Mrs. William Canning. "
savings certificate
and U Cash Prizes will be given
away in the ’Tlmes-AdVocate sub
scription draw Feb. 15th. One
coupon given away with eauh fifty
advertisement on
another page.
SkAtmg: at tbe Exeter Arena,
each night thia; ^veek.