HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-01-09, Page 4Tmwmr. mi
HIBBERT tqwnshw
... Butter Fat Prices Are High ... I
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balanced extra Protein., extra Taetine##,. extra, needed Miner*
ala, extra Production. __________ «
We have a new supply of ground Beet Pulp at attractive
prices. Mollases obtained in any quantity. Ground Flax |
Seed* Oil Cake Meal, Cod Inver Oil, Oyster Shell, Salt, Po- >
tatnes** Buy your Bran, Short#* and Hominy in ton lots and t
save on our prices. f
Western Oats, Western Barley, Kiln Dried Com ;
We handle Robin Hood, Five Roses and Purity Flour [
Exeter Feed & Flour Mill j
MdNJCOL—At Mrs. Godbolt’s .Hos
pital on Saturday, Jan. 4th, 1941,
to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McNicol, of
Brticefield, a son,
BEAWER-—At Mrs, Godbolt’s Hos
pital on Sunday, January 5 th,
1941, to Mr. and Mrs, Orval Bea
ver, of Usborne, a son.
Trivitt Memorial Rectory, on De
cember 28th, 1940, Bernice Isabel
.Sanders, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sanders, of the 3rd
concession of Stephen, to Mr.
Harold Truemner, by Rev. M. A.
GRANT—In Granton, on Sunday,
January 5, Joseph Grant, in his
86 th year.
FISHER—In Usborne Township on
Thursday, January 2nd, 19-4-1,
Robert iGeorge, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Fisher, aged 15
months and 1.6 days.
CHAPMAN—At Ailga Craig, on Sat
urday, Jan. 4, Jennie, beloved
wife of the late Edwin Chapman,
in her 82nd. year. Interment
Monday in ,St. Mary’s Cemetery,
BENiDER—At Dashwood on Mon-1
day, January 6th, Robert Gordon,
infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Gor
don.' Bender, aged 2 years and 2
days. Private funeral Thursday
at two p.m., interment in the
Goshen Bine Cemetery.
SCHWEITZER—-Suddenly, at his
late residence in -London, on Sat
urday, January 5th, Edward, be
loved husband of Hannah
Schweitzer, and dear father of
Adeline, in his 61st year. The
funeral, was held Tuesday with
interment in the Crediton Ceme
tery. '
To the Ratepayers of Dashwood:
I wish to express my appreciation
for the splendid support given me
at the polls on Monday. I will en
deavor to serve the municipality to
the best of my ability. Season’s
Greetings to all.
V. L. Becker.
I wish to thank the members of
the Exeter Lions Club for the work
they have done for my children.
Mts. Wm. Musser, Dashwood.
. We wish to take this opportunity
to thank those who so kindly re
membered Jack with cards and
boxes while he was confined to the
house with his trouble.
Mr. and Mts. Hepburn and Jack,
The Exeter-Jlensall Branch of
the Canadian Legion, B.E..S.L.,
wish to thank the many friends for
the kindness extended to the late
Thomas William Nunn during his
illness and also at the time of the
funeral, especially Rev. Wm. Mair
and Rev. M. A. Hunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher and.
family wish to express their sin
cere thanks to the friends and
neighbors for the kindness and
Sympathy extended during their re
cent bereavement, especially for
the floral tributes.
Mrs. Paul Coates and Verna wish
to express their sincere thanks to
the many friends for their kindly
remembrance with flowers, cards,
etc., during the i^ness of Mrs.
Coates. pp,
Mrs. Louisa Schwartz wishes to
thank ail the friends and neigh
bors for the cards of cheer, flowers
and letters received while in the
hospital and also the' Christmas
cards since coming home. She Is
also thankful for the boxes of treats
sent at Christmas and wishes all a
Happy New tear.
The family of the late Robert
Woods, of Elimville, wish to ex
press their deep appreciation of
the kindness and sympathy extend
ed during their recent bereave
ment; to those who assisted at the.
funeral service and foi* the floral
Miss Velma Baker wishes to
thank the friend for the lovely
bouquet of tulip sent with his
deepest sympathy.
TIEMAN—In loving memory of Ez
ra Tieman, who passed away one
year ago.
Life will never be the same
Since the Angel of Death our loved
one did claim.
A father so true and loving and
Who gave his best to those left be
Sweet memories in our hearts will
Until our bodies, too, are turned to
—Sadly missed by his wife, sons
and -daughter. pp
SCHWARTZ—In loving memory of
Jacob Schwartz, who died 10
years ago, January 28, 1931.
