HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-09, Page 7A TOE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THUUS1M.Y, MKVAST Mb, WK !!W ji H It [ '■GET THIS t CHICK GUARD TEAR OUT THIS AD! Tear out this a<L bring or mail it in with your order for 200 or jpore Bray Chicks before the end of Jan- .uary,, and We will see that you get one of these Chick Guards, It’s a mighty handy thing to have around your brooder’ the first few days—helps keep the qhicks close to the warmth, prevents piling in cor- jiers, and breaks floor drafts. You don’t have to take delivery of these 200 Bray Chicks in January—just order them. But the way things are shaping in the poultry business, we believe it would be good business (if you have the proper equipment to handle them) to take delivery, too. “One of the Firmest in Years” when January 1 stocks are published. ‘‘Storage eggs have, now been pretty well used up. It has not been unusual in recent years for -a rather •considerable volume of stor­ age eggs to be left over in- " to December and even into January, and this has had a depressing influence on the whole egg market sit­ uation. This year the situ­ ation is considerably soun­ der.” z T FATAL SHOOTING ACCIDENT Edwin Dean, 23, san of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dean of Goderich, was fatally injured while on a hunting trip on New Year’s Day, The accident happened about three o’clock in Colborne Township. Edwin had gone with a -party pf hunters on a rabbit drive, He, with Judge T. M, Costello and Ray Dean, his elder brother, had gone up a laneway on the farm of William Young, proceeding to cross into a field over, a fence on which was a top line of barbed wire, His •com­ panions had got over the fence, and Edwin was in the act of climbing over when his overcoat caught on the wire. He stood his gun against the fence with the butt on the ground and bent over to unfasten the coat, when in some way the gun discharged, the charge enter­ ing the lower right chest, seriously injuring him internally, causing hemorrhages which resulted in al­ most instantaneous death. On graduating from the Colleg­ iate Dean joined the staff of the Bank of Montreal at Goderich, lat­ er being transferred to the branch­ es at .Parkhill and Kingston. Home for holidays, he had just, complet­ ed his thirty-day period at Wood- stock training centre with Company. 2.S YEARS AGO A number of friends and neigh­ bors of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Dearing of the 2nd concession of Stephen gathered at their home in honor of Mrs, Hearing’s birthday. Mr, A. F. Hess of Zurich visited relatives in South Bend, Indiana, during the holidays, Miss Ruby Treble returned to Toronto Monday after spending the holidays here, Miss May Armstrong returned to Lucknow and Miss Ida Armstrong to Toronto on Monday after visit­ ing with their parents. Privates Leon Treble and Karl Mitchell of the 33rd Battalion now at Quebec were home on a few days* leave of absence. Miss J. S, Murray, teacher in the Exeter Public School, had the mis­ fortune while in London at New Year’s to slip on the icy pavement, Lulufracturing her arm, Miss Martin is taking her place. Mr. Thos. Collingwood has ed his connection with Mr. Follick after about 15 years bakery business. sever- E. A* in the “AV* You don’t have to take our word for that. Look at what the official Dominion Government 'Egg and Poul­ try Market .about it: “The poultry changed very one of the firmest exper­ ienced in years. Stocks of poultry in storage on Dec. 1 were over 1,500,000 lbs. less than a year ago, with every prospect that the shortage will be increased That’s a strong argument, it seems to us, to order good chicks (e.g., Bray Chicks) early. Usually, early chicks pay best. Early cockerels usually hit better markets; early pullets are fully developed & laying premium-sized eggs by the time the egg market beg­ ins climbing. Why not start earlier this season ? And for a first step, tear out this ad, mail or’bring it in with you'r order for 200 Bray Chicks (before Jan. 31) and get your Chick Guard absolutely free. FRED W. BRAY, Limited Exeter, John St., N. Phone' 246 Hamilton, Ont. Report market quickly GREENWAY says has into M- I CREDITON EAST iPte. Howard Bells, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, Gordon Marvell and Jack Anderson of London took in the Lions dance in Exeter New Year's eve and spent New Year’s at the Anderson home. Mrs. Catharine Motz has return­ ed home after a few days’ , visit in London with her ^daughters. Mr. Jack Appleton spent New Year’s with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Appleton near Greenway. Mr, and Mrs, David Baird and family of Grand Bend spent New Year’s at the home of • Mr. Eldon Merner, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Masnica and baby of Khiva spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penhale. Rachael Sims of 'Exeter the week-end with relatives Mrs. spent here, of WHALEN and Mrs. Frank Parkinson or week- Mary (Pros- 15 YEARS AGO Miss Mildred Rowe has accepted position- as school^ teacher ait will hold their monthly on 'Friday evening at the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro- Mrs. Carman Woodburn and an­ other hymn, “Joy to the World” was sung. Mrs. Arthur Brophey read a splendid article on “What Does Xmas Mean to You?’’, after which Mr. Beacom led in prayer. The roll- call was answered by a text of scripture. Mr.’ Beacom spent a short period on “The Acts of the Apostles, chapters 3 to 5 and the worship period closed with prayer by Mrs. McIntosh. The minutes of the last meeting were read and app'roved and matters of interest to. the class discussed. While the ladies were preparing lunch a geography contest was en­ joyed. Lunch was thep. served,- and a social hour enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gilles and Donnie were present and enjoyed meeting old friends. The class appreciated much the kindness of Mr. and Hicks. very Mrs. Steeper, Mr. and and Sel- The Red Cross Society will hold their January meeting on Monday evening, January 13 th, in the Cor­ bett School. ' Mr. and Mrs. Byron" Brown and Mr. Dawson Woodburn returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending the holidays at their homes here. Mrs. R. L. Sheppard spent a couple of days last week with friends in London. The Harmony Class of the United Church ■ meeting home of phey. Mr. J. B. Nichol and Mrs. W. Wilson returned to Hamilton on Saturday1 after visiting with friends here. Mr. Ray Gibson of Mooresville spent a few days last ’ week with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn. Mrs. D. Brown spent last week with her mother, Mrs. D. who is ill at the home of Mrs. Eldon Steeper. Messrs. Harold Pollock bourne English of Detroit spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Romphf en­ tertained a few friends at a party on Friday evening. The Harmony Class were enter­ tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. “Will Hicks on Friday evening, De­ cember 13th with a fair attendance. In the absence of the president, Mr. Harry Horner, the meeting Was in charge of Mr. Will Hicks. Mrs. Lawrence Ourts was pianist for the evening. The meeting opened with hymn >53 in the hymnary, “Silent Night”, after which Mi’S. Langford took charge of the worship period. The Scripture lesson* was read by Night Coughs Terribly wearing on the system la the cough that comes on at night and prevents sleep. Sometimes it is the constant cotigh, cough that will not be quieted. Sometimes it is a choked-up, stuffed- tip feeling that makes breathing difficult. 4 Dr, Wood’s Norway Fine Syrup is the remedy you need to give you r-eiiof, for the reason that this prep­ aration contains the healing virtues of the Norway pine tree with which is combined wild cherry bark, and the soothing, healing and expectorant properties of Other excellent balSarfls, barks anol herbs. Tli6 T. Milburn Co., Ltd.., Toronto, Ont. r WOODHAM I meeting ,of the WoodhamA Branch of the’ Red Cross 'Society was held at Prospect on Friday ev­ ening, January 3rd, to receive re­ ports and hold election of officers and* transact any business that might be necessary. The Sacrament -of the Lord’s Supper was observed here last Sunday morning. The attendance was small, owing to the very stormy morning. ( Private John feowen of Wood- stock military camp spent a few days lately in the village. Mrs. Clarence Routley of Kirk­ ton visited Saturday last -at the home of Mrs. John Routley. Some of the New Year’s visitors Were as follows: Mr. and .Mrs. Gor­ don Dykeman and children of Galt With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc­ Naughton; Mr. and Mrs, Whitfield Switzer with Mr. John Camm and family; Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, and family With Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ross of Kirkton; Miss Ada Hop­ kins with Mr. and Mrs .Wesley Shier; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold'Hern and family with Mr, and Mrs. Har­ vey Squire Of Whalen. The W.M.S, met Wednesday