His smiling way and pleasant face
Are pleasant to recall.
He had a kindly word for each,
And died beloved by all.
Some day we hope to meet him,
Some day we know not when,
To clasp his hand in the better
land, z
Never to part again.
—Sadly missed by Mother, Sons
and Daughters. ;
New Year’s visitors in the com
munity were Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ford and family, Mrs. W- H. Dickey
and Mary oLJElimville; Miss Joy
Whitlock of St. Thomas with Mr.
and Mrs. F. V. Horne; Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Pooley and family with
Mr. and Mrs. R/W. Batten; Mr, and
Mrs. Ed Alexander and family of
Lumley with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent
New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Brock of Zion.
Mrs. W. J. Veal and family spent
New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Wes
ley Johns of Elimville.
Mr. and Mrs. Carnet Johns spent
New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Gardiner of Thames Road.
Visitors with Mrs. W. J. Veal on
Thursday evening were as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch and Mar
ion; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr.
and Mrs, H. Murch and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and
family, all of Elimville; Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Jacques of Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge
and family visited on New Year’s
with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper of
New Year’s Day visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. George Bailey were Mr.
and Mrs. H. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Bailey and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Alf Collier and Grace of Kirk
ton; Mr. Chas. (Delbridge and Miss
es Beatrice and Dora Delbridge.
Mrs. George Delbridge and Reg.
spent New Year’s with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Delbridge of St. Marys.
Mrs, R. W. Batten is spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Robinson of hear St. Marys.
Miss Audrey Fletcher spent a few
days last week with her sister, Miss
Greta Fletcher, of London.
’Miss Gladys Batten spent a
couple of days with Miss Norma
•Pte. Cliff Carty of London spent
the bast week with Mr. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. John Prance and
family spent New Year’s with Mrs.
Bullock of Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Horne and
Kathleen visited Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brock and fam*
ily spent New Year’s With Mr, and
Mrs, H. Griff of Stratford,
Hibbert Township nomination was
held in the Staffa Township Hall
on „ December 30th. The present
council, Reeve Wm. J, Kay, Coun
cillors Joseph Atkinson, John W.
Hackney, Frank Allen and Lloyd
Colquhoun was again returned to
office by acclamation for a two-
year term. When the nomination
was closed Jas. Scott was chosen
to he chairman and in a very able
manner addressed the audience on
current events pertaining to muni
cipal matters and invited the Coun
cil to the platform. The Reeve
and Councillors very ably explain
ed to the ratepayers that were pre
sent the past year’s business and
expressed their appreciation of be
ing returned to. office. Mr, Kay
gave a clear and interesting ad
dress as to the County work dur
ing the past year and also dealt
very thoroughly with Township
affairs explaining to the ratepayers
that at tbe end of 1938 when the
present council took office the total
debt of the Township of Hibbert was
$9,250.00 with a surplus of §4,755
and at the end of 1940 Hibbert is
clear of debt with a surplus of $5,-
668,57 plus the Provincial Govern
ment Road subsidy of approximate
ly $3,400, making a total surplus
considering the road subsidy of $9,-
068.57. Mr. Kay also explained
that to accomplish this the taxes
had not been raised but to the con
trary had been lowered some. It
was also pointed out that due to
world conditions our taxation would
certainly increase and that Hibbert,
with no debt and a surplus such as
we have would certainly put the tax
payer in much better standing than
if the Municipality was in debt.
The meeting closed with the sing
ing of the National Anthem.
The annual meeting of the Wo
men's Missionary Society asd the
Ladies’ Aid of the United Church
was held in the basement of the
church with Rev. Mr. Turner in
charge. The main officers of the
W.M.S. for next year as elected were
as follows: Pres., Mrs. Eldon Hodg
son; sec., Mrs. Wes Lewis, and
treas., Mrs. Jas. Trevethick. The
Ladies’ Aid officers for next year
are: Pres., Mrs. Thos. Lee;, sec.,
Mrs. Dan Lewis; treas., Mrs. Wes
;Mrs. Dalton Lewis, is seriously
ill at the time of writing, having
suffered a stroke.