af­ ternoon of this week at .the home of Mrs. Wesley Shier. We are glad to know that Miss Amanda Shier is improving^ hav­ ing been, confined to her bed again with pleurisy, and Mrs, Mrs. jas. Laverne Mrs. Minnie Routley Wi/bur Wynn; Squire with Mr. Stone, Kirkton; Wm. Thompson With Mr. and Mr. and ’People get just about What they deserve, that is Why most marriag­ es end unhappily. Ml’, spent 'Friday with Mr. and Mrs. S, Blight of Thorndale. Mrs. Geo. Squire spent the end in Exeter with Misa Dayman. .Master Gerald Millson of pect holidayed during the past week at the home of- Mr. F. Squire. Miss Finlayson returned to re­ sume her duties, after spending her vacation at her home near Kippen. Master Harry Squire spent a few days during .the past week with his cousin, Arnold 'Cann of Thames Road. Wedding bells Will soon be ring­ ing. Miss Shirley Squire spent Mon- dy evening with Miss Gwen Mc­ Gowan of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith spent New Year’s Day with Mr. Rollins of near Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster of Grantpn were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster. At the school meeting of S.S. No. 12 M1’- Melleville Gunning was el­ ected as the new school trustee along with Nelson Hodginis and Wilson Morley. Mr. Alex Baillie will b6 janitor this year. Miss Dorothy Hazelwood return­ ed- to Staffa to resume her duties as teacher, having spent her va­ cation with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazel wood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and family were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Johnson, Grand Bend. a Fairfield school. Mr, Harp Rivers has purchased the residence of the late R. W, Fuke on Andrew Street. Mr. Bruce Medd of the Ontario Agricultural 'College, "Guelph, re­ turned on Monday to resume his studies. Mr. L. J. Penhale, managed of the Exeter Canning factory, was pleasantly surprised by the employ­ ees on New Year’s Eye. He was presented with a beautiful reclining Morris chair. Mr, J. Aylmer Christie left New Year’s Day for Udora, north of To­ ronto to take charge -of the public school there, Miss Evelyn Howard returned to Western University on Mohday af­ ter spending the Xmas .holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. S, Howard. ; At the, auction sale of the -late Roger Northcott, Mr. Jos. * North- cott purchased lot 7, con. k, Hay, for $5,'5'00 and Mr. Wm. Northcott lot 6, con. 3, for $6,5'00/ The 5fl­ acre pasture farm on con, 5 was sold to Mr. A, Todd for $2,000. Exeter Markets in 1926 Wheat, $1.4!5; oats, 45c; barley, 70c; Manitoba flour, $4.00; feed flour, $2.25; bran, $1.60; shorts, $1.70; Creamery butter, 4i9c; dairy' butter, 35c; eggs, extras, 42c; eggs, firsts, 3.0c; lard, 20c; pota­ toes, $1.75 to $2.00; hogs, $12.75; hogs, select, $-14-.0Of’ * THE NAVY THAT .FLIES Story Behind the Hpfc of Taranto (By a Naval Correspondent) Once referred to as the Navy's youngest child, the Fleet Air Arm. to-day has grown into a young stal­ wart that has nothing whatever to learn about air fighting, For many months of the war the naval Air Arm came little into the news, The traditions of a “[Silent Service” are its traditions too. Lit­ tle or nothing was said of the thousands of miles of the North Sea and Atlantic .ceaselessly pat­ rolled, of the clashes .aircraft, the sighting of enemy U-boats. In searching for enemy “Ark Royal” covered while her ’planes reconnoitred five million square miles ,of sea, Then- came Norway. Within a few days of that gallant, ill-fated .expedition, the deeds of the Fleet Air Arm leapt into world promin­ ence, when it played a great part in protecting our troops and ships against enemy bombers,, a^d, launched its own daring attacks upon the enemy bases, warships, transports and supply ships, Admiralty’s Praise *'We are proud of the Fleet Arm” was the signal made by with enemy and sinking the Atlantic1, raiders, the 7,500 'miles Air the Admiralty to the young fliers at the conclusion of these operations. It is rare, for the deeds of the Navy to be so warmly commended. There was a Royal Naval Service before 1914. In 1917 R.N.A.S. Most of its pilots Air the and all its observers were provided by the Navy while the R.A.F. supplied the maintenance staff. As the need for a stronger Naval Air Force became apparent,, it was de­ cided to abandon the dual method. In May, 1-9 3i9, the Fleet Air Arm passed to the control of the Navy, To-day the Fleet Air Arm lives in Britain’s growing fleet of air- craft carriers, in