Mr. Ridley Watson is slowly im
A presentation was held last
Tuesday night in the Centralia hall
for Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins
(nee Ilene Watson). Their gift
from the community was a china
cabinet. Unfortunately1, due to the
illness of both the bride and groom,
neither were able to be in atten
Friday evening in the West Mc
Gillivray town hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Hodgson (nee Pearl Thomp
son), were presented with a studio
couch. A very large crowd was
present. Both Arthur and Pearl
made suitable replies.
Mrs. Wm. Scott has moved up to
New Ontario to live with her sis
Mrs. Chapman, life-long resident
of Ailsa Craig and mother of Joe
and Jennie Chapman, was buried in
St. Mary’s Cemetery on Monday,
Jan. 6 th.
•Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Neil were Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Gilbert, Clinton, and Lor
raine, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Thompson,
Mrs. Wm;“Lewis and Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Neil.
The Mission Circle girls held
their regular meeting on Saturday
afternoon at the church. The meet
ing opened with hymn 200 fol
lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son. Mrs. Earl Lewis read the
scripture lesson. It was decided to
have a ten cent tea and quilt the
red cross quilt which has been made
up. Election of officers for the
year 1941 was held, resulting as
follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs.. Newton
Wasnidge; pres., Margaret Amos;
1st vice-pres., Mrs. Roland Neil;
2nd vice-pres., Gladys Neil; 3rd
vice-pros., Mrs. Kenneth Sholdice;
sec., Marion Morley; treas., Myrtle
Neil; sick convener, Evelyn Twed-
die; fellowship convener, Vera Was
nidge; contest convener, Mrs. Earl
Lewis; pianist, Vera Robinson;
asst., Kathleen Morley. The girls
handed in their mite boxes to the
treasurer, ,The meeting came to a
close by singing a hymn and repeat
ing the Mizpah benediction.
Miss Lorraine Glavln and friend
of Kitchener spirit New Year’s with
Mr. and Mrs. James Glavln at Mt.
Miss Margaret Allen was honor
ed at a pre-nuptial shower by mem
bers of the Junior Institute and
other girl friends at the homo of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Al
ien, Tbe address was delivered by
Mrs. Alvin Worden of<Staffa.
A $25.00 War Savings certificate
and 16 Cash Prizes will be given
away in the Times-AdVocate sub
scription draw Feb. 15th. One
coupon given away with each fifty
cents paid. See advertisement
J. W, Haberer and George 'Diech
ert of Zurich were in the village on
Monday auditing the books of the
Hay Township Fire Insurance Com
Mr. Lewis Faist spent the week
end at bls home here. Lewis is sta
tioned in the London district, mak
ing Glencoe his headquarters.
Mr, Kenneth Billow of Orange
ville and Mr. Martin Morlock of
Oshawa spent the week-end at their
respective homes.
Rev. A. E. Pletch attended the
funeral of the late Rev. W« Y. Drier
at Kitchener last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith re
turned home Monday after spend
ing the holidays in Pigeon, Mich,
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber spent
New Year’s Day with Dr. and Mrs.
uowen of Exeter.
Mrs. August. Kuhn and son Jus
tin of London spent the week-end
with Mrs. Elizabeth Clark,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fahner and
Mrs, Harry Finkbeiner spent a few
days last week at Pelham
Mr. adn, Mrs. Aljoe Culbert, Fred
die and Margaret visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Kerr on Monday.
•Quite a number pLmen are work
ing at the boiler of the Evangelical
Church these days. The boiler was
installed 23 years ago and has- giv
en good service until last week,
when it sprung a leak.
Sunday School Meeting
The annual S.S. meeting of the
Crediton United Church was held
„on Friday evening, Jan. 3rd. Rev,
Mr, Turner acted as chairman and
after a brief worship period the
minutes of last year were read and
adopted. The treasurer and secre
tary of the Sunday School gave
then- annual reports, as did the
teachers of the various classes and
conveners of different committees.
All reports were satisfactory. Of
ficers for 19 41 are: Supt., Mr, H.
Mitchell; asst, supts,, Ed Chambers,
Jas Mawhinney; rec. sec., Mrs. S.
King; envelope sec., H. [Lightfoot,
W. Woodall; treas., Ed Chambers;
paper librarian, G. Mawhinney,
musical supervisor, Rhena Yearley;
corresponding sec., Mrs. H. Mitch
ell; Cradle Roll supt., Mrs. L.
Swartz, Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney; audi
tors, Mrs. Trevethick, Mrs. J.
Woodall; teachers, Class I, Mrs.
Mack, asst., Eveline Mack; Class
II, Mrs. Trevethick, asst., Doreen
Baker; Classes III and IV, Russell
[Finkbeiner, asst., Jack Galloway;
Class V, Miss M. Chambers,' asst.,
Mrs. J. Galloway; Class VI, Mrs. G.
Hill, asst., Mrs. S. King; Mission
ary comm., (convener), Mrs. Lovie,
Mrs. G. Hill, Mrs. .Mack, Mrs. R.
Swartz, Mrs. Turner; temperance
comm., Mr. Trevpthick (con.), L.
Swartz, J. Mawhinney, Mrs. E. Pen-
hale; flower comm., Mr. and Mrs.
G. Mawhinney, Mrs. A. King. The
Sunday School -meeting -was ad
journed with the executive meeting
to discuss ways and means of rais
ing money for the British War Vic
time’s fund. It was decided to
take the collection as specified on
January Sth and the teachers to
formulate plans for adding to the
fund. Anyone wishing to contrib
ute may do so by getting in touch
with the officials of the S.S. Mr.
H. Mitchell pronounced the bene
Miss Florence Bell, R.-N.,, of Lon
don, spent a week with her parents,
and other relatives here.
Mrs-. J. Cornish received a cable
from her- sons, Ewart and Jim, in
forming her of their safe arrival
in England with the Canadian forc
Miss Joy Whitlock returned to
St. T-homas on Monday after spend
ing the holidays with her sisters
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Sparling visited
with his relatives at Anderson for
New Year’s. 7
’Miss Lois Brown of St. Marys re
turned home after visiting for a
week at Mr. Harry Murch’s.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hern, Sr., of
Zion, were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Johns on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brock spent
New Year’s Day in Sarnia.
There were no services held here
last Sunday owing to the storm and
bad roads.
The Y.P.S. held a social even
ing at Miss Dorothy John’s’home
on Monday of last week. Bingo was
the main form of entertainment.
Robert Woods, native of England,
who has been a resident of Usborne
for over 60 years, died Thursday,
Jan. 2nd, in his 8-7th year. The
deceased man had been ailing for
about three weeks but previous to
that had enjoyed fairly good health.
His wife predeceased him in Jan
uary, 1920. Surviving are three
daughters and two sons, Mrs. Wm.
Lindsay, of Toronto; Mrs. Jas. Me
Laughlin, of London; Mrs. Rd.
Down, of Adelaide Twp.; Lewis of
London and Jackson, at home. One
daughter, Mrs. Fred Webber, of Sas
katchewan, predecease^ him. The
funeral was held in the church here
on Saturday. There was a large at
tendance to show their sympathy
for the family In their bereave
ment, Mrs, Ed Johns and Mrs.
Harold Beil sang a duet, "Looking
This Way”. Rev. W, Mair and
Rev J, Penrose had charge of the
service, interment was made in
Elimville cemetery,
Wedding; bells are rinsing in
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and 1
Jean, Mr, and Mrs, Wellington
Brock and family spent Friday even
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns
ton of Whalen.
- New Year’s Day visitors with Mr. '
and Mrs. Wellington Brock were
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Hunter and fam
ily, Mr. Jack Hunter and Mrs. P.
Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield
Brock, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hern, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Hern and families spent New
Year’s with Mrs. H. Kyle of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guest, Mr, >
and Mrs, Wm. McGuffin and Mr.
and Mrs. John Johns and Tennyson
were New Year’s visitors with Mr
and Mrs, George Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. James -Earl and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Everard Mil
ler, Sirs. A. Gunning, Mr, and Mrs.
P, Passmore and family, Mr, and
Mrs. W. Gunning, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Tookey spent New Year’s ev
ening with Mr, and Mrs. Allen
Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Baker vis
ited on Wednesday ev'ening with I
the former’s parents. Mr, and Mrs.
William Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and
Jean, Mrs, William Brock, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Brock spent New Year’s
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Brock.
Mr. William Stephens of St.
Thomas visited on Wednesday ev
ening with his sister. Mrs. Ephraim
Mr; and Mrs. Haiold Hern. Harry
and Bobby spent Thursday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen of
Prayer meeting was held on Tues
day evening in the Zion Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Brock and family spent Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Penwarden of Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Har
ry and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Earl sp^nt 'Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. George Earl of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. George Squires.