warships, carrying up to four planes each, in shore stations, which, like all naval es­ tablishments ashore, carry the name of His. Majesty’s ships. There is H.M.S. Doedalus, H.M.S. Kestrel, H.M.G. Peregrine—-to name but a ; tent ; The machines flown by these gal­ lant young men of the Fleet Air Arm are of first-class quality and can he used for nearly every pur­ pose. There are a number of types in use, among them the Fairey Swordfish, the IFairey Al­ bacore, the Fairey Fulmar and, others. As fighters, long-range recon­ naissance machines and torpedo­ bombers they have more proved their efficiency. - Defying the Barrage The firing of a torpedo from aircraft is as tricky a business can be imagined. . Though no de­ tails as to the exact method used to put three of Mussolini’s capital ships out of action have been re­ vealed, there are many who think that torpedoes, rather than heavy bombs, have been used, If this is the case, still greater credit redounds to the Fleet Air Arm. To fire a torpedo, the mach­ ine must come so low as to risk the almost point-blank range of the enemy’s anti-aircraft guns. De­ spite the barrage, the machine must be poised with great accuracy at the low height and angle from which the torpedo reaches its mark. No matter how the epic of Tar­ anto was accomplished, the Fleet Air Arm inflicted a smashing naval defeat on the enemy. In addition, it provided a great new feather in the cap of the Navy that flies, and shows, if we did not already know it, that the Fleet Air. Arm has taken into the air the naval tradition of centuries. P tliaix an as WtflW * Btwk I® ylght' ' raraci feel like amWwl Your liver is the hrgwt organ in yoyr body an J inost important !o your health, It |pW <>A bile Ito digest food, fe|» rid cf 'WslPr new energy, allow* pjrpper nourishment to reach your blood. Whan ypur liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be­ come jeonstipafed, afomach and kidneys can’t work properly. You feel head*chyx backachy,dkzy, draggedout all the tints.. For over 35 years thousand* have won prompt, relief from these miseries—-with Frmt-a-Gvei. So can you #0w. Try Fruit-a«tives—you’ll bo aunpiy delighted how quickly you’ll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50c. FRUITATIVIS ’in started in the furniture josephgrant dies, . AGED 86 YEARS Granton Man. had Been Teacher, Merchant and Undertaker •• ; <■■■ ■■■■’ ■[. < ■ ■< Joseph Grant, aged 86, a lifelong resident of Granton, died at his re­ sidence on Sunday, Ha was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Grant, natives of Aberdeen, Scot­ land. He taught school in London Township and McGillivray Town­ ship for a number of years, 18.813 he and undertaking business at Gran­ ton and continued until 1925 when he retired. He was a notary pub­ lic, and justice of the peace. Mr. Grant was twice married, His first wife was Margaret Young- son and predeceased him 21 In 1927 he married Mrs. Foster, who survives him. survivors are one son, C. C, of Toronto; one daughter, Mrs, Ro­ bert A. Rainey, Granton; one bro­ ther, Robert, of Winnipeg, aged 93; three grandsons, Joseph A. C, Grant, Bruce R. Grant, Ronald C, Grant, all of Toronto. years. Agnes Other Grant, and New HARPLEY Mrs. Year’s with Mr. Ridley. Mike JDesjardine and wlio with officers were elect- Joe Carruthers; 1st Wes Mellin; 2nd Jas. Wilson; sec., Mr. spent Mrs. Verne Miss Marjorie Oliphant, spent the Christmas holiday her grandmother, Mrs. A. Ridley, has returned to Burlington. o Miss Betty Love spent the week­ end with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Love of Grand Bend. The Ladies’ Guild of Grace Church, Greenway, held their an­ nual meeting in the parish hall. The following ed: tpi’es,, Mrs. vice-presi, Mrs, vice-pres., Mrs. Mrs. Ghi’field Steeper; treas., Mrs. M, Gardiner; organist, Miss Maud Hodgins; flawer coihin,, Mrs. Free­ man Hodgins; Mi’s. Robt, Hurray, Miss Maud Hodgins; decorating comm,, for special services, Mrs. Garfield -Steeper, Mrs, George Mit­ chell, Mrs. Wilbur Lovis, Mrs. Bert MciFalls, Miss Ruth Carruthers, Miss Bhirley Murray; Bible reading, Mrs. A. Elson. Ths annual vestry meeting of Grace Church, Greenway, and La­ dles’ Guild, Will be held Oil Fri­ day, Jan. 10, in the Parish alt Mrs. A, Elson jspeiit Sunday ening with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lih'Chey. It doesn’t do much good to to ‘catch* a silk stocking or a lover once they have started to Tun*. •ev- Mc- try KIPPEN Misses Margaret-and Jean Pybus of Zurich spent a few days recent­ ly at the home of their grandmoth­ er, Mrs. H. Ricker. Mr. Elmore Hackstetter of Dash­ wood and Miss Esther Price, of London, visited recently with’’Miss Irma Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons and Mr. F. Ryckman of Hensail spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ chie Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ’Keys of Bayfield visited on New Year’s with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin and fam­ ily of Bayfield visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel Ropp. >Quite a number attended a show­ er in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Blacker ' (nee Mary Forest) newlyweds, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuss, of Hillsgreen, on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pybus and family of Zurich spent New Year’s at the home of Mrs. H. Ricker. A very enjoyable, evening spent on Monday when Rev. Mrs. Chandler entertained Young ’People at the manse, evening was spent in crokinole Chinese checkers and music, very dainty l'Unch Was served by the hostess. All retired to their homes after singing' “There’ll Always be an England.” Quite a number attended a show­ er in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ nard Keys (nee Margaret Jones), newlyweds, at the home of Mi*, and Mfrs. Art Keys, Stanley Township, On Friday evening. Miss Erma Workman of New On­ tario, spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Workman. Miss Isabelle Alexander of Shed- don spent the holidays With her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Alexander. Miss Jessie Finlayson of Whalen spent the holidays with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Gerald and Harold visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden of Den- field. Miss Helen Lave spent the holi­ days with her parents,’’Mr, and Mrs. Walter Fairbairn of Hensail. Mrs. Mina Love spent New Year's with Mrs. L Jarrott. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and Dorethy visited recently at the hohie of Mr. and Mrs. Watson, near St, Marys, Conceit causes more conversation ♦ than wit.—tLa Rnuohefoucauld. was Read Your Label SWINGS Again Takes First Place In Motor Car Sales IN EVERY PROVINCE OF THE DOMINION YOU have awarded Chevrolet- General Motors’ No. 1 Car—the coveted honor of being No. 1 car in popular demand in 1940. / . For years you Canadian rriotor- ists have purchased more Chev­ rolets than any other make of automobile, regardless of type, size or price. You did it again in the year just closed —most em­ phatically, in every province in Canada. We want to thank you for your mark of high favor and for your confidence. You place on us a definite responsibility to continue to give motoi* car leadership — and we accept that responsibility. Since you rate Chevrolet first in value, we are under the obligation to keep it first in value. We consider that there is an entirely new call this year upon Chevrolet quality arid depend­ ability because Chevrolet is an essential part of Canada’s war effort. To fill its place in the transportation program of a nation at work to win the war, Chevrolet must be built to an, effective arid enduring standard. These are the reasons why we have redoubled our effort to widen and increase Chevrolet value leadership in out4 new cars for ’41. If yori will examine the new Chevrolet carefully, you will agree we have succeeded. You will find, for example, that Chev­ rolet alone among the low-priced cars includes as standard equip­ ment certain quality features which a buyer would be wise, under present circumstances, to insist upon. You' will find that Chevrolet with its thrilling new bigness is styled ahead for your protection. It is worth mohey to you to know that Chevrolet is the only low-priced car providing, at no extra cost, original Vacuum- Power Shift'•which makes gear­ shifting 80%> automatic and re­ quires only 20% driver effort; genuine Unitized Knee-Action which absorbs road shocks and prevents pitching and tossing; a body by Fisher of the same design and quality featured on higher-priced cars; and Con­ cealed Safety Steps which pre­ vent die accumulation of ice and snow and are the mark of truly advanced styling. We invite you to take full advantage of die value you haye helped, by your buying prefer­ ence, to create. Won’t you please visit our -----------; and thoroughly inspect General Motors’ No. 1 car — rind Canada’s No. 1 car—today! showrooms SNELL BROS. & Associate Dealerst <L Kriehler. Zurich* J. £, Sprowl Lucan EXEfER