The Happy Five met at the home
of Jean Brock on Monday nighi
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl spent
New Year’s with Mr. and,Mrs. Milne
Pullen at Wnalen. ’ 9
Miss Minnie Hern, Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Hern and family and Arthur
Hern, Lloyd Hern and Mr. and Mrs.
I John Hern spent New Year’s with
| Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern.
‘ Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hern and
family- spent New Year’s with Mr,
and Mrs, M. Dobson of Kirkton
Miss Violet Sharpe returned to
Auburn on Monday to resume her
duties as .teacher.
The annual congregational meet
ing of the United Church was held
on Wednesday evening of this
Miss Mildred Hicks of Centralia
returned on Monday to resume her
duties as public school teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webb, of
Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. J. -H. McGreg-
gor, of Exeter, visited on Friday
last at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Finkbeiner.
The annual meeting of the Sun
day School was held on Thursday
evening last, Rev. .L. Turner in
charge. Mr. Milton Ratz, the re
tiring superintendent, gave a short
talk and thanked the school for
their co-operation during his term
of office. After all reports were
j given the officers were appointed
Ifor the coming year as follows:
Supt., Ernest Keys; asst., Ed Lam
port; sec., Harold Finkbeiner;
| treas., Mrs. Milton Ratz; pianist,
Mrs. Milton Ratz; asst., Mrs. V.
Sharpe; missionary supt., Mrs. V.
Sharpe; asst., Miss Pearl Keys;
librarians, Jack Ratz, Kenneth
Baker; .teachers, Matt 'Sweitzer,
Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Wm. Sweitzer,
Pearl Keys, Mrs. E. Keys; auditors,
Pearl Keys, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
The meeting was closed with
prayer by Rev. L. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs: Harold E. Prance,
Betty and Shirley of Thedford are
spending a few days with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Major Baker and
Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Neil on January 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz and fam
ily spent Friday evening last at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gais-
er on the Blue Water Highway.
., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little and Bil
lie of near Centralia spent the holi
day season with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Placid Desjardine.
Miss Alma Ratz has returned to
her school at Zion after spending
the Christmas holidays at her home.
Mr. and Mrs, E, E. Wuerth of
Zurich spent New Year’s at the
home of (Mr,, and Mrs. L. Fink
New Year’s visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Vincent were Mr, and
Mrs, George Bulloch, Donna and
Eldd; Mae of'hear Zurich; Mr, and
Mrs. Liarold E, 'Prance, Shirley and,
Betty of Thedford; Mr. Charles
Reeman and Mr, Jake Oesch, of
Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bes-
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mills of Wood
ham visited with Mrs. Harry Mills
on Tuesday of last week.
Mt. Fred Warner spent New Year’s
with' Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haist at
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neil, Mr. and
Mrs. Hubert Neil and Mr. and Mrs.
C. Weiberg were New Year’s guests
with Mr. and Mrs. George Adamac,
Miss Laura Knight, of London
spent New Year’s with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. iFred- -Ford of Exe
ter spent New Year's with Mr and
Mrs. John Pollard.
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham
and Gordon and Mrs. Baynham,
Sr., spent New Year’s with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Carruthers in London. Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Hicks were New
Year’s guests with Mr. and Mrs.
•Lome Hicks.
New Year’s visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Vfan. Skelton were Mr. and
Mrs. A. Praetor and family of
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Powe and
son of London and Mr. Arthur
Mr. Scotty iBaynham of the
R.C.A.F. in Trenton spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
George Baynham.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth and
son of Saintsbury spent New Year’s
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander.
Mrs, T. Willis'and family spent
New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs..Roy
Coward, Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. .Fred Penwarden
and Harold spent New Year’s with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cook of
London were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. iB. 'Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hedden of Lon
don are visiting with Mrs. L. Har
Mrs. M. Clark is confined to her
home owing to illness. Her friends
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock of Zion
and Mr. ahd Mrs. Luther Row-
cliffe of Exeter were entertained to
a fowl supper at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Penwarden on Sat
urday evening of last week.
Miss Agnes Anderson spent New
Year’s with Mr. and. Mrs. Murray
Mrs. H. Mills is visiting with her
sister. Mrs. W. Spencer, in St
Mr, and Mrs. T. Willis and fam
ily spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Whitney Coates
Miss Beatrice Essery of London
spent the New Year’s holiday with
her parents.
.The-'■ beautiful Dresden plate
t quilt which waS! made and donated
to the Centralia Red Cross by the
two Misses Wilson, and which
brought the handsome sum of eigh
ty-six dollars from the sale of tick
ets, was won by Mr. Nelson Sheere
of Exeter and the second prize, a
blanket, by Mr. Arthur (Brooks, of
Centralia. ThesoJJadies have how
donated a lovely ^v^wqwuilt for the
refugees which will bepacked this
week. Much credit is due the
Misses . Wilson for their very fine
and generous work which has been
much appreciated. Th6Se ladies
are hot able to join the other ladies
in active work but are surely doing
their bit in their home.
The January meeting of the Cen
tralia Women’s Association was
held in the schoolroom of the
church on Thursday afternoon, Jan.
2nd. The meeting opened with the
singing of the hymn “Onward Chris
tian Soldiers”, followed by prayer
by the president, Mrs. 0. Brown.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted, The secre
The Red & White Store
FREE—Glass Tumbler with Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
2 large packages or 3 small pkgs, for 25c
Palmolive or Odex Soap .... each 3c
Toilet Tissue . .............3, large rolls 20c
Mincemeat 2 lbs. for 23c
Cranberries per lb, 29c
Apples 11 qt. basket 35c
Allen’s Apple Juice 2 tins 19c
French Pea Soup ...... large tin 10c
Fresh Ginger Cookies .... per lb. lQc
Golden Spray Cheese ....... pkg. 15c
Chocolate Mallow Cookies .,., lb. 15c
very rich flavor
per pound 37c
2 pounds for 25c
Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon, White Fish and Fillets
of Haddie now in stock.
Harvey &. Harvey
large pkg,
2 lbs. for 2.5 c
i no r%_i:___
and his orchestra.
General Admission 35c
C. Watson, Manager
tary read two letters of apprecia
tion from members who had receiv
ed Christmas treats. It was decided
that the W. A. give a supper be
fore the annua} meeting of the
congregation. Annual reports were.
read by the secretary and treasurer.
These were very inspiring and en
couraging, The association made-
$314.00 during the last year. Mrs.,
Lorne Hicks gave a very fine ad
dress on “The New Year” which was
enjoyed 'by all. The closing hymn
was ‘‘Take My Life and ILet it Be”'
and the president closed the meet
ing with the benediction. Tea was.
served by the hostesses, Mrs. T..
Willis, Mrs. W. Parsons,, Mrs. A.
Isaac and Mrs. Falconbridge.
Mrs. Mary Gallop of Mt. Pleasant,
spent the week-end with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ross Marshall and also*
with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Roach.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall were-
New Year’s guests with Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. White, St. Mary's.
Mrs. Wm. Larkin and her daugh
ter, Bertha, of Granton, spent Sat
urday with Mrs. I. N. Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne'/ Marshall of
London spent the holiday with Mr.
A. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson hf
Haliburton and AIL Harvey Brien
of Brussels visited with Mr. Mait
land Hammond this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Howe and
little daughter were Sunday guests
with Mr. Jas. Howe at Lambeth.
The girls and boys of the village
and vicinity attending St. Marys
Collegiate returned Sunday, fear-
•j ing the roads would be impassable-
by Monday.
. Mr.,Wm. Pym has returned home
[ after a two weeks’ visit with his sis
ter, Mrs. Jas. Horn of Elimville.
Miss S. Moser, teacher of the*
Kirkton Public School, returned to
resume her duties after' a two.
weeks’ holiday at her home in
Election day passed' off very
quietly with the two Kirkton men
being elected again, Dr. Jose as
reeve and Mr. Truman Tufts as
At 91 Reading is Favorite
Mr. John Williams’ aged mother
celebrated her 91st birthday on
New Year’s day. Mrs. .Williams is
a firm believer in plenty of hard
work, good food and rest. She al
so enjoys telling of days gone by
and often relates how her father
came to this country from England,
cleared land and built a’-'log cabin ‘
in Hope Township, where she was
born January 1, 1850. Maria J.
Keelar was married Dec. 8, 1869, at
the age of 19 to Wm. Williams.
Since the death of her husband in
1919 she has lived with her daugh
ter, Mrs/ E.,M, White, of Brantford.
A son, Charles, of Weavertroe, Eng
land. and Mr. John Williams of
Kirkton, complete the family.
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